The page lists 3699 projects related to the topic "network".
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1 | AtlantOS | Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System | 2015 |
2 | DREAMS | DREAMS European Researcher's Night | 2014 |
3 | F.I.T. for Future | F.I.T. for Future | 2014 |
4 | SHARPER | SHAring Researchers’ Passion for Excellence and Results. European Reserarchers' Night in the Centre of Italy 2014 - 2015 | 2014 |
6 | IDEAS | Improving Design, Evaluation and Analysis of early drug development Studies | 2015 |
7 | DIVERSIFOOD | Embedding crop diversity and networking for local high quality food systems | 2015 |
8 | APERIM | APERIM: Advanced bioinformatics platform for PERsonalised cancer IMmunotherapy | 2015 |
9 | BIOCASCADES | BIOCASCADES- Sustainable and Scalable Biocatalytic Cascade Reactions Training Network | 2015 |
10 | OPERAM | OPtimising thERapy to prevent Avoidable hospital admissions in the Multimorbid elderly | 2015 |
11 | MDS-RIGHT | Providing the right care to the right patient with MyeloDysplastic Syndrome at the right time | 2015 |
12 | BRIDGES | Breast Cancer Risk after Diagnostic Gene Sequencing (BRIDGES) | 2015 |
13 | CoachCom2020 | CoachCom2020 – a coaching community enhancing impact of the H2020 SME Instrument | 2014 |
14 | SENSKIN | ' SENsing SKIN' for Monitoring-Based Maintenance of the Transport Infrastructure (SENSKIN) | 2015 |
15 | BONVOYAGE | From Bilbao to Oslo, intermodal mobility solutions and interfaces for people and goods, supported by an innovative communication network | 2015 |
16 | IN2RAIL | Innovative Intelligent Rail | 2015 |
17 | RCMS | Rethinking Container Management Systems | 2015 |
18 | WASCOSYS | Wavefunctions for strongly correlated systems | 2015 |
19 | NeTIRail-INFRA | Needs Tailored Interoperable Railway | 2015 |
20 | AMANAC | Advanced Material And NAnotechnology Cluster | 2015 |
21 | EMPOWER | EMPOWERING a reduction in use of conventionally fueled vehicles using Positive Policy Measures. | 2015 |
23 | DESTinationRAIL | Decision Support Tool for Rail Infrastructure Managers | 2015 |
24 | SocialCar | Open social transport network for urban approach to carpooling | 2015 |
26 | JSPEC | Josephson Junction Spectroscopy of Mesoscopic Systems | 2015 |
27 | MEASURE | Metrics for Sustainability Assessment in European Process Industries | 2015 |
28 | ICP4Life | An Integrated Collaborative Platform for Managing the Product-Service Engineering Lifecycle | 2015 |
29 | REDMUD | European Training Network for Zero-waste Valorisation of Bauxite Residue (Red Mud) | 2014 |
30 | C2NET | Cloud Collaborative Manufacturing Networks (C2NET) | 2015 |
31 | X-probe | Advanced XFEL and Synchrotron based Probes of Protein Structure and Dynamics | 2015 |
32 | NEURAL AS | Functions and evolutionary impact of transcriptomic novelties in the vertebrate brain | 2015 |
34 | MolStruKT | Molecular structure and cell cycle regulated assembly of the kinetochore | 2015 |
35 | NewAve | New avenues towards solving the dark matter puzzle | 2015 |
36 | BeeDanceGap | Honeybee communication: animal social learning at the height of social complexity | 2016 |
37 | CORPNET | Corporate Network Governance: Power, Ownership and Control in Contemporary Global Capitalism | 2015 |
38 | OPT4SMART | Distributed Optimization Methods for Smart Cyber-Physical Networks | 2015 |
39 | MindBendingGrammars | Mind-Bending Grammars: The dynamics of correlated multiple grammatical changes in Early Modern English writers | 2015 |
40 | NCP_WIDE.NET | Transnational Network of cooperation for WIDESPREAD NCPs | 2015 |
41 | ComBact | How complement molecules kill bacteria | 2015 |
42 | PROCELLDEATH | Unraveling the regulatory network of developmental programmed cell death in plants | 2015 |
43 | aCROBAT | Circadian Regulation Of Brown Adipose Thermogenesis | 2015 |
44 | INTHERM | Design, manufacturing and control of INterfaces in THERMally conductive polymer nanocomposites | 2015 |
45 | PERASPERA | PERASPERA (AD ASTRA) Plan European Roadmap and Activities for SPace Exploitation of Robotics and Autonomy | 2014 |
46 | BASTION | Leveraging Binary Analysis to Secure the Internet of Things | 2015 |
47 | COSMOS2020 | Cooperation Of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services under Horizon 2020 | 2015 |
48 | e-CAERO 2 | European Collaborative Dissemination of Aeronautical research and applications 2 | 2014 |
49 | TCLS ARM FOR SPACE | Feasibility and Definition of a Triple Core Lockstep ARM System-on-Chip for Space Applications | 2015 |
50 | VASCFLAP | A new reconstructing technique using tissue engineering methods to create an engineered autologous vascularized tissue flap | 2015 |
51 | CRASK | Cortical Representation of Abstract Semantic Knowledge | 2015 |
52 | DCM | Distributed Cryptography Module | 2014 |
53 | IM SME | Action “Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network” | 2014 |
54 | DOLFINS | Distributed Global Financial Systems for Society | 2015 |
55 | VEGFDANI | Novel enhancers of functional recovery after stroke | 2015 |
56 | CAPTure | Competitive SolAr Power Towers – CAPTure | 2015 |
57 | BrainFrame | Automated framework for rapid simulations of high-detail brain models | 2015 |
58 | QUCHIP | Quantum Simulation on a Photonic Chip | 2015 |
59 | SmartTap | Real-Time Monitoring System for Water Quality | 2015 |
60 | European IPR Helpdesk | The European IPR Helpdesk | 2015 |
61 | E-KnoT | E-GNSS Knowledge Triangle | 2015 |
62 | POSITION | POlish Support to Innovation and Technology IncubatiON | 2015 |
63 | BIOPOL | Biochemical and mechanochemical mechanisms in polarized cells | 2015 |
64 | ChildBrain | Advancing brain research in children’s developmental neurocognitive disorders | 2015 |
65 | MEDEA | Molecular Electron Dynamics investigated by IntensE Fields and Attosecond Pulses | 2015 |
66 | DREAM-GO | Enabling Demand Response for short and real-time Efficient And Market Based smart Grid Operation - An intelligent and real-time simulation approach | 2015 |
67 | NextGenVis | Training the Next Generation of European Visual Neuroscientists for the benefit of innovation in health care and high-tech industry | 2015 |
68 | ONCORNET | ONCOgenic Receptor Network of Excellence and Training | 2015 |
69 | Photo4Future | Accelerating photoredox catalysis in continuous-flow systems | 2015 |
70 | DEFNET | DEFect NETwork materials science and engineering | 2015 |
71 | PROMIS | Postgraduate Research on Dilute Metamorphic Nanostructures and Metamaterials in Semiconductor Photonics | 2015 |
72 | HypoTRAIN | Hyporheic Zone Processes – A training network for enhancing the understanding of complex physical, chemical and biological process interactions | 2015 |
73 | Swennis | SweNet Innovation Specialist and Key Account Manager Service | 2014 |
74 | WAVES | Waves and Wave-Based Imaging in Virtual and Experimental Environments | 2015 |
75 | | European Global Transition Network on Eco-Innovation, Green Economy and Sustainable Development | 2015 |
76 | List_MAPS | Training and research in Listeria monocytogenes Adaptation through Proteomic and Transcriptome deep Sequencing Analysis | 2015 |
77 | ProSUM | Prospecting Secondary raw materials in the Urban mine and Mining waste | 2015 |
78 | 5G Wireless | Innovative Architectures, Wireless Technologies and Tools for High Capacity and Sustainable 5G Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks | 2015 |
79 | IPCOS | Imprinted Polymers as Coffee Sensors | 2015 |
80 | ClickGene | Click Chemistry for Future Gene Therapies to Benefit Citizens, Researchers and Industry | 2015 |
81 | NCPs CaRE | National Contact Points for Climate action, Raw materials, Environment and Resource Efficiency | 2015 |
82 | NABBA | Design and development of advanced NAnomedicines to overcome Biological BArriers and to treat severe diseases | 2015 |
83 | CREEP | Complex RhEologies in Earth dynamics and industrial Processes | 2015 |
84 | SAF21 | Social Science Aspects of Fisheries for the 21st Century | 2015 |
85 | EURO-SEQUENCES | Monomer sequence control in Polymers : Toward next-generation precision materials | 2015 |
86 | SDIN | Service Design for Innovation | 2015 |
87 | InnovImp | Improving the Innovation Management Capacities of SMEs | 2014 |
88 | InnoMan_NRW | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany | 2014 |
89 | ResMoSys | Multi-Stimuli Responsive Molecular Systems and Materials | 2015 |
90 | New_Innonet | NEW_InnoNet: The Near-zero European Waste Innovation Network | 2015 |
91 | BIG4 | BIG4 - Biosystematics, Informatics and Genetics of the big 4 insect groups: training tomorrow's researchers and entrepreneurs | 2015 |
92 | MEL-PLEX | Exploiting MELanoma disease comPLEXity to address European research training needs in translational cancer systems biology and cancer systems medicine | 2014 |
93 | INNOKAM | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein | 2014 |
94 | ArcInTex ETN | ArcInTex ETN | 2015 |
95 | INSPIRATION | INtegrated Spatial PlannIng, land use and soil management Research ActTION | 2015 |
96 | FIWIN5G | FIber-Wireless Integrated Networks for 5th Generation delivery. | 2015 |
97 | TargetCaRe | Targeting Cartilage Regeneration in joint and intervertebral disc diseases | 2015 |
98 | BiodivERsA3 | Consolidating the European Research Area on biodiversity and ecosystem services | 2015 |
99 | WIDEST | Water Innovation through Dissemination Exploitation of Smart Technologies | 2015 |
100 | PIANO | Policies, Innovation And Networks for enhancing Opportunities for China Europe Water Cooperation | 2015 |
101 | ANTIVIRALS | European Training Network on Antiviral Drug Development | 2015 |
102 | MUSICARE | MUltiSectoral Integrative approaches to CArdiac care | 2015 |
103 | ICEKAM | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2014 |
104 | CHIBOW | Children Born of War - Past, Present and Future | 2015 |
105 | EUROLEISH-NET | Control of leishmaniasis, from bench to bedside and community | 2015 |
106 | RADIATE | Radiation Innovations for Therapy and Education | 2015 |
107 | SELECTA | Smart ELECTrodeposited Alloys for environmentally sustainable applications: from advanced protective coatings to micro/nano-robotic platforms | 2015 |
108 | Phonsi | Nanophotonics by Nanocrystals, from integration to single photon operation | 2015 |
109 | HEADS | Head protection: a European training network for Advanced Designs in Safety | 2015 |
110 | eCHO Systems | Enhancing CHO by Mammalian Systems Biotechnology (eCHO systems) | 2015 |
111 | AWESCO | Airborne Wind Energy System Modelling, Control and Optimisation | 2015 |
112 | MacSeNet | Machine Sensing Training Network | 2015 |
113 | CASPIAN | Around the Caspian: a Doctoral Training for Future Experts in Development and Cooperation with Focus on the Caspian Region | 2015 |
114 | BonePain | European Training Network on Bone Pain | 2015 |
115 | MetaRNA | RNA-based technologies for single-cell metabolite analysis | 2015 |
116 | EDEN | European Dry Eye Network | 2015 |
117 | SPARCARB | Lightning protection of wind turbine blades with carbon fibre composite materials | 2015 |
118 | COLLDENSE | Hybrid Colloidal Systems with Designed Response | 2015 |
119 | MULTI-APP | Multivalent Molecular Systems for Innovative Applications | 2015 |
120 | WDAqua | Answering Questions using Web Data | 2015 |
121 | DISTRO | Distributed 3D Object Design | 2015 |
122 | InCeM | Research Training Network on Integrated Component Cycling in Epithelial Cell Motility | 2015 |
123 | InnoChain | Building Innovation in the Extended Digital Chain | 2015 |
124 | ECMED | The Extracellular Matrix in Epileptogenesis | 2015 |
125 | TheLink | European Training Network to Accelerate the Development Chain of Nanostructured Polymers | 2014 |
126 | IMPRESS | Improved production strategies for endangered freshwater species. | 2015 |
