The page lists 1034 projects related to the topic "transition".
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1 | AtlantOS | Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System | 2015 |
2 | Prominent | Promoting Innovation in the Inland Waterways Transport Sector | 2015 |
3 | PASS | Preparation for the establishment of a European SST Service provision function | 2014 |
4 | PROTEIN2FOOD | Development of high quality food protein through sustainable production and processing | 2015 |
5 | CIPTEC | Collective Innovation for Public Transport in European Cities | 2015 |
6 | ENTANGLED-TM-ALKANE | Entangled pincer ligand architectures and their application in the transition-metal-mediated activation of alkanes | 2015 |
7 | SILION | Design, Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Application of Silyliumylidene Ions | 2015 |
8 | Inhomogeneities | Micro-scale inhomogeneities in compressed systems and their impact onto the PROCESS- functioning-chain and the PRODUCT-characteristics | 2015 |
9 | PentaBrain | Structural studies of mammalian Cys-loop receptors | 2015 |
10 | ASTROROT | Unraveling interstellar chemistry with broadband microwave spectroscopy and next-generation telescope arrays | 2015 |
11 | CASTELLANY ACCOUNTS | Record-keeping, fiscal reform, and the rise of institutional accountability in late-medieval Savoy: a source-oriented approach | 2015 |
12 | EURO-LAB | Experiment to Unearth the Rheological Oceanic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary | 2016 |
13 | CatHet | New Catalytic Asymmetric Strategies for N-Heterocycle Synthesis | 2015 |
14 | Strained2DMaterials | Unlocking new physics in controllably strained two-dimensional materials | 2015 |
15 | SENSQUID | Scanning SQUID view of emergent states at interfaces | 2015 |
16 | CALI | The Cambodian Archaeological Lidar Initiative: Exploring Resilience in the Engineered Landscapes of Early SE Asia | 2015 |
17 | M4ShaleGas | M4ShaleGas: Measuring, monitoring, mitigating managing the environmental impact of shale gas | 2015 |
18 | DOLFINS | Distributed Global Financial Systems for Society | 2015 |
19 | MICACT | MICroACTuators | 2015 |
20 | HypoTRAIN | Hyporheic Zone Processes – A training network for enhancing the understanding of complex physical, chemical and biological process interactions | 2015 |
21 | | European Global Transition Network on Eco-Innovation, Green Economy and Sustainable Development | 2015 |
22 | SUSPOL | European Joint Doctorate in Organocatalysis and Sustainable Polymers | 2015 |
23 | SYNCHRONICS | SupramolecularlY eNgineered arCHitectures for optoelectRonics and photONICS: a multi-site initial training action | 2015 |
24 | CESEAND INNO-ASES | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. | 2014 |
25 | SMART4MD | Support, Monitoring and Reminder Technology for Mild Dementia | 2015 |
26 | M3TERA | Micromachined terahertz systems -a new heterogeneous integration platform enabling the commercialization of the THz frequency spectrum | 2015 |
27 | LORIX | Large Organic Robust Imager for X-ray sensing | 2015 |
28 | SWEEPER | Sweet Pepper Harvesting Robot | 2015 |
29 | OpenAIS | Open Architectures for Intelligent Solid State Lighting Systems | 2015 |
30 | SUNFISH | SecUre iNFormation SHaring in federated heterogeneous private clouds | 2015 |
31 | Idealist2018 | Transnational Cooperation among ICT NCPs | 2015 |
32 | CRIC | Cultural Narratives of Crisis and Renewal | 2015 |
33 | Triangulum | Triangulum: The Three Point Project / Demonstrate. Disseminate. Replicate. | 2015 |
34 | DYNPOR | First principle molecular dynamics simulations for complex chemical transformations in nanoporous materials | 2015 |
35 | EPAF | Role of Epithelial Apoptotic Force in Morphogenesis | 2015 |
36 | 3MC | 3D Model Catalysts to explore new routes to sustainable fuels | 2015 |
37 | FIRES | Financial and Institutional Reforms for the Entrepreneurial Society | 2015 |
38 | NEGOTIATE | Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe | 2015 |
39 | RESCOOP MECISE | RESCOOPs Mobilizing European Citizens to Invest in Sustainable Energy | 2015 |
40 | GEO PAC RET | GEO PAC RET an Innovative Heat Pump for Geothermal district heating in Europe | 2014 |
41 | ELINKKER | Solutions for TCO optimized electrification of city bus systems | 2014 |
42 | CERAM | First ceramics of Atlantic Europe: manufacture and function | 2015 |
43 | LIMB NETWORKS | Network Analysis of Musculoskeletal Evolution and Modularity during the Fin-to-Limb Transition | 2015 |
44 | FUTURES | Energy Futures of the High North: Assessing Intermediary Expertise and New Valuation Practices that Guide Arctic Hydrocarbon Development | 2016 |
45 | EPOCH GeoChem | Early POpulations in Cretan History: Investigating residential mobility in the eastern Mediterranean using isotope GeoChemistry | 2016 |
46 | EXPMFSG | Search for an experimental test of the mean-field theory of simple glasses | 2015 |
47 | BREAKING THE MOULD | Breaking the Mould: A cross-cultural analysis of the character of bronze smiths and craft diversity in late Bronze Age Europe (1300-800 BC) | 2015 |
48 | IILSCFLP | The Influence of Ionic Liquid Solvation on the Chemistry of Frustrated Lewis Pairs | 2015 |
49 | NeoGenHeritage | Neotithic transition in the Iberian Peninsula: reviewing an old question from new technological and computational genome wide approaches | 2015 |
50 | UFOX | Unveiling complexity in Functional hybrid OXides | 2015 |
51 | SMARTLAW | Towards a regulatory framework for climate smart agriculture | 2016 |
52 | InterAcTEV | Genome-wide analysis of RNA and protein interacting profiles during a plant virus infection | 2015 |
53 | DataLocAbstractions | Advanced Programming Environments for Exascale Data-Centric Computing | 2015 |
54 | EUROLIFE | Life histories of the Neolithic Transition: Estimating and modelling European life history events and human fertility rates | 2015 |
55 | AutismRigidPercept | Investigation and modification of atypical dynamic brain activity underlying perceptual inflexibility of autism spectrum disorders | 2015 |
56 | ARSENICLOSS | Chemical and metallurgical aspects of arsenical bronze: the case of arsenic-loss in prehistoric metal production | 2015 |
57 | MecaMorphEME | Four-dimensional physical modeling and numerical simulation of the early mouse embryo morphogenesis. | 2015 |
58 | METENZ | To develop a novel class of metalloenzymes for application in novel asymmetric C-H activation chemistry. | 2015 |
59 | metaC-Hfunct | CO2 as a traceless directing group for catalytic meta C-H olefinations | 2015 |
60 | IRON_DEPOSITS | The role of volatiles in the formation of magmatic iron oxide deposits | 2015 |
61 | GLOBE | All Organic Redox Flow Batteries | 2015 |
62 | MULTICELL | Division of labour and the origin of multicellularity | 2015 |
63 | Nu14Mig | Generation and Application of Nucleophilic Allylmetal Species by Catalytic 1,4-Metal Migration | 2015 |
64 | GLOBALGLASS | Global Glass Adornments Event Horizon in the Late Iron Age and Roman Period Frontiers (100 BC - AD 250) | 2015 |
65 | SuSiPOD | Broadband Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors | 2015 |
66 | CoordinGrowthDev | Characterization of the mechanism of inter-organ communication coordinating tissue growth and developmental timing | 2016 |
67 | ACTUS | ACcelerating Transition in Peri-Urban areaS in East Africa | 2016 |
68 | MAXWELL | Maximising wellbeing and minimising emissions: backcasting social visions for a low-carbon Europe. | 2015 |
69 | ABRUPT | Quantifying Abrupt Biotic Responses to Palaeoclimate Change | 2016 |
70 | NAP-QDYS | Nitroaromatics photophysics and photochemistry: a quantum dynamics study | 2016 |
71 | SOLLAY | Soft Chemical Control of the Physical Properties of Layered Solids | 2016 |
73 | DICTAPLOMACY | The international dimensions of authoritarian regime survival: comparing “dictaplomatic” strategies in post-Soviet Eurasia | 2015 |
74 | SPIN2D | Spintronics with Non-Conventional 2D Materials | 2015 |
75 | HELICOMBX | Quantum spin Hall insulator with two dimensional crystals | 2015 |
76 | HistoricEpi | Quantiative Study of Major Historic Epidemics and Transitions to longer, healthier lives | 2015 |
77 | SWITCHCATALYSIS | Switchable catalytic activity of spin crossover materials | 2015 |
78 | CICCI | Characterization of Intestinal Cancer Cell Invasion | 2015 |
80 | TRANSFORMERS | Creating transformation-stable microstructures through shared crystallographic motifs | 2015 |
81 | STABLE_FABRY | Calibration of Astronomical Spectrographs with Stabilized Fabry-Perot Etalons | 2016 |
82 | SAC_EarlyEmbryo | SAC robustness in the transition from meiosis to mitosis | 2016 |
83 | BORCOM | Borylated Conjugated Materials | 2015 |
84 | UNRAVELS | UNderstanding, descRibing And Visualizing Electronic charge in noveL oxide heteroStructures | 2015 |
85 | DENE | Dynamical effects on neutral excitations | 2015 |
86 | ALMP | The Effect of Active Labour Market Policies on the Behaviour and Employability of Benefit Claimants | 2016 |
87 | MetAccembly | Accelerating metal-directed assembly, recognition and catalysis with computational methods | 2015 |
88 | DECAGON | Doping Colloidal Nanoplatelets: Synthesis, Self-assembly and Spectroscopy | 2016 |
89 | RE-DEV | Assessing the transition to renewable energy in Rapidly Developing Countries | 2015 |
90 | HYDRER | A Solar-Powered Hydrolyzer | 2015 |
91 | 2D-Ink | Ink-Jet printed supercapacitors based on 2D nanomaterials. | 2015 |
92 | IONOSENSE-POC | Exploitation of Organic Electrochemical Transistors for Biological Ionsensing – Proof Of Concept | 2015 |
93 | EBBR | Commercialisation of expanded bed biofilm reactor technology for the treatment of waste-, used- or contaminated-water and for improved protection of the aquatic environment and atmosphere. | 2015 |
94 | ENTRUST | Energy System Transition Through Stakeholder Activation, Education and Skills Development | 2015 |
95 | PRACE-4IP | PRACE 4th Implementation Phase Project | 2015 |
96 | HiLASE CoE | HiLASE Centre of Excellence | 2015 |
97 | RAd | RAd (Responsible Advertising) - An innovative donate-per-view digital video advertising model | 2015 |
98 | HybridFarm | Eco-innovative housing solution for efficient production of slaughterpigs with limited environmental impact. | 2015 |
99 | LOFAR | Searching for The Origin of Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos with LOFAR | 2015 |
100 | TRANSrisk | Transitions pathways and risk analysis for climate change mitigation and adaption strategies | 2015 |
101 | BAMB | Buildings as Material Banks: Integrating Materials Passports with Reversible Building Design to Optimise Circular Industrial Value Chains | 2015 |
102 | WiVi-2020 | Wireless Visionaries for 2020 | 2015 |
103 | SUPER-2D | Many-body physics and superconductivity in 2D materials | 2015 |
104 | ALDof 2DTMDs | Atomic layer deposition of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide nanolayers | 2015 |
105 | corr-DFT | Improving the accuracy and reliability of electronic structure calculations: New exchange-correlation functionals from a rigorous expansion at infinite coupling strength | 2015 |
106 | HoNESt | History of Nuclear Energy and Society | 2015 |
107 | nuClock | Towards a nuclear clock with Thorium-229 | 2015 |
108 | Dementia | DNA rEpair impaired Mice with accElerated Neurodegeneration as Tool to Improve Alzheimer therapeutics | 2015 |
109 | N2FEED | N2 as Chemical Feedstock – Synthetic Nitrogen Fixation beyond Haber-Bosch | 2015 |
110 | Phonton | Phon(t)on-induced phase transitions | 2015 |
111 | SynCatMatch | MATching zeolite SYNthesis with CATalytic activity | 2015 |
112 | FMCONTAINERS | Fast Moving Containers Caming Solutions | 2015 |
113 | GREENLIGHT_REDCAT | Towards a Greener Reduction Chemistry by Using Cobalt Coordination Complexes as Catalysts and Light-driven Water Reduction as a Source of Reductive Equivalents | 2015 |
114 | SYNCAT | Synergistic Gold Carbene Catalysis | 2016 |
115 | AMPYXAP3 | Commercial introduction of the first Airborne Wind Energy system: Renewable energy at costs below fully depreciated coal fired power plants | 2015 |
116 | Flex5Gware | Flexible and efficient hardware/software platforms for 5G network elements and devices | 2015 |
117 | DABCAST | Integrated, economical cloud-based service for digital radio broadcasting | 2015 |
119 | DARKHORIZONS | Dark Matter and the Early Universe in the LHC Era | 2015 |
120 | FoTRRIS | Fostering a Transition towards Responsible Research and Innovation Systems | 2015 |
121 | SOMAPI | On-line department store for Massive Amount of Pre-owned Items | 2015 |
122 | Bio-AX | A new wearable, cost effective and non-invasive biometric solution for accurate and high throughput screening of people, bags and vehicles | 2015 |
123 | CRYVISIL | Crystalline and vitreous silica films and their interconversion | 2016 |
124 | IChaos | Intermediate Chaos | 2016 |
125 | Com4Com | Collective modes in 4d-metal compounds and heterostructures | 2016 |
126 | EcOILogy | Microbial life in oil | 2015 |
127 | ARPEMA | Anionic redox processes: A transformational approach for advanced energy materials | 2015 |
128 | EISCAT3D_PfP | EISCAT_3D: Preparation for Production | 2015 |
129 | CESSDA-SaW | Strengthening and widening the European infrastructure for social science data archives. | 2015 |
130 | DEMETER | Training Network for the Design and Recycling of Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet Motors and Generators in Hybrid and Full Electric Vehicles | 2015 |
131 | NoNoMeCat | Non-Noble Metal Catalysis - NoNoMeCat | 2016 |
132 | MaX | Materials design at the eXascale | 2015 |
