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The I AM RRI project is in relation to additve manufacturing. That is because the project will investigate the emerging, complex and highly dynamic AM innovationwebs of innovation value chains (WIVC) under the consideration of the openings of RRI. This novel WIVC are...


The I AM RRI project is in relation to additve manufacturing. That is because the project will investigate the emerging, complex and highly dynamic AM innovationwebs of innovation value chains (WIVC) under the consideration of the openings of RRI. This novel WIVC are characterised by production technology entirely different to the traditional production and value chains. Such a complex system can only described by numerical modelling. Form that it can be learned what are the most important influencing factors on such a complex and dynamic system.
Innovation general influences our daily life and lead to continuous change process in society. Dynamic WIVC have impact on the society, because they are drivers for further development. The influence of RRI dimensions, gender equality, open access, ethics, public engagement, science eductation will be simulated with the developed model.
The creation of a new knowledge base about processes and practices in the complex webs of innovation chains on the examples of AM is one main goal. This should include the understanding of interaction of different stakeholders and community of practice (CoP) by indicator and factors, characterising the behaviour of agents in the WIVC when introducing RRI principles.The conceptual model will predict the success of AM innovations in terms of technology, societal and market acceptance at different levels of WIVC. An appropriate classification of social readiness with respect to AM shall be given. Performing an anticipative foresight process will guarantee the involvement of stakeholders representing the entire quadruple helix including researchers, citizens, policy makers, businesses, and third sectors (e.g., standardization bodies, insurance companies, NGOs, etc.). The foresight process shall result among other things in different scenarios and strategies for the AM future.

The generation of a dynamic numerical model of webs of innovation value chains taking into account open innovation and stage-gate approaches builds also main objective. The model shall be tested, validated and refined with the modelling language used for describing complex systems (multi-agent based modelling) so that the behaviour of webs of innovation system value chains in AM under different conditions can be simulated and visualized, as well as a general understanding of the potential RRI openings can be generated. For validating the model and for improving it, typical use cases of AM like medical and automotive application will be study for testing the developed agent based model. Results of conceptual and numerical simulation will lead to strategic guidelines for implementation of RRI principles for institutional change.

Work performed

(a) Project Management:
The project management activities are divided into two different tasks administrative project management and project’s quality assurance and risk management.
Several activities were done such as negotiation the consortium agreement, setting up the quality assurance plan, monitoring the project progress with respect to project work (content) and financial management. Within that activity serval deliverables were prepared (D1.1 Quality assurance plan, D8.1 to D8.3 ethic requirements)

(b) Conceptual framework of the AM webs of innovation value chains & openings for RRI
The main research work of this work package is to identify and understand the relevant factors that affect success or failure of AM innovations in terms of societal and market acceptance in different openings of the webs of innovation value chains, which lead to a conceptual model. By examining the networking strategies and various roles that firms vis-à-vis each other have, the consortium will investigate how the firms in-crease the societal and market readiness of innovations in terms of its societal acceptance, adoption (in terms of e.g. installed base), sustained competitive advantage, and the profits generated (e.g. effective business models). Outcome of that activity will be the developed conceptual model of WIVC.
Ultimately, this will contribute to the realization of these innovations and its expected positive societal impacts on for example employment and sustainability. We focus on factors at three levels of analysis: (1) the (inter)-organizational level, (2) the business model level, and (3) the project level.
The following activites were performed:
• Reviewing the literature-using web of science and gain an overview
• Arriving at definitions and conceptualizations of key concepts
• Building a first conceptual model using the insights from the literature study and research on AM Innovation system.
• Organizing a series of workshops performing qualitative interviews
• Building a final conceptual model: the literature and the empirical material will be used to form a framework containing interactions between factors and innovation success in terms of market acceptance and societal acceptance.
• Training on RRI for the partner and build up knowledge as first step in institutional change process

Numerical simulation by agent base modelling of WIVC´s taking into account openings for RRI.
The main research work of numerical modelling is transfer the conceptual model to the numerical model of AM innovation considering how RRI opening can be integrated. The final IAMRRI model will integrate two complementary level of modelling:
(1) that related to the IVC and its internal dynamics; and
(2) that related to the WIVCs, or their rings of innovation criss-crossing each other

(c) Designing the use cases in additive manufacturing addressing automotive and medical application

(d) Foresight process on WIVC in AM under the consideration of RRI opening
This action involves stakeholder into the process of developing future shapes of AM. The foresight should ceeating awareness and a common picture about these AM WIVC. .
Main activity was the analysis of influencing factors on the WIVC, the analysis of stakeholder, the preparation and conduction of the first foresight workshop with stakeholders from France.

(e) Dissemination of I AM RRI project and first results (web page, social media, non-scientific publication, scientific publications)
The consortium develops a network with other research/industrial groups who work in similar areas. During the first reporting period the data management plan, and the dissemination and exploidation plan were prepared, the web page of I AM RRI ( was set online and social media account on tiwtter and linked-in were activated.

Final results

The I AM RRI project is expecting the following result and outcome which will have impact on the understanding of dynamic webs of innovation value chains taken into account RRI openings. In detail the following progress beyond the state of the are is expected. The procress is described with respect

The I AM RRI project is expecting the following result and outcome which will have impact on the understanding of dynamic webs of innovation value chains taken into account RRI openings. In detail, the following progress beyond the state of is expected in the following topics:
(a) RRI: implementation in a best possible way in WIVC
(b) New Knowledge on webs of innovation value chains in AM and its relation to innovation success in terms of market and societal readiness
(c) Frist model building and simulation of webs of innovation value chains
(d) New type of foresight with focus on stakeholder involvement