127 | EENNI_INN | Northern Ireland SME Innovation Support Services 2014 | 2014 |
128 | BigStorage | BigStorage: Storage-based Convergence between HPC and Cloud to handle Big Data | 2015 |
129 | PRIDE | Drivers of Pontocaspian biodiversity RIse and DEmise | 2015 |
130 | NanoHeal | Nano-tailoring organo-mineral materials -Controlling strength and healing with organic molecules in mineral interfaces | 2015 |
131 | BRAINVIEW | Integrated view on disruptions of early brain development | 2015 |
132 | ACT5G | Anticipatory Networking Techniques in 5G and Beyond | 2015 |
133 | HyMedPoly | Drug-Free Antibacterial Hybrid Biopolymers for Medical Applications | 2015 |
134 | MiND | Mastering skills in the training Network for attention deficit hyperactivity and autism spectrum Disorders | 2015 |
135 | ZENCODE-ITN | Computational and functional annotation of genomic elements during development of the model vertebrate zebrafish | 2015 |
136 | MICROWINE | MICROWINE - Microbial metagenomics and the modern wine industry | 2015 |
137 | QoE-Net | innovative Quality Of Experience maNagement in Emerging mulTimedia services | 2015 |
138 | CRITICS | Critical Transitions in Complex Systems | 2015 |
139 | Remediate | Improved decision-making in contaminated land site investigation and risk assessment | 2015 |
140 | UK150330_IMCpilot | UK150330_Support to the provision of services Enhancing the innovation managementcapacities of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in 2014 | 2014 |
141 | KAMWAL | Assessing and improving the innovation management capacity of Walloon SMEs through specialized EEN services | 2014 |
142 | SYNCHRONICS | SupramolecularlY eNgineered arCHitectures for optoelectRonics and photONICS: a multi-site initial training action | 2015 |
143 | REGINNOVE | REGional INNOVation mananagement support in Eastern France | 2014 |
144 | INNO-HUN2014 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2014 |
145 | KAM2CY | Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of Cypriot SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network - KAM2CY | 2014 |
146 | ERACoSysMed | ERACoSysMed - Collaboration on systems medicine funding to promote the implementation of systems biology approaches in clinical research and medical practice | 2015 |
147 | RAPID | Radio technologies for 5G using advanced photonic infrastructure for dense user environments | 2014 |
148 | SCRIpT | Services provided by Cinema foR ImPlementing new acTion | 2014 |
149 | Magic SWF SMEs | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of South West France SMEs | 2014 |
150 | PT Innovative | PT Innovative | 2014 |
151 | PROSME-INN | PROSME SME- Improving management of innovation processes in SMEs | 2014 |
152 | KAM2SouthPL | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME’s – new Enterprise Europe Network services for the SMEs in four regions of the Southern Poland | 2014 |
153 | KANT | Key Account management and inNovation capacity support services for Triveneto SME’s | 2014 |
154 | SSBI-CRO-KAM | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of Croatian SME's through the Enterprise Europe Network | 2014 |
155 | SEIMED-INNOSUP | SEIMED support to enhance the innovation management of SMEs | 2014 |
156 | INNCAT | Enhancing INNovation management capacity of CATalan small and medium enterprises | 2014 |
157 | BISONet-Enh2014 | Business Innovation Support Network for the Czech Republic – Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs by EEN in 2014 | 2014 |
159 | MED4INNO | French MEDiterranean Support for INNOvative SMEs | 2014 |
160 | VEBIN SME | “Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network” in Flanders | 2014 |
161 | EURACTE INNOV | Advanced support services to enhance the innovation management capacity and SME Instrument projects of northern France SMEs | 2014 |
162 | IB INNO | Illes Balears INNOvation Management Services | 2014 |
163 | INSERV M-V | Establishing the new EEN Services for the Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SME's in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | 2014 |
164 | BSNinnoSME | BSN Anatolia supports to increase the innovation management capacities of SMEs | 2014 |
165 | InnoSME-LV | SME Instrument for Innovative Companies from Latvia | 2014 |
166 | PIC2INNO | Implementation of services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network Paris Ile-de-France Centre (PIC2) | 2014 |
167 | NORIMS | Norwegian Innovation Management Services | 2014 |
168 | InnoManage BB | EEN Innovation Management Services Berlin-Brandenburg | 2014 |
169 | CIPOUEST H2020 | “Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network” | 2014 |
170 | CESEAND INNO-ASES | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. | 2014 |
171 | INNOVSUPPWALES | Action “Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network” | 2014 |
172 | KAMINLER | KAMINLER – KAM and Innovation services for SMEs in Lombardia and Emilia Romagna | 2014 |
173 | HNN 2.0 | Improving and professionalizing the Health NCP service across Europe. | 2014 |
174 | RegHealth-RI | The European regions network for Health Research and Innovation | 2014 |
175 | ARISE | Aortic Valve Replacement using Individualised Regenerative Allografts: Bridging the Therapeutic Gap | 2015 |
176 | InvestHorizon | Boosting Investment Readiness of SMEs and Small Midcaps - InvestHorizon | 2014 |
177 | TRANSCAN-2 | ERA-NET: Aligning national/regional translational cancer research programmes and activities | 2015 |
178 | ACANTO | ACANTO: A CyberphysicAl social NeTwOrk using robot friends | 2015 |
179 | GrowMeUp | GrowMeUp | 2015 |
180 | PAL | Personal Assistant for healthy Lifestyle (PAL) | 2015 |
181 | openMedicine | openMedicine | 2015 |
182 | VALUeHEALTH | Establishing the value and business model for sustainable eHealth services in Europe - VALUeHEALTH | 2015 |
183 | DiCoMo | Direct conversion hybrid-organic X-ray detectors on metal oxide backplane | 2015 |
184 | SWITCH | Software Workbench for Interactive, Time Critical and Highly self-adaptive cloud applications | 2015 |
186 | 5-Alive | 5G: A LeadershIp Vision for Europe | 2014 |
187 | POINT | POINT: iP Over IcN - the betTer ip | 2015 |
188 | CREATe-Network | Processing and Characterization of Advanced Nano-Composites for Resource-efficient Applications and Technologies | 2015 |
189 | Geopark | Geoparks: Heritage, Education and Sustainable Development - an Innovative Methodology for Southern Countries. Case Study in Morocco (Atlas Mountains, Marrakech) | 2015 |
190 | STARTUP- SCALEUP | Scaling up entrepreneurial hubs to Europe | 2015 |
191 | M3TERA | Micromachined terahertz systems -a new heterogeneous integration platform enabling the commercialization of the THz frequency spectrum | 2015 |
192 | COSSIM | A Novel, Comprehensible, Ultra-Fast, Security-Aware CPS Simulator | 2015 |
193 | BEACON | Enabling Federated Cloud Networking | 2015 |
194 | EuroCPS | European Network of competencies and platforms for Enabling SME from any sector building Innovative CPS products to sustain demand for European manufacturing | 2015 |
195 | MIXMAX | Development and Implementation of new generation of Pseudo Random Number Generators based on Kolmogorov-Anosov K-systems | 2015 |
196 | BEBA | Behavioral Based Forwarding | 2015 |
197 | Wi-5 | What to do With the Wi-Fi Wild West | 2015 |
198 | LISTEN | Hands-free Voice-enabled Interface to Web Applications for Smart Home Environments | 2015 |
200 | NEAT | A New, Evolutive API and Transport-Layer Architecture for the Internet | 2015 |
201 | DiDIY | Digital Do It Yourself | 2015 |
202 | MagIC | MagIC – Magnonics, Interactions and Complexity: a multifunctional aspects of spin wave dynamics | 2015 |
203 | MY-WAY | Strengthening the web entrepreneurship ecosystem in Europe for young people by creating a pan-European network of actively engaged student networks and student entrepreneurship centres | 2015 |
204 | PERGAMON | PERvasive Serious GAMes suppOrted by Virtual CoachiNg | 2015 |
205 | ACE Creative | ACE Creative: Harnessing the strengths of innovation multipliers to accelerate creative industry growth through an integrated ecosystem of supports in finance, market access and technology exploitation. | 2015 |
206 | TREDISEC | Trust-aware, REliable and Distributed Information SEcurity in the Cloud. | 2015 |
208 | TIPS | Thermally Integrated Smart Photonics Systems | 2015 |
209 | EPP - eHealth | European Procurers Platform - eHealth - Transforming the market for eHealth Solutions | 2015 |
210 | iCIRRUS | intelligent Converged network consolIdating Radio and optical access aRound USer equipment. | 2015 |
211 | MixedEmotions | Social Semantic Emotion Analysis for Innovative Multilingual Big Data Analytics Markets | 2015 |
212 | RIFE | architectuRe for an Internet For Everybody | 2015 |
213 | INPUT | In-Network Programmability for next-generation personal cloUd service supporT | 2015 |
214 | TWEETHER | Traveling Wave Tube based W-band Wireless Networks with High Data Rate, Distribution, Spectrum and Energy Efficiency | 2015 |
215 | ODINE | Open Data INcubator for Europe | 2015 |
216 | SAFEcrypto | Secure Architectures of Future Emerging Cryptography | 2015 |
217 | EU-XCEL | Accelerating Entrepreneurial Learning across European Regions | 2015 |
218 | VITAL | VIrtualized hybrid satellite-TerrestriAl systems for resilient and fLexible future networks | 2015 |
219 | SSICLOPS | Scalable and Secure Infrastructures for Cloud Operations | 2015 |
220 | IMMORTAL | Integrated Modelling, Fault Management, Verification and Reliable Design Environment for Cyber-Physical Systems | 2015 |
221 | CYCLONE | Complete Dynamic Multi-cloud Application Management | 2015 |
222 | ENDEAVOUR | Towards a flexible software-defined network ecosystem | 2015 |
223 | LIGHT2015 | The International Year of Light in Europe 2015 | 2015 |
224 | SERECA | Secure Enclaves for REactive Cloud Applications | 2015 |
225 | EuConNeCts 2 | European Conferences on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) | 2015 |
226 | SANSA | Shared Access Terrestrial-Satellite Backhaul Network enabled by Smart Antennas | 2015 |
227 | EDFx | European Digital Forum Thought Leadership and Policy Network Exchange | 2015 |
228 | TAPPS | Trusted Apps for open CPS | 2015 |
229 | UMOBILE | Universal, mobile-centric and opportunistic communications architecture | 2015 |
230 | ACINO | Application Centric IP/Optical Network Orchestration | 2015 |
231 | NEPHELE | eNd to End scalable and dynamically reconfigurable oPtical arcHitecture for application-awarE SDN cLoud datacentErs | 2015 |
232 | Idealist2018 | Transnational Cooperation among ICT NCPs | 2015 |
233 | RAWFIE | Road-, Air- and Water-based Future Internet Experimentation | 2015 |
234 | TransFlexTeg | Large area transparent thin film thermoelectric devices for smart window and flexible applications | 2015 |
235 | WiSHFUL | Wireless Software and Hardware platforms for Flexible and Unified radio and network controL | 2015 |
236 | reTHINK | Trustful hyper-linked entities in dynamic networks | 2015 |
237 | ORCHESTRA | Optical peRformanCe monitoring enabling dynamic networks using a Holistic cross-layEr, Self-configurable Truly flexible appRoAch | 2015 |
238 | iBROW | Innovative ultra-BROadband ubiquitous Wireless communications through terahertz transceivers | 2015 |
239 | CASPER | User-centric Middleware Architecture for Advanced Service Provisioning in Future Networks | 2016 |
240 | SSIX | Social Sentiment analysis financial IndeXes | 2015 |
241 | women entrepreneurs | Transforming European Women’s Entrepreneurship: The Education and Training for Success Programme | 2015 |
242 | DiasporaLink | DiasporaLink | 2015 |
243 | AXIOM | Agile, eXtensible, fast I/O Module for the cyber-physical era | 2015 |
244 | WeHubs | The European network of Women web Entrepreneurs Hubs | 2015 |
