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H2020 projects about "ranging"

The page lists 553 projects related to the topic "ranging".

# achronym  title  year 
1 ERCSC-VPRES-SUP2014 Support to the Vice-Presidents of the ERC Scientific Council 2014 2014
2 DOLORisk DOLORisk: Understanding risk factors and determinants for neuropathic pain 2015
3 ULTRAPLACAD ULTRAsensitive PLAsmonic devices for early CAncer Diagnosis 2015
4 FATIMA FArming Tools for external nutrient Inputs and water MAnagement 2015
5 AGILE Aircraft 3rd Generation MDO for Innovative Collaboration of Heterogeneous Teams of Experts 2015
6 STYLE Sustainability Toolkit for easY Life-cycle Evaluation 2015
7 realFlow Virtualization of Real Flows for Animation and Simulation 2015
8 MathAm Mathematical Structures in Scattering Amplitudes 2015
9 ENTANGLED-TM-ALKANE Entangled pincer ligand architectures and their application in the transition-metal-mediated activation of alkanes 2015
10 STARLIGHT Steering attosecond electron dynamics in biomolecules with UV-XUV LIGHT pulses 2015
11 InfoInt An Information Theory of Simple Interaction 2015
12 AQuS Analog quantum simulators for many-body dynamics 2015
13 QUCHIP Quantum Simulation on a Photonic Chip 2015
14 European Global Transition Network on Eco-Innovation, Green Economy and Sustainable Development 2015
15 SAF21 Social Science Aspects of Fisheries for the 21st Century 2015
16 INTEGRATE Interdisciplinary Training Network for Validation of Gram-Negative Antibacterial Targets 2015
17 EpiPredict Epigenetic regulation of endocrine therapy resistance in breast cancer: A systems medicine approach to predict treatment outcome 2015
18 BonePain European Training Network on Bone Pain 2015
19 MULTI-APP Multivalent Molecular Systems for Innovative Applications 2015
20 IODA Industrial optimal design using adjoint CFD 2015
21 ACT5G Anticipatory Networking Techniques in 5G and Beyond 2015
22 EMI-TB Eliciting Mucosal Immunity to Tuberculosis 2015
24 CHOReVOLUTION Automated Synthesis of Dynamic and Secured Choreographies for the Future internet 2015
25 RAPID Heterogeneous Secure Multi-level Remote Acceleration Service for Low-Power Integrated Systems and Devices 2015
26 SWEEPER Sweet Pepper Harvesting Robot 2015
27 WiSHFUL Wireless Software and Hardware platforms for Flexible and Unified radio and network controL 2015
28 METCOPH Metallocomplexes of macrocyclic compounds for photonic devices 2015
29 SMARCOAT Development of Smart Nano and Microcapsulated Sensing Coatings for improving of Material Durability/Performance 2015
30 Immuno-NanoDecoder Nanostructured molecular decoders for the quantitative, multiplexed, layer-by-layer detection of disease-associated proteins 2015
31 GRAGE Grey and green in Europe: elderly living in urban areas 2014
32 RISE_BPM Propelling Business Process Management by Research and Innovation Staff Exchange 2015
33 YDS Your Data Stories 2015
34 Flex4Grid Prosumer Flexibility Services for Smart Grid Management 2015
35 FLEXICIENCY energy services demonstrations of demand response, FLEXibility and energy effICIENCY based on metering data 2015
36 TILOS Technology Innovation for the Local Scale, Optimum Integration of Battery Energy Storage 2015
37 FlexNets Quantifying Flexibility in Communication Networks 2015
38 RegulRNA Modulation of RNA-based regulatory processes by viruses 2016
39 OptnanoATcryo Optical nanoscopy at 1 nm resolution: far-field fluorescence control at cryogenic temperatures 2015
40 ANAPRINT Additive Printing for Cell-based Analysis 2014
41 PneumoSIP PneumoSIP – a cost-effective solution for the rapid diagnostic of pneumonia 2014
42 MOLECOPS International mobility, local economics and European cooperation policies in the central Sahara 2015
43 IMPACT Impact of Cultural aspects in the management of emergencies in public Transport 2015
44 FLYSEC Optimising time-to-FLY and enhancing airport SECurity 2015
45 OpenMinTeD Open Mining INfrastructure for TExt and Data 2015
46 SoNDe Solid-State Neutron Detector - A new Neutron Detector for High-Flux Applications 2015
47 KGBVIFEF Utilizing the fusion machinery of Herpes Simplex Virus to unveil the general process of membrane fusion 2015
48 UACSURF Understanding atmospheric circulation from a surface perspective 2015
49 HSPACE High Capacity Space Division Multiplexing Systems 2016
50 MITONUC The evolutionary and ecological implications of mito-nuclear epistasis 2015
51 MODFIN Model theory of finite and pseudofinite structures 2016
52 DualNRSQNM Fundamentals of Holographic Dualities via Non-relativistic Systems and Quasinormal Modes 2015
53 GAMMALAS Towards gamma-ray lasers via super-radiance in a Bose-Einstein condensate of 135mCs isomers 2015
54 SuSiPOD Broadband Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors 2015
55 HOTSPOT Accessing hot-spots in plasmonic nanoantennas 2015
56 SOLLAY Soft Chemical Control of the Physical Properties of Layered Solids 2016
57 NANOLASER Dynamics of semiconductor nanoscale lasers 2015
58 WISDOM Wavelength conversIon in diSpersion engineereD Optical fibres for Mid-IR applications 2015
59 ORRmetIR Development and in situ Infrared study of Novel Strained Core-shell Electrocatalysts: Towards an Understanding of the Oxygen Reduction Mechanism 2015
60 SiPhoN Single-Photon Non-Locality 2015
61 CHAT Control of the Homeostasis of Actin through Time: actin homeostasis during embryonic development by means of single-molecule imaging and simulation in C. elegans 2015
62 SOX10mutants Investigating genotype-phenotype correlations in SOX10 neurocristopathies 2015
63 IONOSENSE-POC Exploitation of Organic Electrochemical Transistors for Biological Ionsensing – Proof Of Concept 2015
64 CHIRALSENSE CHIRALSENSE : Sensing Chirality using cavity-enhanced polarimetry: advances in sensitivity and time-resolution 2015
65 I-WSN Intelligent Wireless Sensor Networks for Asset Integrity Monitoring 2015
66 Watergate Watergate: Development of a low-cost solar desalination technology 2015
67 LCODA Electronic scanning MIMO Radar for railway level crossing obstruction detection alerting 2015
68 Bio-HyPP Biogas-fired Combined Hybrid Heat and Power Plant 2015
69 Sport Infinity Waste-Based Rapid Adhesive-free Production of Sports goods 2015
70 NanoSmell NanoSmells: Artificial remote-controlled odorants 2015
71 DigiArt The Internet Of Historical Things And Building New 3D Cultural Worlds 2015
72 ABIOMATER Magnetically actuated bio-inspired metamaterials 2015
