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Teaser, summary, work performed and final results

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - forecast (The next generation of forest inventory)


The major aim of the feasibility study is to guarantee the technical/commercial feasibility of the förecast v2.1 and provide föra with a scale-up and validation roadmap of all the components that will form the full platform. To have a successful market uptake and establish...


The major aim of the feasibility study is to guarantee the technical/commercial feasibility of the förecast v2.1 and provide föra with a scale-up and validation roadmap of all the components that will form the full platform. To have a successful market uptake and establish the desired leading position, it is essential to strategically plan a feasible and realistic roadmap for the next 2 years’ work to optimize our technology and to attain commercial deployment and expansion, taking into account a detailed risk assessment and a mitigation plan accordingly.

Accurate mapping of tree species and estimation of wood volume and biomass are important assignments of any Forest Inventory. However, forestry operations currently rely heavily on forest inventories that employ field plot data as a basis for estimating forest attributes. Therefore, forest and wood managers often lack accurate / up-to-date data to support the full wood production (and other ecosystem services) cycle coherently. Traditional ground-based forest inventories characterize forests from the ecologic and dasometric perspective; but these are expensive, laborious, time-consuming and typically planned on a 10 year basis. This labour-intensive approach provides limited information and has become a costly bottleneck in completing operations

förecast will help the forest sector to make better decisions on their resources. Those decisions will clearly and positively affect society since Sustainable Forest Management procedures will be widespreaded. Better decisions means better forest. Thus, better environment for all.

Work performed

The Feasibility Study conducted ensured the technical/commercial feasibility of the förecast v2.1 platform. föra has defined the platform automation and validation roadmap of all the components that will conform the platform architecture and product applications suite. A strategic and realistic roadmap for the next 2 years’s work has been defined to optimize the technology and to attain commercial deployment.

Final results

förecast represents a game-changing technology towards a dynamic monitoring of the forest, maintaining the accuracy over-time. Accurate and dynamic vegetation models will represent crucial growth factors that influence how, where, how much and what kind of vegetation grows in a given place.

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