133 | EoCoE | Energy oriented Centre of Excellence for computer applications | 2015 |
134 | ZERO-PLUS | Achieving near Zero and Positive Energy Settlements in Europe using Advanced Energy Technology | 2015 |
135 | Cancer-Recurrence | Tumor cell death supports recurrence of cancer | 2015 |
136 | WATER | Probing the Structure and Dynamics of Water in its Various States | 2015 |
137 | LANGDYN | Language dynamics: a neurocognitive approach to incremental interpretation | 2015 |
138 | POLTDES | Interacting polaritons in two-dimensional electron systems | 2015 |
139 | BIRTH | Births, mothers and babies: prehistoric fertility in the Balkans between 10000 – 5000 BC | 2015 |
140 | IMFDforHIC | Improved Fluid Dynamics for Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions | 2016 |
141 | eMicrobevol | Early Microbial Evolution | 2015 |
142 | CREATE | The CREAtion of the Department of Physical Chemistry of Biological SysTEms | 2015 |
143 | NuQFT | The Hall Plateau Transition and non-unitary Quantum Field Theory | 2015 |
144 | FATHER TRIALS | Father Trials: Hormonal and Behavioral Experiments on Prenatal and Postnatal Parenting | 2016 |
145 | FamilyComplexity | Intergenerational Reproduction and Solidarity in an Era of Family Complexity | 2015 |
146 | MapCOM | Geographic mapping of radio signals | 2016 |
147 | BetaCellTherapy | Beta Cell Generation by Stem Cell-Derived Implants in Diabetes | 2015 |
148 | MOZART | MesopOrous matrices for localiZed pH-triggered releAse of theRapeuTic ions and drugs | 2015 |
149 | DIMAP | Novel nanoparticle enhanced Digital Materials for 3D Printing and their application shown for the robotic and electronic industry | 2015 |
150 | AEROSOL | Astrochemistry of old stars: direct probing of unique chemical laboratories | 2016 |
151 | TWINFUSYON | Twinning for Improving Capacity of Research in Multifunctional Nanosystems for Optronic Biosensing | 2016 |
152 | ELITRANS | ELITRANS-Facilitating the transformation of ELI from ERDF funded, distributed infrastructures towards a unified ELI-ERIC. | 2015 |
153 | ColRobot | Collaborative Robotics for Assembly and Kitting in Smart Manufacturing | 2016 |
154 | PresConfLuxDec | Innovative Enterprise Conference on Circular Economy and Access to Risk Finance | 2015 |
156 | MEDEAS | Guiding European Policy toward a low-carbon economy. Modelling Energy system Development under Environmental And Socioeconomic constraints | 2016 |
157 | ICFOstepstone | ICFOstepstone PhD Programme for Early-Stage Researchers in Photonics | 2016 |
158 | CESEAND InnoAses2 | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2015-16. | 2015 |
159 | PLE | Perovskite Light Emitters | 2016 |
160 | REEEM | Role of technologies in an energy efficient economy – model-based analysis of policy measures and transformation pathways to a sustainable energy system | 2016 |
161 | COAT | Collapse Of Atmospheric Turbulence | 2016 |
162 | HurdlingOxoWall | Late First-Row Transition Metal-Oxo Complexes for C–H Bond Activation | 2016 |
163 | ANNETTE | Advanced Networking for Nuclear Education and Training and Transfer of Expertise | 2016 |
164 | AnTraQuGa | Anderson Transition in a Quantum Gas Signatures and Characterization | 2016 |
165 | YlideLigands | Tailoring Ylidic Compounds as Ligands for Organometallic Chemistry | 2016 |
166 | i-PROGNOSIS | Intelligent Parkinson eaRly detectiOn Guiding NOvel Supportive InterventionS | 2016 |
167 | MALIG | A mathematical approach to the liquid-glass transition: kinetically constrained models, cellular automata and mixed order phase transitions | 2016 |
168 | aNtHESIS | Novel heart regeneration strategies | 2016 |
169 | Lost Frontiers | Europe’s Lost Frontiers: exploring climate change, settlement and colonisation of the submerged landscapes of the North Sea basin using ancient DNA, seismic mapping and complex systems modelling | 2015 |
170 | PETMEM | Piezoelectronic Transduction Memory Device | 2015 |
171 | CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD | Self-management interventions and mutual assistance community services, helping patients with dementia and caregivers connect with others for evaluation, support and inspiration to improve the care experience | 2016 |
172 | INTUI-VIEW | Intelligent needle tracking using ultrasound imaging for improved minimally invasive interventions | 2015 |
173 | ISABEL | Triggering Sustainable Biogas Energy Communities through Social Innovation | 2016 |
174 | nanoCARBS | Rationally designed nanostructured catalysts for bio-conversion systems: assessing the innovation potential of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) powder/particle coatings for the catalyst market | 2016 |
175 | Dymant-bm | Disrupting luxury craftsmanship through innovation : An innovative model for a traditional sector | 2016 |
178 | PANEL 2050 | Partnership for New Energy Leadership 2050 | 2016 |
179 | TRANSITION ZERO | Make Net Zero Energy refurbishments for houses a mass market reality | 2016 |
180 | TM-FLPS | Bond Activation and Catalysis by Transition Metal Frustrated Lewis Pairs | 2016 |
181 | POWER2INNO | Building competences for empowerment of small and micro companies’ for innovative entrepreneurship | 2016 |
182 | SuPREME | Twinning for a Sustainable, Proactive Research partnership in distributed Energy systems planning, Modelling and managEment | 2015 |
183 | GOLDCLUSTER | Polynuclear Gold Catalysis | 2016 |
184 | Science2Society | Improving university, industry and society interfaces to boost the throughput capacity of Europe's innovation stakeholders | 2016 |
185 | DIBOR | Unsymmetric diborane(4) compounds for small molecule activation and B-B coupling | 2016 |
186 | ZF_Blood | Less is more: Single Cell Analysis of Zebrafish Blood Development | 2016 |
187 | Mass-Customization | Mass-customization of implants: the business model | 2016 |
188 | Strength2Food | Strengthening European Food Chain Sustainability by Quality and Procurement Policy | 2016 |
189 | SOLARACT | Solar Dinitrogen Activation | 2016 |
190 | Mobiclock | Development and characterization of an ultra-high performance mobile optical atomic clock based on lattice-trapped atoms | 2016 |
191 | INTERTRAP | Integrated absolute dating approach for terrestrial records of past climate using trapped charge methods | 2016 |
192 | PLASMIC | Plasmonically-enhanced III-V nanowire lasers on silicon for integrated communications | 2016 |
193 | unLiMIt-2D | Unique Light-Matter Interactions with Two-Dimensional Materials | 2016 |
194 | SNSNEWS | The new flow of news : how social network sites transform news organization and citizens political behavior | 2016 |
195 | PROJESTOR | PROJECTED MEMRISTOR: A nanoscale device for cognitive computing | 2016 |
196 | ASTRUm | Astrophysics with Stored Highy Charged Radionuclides | 2016 |
197 | CritCat | Towards Replacement of Critical Catalyst Materials by Improved Nanoparticle Control and Rational Design | 2016 |
198 | PARTIAL-PGMs | Development of novel, high Performance hybrid TWV/GPF Automotive afteR treatment systems by raTIonAL design: substitution of PGMs and Rare earth materials | 2016 |
199 | MULTI2DSWITCH | MULTIfunctional optoelectronic devices based on hybrid heterostructures of 2D materials and photochromic SWITCHes | 2016 |
200 | BEAMED | Better Addiction Medicine Education for Doctors | 2017 |
201 | Spin1D | Spinor Bose Gases in 1D: Equilibrium properties, Dynamics, and Spin-orbit coupling | 2016 |
202 | FLATOPS | Flat bands and topology in superconductive materials | 2016 |
203 | TransNic | Enantioselective Nickel-Catalyzed trans-Carbometallative Couplings and Cyclizations | 2016 |
204 | PCCDX | Breaking the curse of dimension in heavy-element chemistry | 2016 |
205 | PAEDS | Prevalence and Experience of Diagnostic Shifts in Youth Mental Healthcare | 2017 |
206 | HURIME | Human Rights in the Post-Uprisings Middle East: Emerging Discourses and Practices in Egypt and Tunisia | 2017 |
207 | ANCIENT_TEETH | An integrative analysis of shifting trends in dental traits in human populations from Neolithic to Iron Age | 2016 |
208 | MSCCC | Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Cover and Climate | 2016 |
209 | SELDOM | SElective Deposition Of 2D Materials | 2016 |
210 | PyroMOF2cat | Metal Organic Framework mediated synthesis for novel catalysts in the Fischer Tropsch synthesis. | 2016 |
211 | TwUnaGas | Two-dimensional Uniform Gas with tunable interactions | 2016 |
212 | QUINTESSENS | QUantum INTErface between Superconducting circuits and Spin ENSemble | 2016 |
213 | CONJUGATION | Synthesis of CONJUGAted Two-DimensIonal Supramolecular POlymers for ElectroNics | 2016 |
214 | TRANSITION-FRICTION | Transition Friction in the Ecuadorian Amazon: A Green Economy Ethnography | 2017 |
215 | NiCoFlow | Nature-inspired control of turbulent flows | 2016 |
216 | ICFOstepstone | ICFOstepstone PhD Programme for Early-Stage Researchers in Photonics | 2017 |
217 | DIGITALIA | Disruptive process for the construction of railway transition zones, reducing drastically construction and maintenance costs | 2016 |
218 | Open Science | NESCIO: NEtherlands Science Conference on Inclusive Open science | 2016 |
219 | LCCMcons | Using Land Cover Change Models to Address Important Conservation Issues | 2016 |
220 | QDM | Quantum Decision Making | 2016 |
221 | PALEODEM | Late Glacial and Postglacial Population History and Cultural Transmission in Iberia (c.15,000-8,000 cal BP) | 2016 |
222 | ICARUS | Integrated Climate forcing and Air pollution Reduction in Urban Systems | 2016 |
223 | e-Cat | The Electron as a Catalyst | 2016 |
224 | DYNAMOX | Charge carrier dynamics in metal oxides | 2016 |
225 | CompOLEDs | Computational studies on materials for organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) | 2016 |
226 | AGRICADOPT | Environmental indicators for agricultural adoption, success, and continuity in the Nile Delta | 2016 |
227 | PaleoMicroBot | Palaeolithic Micro-botanical remains as a proxy for Human Occupation Intensities | 2017 |
228 | MIGRADAPT | An avian model for understanding adaptations and modulatory drivers of avian migration | 2017 |
229 | MedCoRes | Mediterranean Coastal Resources: benefits and constraints for Prehistoric hunters-gatherers | 2017 |
230 | Back2theFuture | Back to the Future. Perceiving the future and the development of early modern capitalism, 1500-1700 | 2016 |
231 | JERRI | Joining Efforts for Responsible Research and Innovation | 2016 |
232 | artes EUmanities | a.r.t.e.s. EUmanities - European Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne | 2017 |
233 | PET3D | PET Imaging in Drug Design and Development | 2016 |
234 | NanoFab2D | Novel 2D quantum device concepts enabled by sub-nanometre precision nanofabrication | 2016 |
235 | FeREDCOUPLS | FeREDCOUPLS - Reduced Iron Catalysts for Reduction and Coupling Reactions | 2016 |
236 | TOPVAC | From Topological Matter to Relativistic Quantum Vacuum | 2016 |
237 | TRANSEP | Flow physics and interaction of laminar-turbulent transition and flow separation studied by direct numerical simulations | 2016 |
238 | BROADMAP | Mapping Interoperable EU PPDR Broadband Communication Applications and Technology | 2016 |
239 | BroWoun | Brothers in Wounds: Italy's Disabled Veterans in Transnational Perspective (1917-1939) | 2016 |
240 | VisNav | Vision and Navigation in Mouse Cortex | 2016 |
241 | ATUNE | Attenuation Tomography Using Novel observations of Earth's free oscillations | 2016 |
242 | HyBurn | Enabling Hydrogen-enriched burner technology for gas turbines through advanced measurement and simulation | 2016 |
243 | FIRSTORM | Modeling first-order Mott transitions | 2016 |
244 | SOLCRIMET | Solvometallurgy for critical metals | 2016 |
245 | Milli-Tech | Milli-Volt Switch Technologies for Energy Efficient Computation and Sensing | 2016 |
246 | CAiPSC | Determining centromere assembly mechanisms and improving mitotic fidelity during somatic cell reprogramming | 2016 |
247 | FIMAF | Isotopic evidence for the impacts of fishing on marine foodweb structure | 2016 |
248 | SAGDESOR | The Second Avant-Garde: Design of Domestic Objects in Soviet Russia, 1953-1991 | 2016 |
249 | CSI.interface | A molecular interface science approach: Decoding single molecular reactions and interactions at dynamic solid/liquid interfaces | 2016 |
250 | UNICODE | Evolution and Impact of Heterochromatin on a Young Drosophila Y chromosome | 2016 |
251 | MorphoNotch | Multi-scale analysis of the interplay between cell morphology and cell-cell signaling | 2016 |
252 | EMBEDDING CONQUEST | Embedding Conquest: Naturalising Muslim Rule in the Early Islamic Empire (600-1000) | 2017 |
253 | BIO-AX | A novel wearable, cost-effective and non-invasive biometric body worn video solution for accurate and high throughput screening of people, bags and vehicles | 2016 |
255 | T2gE | Transition to the Green Economy | 2016 |
256 | LIGNOFLAG | Commercial flagship plant for bioethanol production involving a bio-based value chain built on lignocellulosic feedstock | 2017 |
257 | Valleys | Valley and spin devices based on two-dimensional semiconductors | 2016 |
258 | CorPain | Dissection of a cortical microcircuit for the processing of pain affect | 2016 |
259 | HepatoMetaboPath | Cellular and molecular mechanisms of metabolic immune activation triggering non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and HCC | 2016 |
260 | TRANSREGULON | Structural biology of mammalian transcription regulation | 2016 |
261 | Gap2bridge | Bridging the gap: an evolutionary genomics approach to illuminate the prokaryote-to-eukaryote transition. | 2017 |
262 | SILCI | Social Influence and Disruptive Low Carbon Innovations | 2016 |
