# | ||||
1 | ASPSYNC Unravelling mechanisms controlling asperities synchronization and triggering mega-earthquakes: insights from analog experiments and subduction zone earthquake statistics | 2016 | 185˙076.00 | 185˙076.00 |
2 | AMINE_REMOVAL Removing of biogenic amines of the wine by selective adsorption on functionalized porous solids | 2016 | 173˙076.00 | 173˙076.00 |
3 | SIFRM Semantic Indexing of French Biomedical Data Resources - mobility | 2016 | 264˙668.00 | 264˙668.00 |
4 | IMAGEINLIFE Training European Experts in Multilevel Bioimaging, Analysis and Modelling of Vertebrate Development and Disease | 2017 | 3˙562˙028.00 | 3˙562˙028.00 |
5 | VIPS Venomics In Predator-prey Systems | 2017 | 185˙076.00 | 185˙076.00 |
6 | GLOPACK Granting society with LOw environmental impact innovative PACKaging | 2018 | 6˙658˙650.00 | 5˙560˙785.00 |
7 | DERSYMPAPP Derived Symplectic Geometry and Applications | 2018 | 1˙385˙247.00 | 1˙385˙247.00 |
8 | ALLOGPCR Allosteric modulation of G-protein Coupled Receptors conformational landscape | 2018 | 246˙668.00 | 246˙668.00 |
9 | DOMES Exhumation mechanisms of deep crust and formation of metamorphic domes in orogens: a Synergybetween naturalistic and numerical approaches | 2019 | 226˙323.00 | 226˙323.00 |
10 | HYDROGEN HighlY performing proton exchange membrane water electrolysers with reinforceD membRanes fOr efficient hydrogen GENeration | 2019 | 0.00 | 150˙000.00 |
11 | MEGAFAUNA Detecting, Predicting and Protecting Pelagic Megafauna Hotspots in the Coral Sea | 2020 | 196˙707.00 | 196˙707.00 |
The Institution UNIVERSITE DE MONTPELLIER has been involved also in the following Horizon 2020 projects.