# | ||||
1 | E-SPONDER A holistic approach towards the development of the first responder of the future | 2010 | 12˙542˙904.00 | 8˙790˙044.00 |
2 | PPDR-TC Public Protection and Disaster Relief – Transformation Center | 2013 | 3˙940˙692.00 | 2˙890˙684.00 |
3 | EVACUATE "A holistic, scenario-independent, situation-awareness and guidance system for sustaining the Active Evacuation Route for large crowds." | 2013 | 13˙135˙530.00 | 8˙583˙311.00 |
4 | SME E-COMPASS E-COMmerce Proficient Analytics in Security and Sales for SMEs | 2014 | 2˙405˙051.00 | 1˙679˙700.00 |
5 | ZONESEC Towards a EU framework for the security of Widezones | 2014 | 14˙163˙695.00 | 9˙262˙731.00 |
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