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H2020 projects about "bacterial"

The page lists 476 projects related to the topic "bacterial".

# achronym  title  year 
1 DIAGORAS Chair/bedside diagnosis of oral and respiratory tract infections, and identification of antibiotic resistances for personalised monitoring and treatment 2015
2 P4SB P4SB – From Plastic waste to Plastic value using Pseudomonas putida Synthetic Biology 2015
3 FAPIC Fast Assay for Pathogen Identification and Characterisation 2015
4 CARBALIVE Clinical evaluation of carbons of controlled porosity as a new therapeutic for the treatment of liver cirrhosis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 2015
5 NOMORFILM Novel marine biomolecules against biofilm. Application to medical devices. 2015
6 BeyondSeq Genomic diagnostics beyond the sequence 2015
8 COMPUCELL Autonomous Cellular Computers for Diagnosis 2015
9 PentaBrain Structural studies of mammalian Cys-loop receptors 2015
10 BacBio Mechanistic and functional studies of Bacillus biofilms assembly on plants, and their impact in sustainable agriculture and food safety 2015
11 LimitMDR Utilizing evolutionary interactions to limit multidrug resistance 2015
12 Weakinteract Weak interactions in self-organizations studied by NMR spectroscopy in the supramolecular solid-state 2015
13 ComBact How complement molecules kill bacteria 2015
14 REMEMBER Adaptive immunity in prokaryotes: how Bacteria do not forgive and do not forget their enemies 2015
17 INTEGRATE Interdisciplinary Training Network for Validation of Gram-Negative Antibacterial Targets 2015
18 HyMedPoly Drug-Free Antibacterial Hybrid Biopolymers for Medical Applications 2015
19 FabSurfWAR Design and Fabrication of Functional Surfaces with Controllable Wettability, Adhesion and Reflectivity 2015
20 GLYCO-TOOLS Bio-Inspired Tools for Glycoscience 2015
21 BAS-SBBT Bacterial Amyloid Secretion: Structural Biology and Biotechnology. 2015
22 Insuwaste Recycling of hard-to-treat, post-consumer textile wastes and conversion to insulation material for construction industry using a novel conversion technology. 2014
23 GelSwimming Bacterial motion in polymer solutions and biogels 2016
24 SalHyd5 Characterization of Salmonella enterica hydrogenase-5 biosynthesis for developing novel anti-infective compounds 2015
25 OTULINVIVO The role of OTULIN and Met1-linked ubiquitin in immune signaling and host defense in vivo 2015
26 PFCCMS Pattern Formation in Catalytic Colloidal Microswimmers 2015
27 IgEPath IgEPath - Contributions of IgE-antibodies and IgE effector cells to host defense against pathogenic bacteria 2015
28 MicroCity Microbes in the city: a metagenomic trait-based analysis of microbial metacommunity structure along urbanization gradients 2015
29 ARBUATEM Antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes, associated with urban agriculture in Low and Middle Income Countries: Ecological and medical perspectives 2015
30 COMMANDEER COMMANDEER: Disrupting microbial resistance using rationally designed signalling molecules 2015
31 RAVE Rotifers as Vehicles for Epibiotic Bacteria 2015
32 GDA in staphylococci Gen Duplication and Amplification in Staphylococcal populations 2016
33 BATTLE The molecular basis of NleB-mediated bacterial virulence 2016
34 MicroEcoEvol Ecological and evolutionary forces shaping microbial diversity in freshwater blooms 2015
35 Symbiosis Bacterial leaf symbiosis: what environmental factors influence it and does it drive host plant speciation 2016
36 EffectorTargets Development of functional genomic screens to identify conserved host cell processes targeted by fungal effector proteins 2015
37 MBLIs New Approaches to Metallo-β-Lactamase Inhibitors 2015
38 PneumoCompetence Unravelling the mechanisms of competence induction by antibiotic stress in Streptococcus pneumoniae 2015
39 BURK-6 Investigation of the Type VI secretion system-associated toxins of Burkholderia thailandensis 2015
40 PEARS Predicting the Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae 2015
41 MUCDIFF Competition between the enteric pathogen Clostridium difficile and the commensal members of the gut microbiota for mucosal sugars 2015
42 MARIS Mixotrophy among small marine phytoflagellates – prevalence and impact on prokaryotic communities 2015
43 AND Antibacterial (Nano)medicines Development 2015
44 MEBA Molecular epidemiology of Bacillus anthracis: novel data and techniques for local surveillance in Tanzania 2015
45 Experimental Microbiome “How mutualism evolves: Experimental microbiome evolution in gnotobiotic flies” 2015
46 CR-PHAGOCYTOSIS Complement-mediated phagocytosis in neutrophils 2015
47 BactoDrug The Bacteroides dual-pumping membrane-integral pyrophosphatase: a novel drug target 2015
48 CSDP Construction of Self-Dividing Protocells 2015
49 PBIGP Plant-Bacillus Interaction: Gain of Function Project 2016
50 PHAGECOM Complex parasite communities as drivers of bacterial immunity 2016
51 FUNC NGS Deep screening of proteins with a next generation sequencing platform 2015
52 AMIABLE Advanced MIcroscopy of Attine ant BacteriaL Endosymbionts 2015
53 SymPathInfect Symbiont-mediated defense of amoebae against Legionella pneumophila - molecular mechanisms and pathogen ecology 2015
54 PopMet Investigating bacterial strain evolution through metagenomic genome assemblies 2015
55 NoBios No Biofouling Surfaces 2015
56 QSIPP Exploring bacterial Quorum Sensing Infochemicals and hydrolytic Proteins linked to marine Particle degradation 0
57 INFANT MICROBIOTA Elucidating how Bifidobacteria shapes the microbiota in response to infant diet. 2015
58 BASILA Identification and characterization of bacterial effectors that interfere with Transcriptional GeneSilencing in Arabidopsis 2015
59 ADA Accelerating the Dissemination of Agluna(R), a clinically proven innovative silver ion based anti-microbial surface technology, from orthopaedics sector into the dental implant sector 2015
60 PHOCCS Photon Cross Correlation Spectroscopy 2015
61 ADHESION Development of new biotech AdvanceD materials based on Hyaluronic acid and nanoparticlEs to prevent Surgical adhesIons and pOst surgical infectionNs 2015