263 | CODECHECK | CRACKING THE CODE BEHIND MITOTIC FIDELITY: the roles of tubulin post-translational modifications and a chromosome separation checkpoint | 2016 |
264 | TRANS-ID | TIME FOR A CHANGE: An out-of-the-box approach to unravel transitions in depression | 2016 |
265 | PROSOCIAL | The neural basis of prosocial development in adolescence | 2016 |
266 | MiLifeStatus | Migrant Life Course and Legal Status Transition | 2016 |
267 | HERITAGE | Monumental Art of the Christian and Early Islamic East: Cultural Identities and Classical Heritage | 2016 |
268 | IFAMID | Institutional Family Demography | 2016 |
269 | EntangleGen | Entanglement Generation in Universal Quantum Dynamics | 2016 |
270 | INSEETO | In-situ second harmonic generation for emergent electronics in transition-metal oxides | 2017 |
271 | CLASP | A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry | 2016 |
272 | QED-PROTONSIZE | The Proton Size Puzzle: Testing QED at Extreme Wavelengths | 2016 |
273 | SCOUTFermi2D | Strongly correlated ultracold fermions in two-dimensional tailored optical potentials: pairing, superfluidity and disorder | 2016 |
274 | MARS | Mechanism of allosteric regulation of SHP2 phosphatase and its role in cancer and geneticdiseases: a multidisciplinary computational, structural and biological approach | 2017 |
275 | ICRED | Iridium Catalyzed Reductive Cyclization Cascades | 2016 |
276 | 4DGenomeReg | Predictive modelling of 3D genome topology during progressive stages of embryonic development | 2017 |
277 | ProteinPlus | Let's give the world appetite for health | 2016 |
278 | Gybrid | EKUPD | 2016 |
279 | DEBS | Dall Energy Biomass System | 2016 |
281 | EPIScOPE | Reversing the epigenetic state of oligodendrocyte precursors cells in multiple sclerosis | 2016 |
282 | HyTeChaN | Hydrothermal synthesis of ThermoElectric Chalcogenide-based Nanocomposites | 2016 |
283 | AutoPilot-Dx | Fast tracking market adoption of a novel immune-based diagnostic for improving antibiotic stewardship: automation, piloting and health economics | 2016 |
284 | TransSplicHD | Single-Cell Transcriptomics and Spliceosome analysis to uncover new mechanisms of neuronal vulnerability to Huntington’s Disease. | 2016 |
285 | TINOHEAT | Reduced energy consumption and carbon footprint of the plastic packaging industry, using a novel environmentally friendly nanoparticle based industrial process | 2016 |
286 | GEOFIN | Western banks in Eastern Europe: New geographies of financialisation | 2016 |
287 | VERDI | polyValent mEsopoRous nanosystem for bone DIseases | 2016 |
288 | ASPAir | Accelerated Synthesis of Nanoporous Photocatalysts for Indoor Air Purification | 2016 |
289 | Bio4Products | 4x4, demonstrating a flexible value chain to utilize biomass functionalities in the processing industry | 2016 |
290 | COSMIC | European Training Network for Continuous Sonication and Microwave Reactors | 2016 |
291 | PLEIADES | Project to Lead Ecodesign Integration with Aerospace Development and Engineering Systems | 2016 |
292 | ICONIC | Improving the crashworthiness of composite transportation structures | 2016 |
293 | BIOFOREVER | BIO-based products from FORestry via Economically Viable European Routes | 2016 |
294 | DISRUPT | Decentralised architectures for optimised operations via virtualised processes and manufacturing ecosystem collaboration | 2016 |
295 | ETIP Bioenergy-SABS | European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy – Support of Advanced Bioenergy Stakeholders 2016 - 17 | 2016 |
296 | CarBon | Controlling Cartilage to Bone Transitions for Improved Treatment of Bone Defects and Osteoarthritis | 2017 |
297 | UPGRADE | High efficient Particulate free Gasoline Engines | 2016 |
298 | THOMSON | Mild Hybrid cOst effective solutions for a fast Market penetratiON | 2016 |
299 | COFFERS | Combating Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators | 2016 |
300 | LOWUP | LOW valued energy sources UPgrading for buildings and industry uses | 2016 |
301 | CIRCULAR IMPACTS | Measuring the IMPACTS of the transition to the CIRCULAR economy | 2016 |
302 | VINCAT | A Unified Approach to Redox-Neutral C-C Couplings: Exploiting Vinyl Cation Rearrangements | 2017 |
303 | FLATLAND | Electron-lattice-spin correlations and many-body phenomena in 2D semiconductors and related heterostructures | 2016 |
304 | DIAL-IN | Dynamic Integrated structural and proteomic Analysis of the LUBAC complex and its involvement in NF-κB and inflammation | 2016 |
305 | MEDICINE | MEDICINE. Indigenous concepts of health and healing in Andean populations: understanding the relevance of traditional MEDICINE in a changing world. | 2016 |
306 | ENERGISE | European Network for Research, Good Practice and Innovation for Sustainable Energy | 2016 |
307 | QUATERMAIN | Quaternary Amino Acids on Scale for Medicine and Agroscience | 2016 |
308 | ENABLE.EU | Enabling the Energy Union through understanding the drivers of individual and collective energy choices in Europe | 2016 |
309 | RVCR | KGYAT have developed the RVCR, the world’s first commercially viable Rotary Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) engine. | 2016 |
310 | Greenrail | Greenrail, innovative and sustainable railway sleepers: the greener solution for railway sector | 2016 |
311 | CombiCat | Combined Catalysis: Enhancing Asymmetric Synthesis | 2016 |
312 | SCREEN | Synergic Circular Economy across European Regions | 2016 |
313 | SeaLiT | Seafaring Lives in Transition. Mediterranean Maritime Labour and Shipping during Globalization, 1850s-1920s. | 2017 |
314 | FASTO-CAT | Fundamentals of ASymmeTric Organo-CATalysis | 2017 |
315 | NURE | Nuclear Reactions for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay | 2017 |
316 | QNaMic | Quantum Control of a Levitated Nanoparticel in a Microcavity | 2016 |
317 | QUESTDO | Quantum electronic states in delafossite oxides | 2017 |
318 | BE-OI | Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice | 2016 |
319 | InertialSensors | Interferometric inertial sensors for gravitational-wave detectors | 2016 |
320 | AlCat | Bond activation and catalysis with low-valent aluminium | 2017 |
321 | SABINA | SmArt BI-directional multi eNergy gAteway | 2016 |
322 | mySMARTLife | Smart Transition of EU cities towards a new concept of smart Life and Economy | 2016 |
323 | EUCalc | EU Calculator: trade-offs and pathways towards sustainable and low-carbon European Societies | 2016 |
324 | MassLOC | Massive MIMO Localization for 5G Networks | 2017 |
325 | UfastU | Theory of ultra-fast dynamics in correlated multi-band systems | 2017 |
326 | MAGENTA | MAGnetic nanoparticle based liquid ENergy materials for Thermoelectric device Applications | 2017 |
327 | TRIPOD | The transition to a renewable electricity system and its interactions with other policy aims | 2017 |
328 | LanAsCat | Lanthanides as electron Dimmer switch in organometallic catalysis | 2017 |
329 | OpenRiskNet | OpenRiskNet: Open e-Infrastructure to Support Data Sharing, Knowledge Integration and in silico Analysis and Modelling in Risk Assessment | 2016 |
330 | TraX | Stability and Transitions in Physical Processes | 2017 |
331 | APACHE | The innovative heat pump boiler to double energy efficiency in heat generation | 2016 |
333 | DiGas Dual fuel | A novel dual fuel system for diesel locomotive modernisation to CNG or LNG operation | 2016 |
334 | PRACE-5IP | PRACE 5th Implementation Phase Project | 2017 |
335 | LiveDeadFossil | Life and death in Doñana National Park (Spain): palaeontological and ecological insights from the study of modern vertebrate death assemblages | 2017 |
336 | High level CDFT | Conquering New Frontiers in Conceptual Density Functional Theory: Going Beyond the Single Slater Determinant. | 2016 |
337 | FALCON | Fuel and chemicals from lignin through enzymatic and chemical conversion | 2017 |
338 | ILIAD | Intra-Logistics with Integrated Automatic Deployment: safe and scalable fleets in shared spaces | 2017 |
339 | SPINSWITCH | Multifunctional Spin Crossover Materials | 2017 |
340 | eMobilita | Electromobility in urban transport: a multi-dimensional innovation (socio-economic and environmental effects) | 2017 |
341 | IKID | Institutions for Knowledge Intensive Development: Economic and Regulatory Aspects in South-East Asian Transition Economies | 2017 |
342 | SAFERtec | Security Assurance FramEwoRk for neTworked vEhicular teChnology | 2017 |
343 | PHASE-CHANGE SWITCH | Phase-Change Materials and Switches for Enabling Beyond-CMOS Energy Efficient Applications | 2017 |
344 | GGP-EPI | Generations and Gender Programme: Evaluate, Plan, Initiate | 2017 |
345 | INSTRUCT-ULTRA | Releasing the full potential of Instruct to expand and consolidate infrastructure services for integrated structural life science research | 2017 |
346 | MIR-BOSE | Mid- and far-IR optoelectronic devices based on Bose-Einstein condensation | 2017 |
347 | NOGOPROOF | Towards clinical trials for a novel treatment for stroke | 2017 |
348 | CH2P | Cogeneration of Hydrogen and Power using solid oxide based system fed by methane rich gas | 2017 |
350 | FILL2030 | The Future of ILL 2030 | 2017 |
351 | ACTRIS PPP | ACTRIS PPP - Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Preparatory Phase Project | 2017 |
352 | MUP-Trans-Zagros | Tracking the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in the Kermanshah Valley, West Central Zagros Mountains, Iran. | 2016 |
353 | TechPolChange | Technology and Political Change: Nuclear Power in the Post-Soviet Union | 2017 |
354 | GART-PSYSPAC | Psychiatric spaces in transition: discourse, dwelling, doing | 2017 |
355 | Terpy2DMat | Tuning of 2D materials properties through controlled functionalization with opto-electroactive complexes | 2017 |
356 | TSuNAMI | Trans-Spin NanoArchitectures: from birth to functionalities in magnetic field | 2017 |
357 | UniCoSM | Universality in Condensed Matter and Statistical Mechanics | 2017 |
358 | FITTOM | PVC-O Fittings based on MOLECOR’s Molecular Orientation TOM® technology | 2017 |
359 | Logist-IoT | SensorToCloud Technologies for Loss Prevention and Smart “Last Mile” Logistics Operations | 2017 |
360 | AltaGram 4.0 | Launching the First One-Stop Video Game Culturalization Management Platform | 2017 |
361 | GlassUniversality | Universal explanation of low-temperature glass anomalies | 2017 |
362 | Pitstop PLUS | RFID-based feeder for giving dairy cows access to additional mineral supplements in a restricted and targeted way during the critical transition period of the lactation cycle | 2017 |
363 | SUCCESS | The earliest migration of Homo sapiens in Southern Europe: understanding the biocultural processes that define our uniqueness | 2017 |
364 | BePreSysE | Beyond Precision Cosmology: dealing with Systematic Errors | 2017 |
365 | EUTWIC | European Travel Writing in Context. The Socio-Political Dimension of Travelogues 1760-1850 | 2017 |
366 | CANCERSCREEN | Screening for cancer in the post-genomic era: diagnostic innovation and biomedicalisation in comparative perspective | 2017 |
367 | NONLINMAT | Functional extreme nonlinear nanomaterials | 2017 |
368 | LATO | Large-Area Transparent Opto-Electronics using 2D Materials | 2017 |
369 | BCSC-ST | Breast cancer stem-like cells specific vulnerabilities: focus in HER2 over-expression and protein glycosylation | 2017 |
370 | SalFluMa | Saline Fluids in the Mantle - Experimental Investigation of Their Role in Diamond Formation and Kimberlite Magmatism | 2018 |
371 | ACTPD | Streamlined Functionalisation of Nitrogen-containing Molecules by Palladium-catalysed C-H Activation | 2017 |
372 | QMBDyn | Dynamical Phenomena in Quantum Many-Body Systems | 2017 |
373 | SONAR-CO2 | Southern Ocean Nanoplankton Response to CO2 | 2018 |
374 | IDENTITIES | Integrative Approaches to Dental Wear: Non-Masticatory Tooth-Use Across the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition Among Iberian Foraging and Farming Societies | 2017 |
375 | 3D-POWER | Three-Dimensional Perovskite Oxides as Working ElectRochemical devices | 2017 |
376 | MAESDOSO | Maximize Energy Saving and Deliver Comfort by Innovative Switchable Light Transmittance Technology | 2017 |
377 | DIGITALIA 2 | Disruptive process for the construction of railway transition zones, reducing drastically construction and maintenance costs | 2017 |
378 | EPIC2D | Engineering Electron-Phonon Interactions of Two-Dimensional Materials from First-Principles | 2017 |
379 | XQCDBaryons | Baryons in extreme QCD matter | 2017 |
380 | MetEmbed | Addressing metalloenzymes for clean energy production with advanced embedding schemes and quantum mechanical methods | 2018 |
381 | PhoRAu | Photochemistry and radiolabelling of gold(III) anticancer prodrugs | 2018 |
382 | TRIM | Vulnerable trait-combinations in corals and fishes and their management | 2017 |
383 | VAIM | Stereoregular Inorganic Polymer Analogues of Polyolefins | 2017 |
384 | MODCOMS | Modulated Composite Structures: A 3D Bulk Approach to Incoherent Hetero-Structure Interface Engineering in Oxides for Future Low Temperature Energy Applications | 2018 |
385 | SYMBODIN | The Symbolism of the Body in Northern Europe. Cognitive Metaphors and Old Norse Myth from the Viking Age to Late Medieval Times | 2018 |
386 | ISONEO | Isotopic evidence for diet and mobility during the Neolithic transition to farming in the Near East | 2017 |
387 | CoPOWER | Government of Life and Death: The Rise of Coercive Power in European Late Prehistory | 2017 |
388 | ExItALS | RNA-mediated intercellular miscommunication: role of extracellular vesicle cargos in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis | 2017 |