73 Solvatten_agri-bus Feasibilty study to determine market entrance for the Solvatten green technology into the agri-business value chains in Eastern Africa 2015
74 VERTICAL CITY Versatility of scaffold complexes in vivo to control synaptic plasticity 2015
75 SynCatMatch MATching zeolite SYNthesis with CATalytic activity 2015
76 SECURE Safety Enables Cooperation in Uncertain Robotic Environments 2015
77 RVT The Reversible Variable Transmission – Visionary Transmission for unprecedented Fuel, CO2 and Cost Savings 2015
78 NANOSHOCK Manufacturing Shock Interactions for Innovative Nanoscale Processes 2015
79 ICaRO Ion Channels and Receptors Operation 2016
80 CRYVISIL Crystalline and vitreous silica films and their interconversion 2016
81 MANTIS Cyber Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance 2015
82 Com4Com Collective modes in 4d-metal compounds and heterostructures 2016
83 HySEA Improving Hydrogen Safety for Energy Applications (HySEA) through pre-normative research on vented deflagrations 2015
84 iPURXL iPURXL: Scale-Up of Liquid Nano-reactor for the Destruction of Contaminants in Turbid Fluids 2015
85 Phd Deciphering PI3K biology in health and disease 2015
86 INFORM Interfaces in opto-electronic thin film multilayer devices 2015
87 PRINTCR3DIT Process Intensification through Adaptable Catalytic Reactors made by 3D Printing 2015
88 ModCompShock Modelling and Computation of Shocks and Interfaces 2015
89 PolarNet Principles of Polarity – Integrating genetic, biophysical and computational approaches to understand cell and tissue polarity 2015
90 PLASMA Running away and radiating 2015
91 DOQS Many-Body Physics with Driven Open Quantum Systems of Atoms, Light and Solids 2016
92 BHstabNL The fate of black holes in high-energy physics -- exploring their dynamical instabilities 2016
93 EO-SLR Enhanced Satellite Laser Ranging System 2015
94 e-Safe Novel low-cost ground penetrating radar system for safe, simple and swift detection of all utilities piping and cabling located underground 2015
95 StronGrHEP Strong Gravity and High-Energy Physics 2016
96 SBNAF Small Bodies: Near and Far 2016
97 MULTILAT Multi-phase Lattice Materials 2016
98 SuperSART Commercialization of an innovative tomographic reconstruction algorithm (Super-sampling SART) for various geometry setups 2016
99 COSMO_SIMS Astrophysics for the Dark Universe: Cosmological simulations in the context of dark matter and dark energy research 2016
100 STRIGES Escaping from the Franck-Condon region : a theoretical approach to describe molecular STructural ReorganIzation for reversible EnerGy and information storage at the Excited State 2015
101 HEP-CAR Mechanisms underlying hepatocellular carcinoma pathogenesis and impact of co-morbidities. 2016
102 HYDRA Hydraulics modelling for drilling automation 2016
103 WebMAT Web-based system for multi-arrangement task for rapid acquisition of subjectivejudgements. 2016
104 ALTAIR Air Launch space Transportation using an Automated aircraft and an Innovative Rocket 2015
105 INNODERM Innovative Dermatology Healthcare based on Label-Free Spectral Optoacoustic Mesoscopy 2016
106 Making Sense Making Sense 2015
107 NANO-SUPREMI “Tracking nano-bioprocesses using Super-Resolution Microscopy Techniques” 2016
108 SIREN Securing Internet Routing from the Ground Up 2016
109 SIMPATICO SIMplifying the interaction with Public Administration Through Information technology for Citizens and cOmpanies 2016
110 PhotonicSensing Photonics based sensing 2016
111 ELIRAD Everyday Life Radar Sensors For Transportation 2016
112 GEMCLIME Global Excellence in Modelling of Climate and Energy 2016
113 NANOCOMP Complex Dynamics of Clusters in High-Aspect Ratio Hollow Nanostructures:A Nanoscale Platform for High-Performance Computing 2016
114 EVER-EST European Virtual Environment for Research - Earth Science Themes 2015
115 EKO_MEMOF Ekoservis Membrane Modular Filtration system 2016
116 HetScaleNet Analysis and control of large scale heterogeneous networks: scalability, robustness and fundamental limits 2016
117 iBearing Intelligent Bearing 2016
118 HV-EPSA High Voltage Electrical Power System Architecture 2016
119 LPGPU2 Low-Power Parallel Computing on GPUs 2 2016
120 DAPP Data-centric Parallel Programming 2016
121 QuModQu Quantification and modality in the realm of questions 2016
122 DD-DeCaF Bioinformatics Services for Data-Driven Design of Cell Factories and Communities 2016
123 Topological-Plasmonics Robust light manipulation in plasmonic nanostructures assisted by topological protection 2016
124 BIDMAG Biological detection with functionalized Magnetic Sensor 2016
125 TRIA Transitivity in Indo-Aryan: A diachronic syntactic data base of valence-changing categories 2017
126 WaterfallModel3D Controls on knickpoint migration and consequences for landscape evolution: experimental and numerical modelling 2016
127 SILYCAT Asymmetric Catalysis with Chiral Silylium Cations 2017
128 Dynamic Perspectives Unravelling perspective-taking: Examining the influence of multiple constraints on perspective selection and multimodal behavior through a dynamical systems' approach 2016
129 Cleanup-MOFs Decontamination of emerging pollutant using porous Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) and silica-MOFs composites 2016
130 SMART-LANLIGHT New Scanning nearfield Microscopy method bAsed on Radio-frequency Trap and LANthanide nanoprobe for LIGHT matter interaction. 2016
131 ChroMoLEME The Character of Monastic Landscapes in Early Medieval Europe 2016
132 DynaSpaCER Molecular Mechanisms of Dynamic and Spatial Control of Eph Receptors clustering 2016
133 DrugCrops Drought discovery to improve drought tolerance in crops 2017
134 HealingFromEnclosure Healing from Enclosure: A Political Agroecology of a Science-and-Society Potato Controversy in Belgium 2017
135 ORGANIC QUAL TRACERS Organic food quality control and metabolomic fingerprinting 2016
137 DELTAS The dynamics and rheology of self-assembled empty liquids: from patchy toy models to anisotropic realistic systems 2016
138 METAL-AID Metal oxide Aided Subsurface Remediation: From Invention to Injection 2016
139 MOPSA Modular Open Platform for Static Analysis 2016
140 SmartGraphene Graphene based smart surfaces: from visible to microwave 2016
141 SIM4NEXUS Sustainable Integrated Management FOR the NEXUS of water-land-food-energy-climate for a resource-efficient Europe 2016
142 iSCAPE Improving the Smart Control of Air Pollution in Europe 2016
143 iBorderCtrl Intelligent Portable Border Control System 2016