62 INPACT Innovative peptides against cancer and pathogenic bacteria, with advances in science, biopharmaceutical drug development, product market targeting, training , and communication. 2015
63 GAMES Gut Microbiota in Nervous System Autoimmunity: Molecular Mechanisms of Disease Initiation and Regulation 2015
64 ImmRisk Defining how environmental factors influence downstream effects of immune-mediated disease risk-SNPs 2015
65 MtbTransReg Translational regulation in the persistence and drug susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2015
66 ProPlantStress Proteolytic processing in plant stress signal transduction and responses to abiotic stress and pathogen attack 2015
67 EVOLHGT Selective Barriers to Horizontal Gene Transfer 2015
68 ReguloBac-3UTR High-throughput in vivo studies on posttranscriptional regulatory mechanisms mediated by bacterial 3'-UTRs 2015
69 Protprot Biophysical characterisation of a protein-activating protein-protein interaction 2015
70 HighTPSAFM High throughput spectroscopy atomic force microscopy for the foot printing of bacteria and cellular organelle 2016
71 LIBERATE Blood Biomarker Array Technology 2015
72 Chap4Resp Catching in action a novel bacterial chaperone for respiratory complexes 2015
73 BIOCONT6SS Inter-bacterial competition mediated by the type VI secretion system (T6SS): promising role in the biocontrol properties of Pseudomonas putida 2016
74 SESE Social Evolution and Social Engineering of bacterial Infections 2015
75 T6SS-PSEUDO-LIP Type VI-dependent Pseudomonas aeruginosa phospholipases and host manipulation 2016
76 SCENT SCENT: Hybrid Gels for Rapid Microbial Detection 2015
77 RuMicroPlas The Plasmidome: a Driving Force of Rumen Microbial Evolution from Birth to Adulthood 2016
78 iPROTECTION Molecular mechanisms of induced protection against sepsis by DNA damage responses 2015
79 resistance evolution Bacterial evolution of hypersensitivity and resistance against antimicrobial peptides 2015
80 APPROAcH APPROAcH: Antimicrobial and Save 3D-Printable Polymers for Oral Health 2016
81 MicrobioS Exploring the human gut microbiome at strain resolution 2016
82 BacCellEpi Bacterial, cellular and epigenetic factors that control enteropathogenicity 2015
83 ELFBAD L-form bacteria, biotechnology and disease 2015
84 JPI-EC-AMR ERA-NET for establishing synergies between the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Horizon 2020 2015
85 SKHINCAPS SKin Healthcare by Innovative NanoCAPsuleS 2015
86 PLANTIBIOTICS Functional ingredient from fermented vegetable waste streams to diminish the use of antibiotics in pig husbandry 2015
87 MARA Molecular Analytical Robotics Assays 2015
88 PANG Pathogen and Graphene 2016
89 BACRES Feasibility study: Cloud-based diagnostic software for infectious diseases 2015
90 RapidBact Innovative Business Models for a new Integrated Rapid Microbial Pathogen Tester 2016
91 Respiratory-ImmunoDx Clinical validation of host biomarker signature for distinguishing bacterial versus viral lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) in adults at the point-of-need 2015
92 PanaMast Development of non-antibiotic therapy for the treatment of bovine mastitis 2015
93 SELFORGANICELL Self-Organization of the Bacterial Cell 2016
94 CRISPAIR Study of the interplay between CRISPR interference and DNA repair pathways towards the development of novel CRISPR tools 2016
95 EngiNear-IR Engineered Near-Infrared Photosynthesis 2015
96 PERFORM Personalised Risk assessment in febrile illness to Optimise Real-life Management across the European Union 2016
97 Organoid Dissecting microbiome and immune interactions in human intestinal (cancer) organoids 2015
98 RCSB Regulation of cell size and shape in bacteria 2016
99 WISLAS Warmed Icelandic Soils, Lipids and Sequencing: towards a better understood climate proxy 2016
100 GvHDCure Understanding the dynamics of the immune system to cure graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). 2016
101 N2OPNA Understanding Nitrous Oxide Production from The Mainstream Partial Nitritation and Anammox Process 2016
102 FUNBIT Imaging Mass Spectrometry of Fungal – Bacterial Interplay 2016
103 PRIMASE_NMR Visualizing Primase Initiating DNA Replication using NMR Spectroscopy 2016
104 MICRO4BEE A sustainable organic solution for bees decline 2016
105 DISSection Doctoral Industrial School on Human Skin models for Staphylococcal infections 2016
106 PhageResist Beyond CRISPR: Systematic characterization of novel anti-phage defense systems in the microbial pan-genome 2016
107 RiboDisc Discovery of novel orphan riboswitch ligands 2016
108 NEUTRO-LILR Leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptors (LILRs) on neutrophils 2016
109 MPA-ND Membrane protein aggregation and its links with neurodegenerative diseases 2016
110 Glycoli Design of glycan epitope toolbox: a novel pathway for protein N-glycosylation in the E. coli cytosol 2016
111 a-Sign Cyclic nucleotide signalling in the human pathogen Listeria monocytogenes 2016
112 CasMETICS Combining Single Molecule and Ensemble approaches To Investigate Cas9 Target Search 2016
113 metaVir-Alp Alpine lakes benthic viral community structure and diversity: a metagenomic and ecological approach 2016
114 PELIG Characterisation of a Novel Pathway for Lignin Fragment Degradation in Rhodococcus jostii 2016
115 CHERI Chromatin targeting and remodelling by bacterial effectors in plant immunity 2016
116 PINBAC Characterising plant interactions with bacteria that promote the uptake of nitrogen and sulphur from organic sources 2016
117 DYNAMO Characterization of the diversity and function of plankton associated microbiota 2016
118 PACEMech The structure and molecular mechanism of transport proteins within the PACE family of multidrug efflux pumps 2017
119 RESOLVE antibiotic RESistance and mObile genetic eLements dissemination in enVironmEntal conditions 2016
120 GallBiome Characterization of the Human Gallbladder Microbiome 2016
121 AIMMS STAR-PLUS Scientific Top Training in Antimicrobial Research 2016
