The page lists 29 projects related to the topic "radial".
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1 | UPGRID | Real proven solutions to enable active demand and distributed generation flexible integration, through a fully controllable LOW Voltage and medium voltage distribution grid | 2015 |
2 | CREAM | Control of Energy by Advanced Artificial Materials | 2015 |
3 | STABLE_FABRY | Calibration of Astronomical Spectrographs with Stabilized Fabry-Perot Etalons | 2016 |
4 | SURE | Novel Productivity Enhancement Concept for a Sustainable Utilization of a Geothermal Resource | 2016 |
5 | EDeN | Ependymal cell Development: New insight into neurological diseases | 2015 |
6 | FIREFELM | Mastering the energetic particle distribution in a magnetohydrodynamic active plasma | 2017 |
7 | PERSIST | Systematic identification of (p)ppGpp-dependent multidrug and stress tolerance factors | 2016 |
8 | ATOMIX | Boosting the efficiency of current agricultural atomisers by using ultrasonics emitters | 2016 |
9 | UHPE | Integrated Intelligent Bearing Systems for UHPE Ground Test Demo (I²BS) | 2016 |
10 | GENOMIS | Illuminating GENome Organization through integrated MIcroscopy and Sequencing | 2018 |
11 | MUTR | Multipurpose test rig for transmissions gearboxes. | 2016 |
12 | DYNAFREIGHT | Innovative technical solutions for improved train DYNAmics and operation of longer FREIGHt Trains | 2016 |
13 | MAAP | Multidimensional Analysis of Axis Patterning in Plant Embryo | 2017 |
14 | REFOREST | The Role of extreme drought and legacy EFfects of long-term manipulatiOn of water availability on growth and REproduction of ScoTs pine REFOREST | 2017 |
15 | GalaxyDance | Dance of galaxies: testing General Relativity and alternatives using galaxy velocity fields | 2017 |
16 | LinPro | Principles of Neural Stem Cell Lineage Progression in Cerebral Cortex Development | 2017 |
17 | HARP | (Harmonised Amphenol Radiall Project) - A next generation high density modular electrical interconnect solution. | 2018 |
18 | PULSATION | Detecting and characterizing exoplanets around evolved stars with NASA's TESS mission | 2018 |
19 | CIRGEN | Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment: Ideas, Networks, Agencies | 2019 |
20 | FLORA | FLOw control in RAdial compressor | 2018 |
21 | GREAT | Grating Reflectors Enabled laser Applications and Training | 2019 |
22 | MHDiscs | From non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics to the structure and evolution of protoplanetary discs | 2019 |
23 | CORKtheCAMBIA | Thickening of plant organs by nested stem cells | 2019 |
24 | AIRSEAL | Airflow characterization through rotating labyrinth seal | 2019 |
25 | ROLLBAR | Roots in armour - a barrier induced to protect against intrusion of soil phytotoxins? | 2019 |
26 | CENGIN | Deciphering and engineering centriole assembly | 2019 |
27 | OXIFLOW | Next Generation Flow Diverter for the Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms Delivering Improved Patient Outcomes and Healthcare Cost Savings | 2019 |
28 | SCORE | Signal Correction to Reveal other Earths | 2020 |
29 | GPRV | Overcoming stellar activity in radial velocity planet searches | 2020 |