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Wireless Software and Hardware platforms for Flexible and Unified radio and network controL

Total Cost €


EC-Contrib. €






Project "WiSHFUL" data sheet

The following table provides information about the project.


There are not information about this coordinator. Please contact Fabio for more information, thanks.

 Coordinator Country Belgium [BE]
 Total cost 5˙504˙304 €
 EC max contribution 5˙171˙000 € (94%)
 Programme 1. H2020-EU. (Future Internet: Software, hardware, Infrastructures, technologies and services)
 Code Call H2020-ICT-2014-1
 Funding Scheme RIA
 Starting year 2015
 Duration (year-month-day) from 2015-01-01   to  2017-12-31


Take a look of project's partnership.

# participants  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 
2    IMINDS BE (GENT) coordinator 0.00
6    NCENTRIC EUROPE BVBA BE (BRUGGE) participant 263˙333.00


 Project objective

Wireless testbeds have become an essential tool to develop and validate innovative wireless solutions. However, due to the increasing diversity of wireless solutions and competing radio technologies, along with the ever more stringent requirements on the reliability of test results, wireless test facilities have evolved to very complex systems with steep learning curves for innovators. To speed up and facilitate the experimentation process, to lower its cost and to enhance the uptake of future non- and pre-standard solutions, the WiSHFUL project is determined to lower the experimentation threshold by developing flexible, scalable, open software architectures and programming interfaces for prototyping novel wireless solutions for a variety of applications ranging from healthcare to smart cities, supporting players in high value-add markets with considerable growth potential. Key features of WiSHFUL include (1) unified radio control, providing developers with deep control of physical and medium access components without requiring deep knowledge of the radio hardware platform and (2) unified network control allowing the rapid creation, modification, and prototyping of protocols across the entire stack. WiSHFUL will also create a testbed-on-the-move, consisting of portable facilities that can be deployed easily and efficiently at any location, allowing validation of innovative wireless solutions in the real world (with realistic propagation and interference characteristics) and involving real users. The usefulness of these facilities will be confirmed by participation of industrial and academic partners through open calls for experimentation. In addition, we envision to extend these facilities with the capability to experiment with emerging wireless technologies such as millimeter wave communications, full-duplex and massive MIMO in the scope of open calls for extensions.


List of deliverables.
First Dissemination Report Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:46:44
Final operational network control Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:26
Specification of first showcases Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:05
Final software development kit and toolset for network control Other 2019-05-31 12:45:23
Support of Third Party experiments in Year 2 Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:23
Second Dissemination Report Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:14
First implementation of testbed on the move Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:00
First operational network control software platform Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:44:59
Design of software architecture for radio control Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:15
Final testbed-on-the-move toolset Other 2019-05-31 12:45:29
Second experimentation toolset Other 2019-05-31 12:45:20
Second software development kit and toolset for radio control Other 2019-05-31 12:45:15
Results of final set of showcases Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:20
Second testbed-on-the-move toolset Other 2019-05-31 12:45:26
First experimentation toolset Other 2019-05-31 12:45:14
Final experimentation toolset Other 2019-05-31 12:45:28
First software development kit and toolset for radio control Other 2019-05-31 12:45:00
Implementation of optimised experimentation tools Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:18
Standardization and Regulation Report Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:17
Second operational network control software platform Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:09
Implementation of final experimentation tools Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:21
Support of Third Party extensions in Year 2 Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:28
Second operational radio control software platform Other 2019-05-31 12:45:14
Support of Third Party experiments in Year 3 Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:27
Results of second set of showcases Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:13
Optimised implementation of testbed on the move Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:21
Initial implementation of experimentation tools Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:44:59
Support of Third Party extensions in Year 3 Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:29
Final operational radio control software platform Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:24
Third Dissemination Report Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:29
Final implementation of testbed on the move Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:24
First testbed-on-the-move toolset Other 2019-05-31 12:45:04
Final software development kit and toolset for radio control Other 2019-05-31 12:45:11
High level requirements for testbeds and software platforms Documents, reports 2019-05-31 12:45:07
First software development kit and toolset for network control Other 2019-05-31 12:44:59
Second software development kit and toolset for network control Other 2019-05-31 12:45:10
Design of experimentation tools Documents, reports 2019-05-30 17:04:03
Final intelligent modules and hierarchical control software prototype Other 2019-05-30 17:03:29
First operational radio control software platform Documents, reports 2019-05-30 17:03:28
First intelligent modules and hierarchical control software prototype Other 2019-05-30 17:03:27
Design of software architecture for intelligent control and showcases Documents, reports 2019-05-30 17:03:25
Specification of testbed on the move Documents, reports 2019-05-30 17:03:36
Final operational intelligence framework Documents, reports 2019-05-30 17:03:34
Results of first set of showcases using basic intelligence Documents, reports 2019-05-30 17:03:26
Results of first set of showcases Documents, reports 2019-05-30 17:03:57
Design of software architecture for network control Documents, reports 2019-05-30 17:03:29

