The page lists 642 projects related to the topic "contexts".
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1 | GEOFLUIDS | Geometric problems in PDEs with applications to fluid mechanics | 2015 |
2 | SUCCESS | Sustainable Urban Consolidation CentrES for conStruction | 2015 |
3 | AquaSpace | Ecosystem Approach to making Space for Aquaculture | 2015 |
4 | PEGASUS | Public Ecosystem Goods And Services from land management - Unlocking the Synergies | 2015 |
5 | PASS | Preparation for the establishment of a European SST Service provision function | 2014 |
6 | CITYLAB | City Logistics in Living Laboratories | 2015 |
7 | PLATINUM | Papyri and LAtin Texts: INsights and Updated Methodologies.Towards a philological, literary, and historical approach to Latin papyri | 2015 |
8 | FlyContext | Neural processing of context-dependent innate behavior | 2015 |
9 | REPROWORM | Safeguarding Cell Identities: Mechanisms Counteracting Cell Fate Reprogramming | 2015 |
10 | AngioGenesHD | Epistasis analysis of angiogenes with high cellular definition | 2015 |
11 | RGGC | Random Graph Geometry and Convergence | 2015 |
12 | socSMCs | Socialising Sensori-Motor Contingencies | 2015 |
13 | WAVES | Waves and Wave-Based Imaging in Virtual and Experimental Environments | 2015 |
14 | ESMERALDA | Enhancing ecoSysteM sERvices mApping for poLicy and Decision mAking | 2015 |
15 | CRITICS | Critical Transitions in Complex Systems | 2015 |
16 | SUPERSEDE | SUpporting evolution and adaptation of PERsonalized Software by Exploiting contextual Data and End-user feedback | 2015 |
17 | RAGE | Realising an Applied Gaming Eco-system | 2015 |
18 | PERGAMON | PERvasive Serious GAMes suppOrted by Virtual CoachiNg | 2015 |
19 | MAPS-LED | Multidisciplinary Approach to Plan Smart Specialisation Strategies for Local Economic Development | 2015 |
20 | SALEACOM | Overcoming Inequalities in Schools and Learning Communities: Innovative Education for a New Century | 2015 |
21 | GRAGE | Grey and green in Europe: elderly living in urban areas | 2014 |
22 | MOVE | Mapping mobility – pathways, institutions and structural effects of youth mobility in Europe | 2015 |
23 | FIRES | Financial and Institutional Reforms for the Entrepreneurial Society | 2015 |
24 | PARTISPACE | Spaces and Styles of Participation. Formal, non-formal and informal possibilities of young people’s participation in European cities. | 2015 |
25 | SOLIDUS | SOLIDUS: “Solidarity in European societies: empowerment, social justice and citizenship” | 2015 |
26 | YMOBILITY | Youth mobility: maximising opportunities for individuals, labour markets and regions in Europe | 2015 |
27 | EXCEPT | Social Exclusion of Youth in Europe: Cumulative Disadvantage, Coping Strategies, Effective Policies and Transfer | 2015 |
28 | PROIntensAfrica | Towards a long-term Africa-EU partnership to raise sustainable food and nutrition security in Africa | 2015 |
29 | GLASS | Glass, Faience and Food in Late Bronze Age Societies: An Analysis of the Socio-Economics of Urban Industries in Egyptian and Mesopotamian settlements | 2015 |
30 | TARGET | Training Augmented Reality Generalised Environment Toolkit | 2015 |
31 | ACTRIS-2 | Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure | 2015 |
32 | PmSust | The project of Sustainability: the role of Project Management in developing a more sustainable economy and society | 2015 |
33 | Voice Modulation | Faking It: The production, perception, and function of social voice modulation | 2016 |
34 | EUROLIFE | Life histories of the Neolithic Transition: Estimating and modelling European life history events and human fertility rates | 2015 |
35 | RAGES | Molecular determination of Rif1-Associated Genomic Elements and their function in regulating genome activity and integrity | 2016 |
36 | PETITE GUERRE | Experiences and Memories of French and Algerian Veterans. Remembering the 'petite guerre' in the Aurès-Nememcha | 2015 |
37 | REGMat | Rotational effects on strongly gravitating systems with matter | 2015 |
38 | MASIEGE | Multilateral adverse selection in industrial economics and general equilibrium | 2015 |
39 | EcoDA | Experimental co-Design Approaches: Investigating possibilities for creating networks of resilient citizens and civic actions of urban resilience through hybrid platforms | 2015 |
40 | NEW URBAN UNIVERSITY | Situating the New Urban University: Higher Education in an Era of Global Urbanization | 2015 |
41 | CONFINES | Controlling Cell Fate through Smart Nanoheaters | 2015 |
42 | Intentions in Action | Intentions in Action: Establishing the neural causes of intentional action | 2015 |
43 | FUTURESYRIA | Mapping an uncertain future: Social and spatial change in conflicting Syria | 2015 |
44 | MigrWorkers | The Race, Class and Gender of Transnational Urban Labour: Romanian Workers in the Cities of London and NYC | 2015 |
45 | INNOVCITIES | Institutional Innovation for Adapting to Climate Change in Water Governance within Cities | 2015 |
46 | GROUPIND | Collective personalities: from individuals to groups, and back | 2015 |
47 | EMPIREHURIGHTS | Empire and Human Rights: Colonization and Sovereignty in a global Iberian Empire (1580-1640) | 2016 |
48 | ENGAGE | Encouraging Network Generation’s Accountability and Global Engagement | 2015 |
49 | COMOVE | Exploring the impact of social mobilization on cooperation in community-based natural resource management systems: Insights from water conflicts in Spain and Mexico | 2016 |
50 | ReaDoubt | Reasonable Doubt: An epistemological and psychological approach | 2015 |
51 | APOBEC | Enzymatic DNA deamination and the immunity/cancer balance | 2015 |
52 | CortFit | Using reaction norms to identify glucocorticoid phenotypes and their relationship to fitness in individuals of a wild vertebrate. | 2015 |
53 | IMAGUS | Styles of Objectivity: Agency, Alignment, and Automation in Image-Guided Surgery | 2015 |
54 | NMJALS | In vivo analysis of neuromuscular junction stability in zebrafish models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | 2015 |
55 | CMCG | Engaging Urban Youth: Community, Citizenship, and Democracy | 2016 |
56 | CAMP-BIVALENCE | Roma, Gypsies and Travellers' social in/exclusion in European urban camps | 2016 |
57 | REINVEST | Financing Affordable Housing Under Localism | 2015 |
58 | BrainWorkloadReader | Generation of a business plan for the production of a compact and reliable device able to measure in real-time the cerebral workload state of high responsibility operators in the transport domain | 2015 |
59 | WONDANTS | Wonder Ants — A new eco-friendly-innovation solution to persistent invasive ants. | 2015 |
60 | TWORAINS | Winter Rain, Summer Rain: Adaptation, Climate Change, Resilience and the Indus Civilisation | 2015 |
61 | NORTEXCEL2020 | Creating a Centre of Excellence on Medical Devices in the Norte Region to boost RDI excellence | 2015 |
62 | ER_disease | Defining hormonal cross-talk and the role of mutations in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer | 2015 |
63 | VARIKIN | Cultural Evolution of Kinship Diversity: Variation in Language, Cognition, and Social Norms Regarding Family | 2015 |
64 | SECURE | Safety Enables Cooperation in Uncertain Robotic Environments | 2015 |
65 | GREYZONE | Illuminating the 'Grey Zone': Addressing Complex Complicity in Human Rights Violations | 2015 |
66 | INDIMACRO | Individual decisions and macroeconomic robustness | 2015 |
67 | NEGEVBYZ | Crisis on the margins of the Byzantine Empire: A bio-archaeological project on resilience and collapse in early Christian development of the Negev Desert | 2015 |
68 | SPARKS | SPARKS | 2015 |
69 | QUEST | Quantum Algebraic Structures and Models | 2015 |
70 | UnPrEDICT | Uncertainty and Precaution: Environmental Decisions Involving Catastrophic Threats | 2015 |
71 | ReCaM | Rapid Reconfiguration of Flexible Production Systems through Capability-based Adaptation, Auto-configuration and Integrated tools for Production Planning | 2015 |
72 | SHARECITY | SHARECITY: Assessing the practice and sustainability potential of city-based food sharing economies | 2015 |
73 | EVILTONGUE | No Sword Bites So Fiercly as an Evil Tongue?Gossip Wrecks Reputation, but Enhances Cooperation | 2015 |
75 | WEY-CRISP | Well-being among European youth: The contribution of student teacher relationships in the secondary-school population | 2016 |
76 | XPRESS | Exploring mechanisms of gene repression and escape during X-chromosome inactivation | 2015 |
77 | FRESH AIR | Free Respiratory Evaluation and Smoke-exposure reductionby primary Health cAre Integrated gRoups | 2015 |
78 | FEAT | Future and Emerging Art and Technology | 2015 |
79 | MSmed | Mass spectrometric technology for next generation proteomics in systems medicine | 2015 |
80 | L2TOR | Second Language Tutoring using Social Robots | 2016 |
