Opendata, web and dolomites


Eight millennia of changes in domestic plants and animals: understanding local adaptation under socio-economic and climatic fluctuations

Total Cost €


EC-Contrib. €






 DEMETER project word cloud

Explore the words cloud of the DEMETER project. It provides you a very rough idea of what is the project "DEMETER" about.

threat    plant    palaeoproteins    phenomics    influenced    disappearance    never    forms    transition    modern    sheep    context    relationships    domestic    millennia    geometric    farmers    landraces    specimens    economic    zooms    exist    occidental    experiencing    barley    species    zooarchaeology    practices    led    regional    goats    marks    fine    centre    morphometrics    statistical    adapt    progressive    teeth    northwestern    allowed    drastic    animal    human    crop    synthesis    last    evolution    culture    databasing    primary    models    repeatedly    societies    mediterranean    onset    unprecedented    diversity    unconventional    resolution    domesticates    food    humans    breeds    varieties    pigs    crisis    regimes    grains    history    envisioned    breed    contexts    agriculture    occurred    harvested    archaeobotany    local    basin    environmental    demeter    climate    neolithic    region    until    plants    farming    combination    socio    outside    animals    domestication    trace    mammal   

Project "DEMETER" data sheet

The following table provides information about the project.


Organization address
address: RUE MICHEL ANGE 3
city: PARIS
postcode: 75794

contact info
title: n.a.
name: n.a.
surname: n.a.
function: n.a.
email: n.a.
telephone: n.a.
fax: n.a.

 Coordinator Country France [FR]
 Total cost 1˙447˙800 €
 EC max contribution 1˙447˙800 € (100%)
 Programme 1. H2020-EU.1.1. (EXCELLENT SCIENCE - European Research Council (ERC))
 Code Call ERC-2019-STG
 Funding Scheme ERC-STG
 Starting year 2020
 Duration (year-month-day) from 2020-03-01   to  2025-02-28


Take a look of project's partnership.

# participants  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 


 Project objective

The domestication of plants and animals marks a major transition in human history and is a key element in the development of modern societies. Local and traditional domestic breeds and varieties are the result of millennia of selection of landraces by farmers. However, we are now experiencing a major crisis with a drastic loss in the diversity of food production systems and the progressive disappearance of traditional practices. The local knowledge and culture of farmers are under threat, as well as the diversity of harvested species, varieties and breeds. In this context, DEMETER’s objective is to trace how societies influenced crop and breed evolution under different farming and environmental regimes, and socio-economic contexts since the onset of agriculture. More specifically, DEMETER aims at identifying: 1) how and why the diversity of domestic forms evolved and led to the large number of breeds and varieties that exist today, and 2) how this diversity allowed societies to adapt to the environmental and socio-economic changes that occurred repeatedly since the onset of agriculture. DEMETER aims at studying the evolution, from the Neolithic until the present of a selection animal and plant models: pigs, sheep, goats and barley, in a given region, the Northwestern Occidental Mediterranean basin, i.e. outside their primary ‘domestication centre’. DEMETER will be based on an unprecedented and unconventional combination of approaches, including phenomics (through geometric morphometrics), databasing, zooarchaeology, archaeobotany, climate modelling, palaeoproteins (ZooMs) and statistical analyses, implemented to analyse 10,000 domestic specimens (i.e. mammal teeth and barley grains). DEMETER will produce an unprecedented regional synthesis of the relationships between humans and domesticates over the last 8 millennia in a new way and at a fine-scale resolution never envisioned before.

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The information about "DEMETER" are provided by the European Opendata Portal: CORDIS opendata.

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