144 PrinTeam Political knowledge as teamwork: The Academy of Zamość print shop (1594-1627) 2016
145 CELLFUSION Molecular dissection of the mechanisms of cell-cell fusion in the fission yeast 2016
146 LIPA A unified theory of finite-state recognisability 2016
147 COPPOLa Complex photon-phonon coupling 2016
148 BeLEADFREE High Strength Bearing for Large-Bore LEAD FREE Engines 2016
149 IMAGIT Information gain in Multi-pixel Acquisition Ghost Imaging Techniques 2017
150 DiseaseRecognition Selection to outsmart the germs: The evolution of disease recognition and social cognition 2017
151 SPICE Spintronic-Photonic Integrated Circuit platform for novel Electronics 2016
152 HBIS The Human Behavioral Immune System: Consequences for Health and Innovation 2016
153 CondStruct Structural basis for the coordination of chromosome architecture by condensin complexes 2016
154 TIDE Travel, Transculturality and Identity in England, c.1550 – 1700 2016
155 SOFTCHARGE Charge Carrier Transport in Soft Matter: From Fundamentals to High-Performance Materials 2016
156 WhiteBox EEG Big Data EEG Recording and Analysis platform 2016
157 MAGELLAN MAGELLAN. The World, Your Playground! 2016
158 Materials Networking Enhancing the scientific capacity of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy at Sofia University as leading regional research and innovation centre in the area of advanced functional materials 2016
159 MMDYNASYS Molecular Motors, powering dynamic functional molecular systems 2016
160 Dark-OsT Experimental Searches for Oscillating and Transient effects from the Dark Sector 2016
161 Thomson Controller The Thomson Controller is a fully pre-programmed vehicle and chassis smart control module designed to provide energy efficient and safe supervisory control to an electric vehicle powertrain. 2016
162 REDOXDRUGS Discovery and commercialisation of novel compounds targeting redox proteins 2016
163 SYNOX Total Synthesis of Biologically Important Pyrrolidinone Natural Products and Analogues Thereof. 2016
164 PlaMatSu Plant-inspired materials and surfaces 2016
165 ESSENTIAL Evolving Security SciencE through Networked Technologies, Information policy And Law 2017
166 EN_ACTI2NG European Network on Anti-Cancer Immuno-Therapy Improvement by modification of CAR and TCR Interactions and Nanoscale Geometry 2017
168 LoCoMaTech Low Cost Materials Processing Technologies for Mass Production of Lightweight Vehicles 2016
169 DeMAnD Dynamic aircraft MAterial property Database 2016
170 Train2Target An integrated mulTidisciplinary appRoach towards a new generAtIon of aNtibiotics: Targeting function and cross-talk of bacterial Envelope proTein machineries 2017
171 RE4 REuse and REcycling of CDW materials and structures in energy efficient pREfabricated elements for building REfurbishment and construction 2016
172 MONROE Modelling and evaluating the socio-economic impacts of research and innovation with the suite of macro- and regional-economic models 2017
173 TC2D 2D nanomaterials-based composite films for more efficient thermal conduction 2016
174 UWIT UnderWater Information Technology (UWIT) 2016
175 SAMBA Sustainable and Advanced Membranes By Aqueous Phase Separation 2017
176 FASTO-CAT Fundamentals of ASymmeTric Organo-CATalysis 2017
177 ERQUAF Entanglement and Renormalisation for Quantum Fields 2017
178 ACCENT Unravelling the architecture and the cartography of the human centriole 2017
179 HHGhole2 High-harmonic spectroscopy for core-hole dynamics 2016
180 EXNADMINA EXercise as a regulator of hepatic NAD metabolism and MItochondrial function in Non-Alcoholic fatty liver disease 2016
181 PRODUCER PeRsOnalized DocUmentary Creation based on Automatically Annotated Content 2017
182 LysoMod Genetic and Small Molecule Modifiers of Lysosomal Function 2017
183 CaBiS Chemistry and Biology in Synergy - Studies of hydrogenases using a combination of synthetic chemistry and biological tools 2017
184 IMAGO Image Analysis Online Services for in-vitro experiments 2017
185 HiChemSynPro High-throughput combinatorial chemical protein synthesis as a novel research technology platform for chemical and synthetic biology 2017
186 whyBOTher Why does Clostridium botulinum kill? – In search for botulinum neurotoxin regulators 2017
187 MANNA MacroAutophagy and Necrotic Neurodegeneration in Ageing 2017
188 RAPID Chromatin dynamics resolved by rapid protein labeling and bioorthogonal capture 2017
189 OPTINT OPTINT: Optimization-based Design of Interactive Technologies 2017
190 SOLUTION SOLUTION - Solid lubrication for emerging engineering applications 2017
191 Fed4FIREplus Federation for FIRE Plus 2017
192 LAMBDA Learning and Analysing Massive / Big complex Data 2017
193 is3DMIMO indoor small-cell Networks with 3D MIMO Array Antennas 2017
194 IHS water and energy efficient Induction Humidification System for textile applications 2016
195 HPE1 New high-performance excipients in pharmaceutical industry: an innovative solution for a more efficient and sustainable drug manufacturing process. 2016
196 ANASTACIA Advanced Networked Agents for Security and Trust Assessment in CPS/IOT Architectures 2017
197 SynFoNY Synthesis and Formulation of Nanoparticles for pinning in YBCO coated conductors 2017
198 4D hybrid Novel ALL-IN-ONE machines, robots and systems for affordable, worldwide and lifetime Distributed 3D hybrid manufacturing and repair operations 2017
199 HyperMu Hyperfine splittings in muonic atoms and laser technology 2017
200 BIOSENSIZE SIZE selective optical SENsing of BIOmolecules with functionalized porous photonic structures 2016
201 MECHANICS Mechanics of cells: the role of intermediate filaments 2017
202 MARGHERITA Pizza Vending Machine with Innovative oven and refrigerated storage technology for improved performance and operations 2017
203 M2M mapKITE to market 2017
204 BITRIDE BIKE SHARING The solution for flexible bike sharing initiatives without fixed stations 2017
205 Sure-Rider Boats Boats with revolutionary Hull design for safer and more comfortable cruising. 2017
206 RHYTHMSYNC Rhythm synchronization between music and spoken language 2017
207 JUSTAM Justice, Morality, and the State in Amazonia 2017
208 MMUSCLES Modification of Molecular structure Under Strong Coupling to confined Light modES 2017
209 ADVICE ADvancing user acceptance of general purpose hybridized Vehicles by Improved Cost and Efficiency 2017
210 SMARTIES Scattering Media as a Resource Towards Information Processing and Sensing 2017
211 LATO Large-Area Transparent Opto-Electronics using 2D Materials 2017