81 | JOS | JOS, the first electrified Energy Surface with high efficiency, high power and high energy savings for the wireless charging of all low voltage devices. | 2015 |
82 | WASABI | Towards the Wider uptake of Arterial Stiffness As a BIomarker for cardiovascular diseases | 2015 |
83 | RAMPup | Robotic Automation Modules for Production | 2016 |
84 | HBMAP | Decoding, Mapping and Designing the Structural Complexity of Hydrogen-Bond Networks: from Water to Proteins to Polymers | 2016 |
85 | HUMO | What is everybody doing? Social prediction, categorization, and monitoring in the Prefrontal Cortex of the Macaque adopting a new human-monkey (H-M) interactive paradigm. | 2016 |
86 | INHERIT | INter-sectoral Health Environment Research for InnovaTions | 2016 |
87 | NEUROVESSEL | Cell-cell interactions at the neurovascular interface | 2016 |
88 | AGILE | Adoptive Gateways for dIverse muLtiple Environments | 2016 |
89 | CRISP | Citizenship, Recovery and Inclusive Society Partnership | 2016 |
90 | MinD | Designing for People with Dementia: designing for mindful self-empowerment and social engagement | 2016 |
91 | PRUV | Preparedness and Resilience to address Urban Vulnerability | 2016 |
92 | COURAGE | Cultural Opposition: Understanding the Cultural Heritage of Dissent in the Former Socialist Countries | 2016 |
93 | SIGN-HUB | The Sign Hub: preserving, researching and fostering the linguistic, historical and cultural heritage of European Deaf signing communities with an integral resource | 2016 |
94 | ArchAIDE | Archaeological Automatic Interpretation and Documentation of cEramics | 2016 |
95 | MATHISIS | Managing Affective-learning THrough Intelligent atoms and Smart InteractionS | 2016 |
96 | YOUNG_ADULLLT | Policies Supporting Young People in their Life Course. A Comparative Perspective of Lifelong Learning and Inclusion in Education and Work in Europe | 2016 |
97 | EduMAP | Adult Education as a Means for Active Participatory Citizenship | 2016 |
98 | COHESIFY | The Impact of Cohesion Policy on EU Identification | 2016 |
99 | UNREST | Unsettling Remembering and Social Cohesion in Transnational Europe | 2016 |
100 | Emergent-BH | Emergent spacetime and maximally spinning black holes | 2016 |
101 | DR-BOB | Demand Response in Block of Buildings | 2016 |
102 | SDDM-TEA | Static and Dynamic Decision Making under Uncertainty: Theory and Applications | 2016 |
103 | GPS-Bat | Foraging Decision Making in the Real World – revealed from a bat’s point of view by on-board miniature sensors | 2016 |
104 | iSAGE | Innovation for Sustainable Sheep and Goat Production in Europe | 2016 |
105 | ZEBRA-VALVE | “Quantitative analysis of the molecular and cellular behaviors associated with cardiac valve morphogenesis in pathological and regenerative contexts” | 2017 |
106 | POSE | Poetics of Statelessness in Twentieth-Century France and Europe | 2016 |
107 | MONTEX | MONKS, NUNS AND TEXTILES: Production, Circulation, and Distribution of Textiles in the Monastic Environment in Egypt (4th-8th Centuries AD) | 2017 |
108 | LPGPU2 | Low-Power Parallel Computing on GPUs 2 | 2016 |
109 | TIMBER | Northern Europe's timber resource - chronology, origin and exploitation | 2016 |
110 | CREWS | Contexts of and Relations between Early Writing Systems | 2016 |
111 | Token Communities | Token Communities in the Ancient Mediterranean | 2016 |
112 | CONTEXTVISION | Visual perception in Context | 2016 |
113 | ApeAttachment | Are social skills determined by early live experiences? | 2016 |
114 | AROMA-CFD | Advanced Reduced Order Methods with Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics | 2016 |
115 | RiboDisc | Discovery of novel orphan riboswitch ligands | 2016 |
116 | TOCNeT | Teaching Old Crypto New Tricks | 2016 |
117 | INSPIRE | INtegrated Support of oPen Innovation pRofessionalization initiative | 2016 |
118 | FACELOOK | Identity Management on Social Media by Diasporic LGBTQs | 2016 |
119 | SCD | Sexual Citizenship and Disability - Implications for Theory, Practice and Policy | 2017 |
120 | INNOVATE | The innovation journey of tourism entrepreneurs: evidence from the UK and Spain and policy implications | 2016 |
121 | AFROEUROPOLITANS | Cosmopolitanism Revisited: Afro-European Mobilities in Contemporary African Diasporic Literatures | 2017 |
122 | EVIDENCITY | Documenting Sarajevo: City and Society During and After the War | 2016 |
123 | Neighbourhood Change | Neighbourhood Change in a Comparative Context: a Social-Mobility Approach | 2016 |
124 | Ex-SPACE | Exploring Social Permeability in Ancient Communities of Europe | 2016 |
125 | SYNERGINFO | Developments on the relevance of SYNERGistic INFOrmation sharing modes | 2017 |
126 | BEWITCHING | BEyond Willpower: InterTemporal CHoice Improved through NudginG | 2016 |
127 | REINVENT | Re-inventory-ing Heritage: Exploring the potential of public participation GIS to capture heritage values and dissonance | 2016 |
128 | STUSOCSTA | Students, social change and the construction of the post-independence Algerian state, 1962-1978 | 2016 |
129 | GRNHairCell | Understanding the Gene Regulatory Network involved inner ear Hair Cell differentiation | 2016 |
130 | eLection | Evaluating the performance of local climate policies in Mexico (2009-2018) | 2017 |
131 | CA1 layers | Contribution of distinct pyramidal cell types in hippocampal area CA1 to episodic memory formation | 2016 |
132 | DAPS | Drone Alarm and Protection System | 2016 |
133 | Dig-For-Arch | Digital Forensic Archaeology | 2017 |
134 | TransposonsReprogram | How retrotransposons remodel the genome during early development and reprogramming | 2016 |
135 | DECOR | Decorative Principles in late Republican and early Imperial Italy | 2016 |
136 | PLANTCULT | Identifying the food cultures of ancient Europe: an interdisciplinary investigation of plant ingredients, culinary transformation and evolution through time | 2016 |
137 | GAP | Gaming for Peace | 2016 |
138 | YOUTHBLOCS | Youth illegal political involvement in an intergenerational perspective | 2016 |
139 | CADENT | Competitive Advantage for the Data-driven ENTerprise | 2016 |
140 | PainDynamics | PainDynamics: Research on the dynamics of attention bias for pain in daily life. | 2016 |
141 | GenderJust | Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and the Political Economy of Gender Justice: Discursive Power, Authority and the Subaltern | 2017 |
142 | GROUNDHR | Challenges of Grounding Universal Human Rights. Indigenous epistemologies of human rights and intercultural dialogue in consultation processes on natural resource exploitation | 2016 |
143 | Endogenous_Info | Financial Decision Making with Endogenous Information Acquisition | 2016 |
144 | Urban_Wins | Urban metabolism accounts for building Waste management Innovative Networks and Strategies | 2016 |
145 | DAFNE | DAFNE: Use of a Decision-Analytic Framework to explore the water-energy-food NExus in complex and trans-boundary water resources systems of fast growing developing countries. | 2016 |
146 | INTERWOVEN | Collecting, Displaying and Understanding Textiles in Decorative Arts Museums: Comparative Approaches in London and Madrid. | 2016 |
147 | MobileKids | Children in multi-local post-separation families | 2016 |
148 | PAThs | Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature. Literary Texts in their Geographical Context: Production, Copying, Usage, Dissemination and Storage | 2016 |
149 | IsImAg | Isis, Images and Agency. The Creation, Use and Perception of Religious Iconography Concerning the Egyptian Gods in the Hellenistic and Roman Worlds | 2017 |
150 | SmARTS | Smart technology for analysis and monitoring of Cultural Heritage materials | 2016 |
151 | RRI-Practice | Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice | 2016 |
152 | EFFORTI | Evaluation Framework for Promoting Gender Equality in Research and Innovation | 2016 |
153 | DySoMa | The Dynamics of Solidarity on Madagascar: An Ethnography of Political Conflicts and Appeasement Strategies in the Context of a Pronounced Consens Norm | 2016 |
154 | ROUFER | Eighteenth-century republicanism and the critique of commercial society: the case of Rousseau and Ferguson | 2017 |
155 | REFORMED | Reforming Schools Globally: A Multi-Scalar Analysis of Autonomy and Accountability Policies in the Education Sector | 2016 |
156 | PORTIS | PORT-Cities: Integrating Sustainability | 2016 |
157 | CUBETTO | New CUBic shElter concepT TO foster living responses | 2016 |
158 | SFS | Situating Free Speech: European parrhesias in comparative perspective | 2016 |
159 | PhotoCloth | PhotoCloth: A framework to synthesize real-time photorealistic cloth animation from video input. | 2016 |
160 | MARCAN | Topographically-driven meteoric groundwater – An important geomorphic agent | 2017 |