Take a look to the deliverables list in detail:  detailed list of WiSHFUL deliverables.


year authors and title journal last update
List of publications.
2016 Jan Bauwens, Bart Jooris, Eli De Poorter, Peter Ruckebusch, and Ingrid Moerman
Towards a MAC protocol App Store
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks 2019-05-30
2016 Pierluigi Gallo, Katarzyna Kosek-Szott, Szymon Szott, Ilenia Tinnirello
SDN@home: A method for controlling future wireless home networks
published pages: 123-131, ISSN: 0163-6804, DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2016.7470946
IEEE Communications Magazine 54/5 2019-05-30
2018 S. Bayhan, A. Zubow, and A. Wolisz
Coexistence Gaps in Space: Cross-Technology Interference-Nulling for Improving LTE-U/WiFi Coexistence
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
2016 P. Gawłowicz, S. Zehl, A. Zubow and A. Wolisz
NxWLAN: Neighborhood eXtensible WLAN
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
arXiv 2019-05-30
2016 Merima Kulin, Carolina Fortuna, Eli De Poorter, Dirk Deschrijver, Ingrid Moerman
Data-Driven Design of Intelligent Wireless Networks: An Overview and Tutorial
published pages: , ISSN: 1424-8220, DOI: 10.3390/s16060790
Sensors 2016 Volume 16, Issue 6 2019-05-30
2018 Anatolij Zubow, Piotr Gawłowicz, and Suzan Bayhan
On Practical Coexistence Gaps in Space for LTE-U/WiFi Coexistence
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
European Wireless 2018 2019-05-30
2018 Maicon Kist, Juergen Rochol, Luiz DaSilva, and Cristiano Bonato Both
SDR Virtualization in Future Mobile Networks: Enabling Multi-Programmable Air-Interfaces
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
IEEE International Conference on Communications 2019-05-30
2018 M. Segata, N. Facchi, L. Maccari, G. Gemmi, and R. Lo Cigno
Centrality-based Route Recovery in Wireless Mesh Networks
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
2015 Sanabria-Russo, L.; Gringoli, F.; Barcelo, J.; and Bellalta, B.,
Implementation and Experimentatl Evaluation of a Collision-Free MAC Protocol for WLANs
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
IEEE International Conference on Communications 2019-05-30
2016 Peter Ruckebusch, Eli De Poorter, Carolina Fortuna, Ingrid Moerman
GITAR: Generic extension for Internet-of-Things ARchitectures enabling dynamic updates of network and application modules
published pages: 127-151, ISSN: 1570-8705, DOI: 10.1016/j.adhoc.2015.05.017
Ad Hoc Networks 36 2019-05-30
2017 Ingrid Moerman, Spilios Giannoulis, Eli De Poorter, Xianjun Jiao
Softwarization of Radio and Wireless Networks
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
IEEE Software Defined Networks 2019-05-30
2018 Matevž Vučnik, Tomaž Šolc, Urban Gregorc, Andrej Hrovat, Klemen Bregar, Miha Smolnikar, Mihael Mohorčič and Carolina Fortuna
COINS: ContinuOus IntegratioN in wirelesS technology development
published pages: , ISSN: 0163-6804, DOI:
Network Testing and Analytics Series of IEEE Communications Magazine August 2018 2019-05-30
2018 P. Gawlowicz, A. Zubow, S. Bayhan
Cross-Technology Interference Nulling for Improved LTE-U/WiFi Coexistence
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
MobiSys 2018 2019-05-30
2018 P. Gawłowicz, A. Zubow, and A. Wolisz
Enabling Cross-technology Communication between LTE Unlicensed and WiFi
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications 2019-05-30
2018 Leonardo Maccari, Lorenzo Ghiro, Alessio Guerrieri, Alberto Montresor and Renato Lo Cigno
On the Distributed Computation of Load Centrality and Its Application to DV Routing
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications 2019-05-30
2017 Peter Ruckebusch, Spilios Giannoulis, Domenico Garlisi, Pierluigi Gallo, Piotr Gawlowicz, Anatolij Zubow, Mikoaj Chwalisz, Eli De Poorter, Ingrid Moerman, Ilenia Tinnirello, Luiz DaSilva
WiSHFUL: Enabling Coordination Solutions for Managing Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