122 EggPlant A feasibility study, to investigate and verify the commercial and industrial viability of a wastewater processing solution to generate bioplastics from agri-food and municipal wastewater sources. 2016
123 GLYCOSENSE Polymer brush sensing arrays for the identification of pathogens 2017
124 Tolerome Evolution of antibiotic tolerance in the 'wild': A quantitative approach 2016
125 EvoStruc The physics of antibiotic resistance evolution in spatially-structured multicellular assemblies 2016
126 ONCOINTRABODY Targeting common oncogenes with intracellular monobodies 2016
127 HGTCODONUSE The evolutionary significance of synonymous variations: Can codon usage preferences drive the propagation of antibiotic resistance? 2016
128 MICROLIPIDS Microbial lipids: The three domain ‘lipid divide’ revisited 2016
129 pre-FAB Prenylated-flavins: Application and Biochemistry 2016
130 BAC-STAR Bacterial Adhesion Control through Surface TArgeted Regulation 2017
131 MBD Mapping bacterial division in Bacillus subtilis 2016
132 STEPN-UP Stilbene and entomopathogenic nematodes: Unlocking the potential 2017
133 AD-gut Alzheimer Disease - gut connection 2016
134 SALTGAE Demonstration project to prove the techno-economic feasibility of using algae to treat saline wastewater from the food industry. 2016
135 T6S Multi-scale model of bacterial cell-cell interactions 2017
136 NanoStaph Force nanoscopy of staphylococcal biofilms 2016
137 pArg_deg_signal No stress with pArg: Mechanisms of a distinct phospho-mark to coordinate stress response and protein quality control 2016
138 AstroLakes Bio-analysis of subglacial volcanic lakes as exoplanet analogues 2016
139 SugarBlock Unraveling the protein glycosylation of Plasmodium falciparum is crucial for development of novel therapeutics against malaria 2016
140 FUTURE Re-factoring Pseudomonas putida for biosynthesis of vaIue-added polymers from cellulosic waste 2016
141 TRANSREG Structural and biochemical studies on the regulation of transcription during elongation 2016
142 SOFTCHARGE Charge Carrier Transport in Soft Matter: From Fundamentals to High-Performance Materials 2016
143 BADGER calScreener® – an innovative device for Bacterial Analysis and Diagnostics through Growth and Energy-release in Real-time 2016
144 PyroPop Mechanisms and regulation of inflammasome-associated programmed cell death 2017
145 pocL-CI A lab-on-chip platform for blood cell counting and identification at the point-of-care 2016
146 SYNTOMAGX A synthetic biology approach for magnetization of foreign organisms by genetic engineering and transplantation of bacterial magnetosome biosynthesis 2016
147 ERCOPE The ER located master regulation of endosomal positioning and further movements 2016
148 CrUCCial Novel diagnostic and therapeutic approach to inflammatory bowel disease based on functional characterization of patients: the CrUCCial index 2016
149 ILC_REACTIVITY Biological Determinants of ILC Reactivity for Immune Responses in Health and Disease 2016
150 MYCO TRAPS New roles for the cytoskeleton in cell-autonomous immunity to mycobacteria 2016
151 MAGTEST MAGTEST: Simple and specific next generation lab-on-a-chip in-vitro molecular diagnostic device 2016
152 ATx201 A novel class of antibiotics for treatment of infected atopic dermatitis: an innovative solution for a significant unmet medical need 2016
153 FucoPol An innovative bio-based platform for the cost-competitive production of L-Fucose, a building block for Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs) 2016
154 BactInd Bacterial cooperation at the individual cell level 2016
155 AutoPilot-Dx Fast tracking market adoption of a novel immune-based diagnostic for improving antibiotic stewardship: automation, piloting and health economics 2016
156 CMDNAUP Composition and Mechanism of the DNA-uptake Pilus of Vibrio cholerae 2016
157 Pectin The microbial degradation and utilization of complex pectins by Bacteroides in the human intestine 2016
158 SYNOX Total Synthesis of Biologically Important Pyrrolidinone Natural Products and Analogues Thereof. 2016
159 PRINT-AID Multidisciplinary European training network for development of personalized anti-infective medical devices combining printing technologies and antimicrobial functionality 2017
160 PATHSENSE Training Network to Understand and Exploit Mechanisms of Sensory Perception in Bacteria 2017
161 Train2Target An integrated mulTidisciplinary appRoach towards a new generAtIon of aNtibiotics: Targeting function and cross-talk of bacterial Envelope proTein machineries 2017
162 BSSTD Bioelectrochemical Sensing of Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2016
163 BIOFAGE Interaction Dynamics of Bacterial Biofilms with Bacteriophages 2017
164 HALODRUGSYN Innovative Strategies towards Halogenated Organic Molecules: From Reaction Design to Application in Drug Synthesis 2017
165 MicroBeeOme Evolution of the honey bee gut microbiome through bacterial diversification 2017
166 PERVOL Perception of Plant Volatiles 2017
167 WaterSpy High sensitivity, portable photonic device for pervasive water quality analysis 2016
168 EndoSubvert Common mechanisms of host membrane trafficking subversion by intracellular pathogens to rupture bacterial containing vacuoles 2017
169 EVOIMMECH The evolutionary ecology of bacterial immune mechanisms 2017
170 RAID A Veterinary Decision Support System by Rapid Bacterial Infection Detection (RAID) 2016
171 SWEETBULLETS Sweet Theranostics in Bitter Infections - Seek and Destroy 2017
172 SD4Food The Spot Demetallizing Film - a unique, environment and health-friendly technology for effective food packaging. 2016
173 VOLATILE Biowaste derived volatile fatty acid platform for biopolymers, bioactive compounds and chemical building blocks 2016
174 TOPCAPI Thoroughly Optimised Production Chassis for Advanced Pharmaceutical Ingredients 2017
175 Rafts4Biotech Synthetic bacterial lipid rafts to optimize industrial bioprocesses 2017
176 SSFENZYMES Feasibility study for the implementation of the production of organic, granulated enzymes for detergent application by automated solid-state fermentation and fluidised-bed technology 2016
