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H2020 projects about "hardware"

The page lists 730 projects related to the topic "hardware".

# achronym  title  year 
1 BeyondSeq Genomic diagnostics beyond the sequence 2015
2 INSITER Intuitive Self-Inspection Techniques using Augmented Reality for construction, refurbishment and maintenance of energy-efficient buildings made of prefabricated components 2014
3 TIME-BRIDGE Time-scale bridging potentials for realistic molecular dynamics simulations 2015
4 Hi-EST Holistic Integration of Emerging Supercomputing Technologies 2015
5 NEURAMORPH Dynamics of Amorphous Semiconductors: Intrinsic Nature and Application in Neuromorphic Hardware 2015
6 SCREEN Space Cognitive Radio for Electromagnetic Environment maNagement 2015
7 PLUGIN Payload Universal Geostationary Interface 2015
8 VEST Virtual Environments for Social Training 2015
9 BrainFrame Automated framework for rapid simulations of high-detail brain models 2015
10 eDrug Drug eDesign: Building the next generation of software solutions for drug design 2015
11 SmartTap Real-Time Monitoring System for Water Quality 2015
12 GALENA Galileo-based solutions for urban freight transport 2015
13 SKPLUS Super-Kamiokande plus 2014
14 BigStorage BigStorage: Storage-based Convergence between HPC and Cloud to handle Big Data 2015
15 FESTIVAL FEderated interoperable SmarT ICT services deVelopment And testing pLatforms 2014
16 RAPID Radio technologies for 5G using advanced photonic infrastructure for dense user environments 2014
17 Sound of Vision Natural sense of vision through acoustics and haptics 2015
18 I-SUPPORT ICT-Supported Bath Robots 2015
19 EoT Eyes of Things 2015
20 COSSIM A Novel, Comprehensible, Ultra-Fast, Security-Aware CPS Simulator 2015
21 INTO-CPS INtegrated TOol chain for model-based design of CPSs 2015
23 SAFURE SAFety and secURity by design for interconnected mixed-critical cyber-physical systems 2015
24 ECOMODE Event-Driven Compressive Vision for Multimodal Interaction with Mobile Devices 2015
25 ENTICE dEcentralized repositories for traNsparent and efficienT vIrtual maChine opErations 2015
26 IOSTACK Software Defined Storage for Big Data 2015
27 LISTEN Hands-free Voice-enabled Interface to Web Applications for Smart Home Environments 2015
28 SWEEPER Sweet Pepper Harvesting Robot 2015
29 SHARCS Secure Hardware-Software Architectures for Robust Computing Systems 2015
30 SMARTSET High Performance Low Cost Virtual Studios for Creative Industries SMEs 2015
31 TAMS4CPS Trans-Atlantic Modelling and Simulation For Cyber-Physical Systems 2015
32 RAPID-MIX Realtime Adaptive Prototyping for Industrial Design of Multimodal Interactive eXpressive technology 2015
33 SARAFun Smart Assembly Robot with Advanced FUNctionalities 2015
34 PRISMACLOUD PRIvacy and Security MAintaining services in the CLOUD 2015
35 SERECA Secure Enclaves for REactive Cloud Applications 2015
36 SmokeBot Mobile Robots with Novel Environmental Sensors for Inspection of Disaster Sites with Low Visibility 2015
37 TAPPS Trusted Apps for open CPS 2015
38 OrganiCity OrganiCity – Co-creating smart cities of the future 2015
39 NEPHELE eNd to End scalable and dynamically reconfigurable oPtical arcHitecture for application-awarE SDN cLoud datacentErs 2015
40 FANCI Face and body Analysis Natural Computer Interaction 2015
41 WiSHFUL Wireless Software and Hardware platforms for Flexible and Unified radio and network controL 2015
42 BISON BIg Speech data analytics for cONtact centres 2015
43 EurEyeCase Use Case for European Robotics in Ophthalmologic Micro−Surgery 2015
44 MMT MMT will deliver a language independent commercial online translation service based on a new open-source machine translation distributed architecture 2015
45 AXIOM Agile, eXtensible, fast I/O Module for the cyber-physical era 2015
46 AXIOM Apertus° eXtendable Integrated Open Modular Cinema Camera 2015
47 RoMaNS Robotic Manipulation for Nuclear Sort and Segregation 2015
49 3D-LEAP 3 Dimensional Light Sensor for Advanced Portable Devices 2014
50 PQC Photonic Quantum Computing 2015
51 GLAD GNSS/INS Low-Cost Attitude Determination System 2014
52 PILOTS Prototyping Internet Lot of Things Software 2014
53 TRACKANT Mobile Smart Tracking Antenna System for Remotely Piloted Aircrafts 2014
54 CREDENTIAL Secure Cloud Identity Wallet 2015
55 INDIGO-DataCloud INtegrating Distributed data Infrastructures for Global ExplOitation 2015
56 GOFAR Galactic Outflows and Feedback in the Astro-H eR 2015
57 OPTIMAL NMR Optimal control methods for biological solid state nuclear magnetic resonance 2015
58 Project Sense Enforcement of the environmental regulations on sulphur emissions from ships using drone technology. 2015
59 FETAL MONITORING Safe and accurate fetal monitoring 2015
60 Smartlifts Making Lifts Smart for More Connected and Intelligent Services. 2015
61 HitSeedSME-1-09-14 HitSeed application for the Horizon 2020 dedicated SME Instrument - Phase 1 2014. September 2014. 2014
62 YouBeep YouBeep – InStore mobile shopping and analytics 2015
63 ADS Project Autonomous Dronistics for Security (ADS): optimized services with fleets of flying robots 2015
64 OP3C On board Processing for Compression and Clouds Classification in hyperspectral data 2015
65 GOLFTRACKER Automatic tracking of golf games for improvement and training purposes, using GNSS receivers, wearable sensors and Earth Observation information 2015
66 SoN3S Software defined Satellite Navigation Security Simulator Study 2015
67 VANGUARD Versatile optomechANical GRaphene Device for bio-tissue engineering 2015
68 NETEEG Spatial super-resolution of electrophysiological measurements 2015
69 TRADECOM TRADECOM: Trader communication, collaboration and compliance system 2015
70 SmartComm-LED Reconfigurable silicon architecture for connected intelligent lighting. 2015
72 SDN-Polygraph Cloud-based Visibility Service for Software Defined Networks 2015
73 INNOEM Innovative energy management technology for smart energy decisions 2015
74 Cydar PaaS Disrupting the real-time medical imaging market, and accelerating innovation, with cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) 2015
75 CiWater Feasibility study for water leakage detector CiWater 2015
76 SAFARI Scalable And Flexible optical Architecture for Reconfigurable Infrastructure 2014
77 UNCAP Ubiquitous iNteroperable Care for Ageing People 2015
78 KDRP KiWi Power Limited’s Revolutionary, Low Cost, Demand Response Platform (KDRP) 2015
79 VSP Volumental - The Cloud-Delivered 3D Scanning Service Supporting A Future Of Mass Customization 2015
80 ADWICE Advanced Wireless Technologies for Clever Engineering 2015
81 MMAC Centre of Excellence for Mathematical Modeling and Advanced Computing 2015
82 INCEPTION Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling 2015
83 Phoenix Exploring the Unknown through Reincarnation and Co-evolution 2015
84 DBRLive Accelerating innovative augmented reality broadcast applications through new industrial camera design 2015
85 Dermtest An empowering toolkit for general practitioners to prevent, detect and treat melanoma (Dermtest) 2015
86 Project Buffer Project Buffer ― a new solution to fast charging electrical vehicles “on the road”. 2015
89 e-Awake New Generation ADAS for Enhanced Driving Experience 2015
90 SONATA Service Programing and Orchestration for Virtualized Software Networks 2015
91 Flex5Gware Flexible and efficient hardware/software platforms for 5G network elements and devices 2015
92 SUPERFLUIDITY Superfluidity: a super-fluid, cloud-native, converged edge system 2015
93 SESAME Small cEllS coordinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services 2015
94 RUNSAFER Market introduction of an innovative wearable device, consisting of a novel running shoe with embedded electronics providing real-time biomechanical feedback to reduce risk of injuries 2015
95 ATOM Attention to Marketing (ATOM): Application of eye-tracking to the online market for advertising 2015
96 VISUM An IR-spectroscopy-based platform for the rapid integration and customisation of affordable, real-time monitoring solutions for the food and pharmaceutical industry 2015
97 CALIPRI CALIPRI - an easily customisable all purpose optical gauge for 2D-profiles. 2015
98 AURA Advanced Uninterrupted RAdio 2015
99 ENCOMOLE-2i Endoscopic Comprehensive Optical Multimodal Molecular Intelligent Imaging 2016
