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H2020 projects about "fairs"

The page lists 22 projects related to the topic "fairs".

# achronym  title  year 
1 MASSTWIN MASSTWIN – Spreading excellence and widening participation in support of mass spectrometry and related techniques in Health, the Environment, and Food Analysis 2016
2 SuperSmart Expertise hub for a market uptake of energy-efficient supermarkets by awareness raising, knowledge transfer and pre-preparation of an EU Ecolabel 2016
3 Strength2Food Strengthening European Food Chain Sustainability by Quality and Procurement Policy 2016
4 shippiesbags Hamburg Airport Feasibility Pilot for Seamless Bagshuttle Service 2016
5 LICORNE LIssage de COrdons Robotisé Novateur Expert 2015
6 ITECCO Demo Demonstration and market replication of Innofreight’s innovative rail logistics equipment for the raw material supply of the steel industry 2016
7 NEWEX Investigation and development of a new generation of machines for the processing of composite and nanocomposites materials 2017
8 ASAP-MALDI-MS Advanced Sample Preparation by Electrowetting Technology for MALDI Mass Spectrometry 2017
9 ROMA Resource AuctiOning Engine for the Mobile Digital MArket 2017
10 DYNAVERSITY DYNAmic seed networks for managing European diVERSITY 2017
11 LadinoProverbs Ladino Proverbs: Edition, Recovery and Dissemination of the Endangered Cultural Heritage in the post-Holocaust Yugoslavia 2019
12 CRAACE Continuity and Rupture in Central European Art and Architecture, 1918-1939 2018
13 AeRoTwin Twinning coordination action for spreading excellence in Aerial Robotics 2018
14 K-TRIO 3 Researchers in the knowledge triangle 2018
15 AgroBioHeat Promoting the penetration of agrobiomass heating in European rural areas 2019
16 MMT Moving Marketing Technology (MMT) – Autonomous infotainment display that creatively combines digital media with robotics to produce innovative public engagement 2018
17 Aladyn System Ph1 A compact and versatile kit for wireless power supply 2018
18 4CWhite 4CWhite -The first high-precision Computer-Controlled Collarbone Cutter for Whitefish 2019
19 ThermoEye ThermoEye an innovative system for pigs' fever early detection 2019
20 GHZ-BURST Industrial GHz repetition rate, burst mode, ultrashort pulsed fiber laser for high speed volume-ablation micromachining applications 2019
21 PhoMEC Photonic Integrated Microcombs as Multi-wavelength Sources for Edge Data Centers 2019
22 LAACat Large Area Aerogel Catalyst 2019