177 Odex A new process for removal of odour from Post Consumer Waste Polymer for non-food applications – ODEX 2016
178 whyBOTher Why does Clostridium botulinum kill? – In search for botulinum neurotoxin regulators 2017
180 SCOOBA Symbiotic COOperation and Boring Activity of Cliona sponges under a climate change context 2017
181 STRINGENCY Control of Bacterial Multidrug Tolerance and Stress Response by Alarmone Synthetase SpoT 2017
182 EVOMICROCOMM Evolving interactions in microbial communities 2017
183 ABD A bioengineered, naturally-derived, sustainable biocide for breaking down organic biofilms formed by drug-resistant bacteria. 2016
184 BETA-BACT Beta-cell inflammation and dysfunction induced by bacterial translocation 2016
185 CHROCODYLE Chromosomal Condensin Dynamics: From Local Loading to Global Architecture 2017
186 FAST-bact A novel fast test for antibiotic susceptibility testing for Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria 2016
187 SymMech Unravelling the mechanisms behind bacterial symbiosis in insects 2017
188 MIX-Effectors T6SS MIX-effectors: secretion, activities and use as antibacterial treatment 2017
189 EcoLipid Ecophysiology of membrane lipid remodelling in marine bacteria 2017
190 ARMeD_free Antibiotic resistance-free meat and dairy products 2017
191 MePlat Application of Cold Plasma Treatment for Antimicrobial Contact Lenses 2017
192 BGCI Bacterial Ghost Cancer Immunotherapy - A new standard in tumour therapy based on the bacterial ghost platform technology 2017
193 BabyVir The role of the virome in shaping the gut ecosystem during the first year of life 2017
194 SARCOM Selection for antimicrobial resistance in a complex community context 2017
195 FIMBUG Heterogeneity in fimbrial length and abundance as a generic regulator of E. coli surface colonization 2018
196 CARAMBA Unravelling the microbial carbon pump in the ocean: Linkage between gene expression and RDOM generation by marine bacteria (CARAMBA) 2017
197 Plat-IL-1 Pathophysiology of platelet-derived Interleukin 1 2017
198 TracVac Developing a Chlamydia Trachomatis vaccine 2017
199 RapidDiag Development of a compatible nanoparticle based rapid and sensitive diagnostic platform for microbial infections 2017
200 CMI2T IA Harmless Clostridium bacteria as a highly targeted, continuous delivery system for immunomodulatory anti-cancer drugs 2017
201 Vanrestrep Vancomycin resistance regulation in the antibiotic-producers streptomycetes 2018
202 D3NAs Coping with Inhospitable Sweetness: Insights from a (Diversity)^3 Study of Nectar Acinetobacters 2017
203 LTPAM Low Temperature Plasma for Applications in Medicine 2017
204 BIOFERTICELLULASER Role of bacterial cellulases in the transition from free living to root endophytes in rapeseed crops and in the design of efficient biofertilizers 2017
205 IMMUNO_CRC Microbiota-immune interaction in colorectal cancer 2017
206 ResistEpist Dissection of the mechanisms causing the epistasis between antibiotic resistance mutations in Escherichia coli 2018
207 SupaSteD Suppresion of adaptive immunity by the Salmonella effector SteD 2017
208 DualFun Dual Function Polymer Materials for Blood Contacting Applications 2017
209 GLIOMA Targeting Glioblastoma using Combinatorial Therapeutic Nanovaccine 2017
210 EMIGRATE Exploring MIcrobial networking in pesticides biodeGRAdaTion: novel inocula and biocatalysts for biodepuration of agro-industrial Effluents 2017
211 MIND THE GUT Mind the Gut: Molecular Markers of Microbiome Evolution 2017
212 MetaBiota Crosstalk between microbiota metabolites and immune cells, the missing link to brain damage. 2017
213 GEOHEAL Self-healing geological construction materials and structures 2018
214 MicroPhan Rol of obligate bacterial symbiosis in the diversification of a globally distributed aphid genus 2018
215 iChip Intestine-on-a-chip for investigating microbioal-epithelail interaction 2018
216 EvoMachine-Phage Using the Evolution Machine to determine the mechanism of a novel Phage-Induced High-Cell-Density (PIHCD) phenotype 2017
217 ACtIVAtE The virulence potential of human pathogens: how Acinetobacter baumannii survives Acanthamoeba castellanii predation 2018
218 Glyco-Platforms Novel smart glyco-nanomaterials as targeted therapeutics. 2017
219 ESSEVOL Adapting to Change: Experimental Evolution of Environmental Sensing Systems in Bacteria 2017
220 FimH-Mech The molecular mechanism of E. coli FimH pathogenicity 2017
221 Prolifimeter Growth detection and quantification (GDQ) 2017
222 MEMORIS Maternal Enteric Microbiota for Offspring's Repertoire development and Illness Susceptibility 2018
223 nanoPhotoMat Development of nano-Photocatalytic Materials for Indoor Air Purification and Odour Elimination 2017
224 HBVssNMR Investigating the structural role of the Hepatitis B virus core protein C-terminal domain in assembly and maturation using solid-state NMR 2017
225 GrIS-Melt Impacts of Greenland Ice Sheet melt on primary productivity and carbon cycling in Greenland coastal ecosystems 2017
226 EBM The evolvability of bacterial multicellularity 2018
227 COTCA Co-Translational Chaperone Action at the Single-Molecule Level 2017
228 NucLoc RNA localization in bacteria 2018
229 INCAGE In vitro reconstitution and single cell analysis of the Shigella-septin cage. 2017
230 OMPorg Spatiotemporal organisation of bacterial outer membrane proteins 2017
231 BLMs 4 TB Beta-lactams for Tuberculosis Treatment 2018
232 COMBAT Clearance Of Microbial Biofilms by Advancing diagnostics and Therapy 2017
233 ITERAMS Integrated mineral technologies for more sustainable raw material supply 2017
234 Fresh Solutions Fresh Solutions –‘A fresh approach to food packaging’ 2017
235 BreathSpec A rapid, non-invasive, cost-effective, analytical device for bacterial or viral infection diagnosis through ultra-high sensitivity breath analysis. 2017
236 NO-ESKAPE Addressing Antibiotic Resistance: New Strategies for Overcoming the ESKAPE Pathogens 2017
237 TransfoPneumo Structure and Function of the Bacterial Transformasome 2017