389 | DENPH | Dental anthropology at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition – insights on lifestyle and funerary behaviour from Neolithic Liguria (Italy) | 2017 |
390 | TrueCell | A microfluidic chip for automating three-dimensional cell culture for personalized medicine | 2018 |
391 | StrongCoPhy4Energy | Strongly Correlated Physics and Materials for Energy Technology | 2017 |
392 | SEQUOIA | Robust algorithms for learning from modern data | 2017 |
393 | PhaseAge | The chemistry and physics of RNP granules: how they form, age and cause disease | 2017 |
394 | CROWD_USG | Crowdsourcing Urban Sustainability Governance. Exploring innovative governance models for addressing urban sustainability through ICT-people interaction | 2017 |
395 | COEXIST | Coexistence on the boundary of chaos | 2017 |
396 | MULTICELLEXPEVO | Reconstructing the origins of animal multicellularity using experimental evolution | 2018 |
397 | RESILIENCE | Understanding the resilience of Amazonian floodplain ecosystems | 2017 |
398 | ROJAVA | The Kurds in Syria: A complex interplay between local, regional and transnational | 2017 |
399 | WORK-CHRIST | The Young Christian Workers Movement and the radicalization of Social Conflict in Mediterranean Europe: France, Italy and Spain (1963-1978) | 2017 |
400 | SmartNurse | Bringing persuasive computing training assistance for healthcare personnel from lab experiments to educational practice | 2017 |
401 | CALCEAM | Cooperative Acceptor Ligands for Catalysis with Earth-Abundant Metals | 2017 |
402 | E-RIHS PP | The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Preparatory Phase | 2017 |
403 | IMME-NEM | Imaging the Motion of Magneto-Excitons in New Emerging Materials | 2017 |
404 | ELITE | Exploring LIfestyle Transitions: a molecular and physical anthropology approach of ancient Yakut people | 2017 |
405 | GLOTRAINS | Global Transitions and Innovation Systems | 2017 |
406 | PALAEO-ENEO | Genomic and proteomic analysis of Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age humans from Central-Southern Italy | 2017 |
407 | TRANSFAIR | Unfair transitions? A critical examination low-carbon energy pathways in the EU from a domestic energy vulnerability perspective | 2018 |
408 | WHIPCAT | van der Waals Heterostructures for Innovative PhotoCATalysts | 2017 |
409 | PTMCnano | Post-transition metal chalcogenides: 2D nanoelectronics and photonics | 2017 |
410 | PULSE2D | Pulsed plasma technology for 2D materials integration | 2017 |
411 | ELECTROQUANTUM-2D | Atomistic Electrodynamics-Quantum Mechanical Framework for Characterizing, Manipulating and Optimizing Nonlinear Optical Processes in 2D Materials | 2018 |
412 | hyControl | Coherent optical control of multi-functional nano-scale hybrid units | 2017 |
413 | NeuroBaBEL | Whispering the language of the neurons to restore vision | 2017 |
414 | INFRAMIX | Road Infrastructure ready for mixed vehicle traffic flows | 2017 |
415 | CoEXist | 'AV-Ready' transport models and road infrastructure for the coexistence of automated and conventional vehicles | 2017 |
416 | QGP tomography | A novel Quark-Gluon Plasma tomography tool: from jet quenching to exploring the extreme medium properties | 2017 |
417 | FAIR LIMITS | Can Limitarianism Be Justified? A Philosophical Analysis of Limits on the Distribution of Economic and Ecological Resources | 2017 |
418 | AgriLink | AgriLink. Agricultural Knowledge: Linking farmers, advisors and researchers to boost innovation. | 2017 |
419 | STAR-ProBio | Sustainability Transition Assessment and Research of Bio-based Products | 2017 |
420 | TRUE | Transition paths to sustainable legume based systems in Europe | 2017 |
421 | FiberEUse | Large scale demonstration of new circular economy value-chains based on the reuse of end-of-life fiber reinforced composites. | 2017 |
422 | POLMAG | Polarized Radiation Diagnostics for Exploring the Magnetism of the Outer Solar Atmosphere | 2018 |
423 | EVOSOM | Evolution of multicellularity and somatic cell specialization | 2017 |
424 | SMALLOSTERY | Single-molecule spectroscopy of coordinated motions in allosteric proteins | 2017 |
425 | H-E Interactions | Increasingly Anthropogenic Landscapes and the Evolution of Plant-Food Production: Human - Environment Interactions during the Final Pleistocene and Early Holocene in the Levant. | 2017 |
426 | ROMEO | Reliable OM decision tools and strategies for high LCoE reduction on Offshore wind | 2017 |
427 | URBIOFIN | Demonstration of an integrated innovative biorefinery for the transformation of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) into new BioBased products (URBIOFIN) | 2017 |
428 | NeMo | New Mobility in Friuli Venezia Giulia | 2017 |
429 | EFFIGAS | Innovative self-controlling biomass gasification technology to improve the biogas efficiency achieving a top quality syngas | 2017 |
430 | DiverIMPACTS | Diversification through Rotation, Intercropping, Multiple cropping, Promoted with Actors and value-Chains Towards Sustainability | 2017 |
431 | LEGVALUE | Fostering sustainable legume-based farming systems and agri-feed and food chains in the EU | 2017 |
432 | DELTA-FLU | Dynamics of avian influenza in a changing world | 2017 |
433 | CIRC-PACK | Towards circular economy in the plastic packaging value chain | 2017 |
434 | CESEAND InnoAses3 | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2017-18. | 2017 |
435 | PHOTMAT | Photonically fused molecular materials | 2017 |
436 | F-IMAGE | Seismic Functional Imaging of the Brittle Crust | 2017 |
437 | MathInParis | International Doctoral Training in Mathematical Sciences in Paris | 2017 |
438 | V-LAP | Saving millions of lives by enabling an effective treatment for Heart Failure patients; V-LAP, a revolutionary, miniaturized implant and its dedicated wearable device. | 2017 |
439 | cis-CONTROL | Decoding and controlling cell-state switching: A bottom-up approach based on enhancer logic | 2017 |
440 | CLUNATRA | Discovering new Catalysts in the Cluster-Nanoparticle Transition Regime | 2017 |
441 | XUV-COMB | High Resolution Extreme Ultraviolet Laser Spectroscopy | 2017 |
442 | PHOCONA | Photonics in Flatland: Band Structure Engineering of 2D Excitons in Fluorescent Colloidal Nanomaterials | 2017 |
443 | TrustVehicle | Improved trustworthiness and weather-independence of conditional automated vehicles in mixed traffic scenarios | 2017 |
444 | TransAID | Transition Areas for Infrastructure-Assisted Driving | 2017 |
445 | PRACTICIES | Partnership against violent radicalization in the cities | 2017 |
446 | COS-OCS | Carbonyl Sulphide: new ways of Observing the Climate System | 2017 |
447 | FuturePulse | FuturePulse: Multimodal Predictive Analytics and Recommendation Services for the Music Industry | 2017 |
448 | NRG-5 | Enabling Smart Energy as a Service via 5G Mobile Network advances (NRG-5) | 2017 |
449 | Home of Cool | A novel environment-friendly limited space cooler for high volume food and beverage vending industries. | 2017 |
450 | DABCAST | Digital radio game changer | 2017 |
451 | NOVUM | Pilot line based on novel manufacturing technologies for cellulose-based electrical insulation components | 2017 |
452 | SAAM | Supporting Active Ageing through Multimodal coaching | 2017 |
453 | CROSS | Cryogenic Rare-event Observatory with Surface Sensitivity | 2018 |
454 | CelESTial | Industrial Cell Factories and Sustainable Bioprocessing for Future Bioeconomy | 2017 |
455 | ESSIAL | Electrical Steel Structuring, Insulating and Assembling by means of the Laser technologies | 2017 |
456 | DocksTheFuture | Developing the methodology for a coordinated approach to the clustering, monitoring and evaluation of results of actions under the Ports of the Future topic | 2018 |
457 | vCare | Virtual Coaching Activities for Rehabilitation in Elderly | 2017 |
458 | EMERGE | Tuning Emergent Phases in 2D Materials | 2017 |
459 | ENSYSTRA | Energy Systems in Transition | 2017 |
460 | GridEye | For a rapid transition to Smart Grids | 2017 |
461 | HEART | Holistic Energy and Architectural Retrofit Toolkit | 2017 |
462 | InnoDC | Innovative tools for offshore wind and DC grids | 2017 |
463 | SIADE SaaS | SIADE SaaS: Spatial Decision Support System for Transportation Planning | 2017 |
464 | PRO_PHAGE | Impact and interaction of prophage elements in bacterial host strains of biotechnological relevance | 2018 |
465 | MICRORULES | Structural and Functional Architectures of Multi-Kingdom Microbial Consortia Colonizing Plant Roots | 2017 |
466 | Madaster | Towards a circular economy: Eliminate waste through an open platform that facilitates material passports | 2017 |
468 | MECH-EVO-INSECT | The mechanical evolution from biting-chewing to piercing-sucking in insects | 2018 |
469 | 2D-TOPSENSE | Tunable optoelectronic devices by strain engineering of 2D semiconductors | 2018 |
470 | RISK | Republics on the Stage of Kings. Representing Republican State Power in the Europe of Absolute Monarchies (late 16th - early 18th century) | 2018 |
471 | SeeSuper | Probing nanoscale and femtosecond fluctuations in high temperature superconductors | 2017 |
472 | FarCatCH | Innovative Strategies for Unprecedented Remote C-H bond Functionalization by Catalysis | 2018 |
473 | TOPP | Topological phononics through nano-optomechanical interactions | 2018 |
474 | IPCCAR6 | Support for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to facilitate the preparation of its Sixth Assessment Report | 2017 |
475 | MUBIC | Mushroom and biogas production in a circular economy | 2017 |
477 | VIP | Véhicule Intelligent et Propre ( Green and Smart Vehicle) | 2017 |
478 | NonCovRegioSiteCat | Harnessing Non-Covalent Interactions for Control of Regioselectivity and Site-Selectivity in Catalysis | 2018 |
479 | PURPOSE | Opening a new route in solid mechanics: Printed protective structures | 2018 |
480 | CFT-MAP | Charting the space of Conformal Field Theories: a combined nuMerical and Analytical aPproach | 2018 |
481 | Aural Paris | Aural Paris: The Changing Identities of The City of Sound in Music, Film and Literature, 1870-1940. | 2018 |
482 | mrSANE | Magnetic Resonance Shimming Applications with Near-magnet Equipment | 2017 |
483 | ENERGYA | ENERGY use for Adaptation | 2018 |
484 | CriBLaM | Critical behavior of lattice models | 2018 |
485 | LightCrypt | New Directions in Lightweight Cryptanalysis | 2017 |
487 | NEBULAR | Novel Blueprints for the Visible-Light-Mediated Assembly of C–N Bonds via Nitrogen Radicals | 2018 |
488 | COOL DH | Cool ways of using low grade Heat Sources from Cooling and Surplus Heat for heating of Energy Efficient Buildings with new Low Temperature District Heating (LTDH) Solutions. | 2017 |
489 | TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA | Transition towards urban sustainability through socially integrative cities in the EU and in China | 2018 |
490 | IRIS | Integrated and Replicable Solutions for Co-Creation in Sustainable Cities | 2017 |
491 | SWAMI | Space Weather Atmosphere Model and Indices | 2018 |
492 | FRONTIERPEACE | On the Frontiers of Peace. Cross-cultural Peacebuilding on the Global Frontiers of the Iberian Empires (1500-1580) | 2018 |
493 | ME-WE | Psychosocial Support for Promoting Mental Health and Well-being among Adolescent Young Carers in Europe | 2018 |
494 | CoopCat | Cooperative Catalysis: Using Interdisciplinary Chemical Systems to Develop New Cooperative Catalysts | 2018 |
495 | FLAVE | Energetics of natural turbulent flows: the impact of waves and radiation. | 2018 |
496 | CoQuake | Controlling earthQuakes | 2018 |
497 | ATMO | Atmospheres across the Universe | 2018 |
498 | enzC-Hem | Creating Versatile Metallo-Enzyme Environments for Selective C-H Activation Chemistry: Lignocellulose Deconstruction and Beyond | 2018 |
499 | HEFT | Hidden Emissions of Forest Transitions: GHG effects of socio-metabolic processes reducingpressures on forests | 2018 |
500 | CENEVO | A new paradigm for centromere biology:Evolution and mechanism of CenH3-independent chromosome segregation in holocentric insects | 2018 |
501 | ORGANOMICS | Reconstructing human cortex development and malformation with single-cell transcriptomics | 2018 |
502 | FunctionalP4 | Metal-Mediated Methods for the Functionalization of White Phosphorus (P4) | 2018 |
503 | NOISE | Noise-Sensitivity Everywhere | 2018 |
504 | PRoPART | Precise and Robust Positioning for Automated Road Transports | 2017 |
505 | DARE | Delivering Agile Research Excellence on European e-Infrastructures | 2018 |
506 | TransFerr | Transition metal oxides with metastable phases: a way towards superior ferroic properties | 2017 |
507 | e.THROUGH | Thinking rough towards sustainability | 2018 |
508 | TRIBLADE | Demonstration of a disruptive rotor blade concept for large wind turbines | 2017 |
509 | RECOVER-E | LaRge-scalE implementation of COmmunity based mental health care for people with seVere and Enduring mental ill health in EuRopE | 2018 |
510 | FutureTPM | Future Proofing the Connected World: A Quantum-Resistant Trusted Platform Module | 2018 |
511 | NEXIS | Next generation X-ray imaging system | 2018 |
512 | MATADOR | MAmmary chemoresistant Tumor deAth by Directed cell ORientation | 2018 |
513 | SheaRIOS | Wind Turbine Shearography Robotic Inspection On-blade System (SheaRIOS) | 2018 |
514 | U-Control | Advanced Universal Control and monitoring solution to remotely manage complex power systems | 2017 |
515 | CELION | Circular Economy applied to LI-ION batteries for smart electric mobility in cities | 2017 |
516 | FlyInGS | Flywheel energy storage for Increased Grid Stability | 2017 |
517 | APOGEE | Atomic-scale physics of single-photon sources. | 2018 |