212 AqPDRA Industrial research into the properties of molecular capsules in commercially relevant media 2017
213 CMI2T IA Harmless Clostridium bacteria as a highly targeted, continuous delivery system for immunomodulatory anti-cancer drugs 2017
214 LACRYMOSA Designing Multifunctional Self-Limiting Assembled Nanocrystal Superstructures and Monitoring their Self-Assembly at High Spatiotemporal Resolution 2017
215 ADAPTOMICS Adaptations to temperature regimes in sponges: Genomic insights into the developmental and physiological evolutionary changes of early-branching metazoans 2017
216 ConscriptedVolunteer Conscripted Volunteering: An Ethnographic Study of Community Engagement Schemes in the Israeli Military 2017
217 ECOSEA Effects of contaminants on seabirds: an energetics approach 2017
218 PaCDoC Electric field driven propulsion and collective dynamics of homogeneous and patchy colloidal capsules. 2017
219 BG-BB-AS Birational Geometry, B-branes and Artin Stacks 2017
220 coolDips Direct cooling of dipolar molecules 2017
221 AFFINITY Amplitudes and form factors via integrability 2018
222 NANODRIVE Polymeric Self-Assembling Units for a Controlled Adsorption and Release at the Nanoscale 2017
223 WILDGUT GUT biota indices: a new tool for WILD animal conservation 2017
224 umCryofix A microfluidic cryofixation method for time-resolved correlative microscopy 2017
225 BrainPredictDynamics Temporal predictions in the auditory cortex: neural mechanisms and their specificity across species and stimulus domains 2018
226 UCHIRAL Ultrafast opto-electronic twists: Controlling the chirality of electrons and extreme-UV photons by ultrafast laser pulses (UCHIRAL). 2017
227 VAC2VAC Vaccine lot to Vaccine lot comparison by consistancy testing - Sofia ref.: 115924 2016
228 STORM Signal Transduction in Organic Materials 2017
229 CHIRALQUBIT Antiferromagnetic spin-chiral triangles as decoherence-free qubits 2017
230 EXPHON Exciton-Phonon Coupling from First Principles 2017
231 POLY-WITTIG Tuning mechanical properties of elastomers with stereocontrolled π-bonds using Wittig chemistry 2017
232 HERPES Herpesvirus Effectors of RNA synthesis, Processing, Export and Stability 2017
233 STressD Stressfully Transmitted Diseases: How your partner’s past stress affects your current and future health 2017
234 COMPCON Competition under (niche) construction 2017
235 COGTOM Cognitive tomography of mental representations 2017
236 NewHoRRIzon Excellence in science and innovation for Europe by adopting the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation 2017
237 CRITISUP2 Criticality and Dual Superfluidity 2017
238 RETVOLUTION Reticulate evolution: patterns and impacts of non-vertical inheritance in eukaryotic genomes. 2018
239 SIMS Sustainable Intelligent Mining Systems 2017
240 EUSMI European infrastructure for spectroscopy, scattering and imaging of soft matteer 2017
241 AEGIS Accelerating EU-US DialoGue for Research and Innovation in CyberSecurity and Privacy 2017
242 CAMELOT C2 Advanced Multi-domain Environment and Live Observation Technologies 2017
243 DEFENDER Defending the European Energy Infrastructures 2017
244 TRIVALENT Terrorism pReventIon Via rAdicaLisation countEr-NarraTive 2017
245 ELECTRA Electrochemically induced Asymmetry: from materials to molecules and back 2017
246 ToSubC Towards Submarine Landslides and Their Consequences 2017
247 BioTec Detection of bio-signatures in space research using a new and innovative measurement technique based on laser desorption ionisation mass spectrometry 2017
248 GreQuE Grenoble Quantum Engineering Doctoral Programme 2017
249 QStamp Introducing Smart Wireless Monitoring Stickers Adaptable to Any Surface And Bending Angle for Food Tracking 2017
250 UNIGEM Next Generation ‘Unified Guest Engagement System’ for Smart Hospitality Services and Unparalleled Guest Loyalty. 2017
251 MolStrucDyn Ultrafast Molecular Structural Dynamics 2017
252 BIO-H-BORROW Biocatalytic Amine Synthesis via Hydrogen Borrowing 2017
253 MARQUESS Multiscale Analysis of AiRframe Structures and Quantification of UncErtaintieS System 2017
254 CTC4BMP Circulating tumor cells for tailoring BMP targeted therapies 2017
255 SPIDI Star-Planet-Inner Disk Interactions (SPIDI): unveiling the formation and evolution of inner planetary systems 2018
256 AXION Axions: From Heaven to Earth 2017
257 FuturePulse FuturePulse: Multimodal Predictive Analytics and Recommendation Services for the Music Industry 2017
258 5G-PHOS 5G integrated Fiber-Wireless networks exploiting existing photonic technologies for high-density SDN-programmable network architectures 2017
259 PercEvite PercEvite - Sense and avoid technology for small drones 2017
260 IFM Micro Thruster The unique modular propulsion system suitable for all small satellites from 1 to 500 kg 2017
261 METAMAPPER Super-resolution genomic mapping for the microbiome 2017
262 PRIOR PRIOR - Making food and goods more accessible online 2017
263 EMME-CARE Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East – Climate and Atmosphere Research Centre 2017
264 ESSIAL Electrical Steel Structuring, Insulating and Assembling by means of the Laser technologies 2017
265 WinWind Winning social acceptance for wind energy in wind energy scarce regions 2017
266 AiPBAND An Integrated Platform for Developing Brain Cancer Diagnostic Techniques 2018
267 HYBUILD Innovative compact HYbrid electrical/thermal storage systems for low energy BUILDings 2017
268 NOAH Network of Functional Molecular Containers with Controlled Switchable Abilities 2018
269 FEEDGALAXIES A new vantage point on how gas flows regulate the build-up of galaxies in the early universe 2018
270 GEL-SYS Smart HydroGEL SYStems – From Bioinspired Design to Soft Electronics and Machines 2018
271 S4CE Science for Clean Energy 2017
272 NANOSTEM New nanomaterials for neural stem cells drug delivery 2018
273 LightDyNAmics DNA as a training platform for photodynamic processes in soft materials 2018
274 ROMSOC Reduced Order Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of Coupled systems 2017
275 DEMOBASE DEsign and MOdelling for improved BAttery Safety and Efficiency 2017
276 ABIOS ABIOtic Synthesis of RNA: an investigation on how life started before biology existed 2018
277 ODDSUPER New mechanisms and materials for odd-frequency superconductivity 2018
278 HANDmade How natural hand usage shapes behavior and intrinsic and task-evoked brain activity. 2018