238 Ub-BAC Dissecting and targeting ubiquitin networks in the course of bacterial infections 2017
239 PeptIn employing protein aggregation as an antibacterial design strategy 2017
240 VIRIDIS MIST A toxin-free, food-safe, autonomous mobile misting disinfection system that eradicates pathogenswithin 5 minutes and gives residual protection for 24 hours reducing the need for water and antibiotics 2017
241 METAMAPPER Super-resolution genomic mapping for the microbiome 2017
242 PROBIOTEARS Probiotic-based Ophtalmologic treatment for Bacterial and Allergic Conjunctivitis 2017
243 TYPHI From Typhoid Fever to Antimicrobial Mechanisms 2017
244 DiPaC_MC Direct Pathway Cloning of Neglected Bacteria in the Hunt for Novel (Bio-)Chemistry 2017
245 TB-EPF Enhanced Place Finding (EPF) of TB transmission hotspots 2017
246 PRO_PHAGE Impact and interaction of prophage elements in bacterial host strains of biotechnological relevance 2018
247 ViBrANT VIral and BacteRial Adhesin Network Training 2018
248 MADONNA Microbial deployment of new-to-nature chemistries for refactoring the barriers between living and non-living matter 2018
249 CURE Constructing a ‘Eubiosis Reinstatement Therapy’ for Asthma 2017
250 DecodingInfection Decoding the host-pathogen interspecies crosstalk at a multiparametric single-cell level 2017
251 FattyCyanos Fatty acid incorporation and modification in cyanobacterial natural products 2018
252 ERACHRON Eradicating Chronic Infections 2018
253 FucoPol An innovative bio-based platform for the cost-competitive production of L-fucose, a building block for Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs). 2017
254 COMBACTE-CDI Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe - Clostridium Difficile Infections 2017
255 OligoGpivotalCF A pivotal phase IIb clinical trial of inhaled alginate oligosaccharide (OligoG) for cystic fibrosis 2018
256 PLASREVOLUTION Understanding the evolution of plasmid-mediated antibiotic resistance in real life scenarios 2018
257 BioMatrix Structural Biology of Exopolysaccharide Secretion in Bacterial Biofilms 2018
258 PyraSig Pyrazine Signalling in Commensal and Pathogenic Bacteria 2018
259 transtryp Structural differences in mRNA translation machineries between eukaryotic pathogens and their mammalian hosts 2018
260 IMPETUS Pilot line for paper based electrochemical test strips dedicated to quantitative biosensing in liquids 2018
261 STriTuVaD In Silico Trial for Tuberculosis Vaccine Development 2018
262 NanoSurf Nanostructural surface development for dental implant manufacturing 2018
263 OMVCRC Engineered bacterial Outer Membrane Vesicles (OMVs) for colorectal cancer immunotherapy 2018
264 MOLOKO Multiplex phOtonic sensor for pLasmonic-based Online detection of contaminants in milK 2018
265 HealMastitis Heal Mastitis in Dairy Cattle 2017
266 RIBATI Radically innovative bacterial treatment for recalcitrant industrial wastewater 2017
267 LIPOCOAT Biomimetic nano-coatings for healthcare. Targeting the contact lenses market 2017
268 DEFEAT DiseasE-FreE social life without Antibiotics resisTance 2018
269 DynaMO_TB Spatiotemporal regulation of localization and replication of M. tuberculosis in humanmacrophages 2018
270 UTERUS Unravelling gamma delta T cell emergence and responses in the uterus 2018
271 NovInDXS Development of novel inhibitors of the anti-infective target DXS using dynamic combinatorial chemistry (DCC) 2018
272 ColiSense Online Online and automated E. coli monitoring for 100% safe drinking water 2018
273 InflamCellDeath Mechanism and function of gasdermin-induced inflammatory cell death 2018
274 ChronosAntibiotics Exploring the bacterial cell cycle to re-sensitize antibiotic-resistant bacteria 2018
275 ProphARG Evolution of Prophages that carry Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs) and their host-bacteria in response to antibiotics and increased lytic activity 2018
276 mABSPN Antibody-based therapy against Streptococcus pneumoniae 2018
277 POLYTHEA Design and photo-optimization of Photosensitizer for Human Health and Food security applications or “how light can save lives” 2018
278 FUNBIOSIS Mediators in plant pathogenic fungal-bacterial symbiosis 2018
279 CaLecLig Calcium-dependent Lectins in Human Pathogenic Infections: From Atomistic Understanding to Ligand Design 2018
280 SPECTRE SPEciation and dynamiCs of TRace Elements 2018
281 DIRECTION Deciphering of Root and Rhizosphere microbiome to increase host fitness in the Fusarium oxysporum- plant interaction 2018
282 NutriCoRe An RNA-based mechanism for the nutritional control of bacterial DNA replication initiation 2018
283 HiBriCarbon Mixed Biotic and abiotic functionalysed electrodes for Plant Microbial Fuel Cells applications 2018
284 BACTIN Shaping the bacterial cell wall: the actin-like cytoskeleton, from single molecules to morphogenesis and antimicrobials 2019
285 BESIDE Bile acids and epithelial stem cells in intestinal development 2018
286 BRAIN Bacterial regulation of Apis neurophysiology 2018
287 BREFMC2017 Deciphering the function(s) of the C-type lectin DCIR/CLEC4A in tuberculosis 2018
288 DeepSym Understanding the drivers of the genetic and functional structure of deep-sea sponge symbiont communities 2018
289 DIM Decoding ISGylation events in Macrophages 2018
290 SynBioBrain Building biological computers from bacterial populations 2018
291 PneumoCaTChER The role of cell-to-cell variability in pneumococcal virulence and antibiotic resistance 2018
293 MMED Development of a Microfluidic Microbial Ecology Device and Mathematical Model to Study Antibiotic Response of Individual Cells 2019
294 Mtb CoaBC CoaBC from the Coenzyme A pathway of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as an antimicrobial drug target 2018
295 HGB-StIC Human Genetic Basis of Severe Staphylococcal Infections in Childhood 2019
296 InCell High speed AFM imaging of molecular processes inside living cells 2018
297 PHYTOPHONUS From male-killers to plant pathogens: Investigation of cross-kingdom host-symbiont interactions in the Arsenophonus clade” 2018