518 | ScaleCell | Scalable Kinetic Models: From Molecular Dynamics to Cellular Signaling | 2018 |
519 | NEPOSTRANS | Negotiating post-imperial transitions: from remobilization to nation-state consolidation. A comparative study of local and regional transitions in post-Habsburg East and Central Europe | 2018 |
520 | SMAC-MC | Small Molecule Activation by Main-Group Compounds | 2018 |
521 | NEPTUNE | Next Generation PEM Electrolyser under New Extremes | 2018 |
522 | PEGASUS | PEMFC based on platinum Group metAl free StrUctured cathodeS | 2018 |
523 | YAKSHA | Cybersecurity Awareness and Knowledge Systemic High-level Application | 2018 |
524 | SCORE | Supporting Consumer Co-Ownership in Renewable Energies | 2018 |
525 | mPOWER | Municipal Action, Public Engagement and Routes Towards Energy Transition | 2018 |
526 | SmartEye | The most accurate 3D scanner for boosting the uptake of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) | 2018 |
527 | HouseBuildR | Build your house exactly as you imagined it | 2018 |
528 | NOXTEK | NOx-Mitigation Technology for Retrofitting Diesel Engines | 2018 |
529 | BLUESKY | Robust kit to convert diesel vehicles to Natural Gas and Biogas for extended life and reducedcontaminants emission | 2018 |
530 | topDFT | A topological approach to electron correlation in density-functional theories | 2018 |
531 | ATTOLIQ | Attosecond X-ray spectroscopy of liquids | 2018 |
532 | TRAVIATA | Turbine Research for Aerodynamical Vane-frame Improvements in Advanced Two-spool Arrangements | 2018 |
533 | FFSize | Why farm and field size matters: Exploring their role for food security and sustainable agriculture in South America | 2018 |
534 | ImageToSim | Multiscale Imaging-through-analysis Methods for Autonomous Patient-specific Simulation Workflows | 2019 |
535 | PROSEU | PROSumers for the Energy Union: mainstreaming active participation of citizens in the energy transition | 2018 |
536 | OSMOSE | Optimal System-Mix Of flexibility Solutions for European electricity | 2018 |
537 | ASYMFLU | Asymmetric Organocatalytic Fluorination with fluoride salts | 2018 |
538 | SELEs | Stochastic Ericksen-Leslie Equations | 2019 |
539 | DECOCHEM | Developing heterocylic sulfinates as general coupling partners in transition metal catalysedprocesses | 2019 |
540 | DANHIMC | Development and Application of Novel Hydrogenase-Inspired Mn Complexes | 2018 |
541 | LIDOS | Light-Induced Spin Switch using Dynamic Organic Species | 2018 |
542 | pERFEcTO | EmpoweRing FundamEntal physics and Technology with quantum Optomechanics | 2018 |
543 | DisorMetox | Disorder and Order in the Conversion Mechanism of Metal Oxides in Lithium-ion Batteries | 2018 |
544 | IMAGINE | Innovative Method for Affordable Generation IN ocean Energy | 2018 |
545 | MOOiRE | Mix-in Organic-InOrganic Redox Events for High Energy Batteries | 2018 |
546 | ReCitYu | Reclaiming the Cities in the post-Yugoslav space | 2018 |
547 | HYDRA | Enhanced under water superoleophobicity by micro/nano topography and hydrophilic polymer brushes for high efficiency oil-water emulsion separation | 2019 |
548 | DYNAVOLC | Transitions in Rheology and Volatile Dynamics of Magmas: Mapping the Window to Explosive Volcanism | 2018 |
549 | ECOMAT | Encapsulation and contacting of two-dimensional materials | 2018 |
550 | BEAT | regulation of B-cell Epitope migration and Autoimmunity by T follicular helper cells | 2018 |
551 | CHANCE | Climate cHange mitigAtioN poliCies and Equality: distributional implications for different socio-economic groups | 2019 |
552 | CHEM2D | Chemistry of 2D materials: Intercalation and surface functionalization | 2019 |
553 | COMAMOC | Coherent Manipulation of Rotational States of Single Molecules via Direct Frequency Comb Excitation | 2018 |
554 | COOLEFIN | Novel Dinuclear Late Transition Metal Catalysts for CO2/Olefin and CO2/Epoxide/Olefin Copolymerization | 2019 |
555 | CUPRES | High pressure study of pairing or competing orders in high Tc cuprates | 2018 |
556 | ELECTRIC CHALLENGES | Current Tools and Policy Challenges in Electricity Markets | 2018 |
557 | COREALIS | Capacity with a pOsitive enviRonmEntal and societAL footprInt: portS in the future era | 2018 |
558 | NOMLI | NanoOptoMechanics in classical and quantum Liquids | 2018 |
559 | LASSO | Layered semiconductors and hybrid systems for quantum optics and opto-valleytronics | 2019 |
560 | Reprogram-Diabetes | In vivo drug discovery for cellular reprogramming to β-cells – towards a future regenerative therapy for diabetes | 2018 |
561 | ASIAPAST | From herds to empire: Biomolecular and zooarchaeological investigations of mobile pastoralism in the ancient Eurasian steppe | 2018 |
562 | Nutri2Cycle | Transition towards a more carbon and nutrient efficient agriculture in Europe | 2018 |
563 | ASTRID | AddreSsing ThReats for virtualIseD services | 2018 |
564 | SurvCom | Surveilling Communities: Public office holders and popular control in Southern Europe (13th-15th century) | 2018 |
565 | LEGOTOP | From Local Elements to Globally Ordered TOPological states of matter | 2018 |
566 | Stress Granules | Using Reconstituted Stress Granules to Gain Insight into the Molecular Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases | 2019 |
567 | ORO | A General Strategy for the Generation and Use of Oxygen Centered Radicals in Organic Synthesis | 2018 |
568 | TimeAdapt | Tracking Genetic Adaptation of Populations Using Time-Series Genomic Data | 2019 |
569 | VSC_CAT | Vibrational Strong Coupling for Organic Chemistry and Catalysis | 2018 |
570 | Learn2 | Learning and Being in Sport: A Phenomenological Investigation | 2019 |
571 | FIRE | Fire Impacts in Rainforest Ecotones | 2019 |
572 | VEHICULA | VEhicles as High-status Indicators in the CUlture of Late Antiquity | 2018 |
573 | KeepTimeWithTheHeat | Keeping in time with the heat: how oscillating temperatures set the plant circadian clock | 2018 |
574 | TWINGOLD | Dinuclear Gold Catalysis: A New Platform for Cross-Coupling Reactions | 2019 |
575 | RuZn | Ru–Zn Heterobimetallic Complexes | 2018 |
576 | MARIA | Marian Apocryphal Representations in Art: From Hagiographic Collections to Church Space and Liturgy in Fourteenth-to-Sixteenth-Century France | 2018 |
577 | TurbDDT | Predicting flame acceleration and deflagration to detonation transition in industrial scale explosions incorporating the turbulence effects | 2018 |
578 | MMSA | Molecular Motors for Surface Applications | 2018 |
579 | MOSPhotocat | Application of Metal Oxide Semiconductors in Photocatalysis | 2018 |
580 | ORTHOCAT | Bioorthogonal Photocatalytic Activation of Metal-Based Prodrugs | 2018 |
581 | NoLiMit | Non-Linear Bayesian partition-modeling of the Earth's mantle transition zone | 2018 |
582 | ODYSSEA | Population Dynamics in the Southeast European Neolithic: Prehistoric Archaeology and Palaeogenomics | 2018 |
583 | Fe-RedOx-Cat | Fe complexes for Reduction/Oxidation Catalysis | 2018 |
584 | USFAOD | Understanding soot formation using advanced optical diagnostics | 2018 |
585 | ErMIR | Mid-infrared erbium cascade lasers for the remote detection of carbon dioxide | 2018 |
586 | ReaDy-NMR | Relativistic and Dynamic effects in Computational NMR Spectroscopy of transition-metal complexes | 2019 |
587 | AlgSignSen | The Algebraic Geometry of Chemical Reaction Networks: Structural conditions for uniquely determined Sign-sensitivities. | 2019 |
588 | MapDung | Dung as Construction Material During the Emergence of Animal Domestication: A Multi-Proxy Approach | 2018 |
589 | 2DSTOP | Spin transport and spin-orbit phenomena in 2D materials | 2019 |
590 | NMRSIGN | NMR insights on the soluble Guanylyl Cyclase conformational dynamics to illuminate the SIGNaling pathway | 2018 |
591 | Metabeyond | Beyond metamaterials: Designing novel optical materials from Angstrom-scale interactions | 2019 |
592 | STELLAR | multireSponsive hybrid Transition mEtaL dichaLcogenides-bAsed optoelectRonics – A European Fellowship for career development | 2018 |
593 | SPLICEOSACT | Biochemical and CryoEM studies of spliceosome activation. | 2019 |
594 | PHOTO ORGANO-Ir CAT | Photochemical cascade reactions by merging organo- and iridium catalysis: A stereocontrolled entry to molecular complexity. | 2018 |
595 | OilandEmp | Crude Empire. British 'Oil Imperialism' and the making of the modern Middle East (c.1901-c.1935). | 2019 |
596 | OTmeetsDFT | Multi-marginal Optimal Transport and Density Functional Theory: a mathematical setting for physical ideas | 2019 |
597 | SEARCh | SurfacE structure-Activity-Relationship in atomically-defined, ultrathin film perovskite Catalysts | 2018 |
598 | THALLMORPHAL | Insight into the Symbiotic Chemical Communication of Algae and Bacteria: Thallusin and Dedicated Analogues | 2018 |
599 | PHOTO-FLUOR | Enantioselective Carbon-Fluorine Bond Formation: A Molecular Editing Approach toward Drug Discovery | 2018 |
600 | SOT-2DvdW | Spin-Orbit Torque in 2D van der Waals Heterostructures | 2018 |
601 | NEMoCuRe | Role of S-Nitrosylation of epigenetic modifiers in vascular regeneration | 2018 |
602 | REGinTRAN | Advanced manufacturing and the transition of regional economies: institutions, social regulation and development in Apulia and Lower Silesia | 2018 |
603 | DECISIONSEQ | Neural bases of behavioral choices and sequences | 2018 |
604 | TRANSURBICIDE | Transition urbicide: Post-conflict reconstruction in post-socialist Belgrade | 2018 |
605 | RydSpin | Nonequilibrium many-body spin dynamics in strongly interacting Rydberg systems | 2018 |
606 | STARTlight | STARTlight: cell cycle START decision unraveled by single-cell microscopy, modeling and optogenetics | 2018 |
607 | MECHANOSITY | Mechanical regulation of cellular behaviour in 3D viscoelastic materials | 2019 |
608 | ReMorphOPV | Recombination in Organic Photovoltaics: Impact of Morphology and Long-Range Non-Equilibrium Transport | 2019 |
609 | InCaSQuC | Indefinite Causal Structures on an Integrated Silicon Platform for Applications in Quantum Computing | 2018 |
610 | PCDfert | Identification of novel genes and mechanisms for PCD and male infertility | 2018 |
611 | BP3 | Beatriu de Pinos-3 Postdoctoral Programme | 2018 |
612 | Capcooltech | Accelerating the transition to low carbon electrified mobility with a disruptive increase in e-machine efficiency at reduced cost | 2018 |
613 | HEAF | High-Efficiency Axial Flux Machines | 2018 |
614 | NEXTFOOD | Educating the next generation of professionals in the agrifood system | 2018 |
615 | TRANSREG | Dissecting the role of Translational Regulation in Tumorigenesis | 2018 |
616 | GreenCharge | GreenCharge | 2018 |
617 | Handshake | Enabling the transferability of cycling innovations and assessment of its implications | 2018 |
618 | CHIEF | Cultural Heritage and Identities of Europe's Future | 2018 |
619 | PhaseControl | How cellular suicide programmes control phase transitions in fatty liver disease and liver cancer | 2018 |
620 | GENPARENT | Revealing Sources of Gendered Parenthood: A multi-method comparative study of the transition to parenthood in same-sex and different-sex couples | 2018 |
621 | TICTOCGRAV | Exploring Gravity with Ultracold Cadmium and Strontium Optical Clocks and Bragg Interferometers | 2018 |
622 | NEOGENE | Archaeogenomic analysis of genetic and cultural interactions in Neolithic Anatolian societies | 2018 |
623 | GLOPACK | Granting society with LOw environmental impact innovative PACKaging | 2018 |
624 | IMPAQT | Intelligent management system for integrated multi-trophic aquaculture | 2018 |
625 | HOUSEFUL | Innovative circular solutions and services for new business opportunities in the EU housing sector | 2018 |
626 | PRYSTINE | Programmable Systems for Intelligence in Automobiles | 2018 |
627 | eCAPE | New energy Consumer roles and smart technologies – Actors, Practices and Equality | 2018 |
628 | BroadWay | Innovation activity to develop technologies to enable a pan-European interoperable broadband mobile system for PPDR, validated by sustainable testing facilities | 2018 |
629 | MENTICA | The Middle East Neolithic Transition: Integrated Community Approaches | 2018 |
630 | TopSupra | Engineered Topological Superconductivity in van der Waals Heterostructures | 2018 |
631 | ExQuiSid | Extreme Quantum Matter in Solids | 2018 |
632 | TRANSFORMER | Structural transformations and phase transitions in real-time | 2018 |
633 | TopoGraph | Towards topological hybrid states in graphene | 2018 |
634 | SUPERTED | Thermoelectric detector based on superconductor-ferromagnet heterostructures | 2018 |
635 | SelectiveTGFb-inhib | Pro-tumorigenic effects of TGFb - elucidation of mechanisms and development of selective inhibitors | 2018 |
636 | MOLUSC | Molecules under Light-Matter Strong Coupling | 2018 |
637 | NextGen | Towards a next generation of water systems and services for the circular economy. | 2018 |
638 | AQUA PUR TM | Development and market penetration of an innovative water purification technology for industrial applications | 2018 |
639 | NEOMEDIS | NEOlithic MEDiterranean diet through stable ISotope analysis | 2019 |
640 | ALTOM | Ground-breaking two-phase cooling solution for Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles | 2018 |
641 | GRUNDIUM | The world´s first portable and smart digital microscope scanner for clinical and research use | 2018 |
643 | Xirus | Augmented CAD: next generation of computer-aided design & engineering | 2018 |
644 | KINDOW | KINDOW – Intelligent Sun-tracking for Vertical Blinds | 2018 |
645 | HyLYZER | Industrial electrolyser for large-scale on-site renewable hydrogen production for manufacturing industry | 2018 |