100 AI4REASON Artificial Intelligence for Large-Scale Computer-Assisted Reasoning 2015
101 SWARMs Smart and Networking UnderWAter Robots in Cooperation Meshes 2015
102 ALLScale An Exascale Programming, Multi-objective Optimisation and Resilience Management Environment Based on Nested Recursive Parallelism 2015
103 NEXTGenIO Next Generation I/O for Exascale 2015
104 ESCAPE Energy-efficient SCalable Algorithms for weather Prediction at Exascale 2015
105 MSR Multifunctional Satellite Radiator 2015
106 DRIVING RIG Driving simulator for disabled people with scientific assessment of driving skills and indication to of adaptation to be made to the vehicle 2015
107 SAGE SAGE 2015
108 ExaNoDe European Exascale Processor Memory Node Design 2015
109 ECOSCALE Energy-efficient Heterogeneous COmputing at exaSCALE 2015
110 EXTRA Exploiting eXascale Technology with Reconfigurable Architectures 2015
111 READEX Runtime Exploitation of Application Dynamism for Energy-efficient eXascale computing 2015
112 Mont-Blanc 3 Mont-Blanc 3, European scalable and power efficient HPC platform based on low-power embedded technology 2015
113 ExaHyPE An Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine 2015
114 WATERGUARD Safeguarding Water Distribution Systems from Contamination Threats using the SmartTap Platform 2015
115 E-LOCKS Electronic security for OIL/LPG tanks 2015
116 SafeSky SafeSky - Integrated system for critical infrastructure and personal sphere monitoring and protection against aerial threats 2015
117 3D-LEAP 3 Dimensional Light sEnsing for Advanced Portable Devices 2015
118 LaForte Large Format Textile Printing 2015
119 spim4You spim4You: customised solutions for light sheet microscopes and imaging data analysis. 2015
120 BNYQ Breaking the Nyquist Barrier: A New Paradigm in Data Conversion and Transmission 2015
121 ESiWACE Excellence in SImulation of Weather and Climate in Europe 2015
122 E-CAM An e-infrastructure for software, training and consultancy in simulation and modelling 2015
123 MaX Materials design at the eXascale 2015
124 EoCoE Energy oriented Centre of Excellence for computer applications 2015
125 One-EG Wearable Brain Monitoring Technology for Quick Diagnosis of Sleep Disorders 2016
126 REPHLECT Recovering Europe´s PHotovoltaics LEadership through high Concentration Technology 2015
127 DataNimbus Feasibility study of a new tool for managing, processing, sharing and transferring huge amounts of scientific data (DataNimbus) 2015
128 CyberCare Integrated Sensing Architectures and Tools for Health Care 2016
129 AMEFOCT Add-on module for optical coherence tomography with en-face view option 2015
130 LiVoX Magic angle coil spinning NMR on living voxels - LiVoX 2015
132 Blink Software, not Hardware: Revolutionising Satellite Data Acquisition 2015
133 IXSI3D Translating Hybrid Imaging for Interventions: Intra-operative Guidance and Evaluation using 2D and 3D Interventional X-ray Scintigraphy Imaging 2015
134 ReconCell A Reconfigurable robot workCell for fast set-up of automated assembly processes in SMEs 2015
135 DigiTech Development of a novel generic digital controller for hydraulic load profiling control systems to significantly reduce costs and time in aircraft test rig development and commissioning 2015
136 PHRESCO PHotonic REServoir COmputing 2015
137 OPENCARE Open Participatory Engagement in Collective Awareness for REdesign of Care Services 2016
138 FishDirector Automatic Scalable VM Management for Data Centre Optimisation 2015
139 AntibioDx AntibioDx: A groundbreaking in vitro diagnostic device with a billion-dollar sales potential 2015
140 WATLY An autonomous and mobile water treatment plant powered by solar energy 2015
141 NETIK Smart sensor metering using cloud storage and PLC communication for efficient energy management 2015
142 SUPERTWIN All Solid-State Super-Twinning Photon Microscope 2016
143 CellViewer CellViewer: super-resolution systems microscopy to assess pluripotency and differentiation of stem cells at single cell level 2016
144 SAFEPOWER Safe and secure mixed-criticality systems with low power requirements 2016
145 SafeAST Continuous structural condition tank integrity monitoring of Above Ground Storage Tanks, aka “SafeAST, no entry: no empty.” 2015
146 PHANTOM Cross-Layer and Multi-Objective Programming Approach for Next Generation Heterogeneous Parallel Computing Systems 2015
147 dReDBox Disaggregated Recursive Datacentre-in-a-Box 2016
148 MIRPHAB MidInfraRed PHotonics devices fABrication for chemical sensing and spectroscopic applications 2016
149 SMARTHE Smart Thermostat Évolution 2015
150 OPERA lOw Power heterogeneous architecture for nExt generation of smaRt infrastructure and platforms in industrial and societal Applications 2015
151 RapidBact Innovative Business Models for a new Integrated Rapid Microbial Pathogen Tester 2016
152 KUNAK Sensing Anywhere IIoT Ultra-Energy Efficient 2015
153 AUDITOR Advanced Multi-Constellation EGNSS Augmentation and Monitoring Network and its Application in Precision Agriculture 2016
154 HERMES HERMES - High Efficiency Real-time Multithreading Engine for Space Applications 2016
155 RAMPup Robotic Automation Modules for Production 2016
156 CA3TCH Comprehensive Aerodynamic-Aeroacoustic Analysis of a Trimmed Compound Helicopter 2015
157 ARCFIRE Large-scale RINA benchmark on FIRE 2016
158 eWINE elastic WIreless Networking Experimentation 2016
159 DARKJETS Discovery strategies for Dark Matter and new phenomena in hadronic signatures with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider 2016
160 Cloud-LSVA Cloud Large Scale Video Analysis 2016
161 VINEYARD Versatile Integrated Accelerator-based Heterogeneous Data Centres 2016
162 CoVeCe Coinduction for Verification and Certification 2016
163 VEGAS Validation of European high capacity rad-hard FPGA and software tools 2016
164 INPUT Intuitive Natural Prosthesis UTilization 2016
165 MAZI A DIY networking toolkit for location-based collective awareness 2016
166 AGILE Adoptive Gateways for dIverse muLtiple Environments 2016
167 hackAIR Collective awareness platform for outdoor air pollution 2016
168 ASSET Instant Gratification for Collective Awareness and Sustainable Consumerism 2016
169 UniServer A Universal Micro-Server Ecosystem by Exceeding the Energy and Performance Scaling Boundaries 2016
170 Making Sense Making Sense 2015
171 SOLSA Sonic Drilling coupled with Automated Mineralogy and chemistry On-Line-On-Mine-Real-Time 2016
172 MetaPlat Development of an Easy-to-use Metagenomics Platform for Agricultural Science 2015
173 TANGO Transparent heterogeneous hardware Architecture deployment for eNergy Gain in Operation 2016
174 SOPHIA Securing Software against Physical Attacks 2016
175 SecureCloud Secure Big Data Processing in Untrusted Clouds 2016
176 PEAKapp Personal Energy Administration Kiosk application: an ICT-ecosystem for Energy Savings through Behavioural Change, Flexible Tariffs and Fun 2016
177 SCAVENGE Sustainable CellulAr networks harVEstiNG ambient Energy 2016
178 Jam Enhancing fuel efficiency and reducing vehicle maintenance and downtime costs, using real-time data from vehicle sensors (IoT) and a machine learning algorithm for big data analysis. 2016
179 TVP-eNext Torque Vectoring Platform for Next Generation of Electric Driven Vehicles 2016
180 MAKE-IT Understanding Collective Awareness Platforms with the Maker Movement 2016
181 LATIPP LATIPP: An innovative cloud based Business management system for SMEs in the HORECA sector 2016
182 LPGPU2 Low-Power Parallel Computing on GPUs 2 2016
183 WINDMIL Smart Monitoring, Inspection and Life-Cycle Assessment of Wind Turbines 2016
184 TissueMaps Integrating spatial and genetic information via automated image analysis and interactive visualization of tissue data 2016
185 FPGA Accelerators Energy Efficient FPGA Accelerators for Graph Analytics Applications 2016
186 SelectX Integrated Crossbar of Microelectromechanical Selectors and Non-Volatile Memory Devices for Neuromorphic Computing 2016
187 FasTER Development of Fast Timing tools for Event Reconstruction at the high luminosity frontier 2016
188 ECogNeT Embodied Cognitive Neuromorphic Technology 2016
189 DURO DURO: Deep-memory Ubiquity, Reliability and Optimization 2016
190 DAPS Drone Alarm and Protection System 2016
191 SHIELD Securing against intruders and other threats through a NFV-enabled environment 2016
192 iBorderCtrl Intelligent Portable Border Control System 2016