161 | DomEQUAL | A Global Approach to Paid Domestic Work and Social Inequalities | 2016 |
162 | Film Tourism | Worlds of Imagination. A Comparative Study of Film Tourism in India, Brazil, Jamaica, South Korea and the United Kingdom. | 2016 |
163 | MiLifeStatus | Migrant Life Course and Legal Status Transition | 2016 |
164 | PERMIDES | Personsalised Medicine Innovation through Digital Enterprise Solutions | 2016 |
165 | BARRIERS | The evolution of barriers to gene exchange | 2016 |
166 | BM | Becoming Muslim: Conversion to Islam and Islamisation in Eastern Ethiopia | 2016 |
167 | ChromADICT | Chromatin Adaptations through Interactions of Chaperones in Time | 2016 |
168 | INDUCE | The Innovation, Dispersal and Use of Ceramics in NW Eurasia | 2016 |
169 | SMALLDIS | The impact of small-scale disaster events: an exploration of disaster related losses, extensive risk management and learning at the institutional and community level in Italy | 2016 |
170 | StartInnShop | StartInnShop - Startup Innovation goes to market | 2016 |
171 | OurMythicalChildhood | Our Mythical Childhood... The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to Regional and Global Challenges | 2016 |
172 | PrivatePieties | Private Pieties, Mundane Islam and New Forms of Muslim Religiosity: Impact on Contemporary Social and Political Dynamics | 2016 |
173 | MetCogCon | Metacognition of Concepts | 2016 |
174 | IN-TOUCH | IN-TOUCH: Digital Touch and Communication | 2016 |
175 | INCLUDE | Indigenous Communities, Land Use and Tropical Deforestation | 2016 |
176 | TransMID | Translational and Transdisciplinary research in Modeling Infectious Diseases | 2016 |
177 | GEOFIN | Western banks in Eastern Europe: New geographies of financialisation | 2016 |
178 | BRIDAS | Brillouin Distributed sensor for Aeronautical Structures | 2016 |
179 | THERMOS | THERMOS (Thermal Energy Resource Modelling and Optimisation System) | 2016 |
180 | RELOCAL | Resituating the local in cohesion and territorial development | 2016 |
181 | INSPIRE | Towards growth for business by flexible processing in customer-driven value chains | 2016 |
182 | VINCAT | A Unified Approach to Redox-Neutral C-C Couplings: Exploiting Vinyl Cation Rearrangements | 2017 |
183 | AtmoHealth | A pan-national collaborative analytics platform for the exploration and improvement of population health | 2016 |
184 | SaferAfrica | Innovating dialogue and problems appraisal for a safer Africa | 2016 |
185 | ISOTIS | Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society | 2017 |
187 | FAMEC | Forensic Architecture: The Media Environments of Conflict | 2016 |
188 | POLEMIG | Being a politically active emigrant. The political structuring of the French and Italians abroad: a comparative analysis of mobile citizens | 2017 |
189 | ECHOES | Energy CHOices supporting the Energy union and the Set-plan | 2016 |
190 | CERERE | CEreal REnaissance in Rural Europe: embedding diversity in organic and low-input food systems | 2016 |
191 | INLIFE | Incubate a New Learning and Inspiration Framework for Education | 2016 |
192 | SCOOP4C | Stakeholder community for once-only principle: Reducing administrative burden for citizens | 2016 |
193 | SOCIALENERGY | A Gaming and Social Network Platform for Evolving Energy Markets’ Operation and Educating Virtual Energy Communities | 2017 |
194 | ARDITO | Access to rights data via identification technologies optimisation | 2017 |
195 | iMuSciCA | Interactive Music Science Collaborative Activities | 2017 |
196 | Ps2Share | Participation, Privacy and Power in the Sharing Economy | 2017 |
198 | REFILLS | Robotics Enabling Fully-Integrated Logistics Lines for Supermarkets | 2017 |
199 | T2S | Transformations to Sustainability | 2017 |
200 | REINVENT | Realising Innovation in Transitions for Decarbonisation | 2016 |
201 | Nature4Cities | Nature Based Solutions for re-naturing cities: knowledge diffusion and decision support platform through new collaborative models | 2016 |
202 | PEGASUS | The makeup of the modern horse: a history of the biological changes introduced by human management | 2016 |
203 | InStance | Intentional stance for social attunement | 2017 |
204 | TechEvo | Technology Evolution in Regional Economies | 2017 |
205 | MIMESIS | A novel systems biology approach to develop preclinical assets from innovative drug discovery starting points inspired by viruses | 2016 |
206 | UAV-Fuvex | UAV-Fuvex Blue Growth | 2016 |
207 | MilkTeeth | MilkTeeth: a biogeochemical investigation of ancient weaning and dairy Milk consumption using human Teeth | 2016 |
208 | SOCIALBOND | Social integration and boundary making in adolescence | 2017 |
209 | OPTINT | OPTINT: Optimization-based Design of Interactive Technologies | 2017 |
210 | MNeuronic | A Mnemonic system based on stimulation-free Neuroimaging | 2017 |
211 | BeingL_S | Being Lean and Seen: Meeting the challenges of delivering projects successfully in the 21st century | 2017 |
212 | CO-LAB | Improving collaborative working between correctional and mental health services | 2017 |
213 | EDUHEALTH | Educating for Equitable Health Outcomes- the Promise of School Health and Physical Education | 2017 |
214 | ImpleMentAll | Towards evidence-based tailored implementation strategies for eHealth | 2017 |
215 | STRENGTHS | Fostering responsive mental health systems in the Syrian refugee crisis | 2017 |
216 | SPICES | Scaling-up Packages of Interventions for Cardiovascular disease prevention in selected sites in Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa: An implementation research (SPICES Project) | 2017 |
217 | Perform 2 scale | Strengthening management at district level to support the achievement of Universal Health Coverage (PERFORM2scale) | 2017 |
218 | HPHS | The History and Politics of Human Shields | 2018 |
219 | GRETPOL | Greening the Poles: Science, the Environment, and the Creation of the Modern Arctic and Antarctic | 2017 |
220 | RECAP preterm | RECAP preterm: Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm | 2017 |
221 | CO-CREATION | The Cohesive City: Addressing Stigmatisation in Disadvantaged Urban Neighbourhoods | 2017 |
222 | TransIt | Translating science in the long Italian Eighteenth-Century. The role of translators and publishers as “cultural mediators” (1760-1790s) | 2017 |
223 | MODMAT | Nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory: From models to materials | 2017 |
224 | MEXRES | Restoration and Faith: practicing religion and conservation in Mexico's historic churches | 2016 |
225 | RoSTBiDFramework | Optimised Framework based on Rough Set Theory for Big Data Pre-processing in Certain and Imprecise Contexts | 2017 |
226 | Speedingrisk | Applying risk communication strategies to reduce speeding-related risks | 2017 |
227 | OWidgets | Design of a new non-existing layer of information delivery through smell | 2017 |
228 | PROSANCT | Bombs, Banks and Sanctions: A Sociology of the Transnational Legal Field of Nuclear Nonproliferation | 2017 |
229 | SWORD | Security Without Obscurity for Reliable Devices | 2017 |
230 | CIC | Context, Identity and Choice: Understanding the constraints on women's career decisions | 2017 |
231 | JUSTAM | Justice, Morality, and the State in Amazonia | 2017 |
232 | TSH | The Spirited Horse: Human-equid relations in the Bronze Age Near East | 2017 |
233 | SARCOM | Selection for antimicrobial resistance in a complex community context | 2017 |
235 | SHADOWS | SHADOWS: Tackling Undeclared Work in the European Union | 2017 |
236 | REPCAT | The Role of the Ethnic Majority in Integration Processes: Attitudes and Practices towards Immigrants in Catalan Institutions | 2018 |
237 | Mobilising Archives | Mobilising Archives: photography in Southwest Angola | 2017 |
238 | MIGWEB | A Comparative Diachronic Analysis of Post-Byzantine Networks in the Early-modern Europe (15th-18th c.) | 2017 |
239 | TeenEduGoals | Adolescents’ education transitions: Multiple insights into the process dynamics of goal-construction and youth actions over time | 2017 |
240 | ENDANGEREDHORSES | Conservation genomics of endangered indigenous European horse breeds | 2017 |
241 | OCEANURB | the unseen spaces of extended urbanization in the North Sea | 2017 |
242 | MobileDeaf | Deaf mobilities across international borders: Visualising intersectionality and translanguaging | 2017 |
243 | OWNERS | ‘This country is ours’: Collective psychological OWNERShip and ethnic attitudes | 2017 |
244 | MindSElS | Resilience, Mindfulness and Medication Safety with Electronic Systems | 2018 |
245 | HRMN | Human Rights, Memorialization and Nationalism | 2017 |
246 | Basquesmith | Ironworking technology and social complexity of rural comunities during the Early Medieval Ages | 2017 |
247 | ISEBI | Individual Specialisation in Established Biological Invasions: importance and Ecological Impact | 2017 |