298 MIDAS Microbial Degradation of Jellyfish-Derived Substrates 2018
299 SHARE_WW Spatial organization and Horizontal gene transfer of Antibiotic Resistance by ESBL in WasteWater 2018
300 NLR_NLR-ID power NLR-ID diversity, mechanism and functionality upon transfer between species 2018
301 PREMNEC PReterm Enteroids to determine the Mechanism of Necrotising EnteroColitis 2018
302 PolyBact Identifying Chemical Cues in the Polymer-Mediated Engineering of Microorganisms 2019
303 PHANTOM Phenotypic screening the host antimicrobial responses towards the eradication of Mycobacterium tubercuosis 2018
304 RhizoTalk Decrypting the role of bacterial signals in microbial interactions to enhance Lysobacter establishment in the rhizosphere 2018
305 miVaO Microbiota mediating Vagal communication in Obesity 2018
306 Striking streaks Invariant Natural Killer T-cells in atherogenesis 2018
307 GEOBACTICON The efficiency of bio-self-healing concrete within ground conditions 2018
308 INFLA-AID The role of NLRC4 inflammasome in autoinflammatory diseases 2018
309 Gut_Fights_PD Investigating protective mechanisms of gut bacteria in C. elegans models of Parkinson’s disease 2019
310 NANOBIOME Gradient NANOcluster Screening Arrays for SERS Analytics of Wound MicroBIOMEs 2018
311 OliveFlyBacteria New Bacterial Pathogens and Endosymbionts of the Olive Fly, Bactrocera oleae, for the Development of Innovative Fruit Fly Biocontrol Strategies 2019
312 HUMANITY Human Lung Microbiota And Innate Immunity 2019
313 C-CLEAR Complement: to clear or not to clear 2018
314 UPRmt The Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response 2018
315 MicroWars The Evolution of Bacterial Warfare 2018
316 EPICut Molecular mechanisms, evolutionary impacts and applications of prokaryotic epigenetic-targeted immune systems 2018
317 RespViRALI Structural and functional insights into the assembly of respiratory complexes by a novel putative chaperone 2019
318 BioNanoMagnets Capturing the biomineralization of magnetite nanoparticles with magnetotactic bacteria in vivo using microfluidic conditions and synchrotron-based X-ray spectroscopy 2018
319 SuperFlotillin Improvement of bacterial lipid rafts to produce biofuels 2018
320 BactoBubble Microscale investigation of key bacterial phenotypes enhancing collection by rising bubbles and aerial dispersal 2018
321 COEXIST Bacteria-phage-antibiotic interactions in variable environments: a community ecology perspective 2018
322 IVS Affordable airless packaging system to disrupt the airless packaging market 2018
323 OLEICAStarter Application of multifunctional lactic acid bacteria in large-scale fermentation of spanish-style table olives 2018
324 NEOSONICS NEOSONICS – First non-invasive screening medical device for infant meningitis. 2018
325 LimuleX A bio-identical and non-animal replacement for the quality control reagent of pyrogen testing in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. 2018
326 Gut_Fights_PD Investigating protective mechanisms of gut bacteria in C. elegans models of Parkinson’s disease 2019
327 MASTERCOW MASTERCOW, an antibiotic-free bioinorganic therapy for bovine mastitis 2018
328 BC SKIN Bacterial Cellulose (and)- based Skin Repair material - BC 2018
329 Hydro-S3DP Sens Solutions Smart Disinfection Platform for Legionella Prevention in Hospital and Hotel water heating & cooling systems. 2018
330 MiCoBion Microbial Communities in Biomedical and Environmental Areas, and Systems Biology 2018
331 PhagoPROD GMP manufacturing & GLP diagnostic: Towards a personalised phage therapy against antimicrobial resistance 2018
332 QuickMIC QuickMIC™ - an ultra-rapid diagnostic system for Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing (AST) 2018
333 POLIPO The first non-fermentative production process for low cost synthesis of biodegradable PHAs bioplastic from vegetal oils and fats 2018
334 Bio-LP-1 Bio-LP-1 - A novel technology for water safety and surveillance testing 2018
335 VitaminBlock Development of antibacterial compounds that block essential transport function 2018
336 WOUNDCOM Interactive biomembranes for wound management – exploiting the unique wound healing and antimicrobial properties of human collagen VI 2018
337 ENDONANO Quantitative detection of bacterial endotoxin by novel nanotechnological approaches 2019
338 VacPath Novel vaccine vectors to resist pathogen challenge 2019
339 vAMRes Vaccines as a remedy for antimicrobial resistant bacterial infections 2018
340 SIRIUS Simulations for Inertial Particle Microfluidics 2019
341 PREDATOR Revealing the cell biology of a predatory bacterium in space and time 2019
342 PHAGOVET A cost-effective solution for controlling Salmonella and Escherichia coli in poultry production 2018
343 Growth regulation The wide-spread bacterial toxin delivery systems and their role in multicellularity 2019
344 ENTRAPMENT Septins: from bacterial entrapment to cellular immunity 2019
345 Microrobots Engineering Biohybrid MicroRobots from Magnetic Swimmers and S-layers 2018
346 KlotoDx KlotoDx A quick and cost-effective near-patient tool to identify sepsis-related bacteria and antibiotic resistances 2018
347 AMR-TB Theoretical and computational investigation of tuberculosis antimicrobial resistance development based on extensive experimental library of mycobacterium strains 2019
348 MicroTher MicroTher: Drug Discovery from the Microbiota 2018
349 RiboLife Resurrecting LUCA - Engineering of RNA-encoded Cellular Life Using Dual Evolution and Intergenomic Transplantation 2019
350 PROPHECY Translational control in infection biology: riboproteogenomics of bacterial pathogens 2018
351 IM-ID Defining the intrinsic transcriptional programs and the microenvironmental signals tailoring lung Interstitial Macrophage IDentity 2019
352 MORPHEUS Deciphering Bacteria-induced Morphogenesis and Protection in marine Eukaryotes 2019
353 LIGHTPORT From light-stimulated anion receptors to transmembrane carriers and pumps 2019
354 NEFERTITI NEFERTITI: A Novel Eco-Friendly, dually Efficient and Resistance-free Treatment of vaginITIs 2018