193 OneCard Increasing the security of access to urban critical infrastructure with a Near Field Communication micro SD smart card for mobile devices using on-chip state of the art technology 2016
194 S3NET Satellite Swarm Sensor NETwork 2016
195 TUNE Testing the Untestable: Model Testing of Complex Software-Intensive Systems 2016
196 bioSPINspired Bio-inspired Spin-Torque Computing Architectures 2016
197 first.stage Fast and easy previsualisation for creative industries 2016
198 SmARTS Smart technology for analysis and monitoring of Cultural Heritage materials 2016
199 CALIPRI Smart CALIPRI Smart - the easy to use and failsafe handheld optical gauge for 2D-profiles. 2016
200 NIPUNA Novel metrology tool for more flexible and affordable 3D validation of large industrial components 2016
201 MP-ORIF Innovative biocompatible game changing material for medical implants in trauma 2016
202 CELSO Low-cost and high-performance pocket Automated Vehicle Monitoring system for Public Transport 2016
203 SDN-Polygraph Cloud-based Monitoring Service for Software Defined Networks 2016
204 AbsZero Feasibility Study: A First-of-its-Kind Software-Defined Virtual Reality Camera 2016
205 OSARES Output-Sensitive Algorithms for Reactive Synthesis 2016
206 MeerTRAP Discovering Fast Transients and Pulsars with MeerKAT for Cosmology and to Test the Laws of Gravity 2016
207 FETAL MONITORING Safe and accurate fetal monitoring 2016
208 StandBy-U Real Time Response System towards Safety and Emergency Management Improvement in critical infrastructures and soft targets 2016
209 BrainControl Stable Brain-Machine control via a learnable standalone interface 2016
210 MUTX MUTATION++ library, technology transfer from atmospheric entry plasmas to biomass pyrolysis 2016
211 FerroHub A modular power electronic inverter based on a local DC nanogrid for solar, storage and smart grids 2016
212 i-movo International productisation of a disruptive digital vouchering technology 2016
213 MODERATOR autoMated radiO frequency iDEntification enabled cameRA auTOmation solution foR fencing 2016
214 MobiCS Disrupting the Car-Sharing Market in Smart Cities through a Unified Cross-Border Platform 2016
215 ECGGFS Energy Consumption Gamified - Greenely Feasibility Study 2016
216 IOTI4.0 Integral Open Technology for Industry 4.0 2016
217 SIAN Sense, Inform, Act, Notify - Commercialisation of the world's smallest, easiest to use, most reliable, longest lasting, Semiconductor based Wireless Sensors 2016
218 EASYPONIC The unique “Nanny” sensor and app that cares and engages growers through the hydroponic process 2016
219 SMARTCARS Low cots Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): A cost affordable solution for improved road safety 2016
220 Monoma MONOMA: B2B Feasibility Study 2016
221 DigiSCAN DigiSCAN 2016
222 DEMIURGE Automatic Design of Robot Swarms 2016
223 Cathedral Post-Snowden Circuits and Design Methods for Security 2016
224 VISUM Cloud-enabled IR spectroscopy platform for the rapid integration and customisation of affordable, real-time chemical monitoring solutions for food and pharmaceutical industries 2016
225 EPoCH Exploring and Preventing Cryptographic Hardware Backdoors: Protecting the Internet of Things against Next-Generation Attacks 2016
226 LowCostTracking Low cost tracking and data management solution for biopharma cold chain logistics 2016
227 CONNECTA CONtributing to Shift2Rail's NExt generation of high Capable and safe TCMS and brAkes. Phase 1. 2016
228 SOCRATES SOcial Cognitive Robotics in The European Society 2016
229 A4BLUE Adaptive Automation in Assembly For BLUE collar workers satisfaction in Evolvable context 2016
230 HyproCell Development and validation of integrated multiprocess HYbrid PROduction CELLs for rapid individualized laser-based production 2016
231 EFFORTE Efficient forestry by precision planning and management for sustainable environment and cost-competitive bio-based industry 2016
232 DREAM Design for Resource and Energy efficiency in cerAMic kilns 2016
233 UWIT UnderWater Information Technology (UWIT) 2016
234 JAM JAM: vehicle predictive maintenance through Artificial Intelligence 2016
235 ELE Evolving Language Ecosystems 2016
237 SMART Smart Automation of Rail Transport 2016
238 LADIO Live Action Data Input and Output 2016
239 VIRT-EU Values and ethics in Innovation for Responsible Technology in EUrope 2017
240 Plan4Act Predictive Neural Information for Proactive Actions: From Monkey Brain to Smart House Control 2017
241 CloudDBAppliance European Cloud In-Memory Database Appliance with Predictable Performance for Critical Applications 2016
242 YouBeep YouBeep – InStore mobile shopping and analytics 2016
243 SAFE4RAIL SAFE architecture for Robust distributed Application Integration in roLling stock 2016
244 QV-LIFT Q/V band earth segment LInk for Future high Throughput space systems 2016
245 ECSAnVis Extreme Citizen Science: Analysis and Visualisation 2016
246 RESTASSURED Secure Data Processing in the Cloud 2017
247 SHEPHERD Energy-Efficient Activated Sludge Monitoring for Wastewater Treatment Plants 2016
248 CYBERLEGs Plus Plus The CYBERnetic LowEr-Limb CoGnitive Ortho-prosthesis Plus Plus 2017
249 ACTiCLOUD ACTivating resource efficiency and large databases in the CLOUD 2017
251 MoveCare Multiple-actOrs Virtual Empathic CARgiver for the Elder 2017
252 PHENOSPACE Quantifying behavioural phenotype space: chemistry-to-gene screens and combination therapies 2016
253 E-SHUTTER A novel Smart Glass integrating multi-zone switchable glass and touch panel control functions into a durable and sustainable insulated glazing to provide energy-efficiency and privacy in buildings 2016
254 Wonderlogix STUDIO Wonderlogix STUDIO: Towards Seamless Industrial Control 2016
255 PREMSOT Precision Multi-Spectral Optoacoustic Tomography for Discovery Diagnosis and Intervention 2017
256 FASTPARSE Fast Natural Language Parsing for Large-Scale NLP 2017
257 OPTINT OPTINT: Optimization-based Design of Interactive Technologies 2017
258 MNeuronic A Mnemonic system based on stimulation-free Neuroimaging 2017
259 SMARTsurg SMart weArable Robotic Teleoperated Surgery 2017
260 PVCLOUD Innovative Cloud-Based PV Workflow for Semiconductor Foundries 2017
261 FAST FAST (Film Archive Superior Transfer) – A new paradigm for digital preservation of audio visual heritage through fast and cost-efficient film digitization 2016
262 SMILE Smart Measuring and Inspection for industrial Legacy Equipment 2016
263 SAFERtec Security Assurance FramEwoRk for neTworked vEhicular teChnology 2017
264 INLINE Design of a flexible, scalable, high quality production line for PEMFC manufacturing 2017
265 INSIGHT ImplementatioN in real SOFC Systems of monItoring and diaGnostic tools using signal analysis to increase tHeir lifeTime 2017
266 VISORSURF VisorSurf - A Hardware Platform for Software-driven Functional Metasurfaces 2017
267 CC-MEM Coordination and Composability: The Keys to Efficient Memory System Design 2017
268 SECOMP Efficient Formally Secure Compilers to a Tagged Architecture 2017
269 CRYOMATH Cryo-electron microscopy: mathematical foundations and algorithms 2017
270 RadioNet Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe 2017
271 BINCI Binaural Tools for the Creative Industries 2017
272 AddMan Innovative Re-Design and Validation of Complex Airframe Structural Components Formed by Additive Manufacturing for Weight and Cost Reduction 2017
273 Matryoshka Fast Interactive Verification through Strong Higher-Order Automation 2017
274 NeuroAgents Neuromorphic Electronic Agents: from sensory processing to autonomous cognitive behavior 2017
275 time-data Time-Data Trade-Offs in Resource-Constrained Information and Inference Systems 2017
276 NOGOPROOF Towards clinical trials for a novel treatment for stroke 2017
277 INSTET Integral Security Trust Element for the Internet of Things 2016
278 ADVANTAG5 Advanced Wide-Band Transceiver Architectures for Beyond 5G Wireless Systems 2017
279 SOLOMON Self-Organisation and Learning Online in Mobile Observation Networks 2017
280 BIOMODULAR A Biomimetic Learning Control Scheme for control of Modular Robots 2017
281 CAPABLE Chemical Composition characterization of air pollution (aerosols and gases) on the basis of nonlinear multi-channel lidar experiments 2017
282 CompDB The Computational Database for Real World Awareness 2017