248 | BROAD | Learning to bracket broadly | 2017 |
249 | Apricale | The impact of literary translation funding on the transnational mobility of minor European literatures. | 2017 |
250 | ILBIB | Ireland and Late-Georgian British Imaginings of Belonging: With Particular Reference to William Wordsworth | 2017 |
251 | TRAVELLING SOUNDS | Travelling Sounds: A cultural analysis of sonic artefacts in postcolonial Europe | 2018 |
253 | EPISTEMEBEHAVIOUR | Behaviour, knowledge, policy. The philosophy of science perspective on the applications of the behavioural sciences in policymaking. | 2018 |
254 | CC4M | Innovation through co-creation in contemporary mining relations: a new paradigm for stakeholder engagement at resource extraction project | 2017 |
255 | Cleansing Water | Water and Baptism in Old English Poetry | 2017 |
256 | URBANiTE | Post-crisis urban governance transformations in Southern Europe: a comparativist approach | 2017 |
257 | TETRASTYLON | Definition, analysis and interpretation of a new typology of the Roman House: The TetrastyleCourtyard House, a domus with a hybrid cultural conception sheltered by a global civilization ofAntiquity | 2018 |
258 | TIMEGG | TIMING FERTILIY- A Comparative Analysis of Time Constructions and the Social Practice of Egg-Freezing in Germany and Israel | 2018 |
259 | NEURO_NMD | Functional impact of alternative splicing coupled to nonsense-mediated decay in developing neurons | 2017 |
260 | Demeco | Default meanings in compound interpretation | 2017 |
261 | SDD | Spirits of Displacement and Diaspora | 2017 |
262 | INTIMAL | Interfaces for Relational Listening: body, telematics, memory, migration | 2017 |
263 | INTERESTS | Lost in Transition? Multiple Interests in Contexts of Education, Leisure and Work | 2017 |
264 | SENSIS | The Senses of Islam: A Cultural History of Perception in the Muslim World | 2017 |
265 | ShakespeareIndia | Shakespeare and Indian Cinematic Traditions | 2018 |
266 | RUSNAT | Russian Nationalism and the Ukraine Crisis: The Impact of Nationalist Actors on Russian Foreign Policy | 2017 |
267 | NOSUDEP | A Wearable Electronics Approach To Reduce Mortality in Epilepsy | 2017 |
268 | NEUROABSTRACTION | Abstraction and Generalisation in Human Decision-Making | 2017 |
269 | PROFILE | How should automated profiling be regulated? | 2018 |
270 | UNCERTAINPOWER | Uncertain Power: Representing the king in the Portuguese empire (1640-1750) | 2017 |
271 | ONCOGENEVOL | The evolutionary history of oncogenic and non-oncogenic papillomaviruses | 2017 |
272 | BilProcess | French-English bilinguals' processing of morphosyntactic structures: the case of cross-linguistic transfer | 2017 |
273 | Lawforms | Forms of Law in the Early Modern Persianate World, 17th-19th centuries | 2017 |
274 | VIRTUE | Wealth, Virtue and Social Justice in Contemporary Tibet | 2017 |
275 | IoMUT | The Internet of Musical Things - An ecosystem of interoperable devices connecting performers and audiences | 2017 |
276 | PATECH | Public Administration and Technology | 2017 |
277 | DiaDev | Investigating the Design and Use of Diagnostic Devices in Global Health | 2017 |
278 | COHSMO (Former Hans Thor Andersen) | Inequality, urbanization and Territorial Cohesion: Developing the European Social Model of economic growth and democratic capacity (COSHMO) | 2017 |
280 | METACHROM | Establishment and maintenance of gene expression by heterochromatin factors | 2017 |
281 | MINDb4ACT | Mapping, IdentifyiNg and Developing skills and opportunities in operating environments to co-create innovative, ethical and effective ACTions to tackle radicalization leading to violent extremism | 2017 |
282 | SAYSO | Standardisation of situational Awareness sYstems to Strengthen Operations in civil protection | 2017 |
283 | MAP | Mapping Ancient Polytheisms Cult Epithets as an Interface between Religious Systems and Human Agency | 2017 |
284 | TransQ | Mass, heat and spin transport in interlinked quantum gases | 2017 |
285 | H-E Interactions | Increasingly Anthropogenic Landscapes and the Evolution of Plant-Food Production: Human - Environment Interactions during the Final Pleistocene and Early Holocene in the Levant. | 2017 |
286 | PeOPLE | Personal Ornaments in the Palaeolithic of Europe | 2018 |
287 | WorldlyMatter | Worldly Matter: The Materials of Conceptual Art | 2017 |
288 | LIVESEED | Improve performance of organic agriculture by boosting organic seed and plant breeding efforts across Europe | 2017 |
289 | VALUMICS | Understanding food value chains and network dynamics | 2017 |
290 | CLARITY | Integrated Climate Adaptation Service Tools for Improving Resilience Measure Efficiency | 2017 |
291 | MegaMaRt2 | MegaModelling at Runtime - scalable model-based framework for continuous development and runtime validation of complex systems. | 2017 |
292 | MDDS | Mechanism Design for Data Science | 2017 |
293 | PATHS | The Paths of International Law: Stability and Change in the International Legal Order | 2017 |
294 | SystGeneEdit | Dissecting quantitative traits and their underlying genetic interactions via systematic genome editing | 2017 |
295 | Voices of Belonging | Voices of Belonging: Minority Identities, Language and Education in the Netherlands | 2017 |
296 | POLITICO | Political Concepts in the World | 2018 |
297 | Gestoos | The first Behavior Recognition Open Platform | 2017 |
298 | GENDER NET Plus | ERA-NET Cofund Promoting Gender Equality in H2020 and the ERA | 2017 |
299 | POLITICS | The politics of anti-racism in Europe and Latin America: knowledge production, decision-making and collective struggles | 2017 |
300 | SMARTSOUND | Pre-Commercialisation of Sound Recognition for Surveillance Applications | 2017 |
301 | CAPITA | CAPITA: Child Abuse Prevention International Training and Access | 2017 |
302 | TRANSFORM | Transforming Gender Justice for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: The Gender Justice Prototype Framework for Analysis and Action | 2017 |
303 | EnergySequence | Building data scientist to help us dive deep into the very large amount structured time series data pertaining to building energy use | 2017 |
304 | X5gon | X5gon: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network | 2017 |
305 | Hyper360 | Enriching 360 media with 3D storytelling and personalisation elements | 2017 |
306 | VIRIDIS MIST | A toxin-free, food-safe, autonomous mobile misting disinfection system that eradicates pathogenswithin 5 minutes and gives residual protection for 24 hours reducing the need for water and antibiotics | 2017 |
307 | Rural Riches | Rural Riches. The bottom-up development of Post-Roman Northwestern Europe (450-640) | 2017 |
308 | TelMetab | Telomere metabolism in Genome Stability and Disease | 2017 |
309 | EarlyModernCosmology | Institutions and Metaphysics of Cosmology in the Epistemic Networks of Seventeenth-Century Europe | 2017 |
310 | GeoViSense | GeoViSense: Towards a transdisciplinary human sensor science of human visuo-spatial decision making with geographic information displays | 2017 |
311 | BAM | Becoming A Minority | 2017 |
312 | WEGO | Well-being, Ecology, Gender, and cOmmunity | 2018 |
313 | WinWind | Winning social acceptance for wind energy in wind energy scarce regions | 2017 |
314 | CRESTING | CiRcular Economy: SusTainability Implications and guidING progress | 2018 |
315 | ImmerSAFE | Immersive Visual Technologies for Safety-critical Applications | 2018 |
316 | KNOX | Cost advantageous and scalable drone alarm and protection system for urban contexts | 2017 |
317 | MIP-Frontiers | New Frontiers in Music Information Processing | 2018 |
318 | NOESIS | NOvel Decision Support tool for Evaluating Strategic Big Data investments in Transport and Intelligent Mobility Services | 2017 |
319 | Photoclin | Advanced clinical photoacoustic imaging systems based on optical microresonator detection | 2017 |
320 | GEM | Generalised Entropy Models for Spatial Choices | 2017 |
321 | ENTPAR | Entangled Parliamentarisms: Constitutional Practices in Russia, Ukraine, China and Mongolia, 1905–2005 | 2018 |
322 | HiCoS | Higher Co-dimension Singularities: Minimal Surfaces and the Thin Obstacle Problem | 2018 |
323 | EPIDIVERSE | Epigenetic Diversity in Ecology | 2017 |
324 | MOTION | Mobile Technology for Infant Social-Cognitive Neuroscience: Interdisciplinary Training Network for Innovative Infancy Research | 2018 |
325 | BENEFFICE | Energy Behaviour Change driven by plug-and-play-and-forget ICT and Business Models focusing on complementary currency for Energy Efficiency for the Wider Population | 2017 |
326 | INCLUSION | Towards more accessIble and iNCLUSIve mObility solutions for EuropeaN prioritised areas | 2017 |
327 | ECHOES | European Colonial Heritage Modalities in Entangled Cities | 2018 |