245 | PRO4VIP | Innovative PROcurement for Visual Impaired People | 2015 |
246 | COMPLETE | Communication Platform for Tenders of Novels Transport Networks - COMPLETE | 2015 |
247 | Muscle stress relief | Muscle Stress Relief: An integrated research program linking together basic research on secondary myopathies in stress states to innovative translation in applied myology. | 2016 |
248 | BeFOre | Bioresources For Oliviculture | 2015 |
249 | MAPS-LED | Multidisciplinary Approach to Plan Smart Specialisation Strategies for Local Economic Development | 2015 |
250 | TUMOCS | TUneable Multiferroics based on oxygen OCtahedral Structures | 2015 |
251 | SMARCOAT | Development of Smart Nano and Microcapsulated Sensing Coatings for improving of Material Durability/Performance | 2015 |
252 | BESIIICGEM | An innovative Cylindrical Gas Electron Multiplier Inner Tracker for the BESIII Spectrometer | 2015 |
253 | SALEACOM | Overcoming Inequalities in Schools and Learning Communities: Innovative Education for a New Century | 2015 |
254 | MeTABLE | Advanced bioinformatics for genome and metagenome analyses and discovery of novel biocatalists from extremophiles: implications for improving industrial bioprocesses | 2014 |
255 | DECADE | Deploying High Capacity Dense Small Cell Heterogeneous Networks | 2015 |
256 | PROTINUS | PROviding new insighT into INteractions between soil fUnctions and Structure | 2015 |
257 | NonMinimalHiggs | Non Minimal Higgs | 2015 |
258 | FRIENDS2 | Framework of Innovation for Engineering of New Durable Solar Surfaces | 2015 |
260 | NEXT-3D | Next generation of 3D multifunctional materials and coatings for biomedical applications | 2015 |
261 | INCAS | Understanding institutional change in Asia: a comparative perspective with Europe | 2015 |
262 | ENviSION | EmpoweriNg (European) SME business model InnovatiON | 2015 |
263 | SENSIBLE | Storage-Enabled Sustainable Energy for Buildings and Communities | 2015 |
264 | ERN | The European Remanufacturing Network - coordinating and supporting European remanufacturers | 2015 |
265 | BioRES | Sustainable Regional Supply Chains for Woody Bioenergy | 2015 |
266 | MATCH | The Alliance for Materials way to the creation of the MATerials Common House - MATCH | 2015 |
267 | ENATRANS | Enabling NAnomedicine TRANSlation | 2015 |
268 | ELSA | Energy Local Storage Advanced system (ELSA) | 2015 |
269 | AURES | Auctions for Renewable Energy Support: Effective use and efficient implementation options | 2015 |
270 | NANOLEAP | “Nanocomposite for building constructions and civil infraestructures: European network pilot production line to promote industrial application cases.” | 2015 |
271 | PLATFORM | Open access pilot plants for sustainable industrial scale nanocomposites manufacturing based on buckypapers, doped veils and prepregs | 2015 |
272 | NAIADES | Na-Ion bAttery Demonstration for Electric Storage | 2015 |
273 | P2P-SmarTest | Peer to Peer Smart Energy Distribution Networks (P2P-SmartTest) | 2015 |
274 | SmarterEMC2 | Smarter Grid: Empowering SG Market Actors through Information and Communication Technologies | 2015 |
275 | Bin2Grid | Turning unexploited food waste into biomethane supplied through local filling stations network | 2015 |
276 | FLEXMETER | Flexible smart metering for multiple energy vectors with active prosumers | 2015 |
277 | AnyPLACE | Adaptable Platform for Active Services Exchange | 2015 |
278 | Learn | Learning From Failing and Passing Executions At the Speed of Internet | 2015 |
279 | 3D-LEAP | 3 Dimensional Light Sensor for Advanced Portable Devices | 2014 |
280 | FlexNets | Quantifying Flexibility in Communication Networks | 2015 |
281 | SYMBIOSYS | Symbolic Analysis of Temporal and Functional Behavior of Networked Systems | 2015 |
282 | CWASI | Coping with water scarcity in a globalized world | 2015 |
283 | DYNPOR | First principle molecular dynamics simulations for complex chemical transformations in nanoporous materials | 2015 |
284 | UQMSI | Uncertainty Quantification and Modern Statistical Inference | 2015 |
285 | EPAF | Role of Epithelial Apoptotic Force in Morphogenesis | 2015 |
286 | SpoKiGen | Spore killer genomics: elucidating causes and consequences of a fungal meiotic drive element | 2015 |
287 | NET4SOCIETY4 | Transnational network of National Contact Points (NCPs) of Societal Challenge 6 'Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies' (SC6) | 2015 |
288 | ISIGrowth | Innovation-fuelled, Sustainable, Inclusive Growth | 2015 |
289 | SET IT | Organization and Delivery of the Italian Presidency Conference on the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) – the SET IT Project | 2014 |
290 | SPP Regions | SPP Regions | 2015 |
291 | BUILD UPON | A multi-stakeholder Regional Action Network as a living structural base to effectively help define and implement deep energy efficient building renovation at local, national and European level. | 2015 |
292 | STORM | Self-organising Thermal Operational Resource Management | 2015 |
293 | MEnS | Meeting of Energy Professional Skills | 2015 |
294 | FLEXYNETS | Fifth generation, Low temperature, high EXergY district heating and cooling NETworkS | 2015 |
295 | multEE | Facilitating Multi-level governance for energy efficiency | 2015 |
296 | FosterREG | Fostering public capacity to plan, finance and manage integrated urban REGeneration for sustainable energy uptake | 2015 |
297 | ingREeS | Setting up Qualification and Continuing Education and Training Scheme for Middle and Senior Level Professionals on Energy Efficiency and Use of Renewable Energy Sources in Buildings | 2015 |
299 | GEO PAC RET | GEO PAC RET an Innovative Heat Pump for Geothermal district heating in Europe | 2014 |
300 | SmartPatch | Use of a cost effective smart skin sensor system for remote Structural Health Monitoring and post event structural damage assessment in Soft Urban Targets and Critical Infrastructures Protection | 2014 |
301 | MICROAB | Micro machining with abrasive waterjets | 2014 |
302 | SolDent | An innovative dental implant with osteoinductive properties by means of bioactive sol-gel coating | 2014 |
303 | HOLOSCAN | Holographic Scanner for Safe Real-Time High Throughput Screening of People and Their Bags | 2014 |
305 | EFFGT | Aurelia Turbines – proof of concept for very high efficient small gas turbine | 2014 |
306 | CAPTOR | cAPTor captures Advanced System Threats | 2014 |
307 | POLARIS | Preventative OperationaL procedures for space weAtheR threats to CrItical InfraStructure | 2014 |
308 | SIADE | Spatial Decision Support System for Transportation Planning | 2014 |
309 | InnProBio | Forum for Bio-Based Innovation in Public Procurement | 2015 |
310 | PICOMB | Photonic Integrated Comb Source: An Economic Feasibility Study | 2014 |
311 | SMEphase1 | Go to market strategy and technology roadmap towards development of a new license product based upon Onomondo's (form. Hello World Mobile) innovative telecommunications software technology | 2015 |
312 | WINETWORK | Network for the exchange and transfer of innovative knowledge between European wine-growing regions to increase the productivity and sustainability of the sector | 2015 |
313 | OILMOD | Optical Injection Locked Modulator | 2014 |
314 | PLATFORM2 | Platform of bioeconomy ERA-NET Actions | 2015 |
315 | BioHorizon | Cooperation between NCPs for Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 2 on “Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy” and the Key Enabling Technology - Biotechnology | 2015 |
316 | Hennovation | Practice-led innovation supported by science and market-driven actors in the laying hen and other livestock sectors | 2015 |
317 | AGRISPIN | Space for Agricultural Innovation | 2015 |
318 | OK-Net Arable | Organic Knowledge Network Arable | 2015 |
319 | COLUMBUS | COLUMBUS - Monitoring, Managing and Transferring Marine and Maritime Knowledge for Sustainable Blue Growth | 2015 |
320 | CEREBSENSING | Cerebellar Distributed Plasticity Towards Active Sensing and Motor Control | 2015 |
321 | EU-CIVCAP | Preventing and responding to conflict: developing EU CIVilian CAPabilities for a sustainable peace | 2015 |
322 | OMNICS | Observing, Modelling and Predicting in situ Petrophysical Parameter Evolution in a Geologic Carbon Storage System | 2016 |
323 | ESPRIT | Easily diStributed Personal RapId Transit | 2015 |
324 | Flex-ON | Flexible Optical Networks – Time Domain Hybrid QAM: DSP and Physical Layer Modelling | 2015 |
325 | ReCRED | From Real-world Identities to Privacy-preserving and Attribute-based CREDentials for Device-centric Access Control | 2015 |
326 | SEREN 3 | Security Research NCP Network 3 | 2015 |
327 | CREDENTIAL | Secure Cloud Identity Wallet | 2015 |
328 | PANORAMIX | Privacy and Accountability in Networks via Optimized Randomized Mix-nets | 2015 |
329 | FOX | Forever Open infrastructure across (X) all transport modes | 2015 |
330 | INDIGO-DataCloud | INtegrating Distributed data Infrastructures for Global ExplOitation | 2015 |
331 | OSEM-EV | Optimised and Systematic Energy Management in Electric Vehicles | 2015 |
332 | GuiDanCe | Support the coordination of cities’ activities via the Green Digital Charter | 2015 |
333 | REAPPAST | High-Resolution Approach in Middle and Upper Palaeolithic sites for reconstructing Social dynamic and Technical behaviours | 2015 |
334 | USE-IT | Users, Safety, security and Energy In Transport Infrastructure | 2015 |
335 | iNEXT | Infrastructure for NMR, EM and X-rays for translational research | 2015 |
336 | REFINET | REthinking Future Infrastructure NETworks | 2015 |
337 | Silver Stream | Social innovation and light electric vehicle revolution on streets and ambient | 2015 |
338 | ICT4COP | Community-Based Policing and Post-Conflict Police Reform | 2015 |
339 | IMP3rove for Future | Adapting and maintaining the innovation management assessment tools and support Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs | 2014 |
340 | GLOBIS-B | GLOBal Infrastructures for Supporting Biodiversity research | 2015 |
341 | EUDAT2020 | EUDAT2020 | 2015 |
342 | ACTRIS-2 | Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure | 2015 |
343 | EGI-Engage | Engaging the EGI Community towards an Open Science Commons | 2015 |
344 | LIMB NETWORKS | Network Analysis of Musculoskeletal Evolution and Modularity during the Fin-to-Limb Transition | 2015 |
345 | EHRI | European Holocaust Research Infrastructure | 2015 |
346 | TANDEM | TransAfrican Network Development | 2015 |
347 | Sci-GaIA | Energising Scientific Endeavour through Science Gateways and e-Infrastructures in Africa | 2015 |
348 | eLTER | European Long-Term Ecosystem and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure | 2015 |
349 | JERICO-NEXT | Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories | 2015 |
350 | SESAME NET | Supercomputing Expertise for SmAll and Medium Enterprise Network | 2015 |
351 | NICHE | Navigating and Innovating in Complex Healthcare Ecosystems | 2015 |
352 | SIW-SAT-ANTENNAS | Circularly Polarized Antenna Arrays for Broadband Satellite Data Terminals Using Substrate Integrated Waveguides enhanced with Metamaterials | 2015 |
353 | SAAB | 'Science as Applied to Building' : Science, Construction, and Architectural Acoustics (1914-1954) | 2015 |
354 | ICELANDIC SCRIBES | Scribal networks in 17th-century Iceland: The patronage of Magnús Jónsson í Vigur | 2016 |
355 | THALAMODEL | Multimodal, high-resolution modeling of the thalamus for neuroimaging studies: application to dyslexia | 2015 |
356 | PADWIC | Power Amplifier Design for Wideband Communications | 2015 |
357 | DTI4micro | Quantitative characterization of cardiac tissue microstructure from Diffusion Tensor Imaging | 2015 |
358 | SHARE | Shared Emotions, Group Membership, and Empathy | 2016 |