355 EvoLucin 400 Million Years of Symbiosis: Host-microbe interactions in marine lucinid clams from past to present 2019
356 PHARMS Bacteriophage inhibition of antibiotic-resistant pathogenic microbes and founding for novel therapeutic strategies 2019
357 BUBBLE CURE Targeted microbubble vibrations to accurately diagnose and treat cardiac device-related bacterial biofilm infections 2019
358 BRuSH Oral bacteria as determinants for respiratory health 2019
359 BEBOP Bacterial biofilms in porous structures: from biomechanics to control 2019
360 T-REX Developing healthy crops for EU: T3SS-Recognition EXploration (T-REX) for plant immunity against bacteria 2019
361 D-TRUCK The first effective, remotely-controlled, and environmentally-friendly in-built food-transport sanitisation system 2018
362 BacterialCORE Widespread Bacterial CORE Complex Executes Intra- and Inter-Kingdom Cytoplasmic Molecular Trade 2019
363 VOGAS Screening of Gastric Cancer via Breath volatile organic compounds by Hybrid Sensing Approach 2019
364 CRISPRsition Developing CRISPR adaptation platforms for basic and applied research 2019
365 MycoVAP Bacterial chassis for treating ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) 2019
366 ResisTEST Developing a rapid diagnostic kit for antibiotic resistance 2019
367 KryptonInt Erasing the superintegron to understand the role of chromosomal integrons in bacterial evolution 2019
368 StopAutoimmunity Recurrent disease in the liver transplant: window to identify and stop gut signals driving autoimmunity 2019
369 EXCHANGE Dynamic Complexes and Allosteric Regulation of Small Molecule Transporters 2019
371 CoPathoPhage Pathogen-phage cooperation during mammalian infection 2019
372 ADIMMUNE Decoding interactions between adipose tissue immune cells, metabolic function, and the intestinal microbiome in obesity 2019
373 uCARE Understanding Circumventing Antibiotic REsistance 2019
374 Piko Revealing the adaptive internal organization and dynamics of bacteria and mitochondria 2019
375 ProMiDis A unified drug discovery platform for protein misfolding diseases 2019
376 MUMVIP Metabolic Profiling of the Vaginal Microbiome for Reproductive Health 2019
378 KUBBI Cost- and Climate-Efficient Milk Cooling Using Slurry Ice and Natural CO2 2019
379 SinFonia Synthetic biology-guided engineering of Pseudomonas putida for biofluorination 2019
380 BIONICbacteria Integrating a novel layer of synthetic biology tools in Pseudomonas, inspired by bacterial viruses 2019
381 skILL Intracellular signalling by modified lipopolysaccharide 2019
382 Coevolution The genomic signature of rapid coevolution within a wild host-parasite system 2019
383 Bac-To-Fuel BACterial conversion of CO2 and renewable H2 inTO bioFUELs 2019
384 GetToKnowPneumo A pooled CRISPRi screen to identify new cell cycle proteins in the opportunistic human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae 2019
385 CM_GF Biological relevance of the multiple infection unit as a novel target for antiviral development 2020
386 REBELLION Light-REsponsive Nanomachines for Targeted Eradication of BactErial Pathogens in LocaLised InfectIONs 2020
387 DIFTERIA Development of a simple and rapid assay for early diphtheria diagnosis. 2020
388 COMBATTB Comprehensive Mechanisms of Bacterial Antibiotic Tolerance in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 2019
389 RINFEC The Roots of Infection 2019
390 XYL-SPIT Understanding the relationship between Xylella fastidiosa and the meadow spittlebug Philaenus spumarius for a sustainable bacterial-mediated diseases control 2020
391 ARCS Elucidating the gene exchange networks of antibiotic resistance genes in clinical sewage microbiomes 2019
392 EDiMplant Electrical Discharge Machining for enhanced osseointegration and antibacterial capabilities of β-phase Titanium Implant 2019
393 PROTOBAC Engineering of complex protocells by micro-compartmentalization of living bacteria 2019
394 BacDrug Bacterial membrane vesicles a novel delivery system for the treatment of multi-drug resistant Gram-negative bacterial infections. 2020
395 ReproDev Reprogramming plant development with microbial organic volatile compounds for sustainable food production 2020
396 CheckBacZ Checkpoints in the bacterial cell cycle: role of the cytokinetic Z-ring and implications for antibiotic resistance 2020
397 ARIADNE Structure and dynamics in active glass-forming liquids 2019
398 SENSE BioSensing and rhizospherE – eNdosphere geochemical microprofiling of polychlorinated byphenils degradation by Soil microbiota upon stimulation of root Exudates 2019
399 CatchGel Catch Bond Cross-linked Hydrogels 2020
400 Salmofish Tracing T3SS effectors in vivo during Salmonella infection in the zebrafish model 2019
401 BioNanoProbes Bio-Inspired Glycan-NanoProbes as Antimicrobial Pro-Drugs 2019
402 FIT-SEP Fully integrated technology for predictive diagnosis of sepsis 2020
403 LEVERAGE mRNA Laboratory Evolution of Virus-likE pRotein cAGes for Eukaryotic mRNA delivery 2019
404 GenDels Development of a new CRISPR-Cas3-based tool for large genomic deletions 2019
405 BactRNA Bacterial small RNAs networks unravelling novel features of transcription and translation 2019
406 SecNine Mechanism of Type 9 Secretion: an unusual protein transport system involved in pathogenesis and motility 2019
407 TENDO Tension of ENDOmembranes maintained by TORC1 2019
408 LEECHSYMBIO The Mexican leech Haementeria officinalis and its nutritional symbiont as a model system for the study of strict blood-feeding animal-microbe symbioses and bacteriocyte development 2020
409 CROWDY Toward the microscopic simulations of cell-like environments. 2019
410 BPLAN Biological Physics of Living Active Nematics 2019
411 miR-IBD Fecal miRNAs, new mediators of host-microbiota interaction in Inflammatory Bowel Disease 2019
412 PolyPath Insights from within-host dynamics on the coexistence of antibiotic resistant and sensitive pathogens 2019
413 PePiPOM Peptide-functionalized POMs as biofilm disruption agents: searching for synergy in bactericidal materials 2019
