EEPLIANT2 project directly addresses the H2020-EE-16-2016-2017 topic Effective implementation of EU product efficiency legislation. In common with EEPLIANT (which EEPLIANT2 has been designed to follow on from), EEPLIANT2 delivers the improvement of bringing the responsible...
EEPLIANT2 project directly addresses the H2020-EE-16-2016-2017 topic Effective implementation of EU product efficiency legislation. In common with EEPLIANT (which EEPLIANT2 has been designed to follow on from), EEPLIANT2 delivers the improvement of bringing the responsible national and regional authority bodies (the MSAs) together into a coordinated programme that will result in them taking enforcement action in respect of non-compliant products.
The products forming the focus of this proposal have been selected to demonstrate that the authorities are actively undertaking market surveillance across a wide spectrum through working in three different product sectors that include domestic and professional products. These are:
- Household refrigerating appliances;
- Network standby, Standby and off mode, and External power supplies;
- Professional refrigeration.
The regulatory requirements for both the Energy Labelling and Ecodesign Directives are covered, where applicable.
The objective of EEPLIANT 2016 (Energy Efficiency Compliant Products 2016) is to continue to support the delivery of the intended economic and environmental benefits of the Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC and the Energy Labelling Directive 2017/1369/EU by strengthening market surveillance and increasing compliance with the Directives and the relevant implementing measures. EEPLIANT 2016 is achieving this by:
- Operating systems that cost-effectively coordinate the monitoring, verification and enforcement of Ecodesign and energy labelling requirements across the European Single Market;
- Increasing the adoption of best practices amongst Market Surveillance Authorities.
The action is funded by the European Union (EU) under H2020 framework.
The work of the project working groups is progressing in accordance with the agreed project plan and timeline.
Overall, the project is already delivering its overall aim through the continuing pan-EU coordination of market surveillance activities. There is evidence of considerable improvements in market surveillance across the European Economic Area (EEA) though reinforcing the building of expertise and development and adoption of common best practices and protocols by MSAs that were begun by the predecessor projects ECOPLIANT and EEPLIANT2014. This is being achieved through the continuing development and reinforcement for Best Practices , data collection and storage and the actions for coordinated monitoring, verification and enforcement in respect of domestic refrigeration, network standby and professional refrigeration.
Furthermore, a proactive tailor-made — so to address the needs of the identified stakeholder target groups — communications, outreach and dissemination plan has ensured early engagement with consumers, end-user and EU trade associations, including an environmental NGO. The overarching objective is to achieve maximum measurable/verifiable impacts (including social impacts) through enhanced dissemination and exploitation of the project results.
In terms of primary energy savings triggered by the project — we remain confident that the energy-related impact quantification of 120 GWh/yr savings will be achieved, though mostly through indirect rather than direct savings.
In terms of the contribution to the enforcement of EU product legislation, impact will be achieved by enabling policy and building capacity. Up until now, 18 MSAs in 15 Member States are already taking visible actions to ensure that policy is effectively being implemented and enforced. Capacity is being built in multitudinous ways: less experienced authorities and market surveillance officers develop new skills and gain new knowledge through their direct cooperation and work with other more experienced authorities; on-line training is being provided, best practice guides and many standardised templates are being reinforced and used, and authorities that have never conducted testing in these product sectors before are now expanding their scope by undertaking testing into new sectors, thus creating a significant added value for their markets and consumers.
Key social impacts and early user-engagement planning remain also at the core of EEPLIANT2 strategy. An increase of consumers confidence and enhanced awareness among end-users, manufacturers and retailers are key project targets. The drivers deployed for speeding-up engagement are particularly the membership in the AB and a diversified and targeted global communication plan that ensures early and ongoing stakeholder engagement throughout the project life-cycle at an EU and national level.
The key element of exploitation remains that of taking direct enforcement action in respect of all significant non-compliances uncovered in the course of the project. The key element of dissemination will be that information on all products inspected, whether compliant or non-compliant, will be shared with all MSAs in the EEA. The route for achieving this dissemination will be to use ICSMS, the tool managed by DG GROW for this purpose.
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