328 | InsSciDE | Inventing a Shared Science Diplomacy for Europe | 2017 |
329 | CRIMTANG | Criminal Entanglements.A new ethnographic approach to transnational organised crime. | 2018 |
330 | MESG | Past and Present Musical Encounters across the Strait of Gibraltar | 2018 |
331 | CORFRONMAT | Correlated frontiers of many-body quantum mathematics and condensed matter physics | 2018 |
332 | SWAMP | Smart Water Management Platform | 2017 |
333 | HORNEAST | Horn and Crescent. Connections, Mobility and Exchange between the Horn of Africa and the Middle East in the Middle Ages | 2017 |
334 | FAITh | Fighting Anxiety with Importin-based Therapeutics | 2017 |
335 | ECOLANG | Ecological Language: A multimodal approach to language and the brain | 2018 |
337 | ENGICOIN | Engineered microbial factories for CO2 exploitation in an integrated waste treatment platform | 2018 |
338 | CoSIE | Co-creation of service innovation in Europe | 2017 |
339 | SIRIUS | Skills and Integration of Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Applicants in European Labour Markets | 2018 |
340 | SciRoc | European Robotics League plus Smart Cities Robot Competitions | 2018 |
341 | PARTNERS | Tracking and evaluating social relations and potential partners in infancy | 2018 |
342 | MANANDNATURE | Man and Nature in Developing Countries | 2017 |
343 | RefugeesWellSchool | Preventive school-based interventions to promote the mental well-being of refugee and migrant adolescents | 2018 |
344 | COMPAR-EU | Comparing effectiveness of self-management interventions in 4 high priority chronic diseases in Europe | 2018 |
345 | BOOST | Building social and emotional skills to BOOST mental health resilience in children and young people in Europe | 2018 |
346 | PLASREVOLUTION | Understanding the evolution of plasmid-mediated antibiotic resistance in real life scenarios | 2018 |
347 | HEFT | Hidden Emissions of Forest Transitions: GHG effects of socio-metabolic processes reducingpressures on forests | 2018 |
348 | GLO | Refiguring Conservation in/for 'the Anthropocene': The Global Lives of the Orangutan | 2018 |
349 | TissueLymphoContexts | Tissue-resident Lymphocytes: Development and Function in “real-life” Contexts | 2018 |
350 | SCHOOLPOL | The Transformation of Post-War Education: Causes and Effects | 2018 |
351 | GlobalLIT | GLOBAL LITERARY THEORY | 2018 |
352 | BETLIV | Returning to a Better Place: The (Re)assessment of the ‘Good Life’ in Times of Crisis | 2018 |
353 | CatDT | Categorified Donaldson-Thomas Theory | 2017 |
354 | SPEME | Questioning Traumatic Heritage: Spaces of Memory in Europe, Argentina, Colombia | 2018 |
355 | COLING | Minority Languages, Major Opportunities. Collaborative Research, Community Engagement and Innovative Educational Tools | 2018 |
356 | SAUCE | Smart Asset re-Use in Creative Environments | 2018 |
357 | FotoInMotion | Repurposing and enriching images for immersive storytelling through smart digital tools | 2018 |
358 | AirBorne | AerIal RoBotic technologies for professiOnal seaRch aNd rescuE | 2018 |
359 | CAPE | Ghosts from the past: Consequences of Adolescent Peer Experiences across social contexts and generations | 2018 |
360 | BETWEEN THE TIMES | “Between the Times”: Embattled Temporalities and Political Imagination in Interwar Europe | 2018 |
361 | UNIVERSAL HEALTH | Engaged Universals: Ethnographic explorations of ‘Universal Health Coverage’ and the public good in Africa | 2018 |
362 | MEL-Interactions | An integrative approach for the exploration of melanoma genetic and immunological interactions | 2018 |
363 | NewtonStrat | Newton strata - geometry and representations | 2018 |
364 | THE FALL | The Fall of 1200BC: The role of migration and conflict in social crises at end of the Bronze Age in South-eastern Europe | 2018 |
365 | EnvironmetrY | Environmental Urban Monitoring System | 2018 |
366 | Skypull | Harnessing the power of high altitude winds - the biggest energy resource yet unexploited by humankind | 2017 |
367 | CAPABLE | Enhancing Capabilities? Rethinking Work-life Policies and their Impact from a New Perspective | 2018 |
368 | DeCode | Dendrites and memory: role of dendritic spikes in information coding by hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons | 2018 |
369 | AHEAD | A Human and Environmental history of the Atacama Desert: understanding ecological and archaeological interactions in arid areas of South America | 2018 |
370 | SINCERE | Spurring INnovations for Forest ECosystem SERvices in Europe | 2018 |
371 | WoMoGeS | Women’s movements and gestational surrogacy: engaging, debating and policy making | 2018 |
372 | FULFIL | Fulfilling the Law: Medieval Intellectuals and the Christian Making of Jewish Identity | 2018 |
373 | REMIX | Effects of rewiring microexons (REMIX) on tissue-specific signaling networks | 2018 |
374 | MarginScapes | Long-term land use and water management strategies in arid margin landscapes | 2018 |
375 | LEADERPROFILE | Assessing positive and destructive leadership on multiple dimensions: How to better understand and improve the behaviour of the people who lead us. | 2018 |
376 | MultiPic | Language-Affect Interface in Parent-Infant Communication | 2019 |
377 | EuroDag | The first European daggers: Function, meaning, and social significance | 2019 |
378 | CLAMOR | environmental Conflicts through the Lens of Artwork and Multimedia in waterscape transfORrmations | 2018 |
379 | CoM_n_Play-Science | Learning science the fun and creative way: coding, making, and play as vehicles for informal science learning in the 21st century | 2018 |
380 | CoMoRoC | Comic Motifs in Romances of Chivalry of Spanish Golden Age | 2018 |
381 | CONSYN | Contextualizing biomolecular circuit models for synthetic biology | 2018 |
382 | cureCD | Function of long non-coding RNA in Crohn Disease Ulcer Pathogenesis | 2018 |
383 | DetEdIn | Micro-, Meso-, and Macro-Level Determinants of Educational Inequalities: An Interdisciplinary Approach | 2018 |
384 | DIVA | Boosting innovative DIgitech Value chains for Agrofood, forestry and environment | 2018 |
385 | EATing more | Enhancing Engulfment of Apoptotic cells: basic biology to Therapy | 2018 |
386 | EmorphProject | Reconstructing habitat type and mobility patterns of Rangifer tarandus during the Late Pleistocene in Southwestern France: an ecomorphological study. | 2018 |
387 | PLATFORM | Competition and Regulation of Platform Markets | 2018 |
388 | SMARTEES | Social innovation Modelling Approaches to Realizing Transition to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability | 2018 |
389 | Urban Sharing | Urban Sharing: Sustainability and Institutionalisation Pathways | 2018 |
390 | SpaceLaw | Law, Governance and Space: Questioning the Foundations of the Republican Tradition | 2018 |
391 | RURALIMAGINATIONS | Imagining the Rural in a Globalizing World | 2018 |
392 | CCI | Cutting Crime Impact – Practice-based innovation in preventing, investigating and mitigating high-impact petty crime | 2018 |
393 | WaSH-UPP | Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in sub-Saharan Africa: Understanding Policy and Practice | 2018 |
394 | IMMIGINTEGR | The Role of the Welfare State in the Integration of Immigrants: Comparative Analysis of Latino Communities in Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States | 2018 |
395 | Genealogical thought | Genealogical Thinking in Nietzsche's Wake (19th-21st Centuries) | 2019 |
396 | VOICEs | Controversies in Childbirth: from Epistemology to Practices | 2018 |
397 | LIV.IN | LIVING INNOVATION - Implementing RRI through co-creation of smart futures with industry and citizens | 2018 |
398 | GOTaM Cities | GOTaM Cities - Geography Of Talents in Metropolitan Cities | 2019 |
399 | MEET | Multidisciplinary and multi-context demonstration of EGS exploration and Exploitation Techniques and potentials | 2018 |
400 | VEHICULA | VEhicles as High-status Indicators in the CUlture of Late Antiquity | 2018 |
401 | VolThinSens | VolThinSens. Challenging societal needs involving ions detection: New strategies for the development of Voltammetry ion Sensors based on Thin membranes | 2018 |
402 | MARIA | Marian Apocryphal Representations in Art: From Hagiographic Collections to Church Space and Liturgy in Fourteenth-to-Sixteenth-Century France | 2018 |
403 | ARTDEL | The Art of Deleting: A Study of Erasure Poetry, Practices of Control, Surveillance, and Censorship | 2018 |
404 | WeLearnAtScale | Understanding and Supporting Peer Feedback at Massive Learning Scale | 2018 |
405 | AirSens | High-Accuracy Indoor Tracking and Augmented Sensing using Swarms of UAVs | 2018 |
406 | STRoNA | Spatio-Temporal Representation on Neuromorphic Architecture | 2018 |
407 | Readers as Observers | The construction of readers as (co-)observers in multimodal novels. Radical reader engagement in the visual age | 2018 |