359 | DaRe | Data Reliability in Networks and Storage Memories | 2015 |
360 | InnoMarket | Innovation in the road freight transportation chain facilitating sustainability and low cost: A socio-technical perspective on work and development of road freight transport markets. | 2015 |
362 | HYDIN | Experimental constraints on indium transport in hydrothermal systems | 2016 |
363 | Digiseal | Byzantine seals in a digital age: new tools for European research | 2015 |
364 | MUGNAIO | MUltiplex Government Networks Analysis and InvestigatiOn | 2015 |
365 | BioMASCE | Biophysical Manipulation of Adult Stem Cell Epigenetics (BioMASCE) By Cell-Penetrating Nanoneedle Substrates | 2016 |
366 | EXTREME | Do extreme climatic events facilitate plant invasions? | 2016 |
367 | TRANSIT | The daily governance of transit migration in Turkey at European Union borders: The two-way influence of Turkish-European Union border and migration management practices | 2015 |
368 | PRENET | Social Networking and Raw Material Selectivity in Early Prehistoric Mediterranean Seascapes | 2015 |
369 | AlFHoNSo | Analysing Forest Hydrocarbons with Networks of Sensors | 2015 |
370 | MoTOR | Analysis of the “moonlighting” proteins in the mTOR-signalling pathway | 2016 |
371 | NeuArc2Fun | Biological neural networks: from structure to function | 2016 |
372 | BICSA | Biophysical Changes in the Sahel: Ground and Satellite Based Evidence Across Scales and Disciplines | 2015 |
373 | TANYFEEDNEURONS | Gliotransmission and shuttling of metabolic signals to feeding neuronal circuits by tanycytes | 2015 |
374 | ALGOVIS | Algorithmic Approaches to Spatially-Informed Information Visualization | 2015 |
375 | BioEnergyTrain | BioEnergyTrain | 2015 |
376 | ChloroQuality | Dissecting chloroplast protein quality control specificity for rational plant reprogramming | 2016 |
377 | Molmechindividuality | Molecular mechanisms of neuronal connectivity - the synaptic code for variability and stereotypy | 2016 |
378 | MAIDEN-SPRUCE | Tree growth, forest carbon storage and climate change in a Canadian boreal region using a model-data fusion approach | 2015 |
379 | FUDACT | FUll Duplex Active Cancellation for wireless communication and co-exisTence | 2015 |
380 | REE Value Chain | Rare Earth Supply Chain and Industrial Ecosystem: A Material Flow Assessment of European Union | 2015 |
381 | MIGMED | Migration in the early modern world: the Franciscans of the Custody of the Holy Land as afacilitator of the circulation of people in the Mediterranean | 2016 |
382 | Safe and Sound Drive | Design of a serious game for cars to help increase driver skills and lower fuel consumption | 2015 |
383 | Neurostella | Evolutionary and developmental origin of the nervous system | 2016 |
384 | GATEWAY | Developing a Pilot Case aimed at establishing a European infrastructure project for CO2 transport | 2015 |
385 | PEERS | Peer effects and endogenous network formation | 2015 |
386 | INPATH-TES | PhD on Innovation Pathways for TES | 2015 |
387 | TRAIT | Exploring the biogeography of thermal acclimation in heterotrophic microbes | 2015 |
388 | Space-Time from Info | Space-Time from Information Flow | 2015 |
389 | EvoNovo | Genetic architecture of an evolutionary novelty: the development of the male-specific turban-shaped eyes of Cloeon dipterum | 2016 |
390 | NeuroUTR | Systematic investigation of the functional coupling between transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulatory interactions underlying tissue-specific 3'UTRs variability. | 2015 |
391 | HYPERLIGHT | Combining hyperspectral luminescence imaging and mineralogical identification to date mixed-component samples from volcanic eruptions | 2015 |
392 | CHRISLAS | Christian Diversity in Late Antique Sirmium (ca 350 – ca 450): A Historical, Literary and Theological Study | 2016 |
393 | AraMyco | Uncovering the molecular dialogue between the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the non-host plant. | 2015 |
394 | FOREMOTIONS | Formal Frameworks for Modal Notions Conceived as Predicates | 2016 |
395 | 2D Hetero-architecture | Engineered two-dimensional hetero-architectures for nanoelectronics | 2016 |
396 | NBSC | Neural basis of semantic control | 2016 |
397 | NanoSyNNets | Nanowires to study single synapses in patterned neuronal networks. | 2015 |
398 | ERIN | Europe's Reception of the Irish Melodies and National Airs: Thomas Moore in Europe | 2015 |
399 | PromoTeRapy | Haploinsufficiency and Intractable Epilepsy Rescue Increasing Endogenous Gene PromoterEfficiency | 2016 |
400 | SpikeControl | Cerebellar Spiking Model For Real-time Closed-loop Sensorimotor Control | 2015 |
401 | NextGen Airliners | Designing Next-Generation Aircraft via High-Fidelity Computational Models and Optimization | 2015 |
402 | CODIR | Cortical Dynamics of Decision Irrationality | 2016 |
403 | S4ILS | Solar Sailing for Space Situational Awareness In the Lunar System | 2015 |
404 | DISC | Distributed storage based on sparse-graph codes | 2015 |
405 | STOICHIOMET | Blending Stoichiometric and Metabolic Theories from Genes to Populations: Resource Stochiometry and Temperature Effects on Consumers with Contrasting Life-history Strategies | 2015 |
406 | Forests and CO | Co-Benefits and Conflicts between CO2 sequestration and biodiversity conservation in European Forests | 2015 |
407 | Helping in Cyanopica | Why helping others? The role of direct fitness benefits within the social-networks in cooperatively breeding azure-winged magpies | 2015 |
408 | Modeling ERPs | Combining electrophysiology and cognitive computational modeling in research on meaning in language | 2015 |
409 | CNT-Nanostickers | Anisotropic High-Density Carbon Nanotube Coatings for Thin-Film Electronics | 2015 |
410 | SocForVul | The impact of supplementary feeding on the food searching strategies and social behaviour in anendangered top scavenger | 2015 |
411 | AFIBROTIC | Atrial Fibrillation, Fibrosis and Rotors: New Insights from Imaging and Computational Modeling | 2015 |
412 | RECOLOR | Regulation and consequences of LRRK2 phosphorylation,a path to Parkinson’s disease therapy and diagnostics | 2015 |
413 | SPAFIL | Structured photonics for advanced fibre lasers | 2015 |
414 | ReconsolidationDynamics | A Cross-Species Investigation of Memory Replay During Reconsolidation | 2015 |
415 | CYBERNETS | Cybernetic Communication Networks: Fundamental Limits and Engineering Challenges | 2015 |
416 | Adapting Dickens | Dickens, Adaptation, and the Nineteenth-Century European Theatre | 2016 |
417 | cRISys | Innovation Systems in Financial Crisis: Technological Dynamics, Industrial Structure and Business Cycles | 2015 |
418 | GLANCE | calculatinG heaLth impActs of atmospheric pollutioN in a Changing climatE | 2015 |
419 | SPERONI | Sperone Speroni (1500-1588) and the Rebirth of Sophistry in the Italian Renaissance | 2015 |
420 | EVOLPREG | Origination of novel gene regulatory networks in the evolution of mammalian pregnancy | 2016 |
421 | ENGAGE | Encouraging Network Generation’s Accountability and Global Engagement | 2015 |
422 | CL-3DE | Choice and learning in a 3-dimensional environment: an investigation of brain and behaviour | 2015 |
423 | MINDS | Multivariate analysis for the Imaging of Neuronal activity using Deep architectureS | 2016 |
424 | MARSS-5G | Modeling and Analysis of Random Spatial Systems for 5G Networks | 2015 |
425 | INVENTION | INnovatiVE cohereNt detecTIon Optical access Networks | 2016 |
426 | MWGRAV | High Sensitivity Matter-Wave Gravitation Sensors | 2016 |
427 | NeuroEE | Delineation of a brain circuit regulating energy expenditure to impact body weight | 2016 |
428 | AMIABLE | Advanced MIcroscopy of Attine ant BacteriaL Endosymbionts | 2015 |
429 | CACOHET | “Causes and consequences of pluripotency gene regulatory network member heterogeneity” | 2016 |
430 | HOOKaWORM | Hook a Worm to Catch a Man: Tracking Historical and Recent Human Settlement, Land use and Migration in Neotropical Rainforests using Ecosystem Engineers | 2015 |
431 | RenewablePortfolio | Market player’s optimal scheduling under integrating renewables in European electricity markets | 2015 |
433 | FISHDOPA | Dopaminergic neurons and the reward system in fish: a functional neuroanatomical multidisciplinary study | 2016 |
434 | APTALAPS | Investigation of the interaction of mesenchymal stem cells with aptamer modified surfaces using Light-Addressable Potentiometric Sensors (LAPS) | 2015 |
435 | ParaplegiaERDros | Roles of spastic paraplegia proteins in organisation of axonal endoplasmic reticulum | 2016 |
437 | Liver Bioengineering | Ex vivo Re-vascularization in Porcine Liver Bioengineering - A Critical First Step Towards Effective Transplantation of Bioengineered Livers | 2015 |
439 | Irish Merchants and Bordeaux | Irish Merchants and Bordeaux: The Irish Role in the Invention of Grands Crus Wines | 2015 |
440 | IE2 | Inclusive Education for an Inclusive Europe: Examining Social Interactions, Dynamics and Friendship Networks of Students in Mainstream Primary Schools | 2015 |
441 | ACT against AMR | Abyssomicin C Truncated derivatives against Antimicrobial Resistance | 2015 |
442 | Re.B.Us | Rewiring Brain Units - bridging the gap of neuronal communication by means of intelligent hybrid systems | 2016 |
443 | GABACODEV | Role of GABAergic microcircuits with different embryonic origins in the orchestration of early cortical dynamics in the awake mouse pup | 2015 |
444 | BACTOSHAPE | Single cell biophysics of bacterial cell shape | 2015 |
445 | OceanIS | Ocean Interaction with Antarctic Ice Shelves | 2016 |
446 | OPTIC BIOEM | Toward the comprehension of primary bioelectromagnetic interactions: real time non-linear OPTICal imaging of BIO-samples under ElectroMagnetic exposure | 2015 |
447 | DENDRITESONBORDERS | Neuronal and dendritic recruitment on neocortical area borders | 2016 |
448 | EPIGENHEART | Epigenetic control of retinoic acid-dependent genes during heart development | 2015 |
449 | KINSELECT | Microtubule organisation and polarized transport of kinesins in neurons | 2015 |
450 | ARC-HPV | Automated Raman spectral Cytology for detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cervical pre-cancer | 2016 |
452 | GEOCA | Geometry and Computational Anatomy | 2015 |
453 | BinCosmos | The impact of Massive Binary Stars through Cosmic Times | 2015 |
454 | Neuronal Trafficking | Mechanisms of synaptic growth and plasticity | 2016 |
455 | PAOLInA | Physical Activities of Older Adults: Longitudinal Interdisciplinary Analysis | 2016 |
457 | CARDIOTOX | Predicting Cardiotoxicity Induced by Kinase Inhibitors: From Systems Biology to Systems Pharmacology | 2015 |
458 | SOX10mutants | Investigating genotype-phenotype correlations in SOX10 neurocristopathies | 2015 |
459 | iREACT | Inkjet-Printed Wireless Powered Circuits for Sensing and Identification. | 2016 |
460 | RiceStyle | Carpel evolution: a walk in the rice side | 2016 |
461 | GENENET | Gene networks to investigate lateral gene transfer in parasitic protozoa | 2015 |
462 | SENet | Social and ecological networks supporting biodiversity and food security | 2016 |
463 | COMPLEX-fastMAS-NMR | Structure of a large non-crystalline multiprotein assembly by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance with ultra-fast magic-angle spinning | 2016 |
464 | Greenrail | Greenrail: sustainability, safety and saving in the the railroad sleeper of tomorrow | 2015 |
465 | St. Bernard | St. Bernard - Emergency EEG and auditory evoked potentials for earlier diagnostics and treatment planning of unconscious patients | 2015 |
467 | Suninbox | Portable SolUtioN for dIstributed geNeration in a BOX | 2015 |
468 | Platon | software PLATform fOr iNteroperable multiphysics digital mock-up | 2015 |
469 | TCN TimeAnalyzer | TimeAnalyzer in real-time networks | 2015 |