283 IoTEE Internet of Things Everywhere on Earth: a satellite based M2M solution 2017
284 DEEPVIEW High accuracy error detection in curved (prismatic) surfaces at high manufacturing speed 2017
285 Logist-IoT SensorToCloud Technologies for Loss Prevention and Smart “Last Mile” Logistics Operations 2017
286 IoT4ALL Global cellular connectivity for small and medium-sized IoT device makers 2017
287 SENSCAPE A modular, open and standards-based framework for fast, cost-effective development of sensorbasedmobile applications 2017
288 Rhomb Innovative modular hardware development platform 2017
289 Trafisense Trafisense is a real-time monitoring and early-warning service for high-risk situations in dry-type distribution and power transformers based on proprietary machine-learning technology. 2017
290 W-THINK Smart Energy Management and Strategic Decision Making Platform 2017
292 ACOC Integrated Air Cooling Oil Cooled System 2017
293 SWORD Security Without Obscurity for Reliable Devices 2017
294 SERVONE The Intelligent Service Network Operator 2017
295 TERA Coding for terabit-per-second fiber-optical communications 2017
296 REJUVENATION Repair of Junctional Atrioventricular Conduction and Impulse Formation 2017
297 TUTOR TUTOR: A universal Learning Management System for Robot-based learning 2017
298 ARTIV1 An Artificial Visual Cortex for Image Processing 2017
299 SILICON Self-Injection-Locked Integrated Analog-to-Digital Converter 2017
300 SRec BIPV Smart Reconfigurable photovoltaic modules for Building Integrated PhotoVoltaic applications 2018
301 LINKIP Linking time domain spectral IP to hydraulic properties for environmental and engineering applications 2018
302 ITC Revolutionary instant thread colouring technology for industrial embroidery 2017
303 TPANN Tensor Processing on FPGAs for Artificial Neural Networks 2017
304 HappyHR Commercialising Innovative Disruptive Solution for Improving Human Resources Management and Practices 2017
305 SEQUOIA Robust algorithms for learning from modern data 2017
306 CacheMire CacheMire: Wireless Edge Caching Platform 2017
307 PorCSperM Portable Characterisation of Sperm Motility 2017
308 NEPSpiNN Neuromorphic EMG Processing with Spiking Neural Networks 2017
309 MoniTank Underground Storage Tanks Risk Mitigation System for petrol fuel stations 2017
310 ZVW Evaluation of the side effects of Virtual Reality technology on young peoples' bodies and minds to create an innovative solution to a nascent problem 2017
311 POLAR-EM Automated tools for atomic resolution mapping of electrostatic fields in the electron microscope 2017
312 CreepUT An ultrasonic non-destructive testing system for detection and quantification of early stage subsurface creep damage in the thermal power generation industry 2017
313 RESCUE Interdependent Challenges of Reliability, Security and Quality in Nanoelectronic Systems Design 2017
314 interACT Designing cooperative interaction of automated vehicles with other road users in mixed traffic environments 2017
315 AMPERE Automated photovoltaic cell and Module industrial Production to regain and secure European Renewable Energy market 2017
316 ProbSenS Probabilistic neuromorphic architecture for real-time Sensor fusion applied to Smart, water quality monitoring systems 2017
317 ANGRAM Antimatter gravity measurement: How does antihydrogen fall? 2017
318 UFICS-QRNG Development of an Ultra-Fast, Integrated, Certified Secure Quantum Random Number Generator for applications in Science and Information Technology 2017
319 TICOH Taming Irregular Computations On Heterogeneous processors 2017
320 CoupledDB High-Performance Indexing for Emerging GPU-Coupled Databases 2017
321 ToRH A Theory of Reliable Hardware 2017
322 FORTIKA FORTIKA - Cyber Security Accelerator for trusted SMEs IT Ecosystems 2017
323 ITHACA An Information Theoretic Approach to Improving the Reliability of Weather and Climate Simulations 2017
324 MIRAGE Augmented Reality Wearable Platform and Screen: Proof of Concept and Commercialization 2017
325 MwHresEP Multi-well High-resolution Electrophysiology Platform 2017
326 EnAcTiVa Environmental Accountability through real-Time analysis of the Value chain 2017
327 Previble Previble - The Previsualization Tool 2017
328 GreenSoft Toolset for development of high performance and energy-efficient software, realising the potential of ubiquitous computing and the Internet of Things 2017
329 AutoDrive Advancing fail-aware, fail-safe, and fail-operational electronic components, systems, and architectures for fully automated driving to make future mobility safer, affordable, and end-user acceptable. 2017
330 Load Slice Core Load Slice Core: A Power and Cost-Efficient Microarchitecture for the Future 2018
331 UMWP-CHIP Universal microwave photonics programmable processor for seamlessly interfacing wireless and optical ICT systems 2017
332 SmartNiBP SmartNiBP: Non-invasive continuous blood pressure monitoring during surgery 2017
333 Gestoos The first Behavior Recognition Open Platform 2017
334 Domo4mAI Domo4m: Scalable Intelligent home office automation for energy savings 2017
335 MCodaq Mcodaq is a new benchtop instrument for fraud detection in cosmetics, perfumes, candles and other consumer products, based on NMR and used by technicians without specific analytical chemistry skills 2017
336 SILENSE (Ultra)Sound Interfaces and Low Energy iNtegrated SEnsors 2017
337 METRO-HAUL METRO High bandwidth, 5G Application-aware optical network, with edge storage, compUte and low Latency 2017
338 PercEvite PercEvite - Sense and avoid technology for small drones 2017
339 SMARTCARS Low Cost Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS): A cost affordable solution for improved road safety 2017
340 MINIMA Introducing the next computing power revolution: Minima microprocessor technology to reduce the energy need of digital computing by 20 times. 2017
341 Multiscreen Multiple cellular screens using microfluidic droplets 2017
343 Quipu Cloud A suite of software applications hosted in the cloud for medical ultrasound diagnostics 2017
344 SAGRIS Sentinels-based Agriculture Information Service Component 2017
345 SENSE Affordable CFD simulation software for SMEs in the transportation industry 2017
346 - Holding back Amazon and Google from the global grocery retail market 2017
347 SHOKA Community-based cyclist navigation solution to increase safety of utility bikers 2017
348 DSS Deaf Smart Space 2017
349 DeviceHub The next generation of internet-of-thing (IoT) connectivity. 2017
350 EMMTRIX Emmtrix Technologies : European breakthrough in Software parallelization 2017
351 ACHIEVE AdvanCed Hardware/Software Components for Integrated/Embedded Vision SystEms 2017
352 B-Q MINDED Breakthroughs in Quantitative Magnetic resonance ImagiNg for improved DEtection of brain Diseases 2018
353 COPAC Coherent Optical Parallel Computing 2017
354 FIBRESPIN New Generation of High Speed FIBRE SPINning machines 2017
355 HiFi-ELEMENTS High Fidelity Electric Modelling and Testing 2017
356 HYBRID Innovative Training Network towards raising and supporting the next generation of creative and entrepreneurial cross-speciality imaging experts 2017
357 i-vSAVE Intelligent Vessels using space technology for Safety on board. 2017
358 LipidDrive LipidDrive - Lipidomics cloud computing platform and app 2017
359 ONFIRE Future Optical Networks for Innovation, Research and Experimentation 2017
360 Ovage OvAge: an innovative, user-friendly digital methodology that quantifies ovarian reserve by integratingclinical, biochemical and 3D-sonographic data to help decision-making in all phases of woman life 2017
361 Photoclin Advanced clinical photoacoustic imaging systems based on optical microresonator detection 2017
362 PETER Plasmon Enhanced Terahertz Electron Paramagnetic Resonance 2018
363 WhiskTrackGP Real-time tracking of whisker kinematics for closed-loop neuroscientific experiments 2017
364 RESOLVD Renewable penetration levered by Efficient Low Voltage Distribution grids 2017
365 VIDEO Versatile and Innovative Detector for Electron Optics 2018
366 TFence A patent pending solution/microchip for the IoT cybersecurity market requirements: no access toonline software updates, very small size, inexpensive hardware, low energy consumption. 2017
367 mrSANE Magnetic Resonance Shimming Applications with Near-magnet Equipment 2017
368 GIMS Geodetic Integrated Monitoring System 2017