646 | Apollo | Novel electric turbines to power the VTOL drone & aircraft revolution | 2018 |
647 | | The Data Security Platform for Health Application Developers | 2018 |
648 | PureWater | Feasibility study for industrial scale-up of the novel high-efficiency biocompatible and easy-to-operate water treatment membrane. | 2018 |
649 | FeCHACT | Catalytic Csp3-H functionalization via carbene insertion meets sustainability: Developing an unprecedented Iron methodology | 2019 |
650 | V-LAP | A revolutionary direct, daily heart monitoring platform for long-term tailored treatment of Heart Disease patients. | 2018 |
651 | MSCA 2018 | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Beyond 2020 | 2018 |
652 | FREESPACE | Free-space optical transmission links with unprecedented receiver sensitivity | 2018 |
653 | AutoCheMo | Automatic generation of Chemical Models | 2018 |
655 | GLOWING | Spatio-temporal measurement and plasma-based control of crossflow instabilities for drag reduction | 2019 |
656 | ANYON | Engineering and exploring anyonic quantum gases | 2019 |
657 | DIGIMAN4.0 | DIGItal MANufacturing Technologies for Zero-defect Industry 4.0 Production | 2019 |
658 | TESLA | Living on the Edge: Tunable Electronics from Edge Structures in 1D Layered Materials | 2019 |
659 | 5G EVE | 5G European Validation platform for Extensive trials | 2018 |
660 | EUVPLASMA | Laser-driven plasma sources of extreme ultraviolet light for nanolithography | 2019 |
661 | HyGate | Hydrophobic Gating in nanochannels: understanding single channel mechanisms for designing better nanoscale sensors | 2019 |
662 | LiDeNiAc | Ligand Design for Nitrogen Activation | 2018 |
663 | AHEAD | Advanced techniques for quantification and modelling of phase-change processes of renewable fuels and their blends | 2019 |
664 | TerraNova | The European Landscape Learning Initiative: Past and Future Environments and Energy Regimes shaping Policy Tools | 2019 |
665 | MultiBD-CHALLENGE | The Pursuit of Group 13-Group 15 (E13≡E15) Triple Bonds. Their Reactivity and Applications for Materials | 2019 |
666 | LUOS | A platform to boost robotic innovation by enabling fast development cycles, reduced cost and low barrier to entry. | 2018 |
667 | LINKS | Kick-starting global cLimate Investments:uncovering hidden liNks in climate finance and exploring dynamic evolution of investment networKs for policy deSign | 2019 |
668 | ETIP OCEAN 2 | European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy | 2019 |
669 | EMAGIN2D | Electrical control of magnetism in multiferroic 2D materials | 2018 |
670 | UltimateRB | Direct numerical simulations towards ultimate turbulence | 2019 |
671 | Morocco | International Energy Agency Joint Work Programme with the Kingdom of Morocco to support the transition away from to a decarbonized energy system. | 2018 |
672 | ENCOUNTER | Demography, Cultural change, and the Diffusion of Rice and Millet during the Jomon-Yayoi transition in prehistoric Japan | 2019 |
673 | RESIST | Resurrection plants reveal secrets of vegetative desiccation tolerance | 2019 |
674 | INNOVA4TB | Innovation in Tuberculosis | 2019 |
675 | CropBooster-P | Preparatory action to Boost Global Crop Yield for Food & Nutrition Security and fueling a Bioeconomy | 2018 |
676 | POWER4BIO | emPOWERing regional stakeholders for realising the full potential of european BIOeconomy | 2018 |
677 | GECKO | Governance principles and mEthods enabling deCision maKers to manage and regulate the changing mObility systems | 2018 |
678 | RiboLife | Resurrecting LUCA - Engineering of RNA-encoded Cellular Life Using Dual Evolution and Intergenomic Transplantation | 2019 |
679 | RockDEaF | Dynamics of rock deformation at the brittle-plastic transition and the depth of earthquake faulting | 2019 |
680 | MISTRAL | Multi-sectoral approaches to Innovative Skills Training for Renewable energy And sociaL acceptance | 2019 |
681 | PIONEER | Plasma catalysis for CO2 recycling and green chemistry | 2019 |
682 | ICT4CART | ICT Infrastructure for Connected and Automated Road Transport | 2018 |
683 | ReTraCE | Realising the Transition to the Circular Economy: Models, Methods and Applications | 2018 |
684 | Legumes Translated | Translating knowledge for legume-based farming for feed and food systems. | 2018 |
685 | PhoQuS | Photons for Quantum Simulation | 2018 |
686 | AQTION | Advanced quantum computing with trapped ions | 2018 |
687 | HACE | Making wave energy competitive with wind and solar energy | 2018 |
688 | NUTRIMAN | Nutrient Management and Nutrient Recovery Thematic Network | 2018 |
689 | SIMPLIFY | Sonication and Microwave Processing of Material Feedstock | 2018 |
690 | MUSE GRIDS | Multi Utilities Smart Energy GRIDS | 2018 |
691 | RECENT-TO-REMOTE | Remote Memory Consolidation Based on Activity, Connectivity and Stability; Contribution of Neurons and Astrocytes. | 2018 |
692 | ANALYST | EM compatibility ANALYsis Statistical Techniques in aeronautics | 2018 |
693 | IMPACT HAU | The Hau of Finance: Impact Investing and the Globalization of Social and Environmental Sustainability | 2019 |
694 | COMPILE | Integrating community power in energy islands | 2018 |
695 | EULOSAM II | EUropean LOw Speed Aircraft Model at high Reynolds II | 2018 |
696 | BinCola | Evaluation of the Benefits of innovative Concepts of laminar nacelle and HTP installed on a business jet configuration | 2018 |
697 | CALORIC | The Smart Thermostat with Heating Power Adjustment | 2018 |
698 | CityxChange | Positive City ExChange | 2018 |
699 | MAKING-CITY | Energy efficient pathway for the city transformation: enabling a positive future | 2018 |
700 | COSMOLOCALISM | Design Global, Manufacture Local: Assessing the Practices, Innovation, and Sustainability Potential of an Emerging Mode of Production | 2019 |
701 | CriticalMaaS | Concepts, theories and models for planning , operating and evaluating the dynamics of Mobility as a Service | 2019 |
702 | SSFZEP | Support stakeholders in zero emission fossil fuel power plants and energy intensive industry | 2018 |
703 | HY-NANO | HYbrid NANOstructured multi-functional interfaces for stable, efficient and eco-friendly photovoltaic devices | 2019 |
704 | LO-ACT | Low Carbon Action in Ordinary Cities | 2019 |
705 | SYS2WHEEL | Integrated components, systems and architectures for efficient adaption and conversion of commercial vehicle platforms to 3rd generation battery electric vehicles for future CO2-free city logistics | 2019 |
706 | LIGHTMATT-EXPLORER | Experimental determination of the paraxial-vectorial limit of light-matter interactions | 2019 |
707 | COSMHYC XL | COmbined hybrid Solution of Metal HYdride and mechanical Compressors for eXtra Large scale hydrogen refuelling stations | 2019 |
708 | ReSurface | A combined developmental cell biology and tissue engineering approach to repair the articular surface of synovial joints | 2019 |
709 | HERO | Hidden, entangled and resonating orders | 2019 |
710 | DECODER | DEveloper COmpanion for Documented and annotatEd code Reference | 2019 |
711 | DaPhNIs | Role of the Maternal Gut Microbiota in Immune Activation at the Maternal-Foetal Interface: Impact on Preeclampsia and Offspring's Immune Development | 2019 |
712 | NonlinearTopo | Nonlinear Optical and Electrical Phenomena in Topological Semimetals | 2019 |
713 | BIZEOLCAT | Bifunctional Zeolite based Catalysts and Innovative process for Sustainable Hydrocarbon Transformation | 2019 |
714 | AI-MICADIS | Artificial Intelligence System for Multi-Cancer Detection Support | 2019 |
715 | PaCE | Populism And Civic Engagement – a fine-grained, dynamic, context-sensitive and forward-looking response to negative populist tendencies | 2019 |
716 | Flaner | Flaner, a memory enhancement software platform | 2018 |
717 | PRACE-6IP | PRACE 6th Implementation Phase Project | 2019 |
718 | IMMERSE | Integration Mapping of refugee and Migrant Children in Schools and Other Experiential Environments in Europe | 2018 |
719 | HiDALGO | HPC and Big Data Technologies for Global Systems | 2018 |
720 | CIVITAS ELEVATE | CIVITAS ELEVATE - CIVITAS 2020 Coordination and Support Action | 2019 |
721 | HEALFAM | The effects of unemployment on health of family members | 2019 |
722 | Homo.symbiosus | Assessing, preserving and restoring man-microbes symbiosis | 2019 |
724 | MULTIPLY | Municipal peer-to-peer learning in integrating transport, land-use planning and energy policy at district level | 2018 |
725 | MILESTONE | From mineral inclusions in zircon to continents: An in situ isotopic perspective on the evolution of the continental crust, the onset of plate tectonics and the development of a habitable Earth | 2019 |
726 | Mu-MASS | Muonium Laser Spectroscopy | 2019 |
727 | SPECTRACON | Materials Engineering of Integrated Hybrid Spectral Converters for Next Generation Luminescent Solar Devices | 2019 |
728 | LRC | Laser Resonance Chromatography of Superheavy Metals | 2019 |
729 | OXiNEMS | Oxide Nanoelectromechanical Systems for Ultrasensitive and Robust Sensing of Biomagnetic Fields | 2019 |
730 | DIFFOP | Nonlinear Data and Signal Analysis with Diffusion Operators | 2019 |
731 | MIX2FIX | Hybrid, organic-inorganic chalcogenide optoelectronics | 2019 |
732 | UpTEMPO | Ultrafast tunneling microscopy by optical field control of quantum currents | 2019 |
733 | FLEXDYM | FLEXDYM, the material revolution for microfluidics | 2019 |
734 | ME4OER | Mechanism Engineering of the Oxygen Evolution Reaction | 2019 |
735 | ICORDA | Ice CORe DAting tools revisited to infer the dynamic of glacial – interglacial transitions over the last 1.5 million years | 2019 |
736 | SUBSILIENCE | Subsistence and human resilience to sudden climatic events in Europe during MIS3 | 2019 |
737 | LINCHPIN | A platform to LINk between CHemistry and PhysIcs of colloidal Nanomaterials | 2020 |
738 | SYMBeetle | Symbiont-assisted cuticle biosynthesis as a key innovation contributing to the evolutionary success of beetles | 2019 |
739 | Piko | Revealing the adaptive internal organization and dynamics of bacteria and mitochondria | 2019 |
740 | NewHuman | Pathways to humanity: Adaptive niche diversity at the origins of the human lineage | 2019 |
741 | OpticalSpaceLink | Optical link for free space laser communication to satellites. | 2019 |
742 | AWESOME | Airborne Wind Energy System for Off-grid and Mobile End-uses | 2019 |
743 | MLU250 | The Game Changer Two Stage Micro Liquefaction Unit for (Bio) LNG | 2019 |
744 | Pictogram | Pictogram: a Digital Environment for Autism Spectrum Disorder Treatment & Management | 2019 |
745 | 2D4QT | 2D Materials for Quantum Technology | 2019 |
746 | AllergyVAX | Next generation allergen immunotherapy based on specifically modified recombinant hypoallergens | 2018 |
747 | EoCoE-II | Energy Oriented Center of Excellence : toward exascale for energy | 2019 |
749 | SMAGRINET | Smart grid competence hub for boosting research, innovation and educational capacities for energy transition | 2019 |
750 | Solar QUEST | QUalitative Electricity STorage for Solar energy | 2019 |
751 | IntratumoralNiche | Defining heterocellular signalling within the intratumoral stem cell niche of colorectal cancer | 2019 |
752 | EFAICTS | Ergonomic impact and new Functions induced by Active Inceptor integration in CockpiTS | 2018 |
753 | ARISE | African Research and Innovative Initiative for Sickle cell Education: Improving Research Capacity for Service Improvement | 2019 |
754 | Cosmoglobe | Cosmoglobe -- mapping the universe from the Milky Way to the Big Bang | 2019 |
755 | ASSET | A holistic and Scalable Solution for Research, Innovation and Education in Energy Transition | 2019 |
756 | AgePhagy | An integrated high-throughput human cell and Drosophila screening platform for the expedited discovery of anti-ageing compounds | 2019 |
757 | MF 2019 | MANUFUTURE 2019 - Sustainable Smart Manufacturing | 2019 |
758 | ProtonSuite | The most secure collaboration suite in the world | 2019 |
759 | MaGnum | Majorana bound states in Ge/SiGe heterostructures | 2019 |
760 | IMaP | Imaging tumor vessels as a marker for p53 mutation status in cancer | 2020 |
761 | iDAPT | iDAPT: ice Dependent Adaptations for Plant Terrestrialization | 2020 |
762 | PhotoArM | Directed Evolution of Photoredox Powered Artificial Metalloenzymes for Stereodivergent Catalysis | 2019 |
763 | InterPol | Interfacing interacting Rydberg polaritons: From few- to many-body interactions | 2019 |
764 | Sex War-k | GIs and ‘Segnorine’: an Entangled History of Post-war Sex Work (1943-1954) | 2019 |
765 | Open ENTRANCE | Open ENergy TRansition ANalyses for a low-carbon Economy | 2019 |
766 | DiPipe | Direct remote C-H functionalization in piperidine derivatives | 2019 |
767 | RNA-Rep | Repeating cycles of chemically-driven RNA replication within model protocells | 2019 |
768 | PreNeolithicMalaria | Evolutionary history of the sickle cell trait among Central African hunter-gatherers and farmers | 2019 |
769 | RACING | Rapid access to functionalized cyclobutanes via ring expansion strategies | 2019 |
770 | TaPPiNG-EPI | Targeting Purinergic Pathway in drug-resistant epilepsy using human Neurons and Glia. | 2019 |
771 | ECRAID-Plan | European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases (ECRAID) - Business Plan | 2019 |
772 | Desiccation Survival | Discovery of intrinsically disordered sequences conferring desiccation survival | 2019 |
773 | OptoTransport | Light-enabled transport phenomena in van der Waals heterostructures | 2019 |
774 | NICHE | Investigating the Ecology, Composition and Exploitability of Wild Cereal Habitats in Relation to Agricultural Origins in the Near East | 2019 |