408 | Humanist Marxism | “The Humanist Marxist Tradition”: The Humanist Legacy of Marx’s 1844 Manuscripts | 2018 |
409 | ArcticLabourTime | Investing in the Arctic: the affective and temporal contradictions of work, mobility and inequality in northern peripheries | 2018 |
410 | STRIAVISE | How the striatum contributes to visual-selection | 2018 |
411 | MIGREMOV | Movements, Migration and Emotion: East/West Mobility, Transnational Bonding, and Political Identities in Polish Activists' Biographies | 2018 |
412 | SiBaToGA | The influence of stress in the bones and teeth of great apes | 2018 |
413 | VOLCANOWAVES | State of unrest of active VOLCANOes through advanced seismic WAVES analysis - An application to eruption forecast modelling. | 2018 |
414 | EpiTFeb | Deciphering the Transcriptional Logic of TFEB activation in cell identity and cancer | 2018 |
415 | SEU-FER | Southern Europe and low fertility: micro and macro determinants of a crucial demographic and cultural revolution | 2018 |
416 | SASC | Synergies in the Acquisition of Syntactic Categories | 2018 |
417 | GeoFodder | The scale and significance of early animal husbandry in SW Europe: development of aninterdisciplinary high-resolution approach to the investigation of livestock diets and herding practices. | 2019 |
418 | NeuroPred | Identification of different neuro-cognitive mechanisms of prediction in language comprehension | 2019 |
419 | WiiGO | An autonomous, self-driven robot system to improve the mobility and integration of people, creating a more equal and accessible society | 2018 |
420 | BRESOV | Breeding for Resilient, Efficient and Sustainable Organic Vegetable production | 2018 |
421 | LIFT | Low-Input Farming and Territories - Integrating knowledge for improving ecosystem-based farming | 2018 |
422 | UNISECO | Understanding and improving the sustainability of agro-ecological farming systems in the EU | 2018 |
423 | MEISTER | Mobility Environmentally-friendly, Integrated and economically Sustainable Through innovative Electromobility Recharging infrastructure and new business models | 2018 |
424 | Park4SUMP | Actions demonstrate how Park4SUMP will lead to achieve sustainable transport in urban areas by strategically integrating innovative parking management solutions into SUMP policies. | 2018 |
425 | CityChangerCargoBike | CityChangerCargoBike | 2018 |
426 | Handshake | Enabling the transferability of cycling innovations and assessment of its implications | 2018 |
427 | INSCRIBE | INvention of SCRIpts and their BEginnings | 2018 |
428 | HEY BABY | Helping Empower Youth Brought up in Adversity with their Babies and Young children | 2019 |
429 | DEBATE | Debate: Innovation as Performance in Late-Medieval Universities | 2018 |
430 | EdiCitNet | Edible Cities Network Integrating Edible City Solutions for social resilient and sustainably productive cities | 2018 |
431 | MaCoTech | Material counting technologies in numerical cognition | 2018 |
432 | HisTochText | History of the Tocharian Texts of the Pelliot Collection | 2018 |
433 | ArcNames | Individuals, social identities and archetypes – the oldest Scandinavian personal names in an archaeological light | 2019 |
434 | GENHIS-AFRICA | Rethinking African Gender Histories: Time, Change, and the Deeper Past in Northern Mozambique | 2019 |
435 | CO-CREATE | Confronting Obesity: Co-creating policy with youth | 2018 |
436 | SWEET | Sweeteners and sweetness enhancers: Impact on health, obesity, safety and sustainability | 2018 |
437 | ISLAM-OPHOB-ISM | Nativism, Islamophobism and Islamism in the Age of Populism: Culturalisation and Religionisation of what is Social, Economic and Political in Europe | 2019 |
438 | PRECRIME | Self-assessment Oracles for Anticipatory Testing | 2019 |
439 | AeroArch | Fostering Knowledge and Applications of New Aerogel Superinsulation in Architecture and Construction | 2018 |
440 | EVERYWH2ERE | Making hydrogen affordable to sustainably operate Everywhere in European cities | 2018 |
441 | NoVaMigra | Norms and Values in the European Migration and Refugee Crisis | 2018 |
442 | POMOC | Charles IV and the power of marvellous objects | 2019 |
443 | BrokenGenome | Breaking and rebuilding the genome: mechanistic rules for the dangerous game of sex. | 2019 |
444 | WINK | Women's Invisible Ink: Trans-Genre Writing and the Gendering of Intellectual Value in Early Modernity | 2019 |
445 | REMIND | Renewable Energies for Water Treatment and REuse in Mining Industries | 2018 |
446 | FAIRshare | FAIRshare. Farm Advisory digital Innovation tools Realised and Shared | 2018 |
447 | MIGPACT | The impact of neighbourhoods, peers and families on psychiatric disorders, substance usedisorders and crime in first- and second-generation immigrants | 2018 |
448 | MISTRAL | Multi-sectoral approaches to Innovative Skills Training for Renewable energy And sociaL acceptance | 2019 |
449 | EllipticPDE | Regularity and singularities in elliptic PDE's: beyond monotonicity formulas | 2019 |
450 | ACT | Communities of PrACTice for Accelerating Gender Equality and Institutional Change in Research and Innovation across Europe | 2018 |
451 | SHIVADHARMA | Translocal Identities. The Åšivadharma and the Making of Regional Religious Traditions in Premodern South Asia | 2018 |
452 | FluidKnowledge | How evaluation shapes ocean science. A multi-scale ethnography of fluid knowledge. | 2019 |
453 | VALUEWASTE | Unlocking new VALUE from urban bioWASTE | 2018 |
454 | CAFYR | Constructing Age for Young Readers | 2019 |
455 | MUSE GRIDS | Multi Utilities Smart Energy GRIDS | 2018 |
456 | PASSIM | Patristic sermons in the Middle Ages. The dissemination, manipulation and interpretation of late-antique sermons in the medieval Latin West | 2019 |
457 | POTION | Promoting social interaction through emotional body odours | 2019 |
458 | EMBEDDIA | Cross-Lingual Embeddings for Less-Represented Languages in European News Media | 2019 |
460 | NADINE | digital iNtegrAteD system for the socIal support of migraNts and refugEes | 2018 |
461 | GANGS | Gangs, Gangsters, and Ganglands: Towards a Global Comparative Ethnography | 2019 |
462 | RUSTRANS | The Dark Side of Translation: 20th and 21st Century Translation from Russian as a Political Phenomenon in the UK, Ireland, and the USA | 2019 |
463 | BIOUNCERTAINTY | Deep uncertainties in bioethics: genetic research, preventive medicine, reproductive decisions | 2019 |
464 | CHILD-UP | Children Hybrid Integration: Learning Dialogue as a way of Upgrading Policies of Participation | 2019 |
465 | MeaningfulMobility | Meaningful Mobility: a novel approach to movement within and between places in later life | 2019 |
466 | ABRSEIST | Antibiotic Resistance: Socio-Economic Determinants and the Role of Information and Salience in Treatment Choice | 2019 |
467 | RIVERS | Water/human rights beyond the human?Indigenous water ontologies, plurilegal encounters and interlegal translation | 2019 |
468 | LO-ACT | Low Carbon Action in Ordinary Cities | 2019 |
469 | SCUBY | SCale Up an integrated care package for diaBetes and hYpertension for vulnerable people in Cambodia, Slovenia and Belgium | 2019 |
470 | FatiguEvoPro | Quasistatic evolution problems for material failure due to fatigue | 2019 |
471 | ENGAGES | Next generation algorithms for grabbing and exploiting symmetry | 2019 |
472 | EXPLO | Exploring the dynamics and causes of prehistoric land use change in the cradle of European farming | 2019 |
473 | CLD | China, Law, and Development | 2019 |
474 | iGame | Multi-dimensional Intervention Support Architecture for Gamified eHealth and mHealth Products | 2019 |
475 | URBANA | Urban Arena for sustainable and equitable solutions | 2019 |
477 | MEUS | Multi-Religious Encounters in Urban Settings | 2019 |
478 | DONORS | Who gives life? Understanding, explaining and predicting donor behaviour | 2019 |
479 | POAB | The Psychology of Administrative Burden | 2019 |
480 | AncientAdhesives | Ancient Adhesives - A window on prehistoric technological complexity | 2019 |
481 | WelfareStruggles | Welfare for Migrant Factory Workers: Moral Struggles and Politics of Care under Market Socialism | 2019 |
482 | WEIRD WITNESSES | Beyond WEIRD Witnesses: Eyewitness Memory in Cross-Cultural Contexts | 2019 |
483 | DHARMA | The Domestication of ‘Hindu’ Asceticism and the Religious Making of South and Southeast Asia | 2019 |
484 | EuQu | The European Qur'an. Islamic Scripture in European Culture and Religion 1150-1850 | 2019 |
485 | METABODY | METABODY: Body Metacognition, Mentalization and Metamorphosis | 2019 |
486 | CAPTURE | CApturing Paradata for documenTing data creation and Use for the REsearch of the future | 2019 |
487 | OPENFLUX | Societal openness, normative flux, and the social modification of heritability | 2019 |