369 AirKit Citizen Sense Air Monitoring Kit 2019
370 IBISBA 1.0 Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator 2017
371 Net2DG Leveraging Networked Data for the Digital electricity Grid 2018
372 FLAMINGO Fulfilling enhanced Location Accuracy in the Mass-market through Initial GalileO services 2017
373 DEEP-HybridDataCloud Designing and Enabling E-infrastructures for intensive Processing in a Hybrid DataCloud 2017
374 LOFAR4SW LOFAR for Space Weather 2017
375 PIVOT Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track 2017
376 SealedGRID Scalable, trustEd, and interoperAble pLatform for sEcureD smart GRID 2018
377 Signa2.0 Signaturit 2018
378 FutureTPM Future Proofing the Connected World: A Quantum-Resistant Trusted Platform Module 2018
379 REVIVE Refuse Vehicle Innovation and Validation in Europe 2018
380 FENTEC Functional Encryption Technologies 2018
381 E2DATA European Extreme Performing Big Data Stacks 2018
382 MERLIN Methodologies for Researcher Led INnovations 2017
383 DSISCALE Supporting the scale and growth of Digital Social Innovation in Europe through coordination of Europe’s DSI and CAPS Networks 2018
384 LEGaTO Low Energy Toolset for Heterogeneous Computing 2017
385 SDK4ED Software Development toolKit for Energy optimization and technical Debt elimination 2018
386 Fun-COMP Functionally scaled computing technology: From novel devices to non-von Neumann architectures and algorithms for a connected intelligent world 2018
387 GRADE GNSS Solutions for Increased GA and Rotorcraft Airport Accessibility Demonstration 2018
388 KoolZone KoolZone- refrigeration control technology to minimise food waste, avoid food poisoning and minimise energy consumption 2017
389 I-Cuvette Smart cuvette and portable Time-Resolved FRET for fast analysis of milk 2017
390 CorreAssess A novel Holistic Automated Analytics System for IT infrastructure management that proactively identifies and prevent IT operational threats. 2017
391 DeepSolar Artificial Intelligence-based diagnostic system for Solar PV Plants 2017
392 HomyHub Unlocking the full potential of grarages and paving the way for 21st century garage 2017
393 Aerial Insights Aerial Insights: facilitating access to aerial drone imagery services through novel and cost-effective data analytics solutions 2017
394 U-Control Advanced Universal Control and monitoring solution to remotely manage complex power systems 2017
395 SNM4P2PE Connect the unconnected: smart nanogrid management for peer-to-peer energy sharing 2017
396 OPNT Enhanced Time as a Service: transforming telecom networks into a 'SuperGPS' system 2017
397 SHINE Seeing hydrogen in matter 2018
398 QUANtIC Quantum Nanowire Integrated Photonic Circuits 2019
399 BELS-PLUS Continuing Building European Links toward South East Asia in the field of GNSS - PLUS 2018
400 VISTA Vision-based Inspection Systems for automated Testing of Aircraft interiors 2018
401 SmartEye The most accurate 3D scanner for boosting the uptake of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) 2018
402 SPECTO Bowling SPECTO Bowling® 2.0: Advanced Measurement and Analysis of Bowling Performance 2018
403 neuronSW Early detection and prediction of mechanical malfunction of machinery by sound analysis 2018
404 PAGITA PAGITA - The platform digitizing the world of vending machines 2018
405 VR-FS Virtual Reality in high fidelity Flight Simulation 2018
406 FITT-iN Fast IoT market take-up through The Things Networks 2018
407 INTELLICONT Development and Manufacturing of Intelligent Lightweight Composite Aircraft Container 2018
408 flexiLED A new dynamic precision LED-lighting system for hydro- and aquaponic indoor farming 2018
409 IMAGINE Innovative Method for Affordable Generation IN ocean Energy 2018
410 INSPIRE Instrument Shape Sensing for Minimally Invasive Interventions 2018
411 VisualGrasping Visually guided grasping and its effects on visual representations 2018
412 DARKHIGGS Dark Higgs Hunting at the Large Hadron Collider 2018
413 DiaMoND Development of composite Metamaterials having Negative stiffness inclusions and exceptional Damping properties 2018
414 MegaRoller Developing the PTO of the first MW-level Oscillating Wave Surge Converter 2018
415 mPP machine learning for Particle Physics 2018
416 SuPerCom Sustainable Performance for High-Performance Embedded Computing Systems 2018
417 NS-COMP Development of composite structures having negative stiffness inclusions and exceptional dampingproperties 2019
418 CYBER-TRUST Advanced Cyber-Threat Intelligence, Detection, and Mitigation Platform for a Trusted Internet of Things 2018
419 OLYMPUS Oblivious identitY Management for Private and User-friendly Services 2018
420 BioMusic BioMusical Instrument 2018
421 LikelyStructures Accounting for correlated errors with maximum likelihood in crystallography and cryo-EM 2018
422 CLAP Natural Hands for Intuitive Virtual 3D Interaction 2019
423 NoSoilPV Novel Soiling Identification Logics for Photovoltaics 2018
424 NeuroMag Magnonic Matrix-Vector-Multiplier for Neural Network Applications 2018
425 STRoNA Spatio-Temporal Representation on Neuromorphic Architecture 2018
426 ADAM5 ADvanced multicarrier wAveforms based Massive MIMO with full-duplex capability for green 5G and beyond 2018
427 IDPOQ Evaluation and implementation of post-quantum cryptographic schemes 2018
428 PALMERA Low Power and Fault Tolerant Cache Memory Design through a Combination of Hardware and Software Approaches 2019
429 HYSCALA Hybrid SCAlable sparse matrix Linear Algebra for industrial applications 2018
430 VESTEC Visual Exploration and Sampling Toolkit for Extreme Computing 2018
431 RECIPE REliable power and time-ConstraInts-aware Predictive management of heterogeneous Exascale systems 2018
432 INSYLO Disruptive IoT solution for optimising the animal feed supply chain 2018
433 RebelRocket RebelRocket: 10x better Wi-Fi for the passenger transportation industry 2018
434 SHOGANAI World´s first real-time solution for controlling airplane operating costs 2018
435 SALUS Portable, high-performance, and all-in-one digital data recovery lab for digital forensics to greatly enhance efficiency and capabilities of European investigation authorities 2018
436 HARVEST Hierarchical multifunctional composites with thermoelectrically powered autonomous structural health monitoring for the aviation industry 2018
437 E-LOBSTER Electric LOsses Balancing through integrated STorage and power Electronics towards increased synergy between Railways and electricity distribution networks 2018
438 POSITION-II A pilot line for the next generation of smart catheters and implants 2018
439 iDev40 Integrated Development 4.0 2018
440 PRYSTINE Programmable Systems for Intelligence in Automobiles 2018
441 QuantCom Ubiquitous Quantum Communications 2018
442 ELVER Engineering with Logic and Verification: Mathematically Rigorous Engineering for Safe and Secure Computer Systems 2018
443 MAPSYNE Miniaturized automated patch-clamp system combined with high-density microelectrode arrays for multi-scale functional mapping of neuronal networks 2018
444 NUMERICS International PhD programme in NUMERICal Simulation 2018
445 MAESTRO Middleware for memory and data-awareness in workflows 2018
446 EXTEND Resolution Revolution to Extend Reality 2018
447 ReHub Rehabilitation Hub: The World’s first Digital Recovery Therapy solution 2018
448 Perlis ElderCare Perlis ElderCare System for active independent ageing 2018
449 GalNav InDoor Extending the outdoor navigation experience to the indoors 2018
450 EyeCode A frictionless two-factor authentication software for secure transactions 2018
451 INSTET Securing the Internet of Things with a unique microchip fingerprinting technology 2018
452 SCOPIO High-resolution, all-digital microscope that applies computational methods to bring revolutionary benefits of digital microscopy to small and medium sized laboratories 2018
453 ReSOLUTE Research empowerment on solute carriers (ReSOLUTE) 2018
454 STET CLEAN Disinfecting the Stethoscope membrane through a hi-tech UV device 2018
455 ECOWIFI Cooperative, Greener, Multivendor Cognitive Software to Maximize the Performance of Next-Generation Wireless Networks 2018
456 NS System A real-time and continuous brain monitoring system to record and track brain activity and extract biomarkers for neurological conditions 2018
457 AIASGA The Unparalleled AI Platform using High-Performance Computing to Scale Industrial Operations 2018