414 INFarm A unique, interferon-based veterinary therapy to minimize antimicrobial overuse in cattle and tackle the societal global problem of antimicrobial resistance 2019
415 SIM Smart Incubator Microbium 2019
416 HARNESS Harnessing experimental evolution of rhizobia for an integrative view of endosymbiosis 2019
417 RAID Veterinary Decision Support System by Rapid Bacterial Infection Detection (RAID) 2019
418 SpheriCal Reference Certification and Commercialisation of “Universal” Mass Spectrometry Calibration Standards 2019
419 ArtIST Pre-clinical evaluation and feasibility study for Artificial Inteligence-based Strain Typing and Bacterial Resistance analysis software 2019
420 SaPhaDe Know your enemy: systematic discovery of Salmonella anti-Phage Defences for the improved design of phage therapeutics 2019
421 CO-DEfENDENCE Bacteriophages, phage-host interactions and evolution of defence mechanisms in beneficial bacterium Propionibacterium freudenreichii 2020
422 OvaVAx 100% Bacteria free eggs for use in production of human and animal vaccines 2019
423 NorKHelp Using population genomics and metabarcoding to pro-actively manage kelp bioresources 2019
424 BterBioPlastics Turning BacTERia into factories of BIOdegradable PLASTICS 2019
425 SPELITEC Sequence sPecific ELImination of shiga-Toxin E. Coli 2019
426 ColiSense Online Online and automated E. coli monitoring for 100% safe drinking water 2019
427 NEXTER Next generation eco-friendly, microbiome preserving and reduced resistance therapeutics 2019
428 NCI-CAD Neutrophil - Chlamydia interactions at the crossroad of adaptation and defence 2019
429 NANOELAST Next-Generation Urinary Catheters for Preventing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections: Emphasis on Antibiotic Resistance 2019
430 ABOLED Commercial feasibility of an anti-bacterial treatment 2019
431 DetectInMen Infection detection in human semen 2019
432 SYNPEP Synthetic biology of non-ribosomal peptide synthetases to generate new peptides 2019
433 KissAndSpitRhoptry Unravelling the secretion machinery for virulence factors in apicomplexan parasites 2020
434 BactiVax anti-Bacterial Innovative Vaccine Training Network. 2019
435 TIPAT Training towards Personalized Antibiotic Treatment 2020
436 QUARTET Quantum readout techniques and technologies 2019
437 TaMIE Targeting MarA to Inhibit Efflux 2019
438 SYGMA Synthetic photobiology for light controllable active matter 2019
439 AVANT Alternatives to Veterinary ANTimicrobials 2020
440 LIGHT4LUNGS Inhalable Aerosol Light Source for Controlling Drug-Resistant Bacterial Lung Infections 2019
441 GLYCOSWITCH Probing the mysteries of sweet “on-off” switches of the human immune system: toward the development of novel glycomimetics against bacterial infections 2020
442 BacterOMIC Intelligence for precision therapies against antimicrobial resistance: The first diagnostic panel that probes all the clinically relevant antibiotics at once 2019
443 UCL Unmanned Chemical Lab (UCL): autonomous control system for the remote management of soluble and emulsifiable metalworking fluids 2019
444 Bac2MUC Bacteria-mucin interactions – Shaping intestinal epithelial responses in health and disease 2020
445 Bio-TUNE Fine tune of cellular behavior: multifunctional materials for medical implants 2020
446 SWORD Smart Wound monitoring Restorative Dressings 2020
447 SepsiCare A disruptive multi-sensor chip for fast and effective management of Sepsis at the point of Care 2020
449 HAP2 Host-targeted Approaches for the Prevention and the treatment of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia 2020
450 PANDORA Pandemics Outbreaks Rationalized: towards a universal therapy to eliminate intracellular pathogens and drug resistance 2020
451 RePLAy Reinventing bioplastic: CO2 + sunlight = PLA 2019
452 NEFERTITI A Novel Eco-Friendly, dually Efficient and Resistance-free Treatment of vaginITIs 2020
453 PhotoRedesign Redesigning the Photosynthetic Light Reactions 2020
454 AIMed Antimicrobial Integrated Methodologies for orthopaedic applications 2020
455 nbPTMs A multifaceted platform for exploring nucleotide-based post-translational modifications 2021
456 DECODE reDucing the health and Economic COst of Diagnostic uncErtainty: launch and randomized control trial of the first validated bacterial versus viral test 2020
457 PP-MAGIC (Photo-)Control of Persisters: Targeting the Magic Spot 2020
458 DYNOME Barcoding gene expression dynamics at single-molecule resolution 2020
459 PoreDetect Bench-top system for detection and analysis of miRNA using solid-state nanopores 2020
460 BacForce Quantifying minute forces: How mechanoregulation determines the behavior of pathogenic bacteria 2020
461 AimingT6SS Mechanisms of dynamic localization of the bacterial Type 6 secretion system assembly 2020
462 mARs mARs: Mobile DNA driven antibiotic resistance spreading: molecular strategies, control and evolution for broad distribution 2021
463 STRATEGY-CKD System omics to unravel the gut-kidney axis in Chronic Kidney Disease. 2020
464 ACE-OF-SPACE Analysis, control, and engineering of spatiotemporal pattern formation 2020
465 BioTempSense Understanding the thermodynamic and mechanistic basis of a model biological temperature sensor 2021
466 ROMANCE StRategies fOr iMproving Agronomic practices based oN miCrobiomEs. 2020
467 MicroMix Microbial Conlonization in Confined Chaotic Mixtures 2020
468 DiStRes Disentangling the stringent response to engineer novel anti-persister drugs 2020
469 GelPrint Printable polypeptide hydrogels with antimicrobial properties 2020
470 OMIT The role of microbial Oxylipins in the MIcrobe-hosT dialogue 2020
471 STIMULATE STING signalling modulation via the Electron Transport Chain 2021
472 BiLamVesicles Novel bi-lamellar lipid vesicles for studying double-membrane transenvelope proteins 2020
473 GAMBBa Gene-activated AntiMicrobial Biomaterials for Bone regeneration 2020
474 ANTIBIOCLICKS BioInspired Clicked Siderophore-Antibiotics 2020
475 BioMaGic Design of biomaterials with enzymatic logic gates 2021
476 MATBFOB MAThematical modelling of Biofilm FOrmation on Biomaterials 2020