The page lists 68 projects related to the topic "harmonic".
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1 | RelRepDist | Relative representation theory and distributions on reductive groups over local fields | 2015 |
2 | ProbDynDispEq | Probabilistic and Dynamical Study of Nonlinear Dispersive Equations | 2015 |
3 | GREAT | Deformations of fundamental Groups of REpresentATions | 2016 |
4 | PADWIC | Power Amplifier Design for Wideband Communications | 2015 |
5 | GeHa | Gemination Harmony | 2015 |
6 | MultiCharge | Feasibility Study for the Development of a PFC Harmonic Filter Missing Link for Creation of Simultaneous Multi-Point Fast Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles | 2015 |
7 | FAnFArE | Fourier Analysis For/And Partial Differential Equations | 2015 |
8 | HADE | Harmonic Analysis and Differential Equations: New Challenges | 2015 |
9 | IChaos | Intermediate Chaos | 2016 |
10 | ULT-NEMS | Ultra-Cold Nano-Mechanics: from Classical to Quantum Complexity | 2015 |
11 | HIPERDIAS | HIgh throughPut LasER processing of DIamond and Silicon | 2016 |
12 | TOPOLOGICAL | Topological Light at Structured Surfaces | 2015 |
13 | TwUnaGas | Two-dimensional Uniform Gas with tunable interactions | 2016 |
14 | QBox | Quantum Gas in a Box | 2016 |
15 | EXCITERS | Extreme Ultraviolet Circular Time-Resolved Spectroscopy | 2016 |
16 | INSEETO | In-situ second harmonic generation for emergent electronics in transition-metal oxides | 2017 |
17 | CHRiSHarMa | Commutators, Hilbert and Riesz transforms, Shifts, Harmonic extensions and Martingales | 2017 |
18 | ROSSINI | Radial cOmpresSor Surge INception Investigation | 2016 |
19 | NonlinearMeta | Controlling optical nonlinearity with plasmonic metamaterials | 2017 |
20 | HHGhole2 | High-harmonic spectroscopy for core-hole dynamics | 2016 |
21 | HARMONIC | Studies in Harmonic Analysis and Discrete Geometry: Tilings, Spectra and Quasicrystals | 2016 |
22 | Chi2-Nano-Oxides | Second-Order Nano-Oxides for Enhanced Nonlinear Photonics | 2017 |
23 | INSIGHT | ImplementatioN in real SOFC Systems of monItoring and diaGnostic tools using signal analysis to increase tHeir lifeTime | 2017 |
24 | UniCoSM | Universality in Condensed Matter and Statistical Mechanics | 2017 |
25 | GeoMeG | Geometry of Metric groups | 2017 |
27 | NeoLaS | Novel High-Power Single-Frequency Neodymium-Doped Fibre Lasers | 2017 |
28 | ACASIAS | Advanced Concepts for Aero-Structures with Integrated Antennas and Sensors | 2017 |
29 | NANO-MIR | Novel 3D nano-antennas for optoelectronic applications in the mid-infrared | 2018 |
30 | XSTREAM | X-ray-waveforms at the Space-Time Resolution Extreme for Atomic-scale Movies | 2017 |
31 | ANADEL | Analysis of Geometrical Effects on Dispersive Equations | 2018 |
32 | BodenTypeDC | Prototyping the most energy and cost efficient data center in the world: The Boden Type Data Center | 2017 |
33 | PMSB | Principles of Musical Structure Building: Theory, Computation, and Cognition | 2018 |
34 | GHAIA | Geometric and Harmonic Analysis with Interdisciplinary Applications | 2017 |
35 | SINGULARITY | Singularities and Compactness in Nonlinear PDEs | 2018 |
36 | IPTheoryUnified | Inverse boundary problems: toward a unified theory | 2018 |
37 | PISSARRO | Photonic integrated devices for second order nonlinear optical processes | 2018 |
38 | SISCAN | Single-shot dispersion-scan device for the characterization of ultrashort laser pulses | 2018 |
39 | OPTOvanderWAALS | Optoelectronics with Complex van der Waals Heterostructures | 2018 |
40 | CHARISMA | CHARge transport in Intermediate-Sized Molecules on Attosecond time scales | 2018 |
41 | CHAMPAGNE | CoHerent AMplification and PArametric GeNeration of Euv radiation | 2018 |
42 | covtrans | Functional/Harmonic Analysis of Covariant Transforms | 2019 |
43 | THESIS | The Single Optical Fibre Scalpel | 2018 |
44 | FASTMAGNETS | Ultrafast Demagnetization Dynamics Using Novel Table-top X-ray Source | 2018 |
45 | UVALITH | Continuous Wave, Tunable Monolithic Frequency Converter | 2018 |
46 | Loops and groups | Loops and groups: Geodesics, moduli spaces, and infinite discrete groups via string topology and homological stability | 2018 |
47 | XRayProton | Ultrafast Structural Dynamics of Elementary Water-Mediated Proton Transport Processes | 2018 |
48 | FESTA | Flexible Euv SpecTrometer for Attosecond science | 2018 |
49 | HARMONIC | Discrete harmonic analysis for computer science | 2019 |
50 | MODES | Multimode light shaping: from optical fibers to nanodevices | 2018 |
51 | NonlinearTopo | Nonlinear Optical and Electrical Phenomena in Topological Semimetals | 2019 |
52 | PETACom | Petahertz Quantum Optoelectronic Communication | 2019 |
53 | ATLANTIC | Advanced theoretical network for modeling light matter interactIon | 2019 |
54 | PoSHGOAT | Potential-dependent Second-Harmonic Generation in Optical Antennas measured Time-resolved | 2020 |
55 | HARHCS | Harmonic Analysis on Real Hypersurfaces in Complex Space | 2019 |
56 | RESTRICTIONAPP | A multilinear approach to the restriction problem with applications to geometric measure theory, the Schrödinger equation and inverse problems | 2019 |
57 | MicroFSMA | MicroFluidic based platform for SeMen Analysis | 2019 |
58 | HARMONIC | Health effects of cArdiac fluoRoscopy and MOderN radIotherapy in paediatriCs | 2019 |
59 | GreenVerter | Greenverter a revolutionary power converter technology to reduce environmental and economic losses due to electro pollution | 2019 |
60 | PROTON | Proton transport and proton-coupled transport | 2019 |
61 | PRIMES | Structure in the Primes, with applications | 2020 |
62 | FASTCORR | Ultrafast dynamics of correlated electrons in solids | 2020 |
63 | ATTOSTRUCTURA | Structured attosecond pulses for ultrafast nanoscience | 2020 |
64 | AMPLITUDE | Advanced Multimodal Photonics Laser Imaging Tool for Urothelial Diagnosis in Endoscopy | 2020 |
65 | CAPA | Global existence and Computer-Assisted Proofs of singularities in incompressible fluids, with Applications | 2020 |
66 | H2O-SurfaceProbe | High Throughput Second Harmonic Method to Probe Biological Surfaces at Real-World Conditions | 2020 |
67 | VAREG | Variational approach to the regularity of the free boundaries | 2020 |
68 | TReSFiDS | Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of Strong-Field-Driven Solids | 2021 |