279 REACH Re-designing access to CH for a wider participation in preservation, (re)use and management of European culture 2017
280 CSI-Fun Chronic Systemic Inflammation: Functional organ cross-talk in inflammatory disease and cancer 2018
281 CriBLaM Critical behavior of lattice models 2018
282 QuadraComb Quadratic dispersive resonators for optical frequency comb generation 2018
283 ODYSSEY Open dynamics of interacting and disordered quantum systems 2018
284 X-TAM Dissecting Cross-Regulatory Interplays in Tumor-Associated Macrophages 2018
285 MASTER Multiple ASpects TrajEctoRy management and analysis 2018
286 MINERGRACE Graphene-based High Resolution Neural Interfaces for ICT-inspired Neuro-treatment 2018
287 DIDO-MS Commercialization of a first in class multiple sclerosis drug 2018
288 CoopCat Cooperative Catalysis: Using Interdisciplinary Chemical Systems to Develop New Cooperative Catalysts 2018
289 LNEXPANDS The Mechanisms and Dynamics Controlling Cycles of Lymph Node Expansion 2018
290 PapyGreek Digital Grammar of Greek Documentary Papyri 2018
291 PRoPART Precise and Robust Positioning for Automated Road Transports 2017
292 WeObserve An Ecosystem of Citizen Observatories for Environmental Monitoring 2017
293 MELOA Multi-purpose/Multi-sensor Extra Light Oceanography Apparatus 2017
294 SealedGRID Scalable, trustEd, and interoperAble pLatform for sEcureD smart GRID 2018
295 RESISTANCE Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries 2018
296 COMED Pushing the boundaries of Cost and Outcome analysis of Medical Technologies 2018
298 3PEAT 3D Photonic integration platform based on multilayer PolyBoard and TriPleX technology for optical switching and remote sensing and ranging applications 2018
299 W2O Demonstration of the economic feasibility of a wave-powered desalination system 2018
300 Aerial Insights Aerial Insights: facilitating access to aerial drone imagery services through novel and cost-effective data analytics solutions 2017
301 HINBOTS Highly Integrated Nanoscale Robots for Targeted Delivery to the Central Nervous System 2018
302 SynarchiC Investigating the functional architecture of microbial genomes with synthetic approaches 2018
303 IceCommunities Reconstructing community dynamics and ecosystem functioning after glacial retreat 2018
304 Mega-Inliner High tech Inliner for ISO tank containers 2018
305 DeepRNA Discovering functional protein-RNA interactions through data integration and machine learning. 2018
306 SOPMEN Correlating the 3D atomic structure of metal anisotropic nanoparticles with their optical properties 2018
307 PEP2D Printable Electronics on Paper through 2D materials based inks 2018
308 COQUDDE Cooperative Quantum Dynamics of Dipolar Ensembles 2018
309 FemTHEATRE Through Her Own Looking Glass: Rethinking ‘Woman’ in Italian Feminist Dramaturgy 2018
310 EuroDag The first European daggers: Function, meaning, and social significance 2019
311 eyecontrol EyeControl 2018
312 COINE Counterfeiting Empire: Money, Crime, and Politics in the British Atlantic World 2018
313 COMAMOC Coherent Manipulation of Rotational States of Single Molecules via Direct Frequency Comb Excitation 2018
314 Data Synthesis Power Reducing required sample size of new studies by effectively using historical data: new methods for evaluating mechanisms, conditions, and alternative explanations 2018
315 DeciGUT A Grand Unified Theory of Decidability in Logic-Based Knowledge Representation 2018
316 EE-Dynamics Dynamics of eco-evolutionary systems 2018
317 SEA The Social Epistemology of Argumentation 2018
318 TRECEPTORS Transport and Receptor Mechanisms of Human Solute Carriers 2018
319 Rotational Waves Controlling and resolving rotational quantum states in a molecule-surface collision: Matter-wave magnetic interference experiments with ground state molecules. 2018
320 QNETWORK Quantum networks wired by multi-spin entanglement 2018
321 SEXinMALARIA Sex in malaria parasites – from basic biology to targets for transmission blocking interventions. 2018
322 DYNAMIN Dynamic Control of Mineralisation 2018
323 MetChromTx Macrophage metabolism and signal-induced chromatin and transcription changes: an integrated, multi-layer approach 2018
324 VALSL Valorisation of splice-switching oligonucleotides for lung cancer therapy 2018
325 FEAST Fine scalE forAging Strategies of grey seals in relation to their biotic and abiotic environmenT 2019
326 WPCN Wireless Powered Communication Networks: Architectures, Protocols and Optimized Resource Allocation 2019
327 SHINE Self-Healthcare for breast cancer detection using an INtegrated paper-based Electrochemical device 2019
328 NeuroLSD Neuro-metabolic, structural and functional hallmarks of Lysosomal Storage Diseases 2018
329 HYBRICYL Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Heterojunctions in Extremely Thin Absorber Solar Cells Based on Arrays of Parallel Cylindrical Nanochannels 2018
330 Mesophotic Past and present mesophotic coral ecosystems as a predictor for survival of coral reefs in an era of climate change 2018
331 INMARE Injectable hydrogels for magnetically-activated, remote-controlled drug delivery 2019
332 SWP Shaming States: Social Sanction and State Behaviour In World Politics 2019
333 URCHIN continUous flow ReaCtor for Hierarchically desIgned Nanocomposites 2018
334 WORM_SLEEP Sleep homeostasis in Caenorhabditis elegans 2018
335 NSINC Novel Soliton Synchronization and Interactions in Coupled Kerr Combs 2018
336 TissueMaps Elemental imaging of human tissue: clinical therapy support and development of new diagnostics 2018
337 GlobaLISe Global Value Chains and Local Innovation Systems in Southern Europe:The Coevolution of Technology, Trade and Finance, and the Technological Divide 2018
338 RECIPE REliable power and time-ConstraInts-aware Predictive management of heterogeneous Exascale systems 2018
339 MPDCA innovative hot chamber Medium Pressure Die Casting process for Aluminium 2018
340 Ventura Habitat Commercialisation of Ventura Habitat - a novel wind turbine blade maintenance enclosure tomaximize downtime productivity 2018
341 DACOMAT Damage Controlled Composite Materials 2018
342 C-CLEAR Complement: to clear or not to clear 2018
343 OCAL Optimal Control at Large 2018
344 EQFT Emergence from Quantum Frustration and Topology 2018
345 FairSocialComputing Foundations for Fair Social Computing 2018
346 SUPERTED Thermoelectric detector based on superconductor-ferromagnet heterostructures 2018
347 NanoMAGIQ Nanoscale magnetic imaging with quantum sensors 2018