458 Materialize.X Smart Bio Adhesives for the Wood Industry Powered by Machine Learning 2018
459 REHO Robotic REHabilitation Orthosis 2018
460 DRAMS Drone-based Radio Aid Measuring System 2018
461 SEAS Smart Energy Automation System - advanced artificial intelligence and predictive systems for energy optimization and savings in all buildings / infrastructures 2018
462 PerPedes PerPedes: AI-assisted therapy in stroke rehabilitation 2018
463 SIGAGuard Cybersecurity anomaly detection solution for critical infrastructures 2018
464 EPiGRAM-HS Exascale Programming Models for Heterogeneous Systems 2018
465 OpenSuperQ An Open Superconducting Quantum Computer 2018
467 ViSOT Infrastructure for Virtuosity Services Over the Top 2018
468 Redwave Redwave: the future of blood pressure measurement 2018
469 DeCAS The first real-time monitoring device able to determine the impact area of space vehicles’ fragments during re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere and minimize risks for people and property 2018
470 BLINK Satellite Data Acquisition in the Blink of an Eye 2018
471 AirPlatform An open integration platform for professional displays 2018
472 IDT The IntelliDogTrainer, a new high throughput training device to train high level security dogs 2018
473 GOVERNOR New-generation database capacity planning optimization 2018
474 U-HEART Unbreakable HEART: a reconfigurable and self-healing isolated dc/dc converter (U-HEART) 2018
475 OpenDoTT Open Design of Trusted Things 2019
476 ReduceSearch Rigorous Search Space Reduction 2019
477 QNets Open Quantum Neural Networks: from Fundamental Concepts to Implementations with Atoms and Photons 2019
478 SQUARE Scalable Rare Earth Ion Quantum Computing Nodes 2018
479 MesoBrainMicr Novel high speed and high resolution microscopy setup for cytoarchitectonic studies of mesoscale sized human brain tissues, healthy and affected by Focal Cortical Dysplasia 2018
480 IN-do HW-free indoor navigation: augmented reality app-based SW for mobile devices 2018
481 COYOTE Coherent Optics Everywhere: a New Dawn for Photonic Networks 2019
483 LUOS A platform to boost robotic innovation by enabling fast development cycles, reduced cost and low barrier to entry. 2018
484 MuFLOART Microbiological fluorescence observatory for antibiotic resistance tracking 2018
485 iConsensus Integrated control and sensing platform for biopharmaceutical cultivation process high-throughput development and production 2018
486 ROSSINI RObot enhanced SenSing, INtelligence and actuation to Improve job quality in manufacturing 2018
487 MANUELA Additive Manufacturing using Metal Pilot Line 2018
488 HIPNOSIS Hardware Implementation of Pilot-Non-intrusive cOgnitive States Identification System 2018
489 InterActive Interacting with Active Particles 2019
490 ENDORSE Safe, Efficient and Integrated Indoor Robotic Fleet for Logistic Applications in Healthcare and Commercial Spaces 2018
491 FUNCOAT Development and design of novel multiFUNctional PEO COATings 2019
492 XILforEV Connected and Shared X-in-the-loop Environment for Electric Vehicles Development 2019
493 BIM4REN Building Information Modelling based tools & technologies for fast and efficient RENovation of residential buildings 2018
494 CellsBox CellsBox: a modular system for automated cell imaging experiments 2019
495 CoPs Continuous hazardous water Pollutants sensing in the environment 2018
496 WINDMIL RT-DT An autonomous Real-Time Decision Tree framework for monitoring and diagnostics on wind turbines 2018
497 KG Pro 2.0 The world’s first remote, automated training tool and autonomous diagnostics solution for independent and OEM car dealerships and automotive education centers 2018
498 SAS Safer Autonomous Systems 2018
499 IQONIC Innovative strategies, sensing and process Chains for increased Quality, re-configurability, and recyclability of Manufacturing Optolectronics 2018
500 EuroPLEx European network for Particle physics, Lattice field theory and Extreme computing 2019
501 QIA Quantum Internet Alliance 2018
502 INTEGRADDE Intelligent data-driven pipeline for the manufacturing of certified metal parts through Direct Energy Deposition processes 2018
503 FastCode The Next 100 Optimizing Compilers 2019
504 AQTION Advanced quantum computing with trapped ions 2018
505 SPARTAN Smart multilevel Power conditioning for AeRonautical elecTricAl uNits 2018
506 MIDAS Modular and Integrated Digital Probe for SAT Aircraft Air Data System 2018
507 includeOS The Operating System for the Internet of Things 2019
508 RETINA Miniaturised Photonics Enabled Next Generation SAR 2018
510 S4Pro Smart and Scalable Satellite High-Speed Processing chain 2018
511 QUICK Quick Disconnect System 2018
512 FreshIndex Trust and Transparency for The Food Supply Chain 2018
513 RUST Revolutionizing the Utilization of compound Semiconductor Technology 2018
514 5E Federating European Electronics Ecosystems for Competitive Electronics Industries 2019
515 NGI0-PET NGI Zero - Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2018
516 HOPE automatic detection and localization of High frequency Oscillation in Paediatric Epilepsy 2019
517 EXCELLERAT The European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications 2018
518 FocusCoE Concerted action for the European HPC CoEs 2018
519 ESiWACE2 Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe, Phase 2 2019
520 PERDY Perceptually-Driven Optimizations of Graphics Content for Novel Displays 2019
521 ECHO Practical Imaging and Inversion of Transient Light Transport 2018
522 C-MORPH Noninvasive cell specific morphometry in neuroinflammation and degeneration 2018
523 ChEESE Centre of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth 2018
524 Bergamot Browser-based Multilingual Translation 2019
525 LEXIS Large-scale EXecution for Industry & Society 2019
526 ProTego Data-protection toolkit reducing risks in hospitals and care centers 2019
527 Finger Port A non-invasive portable device that measures and tracks several physiological parameters in real-time to determine cardiovascular and health conditions 2018
528 Multi RoboDOP Multi-camera autonomous robotic cameramen at the fingertips of all live video productions 2018
529 Enjoint An intelligent exercise machine for measurable and motivational neuro-muscular rehabilitation therapy 2018
530 System EYE System EYE - сutting-edge innovation to make your drive safer, collect and monetize automotive data 2018
531 AutoCPS Automated Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems: A Compositional Approach 2019
532 ELSAH Electronic smart patch system for wireless monitoring of molecular biomarkers for healthcare and well-being 2019
533 Helios-Plugin Secure software implementation of an eSIM 2019
534 MIGPSC Shaping the European Migration Policy: the role of the security industry 2018
535 SHAREWORK Safe and effective HumAn-Robot coopEration toWards a better cOmpetiveness on cuRrent automation lacK manufacturing processes. 2018
536 WASTE2WATTS Unlocking unused bio-WASTE resources with loW cost cleAning and Thermal inTegration with Solid oxide fuel cells 2019
537 WarmHive SMART thermotherapy solution for varroa mite treatment. 2019
538 MaX MAterials design at the eXascale. European Centre of Excellence in materials modelling, simulations, and design 2018
539 PASS Program Analysis for Safe and Secure Software Evolution 2019
540 Revotree An automated, machine learning, IoT agronomic platform for optimal irrigation, pesticide and fertilizer utilization at farms. 2018
541 RELAX-MAX Launching high-resolution relaxometry - A powerful new analytical tool for industry 2019
542 SCARE Side-Channel Aware Engineering 2018
543 UNICORE A Common Code Base and Toolkit for Deployment of Applications to Secure and Reliable Virtual Execution Environments 2019
544 FTHPC Fault Tolerant High Performance Computing 2019
545 ECHO Extending Coherence for Hardware-Driven Optimizations in Multicore Architectures 2019
546 BiowatchID A secure wearable for payments, ticketing, access control and ID management 2019
547 Quromorphic Neuromrophic Quantum Computing 2019
548 BeeHome Automated beekeeping platform powered by AI that increases honey production by 50%, reduces labour use by 90%, and reduces colony loss by 80%. 2019
549 MoonVision 2.0 Using AI Computer Vision 2.0 for Visual Inspection in the Industry 2019
