Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Athens technology center sa"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 PAPYRUS Cultural and Historical Digital Libraries dynamically mined from News Archives 2008 2˙952˙364.00 2˙200˙000.00
2 SERVIVE SERVice Oriented Intelligent Value Adding nEtwork for Clothing-SMEs embarking in Mass-Customisation 2008 4˙739˙382.00 3˙449˙679.00
3 SYNC3 Synergetic Content Creation and Communication 2009 4˙480˙596.00 3˙100˙000.00
4 MICRO-DRESS Customised Wearable Functionality and Eco-Materials – Extending the limits of Apparel Mass customisation 2010 4˙011˙482.00 2˙875˙549.00
5 CROSSOVER Bridging Communities for Next Generation Policy-Making 2011 487˙979.00 473˙315.00

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