348 GOLF EC-Asia Research Network on Integration of Global and Local Agri-Food Supply Chains Towards Sustainable Food Security 2018
349 MONOCLE Multiscale Observation Networks for Optical monitoring of Coastal waters, Lakes and Estuaries 2018
350 F3D-Fastsight-PoC We enable safe and smarter urban transportation with laser imaging of surroundings, avoiding collisions with pedestrians and enabling autonomous navigation. Our single chip implementation delivers 2018
351 WindiBox A novel shrouded vertical axis wind turbine for power generation in buildings 2018
352 BoneCut Smart surgery system to selectively ablate bony tissue 2018
354 CONT-END Attempts to Control the End of Life in People with Dementia: Two-level Approach to Examine Controversies 2018
355 Pozyx RTLS An ultra-wideband-based location system that allows highly accurate positioning in indoor environments. 2018
356 NS System A real-time and continuous brain monitoring system to record and track brain activity and extract biomarkers for neurological conditions 2018
357 FOCALISE Facile Oxygen Consumption Assay for Lacteal Industry and Spoilage Evaluation 2018
358 NextBillionMusicians The Next Billion Musicians: Leading the Digital Disruption of Music Education 2018
359 MAGIT Magnesium and Aluminium Gas Injection Technology for High Pressure Die Casting 2018
360 Bio-LP-1 Bio-LP-1 - A novel technology for water safety and surveillance testing 2018
361 FlowShield Securing Web Applications by Information Flow Tracking 2018
362 StART StART: Science through ART 2019
363 Cork Discovers Cork Discovers: Learn, Live, Love Research 2018
364 SPECGEO Spectral geometric methods in practice 2018
365 QNets Open Quantum Neural Networks: from Fundamental Concepts to Implementations with Atoms and Photons 2019
366 MesoBrainMicr Novel high speed and high resolution microscopy setup for cytoarchitectonic studies of mesoscale sized human brain tissues, healthy and affected by Focal Cortical Dysplasia 2018
367 LOGIC LAB Molecular logic lab-on-a-vesicle for intracellular diagnostics 2018
368 EUROoC Interdisciplinary training network for advancing Organ-on-a-chip technology in Europe 2018
369 MultiBD-CHALLENGE The Pursuit of Group 13-Group 15 (E13≡E15) Triple Bonds. Their Reactivity and Applications for Materials 2019
370 Dielec2DNanoLiquids Dielectric measurement of two-dimensional nanoconfined liquids 2018
371 Tryst Energy Tryst Energy: Light Energy Harvesting for the IoT-industry 2018
372 HISTOID A Human iPS Cell-Derived Artificial Skeletal Muscle for Regenerative Medicine, Disease Modelling and Drug Screening 2018
373 SWEET CROSSTALK Training interdisciplinary glycoscientists to get a molecular-level grip on glycocodes at the human mucosa–microbiota interface 2019
374 OLEDSOLAR Innovative manufacturing processes and in-line monitoring techniques for the OLED and thin film and organic photovoltaic industries (CIGS and OPV) 2018
375 ANGULON Angulon: physics and applications of a new quasiparticle 2019
376 NanoCarb Glyco-Nanoparticles for Applications in Advance Nanomedicine 2018
377 LaGaTYb Exploring lattice gauge theories with fermionic Ytterbium atoms 2019
378 DIGISMART Multifunctional Digital Materials Platform for Smart Integrated Applications 2019
379 aDDRess Joint Training and Research Program on Chromatin Dynamics and the DNA Damage Response 2019
380 EVOCATION Advanced Visual and Geometric Computing for 3D Capture, Display, and Fabrication 2018
381 UCOM Ultrasound Cavitation in Soft Materials 2018
382 I-DireCT Immune DIREcted and Cancer-selective immunoTherapy 2019
383 TMCS Topological Matter and Crystal Symmetry: From Microscopic Structure to Phenomenology 2019
384 SusDrug Sustainable Approach to Drug Discovery 2019
385 Secreters A new generation of microbial expression hosts and tools for the production of biotherapeutics and high-value enzymes 2019
386 LIFT Lightweight Innovative Generator for Future Air Transportation 2018
387 3D Cer-Met 3D Thin-Walled Ceramic and Ceramic-Metal Components using Electrolytic Plasma Processing 2019
388 PhoQuS Photons for Quantum Simulation 2018
389 H-Unique In search of uniqueness - harnessing anatomical hand variation 2019
390 eHONESTY Embodied Honesty in Real World and Digital Interactions 2018
391 NeEDS Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Network of European Data Scientists 2019
392 Levitate Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles 2018
393 Symptoma Symptoma, Better Diagnosis for Patients with Rare and Complex Diseases 2018
394 INSPiRE-MED INtegrating Magnetic Resonance SPectroscopy and Multimodal Imaging for Research and Education in MEDicine 2019
395 TOCHA Dissipationless topological channels for information transfer and quantum metrology 2019
396 EnTimeMent EnTimeMent - ENtrainment and synchronization at multiple TIME scales in the MENTal foundations of expressive gesture 2019
397 GROWINPRO Growth Welfare Innovation Productivity 2019
398 kW-flexiburst Ultrashort pulsed kW-class laser with unprecedented flexible GHz burst operation for high precision high-throughput industrial manufacturing 2019
399 FemtoSurf Functional surface treatments using ultra-short pulse laser system FemtoSurf 2019
400 PROTECT Personnel Location and Tracking for Safety, Security and Protection 2018
401 hipQCD Highest Precision QCD predictions for a new era in Higgs boson phenomenology 2019
402 PHARMS Bacteriophage inhibition of antibiotic-resistant pathogenic microbes and founding for novel therapeutic strategies 2019
403 HY-NANO HYbrid NANOstructured multi-functional interfaces for stable, efficient and eco-friendly photovoltaic devices 2019
404 BEBOP Bacterial biofilms in porous structures: from biomechanics to control 2019
405 RADAR-AD Remote Assessment of Disease and Relapse – Alzheimer’s Disease 2019
406 DeepHealth Deep-Learning and HPC to Boost Biomedical Applications for Health 2019
407 DigitalHealthEurope DigitalHealthEurope: Support to a Digital Health and Care Innovation initiative in the context of Digital Single Market strategy 2019
408 Digital Good The Digital Disruption of Health Research and the Common Good. An Empirical-Philosophical Study 2019
409 Panda Guide Panda Guide 2019
410 SPACE TIE Unifying the three pillars of Geodesy using space ties 2019
411 NoLiMiTs Novel Lifesaving Magnetic Tentacles 2019
412 SensifAI Understanding Videos Automatically with the SensifAI Deep Learning Technology 2018
413 BOND Parental BONDing for a better start in life 2018