488 | DigitalValues | The Construction of Values in Digital Spheres | 2019 |
489 | AFRISCREENWORLDS | African Screen Worlds: Decolonising Film and Screen Studies | 2019 |
490 | SYMBeetle | Symbiont-assisted cuticle biosynthesis as a key innovation contributing to the evolutionary success of beetles | 2019 |
491 | iLIVE | Living well, dying well. A research programme to support living until the end | 2019 |
492 | IMAGINE | Geographical imaginations and the (geo)politics of volcanic risk: cultures, knowledges, actions | 2019 |
493 | BioDisOrder | Order and Disorder at the Surface of Biological Membranes. | 2019 |
494 | CINECA | Common Infrastructure for National Cohorts in Europe, Canada, and Africa | 2019 |
495 | Oncogenic PI3-kinase | New biology of oncogenic PI 3-kinase | 2019 |
496 | ArCarib | Archaeology of Informal Maritime Commerce in the Colonial Caribbean | 2019 |
497 | E-Waste Challenge | Tackling the Electronic Waste Challenge in Emerging Economies | 2019 |
498 | CIRICC | Complicity: Individual Responsibility in Collective Contexts | 2019 |
499 | INTEGRITY | INTEGRITY: empowering students through evidence-based, scaffolded learning of Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) | 2019 |
500 | High Risk Leadership | High Risk Leadership in Latin America: Women's Pursuit of Gender Justice in Violent Contexts | 2020 |
501 | Humane AI | Toward AI Systems That Augment and Empower Humans by Understanding Us, our Society and the World Around Us | 2019 |
502 | SICILYWAR | Culture Heritage in Danger: Archaeology and Communities in Sicily during the Second World War (1940–45) | 2019 |
503 | MacrophInt | Targeting integrin signaling in tumour-associated macrophages to combat cancer progression and resistance | 2019 |
504 | LUBARTWORLD | Migration and Holocaust: Transnational Trajectories of Lubartow Jews Across the World (1920s-1950s) | 2019 |
505 | MOCHA | Understanding and leveraging ‘moments of change’ for pro-environmental behaviour shifts | 2019 |
506 | DIVLAW | How God Became a Lawgiver: The Place of the Torah in Ancient Near Eastern Legal History | 2020 |
507 | PROMINENT | Solar prominences: unraveling the ultimate condensation catastrophe | 2019 |
508 | CLEFNI | The choral life in the cities of Bern and Fribourg in the long nineteenth century | 2019 |
509 | CLaQS | Correlations in Large Quantum Systems | 2019 |
510 | NucSat | Satellites and nuclear information. Production, communication and reception of nuclear-related information generated with satellites. | 2019 |
511 | Finite Memory | Finite Memory and Dynamic Decision Problems | 2020 |
512 | HeBo | Healthcare at the Borders: Managing Camps and Informal Settlements for Refugees and Migrants | 2020 |
513 | COMBGEOREP | Combinatorial and geometric methods in representation theory | 2019 |
514 | IRIOA | Interactions between reversible and irreversible Operator Algebras. | 2019 |
515 | PlantSoilGradients | Plant-soil feedback and local adaptation along soil fertility gradients | 2020 |
516 | EndoReproTox | Embodied Ecologies: An Ethnographic Study of Reproductive Toxicity, Infertility, Endometriosis and Delayed Childbearing | 2019 |
517 | EuroDipl | European Diplomacy Practices post-Lisbon: Adding Value through Cooperation | 2020 |
518 | EEURSOCFEM | The Intellectual Heritage of Feminist Political Thought during Early State Socialism. The Cases of the GDR, Hungary and Yugoslavia | 2019 |
519 | IPG_CORE | Looking for the Impersonal Core -- Impersonal Pronouns across Germanic languages | 2019 |
520 | YOUTH-HOME | Migrant male youth home-making in Ireland | 2019 |
521 | B-GOOD | Giving Beekeeping Guidance by cOmputatiOnal-assisted Decision making | 2019 |
522 | SACRASEC | Sacralizing Security: Religion, Violence and Authority in Mega-Cities of the Global South | 2019 |
523 | RememberEx | Human Subcortical-Cortical Circuit Dynamics for Remembering the Exceptional | 2019 |
524 | AGRUMIG | ‘Leaving something behind’ - Migration governance and agricultural & rural change in ‘home’ communities: comparative experience from Europe, Asia and Africa | 2019 |
525 | TREND | Transition with Resilience for Evolutionary Development | 2019 |
526 | contactVIRT | Intergroup Contact in Virtual Reality: Comparative Effects of Two Contact Strategies on Reducing Prejudice and Increasing Trust Between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland | 2019 |
527 | CRITICAL-CHAINS | IOT- & Blockchain-Enabled Security Framework for New Generation Critical Cyber-Physical Systems In Finance Sector | 2019 |
528 | iProcureSecurity | Strategic Partnership of Emergency Medical Service Practitioners for Coordination of Innovation Procurement | 2019 |
529 | RegRNA | Mechanistic principles of regulation by small RNAs | 2019 |
530 | WomInPubS | The modes and outcomes of interaction of (im) mobile Kurdish women with public space: a cross-cultural comparative study of different urban contexts | 2019 |
531 | ALGOCERT | Devising certifiable and explainable algorithms for verification and planning in cyber-physical systems | 2019 |
532 | DGLC | Domain-general language control: Evidence from the switching paradigm | 2019 |
533 | InterTJRPB | The Interplay between Transitional Justice and Reconciliation in Peacebuilding | 2019 |
534 | SHINE | The impact of the socio-economic crisis on student well-being and happiness in Greece and Cyprus | 2019 |
535 | TRR | Exploring Tribal Representation across American Indian-produced radio in US Reservation and Urban Contexts | 2019 |
536 | CosmopolitanCare | On the frontiers of public health. Care for refugee sex workers in Paris as a case of internationalization of cities. | 2019 |
537 | PHOTOMECHANICS | Photomechanical printing in Europe in the mid-19th century: History, theory, visual culture, science and the international network in the 1840s-1860s | 2019 |
538 | VINCI | The Value of Information and Choice to Improve Control. | 2020 |
539 | ASSESSnet | Language assessment in virtual mobility initiatives at tertiary level – teachers’ beliefs, practices and perceptions | 2019 |
540 | JDIL | Joint Dynamics During Infant Learning | 2020 |
541 | YouthExistInTourism | Youth negotiation of tourism-based employment in Goa and Lisbon | 2019 |
542 | CONSOLE | CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry | 2019 |
543 | ROADMAP | Rethinking Of Antimicrobial Decision-systems in the Management of Animal Production | 2019 |
544 | RURALIZATION | The opening of rural areas to renew rural generations, jobs and farms | 2019 |
545 | DWC | - Leading urban water management to its digital future | 2019 |
546 | ARCH | Advancing Resilience of Historic Areas against Climate-related and other Hazards | 2019 |
547 | AMAREC | Amenability, Approximation and Reconstruction | 2019 |
548 | VIAMEDIAITALICA | The Scholar, the Jurist, the Priest: Moderation on the Italian Peninsula, 1700-1750 | 2020 |
549 | SMERUPOL | Analysing Politicisation around Sports Mega Events (SME) in contemporary Russia | 2020 |
550 | EDULIBERA | Education as an instrument for liberation in Mozambique and Timor-Leste — histories of solidarity and contemporary reflections | 2019 |
551 | Human Jigsaw | The Human Jigsaw: Matching articulating skeletal elements from mass burials | 2019 |
552 | UniMind | SaaS platform applying Artificial Intelligence and collaborative learning to the automation of Machine Vision-based manufacturing processes | 2019 |
554 | HYSOTIB | Global dynamics of hydro-sociality in river heritage landscapes of the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau. | 2020 |
555 | CNM-MOVES | Consensual Non-Monogamies and Social Movements: A Comparative Study of Activism in Portugal and the UK | 2019 |
556 | PRECIOUS | Making and wearing semi-PRECIOUS stone beads in the Near East and the Nile Valley during the Neolithic: A biographical perspective and microwear approach | 2020 |
557 | ZES | opportunity Zones for innovation EcosystemS governance | 2019 |
558 | lanloss | Landscapes of Loss: Mapping the Affective Experience of Deforestation Among Diverse Social Groups in the South American Chaco | 2020 |
559 | DUEL | Fighting with Words: Poetic Duelling and its Performance across the Mediterranean | 2019 |
560 | MAU | Making Africa Urban: The transcalar politics of large-scale urban development | 2019 |
561 | ON-MERRIT | Observing and Negating Matthew Effects in Responsible Research and Innovation Transition | 2019 |
562 | EERAdata | Data-driven decision-support to increase energy efficiency through renovation in European building stock. | 2019 |
563 | Minor Universality | Minor Universality. Narrative World Productions After Western Universalism | 2019 |
564 | REsPecTMe | Resolving Precariousness: Advancing the Theory and Measurement of Precariousness across the paid/unpaid work continuum | 2019 |