470 | Free power supply | Stand-alone power supply saving low-speed fluid energy available around us | 2014 |
471 | ModeCore | Muli-path optical fibre modules | 2015 |
472 | BARAT | Biomechancial Aneurysm Risk Assessment Trial | 2015 |
473 | ADS Project | Autonomous Dronistics for Security (ADS): optimized services with fleets of flying robots | 2015 |
474 | ULISENS | Ultra Legionella Inmunoanalysis System for Early Sensing | 2015 |
475 | BrainWorkloadReader | Generation of a business plan for the production of a compact and reliable device able to measure in real-time the cerebral workload state of high responsibility operators in the transport domain | 2015 |
476 | TrustNode | A Disruptive Router Platform for the Internet of Things – TrustNode | 2015 |
477 | NETEEG | Spatial super-resolution of electrophysiological measurements | 2015 |
478 | TONALITy | commercialisation TridimensiOnal Nanoporous ALumIna Templates | 2015 |
479 | DSTB | Dyadic Secures The Breach | 2015 |
480 | HTPush | Universal and compatible system for plumbing and heating | 2015 |
481 | MobileBattery | Mobile Energy System for recharging, energy buffering and long-distance travelling | 2015 |
482 | PCT | Plant CT - Making Plants Healthier | 2015 |
483 | MARVIN | Independent Smart Machine-Vision Based Cargo Counting Module | 2015 |
484 | Paediatric LMS | Non-Invasive Quantitative Magnetic Resonance for Obese Children – the Paediatric LiverMultiScan Test | 2015 |
485 | CLINISC | Clinical validation of pCO2 sensor system for ischemia detection | 2015 |
486 | Gamesmondo | Gamesmondo Affiliation and Monetisation Ecosystem | 2015 |
487 | WeSmartPark | Giving Drivers Access to Conventional and Electric Car Parking Lots Through the WeSmartPark Enhanced Management System | 2015 |
488 | PANOSTICS | The AA2-Ratio: A Novel Diagnostic Biomarker for Primary Aldosteronism | 2015 |
489 | ASWD | Advanced Space Weather Detector | 2015 |
491 | SmartGridEnable | SmartGrid Distributed Monitoring, Synchronization and Active Management | 2015 |
492 | EDePDAC | Feasibility study for the validation and industrialization of two diagnostic kits in both ELISA and CLIA formats for the early detection of pancreatic cancer based on the novel biomarkers EZR and ENOA | 2015 |
493 | EBBR | Commercialisation of expanded bed biofilm reactor technology for the treatment of waste-, used- or contaminated-water and for improved protection of the aquatic environment and atmosphere. | 2015 |
494 | SDN-Polygraph | Cloud-based Visibility Service for Software Defined Networks | 2015 |
495 | SIMPLE | Spacefibre IMPLementation design test Equipment | 2015 |
496 | mainDSS | Intelligent maintenance Decision Support System for the industry | 2015 |
497 | CiWater | Feasibility study for water leakage detector CiWater | 2015 |
498 | SmartRay | Smart Large Scale Radio Technology for the Tactile Internet | 2015 |
499 | EFFECTIVE | Exploiting Factory of the Future projects through Enhanced Clustering towards Technology Transfer, Innovation and Value creation for European industry. | 2015 |
500 | C-ENERGY 2020 | Connecting Energy National Contact Points in a pro-active network under Societal Challenge 3 'Secure, clean and efficient energy' in Horizon 2020 | 2014 |
501 | ConnectinGEO | Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and IN-situ to fill the Gaps in European Observations | 2015 |
502 | AWESOME | Advanced Wind Energy Systems Operation and Maintenance Expertise | 2015 |
503 | MEDICIS-PROMED | MEDICIS-produced radioisotope beams for medicine | 2015 |
504 | SAFARI | Scalable And Flexible optical Architecture for Reconfigurable Infrastructure | 2014 |
505 | SME CoachLT | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Lithuanian Enterprise Europe Network consortia | 2014 |
506 | EENHessenInnovation | Establishing services enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network: Hessen | 2014 |
507 | eStandards | eHealth Standards and Profiles in Action for Europe and Beyond | 2015 |
508 | CLOUDWATCH2 | Think Cloud Services for Government, Business Research | 2015 |
509 | SOMATCH | Support IT solution for creative fashion designers by integrated software systems to collect, define and visualize textile and clothing trends through innovative image analysis from open data | 2015 |
510 | NMP TeAm 3 | Improving the services of the NMP NCP Network through Transnational Activities | 2015 |
511 | Testforall | FOOD SAFETY CONTROLS FOR ALL | 2015 |
512 | CREATE | Congestion Reduction in Europe : Advancing Transport Efficiency (CREATE) | 2015 |
513 | WeChangEd | Agents of Change: Women Editors and Socio-Cultural Transformation in Europe (1710-1920) | 2015 |
514 | CENTAUR | Cost Effective Neural Technique for Alleviation of Urban Flood Risk | 2015 |
515 | GREEN-WIN | Green growth and win-win strategies for sustainable climate action | 2015 |
516 | CD-LINKS | Linking Climate and Development Policies - Leveraging International Networks and Knowledge Sharing | 2015 |
517 | WiVi-2020 | Wireless Visionaries for 2020 | 2015 |
518 | VIRION | Viruses, Immune stimulation and RNA Interference in Oncology Network | 2015 |
519 | RealValue | Realising Value from Electricity Markets with Local Smart Electric Thermal Storage Technology | 2015 |
520 | ENERCAPSULE | Nanoencapsulation for Energy Storage and Controlled Release | 2015 |
521 | PlastiCell | Using a natural cellular plasticity event to decypher the cellular requirements and molecular circuitry promoting transdifferentiation at the single cell level. | 2015 |
522 | BioLinX | Creating links to speed-up innovation in the bio economy | 2015 |
523 | RESIN | Climate Resilient Cities and Infrastructures | 2015 |
524 | CIMEC | Cooperative ITS for Mobility in European Cities | 2015 |
525 | NOSY | New Operational Sensing sYstem | 2015 |
526 | EU-CIRCLE | A panEuropean framework for strengthening Critical Infrastructure resilience to climate change | 2015 |
527 | germcells | A platform for the generation of human gametes in vitro | 2016 |
528 | NUCL-EU 2020 | Connecting EURATOM National Contact Points in a pro-active network under EURATOM Programme in Horizon 2020 | 2015 |
529 | SITEX-II | Sustainable network for Independent Technical EXpertise of radioactive waste disposal - Interactions and Implementation | 2015 |
530 | ShaMROCK | ShaMROCK – Secure professional Mobile Radio Over Commercial networKs | 2015 |
531 | LineVu | A novel optical sensor platform for detection and measurement of contaminants in gas pipelines to protect critical infrastructure from disruption and damage - Linevu | 2015 |
533 | TECOOVAL | High Technology, Energy and Water saving integrated hydraulic control valve for all purpose with 40% reduction in head losses | 2015 |
534 | ADWICE | Advanced Wireless Technologies for Clever Engineering | 2015 |
535 | LiNaBioFluid | Laser-induced Nanostructures as Biomimetic Model of Fluid Transport in the Integument of Animals | 2015 |
536 | PASTEURDOC | Institut Pasteur International Docotal Program | 2015 |
537 | SMART LOIRE VALLEY | SMART LOIRE VALLEY: Curiosity, Imagination and Intuition | 2015 |
539 | iPIM | Development of an Intelligent Onshore Pipeline Integrity Monitoring System | 2015 |
540 | CosMyFY | A new Business Model for the Natural Cosmetic market | 2015 |
541 | Project Buffer | Project Buffer ― a new solution to fast charging electrical vehicles “on the road”. | 2015 |
542 | REALISE GroLaS | Runway independent automatic launch and landing system for civil UAV based on GroLaS | 2015 |
543 | P3DNavitech | Novel navigation system for arthroscopy that uses solely the endoscopic video to perform measurements inside the joints and provide the necessary guidance to the surgeon. | 2015 |
545 | BELS | Building European Links toward South East Asia in the field of GNSS | 2015 |
546 | SegregActin | Building Distinct Actin Filament Networks in a Common Cytoplasm | 2015 |
547 | MAGnUM | A Multiscale and Multimodal Modelling Approach for Green Urban Traffic Management | 2015 |
548 | Train-to-NZEB | Train-to-NZEB: The Building Knowledge Hubs | 2015 |
549 | SlovakION | Slovak Centre of Excellence in Ion Beam and Plasma Technologies for Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology | 2015 |
550 | LignoSilva | Centre of Excellence of Forest-based Industry | 2015 |
551 | APA | Filter-less air pollution abatement system able to clean a wide range of pollutants at ground level for a healthier workplace and more sustainable environment. | 2015 |
552 | HyCloud | Hybrid Cloud solution based on a disruptive method for data redundancy and a network attached storage device, to store, access and back-up digital content safer, faster and cheaper. | 2015 |
553 | CardioBIVA | Bioelectrical impedance vector analysis medical device as a novel Internet of Things telemedicine system for monitoring congestive heart failure patients from home | 2015 |
554 | FERROHUB | FERROHUB | 2015 |
555 | MOBPOSSTAT | Mobile Positioning Data as a Source for Aggregated Human Mobility Statistics | 2015 |
556 | SmaRMS COM | Smart Road Modular Sensor (SmaRMS) Prototype Testing and Commercialization Viability | 2015 |
557 | B3Africa | Bridging Biobanking and Biomedical Research across Europe and Africa | 2015 |
558 | POC products | A novel microfluid-based modular system to address POC challenges within the field of coagulation and hemostasis | 2015 |
559 | EngineeringPercepts | Reverse engineering sensory perception and decision making: bridging physiology, anatomy and behavior | 2015 |
560 | OptoVision | Optogenetic investigation of cortical layer-6 neuron contributions to dynamic visual perception | 2015 |
561 | LITTLE TOOLS | Enacting the Good Economy: Biocapitalization and the little tools of valuation | 2015 |
562 | CARBONFIX | Towards a Self-Amplifying Carbon-Fixing Anabolic Cycle | 2015 |
563 | MELGEN | MELanoma GENetics - understanding and biomarking the genetic and immunological determinants of melanoma survival | 2015 |
564 | IMMUTRAIN | Training Network for the Immunotherapy of Cancer | 2015 |
565 | EJD-FunMat | European Joint Doctorate in Functional Materials Research | 2015 |
567 | AQUAINVAD-ED | AQUAtic INVAders: Early Detection, Control and Management | 2015 |
568 | SAWTrain | Dynamic electromechanical control of semiconductor nanostructures by acoustic fields | 2015 |
569 | NACCA | New Approaches in the Conservation of Contemporary Art | 2015 |
570 | RENALTRACT | Development and disease of the renal tract | 2015 |
571 | TCBL | TCBL – Textile and Clothing Business Labs Transformative Business Models for the Textile Clothing Sector | 2015 |
572 | JointPrinting | 3D Printing of Cell Laden Biomimetic Materials and Biomolecules for Joint Regeneration | 2015 |
573 | PLANTMOVE | Plant movements and mechano-perception: from biophysics to biomimetics | 2015 |
574 | REGiREG | Regulating the immune regulators: targeting adaptive immune control | 2015 |
575 | HighTPSAFM | High throughput spectroscopy atomic force microscopy for the foot printing of bacteria and cellular organelle | 2016 |
576 | INNOVATIVE | The Integration of Novel Aerospace Technologies | 2016 |
577 | GENERA | Gender Equality Network in the European Research Area | 2015 |
578 | AquaSHIELD | Protecting citizens against intentional drinking water contamination with a water quality firewall | 2015 |
579 | RABIOPRED | RABIOPRED - Clinical validation of BIOmarker assay to PREDict treatment response in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) patients | 2015 |
580 | EnvMetaGen | Capacity Building at InBIO for Research and Innovation Using Environmental Metagenomics | 2015 |
581 | VIBRATE | Self-sustaining vibration and mechanical resonance effects in stimuli responsive liquid crystal polymer coatings and membranes (Vibrate) | 2015 |