414 CENNS Probing new physics with Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering and a tabletop experiment 2019
415 MOCCA Multiscale optical frequency combs: advanced technologies and applications 2019
416 POAB The Psychology of Administrative Burden 2019
417 MaMiLabor Macro- and Microeconomic Analyses of Heterogeneous Labor Market Outcomes 2019
418 STICK2HEAL Innovative adhesives for ear drum healing 2019
419 INITIO INnovative chemIcal sensors for enanTioselective detectIon of chiral pOllutants 2019
420 DIFFOP Nonlinear Data and Signal Analysis with Diffusion Operators 2019
421 MoonVision 2.0 Using AI Computer Vision 2.0 for Visual Inspection in the Industry 2019
422 NANODINK An Innovative digital solution for mobile and large display screens 2019
423 CANCEREVO Deciphering and predicting the evolution of cancer cell populations 2019
424 IndiGene Genetics of Individuality 2019
425 LINCHPIN A platform to LINk between CHemistry and PhysIcs of colloidal Nanomaterials 2020
426 EU-Citizen.Science The Platform for Sharing, Initiating, and Learning Citizen Science in Europe 2019
427 DIAIoT An e-Health expert system for diagnosis and treatment of diabetics to reduce the risk of skin breakdown and co-existing foot diseases 2019
428 Doraya Doraya is an innovative catheter device for treating patients resistant to diuretics with Acute Heart Failure (AHF) condition. 2019
429 FIRM Form and Function of the Mitochondrial Retrograde Response 2019
430 2D4QT 2D Materials for Quantum Technology 2019
431 FluidER Real time Optoelectronic Sensors for Electro-Actuator Hydraulic Fluid Contamination Monitoring 2019
432 NewSense Perception with New Sensory Signals 2019
433 QTONE Quantum Plasmomechanics with THz Phonons and Molecular Nano-junctions 2019
434 EV-2C Structural and functional studies of enterovirus 2C proteins: promising targets for antiviral therapy. 2019
435 AmygdalaNeuroMod Unraveling the combinatorial logic of amygdala neuromodulation in decision-making and learning. 2020
436 oLife The origin and evolution of Life in the universe 2019
437 PEER The Political Economy of E-Residency 2020
438 ADMIGOV Advancing Alternative Migration Governance 2019
439 REFINE Robots Explore plankton-driven Fluxes in the marine twIlight zoNE 2019
440 HELD Hetero-structures for Efficient Luminescent Devices 2019
441 A-PREACH Asymmetric Photochemical Reactions in confined Chiral space 2019
442 SNDTD Resolving the origins of supernovae: constraining progenitors with integral field spectroscopy 2019
443 OCPSTRUCTDYNAMICS Structural dynamics essential for photosynthetic adaptation and survival of cyanobacteria in fluctuating light intensities 2020
444 TPOINT Parasitism and climate change: A tipping point for blue mussel populations? 2019
445 CoCoNat Coordination in constrained and natural distributed systems 2019
446 COHESiV Coherent Optomechanical and Hyperfine interactions Engineering with Silicon-Vacancy impurities in diamond for quantum networks 2020
447 X-SUGRA eXceptional Solutions and U-folds in quantum GRAvity 2020
448 ImmUne Towards identification of the unifying principles of vertebrate adaptive immunity 2019
449 LYSOKIN Architecture and regulation of PI3KC2β lipid kinase complex for nutrient signaling at the lysosome 2020
450 CROWDY Toward the microscopic simulations of cell-like environments. 2019
451 SENTIMOUV Spatial and demographic dynamics of disease transfer at the wildlife-human interface 2020
452 signalling dynamics Bridging biophysics and cell biology: The role of G protein-coupled receptor conformations in signalling 2020
453 ASSESSnet Language assessment in virtual mobility initiatives at tertiary level – teachers’ beliefs, practices and perceptions 2019
454 X-tendo eXTENDing the energy performance assessment and certification schemes via a mOdular approach 2019
455 Dinophyte Dinoflagellate phytotoxins exploitation 2019
456 WOOL2LOOP Mineral wool waste back to loop with advanced sorting, pre-treatment, and alkali activation 2019
457 CASCADES CAScading Climate risks: towards ADaptive and resilient European Societies 2019
458 NAVIGATE Next generation of AdVanced InteGrated Assessment modelling to support climaTE policy making 2019
459 FORCeS Constrained aerosol forcing for improved climate projections 2019
460 VIZTA VIZTA sounds for Vision, Identification, with Z-sensing Technologies and key Applications. 2019
461 CREST Fighting Crime and TerroRism with an IoT-enabled Autonomous Platform based on an Ecosystem of Advanced IntelligEnce, Operations, and InveStigation Technologies 2019
462 MegaBiCycle The role of megafauna in biogeochemical cycles and greenhouse gas fluxes: implications for climate and ecosystems throughout history 2019
463 SMarble Smart motes for industrial and utility inspections 2019
464 SynapSeek Learning the shape of synaptic plasticity rules for neuronal architectures and function through machine learning. 2019
465 BALLISTOP Revealing 1D ballistic charge and spin currents in second order topological insulators 2020
466 COMP4DRONES Framework of key enabling technologies for safe and autonomous drones’ applications 2019
467 TEMPO Technology and hardware for neuromorphic computing 2019
468 NP-SPAD Uncooled Nanopillar Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes (NP-SPADs) at Telecommunication Wavelengths 2020
469 UNITE Unification Through Law: The Court of Justice of the European Union as Cultural-Moral Agent 2019
470 SKILLS Unpacking Skills at the Cradle: A Machine Learning Approach to Construct Infant Skill Measures 2019
471 EarWay EarWay: a simple, safe and efficient medical device for earwax removal 2019
472 Wave Scale Bringing wave power to a cost competitive level and commercial scale 2019
473 HPCWE High performance computing for wind energy 2019
474 iv4XR Intelligent Verification/Validation for Extended Reality Based Systems 2019
475 GATHERS Integration of Geodetic and imAging TecHiques for monitoring and modelling the Earth's surface defoRmations and Seismic risk 2019
476 PhoMEC Photonic Integrated Microcombs as Multi-wavelength Sources for Edge Data Centers 2019
477 HYPATIA Privacy and Utility Allied 2019
478 VIEW World first self-responsive emergency call system 2019
479 MEFISTA Multi-scale fibre-based optical frequency combs: science, technology and applications 2020
480 Turbulent A revolutionary HYDRO POWER technology to sustainably exploit super-low-head water steps 2019
481 Mari.Time Dissecting the mechanistic basis of moon-controlled monthly timing mechanisms in marine environments 2020
