The page lists 28 projects related to the topic "electrified".
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1 | EU-LIVE | Efficient Urban LIght VEhicles | 2015 |
2 | OSEM-EV | Optimised and Systematic Energy Management in Electric Vehicles | 2015 |
3 | SafeTrain | Piloting and industrial validation of autonomous and sustainable animal deterring system for the rail transport | 2015 |
4 | 3Ccar | Integrated Components for Complexity Control in affordable electrified cars | 2015 |
5 | JOS | JOS, the first electrified Energy Surface with high efficiency, high power and high energy savings for the wireless charging of all low voltage devices. | 2015 |
6 | CSI.interface | A molecular interface science approach: Decoding single molecular reactions and interactions at dynamic solid/liquid interfaces | 2016 |
7 | EAGLE | Efficient Additivated Gasoline Lean Engine | 2016 |
8 | PBNv2 | Next generation Pass-By Noise approaches for new powertrain vehicles | 2017 |
9 | FFL4E | Future Freight Loco for Europe | 2016 |
10 | THOMSON | Mild Hybrid cOst effective solutions for a fast Market penetratiON | 2016 |
11 | BITRIDE BIKE SHARING | The solution for flexible bike sharing initiatives without fixed stations | 2017 |
12 | OBELICS | Optimization of scalaBle rEaltime modeLs and functIonal testing for e-drive ConceptS | 2017 |
13 | ASSURED | fASt and Smart charging solutions for full size URban hEavy Duty applications | 2017 |
14 | MANANDNATURE | Man and Nature in Developing Countries | 2017 |
15 | INTERACT | European Industrial Doctorate on Next Generation for sustaINable auTomotive ElectRical ACtuaTion | 2017 |
16 | reFUEL | Going global? Renewable fuel trade and social land-use restrictions in a low-carbon energy system | 2018 |
17 | Capcooltech | Accelerating the transition to low carbon electrified mobility with a disruptive increase in e-machine efficiency at reduced cost | 2018 |
18 | E-LOBSTER | Electric LOsses Balancing through integrated STorage and power Electronics towards increased synergy between Railways and electricity distribution networks | 2018 |
19 | HiPERFORM | High performant Wide Band Gap Power Electronics for Reliable, energy eFficient drivetrains and Optimization thRough Multi-physics simulation | 2018 |
20 | SUNSET | Storage energy UNit for Smart and Efficient operation on Tarmac | 2018 |
21 | PANDA | Powerfull Advanced N-Level Digitalization Architecture for models of electrified vehicles and their components | 2018 |
22 | VISION-xEV | Virtual Component and System Integration for Efficient Electrified Vehicle Development | 2019 |
23 | EVC1000 | Electric Vehicle Components for 1000 km daily trips (EVC1000). | 2019 |
24 | LISA | Lithium sulphur for SAfe road electrification | 2019 |
25 | Bac-To-Fuel | BACterial conversion of CO2 and renewable H2 inTO bioFUELs | 2019 |
26 | 3beLiEVe | Delivering the 3b generation of LNMO cells for the xEV market of 2025 and beyond | 2020 |
27 | SHOW | SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption | 2020 |
28 | EnFoRCe | Effects of Electric Fields on tuRbulent Combustion | 2021 |