582 | SONATA | Service Programing and Orchestration for Virtualized Software Networks | 2015 |
583 | 5G-XHaul | Dynamically Reconfigurable Optical-Wireless Backhaul/Fronthaul with Cognitive Control Plane for Small Cells and Cloud-RANs | 2015 |
584 | Flex5Gware | Flexible and efficient hardware/software platforms for 5G network elements and devices | 2015 |
585 | SUPERFLUIDITY | Superfluidity: a super-fluid, cloud-native, converged edge system | 2015 |
586 | 5G NORMA | 5G NOvel Radio Multiservice adaptive network Architecture | 2015 |
587 | SESAME | Small cEllS coordinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services | 2015 |
588 | 5G-Crosshaul | 5G-Crosshaul: The 5G Integrated fronthaul/backhaul | 2015 |
589 | CogNet | Building an Intelligent System of Insights and Action for 5G Network Management | 2015 |
590 | 5GEx | 5G Exchange | 2015 |
591 | COHERENT | Coordinated control and spectrum management for 5G heterogeneous radio access networks | 2015 |
592 | VirtuWind | Virtual and programmable industrial network prototype deployed in operational Wind park | 2015 |
594 | CHARISMA | Converged Heterogeneous Advanced 5G Cloud-RAN Architecture for Intelligent and Secure Media Access | 2015 |
595 | mmMAGIC | Millimetre-Wave Based Mobile Radio Access Network for Fifth Generation Integrated Communications | 2015 |
596 | SPEED-5G | quality of Service Provision and capacity Expansion through Extended-DSA for 5G | 2015 |
597 | METIS-II | Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for Twenty-twenty (2020) Information Society-II | 2015 |
598 | SWORD | Advanced Analytics Platform for Stroke Patients Rehabilitation | 2015 |
599 | SET LU | Organisation and Delivery of the Luxembourgish Presidency Conference on the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) | 2015 |
600 | Polarsol Phase One | Disrupting the energy market with the innovation in solar heating | 2015 |
601 | SMITH | SMart and Interoperable THermal network system development | 2015 |
603 | TRUST | Creating and enhancing TRUSTworthy, responsible and equitable partnerships in international research | 2015 |
604 | NUCLEUS | NUCLEUS - New Understanding of Communication, Learning and Engagement in Universities and Scientific Institutions | 2015 |
605 | HEIRRI | HEIRRI (Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation) | 2015 |
606 | CALIPRI | CALIPRI - an easily customisable all purpose optical gauge for 2D-profiles. | 2015 |
607 | AURA | Advanced Uninterrupted RAdio | 2015 |
608 | ACTOMYO | Mechanisms of actomyosin-based contractility during cytokinesis | 2015 |
609 | Psychosystems | Psychosystems:Consolidating Network Approaches to Psychopathology | 2015 |
610 | StressNetAdapt | Understanding evolutionary abiotic stress-network plasticity as foundation for new biotechnological strategies | 2015 |
611 | WAYTOGO FAST | Which Architecture Yields Two Other Generations Of Fully depleted Advanced Substrate and Technologies | 2015 |
612 | ABCvolume | The ABC of Cell Volume Regulation | 2015 |
613 | FCL | Upgrading a commercially-available Fault Current Limiter to a more cost-effective device for enabling additional capacity and improving energy efficiency, by limiting destructive fault currents | 2015 |
614 | LESA | Laser bonding of linear edged super-abrasive blades | 2015 |
615 | StreetHopper | Disruptive Free Space Optics solution for small cell backhaul | 2015 |
616 | MPGS | A citizen context aware platform to provide mobile public services | 2015 |
617 | eCAP | Easy Connections Assessment Portal | 2015 |
618 | ANICOLEVO | Animal coloration through deep time: evolutionary novelty, homology and taphonomy | 2016 |
619 | ADIPOR | Molecular and structural pharmacology of adiponectin receptor: towards innovative treatments of obesity-related diseases. | 2015 |
620 | QUTE | Quantum Tensor Networks and Entanglement | 2015 |
621 | HyMAP | Hybrid Materials for Artificial Photosynthesis | 2015 |
622 | PRIISM-HD | Pathways Regulating Intramyocellular Insulin Sensitivity and Metabolism in Health and Disease | 2016 |
623 | EURAXESS TOP III | Making European research careers more attractive by developing new services and enhancing the current services of the EURAXESS network – EURAXESS TOPIII | 2015 |
624 | PERFUME | Smart Device Communication: A paradigm for high PERformance FUture Mobile nEtworking | 2015 |
625 | UPAC S-100 | Feasibility study for URBAN PROTECTION AVIATION COPTER S-100 | 2015 |
626 | I-KAM2EU | enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU | 2015 |
627 | WATERGUARD | Safeguarding Water Distribution Systems from Contamination Threats using the SmartTap Platform | 2015 |
628 | InnoMan_NRW_2 | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany | 2015 |
629 | BW-KAM2 | Innovation Management Capacity Building of SME by the Enterprise Europe Network Baden-Württemberg 2 | 2015 |
630 | InnoHessen2Europe | Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity in Hessen | 2015 |
631 | INNO EEN-M | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO EEN-M) | 2015 |
632 | SWENNIS2 | Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2015 |
633 | EEN GRAND EST INNO | Additional Innovation support services for Enterprise Europe Network in Eastern France | 2015 |
634 | ELSE - SIM | Enterprise Lazio and Sardegna for Europe – Smes Innovation Management | 2015 |
635 | InnoManage BB 1516 | EEN Innovation Management Services Berlin-Brandenburg | 2015 |
636 | INNOWAVE | Maximising the technical and economic performance of real wave energy devices | 2016 |
637 | IPERION CH | Integrated Platform for the European Research Infrastructure ON Cultural Heritage | 2015 |
639 | CIAO | Central Iran Amphibole-bearing Ophiolite | 2015 |
640 | MANTIS | Cyber Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance | 2015 |
641 | H2ME | Hydrogen Mobility Europe | 2015 |
642 | EEN-Innovation PT | EEN-Innovation PT | 2015 |
643 | IMMPACT | Clinical validation of a serum protein biomarker signature for the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. | 2015 |
644 | InnoBremen | InnoBremen – Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in the Federal State of Bremen | 2015 |
645 | INNMADRIMASD 2 | Innovation services for enhancement innovation SMEs capacities in Madrid region | 2015 |
646 | BISONet PLUS ENH | Business Innovation Support Network for the Czech Republic – Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs by EEN in 2015-2016 | 2015 |
647 | SUBITOP | Understanding subduction zone topography through modelling of coupled shallow and deep processes | 2016 |
648 | ITEAM | Interdisciplinary Training Network in Multi-Actuated Ground Vehicles | 2016 |
649 | INDUCT | Interdisciplinary Network for Dementia Utilising Current Technology (INDUCT) | 2016 |
650 | CTCPlus | Multi-Parameter Monitoring and Control System for Grain Silo Plants (CTC+) | 2015 |
651 | NEURO-PATTERNS | How neuronal activity patterns drive behavior: novel all-optical control and monitoring of brain neuronal networks with high spatiotemporal resolution | 2015 |
652 | SPARKS | SPARKS | 2015 |
653 | INNOKAM 2015-16 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg andSchleswig-Holstein | 2015 |
654 | BASKAM | Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs during 2015-2016 | 2015 |
655 | EEN H2020 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs under H2020 programme in the Enterprise Europe Network «Normandie-Picardie» | 2015 |
656 | ERBSN 4 H2020 | Eastern Romanian Business Support Network support for innovative SMEs | 2015 |
657 | MED4INNO | French MEDiterranean Support for INNOvative SMEs | 2015 |
658 | VEBIN SME 2.0 | Delivering services on behalf of H2020 for enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in Flanders | 2015 |
659 | EES Innovation CSA | EES Innovation CSA | 2015 |
660 | KAMWAL 2.1 | EEN Advanced Support Services for Walloon SMEs 2015-2016 | 2015 |
661 | KAMINLER | Support services to IMProve innovation and competitiveness of business in Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna | 2015 |
662 | CESSDA-SaW | Strengthening and widening the European infrastructure for social science data archives. | 2015 |
663 | ASPIRE | Angular studies of photoelectrons in innovative research environments | 2016 |
664 | DEMETER | Training Network for the Design and Recycling of Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet Motors and Generators in Hybrid and Full Electric Vehicles | 2015 |
666 | EXCILIGHT | Donor-Acceptor light emitting exciplexes as materials for easily to tailor ultra-efficient OLED lighting | 2015 |
667 | ProteinConjugates | A training network for the chemical site-selective modification of proteins: Preparation of the next-generation of therapeutic chemically-defined protein conjugates | 2015 |
668 | SSeMID | Stability and Sensitivity Methods for Industrial Design | 2016 |
669 | NoNoMeCat | Non-Noble Metal Catalysis - NoNoMeCat | 2016 |
670 | BigDataFinance | Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management | 2015 |
672 | EVOluTION | European Vascular Interventions and Therapeutic Innovation Network | 2016 |
673 | INSPIRATION | Managing soil and groundwater impacts from agriculture for sustainable intensification | 2016 |
674 | MASSTRPLAN | MASS Spectrometry TRaining network for Protein Lipid adduct ANalysis | 2015 |
675 | TASPPI | Targeted small-molecule Stabilisation of Protein-Protein Interactions | 2016 |
676 | ESiWACE | Excellence in SImulation of Weather and Climate in Europe | 2015 |
677 | ModLife | Advancing Modelling for Process-Product Innovation, Optimization, Monitoring and Control in Life Science Industries | 2015 |
678 | OMA | Optimization of Medical Accelerators | 2016 |
679 | NeCS | European Network for Cyber-security | 2015 |
680 | WiBEC | Wireless In-Body Environment | 2016 |
681 | Phd | Deciphering PI3K biology in health and disease | 2015 |
682 | ENLIGHT-TEN | European Network linking informatics and genomics of helper T cells | 2015 |
683 | ND4ID | New Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases: “ND4ID” | 2016 |
684 | AMVA4NewPhysics | Advanced Multi-Variate Analysis for New Physics Searches at the LHC | 2015 |
685 | MOGLYNET | Modulation of glycolytic flux as a new approach for treatment of atherosclerosis and plaque stabilization: a multidisciplinary study | 2015 |
686 | MicroArctic | Microorganisms in Warming Arctic Environments | 2016 |
687 | BtRAIN | Brain barriers training | 2015 |
688 | BlueBRIDGE | Building Research environments for fostering Innovation, Decision making, Governance and Education to support Blue growth | 2015 |
689 | ALKATRAS | ALK Activation as a target of TRAanslational Science (ALKATRAS): Break free from cancer | 2015 |
690 | Privacy.Us | Privacy and Usability | 2015 |
691 | PROFILE | Innovative training network: Immunoprofile-directed stratification of patients with the autoimmune disorder thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura | 2015 |
692 | SINGEK | Promoting SINgle cell GEnomics to explore the ecology and evolution of hidden microeuKaryotes | 2016 |
693 | TERRE | Training Engineers and Researchers to Rethink geotechnical Engineering for a low carbon future | 2015 |
694 | ARCADES | Algebraic Representations in Computer-Aided Design for complEx Shapes | 2016 |
695 | 5G-AURA | Application-aware User-centric Programmable Architectures for 5G Multi-tenant Networks | 2015 |
696 | INFORM | Interfaces in opto-electronic thin film multilayer devices | 2015 |
697 | AdMoRe | Empowered decision-making in simulation-based engineering: Advanced Model Reduction for real-time, inverse and optimization in industrial problems | 2015 |
698 | MARmaED | MARine MAnagement and Ecosystem Dynamics under climate change | 2015 |
699 | SuPER-W | Sustainable Product, Energy and Resource Recovery from Wastewater | 2016 |