published pages: 118-125, ISSN: 0163-6804, DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2017.1700073
IEEE Communications Magazine 55/9 2019-05-30
2016 Bart Jooris, Jan Bauwens, Peter Ruckebusch, Peter De Valck, Christophe Van Praet, Ingrid Moerman, Eli De Poorter
TAISC: a cross-platform MAC protocol compiler and execution engine
published pages: 315–326, ISSN: 1389-1286, DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2016.03.027
Computer Networks Volume 107, Part 2 2019-05-30
2018 Piotr Gawłowicz and Anatolij Zubow
Demo Abstract: Practical Cross-technology Radio Resource Management between LTE-U and WiFi Networks
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications 2019-05-30
2018 Ilenia Tinnirello; Domenico Garlisi; Fabrizio Giuliano
Enabling a Win-Win Coexistence Mechanism for WiFi and LTE in Unlicensed Bands
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
ITC 30 - Teletraffic in a Smart World 2019-05-30
2018 M. Chwalisz, and A. Wolisz
Towards efficient coexistence of IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH and IEEE 802.11
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium 2019-05-30
2015 Salvador, P.; Gringoli, F.; Serrano, P.; Facchi, N.; and Paris, S.
Making a Case for Flexible 802.11 Architectures
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
IEEE International Conference on Communications 2019-05-30
2016 Tarik Kazaz, Christophe Van Praet, Merima Kuriln, Pieter Willemen, and Ingrid Moerman
Hardware Accelerated SDR Platform for Adaptive Air Interfaces
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
ETSI Workshop on Future Radio Technologies - Air Interfaces 2019-05-30
2018 Pierluigi Gallo, Katarzyna Kosek-Szott, Szymon Szott, Ilenia Tinnirello
CADWAN: A Control Architecture for Dense WiFi Access Networks
published pages: 194-201, ISSN: 0163-6804, DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2017.1601097
IEEE Communications Magazine 56/1 2019-05-30
2018 Daniele Croce, Domenico Garlisi, Fabrizio Giuliano, Nicola Inzerillo, Ilenia Tinnirello
Learning From Errors: Detecting Cross-Technology Interference in WiFi Networks
published pages: 347-356, ISSN: 2332-7731, DOI: 10.1109/TCCN.2018.2816068
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 4/2 2019-05-30
2015 Fortuna, C., Ruckebusch, P., Van Praet, C., Moerman, I., Kaminski, N., DaSilva, L., Tinirello, I., Bianchi, G., Gringoli, F., Zubow, A., Chwalisz, M., Wolisz, A., Leblon, R., Seskar, I., Choi, S., de Rezende, J. F.
Wireless Software and Hardware platforms for Flexible and Unified radio and network controL
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
EuCNC Workshop on 5G Testbeds and Hands-on Experimental Research 2019-05-30
2015 Nicolò Facchi, Francesco Gringoli, Fabio Ricciato, Andrea Toma
Emitter localisation from reception timestamps in asynchronous networks
published pages: 202-217, ISSN: 1389-1286, DOI: 10.1016/j.comnet.2015.06.003
Computer Networks 88 2019-05-30
2016 Sven Zehl, Anatolij Zubow and Adam Wolisz
hMAC: Enabling Hybrid TDMA/CSMA on IEEE 802.11 Hardware
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
TKN Technical Report TKN-16-004 TKN-16-004 2019-05-30
2018 Mikołaj Chwalisz
Demonstration of efficient coexistence of IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH and IEEE 802.11
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium 2019-05-30
2016 Nicholas Kaminski, Ingrid Moerman, Spilios Giannoulis, Pierluigi Gallo, Anatolij Zubow, Robin Leblon, Ivan Seskar, Sunghyun Choi, and Jose de Rezende
Unified Radio and Network Control Across Heterogeneous Hardware Platforms
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
ETSI Workshop on Future Radio Technologies - Air Interfaces 2019-05-30

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The information about "WISHFUL" are provided by the European Opendata Portal: CORDIS opendata.

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