550 TEApot AI-based, Hardware-agnostic, Predictive Wi-Fi Network Management Software 2019
551 4-D nanoSCOPE Advancing osteoporosis medicine by observing bone microstructure and remodelling using a four-dimensional nanoscope 2019
552 POLKA POLlution Know-how and Abatement 2019
553 SPINAPSE Creating complexity: toward atomic spin-based neural hardware 2019
554 ONCOFUM Integrating the tissue-specificity and chronology of hereditary renal cancer predisposition 2019
555 ADMITTED Advanced Data Methods for Improved Tiltrotor Test and Design 2019
556 ELECTRA Efficient and Light Electrical Compressor for Tilt-Rotor Aircraft 2019
557 IMIR-UP Scale-up of INNER MAGIC and INNER REFLECTION: Virtual Ultrasound Sensors for Smart Devices. 2019
558 DIAIoT An e-Health expert system for diagnosis and treatment of diabetics to reduce the risk of skin breakdown and co-existing foot diseases 2019
559 Oximonitor The first portable monitoring medical device providing accurate prognosis for patients with circulatory failure 2019
560 MEMBOOST Memory Enhancing and Learning System 2019
562 SIGNALL The only technology to successfully translate between signed and spoken languages 2019
563 BitBox BitBox Enterprise - Enterprise-grade Solution for Digital Assets Custody 2019
564 DentistRobot In-mouth drilling robots for automating tooth repair and scaling dentist revenues 2019
565 SpecEMS Spectral Energy Management System for appliance-level analytics, control, and microgrid renewables trading. 2019
566 FluidER Real time Optoelectronic Sensors for Electro-Actuator Hydraulic Fluid Contamination Monitoring 2019
567 EoCoE-II Energy Oriented Center of Excellence : toward exascale for energy 2019
568 VibSEA SEA Applied to the Prediction of High Frequency Vibrations in Aircraft Engines 2019
569 inCREASE Coding for Security and DNA Storage 2019
570 RECENT Ultra-Dense Unsupervised Heterogeneous Wireless Cloud Coded Networks for 5G/B5G 2018
572 CloudCT Climate CT- Cloud Tomography by Satellites for Better Climate Prediction 2019
573 HyPPOCRATES Medical Hyperspectral Image and Video Processing and Interpretation via Constrained Matrix and Tensor Factorization 2019
574 CONNECTA-2 CONtributing to Shift2Rail's NExt generation of high Capable and safe TCMS. PhAse 2. 2018
575 RESWITCH Redox-Controlled Resistive Switching in Hybrid Metal-Organic Thin Films towards Neuromorphic Computing 2019
576 HOEMEV Hierarchical Optimal Energy Management of Electric Vehicles 2019
578 Safe4RAIL-2 Safe architecture for Robust distributed Application Integration in roLling stock 2 2018
579 COFFEE Controlling and Observing Filaments For Enhanced memristive Elements 2019
580 High-Risk-No-Gain A new approach to design wireless receivers 2019
581 LADIE Investigation of nonlinear stimulated emission in optically excited dielectrics 2020
582 devSAFARI A Low-Power Artificial Intelligence Framework based on Vector Symbolic Architectures 2019
583 FREEMIND Ferroelectric REsistors as Emerging Materials for Innovative Neuromorphic Devices 2019
584 CRITICAL-CHAINS IOT- & Blockchain-Enabled Security Framework for New Generation Critical Cyber-Physical Systems In Finance Sector 2019
585 D4FLY Detecting Document frauD and iDentity on the fly 2019
586 ACCORD Accelerated Ordering Service for Distributed Ledgers 2019
587 MIRACLE Metabolic Imaging with RF Antennas to predict Chemotherapy Efficacy 2019
588 FuSy The world’s first Full-System Simulation tool to revolutionize software programming in autonomous driving, aviation, embedded vision and further highly innovative applications 2019
589 UNITY Unified, holistic medical data collection and analysis platform 2019
590 Hologlass A New Generation of Augmented Reality Smart Glasses 2019
591 VARIANT Multiband miniature antenna for Open Hardware IoT Platforms 2019
592 DIAS Smart Adaptive Remote Diagnostic Antitampering Systems 2019
593 AI4DI Artificial Intelligence for Digitizing Industry 2019
594 Life-Inspired Life-inspired complex molecular systems controlled by enzymatic reaction networks 2019
595 C4IIoT Cyber security 4.0: protecting the Industrial Internet Of Things 2019
596 snickerdoodle An affordable edge-computing device for high-performance and power-efficient robotics automation 2019
597 HIPPJ High-performance Independent Platform for low-cost big data ProJects 2019
598 Foresight Foresight: Autonomous machine monitoring and prognostics system for the Oil and Gas and Maritime sectors 2019
599 Starborne Novel map-population and rendering techniques for reinventing massively multiplayer online computer games 2019
600 SRoCS A Swarm Robotics Construction System 2019
601 EAR Audio-based Mobile Health Diagnostics 2019
602 WearHealth Worker 4.0 – Connected. Empowered. Safe and Healthy. The first intelligent and interoperable platform based on AI and wearable/IoT devices for real-time workers safety and health monitoring 2019
603 SmartGasGrid Enabling large-scale injection of biomethane in the European gas distribution 2019
604 CGACE Development of a business model to commercialise GPU accelerated workstations for European hardware providers 2019
605 COMP4DRONES Framework of key enabling technologies for safe and autonomous drones’ applications 2019
606 PolarNon Automated super-resolution polarimetric nonlinear microscope 'PolarNon' 2019
607 Exa-FireFlows Exascale framework for supporting high-fidelity simulations of multiphase reacting flows in complex geometries 2019
608 MAFIn Module for Aberration Correction and Fast Volumetric Imaging in a Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscope 2019
609 EDRA Hardware-Assisted Decoupled Access Execution on the Digital Market: The EDRA Framework 2019
610 e-DNA BotStop e-DNA BotStop 2019
611 MaxiMem Dramatic hardware and energy savings in computer servers by doubling memory capacity and bandwidth using novel general-purpose compression 2019
612 KOALA FOCUS KOALA FOCUS: A disruptive e-health approach to treat at home, attention deficits without drugs 2019
613 Keemotion Auto-Producing TV Broadcasting System for Sport Events 2019
614 Yetitablet Yetitablet - the most intuitive and versatile giant tablet 2019
615 TACTILITY TACTIle feedback enriched virtual interaction through virtual realITY and beyond 2019
617 CUBELIZER The first customer behaviour analytics solution for shopping-center portfolio management, deploying cost-effective & accurate advanced computer vision 2019
618 ATLAS Agricultural Interoperability and Analysis System 2019
619 Atomic Bands Next generation motion sensing bands for promotion of fitness and health tracking 2019
620 MatManager MatManager - New standard in road construction efficiency 2019
621 DynapIP Innovative and ultra-low power neuromorphic unit for advanced signal processing in wearable medical devices 2019
622 B-Lock The first Physical Access Control that uses uncopiable keys based on butterfly scales 2019
623 Undersee Enabling Precision Aquaculture with multi-variable real-time sensing and Copernicus Earth Observation data 2019
624 INCOMING INnovation and excellence in massive-scale COMmunications and information processING 2020
625 oculavis SHARE oculavis SHARE: The Remote Service Platform for B2B service processes based on Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence Technologies 2019
626 SolMate The world’s first “Plug-in and Use-Solar PV with Storage”, designed for small city apartments in the EU. 2019
627 H2Haul Hydrogen fuel cell trucks for heavy-duty, zero emission logistics 2019
628 MrDoc Development and commercialization of a semi-supervised learning AI for robust diagnosis in real world settings. 2019
629 CoP1stRespond Secured Collaboration Platform for Law Enforcement and First Responders 2019
630 COSA Contagion Spread Awareness System in Neonatal Intensive Care Units 2019
631 SuPREmE Ship performance monitoring and simulation to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. 2019
632 Smart Farm 4.0 the eye and ears of the farmer - Smart monitoring system for intensive livestock farming management 2019
633 Cumucore An innovative virtual software-defined mobile packet core to enable optimized and flexible user-centric services for next generation mobile networks 2019
634 CRESCENT CRESCENT: Adaptive hands-free controller for people with disabilities 2019
635 RIS Robot Immune System 2019
636 Pacefish GPU-accelerated CFD software - Highest accuracy in unparalleled speed 2019