700 | Spin-NANO | Nanoscale solid-state spin systems in emerging quantum technologies | 2016 |
701 | SyDAD | Synaptic Dysfunction in Alzheimer Disease | 2015 |
702 | ArchSci2020 | Archaeology on the Edge: Northern Europe and the Circumpolar World | 2016 |
703 | ACROSSING | Advanced TeChnologies and PlatfoRm fOr Smarter ASsisted LivING | 2016 |
704 | HHFDWC | The History of Human Freedom and Dignity in Western Civilization | 2016 |
705 | Tendon Therapy Train | Engineering in vitro microenvironments for translation of cell-based therapies for tendon repair | 2016 |
706 | ETN-FPI | European Training Network on Full Parallax Imaging | 2015 |
707 | GlyCoCan | Exploiting Glycosylation of Colorectal Cancer for the development of improved diagnostics and therapeutics | 2015 |
708 | BIGCHEM | Big Data in Chemistry | 2016 |
709 | E-CAM | An e-infrastructure for software, training and consultancy in simulation and modelling | 2015 |
710 | EoCoE | Energy oriented Centre of Excellence for computer applications | 2015 |
711 | SHAREBOX | Secure Management Platform for Shared Process Resources | 2015 |
712 | INFINITE | INnovative laser machine For INdustrial engravIng and 3d TExturing | 2015 |
713 | OPATHY | From Omics to Patient: Improving Diagnostics of Pathogenic Yeasts | 2015 |
714 | ModCompShock | Modelling and Computation of Shocks and Interfaces | 2015 |
715 | BioSmartTrainee | Training in Bio-Inspired Design of Smart Adhesive Materials | 2015 |
716 | EUROPINIONS | Causes and consequences of change in public opinion about Europe | 2015 |
717 | IL7sigNETure | IL-7/IL-7R signaling networks in health and malignancy | 2015 |
718 | HYDRALAB-PLUS | HYDRALAB+ Adapting to climate change | 2015 |
719 | WATER | Probing the Structure and Dynamics of Water in its Various States | 2015 |
720 | TRANSINNOV | Peer learning on ways to improve knowledge/technology transfer to SMEs in a structured innovation ecosystem | 2015 |
721 | SME Coach LT 2015 | KAM and innovation management improvement services for Lithuanian SMEs | 2015 |
722 | KAM2SouthPL2 | ‘Key account management’ for the SME Instrument beneficiaries and ‘Enhancing SME innovation management capacity’ as new proinnovative services for SMEs in the regions of Southern Poland | 2015 |
723 | TOPIC2INNO | TOPIC2INNO : Implementation of services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network TOPIC | 2015 |
724 | switchBoard | In the eye of the observer: Visual processing at the heart of the retina | 2015 |
725 | IMPACT | Ion-Molecule Processes for Analytical Chemical Technologies | 2016 |
726 | PANINI | Physical Activity and Nutrition INfluences In ageing | 2016 |
727 | PRONTO | PRONTO: PROcess NeTwork Optimization for efficient and sustainable operation of Europe’s process industries taking machinery condition and process performance into account. | 2016 |
728 | VIPER | VIbro-acoustics of PERiodic media | 2016 |
729 | TRAIN-ERS | Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Health and Disease | 2015 |
730 | AEGIS | Accelerated Early staGe drug diScovery | 2016 |
731 | STREAM | Smart Sensor Technologies and Training for Radiation Enhanced Applications and Measurements | 2016 |
732 | GLYCOVAX | A training network for the rational design of the next generation of well-defined glycoconjugate vaccines | 2015 |
733 | FRAGNET | FRAGments training NETwork | 2016 |
734 | NANOMED | Nanomedicine: an integrative approach | 2016 |
735 | INNOWEST | Development of standardised innovation services through peer learning to efficiently increase innovation management capacity among SMEs | 2015 |
736 | Scaling up Novihum | A Sustainable Soil Solution: Scaling up Novihum, an innovation to convert bad soil into better, make brown coal clean and barren land green, and profitably advance food security in Europe and beyond | 2015 |
737 | FrEBT | Improving diagnostics of respiratory diseases and boosting the COMAC MEDICAL Ltd. competitiveness and growth by validation of fractional EBT biomarker through new method of measurement and device | 2015 |
738 | NED- Nano Eye Device | THE NANO EYE DEVICE | 2015 |
740 | SMART GROUND | SMART data collection and inteGRation platform to enhance availability and accessibility of data and infOrmation in the EU territory on SecoNDary Raw Materials | 2015 |
741 | NeuroPioneers | A developmental engram for the organization of adult hippocampal circuits | 2015 |
742 | EVILTONGUE | No Sword Bites So Fiercly as an Evil Tongue?Gossip Wrecks Reputation, but Enhances Cooperation | 2015 |
743 | StemNicheOnWaveCrest | New therapies for myeloproliferative diseases based on multi-stage and -system analyses of the haematopoietic stem-cell niche | 2015 |
744 | PLACARD | PLAtform for Climate Adaptation and Risk reDuction | 2015 |
745 | EVAg | European Virus Archive goes global | 2015 |
746 | Global BioImaging | Global BioImaging Project - International imaging infrastructure services for the life science community | 2015 |
747 | ARISE2 | Atmospheric dynamics Research InfraStructure in Europe | 2015 |
748 | WEY-CRISP | Well-being among European youth: The contribution of student teacher relationships in the secondary-school population | 2016 |
749 | POTI | People, objects and technologies at the interface – multiscalar interaction networks in the Aegean Bronze Age (3100-1200 BC) | 2016 |
750 | FamilyComplexity | Intergenerational Reproduction and Solidarity in an Era of Family Complexity | 2015 |
751 | Diversity6continents | Ecological determinants of tropical-temperate trends in insect diversity | 2015 |
752 | SCALE | Scalable Quantum Photonic Networks | 2015 |
753 | MASCP | Mechanisms of alternative pre-mRNA splicing regulation in cancer and pluripotent cells | 2015 |
754 | BRAINCOMPATH | Mesoscale Brain Dynamics: Computing with Neuronal Pathways | 2016 |
755 | LightNet | LightNet - Tracking the Coherent Light Path in Photosynthetic Networks | 2016 |
756 | 5G-ENSURE | 5G Enablers for Network and System Security and Resilience | 2015 |
757 | MAGIC SWF SMEs II | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of South West France SMEs | 2015 |
758 | EENINNOAUSTRIA | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2015 |
759 | EEN OUEST H2020 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2015 |
760 | SEIMED INNOSUP | SEIMED services to enhance innovation management capacity of SME's KAM services | 2015 |
761 | AISS4SME | Advanced Innovation Service Support for SMEs | 2015 |
762 | KAM2EastPoland | Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland | 2015 |
764 | InnoSME-LV-2015-2016 | Raising Innovation Capacity for Innovative Companies from Latvia (2015-2016) | 2015 |
765 | WESTinnoMAR | WESTinnoMAR | 2015 |
766 | EENinnoSMES | EEN Anatolia supports to increase the innovation management capacities of SMEs | 2015 |
767 | READ | Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents | 2016 |
768 | XS2I4MS | Access to I4MS | 2015 |
769 | ReconCell | A Reconfigurable robot workCell for fast set-up of automated assembly processes in SMEs | 2015 |
770 | OPTIMISED | Operational Planning Tool Interfacing Manufacturing Integrated Simulations with Empirical Data | 2015 |
771 | I4MS-Growth | Support and stimulation of dynamic and organic growth of pan European ICT for Manufacturing SME Innovation Ecosystems | 2015 |
772 | NEURON Cofund | ERA NET NEURON in the area of brain-related diseases and disorders of the nervous system | 2016 |
773 | ERA-CVD | ERA-NET on cardiovascular diseases to implement joint transnational research projects and set up international cooperations | 2015 |
774 | NET- MARKET- FLUIDICS | Networking and market approach to tackle the bottleneck of deploying micro and nanofluidics in Europe | 2016 |
775 | DSI4EU | Digital Social Innovation for Europe | 2016 |
776 | OPENCARE | Open Participatory Engagement in Collective Awareness for REdesign of Care Services | 2016 |
777 | RUBICON | Training network for Research on molecUlar and Biomechanical Interactions in CONnective tissue disorders | 2016 |
778 | TACTILENet | TACTILENet: Towards Agile, effiCient, auTonomous and massIvely LargE Network of things | 2016 |
779 | Ocean Medicines | Ocean Medicines | 2015 |
780 | SexSeed | Sexual Plant Reproduction – Seed formation | 2016 |
781 | SOLIRING | Solitons and frequency combs in micro-resonators | 2016 |
782 | ENCASE | EnhaNcing seCurity And privacy in the Social wEb: a user centered approach for the protection of minors | 2016 |
783 | NANOGENTOOLS | Developing and implementation of a new generation of nanosafety assessment tools | 2016 |
784 | ISPNET | Intelligent System for Pressure Networks | 2015 |
785 | EU ESA | Enterprising Students Accreditation Platform for Europe | 2015 |
786 | SV2 | Machine vision system for road safety inspection- SV2 | 2015 |
787 | e-Safe | Novel low-cost ground penetrating radar system for safe, simple and swift detection of all utilities piping and cabling located underground | 2015 |
788 | SMART Guide | Guided dental surgery fitting into daily clinical routine | 2015 |
789 | PROMETHEUS-IOT | a versatile Platform foR delivering incremental, scalable and cOst-effective ad-hoc services froM hETErogeneoUS and collaborating objects in the Internet Of Things | 2015 |
790 | SWAPOUT | Smart Wireless Access Point with Objective User-Targeting | 2015 |
791 | LEAF LINE | The first ground stations network enabling real-time, cost-effective, and easy access to micro/nanosatellite data | 2015 |
792 | INCH | INteractive CHarging | 2015 |
793 | EdEN | Education Economics Network | 2016 |
794 | PROMOTION | PROMOTioN - Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks | 2016 |
795 | MaXIMA | Three dimensional breast cancer models for X-ray Imaging research | 2016 |
796 | UCoCoS | Understanding and controlling complex systems | 2016 |
797 | POTENTIATE | A Molecular Framework for Plant Cell Totipotency | 2015 |
798 | LUCKY STAR | Exploring the outer solar system beyond Neptune using stellar occultations | 2015 |
799 | Q4HEALTH | Quality of Service and prioritisation for emergency services in the LTE RAN stack | 2016 |
800 | KAMINO | Establishing of EEN-services for supporting the Key Account Management process in the SME-instrument and enhancing the INnOvation management capacities of SMEs – KAMINO | 2015 |
801 | TUTORIAL | Twinning to Strengthen Tallinn University of Technology’s Research and Innovation Capacity in Nanoelectronics Based Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems | 2016 |
802 | INNO-HUN2015-16 | Providing services under Horizon 2020 enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network - 2015-16 | 2015 |
803 | GN4-1 | GN4-1 Research and Education Networking - GÉANT | 2015 |
804 | KAM2CY2 | Continuation of the efforts of the local Enterprise Europe Network to further enhance the Innovation Management Capacity of Cypriot SMEs (KAM2CY 2) | 2015 |
805 | CAPTOR | Collective Awareness Platform for Tropospheric Ozone Pollution | 2016 |
808 | ATHENA | Remote Sensing Science Center for Cultural Heritage | 2015 |
809 | BALTICS | Building on Advanced Lofar Technology for Innovation, Collaboration, and Sustainability | 2016 |
810 | PROTECTDAIRY-F2F | Eco-innovative and fully integrated microbial rapid monitoring system - PROTECTING shelf life, food safety and quality throughout the DAIRY supply chain, from farm to fork. | 2015 |
811 | ASTROSTAT | Development of Novel Statistical Tools for the Analysis of Astronomical Data | 2016 |
812 | PICs4All | Photonic Integrated Circuits Accessible to Everyone | 2016 |
813 | FUTEBOL | FUTEBOL: Federated Union of Telecommunications Research Facilities for an EU-Brasil Open Laboratory | 2016 |
814 | HUNTER | Advanced Humidity to Electricity Converter | 2015 |
815 | dReDBox | Disaggregated Recursive Datacentre-in-a-Box | 2016 |