565 | SharingGains | Sharing Gains from Trade: Global Markets and Farmers Welfare in Developing Countries | 2019 |
566 | FoodE | Food Systems in European Cities | 2020 |
567 | CULTURAL-E | Climate and cultural based design and market valuable technology solutions for Plus Energy Houses | 2019 |
568 | CIPHER | CIPHER: Hip Hop Interpellation (Le Conseil International pour Hip Hop et Recherche / The International Council for Hip Hop Studies) | 2019 |
569 | DigiJourney | Digital transformation journey for SMEs | 2019 |
570 | ImpAct Agencies | Impact Actions for social innovation agencies | 2019 |
571 | NeuSoSen | Neural Computations Underlying Social Behavior in Complex Sensory Environments | 2020 |
572 | NEWAVE | Next Water Governance | 2019 |
574 | i2connect | Connecting advisers to boost interactive innovation in agriculture and forestry | 2019 |
575 | OASyS | Overall Air Transport System Vehicle Scenarios | 2019 |
576 | RRUSHES-5 | Commodity & land rushes and regimes: Reshaping five spheres of global social life | 2019 |
577 | EPIMP | Epistemic Utility for Imprecise Probability | 2020 |
578 | NanoEX | Nanoextraction, separation and detection of micropollutants in one single and simple step | 2019 |
579 | MUSICOL | The Sound of Empire in 20th-c. Colonial Cultures: Rethinking History through Music | 2019 |
580 | TiNT | Titles of the New Testament: A New Approach to Manuscripts and the History of Interpretation | 2020 |
581 | TRANSLATING MEMORIES | Translating Memories: The Eastern European Past in the Global Arena | 2020 |
582 | DEMETER | Eight millennia of changes in domestic plants and animals: understanding local adaptation under socio-economic and climatic fluctuations | 2020 |
583 | CORE | CORE - Children Online: Research and Evidence. A knowledge base on children and youth in the digital world | 2020 |
584 | EMOTIONACCULTURATION | Emotional Acculturation: Emotions as Gateways to Minority Inclusion | 2020 |
585 | EM4FIT | Entrepreneurial Management for Fostering Innovation and Talents | 2020 |
586 | CoachingRituals | Coaching as a social ritual: acting on people in a liberal-individualistic society (parenting, education, mental health care) | 2020 |
587 | DecodeDegRNA | Post-transcriptional regulation of RNA degradation in early zebrafish development | 2020 |
588 | CreaTures | Creative Practices for Transformational Futures | 2020 |
589 | WELCOME | Multiple Intelligent Conversation Agent Services for Reception, Management and Integration of Third Country Nationals in the EU | 2020 |
590 | ENRIITC | European Network of Research Infrastructures & IndusTry for Collaboration | 2020 |
591 | PAVE | Preventing and Addressing Violent Extremism through Community Resilience in the Balkans and MENA | 2020 |
592 | ARTIS | Art and Research on Transformations of Individuals and Societies | 2020 |
593 | ETHNA System | Ethics Governance System for RRI in Higher Education, Funding and Research Centres | 2020 |
594 | CHAMELEONS | Championing A Multi-Sectoral Education and Learning Experience to Open New Pathways for Doctoral Students | 2020 |
595 | ParCos | Participatory Communication of Science | 2020 |
596 | PRO-Ethics | Participatory Real Life Experiments in Research and Innovation Funding Organisations on Ethics | 2020 |
597 | FogProtect | Protecting Sensitive Data in the Computing Continuum | 2020 |
598 | LAWHA | Lebanon's Art World at Home and Abroad: Trajectories of artists and artworks in/from Lebanon since 1943 | 2020 |
599 | CONNEKT | CONtexts of extremism iN mEna and balKan socieTies | 2020 |
600 | ENDofLIFE | Globalizing Palliative Care? A Multi-sited Ethnographic Study of Practices, Policies and Discourses of Care at the End of Life | 2020 |
601 | EduSelect | Edu*Select: Developing a Commercial Platform to Deliver Teacher Selection Tools | 2019 |
602 | IMPACT DIABETES B2B | Implementation Action to prevent Diabetes from Bump 2 Baby (IMPACT DIABETES B2B): a low-resource system of care intervention for appropriate gestational weight gain and improved postnatal outcomes | 2020 |
603 | EpigeneticScars | Understanding DSB repair from pathway choice to long term effects and their consequences. | 2020 |
604 | BRAINTIME | Molecular atlas of the brain across the human lifespan | 2020 |
605 | Reexen | Ultra-low cost & ultra-high efficiency AI processor for enabling fast and cost-effective deployment of edge-computing applications | 2020 |
606 | OrgMIGRANT | How Work Organizations Shape Ethnic Stratification across Immigrant Generations: Assimilation, Segregation, and Workplace Contexts | 2020 |
607 | CONBOTS | CONnected through roBOTS: physically coupling humans to boost handwriting and music learning | 2020 |
608 | DIGNITY | DIGital traNsport In and for socieTY | 2020 |
609 | IC2PerMed | Integrating China in the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine | 2020 |
610 | AtlanticExiles | Refugees and Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1770s-1820s | 2020 |
612 | MIMIc | Malleability in mediated ideals: A paradigm to understand effects of contemporary media in adolescents’ well-being | 2020 |
613 | PACT | Populism and Conspiracy Theory | 2020 |
614 | RNAVirFitness | The dark side of evolution: the deleterious mutational landscape of RNA viruses | 2020 |
615 | LOSS | Narratives of Loss: Unravelling the Origins of Support for Socially Conservative Political Agendas | 2020 |
616 | USER-CHI | innovative solutions for USER centric CHarging Infrastructure | 2020 |
617 | AUTONORMS | Transforming Norms Research through Practices: Weaponised Artificial Intelligence, Norms, and Order | 2020 |
618 | CHANGE | CHANGE. The development of the monetary economy of ancient Anatolia, c. 630-30 BC. | 2020 |
619 | CLEAN | Clean evidence on dirty deeds | 2020 |
620 | ISICD | Exploring the identity construction of IS members through linguistic markers in online discourse | 2020 |
621 | EduWell | Education and Wellbeing of Youths in Secondary Schools: A Comparative Analysis of Teaching Styles and Happiness in Japan, France, and Finland | 2021 |
622 | DEVCOM | The Developing Communicator: Pragmatics, Sense Conventions and Non-Literal Uses of Language | 2020 |
623 | AMI | Animals Make identities. The Social Bioarchaeology of Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic Cemeteries in North-East Europe | 2020 |
624 | INPUT | Investigating Proxies for Understanding Trajectories: Heritage Language Maintenance and Child Second Language Acquisition in Refugee Contexts | 2020 |
625 | SUFISM | Contemporary Sufi spirituality of the middle classes - global forms and regional peculiarities | 2021 |
626 | ULTRA-VIOLENCE | Ultras in Portugal: Narratives of Violence, Politics and Gender | 2020 |
627 | CLOSER | Bringing Cognitive Linguistics and Language Teaching Closer Together | 2020 |
628 | TecWell | Digital Technology Use and Teen Wellbeing in Context: An Ethnographic Investigation | 2021 |
629 | LiTechAe | Lithic Technology, Social Agency and Cultural Interaction in the Bronze Age Aegean. Percussive stone tools related to stone masonry techniques seen through experimentation and use-wear analysis. | 2020 |
630 | UViMCA | Utility and Usership in Virtual Museums of Contemporary Art | 2020 |
631 | NATIONAL-SUBJECTS | Nation – Power – Subjectivity: The Making of National Subjects in Late Medieval Bohemia and Brabant (1300-1450) | 2020 |
632 | LiVE | Living with Vultures in the Sixth Extinction: An Ethnographic Study of Avian Conservation in Changing European Landscapes | 2020 |
633 | COVADIS | Deciphering the Code of Value Signals in the Human Brain | 2020 |
634 | SWEET | The sweetest gender: feminine subjectivities and the gendering of sweets in Barcelona (1650-1800) | 2020 |
635 | CYBERGEN | Negotiating gender across online and offline social spaces. A study of cyber-mediated gendered norms, practices and aspirations among women of Moroccan and Turkish descent in France and Germany. | 2021 |
636 | CHALLENGES | Real time nano CHAracterization reLatEd techNloGiEeS | 2020 |
637 | APOCRYPHA | Storyworlds in Transition: Coptic Apocrypha in Changing Contexts in the Byzantine and Early Islamic Periods | 2020 |
638 | ERITNet | English Republican Ideas and Translation Networks in Early Modern Germany, c 1640-1848 | 2020 |
639 | SandMan | Shapes and Meaning. The matt-painted pottery of the North-Lucanian district: culture, identity, symbols and Gender. An interdisciplinary study of a local community in Southern Italy. | 2021 |
640 | PiQ | Poverty in the Qur’Än: Medieval Islamic Interpretations and Uses | 2020 |
641 | SECULAR | The Secularization Theorem in the Long Nineteenth Century | 2020 |
642 | IDENTIS | Identity-scapes of Sardinia: productivity, burials, and social relationships of AD 100-600 west-central Sardinia | 2020 |