The page lists 65 projects related to the topic "violent".
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1 | preQFT | Strategic Predictions for Quantum Field Theories | 2015 |
2 | MIGWAR | Investigating the interactions between civil wars and migration. | 2015 |
3 | FREE_TEEN_DESIRE | Contributing to identify causes of gender violence among teenagers | 2015 |
4 | SHOALS | The Swift GRB Host Galaxy Legacy Survey: Understanding the Link between GRBs and Star Formation from the Nearby to the Early Universe | 2015 |
5 | CONGO | Hybrid Political Orders and Violent Exchanges in the Eastern Congo | 2016 |
6 | CLIMSEC | Climate Variability and Security Threats | 2015 |
7 | UNREST | Unsettling Remembering and Social Cohesion in Transnational Europe | 2016 |
8 | PREWArAs | The Dark Side of the Belle Époque. Political violence and Armed Associations in Europe before the First World War | 2016 |
9 | TeX-MEx | Time resolved X-ray probing of Matter under Extreme conditions | 2016 |
10 | MUSLIM-NLNO | Muslims condemning violent extremism - An interdisciplinary analysis of public initiatives in the Netherlands and Norway 2001-2015 | 2016 |
11 | WARFLY | Insects as Silent Witnesses to Prehistoric Warfare: Forensic Archaeoentomology as a Novel Approach to the Study of Conflict | 2016 |
12 | FLAME | Fragility and Geopolitics in the Middle East and North Africa | 2016 |
13 | GROUPVIOLENCE | Groups and Violence: A Micro-sociological Research Programme | 2016 |
14 | IGNIS | Reuse of Tyre Fibres for Fire-Spalling-Proof Concrete | 2016 |
15 | Gandhian Politics | Re-Exploring the Logic of Gandhian Violence: Gandhi and his Followers in the Quit India Movement, Bengal 1942-45 | 2016 |
16 | OBSTETRICVIOLENCE | Obstetric violence.The new goal for research, policies and human rights on childbirth | 2016 |
17 | ART | Development of an Anger Regulation Tool for Hand-Held Devices | 2017 |
18 | ConflictNET | The Politics and Practice of Social Media in Conflict | 2017 |
19 | FireCracker | Reuse of Waste Materials for Fire-Spalling-Proof and Crack-Resistant Sustainable Concrete | 2017 |
20 | CSPIWB | Learning under Conflict: Effects of political violence on the educational attainment of Palestinian students in the West Bank | 2017 |
21 | MINDb4ACT | Mapping, IdentifyiNg and Developing skills and opportunities in operating environments to co-create innovative, ethical and effective ACTions to tackle radicalization leading to violent extremism | 2017 |
22 | Pericles | Policy recommendation and improved communication tools for law enforcement and security agencies preventing violent radicalisation | 2017 |
23 | TRIVALENT | Terrorism pReventIon Via rAdicaLisation countEr-NarraTive | 2017 |
24 | SpeakUp-LearnUp | Minimizing Bullying and Harassment with SpeakUp LearnUp! | 2017 |
25 | PRACTICIES | Partnership against violent radicalization in the cities | 2017 |
26 | PAIRPLASMA | Creating an electron-positron plasma in a laboratory magnetosphere | 2017 |
27 | DNR | Blended Learning Course for Police Students: Death Notification with Responsibility | 2017 |
28 | ArcheoDyn | Globular clusters as living fossils of the past of galaxies | 2017 |
29 | EU-LISTCO | Europe's External Action and the Dual Challenges of Limited Statehood and Contested Orders | 2018 |
30 | INSIKT | Novel Social Data Mining Platform to Detect and Defeat Violent Online Radicalization | 2017 |
31 | FRONTIERPEACE | On the Frontiers of Peace. Cross-cultural Peacebuilding on the Global Frontiers of the Iberian Empires (1500-1580) | 2018 |
32 | SUPERSTARS | Type Ia supernovae: from explosions to cosmology | 2018 |
33 | TIMEISNOW | The Time is Now: Understanding Social Network Dynamics Using Relational Event Histories | 2018 |
34 | GRIEVANCE | Gauging the Risk of Incidents of Extremist Violence Against Non-Combatant Entities | 2018 |
35 | RESISTANCE | Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries | 2018 |
36 | ASSESS | Episodic Mass Loss in the Most Massive Stars: Key to Understanding the Explosive Early Universe | 2018 |
37 | KurdishWomen | From Kurdistan to Europe: Kurdish Literary, Artistic and Cultural Activism by Kurdish Women Intellectuals | 2018 |
38 | DIPLOWAR | Hybrid Practices of Diplomacy and Warfare | 2018 |
39 | CLAMOR | environmental Conflicts through the Lens of Artwork and Multimedia in waterscape transfORrmations | 2018 |
40 | JUSTINT | Justice Interactions and Peacebuilding: From Static to Dynamic Discourses across National, Ethnic, Gender and Age Groups | 2018 |
41 | FMSystem | The European Fiscal-Military System 1530-1870 | 2018 |
42 | USPAIN | Suffering America: Writing Pain in Nineteenth-Century United States Literature | 2019 |
43 | FIRE | Fighting Insurgency, Ruining the Environment: towards an understanding of the causal relationship between conflict and forest fires | 2018 |
44 | SATYRANDO | Insults in Italian City States.Criminal Literary History | 2019 |
45 | DRONETHICS | Emergent Ethics of Drone Violence: Toward a Comprehensive Governance Framework | 2018 |
46 | INVI | INVI self-defense bracelet: feel empowered | 2018 |
47 | GREASE | Radicalisation, Secularism and the Governance of Religion: Bringing together European and Asian Perspectives | 2018 |
48 | BRaVE | Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism and Polarisation | 2019 |
50 | High Risk Leadership | High Risk Leadership in Latin America: Women's Pursuit of Gender Justice in Violent Contexts | 2020 |
51 | PROMINENT | Solar prominences: unraveling the ultimate condensation catastrophe | 2019 |
52 | kelbus2 | Experimental and numerical study of long runout landslides | 2020 |
53 | MINSOC | Minority civil society, inter-ethnic peace and sustainable democracy | 2019 |
54 | COMPLIT | Complicity: A Crisis of Participation in Testimonies of Totalitarianism in Contemporary German-language Literatures | 2019 |
55 | VDGSEGUR | Gender Violence and Security in the Interoceanic Industrial Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec: A Critical Examination of Policies and Practices | 2019 |
56 | VIEW | World first self-responsive emergency call system | 2019 |
57 | PAN | Development of a demonstrator for the Penetrating Particle Analyser (PAN) technology | 2020 |
58 | DV SUPPORT | Building an evidence base to support Polish women victims of domestic violence in the UK. | 2020 |
59 | PREVEX | Preventing Violent Extremism in the Balkans and the MENA: Strengthening Resilience in Enabling Environments | 2020 |
60 | PAVE | Preventing and Addressing Violent Extremism through Community Resilience in the Balkans and MENA | 2020 |
61 | CONNEKT | CONtexts of extremism iN mEna and balKan socieTies | 2020 |
62 | NeoliberalTerror | Neoliberal Terror: The Radicalisation of Social Policy in Europe | 2020 |
63 | EVaP | Elections, Violence, and Parties | 2020 |
64 | RADICALISATION | ‘We’re not neo-Nazis anymore’: Radicalisation strategies in online far-right propaganda and disinformation campaigns | 2020 |
65 | POPP | Putting Offence Prevention into Practice | 2020 |