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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - GoNano (Governing Nanotechnologies through societal engagement)


GoNano has as its main objective to improve the responsiveness of research & innovation processes to public values and concerns. The project builds on previous projects in public engagement and new technologies to develop a pilot project in each of the nanotechnology research...


GoNano has as its main objective to improve the responsiveness of research & innovation processes to public values and concerns. The project builds on previous projects in public engagement and new technologies to develop a pilot project in each of the nanotechnology research areas ‘Health’, ‘Energy’ and ‘Food’. The pilot projects will engage citizens with researchers, professional users, civil society organisations, industry, and policy makers in a continuous process of deliberative workshops and online consultations to co-create concrete suggestions for future nanotechnologies.

Work performed

In the first reporting period (M1-M18, September 1, 2017 to February 28, 2019), the project produced the following key results:

Overview of lessons learnt from 41 engagement projects
• D1.1 - Report on lessons learned from previous MML projects on multi-stakeholder co-creation and public engagement
The report provides a consolidation of key findings from previous and ongoing EU and national engagement projects, relevant academic literature and material from interviews with RRI, risk
communication, and societal engagement experts with respect to how to facilitate and pursue a co-creation process.

Overview of research priorities and topics for debate on nanotechnologies in food, energy and health
• D1.3 - Working paper with summary of the interview findings, definition and description of product examples for the pilot studies
From interviews with fifty stakeholders having different roles in the R&I value chain, the report provides an overview of research priorities, product scenarios and issues for public debate on nanotechnologies in food, energy
and health..

An engagement methodology building on the MML scheme and RRI framework
• D2.1 - Methods and manual for the pilot studies
A methodology for a four-step early stage state-of-the art citizen and stakeholder engagement process that builds on the framework of
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and the Mutual Learning and Mobilisation (MML) scheme.

Easy to understand information on nanotechnologies illustrating social and ethical dilemmas in everyday life situations
• D3.1 - R&I background production for pilot studies, including the standard materials in English, and all the translated materials from the hosts of the pilot studies
The report presents the information materials for the GoNano citizen meetings.

Overview of citizen needs and values in the on nanotechnologies in food, energy and health
• D3.2 - Briefing report containing the outcome of the face-to-face deliberation and envisioning workshops with the citizens as input for the co-creation workshops with the professional stakeholders
The report presents the summary report of the findings from citizen workshops in the Czech Republic, Spain and the Netherlands, as well as the three national reports. In total 119 citizens participated across the three
countries participated.

Overview of the European policy context for risk governance and nanotechnologies
• D5.1 - First briefing report on the nanotechnology R&I policy context as input to method developments and background material for the pilot studies
The report provides an overview of the current policy context, recent developments and debates regarding risk governance and regulations of nanotechnologies in Europe as well as the main research and innovation priorities
by European policies (H2020) and industries (European Technology Platforms).

The project also went through a one-year review, and had good results from particular its analysis of 41 previous engagement projects (D1.1), its findings from 50 interviews on the discourse and topics for debate (D1.3) and its overview of the European policy landscape on nanotechnologies (D5.1).

Final results

The expected impacts and progress:
1. Early and continuous engagement of all stakeholders for sustainable, desirable and acceptable innovation in nanotechnologies where R&I is aligned to the values, needs and expectations of society:
- Knowledge base and background information to make nanotechnologies easy to understand and relatable
- a co-creation platform and methodology for an early stage citizen and stakeholder engagement process
- Carried out the first two steps of the co-creation process
2.Feed outcomes of the project back into policy making and innovation partnerships such as European Technology Platforms, to achieve a responsive R&I system and co-production of knowledge.
- Developed contacts for feeding information back to policy and ETPs
- Overview of policies, regulation and risk governance frameworks for nanotechnologies
3. Enhance public understanding of nanotechnology, build trust and foster mutual understanding between citizens, public and private institutions, for increased co-creation of new R&I and increased confidence of companies to invest in new technologies
- Made information on nanotechnologies and co-creation available to all interested stakeholders including citizens.
- Project website, communication activities and social media, citizens and professional stakeholders are informed on the project and on the underlying questions of nanotechnology governance, co-creation and responsiveness in research and innovation more generally.

Impact and progress beyond the state of the art:
From the results produced so far, in particular, D1.1, D1.3, D2.1 and D5.1 are valuable and relevant for further dissemination. Combined, the insights and design suggestions from D1.1, 1.3, 2.1 and 5.1 provide the basis for progress beyond state of the art in public engagement in research and innovation processes, and describe such a process for the GoNano project.

Socio-economic impact:
No impact can be reported so far.

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