# | ||||
1 | EST EST: The large aperture European Solar Telescope | 2008 | 6˙782˙318.00 | 3˙200˙000.00 |
2 | X-RAY BINARIES Determining the system parameters of low mass X-ray binaries | 2009 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
3 | RELATIVISTIC JETS Defining a new research topic in astrophysics: Rapidly changing magnetic fields as the missing link to the physics of relativistic jets | 2011 | 168˙065.00 | 168˙065.00 |
4 | SPIA Magnetic connectivity through the Solar Partially Ionized Atmosphere | 2012 | 969˙600.00 | 969˙600.00 |
5 | DAGAL Detailed Anatomy of Galaxies | 2012 | 2˙633˙423.00 | 2˙633˙423.00 |
6 | SOLARNET High-Resolution Solar Physics Network | 2013 | 8˙199˙361.00 | 6˙000˙000.00 |
7 | MASFIPRO The three-dimensional Magnetic Structure of solar Filaments and Prominences | 2014 | 173˙370.00 | 173˙370.00 |
8 | FEEDING & HIDING AGN Feeding and hiding the monster: triggering and obscuring the central engine of active galaxies | 2014 | 166˙336.00 | 166˙336.00 |
L'Ente instituto de astrofisica de canarias partecipato anche in questi progetti.