775 | E-PILOTS | Evolution of cockPIt operations Levering on cOgnitive compuTing Services | 2019 |
776 | TERASSE | Terahertz Antennas with Self-amplified Spontaneous Emission | 2019 |
777 | NEWCOMERS | New Clean Energy Communities in a Changing European Energy System (NEWCOMERS) | 2019 |
778 | FLEX-RAIL | Paradigm shifts for railway – Technology uptake strategies for a lean, integrated and flexible railway system | 2018 |
779 | STRESS-Mums | Study on TRansition and Exclusion in Society of Single-Mums | 2019 |
780 | PARNANT | Pathogenetic pathways in age-related neurodegenerations as novel therapeutic targets for Parkinson’s disease | 2019 |
781 | ZWIPE | Zwipe is a technology provider that enables ultra-low-power biometric authentication solutions for Financial Services. Mission is to “Make Convenience Secure” for banks, merchants and consumers. | 2019 |
782 | MEDIATOR | MEdiating between Driver and Intelligent Automated Transport systems on Our Roads | 2019 |
783 | i-DREAMS | Safety tolerance zone calculation and interventions for driver-vehicle-environment interactions under challenging conditions | 2019 |
784 | ReVeAL | Regulating Vehicle Access for improved Livability | 2019 |
785 | RICONTRANS | Visual Culture, Piety and Propaganda: Transfer and Reception of Russian Religious Art in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean (16th to early 20th Century) | 2019 |
786 | PAVITRA GANGA | Unlocking wastewater treatment, water re-use and resource recovery opportunities for urban and peri-urban areas in India | 2019 |
787 | ANDLICA | Anderson Localization of Light by Cold Atoms | 2019 |
788 | MinSol-PDEs | Minimal solutions to nonlinear systems of PDEs | 2019 |
789 | SESAME | Sex-specific and multi-generational effects of an optimized diet | 2020 |
790 | STRICt | Sustainable development Transition through Regulation-Induced technological Change | 2020 |
791 | BiREDOX | Bi(III)/Bi(V) Redox Catalysis for Organic Synthesis | 2019 |
792 | Foldmetcat | Bioinspired Catalytic Metallofoldamers | 2019 |
793 | TRANSITIONS | The skeletal effects of historical transitions in lifestyle | 2019 |
794 | INSPIRE | In Situ Probing of transition metal-oxide heteroInterfaces for high-peRformance solid-state Energy devices | 2019 |
795 | TURANDOT | Tunable Radiation Tolerant 2D Terahertz bolometer | 2019 |
796 | TRACER | Smart strategies for the transition in coal intensive regions | 2019 |
797 | PROTOBAC | Engineering of complex protocells by micro-compartmentalization of living bacteria | 2019 |
798 | COMETS | COllective action Models for Energy Transition and Social Innovation | 2019 |
800 | EMAGICS | Atomistic spin dynamics and spectroscopic investigation of spin-induced magnetoelectric multiferroic materials | 2019 |
801 | LONGFLOW | Role of CONSTANS in flower longevity | 2019 |
802 | INTERACTION | resIlieNT EneRgy systems for climAte Change and susTaInable develOpmeNt | 2019 |
803 | OXWALD | 2D Oxide and van der Waals layered devices | 2019 |
804 | SOS-CROPS | Solving the tangled ontogenesis of the stem for sustainable crops | 2019 |
805 | SUMAC | Interplay between High-Temperature Superconductivity, Magnetism and Composition in Doped Cuprates | 2020 |
806 | SELPH2D | Spin Electron-Phonon in 2D materials | 2019 |
807 | CODEV | Co-diversification and co-evolution of human populations and cereals in Africa | 2019 |
808 | PIL | Construction of porous ionic liquids based on coordination cages | 2019 |
809 | LIBED-PDs | Light Induced Bipolar Electrochemical Doping in Perovskite Devices | 2020 |
810 | ARIADNE | Structure and dynamics in active glass-forming liquids | 2019 |
811 | EmbryoPAINT | PAINTing the architecture of the totipotency gene network during early mammalian development | 2020 |
812 | GRISOTO | GRaphene-Interfaced heterostructures for Spin Orbit TOrques | 2020 |
813 | incerta2cortex | Neocortical long-range inhibition for learning and memory | 2020 |
814 | JOLI | Using the jellyfish Clytia hemisphaerica to explore the first steps of meiosis by live-imaging. | 2019 |
815 | ProTOC | Functional Electrical Contacts to Two-Dimensional Materials with Tunable Interfacial Oxides | 2019 |
816 | 2DvdWHs | Layer-by-layer Assembly of Two-dimensional Polymer/ Graphene Heterostructures as Wafer-scale Flexible Opto-electronics | 2019 |
817 | PhotoCatRed | Visible-light-driven Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction to Solar fuels by multinary N-Graphene based Heterostructure Composites | 2019 |
818 | CEED | Circular Economy Entrepreneurship in Denmark | 2019 |
819 | SPELEOTOLIA | Holocene climate reconstructions from western Anatolia based on speleothem data | 2019 |
820 | MUSICA | Origin of Magnetic strUctureS in the ISM obscuring the Cosmic DAwn | 2020 |
821 | ElectroCatFlow | Fluorination of Aryl Halide Compounds under Electrochemical-Flow Conditions | 2019 |
822 | UNI4ST | University education as a driver for sustainability transitions | 2020 |
823 | BIOMOSAIC | From Biopigments to BIOelectronics: MOdelling Semiconducting EumelAnin-based InterfaCes | 2020 |
824 | distalC-Hfun | Transient directing group for catalytic distal C–H functionalisation | 2020 |
825 | SONNET | SOCIAL INNOVATION IN ENERGY TRANSITIONS: Co-creating a rich understanding of the diversity, processes, contributions, success and future potentials of social innovation in the energy sector | 2019 |
826 | 2D_PHOT | Two Dimensional Materials for Photonic Devices | 2020 |
827 | MINT | Multifunctional Immunocompatible NanoTheranostics to modulate tumor microenvironment and improve treatment monitoring: A double blow to pancreatic cancer | 2019 |
828 | SHEALTHY | Non-Thermal physical technologies to preserve fresh and minimally processed fruit and vegetables | 2019 |
829 | TREND | Transition with Resilience for Evolutionary Development | 2019 |
830 | CE2019 | The sustainable transition to a low carbon, climate-resilient circular economy: Creating the knowledge base | 2019 |
831 | COMPACT | COMbined Passive and Active Flow Control Technology Wing | 2019 |
832 | EPISWITCH | Mechanistic basis of nucleation and spreading underlying a Polycomb-mediated epigenetic switch | 2019 |
833 | CERQUTE | Certification of quantum technologies | 2020 |
834 | LABandFAB | Enabling the scalable and cheap production of efficient and stable organic-based photovoltaic technology realized via printing techniques, for electricity generation | 2020 |
835 | 2DMAGICS | Two-dimensional magnetism in correlated systems | 2020 |
836 | ENSMOV | Enhancing the Implementation and Monitoring and Verification practices of Energy Saving Policies under Article 7 of the EED | 2019 |
837 | LOBSTER | Development of Photochemical Strategies for the Generation and Use of Sulfur Radicals in the Assembly of C-S Bonds | 2019 |
838 | INDEXCLIMA | Indian-Atlantic interocean exchange as modulator of global climate | 2019 |
839 | ELECTROSULF | Electrochemical Sulfonylation of Lysine Residues in Continuous Flow Microreactors. | 2019 |
840 | IMPACTS9 | IMplementation Plan for Actions on CCUS Technologies in the SET Plan | 2019 |
841 | PIZERO_NA62 | Study of neutral pion decays at the NA62 experiment at CERN | 2019 |
842 | Sus.Post-Med | Tracking the path of the Agricultural Revolution from England to Continental Europe: changes in pig husbandry from the Late Medieval to Early Modern period as a marker of socio-economic transformation | 2020 |
843 | PHOTALLICA | 1,2-Dicarbofunctionalization of Alkenes by Merging Photoredox and Transition-Metal Catalysis | 2019 |
844 | TWISTM | Strongly correlated phenomena in twisted bilayers of graphene and transition metal dichacogenides | 2020 |
845 | TGL | Transition Governance and Law | 2019 |
846 | NGOST | NGOization of school-to-work transition among Roma youth | 2019 |
847 | X-tendo | eXTENDing the energy performance assessment and certification schemes via a mOdular approach | 2019 |
848 | COMLIB | Communists into Liberals: The Transformation and Demise of the Left as Precursor to the Illiberal Turn in Poland | 2019 |
849 | SANDLINKS | Framing sand sustainability in a telecoupled world | 2019 |
850 | ECO-DEKS | External knowledge sourcing strategies for environmental innovation in the industrial sector of Nigeria | 2019 |
851 | Self-EsteemProcesses | A self-esteem process framework of the transition to work | 2020 |
852 | CitizEE | Scaling up Public Energy Efficiency Investments via Standardising Citizen Financing Schemes | 2019 |
853 | SPARKLE | SPARKLE - Training Europe's Future Photonics Research Leaders | 2019 |
854 | HARNESS | Harnessing experimental evolution of rhizobia for an integrative view of endosymbiosis | 2019 |
855 | Smart-BEEjS | Human-Centric Energy Districts: Smart Value Generation by Building Efficiency and Energy Justice for Sustainable Living | 2019 |
857 | SUMP-PLUS | Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning: Pathways and Links to Urban Systems | 2019 |
858 | SPROUT | Sustainable Policy RespOnse to Urban mobility Transition | 2019 |
859 | HARMONY | Title: Holistic Approach for Providing Spatial & Transport Planning Tools and Evidence to Metropolitan and Regional Authorities to Lead a Sustainable Transition to a New Mobility Era | 2019 |
860 | Beyond EPICA | Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice Core: 1,5 Myr of greenhouse gas – climate feedbacks | 2019 |
861 | FOX | Innovative down-scaled FOod processing in a boX | 2019 |
862 | CIRCuIT | Circular Construction In Regenerative Cities (CIRCuIT) | 2019 |
863 | LOCOMOTION | Low-carbon society: an enhanced modelling tool for the transition to sustainability | 2019 |
864 | VIREVOL | Cells and giant viruses: a win-win co-evolution | 2019 |
866 | 3D | DMX Demonstration in Dunkirk | 2019 |
867 | TACOMA | Towards Application specific tailoring of CarbOn nanoMAterials | 2019 |
868 | SELENe | Strain Engineering of Light-Emitting Nanodomes | 2019 |
869 | CO2RR VALCAT | Valence Band Tuning of Electrocatalysts for the CO2 Reduction Reaction | 2019 |
870 | Triple-A | Enhancing at an Early Stage the Investment Value Chain of Energy Efficiency Projects | 2019 |
871 | LABEL 2020 | New Label driving supply and demand of energy efficient products | 2019 |
872 | SET PLAN ENVE 2019 | SET Plan/ENVE Conference 2019 | 2019 |
873 | UDIGITAL | The Digital Marketplace to empower SMEs for the digital transformation | 2019 |
874 | REGREEN | Fostering nature-based solutions for smart, green and healthy urban transitions in Europe and China | 2019 |
875 | Nanostress | Probing stresses at the nanoscale | 2019 |
876 | Power2Power | The next-generation silicon-based power solutions in mobility, industry and grid for sustainable decarbonisation in the next decade. | 2019 |
877 | PHOTO-WALK | Metal-catalyzed remote functionalization of aliphatic amines and amides triggered by photocatalytic sp3 C-H activation | 2020 |
878 | 2D-QuEST | Chemical Structure, Photo Physics and Emission Control of Single-Photon Emitters in Two-Dimensional Materials | 2019 |
879 | FRC BioEnergetics | Functional dissection of metabolic checkpoints in lymph node fibroblastic reticular cells | 2020 |
881 | TOMORROW | TOwards Multi-stakehOldeRs transition ROadmaps With citizens at the centre | 2019 |
882 | ALTAGRAM4.0 | First One-Stop Video Game Culturalization Management Platform | 2019 |
883 | TriboMetGlass | Thin Film Metallic Glasses for Tribological Applications | 2019 |
884 | COGDEC | Quantifying ageing related cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment | 2019 |
885 | SYZYGY | Syzygies, moduli and topological invariants of groups | 2020 |
886 | FRESCO | FeRroElectric control of Spin-charge interCOnversion | 2020 |
887 | eCARE | Digital solutions supporting continuum of care for frailty prevention in old adults | 2019 |
888 | Cool Wool Box | Lowering the environmental impact of fresh fish logistics | 2019 |
889 | EXPAND II | EXPAND II - Widening participation of countries and stakeholders in JPI Urban Europe through capacity building in urban policy, funding and research | 2019 |
890 | THE GREEN FACTORY | Avant-garde R&D platform and demonstration plant towards efficient industrial biotechnologies | 2019 |
891 | XFLEX | Hydropower Extending Power System Flexibility | 2019 |
892 | HYPOSO | Hydropower solutions for developing and emerging countries | 2019 |
893 | RDS | Artificial Intelligence Powered Fashion Insights and Personal Styling Solutions | 2019 |
894 | PREDICT | The Future of Prediction: The Social Consequences of Algorithmic Forecast in Insurance, Medicine and Policing | 2020 |
895 | ICARUS | Information Content of locAlisation: fRom classical to qUantum Systems | 2020 |
896 | PlatOne | PLATform for Operation of distribution NEtworks | 2019 |
898 | LightCatcher | Scalable energy efficiency modules integrating both energy recovery and passive cooling systems for the solar photovoltaic industry | 2019 |
899 | Modula | The world first industrial full electric actuator to drive the transition to sustainable electric solutions in the manufacturing industry | 2019 |
900 | NEANIAS | Novel EOSC services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater and Space Challenges | 2019 |
901 | EcoFLEXY | Innovative nanocellulose bioplastic film from fruit waste | 2019 |
902 | Smart Tracker | First wearable sensor for real-time monitoring and optimisation of sport training | 2019 |
903 | BatteryCheck | Take the mystery out of battery life. | 2019 |
904 | EUROVA | European Oocyte Biology Research Innovation Training Net | 2019 |
905 | FoodSHIFT2030 | Food System Hubs Innovating towards Fast Transition by 2030 | 2020 |
907 | LASTJOURNEY | The End of the Journey: The Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Colonisation of South America | 2019 |