637 StrongPIN The first mobile app to enable LoA 4 hardware backed security on any existing mobile phone safeguarding the identity and privacy on the everyday digital life in an easy to use and scalable manner 2019
638 OPENQKD Open European Quantum Key Distribution Testbed 2019
640 TEEMothyTS Simulator Commercialization of simulator for interventional echocardiography, specializing in the field of minimally invasive medical therapies. 2019
641 INSPIRE INnovation in Safety Pharmacology for Integrated cardiovascular safety assessment to REduce adverse events and late stage drug attrition. 2020
642 WinGrid Wind farm - grid interactions: exploration and development 2019
643 OPEN_NEXT Company-Community Collaboration for Open Source Development of products and services 2019
644 LEVEL-UP Protocols and Strategies for extending the useful Life of major capital investments and Large Industrial Equipment 2019
645 BeatsDigTherapeutics Project SCALE: Tailored Digital Therapeutics for Neurological and Brain Disorders 2019
646 CathVision Cube CathVision Cube: disruptive data-driven guidance for successful cardiac ablation therapy 2019
647 SafeNet Safe Networks using P4 Programs 2019
648 SIHS QOOWEAR, Advanced Connected Worker Technologies: World’s first Smart Interconnected Heating Suite for sub-zero Oil&Gas workers. 2019
649 SCAN and WORK Full Stack Digital Plant Scan and Work 2019
650 preSENSE IoT-ready radar sensors with micrometer-level accuracy for safe human-machine collaboration 2019
651 TanazaOS Tanaza OS: the operating system for open Wi-Fi networking devices 2019
653 Winegrid Fiber optic sensor for real time analytics of the critical parameters for vinification 2019
654 AWARE Advanced Face Recognition and CroWd Behavior Analysis for Next GeneRation VidEo Surveillance 2019
655 SMAR-TeR Next Generation of SMARt Active Inceptor for Tilt Rotor Application 2019
656 WiPLASH Architecting More Than Moore – Wireless Plasticity for Heterogeneous Massive Computer Architectures 2019
657 De-RISC De-RISC: Dependable Real-time Infrastructure for Safety-critical Computer 2019
659 VAPLCS Verification-Aware Programming Language Concurrency Semantics 2020
660 WoRShIP Wearable chemical sensors for public health-based business models 2019
661 FARCROSS FAcilitating Regional CROSS-border Electricity Transmission through Innovation 2019
662 PRISME PRogram for ISolation Manufacturing in Europe (PRISME) 2019
663 FPPAs Field Programmable Photonic Arrays 2019
664 Windrone Zenith Autonomous & Intelligent UAV-based Wind Turbine Inspection System for Cost-effective, Reliable, Safe and Actionable Blade Fault Detection and Prediction 2019
665 ESDCI KOBRA encrypted storage device for classified information KOBRA Drive / KOBRA Stick 2019
666 Mines-In-Time Monitoring System of rock stability in mines based on Advanced 4D seismic analysis. 2019
667 OriginIoT OriginIoT - Expediting Cellular IoT Device Development 2019
668 SpinENGINE Harnessing the Emergent Properties of Nanomagnet Ensembles for Massively Parallel Data Analysis 2020
669 SUNSTONE OMTLAB’s Real time positioning system for smart & flexible manufacturing 2019
670 Citibox Revolutionising the way in which parcels are delivered 2019
671 ONEIO The Intelligent Service Network Operator 2019
672 ThermoTON Thermophone - a novel heat transfer based approach to global TOnal Noise cancellation in aviation 2020
673 SmaCS Smart Cabin System for cabin readiness 2019
674 SeaClear SEarch, identificAtion and Collection of marine Litter with Autonomous Robots 2020
675 ReconCycle Self-reconfiguration of a robotic workcell for the recycling of electronic waste 2020
676 UP2DATE Intelligent software-UPDATE technologies for safe and secure mixed-criticality and high performance cyber physical systems 2020
677 Fotokite Aerial Situational Awareness for Every Firefighter 2019
678 MERGING Manipulation Enhancement through Robotic Guidance and Intelligent Novel Grippers 2019
679 PHOOTONICS A Cost-Effective Photonics-based Device for Early Prediction, Monitoring and Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers 2019
680 IOTI4.0 Integral Open Technology for Industry 4.0 2019
681 NeurONN Two-Dimensional Oscillatory Neural Networks for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing 2020
682 ADMORPH Towards Adaptively Morphing Embedded Systems 2020
683 VEMoS Virtual eye model system for personalised refractive surgery treatment 2019
684 MASTECS Multicore Analysis Service and Tools for Embedded Critical Systems 2019
685 emmtrix Software Parallelisation with emmtrix Parallel Studio 2019
686 EDDA European Direct-Drive Architecture 2019
687 PJP Plasma Jet Pack 2020
688 KiCloud Intelligent and serverless, cloud-based infrastructure for medical diagnostic devices 2019
689 AID Artificial Intelligent Dentistry for cost-efficient X-ray analysis and diagnosis 2019
690 HUPLE Huple movement and coordination development tool 2019
691 TECHEYE Artificial Intelligence beyond quality 2019
692 AUTOSITE100 Autonomous cranes based on computer vision and AI to increase productivity and safety on construction sites 2019
693 CodeAll The development of an innovative toolkit for learning programming with the use of the Internet of Things sensors and actuators 2019
694 INFINITE 2.0 Revolutionary laser machine for industrial engraving & 3D texturing 2019
695 Ngrave The World’s Most Secure Cryptocurrency Safeguarding Solution 2019
696 Contunity Radically Simplifying Electronics Engineering 2019
697 FORCE-UI Force-responsive Deformable User Interfaces 2020
698 MappingAir Mapping air quality with high accuracy and high-spatial resolution 2019
699 GRoW Greenhouse Robotic Worker - The first high-performance robotic system for automated harvesting of vegetables in greenhouses 2019
700 ARCAone Next generation security platform to safeguard critical applications and sensitive digital assets 2019
701 NGI-POINTER NGI Program for Open INTErnet Renovation 2020
702 BLACKJACK Fast Monte Carlo integration with repulsive processes 2020
703 ReACTIVE Too Reliable Electronics for Tomorrow’s Active Systems 2020
704 PROST Autonomous Prostate Biopsy 2019
705 Teraseya Prime Adaptive intelligence technology giving complete crop control to farmers 2019
707 Hastlayer Hastlayer - turning software into hardware for faster computing 2020
708 PlasmoniAC Energy- and Size-efficient Ultra-fast Plasmonic Circuits for Neuromorphic Computing Architectures 2020
709 SELENE SELENE: Self-monitored Dependable platform for High-Performance Safety-Critical Systems 2019
710 MeM-Scales Memory technologies with multi-scale time constants for neuromorphic architectures 2020
711 RUBY Robust and reliable general management tool for performance and dUraBility improvement of fuel cell stationarY units 2020
712 LPS For a full data privacy on the go. 2019
714 ANIONE Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolysis for Renewable Hydrogen Production on a Wide-Scale 2020
715 VIRTUAL-FCS VIRTUAL & physical platform for Fuel Cell System development 2020
717 PRIVATETRACK PRIVATETRACK: Privacy-friendly, low-power intelligent room occupancy detection and people counting. 2019
718 MEEP The MareNostrum Experimental Exascale Platform 2020
719 IC2PerMed Integrating China in the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine 2020
720 PSOTI Privacy-preserving Services On The Internet 2020
721 RRTB Recovery and Return-To-Base European Reusable Micro-Launcher Project 2020
722 iNEXT-Discovery Infrastructure for transnational access and discovery in structural biology 2020
723 DAN High-performance, kiosk-solution for forensic darknet analysis to gain cyber threat intelligence for companies and greatly enhance efficiency and capabilities of European investigation authorities 2019
724 Navigato CaaS – Car Charging as a Service for Smart Mobility 2019
725 SMARTSTAIR Robotic Production of EPS Formwork for cost-effective Concrete Stairs 2020
726 ECLIPSE Exotic superconducting CIrcuits to Probe and protect quantum States of light and mattEr 2020
727 DELIGHT Device-Centric Low-Complexity High-Frequency Networks 2020
728 Raven AI-based autonomous flight control for the aircraft of today and electric VTOLs of tomorrow 2019
729 Transparent3D Intuitive, rapid and efficient in-situ measurement of complex transparent 3D objects with a focus on cultural heritage artifacts 2021
730 Drones4Safety Inspection Drones for Ensuring Safety in Transport Infrastructures 2020