The page lists 33 projects related to the topic "campus".
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1 | Let's Do The Science | Life is Science, Science is Life: LET'S DO THE SCIENCE! | 2014 |
3 | REN-ATHENS | Researcher's Night: meeting science and your next door scientist | 2014 |
4 | SOLLAY | Soft Chemical Control of the Physical Properties of Layered Solids | 2016 |
5 | HW2000 | Hydrowashr 2000 | 2015 |
6 | MIA | Multidisciplinary Institute for Ageing | 2015 |
7 | P-SPHERE | Opening Sphere UAB-CEI to PostDoctoral Fellows | 2015 |
8 | ACROSSING | Advanced TeChnologies and PlatfoRm fOr Smarter ASsisted LivING | 2016 |
9 | SEEVCA | Self-Enforcing Electronic Voting For Commercial Applications | 2015 |
10 | MUSE | Muon campus in US and Europe contribution | 2016 |
11 | symbIoTe | Symbiosis of smart objects across IoT environments | 2016 |
12 | InterTalentum | Programme for Post-Doctoral Talent Attraction to CEI UAM+CSIC | 2016 |
13 | Brainwaves | City Campus meets Illuminale 2016 / 2017 | 2016 |
14 | RENA | REsearchers' Nights organized by Athens area Research Institutions to convey the science benefits to the public and motivate young people to science careers | 2016 |
15 | CARERA | Information Day for Hungarian students and young researchers on career possibilities in the European Research Area | 2017 |
16 | I2C8 | Inspiring to Create | 2017 |
17 | UPtoPARIS | PhD Programme of Advanced Research in Interdisciplinary Science at ESPCI Paris | 2018 |
18 | EPFLinnovators | The launch of a new industrial PhD programme at EPFL | 2017 |
19 | NGPaaS | Next Generation Platform as a Service | 2017 |
20 | EFHHBBBMS | Endothelial Hedgehog autocrine signaling at the Blood Brain Barrier controls inflammatory CentralNervous System lesion size and severity through Gas1 co-receptor modulation. | 2019 |
21 | IberusTalent | International Doctoral Programme for Talent Attraction to the Campus of International Excellence of the Ebro Valley | 2018 |
22 | JUMP2Excel | Joint Universal activities for Mediterranean PV integration Excellence | 2018 |
23 | FREESPACE | Free-space optical transmission links with unprecedented receiver sensitivity | 2018 |
24 | RENA II | REsearchers' Nights organized by Athens area Research Institutions to convey the science benefits to the public and motivate young people to science careers | 2018 |
25 | TRUST | Twinning foR indUstrial SustainabiliTy | 2018 |
26 | INTENSE | INTENSE: particle physics experiments at the high intensity frontier, from new physics to spin-offs. A cooperative Europe - United States - Japan effort. | 2019 |
27 | EXTRU-PUR | Reactive Extrusion Technology for Thermoset Polyurethane Resins to Provide High Performance and Sustainable Plastic Materials in Construction and Related Industrial Markets. | 2019 |
28 | InnovaXN | Doctoral programme for innovators with X-rays and neutrons | 2019 |
29 | QUSTEC | QUSTEC: international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral doctoral programme in Quantum Science and Technologies | 2019 |
30 | VIP-2 | Vienna International Postdoctoral Program | 2020 |
31 | PEARL | Programme for EArly-stage Researchers in Lille | 2019 |
32 | NEEMO | Networking for Excellence in Electric Mobility Operations | 2019 |
33 | CoP1stRespond | Secured Collaboration Platform for Law Enforcement and First Responders | 2019 |