908 | CYPNASH | Validation of a novel class of cyclophilin inhibitors for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis | 2019 |
909 | PRIMOGAIA | Prepolarized MRI at Earth Field to seek new contrasts linked to molecular events for very early detection of pathologies | 2019 |
910 | BIOEASTsUP | Advancing Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy in Central and Eastern European countries: BIOEASTsUP | 2019 |
911 | Let-it-Bi | Bismuth Redox Catalysis for Sustainable Organic Synthesis | 2020 |
912 | AuDACE | Attosecond Dynamics in Advanced Materials | 2020 |
913 | CONICALM | Chemistry in Optical Nano Cavities: Designing Photonic Reagents and Light-Matter Materials | 2020 |
914 | SGHES | Second-Generation Hybrid Electrolyte Supercapacitor | 2019 |
915 | SPARCs | Sustainable energy Positive & zero cARbon CommunitieS | 2019 |
916 | FARCROSS | FAcilitating Regional CROSS-border Electricity Transmission through Innovation | 2019 |
917 | INTERPRETER | Interoperable tools for an efficient management and effective planning of the electricity grid | 2019 |
918 | SUSINCHAIN | SUStainable INsect CHAIN | 2019 |
919 | POCITYF | A POsitive Energy CITY Transformation Framework | 2019 |
920 | NESOI | New Energy Solutions Optimized for Islands | 2019 |
921 | HITCOMP | High Temperature Characterization and Modelling of Thermoplastic Composites | 2019 |
922 | METACOUSTIC | Computational design and prototyping of acoustic metamaterials for tailored insulation of noise | 2019 |
923 | G125 | A minimally invasive, outpatient treatment for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), resulting in permanent relief from both GERD symptoms and life-long drug dependency | 2019 |
924 | STELLAR | Development of SmarT Eco-friendly anticontamination technologies for LAminaR wings | 2019 |
925 | DEL4ALL | Digital Enhanced Learning for ALL | 2020 |
926 | AUTO-RST | Flexible automated manufacturing of RST Facets: High Performance Solar Reflectors for CSP industry | 2019 |
927 | SCORPION | Strongly CORrelated Polaritons In Optoelectronic Nanostructures | 2020 |
928 | TWISTRONICS | Probing topological valley currents by angular layer alignment in van der Waals heterostructures | 2020 |
929 | Cell-Lasers | Intracellular lasers: Coupling of optical resonances with biological processes | 2020 |
930 | Light-DYNAMO | Light driven hybrid nanocrystal TMDC capacitors | 2020 |
931 | RadSpec | A New Strategy for Vibronic Spectroscopy of Radicals | 2020 |
932 | CriSP | Critical and supercritical percolation | 2020 |
933 | REBOOT | First-in-class implants for bone regeneration surgery after a bone, ligament or tendon injury | 2019 |
934 | A2Miro | A2Miro Solution: a fully automated inspection system by our SensorCopter that reduces WTs downtime | 2019 |
935 | SUMiDENTITY | Deconstructing the role of SUMO on chromatin in cell identity and tissue repair | 2020 |
936 | DEMETER | Eight millennia of changes in domestic plants and animals: understanding local adaptation under socio-economic and climatic fluctuations | 2020 |
937 | IOTI4.0 | Integral Open Technology for Industry 4.0 | 2019 |
938 | PAVIMON | AI for Predictive Maintenance on Wind Turbines | 2019 |
939 | NeurONN | Two-Dimensional Oscillatory Neural Networks for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing | 2020 |
940 | ACTION | Assessing Climate TransItion OptioNs: policy vs impacts | 2020 |
941 | AGRICON | Ancient genomic reconstruction of convergent evolution to agriculture | 2019 |
942 | Nanodink | Quantum Photonic Digital-Ink Solution for Large Format Displays | 2019 |
943 | DecodeDegRNA | Post-transcriptional regulation of RNA degradation in early zebrafish development | 2020 |
944 | DataPorts | A Data Platform for the Cognitive Ports of the Future | 2020 |
946 | SYNERGY | Big Energy Data Value Creation within SYNergetic enERGY-as-a-service Applications through trusted multi-party data sharing over an AI big data analytics marketplace | 2020 |
947 | SafeSpace | Radiation Belt Environmental Indicators for the Safety of Space Assets | 2020 |
948 | ECOLBEH | The Ecology of Collective Behaviour | 2020 |
949 | MESOC | Measuring the Social Dimension of Culture | 2020 |
950 | PAWES | Predictive Analysis on the Worlwide Energy Sector | 2019 |
951 | DigiPharm | Value-based Healthcare Platform Secured with Blockchain Technology | 2019 |
952 | SeCoIIA | Secure Collaborative Intelligent Industrial Assets | 2019 |
953 | MELODY | Membrane-free Low cost high Density RFB | 2020 |
954 | ASTRABAT | All Solid-sTate Reliable BATtery for 2025 | 2020 |
955 | HADRIAN | Holistic Approach for Driver Role Integration and Automation Allocation for European Mobility Needs | 2019 |
956 | SUSTAINABLEMEAT | Addressing the rising global meat demand while protecting the environment: developing Europe’s first competitive “cell-based meat” product | 2019 |
957 | ERIGrid 2.0 | European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid and Smart Energy Systems Research, Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out – Second Edition | 2020 |
958 | ACCORDION | Adaptive edge/cloud compute and network continuum over a heterogeneous sparse edge infrastructure to support nextgen applications | 2020 |
959 | GloPID-R SEC 2 | GloPID-R Secretariat | 2020 |
960 | TWIST | Twisted Perovskites - Control of Spin and Chirality in Highly-luminescent Metal-halide Perovskites | 2020 |
961 | GEOCEP | Global Excellence in Modeling Climate and Energy Policies | 2020 |
962 | PREPARE Ships | PREParE SHIPS - PREdicted Positioning based on Egnss for SHIPS | 2019 |
963 | BeFerroSynaptic | BEOL technology platform based on ferroelectric synaptic devices for advanced neuromorphic processors | 2020 |
964 | DocEnhance | Enhancing skills intelligence and integration into existing PhD programmes by providing transferable skills training through an open online platform | 2020 |
966 | ETC Solarshade | Invisible metal contacts for solar cells – boosting power output while cutting costs | 2019 |
968 | TAPPXSSAI | Development of a system for automatic ad insertion into on-demand streaming video to provide new monetization mechanisms to the media industry | 2019 |
969 | Siklu | Product validation of Software Defined Radio Chip for RRH that supports multiple frequency channels and ranges from Sub-6GHz to millimetre waves (mmWave) | 2019 |
970 | PolyCarbon | Polycentric Carbon Pricing Governance: Cooperation, Contestation and Connectivity | 2020 |
971 | 1-SWARM | Integrated development and operations management framework for cyber-physical systems of systems under the paradigm of swarm intelligence | 2020 |
972 | AI4Cities | AI accelerating Cities transition to carbon neutrality | 2020 |
973 | LONGRUN | Development of efficient and environmental friendly LONG distance powertrain for heavy dUty trucks aNd coaches | 2020 |
974 | TPV 2500 | High performance hydraulic pump for off road mobile equipment | 2020 |
975 | SUPEERA | Support to the coordination of national research and innovation programmes in areas of activities of the European Energy Research Alliance | 2020 |
976 | NewSOC | Next Generation solid oxide fuel cell and electrolysis technology | 2020 |
977 | NanoEP | Enabling Novel Electron-Polariton Physics with Nanophotonic Platforms | 2020 |
978 | REANIMA | New-generation cardiac therapeutic strategies directed to the activation of endogenous regenerative mechanisms | 2020 |
979 | SOLUTIONSplus | Integrated Urban Electric Mobility Solutions in the Context of the Paris Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda | 2020 |
980 | DIGNITY | DIGital traNsport In and for socieTY | 2020 |
981 | EMPOCI | Governing sustainable energy-mobility transitions: multi-level policy mixes, transformative capacities and low-carbon innovations | 2020 |
982 | BECAME | Bimetallic Catalysis for Diverse Methane Functionalization | 2020 |
983 | SECANS | Solar-to-Chemical Energy Conversion with Advanced Nitride Semiconductors | 2020 |
984 | CRITICAL | When Flows Turn Turbulent in the Supercritical Fluid Region | 2020 |
985 | PERTURB | Using periodic orbits to quantitatively describe and control 3D fluid turbulence. | 2020 |
986 | PREP-IBISBA | Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator Preparatory Phase | 2020 |
987 | COLLABS | A COmprehensive cyber-intelligence framework for resilient coLLABorative manufacturing Systems | 2020 |
988 | PURE | Prototyping emerging bio-based products from lignocellulose by zero-waste pathways | 2020 |
989 | HyperCube | HyperCube: Gram scale production of ferrite nanocubes and thermo-responsive polymer coated nanocubes for medical applications and further exploitation in other hyperthermia fields | 2020 |
990 | GyroSCoPe | Geomorphic and Sedimentary responses to Climate Periodicity | 2020 |
992 | ESS-SUSTAIN-2 | Next Steps in Securing the Sustainability of the European Social Survey, European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS-SUSTAIN-2) | 2020 |
993 | EERAdata | Towards a FAIR and open data ecosystem in the low carbon energy research community | 2020 |
994 | ThoriumNuclearClock | Thorium nuclear clocks for fundamental tests of physics | 2020 |
995 | eLTER PPP | eLTER Preparatory Phase Project | 2020 |
996 | EnerMaps | Open Source Tools to Share, Compare, and Reuse Low-Carbon Energy Data | 2020 |
997 | USER-CHI | innovative solutions for USER centric CHarging Infrastructure | 2020 |
998 | ATRONICS | Creating building blocks for atomic-scale electronics | 2020 |
999 | EPN-2024-RI | Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure | 2020 |
1000 | GrapheneCore3 | Graphene Flagship Core Project 3 | 2020 |
1001 | DEEP-MAPS | Deep Earth Mantle Phase Transition Maps: Studied by Time-Resolved Experiments | 2020 |
1002 | SOTMEM | Topological Insulator-Based Spin Orbit Torque MEMories | 2020 |
1003 | NANOVR | Nanoscale Design using Virtual Reality | 2020 |
1004 | ASTRA | ASsembly and phase Transitions of Ribonucleoprotein Aggregates in neurons: from physiology to pathology. | 2020 |
1005 | PeSD-NeSL | Photo-excited State Dynamics and Non-equilibrium States under Laser in Van der Waals Stacked Two-dimensional Materials | 2020 |
1006 | MicroMISTRANS | Error-prone protein synthesis in fungal pathogens Microsporidia: its scope and potential therapeutic targeting | 2020 |
1007 | FuturePowerFlow | Exploiting the full integration potential of fluctuating renewable energies in power grid operation by new predictive technologies | 2020 |
1008 | RENEW | Renewable Energy through New Electrolysis catalysts for Water splitting | 2020 |
1009 | ULTRA-VIOLENCE | Ultras in Portugal: Narratives of Violence, Politics and Gender | 2020 |
1010 | PJ09-W2 DNMS | Digital Network Management Services | 2019 |
1011 | NetriCan | Characterization of the role of netrin-1 in the regulation of the Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition during tumor progression. | 2020 |
1012 | MICRODEV | Microplastics: morphological and genetic developmental effects in a marine invertebrate. | 2021 |
1013 | PICTURING | Post-Industrial Chimneys seen Through Urban Regeneration Imaginaries: toward a Networked GeoHumanities | 2020 |
1014 | 3DFOSSILDIET | Tracing the Ontogenetic Evolution of Diet and Behavior in Neandertals and Anatomically Modern Humans in the Franco-Cantabrian Region. An Integrative study of 3D Tooth Wear Patterns | 2020 |
1015 | MicroTRASH | Microscopic transformations in arable land and shell midden habitation in coastal Northern Europe during the 4th and 3rd Millennium BC | 2021 |
1016 | MXTRONICS | MXene Nanosheets For Future Optoelectronic Devices | 2020 |
1017 | EconCell | Aligned one-dimensional nanostructure electrodes from Electrically Conductive pOrous coordiNation polymer for proton exChange mEmbrane fueL celLs | 2021 |
1018 | CIRCULAR X | Experimenting with Circular Service Business Models | 2020 |
1019 | QuLeeYang | Lee-Yang theory of phase transitions in interacting quantum many-body systems | 2020 |
1020 | SmArtC | Development of a Semi-Artificial Chloroplast | 2020 |
1021 | TMC4MPO | Transition metal carbides as efficient catalysts for methane partial oxidation | 2021 |
1022 | RL-ASTROPRO | Building blocks of the molecular universe: A coordinated laboratory and theoretical study of elemental C2X (X=N, O, Si, S) molecules | 2020 |
1023 | DIMPEL CAT | Diamond and Metal Photo-Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution and Carbon Dioxide Reduction | 2021 |
1025 | 2DTriCat4Energy | 2D Trifunctional Catalysts for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage | 2020 |
1026 | FAIR | Forest transitions in the Anthropocene and their Implications for Restoration values – a global assessment based on remote sensing | 2020 |
1027 | Genesis | Geo-inspired pathways towards nanoparticle-based metastable solids | 2020 |
1028 | A.L.I.B.I. | Helping Children to Make the Best of their Transition to High School | 2020 |
1029 | MaP | Material properties in the strong light-matter coupling regime | 2021 |
1030 | SMILIES | Two-dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides as Charge Transporting Layers for High Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells | 2020 |
1031 | RanMatRanGraCircEl | Random Matrices, Random Graphs and Circular Elements | 2020 |
1032 | SUBLIME | Solid state sUlfide Based LI-MEtal batteries for EV applications | 2020 |
1033 | EscaPI | Exploring the non-genetic (i.e. ePIgenetic) mechanisms that contribute to therapy Escape in melanoma | 2020 |
1034 | FLAMINCO | FLAmeless, affordable & high efficiency MIcro turbine system for sustainable residential COgeneration | 2020 |