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H2020 projects about "toxicological"

The page lists 38 projects related to the topic "toxicological".

# achronym  title  year 
1 MONTENIGHT2014-15 Researchers Night in Montenegro 2014/2015 2014
2 EcoPROLIVE Ecofriendly PROcessing System for the full exploitation of the OLIVE health potential in products of added value 2015
3 GlioVac Validation of a conceptually new treatment for glioblastoma multiforme with an IP protected small molecule 2015
4 PATOX Development of pyrrolizidine alkaloid detection methods for the assessment of food contamination and impact on human and animal health 2016
5 CONQUER Contrast by Quadrupole Enhanced Relaxation 2015
6 NanoCytox Development of Novel Analytical Methods to assess Nanoparticle cytotoxicity 2015
7 ANSWER ANtibioticS and mobile resistance elements in WastEwater Reuse applications: risks and innovative solutions 2015
8 NANOGENTOOLS Developing and implementation of a new generation of nanosafety assessment tools 2016
9 F-CCW Functional Cell Culture Ware (F-CCW) : Technical and Commercial feasible? 2015
10 SmartNanoTox Smart Tools for Gauging Nano Hazards 2016
11 Syndivia Next generation drug conjugates for cancer treatment 2016
12 ACEnano Analytical and Characterisation Excellence in nanomaterial risk assessment: A tiered approach 2017
13 PhytoPharm Phytotoxicological Risk of pharmaceuticals in soils 2017
14 SMART-WORKFLOW Development of a smart workflow based on high resolution mass spectrometry for the assessment of the performance of wastewater treatment technologies 2018
15 TransQST Translational quantitative systems toxicology to improve the understanding of the safety of medicines - Sofia: 116030 2017
16 transMed Educating the next generation of scientists in translational medicine: Focus on eye diseases 2017
18 GRACIOUS GRACIOUS: Grouping, Read-Across, CharacterIsation and classificatiOn framework for regUlatory risk assessment of manufactured nanomaterials and Safer design of nano-enabled products 2018
19 NCN Nite Carbon Nanoclusters, a natural antioxidant for the food industry made from agricultural waste 2018
20 PATCHES Protein Adsorption onTo CHarged surfacES 2018
21 nanoTOM Conversion of natural plant nanovesicles into nutraceutical delivery system 2018
22 SafePack Assessing safety of food packaging through computational toxicology 2018
23 ExitAplasia Reg-X310: new disruptive medicine for faster exit from aplasia afetr agressive chemotherapy of hematologic malignancies 2018
24 ENDONANO Quantitative detection of bacterial endotoxin by novel nanotechnological approaches 2019
25 QSAREACH QSAR computational models' self-using platform for EC Regulation-REACH 2018
26 RiskGONE Risk Governance of Nanotechnology 2019
27 PsychAID Psychiatric Disorders: ATX-inhibiting drugs as a new therapeutic option: Proof-of-Concept 2019
28 PullEd-MS Finding unknown endocrine disrupting compounds through target pull-down assay filtration, effect direct analysis and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry for a comprehensive efficient workflow. 2019
29 SCAFFOLD-NEEDS Commercialization of 3D scaffold platforms for neuronal cell culture models 2019
30 CB-103 First effective targeted therapy for T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) and other NOTCH pathway driven cancers 2019
31 TUBE Transport derived Ultrafines and the Brain Effects 2019
32 EXCALIBUR Exploiting the multifunctional potential of belowground biodiversity in horticultural farming 2019
33 ActiTOX Active organotypic models for nanoparticle toxicological screening 2019
34 DESCALE De-railing scaling: From fundamentals of crystallization fouling on nano-materials to rational design of scale-phobic surfaces 2020
35 DONNI Developmental Origins: exploring the Nature-Nurture Interplay 2020
36 ATHLETE Advancing Tools for Human Early Lifecourse Exposome Research and Translation 2020
38 ADDITIVES Exposure to ‘cocktails’ of food additives and chronic disease risk 2020