482 ChinaUrban Rethinking China’s Model of Urban Governance 2020
483 ENHPATHY Molecular basis of human enhanceropathies 2020
484 ArtMoMa Artificial Molecular Machines 2020
485 INODE INODE - Intelligent Open Data Exploration 2019
486 MoSaiQC Modular Systems for Advanced Integrated Quantum Clocks 2020
487 MOSAICS Hearing Matters: European Industrial Doctorate to train experts in auditory implants for minimised outcome spread and maximized participation in society 2019
489 WinGrid Wind farm - grid interactions: exploration and development 2019
490 SUPERGALAX Highly sensitive detection of single microwave photons with coherent quantum network of superconducting qubits for searching galactic axions 2020
491 LEVEL-UP Protocols and Strategies for extending the useful Life of major capital investments and Large Industrial Equipment 2019
492 i-LiDAR metasurface-Integrated Light Detection and Ranging 2019
493 LIKE LIdar Knowledge Europe 2019
494 TubInTrain Tuning Tubulin Dynamics and Interactions to Face Neurotoxicity: a Multidisciplinary Approach for Training and Research 2019
495 INTERfaces Heterogenous biocatalytic reaction cascades training network 2020
496 Smarter Vision Micro The most accurate 3D sensor in the world 2019
497 MFreePEC Controlled Growth of Lightweight Metal-Free Materials for Photoelectrochemical Cells 2020
498 MEMO The Memory of Solitons 2020
499 GLISS Gliding epitaxy for inorganic space-power sheets 2020
501 HEATforecast Dynamical constraints for the predictability of heat waves in current and future climates 2020
502 SpinENGINE Harnessing the Emergent Properties of Nanomagnet Ensembles for Massively Parallel Data Analysis 2020
503 Nanolace Mask Based Lithography for Fast, Large Scale Pattern Generation with Nanometer Resolution 2020
504 TeraSlice Terahertz Analogue-to-Digital Conversion Using Photonic Chipscale Soliton Frequency Combs and Massively Parallel Spectrally Sliced Detection 2020
505 MechAnt Behavioural biomechanics of insect herbivory - a case study on leaf-cutter ants 2020
506 CRYTOCOP Coat assembly and membrane remodelling: understanding regulation of protein secretion 2019
507 Digital Wallpaper The wafer thin, flexible, lightweight and endless scalable LED screen for dynamic ambient lighting and outdoor video walls 2019
508 CriSP Critical and supercritical percolation 2020
509 CN Identity Comprehensive anatomical, genetic and functional identification of cerebellar nuclei neurons and their roles in sensorimotor tasks 2019
510 MOLEC ANTI-ARRHYT Resilience and Trigger Factors in Cardiac Arrhythmia: Risk Stratification and Drug Design 2020
511 TiNT Titles of the New Testament: A New Approach to Manuscripts and the History of Interpretation 2020
513 NANOLED Toward single colloidal nanocrystal light-emitting diodes 2020
514 INSPIRE-5Gplus INtelligent Security and PervasIve tRust for 5G and Beyond 2019
515 PERSIST Patients-centered SurvivorShIp care plan after Cancer treatments based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies 2020
516 DecodeDegRNA Post-transcriptional regulation of RNA degradation in early zebrafish development 2020
517 NanoPD_P High throughput multiplexed trace-analyte screening for diagnostics applications 2020
518 PolicyCLOUD Policy Management through technologies across the complete data lifecycle on cloud environments. 2020
519 TiGRE Trust in Governance and Regulation in Europe 2020
520 3beLiEVe Delivering the 3b generation of LNMO cells for the xEV market of 2025 and beyond 2020
521 PainFACT Molecular Mechanisms Associating Chronic Pain with Fatigue, Affective Disorders, Cardiovascular Disease and Total Comorbidity 2020
522 HUUVER Hybrid UAV-UGV for Efficient Relocation of Vessels 2019
523 T-SKIN Shaking-up user experience by introducing the first-in-kind arduino-programmable AI-driven gesture control wearable 2019
524 MedPhab Photonics Solutions at Pilot Scale for Accelerated Medical Device Development 2020
525 VIRTUAL-FCS VIRTUAL & physical platform for Fuel Cell System development 2020
526 SHOW SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption 2020
527 State Silence The Silence of States in International Law 2020
528 DDREAMM Dna Damage REsponse: Actionabilities, Maps and Mechanisms 2020
529 CRITICAL When Flows Turn Turbulent in the Supercritical Fluid Region 2020
530 DiversiPHI Predicting the evolution of complex phage-host interactions 2020
531 RandomMultiScales Computational Random Multiscale Problems 2020
532 EATRIS-Plus Consolidating the capacities of EATRIS-ERIC for Personalised Medicine 2020
533 Hafnium Faster and smarter chemical R&D with accurate physical property predictions 2020
534 InfoNet Informational properties of networks under communication constraints 2020
535 HumanPlacenta Human Placental Development and the Uterine Microenvironment 2020
536 EQUIPRICE Equilibrium methods for Resource Allocations and Dynamic Pricing 2020
538 COCONUTE COmpound COatings NUrturing applications in Tissue Engineering 2020
539 CRYSTALCLOCK Readout scheme for solid-state nuclear clock 2020
540 ACONIT Actuators for Surge Control in Gas Turbine 2020
541 DISIPO Decarbonisation of carbon-intensive industries (Iron and Steel Industries) through Power to gas and Oxy-fuel combustion 2021
542 SuprAtom Boosting Cation Exchange in Self-Assembled Supraparticles through Advanced Electron Tomography Techniques 2020
543 MAGIT Magnesium and Aluminium Gas Injection Technology for High Pressure Die Casting 2020
544 MicroMix Microbial Conlonization in Confined Chaotic Mixtures 2020
545 MOBETA Motor cortical beta bursts for movement planning and evaluation: Mechanisms, functional roles, and development 2020
546 LACONIA Living Alone CONsumption ImpAct 2020
547 CooPMacaque Why do individuals cooperate? Exploring the behavioural, cognitive, and hormonal mechanisms governing cooperation in macaques. 2020
548 QuLeeYang Lee-Yang theory of phase transitions in interacting quantum many-body systems 2020
549 APPLICAL Assessing the technical and business feasibility of Callose Enriched Plant Biomass as a solution for improving Biorefinery Industry processes and profit margins 2020
550 BEEP Biodiversity Erosion in European medicinal Plants 2020
551 GeminiDECODER Isolation and characterization of mobile sRNA/target pairs in plants by using a viral protein as a probe 2020
552 COMMiT Cancer Organoids Multiplexed Screening in Microfluidic Textile chips 2020
553 MITO The function and biomarker potential of mitochondrial microRNAs in hypertension 2020