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COSMOS project deliverables

The page lists 9 deliverables related to the research project "COSMOS".

 List of Deliverables

COSMOS: list of downloadable deliverables.
title and desprition type last update

C18-C22 monounsaturated FA samples

These fractions are obtained as a result of the oil enrichment through short path distillation, cold precipitation, molecular distillation, and other separation technologies as SFE/SCE or bio-enzymatical techniques. After this enrichment and apart from the monounsaturated fractions, PUFAS will be also obtained, which will be subsequently fractionated. A report showing the conclusions of the fractionation will also be delivered.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): ISIB-05-2014

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2020-03-20

C18 PUFA and MUFA/esters samples

These samples are the result of fractioning the PUFAs obtained after the oil enrichment through short path distillation, cold precipitation, molecular distillation, and supercritical techniques. The objective is adding value in order to define a quality level up to the market standards. A report showing the conclusions of the fractionation will also be delivered.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): ISIB-05-2014

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2020-03-20

Large-scale fields and growing guidelines for each crop

Large-scale fields of 5-10 hectares will be established in Greece, Italy and Poland for each crop to assess the adaptability and workability of existing farm machines commonly used for oilseed crops, estimate the labour demand, assess the economic and environmental impacts, measure the actual biomass and oil yields, and yield gap, verify operational feasibility under real farm conditions, identify problems and come up with solutions. This deliverable is linked to Task 3.6.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): ISIB-05-2014

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2020-03-20

15 tons of seeds

15 tons of seeds in total will be produced in Greece, Italy and Poland from the large fields. The extracted oil will serve the industrial transformation tests of WP4. This deliverable is linked to Task 3.6.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): ISIB-05-2014

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Demonstrators, pilots, prototypes 2020-03-20

Stakeholder workshop

This deliverable consists of the organisation of a stakeholder workshop. It is part of Task 8.2 which foresees the organisation of a stakeholder workshop in the third year of the project to spread the results of the COSMOS project to interested stakeholders. This will be linked to a bigger event that year that will be identified by the IP committee.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): ISIB-05-2014

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-03-20

Report on composition of Crambe & Camelina oil seed side streams (seed meals & crop residues)

Report on composition of Crambe & Camelina oil seed side streams (seed meals & crop residues).

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): ISIB-05-2014

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Documents, reports 2020-03-20

List of molecules from the value chains that can be used as flavour and fragrance ingredients

\"A list of molecules from the value chains that can be used as flavour and fragrance ingredients will be prepared, using on one side the catalogues of molecules which are used in F&F applications (such as the Aldrich catalogue for F&F, or the web site \"\"\"\"...) and the expertise of the partners in chemical synthesis to identify which molecules could be synthesized from the Camelina and Crambe fatty acids. By analogy, we\'ll identify which new molecules, similar to the previous ones, could also be synthesized, in order to include them in the portefolio of molecules that could be proposed to F&F companies. Whenever these molecules will be encountered in the project, they will be isolated, for further evaluation by selected F&F and advisory board members.
Tasks lined to this deliverable are Task 6.1, task 6.2 and Task 6.3\"

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): ISIB-05-2014

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Documents, reports 2020-03-20

Leaflet on the project

This deliverable consists of the publication of project leaflet. This deliverable is part of Task 8.2 which foresees the dissemination of leaflets, brochures and posters as part of the external communication. This material will be updated as the project progresses.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): ISIB-05-2014

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-03-20

Website up and running

This deliverable consists of the development and activation of a project website. This deliverable is part of Task 8.2 which foresees a website with an internal area for secure and effective communication within the project consortium, as well as an external platform for displaying information about the project objectives, activities and results to interested parties and stakeholders and the public.

Programme: H2020-EU.3.2. - Topic(s): ISIB-05-2014

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Websites, patent fillings, videos etc. 2020-03-20