816 | 2-IMMERSE | Creating and Delivering Shared and Personalised Multi-Screen Broadcast and Broadband Experiences | 2015 |
817 | MAMI | Measurement and Architecture for a Middleboxed Internet | 2016 |
818 | C-Levitonics | Classical Levitonics: transposing quantum levitons to classical waves for single side band wireless data transmissions | 2015 |
819 | SoftFIRE | Software Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization Testbed within FIRE+ | 2016 |
820 | NEWTON | Networked Labs for Training in Sciences and Technologies for Information and Communication | 2016 |
821 | L3MATRIX | Large Scale Silicon Photonics Matrix for Low Power and Low Cost Data Centers | 2015 |
822 | DATA4WATER | Excellence in Smart Data and Services for Supporting Water Management | 2016 |
824 | GEM in-wheel | GEM in-wheel motor | 2015 |
825 | JUMPAIR | JUMPAIR: Decubitus Ulcers Diseases Diagnoses by means of Smart Anti-Decubitus System based on known Ulcers Activity Biomarkers | 2015 |
826 | MirrorPV | MirrorPV - Balanced growth photovoltaic generation with Roof PV mirrors | 2015 |
827 | ONION | Operational Network of Individual Observation Nodes | 2016 |
828 | | European Framework Initiative for Energy and Environmental Efficiency in the ICT Sector | 2016 |
829 | STREAMS | Smart Technologies for eneRgy Efficient Active cooling in advanced Microelectronic Systems | 2016 |
830 | SERBIA FOR EXCELL | SERBian- Austrian-Italian (SAI) partnership FORcing EXCELLence in ecosystem research | 2016 |
831 | NOTRE | Network for sOcial compuTing REsearch (NOTRE) | 2016 |
832 | NESTER | Networking for Excellence in Solar Thermal Energy Research | 2016 |
833 | CESEAND InnoAses2 | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2015-16. | 2015 |
834 | ORZEL | Boosting the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in organic electronics of the Silesian University of Technology | 2016 |
835 | F-CCW | Functional Cell Culture Ware (F-CCW) : Technical and Commercial feasible? | 2015 |
836 | NET4TRAIN | Revamping trains with the most advanced broadband communication system | 2015 |
837 | GSOP-SC | Feasibility assessment on the GreenFlux Service Operations Platform for Smart Charging (GSOP-SC) | 2015 |
838 | TENSORNETSIM | Accurate simulations of strongly correlated systems with tensor network methods | 2016 |
839 | QUANTUM DYNAMICS | New Geometry of Quantum Dynamics | 2016 |
840 | ICEKAM-2 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2015 |
841 | SELFORGANICELL | Self-Organization of the Bacterial Cell | 2016 |
842 | HOLO | Boosting the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in digital holographic microscopy of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova | 2016 |
843 | ASCIMAT | Increasing the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in Advanced Scintillation Materials of the Institute of Physics from the Czech Academy of Sciences | 2016 |
844 | Digital Keys | A groundbreaking smartlock system to increase security and control of entry points | 2015 |
845 | GEO-CRADLE | Coordinating and integRating state-of-the-art Earth Observation Activities in the regions of North Africa, Middle East, and Balkans and Developing Links with GEO related initiatives towards GEOSS | 2016 |
846 | NASDAC | iNnovative Approaches for Scalable Data Assimilation in oCeanography | 2016 |
847 | STRONGMAR | STRengthening MARritime Technology Research Center | 2016 |
848 | OptArch | Optimization Driven Architectural Design of Structures | 2016 |
849 | OPSI | Development of Public Sector Innovation Observatory | 2016 |
850 | ARCFIRE | Large-scale RINA benchmark on FIRE | 2016 |
851 | eWINE | elastic WIreless Networking Experimentation | 2016 |
852 | ANNETTE | Advanced Networking for Nuclear Education and Training and Transfer of Expertise | 2016 |
853 | Fornax | Galaxy evolution in dense environments | 2016 |
854 | NORIMS | INNOWAY Key Account Manager and Innovation Specialists Services - NORIMS | 2015 |
855 | BEACON | Hybrid Digital-Analog Networking under Extreme Energy and Latency Constraints | 2016 |
856 | ERNCIP CBRNE STDS 16 | ERNCIP thematic group activities in 2016 supporting development of Mandate 487 for standards in security | 2016 |
857 | INTER-IoT | Interoperability of Heterogeneous IoT Platforms | 2016 |
858 | BIRDS | Bioinformatics and Information Retrieval Data Structures Analysis and Design | 2016 |
859 | BLUEandGREEN | Boosting scientific excellence and innovation capacity in biorefineries based on marine resources | 2016 |
860 | Q-Sense | Quantum sensors - from the lab to the field | 2016 |
861 | EaP PLUS | STI International Cooperation Network for Eastern Partnership Countries – PLUS | 2016 |
862 | ICT-STREAMS | Silicon Photonics Transceiver and Routing technologies for High-End Multi-Socket Server Blades with Tb/s Throughput interconnect interfaces | 2016 |
863 | EFICONSUMPTION | Innovative System for Electrical Energy Efficiency in industrial plants | 2016 |
864 | SocialMedia | Social Media, Political Participation, and Accountability | 2016 |
865 | SCANS | Social Cognition in Adolescents: Brain Networks and Social Networks | 2016 |
866 | COMPROP | Computational Propaganda:Investigating the Impact of Algorithms and Bots on Political Discourse in Europe | 2016 |
867 | HUMO | What is everybody doing? Social prediction, categorization, and monitoring in the Prefrontal Cortex of the Macaque adopting a new human-monkey (H-M) interactive paradigm. | 2016 |
868 | SHARP | Southern Ocean and Antarctic Climatic Phasing:Tephrochronological Correlation of Southern Ocean Marine Records and Antarctic Ice-cores | 2016 |
869 | BlueHealth | Linking Up Environment, Health and Climate for Inter-sector Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in a Rapidly Changing Environment | 2016 |
870 | SVDs-at-target | Small vessel diseases in a mechanistic perspective: Targets for Intervention Affected pathways and mechanistic exploitation for prevention of stroke and dementia | 2016 |
871 | CoSTREAM | Common mechanisms and pathways in Stroke and Alzheimer's disease. | 2015 |
872 | HERCULES | Comprehensive characterization and effective combinatorial targeting of high-grade serous ovarian cancer via single-cell analysis | 2016 |
873 | UM Cure 2020 | New therapies for uveal melanoma | 2016 |
874 | REPROGRAM | Targeting epigenetic REPROGRamming of innate immune cells in Atherosclerosis Management and other chronic inflammatory diseases | 2016 |
875 | PIBD-SETQuality | Paediatric Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Network for Safety, Efficacy, Treatment and Quality improvement of care | 2016 |
876 | SyBil-AA | Systems Biology of Alcohol Addiction: Modeling and validating disease state networks in human and animal brains for understanding pathophysiolgy, predicting outcomes and improving therapy | 2016 |
877 | ISECO | Information services: competition and externalities | 2015 |
878 | HYDRA | Hydraulics modelling for drilling automation | 2016 |
879 | NeMeCo | Near Memory Computing | 2016 |
880 | BLUEGNSS | Promoting EGNSS Operational Adoption in BLUEMED FAB | 2016 |
881 | CROWD4ROADS | CROWD sensing and ride sharing FOR ROAD Sustainability | 2016 |
882 | ChainReact | Making Supplier Networks Transparent, Understandable and Responsive | 2016 |
883 | ASSET | Instant Gratification for Collective Awareness and Sustainable Consumerism | 2016 |
884 | netCommons | network infrastructure as commons | 2016 |
885 | Climateurope | European Climate Observations, Modelling and Services - 2 | 2015 |
886 | SYSMICS | Syntax Meets Semantics: Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics. | 2016 |
887 | Digi-NewB | Non-invasive monitoring of perinatal health through multiparametric digital representation of clinically relevant functions for improving clinical intervention in neonatal units (Digi-NewB) | 2016 |
888 | MIN-GUIDE | Minerals Policy Guidance for Europe | 2016 |
889 | ProACT | Integrated Technology Ecosystem for ProACTive Patient Centred Care | 2016 |
890 | ETNA 2020 | European Transport Network Alliance 2020 | 2016 |
891 | ATOM | Advancing the state of the art of MIMO: the key to the successful evolution of wireless networks | 2016 |
892 | miRNA-DisEASY | microRNA biomarkers in an innovative biophotonic sensor kit for high-specific diagnosis | 2015 |
893 | EPIC | Exploiting Protein Complexes that Induce Cell-death | 2016 |
894 | CRISP | Citizenship, Recovery and Inclusive Society Partnership | 2016 |
895 | Errspitals | A knowledge transfer and sharing action for developing A new integrative approach to mitigating errors in hospitals: Resolving tensions in error research | 2016 |
896 | MIREL | MIREL - MIning and REasoning with Legal texts | 2016 |
897 | WiseFeed | Improving sustainability and performance of aquafeeds | 2016 |
898 | GEO-SAFE | Geospatial based Environment for Optimisation Systems Addressing Fire Emergencies | 2016 |
899 | COMPASS | Colloidal Nanomaterials for Smart Applications | 2016 |
900 | SMARTER TOGETHER | Smart and Inclusive Solutions for a Better Life in Urban Districts | 2016 |
901 | TwinnToInfect | Unleash IMM’s research excellence in immunity and infection through twinning to infect Lisbon and Portugal with its increase in competitiveness and innovation | 2016 |
902 | LINK | Linking excellence in biomedical knowledge and computational intelligence research for personalized management of CVD within PHC | 2016 |
903 | ERAofART | Epigenetic Risk Assesment of Assisted Reproductive Technologies | 2016 |
904 | Gene2Skin | Gene2Skin - Roadmap for advanced genetic engineering-based skin therapies | 2015 |
905 | SEARMET | Scientific Excellence in Animal Reproductive Medicine and Embryo Technology | 2016 |
906 | ReTuBi | Towards outstanding research and training in tumour biology at IMM | 2016 |
907 | CHEM2NATURE | Enabling precision chemical methodologies applied to natural-based systems for the development of multifunctional biomedical devices | 2016 |
908 | SynaNet | Neurologic and Psychiatric Disorders: from synapses to networks | 2016 |
909 | CoHERE | Critical Heritages: performing and representing identities in Europe | 2016 |
910 | SIC | Social Innovation Community | 2016 |
911 | POWER | Political and sOcial awareness on Water EnviRonmental challenges | 2015 |
912 | GAP60PTP | Gap Waveguides for Point-To-Point Wireless Links at 60 GHz and beyond | 2016 |
913 | MULTIATTACK | Plant adaptations to unpredictable attack by dynamic insect communities | 2016 |
914 | INCASI | Global trends in social inequalities in Europe and Latin America and exploring innovative ways to reduce them through life, occupational and educational trajectories research to face uncertainty | 2016 |
915 | MedReset | MEDRESET.A comprehensive, integrated,and bottom-up approach to reset our understanding of the Mediterranean space, remap the region,and reconstruct inclusive, responsive,and flexible EU policies in it | 2016 |
916 | FAB-MOVE | For a Better Tomorrow: Social Enterprises on the Move | 2016 |
917 | CLARITY | Champion e-government appLications to increAse tRust, accountabIlity and TransparencY in public services | 2016 |
918 | SIMPLA | SIMPLA - Sustainable Integrated Multi-sector PLAnning | 2016 |
920 | SEAF | Standardisation and Communication of Sustainable Energy Asset Evaluation Framework | 2016 |
921 | REScoop Plus | REScoop Plus | 2016 |
922 | EnergyWater | Improving energy efficiency in industrial water processes through benchmarking and benchlearning tools in Europe manufacturing industry. | 2016 |
923 | M-ERA.NET 2 | ERA-NET for materials research and innovation | 2016 |
924 | SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund | SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund | 2016 |
925 | COMPAIR | COMPetition for AIR traffic management | 2016 |
926 | DEVELOP | Developing Careers through Social Networks and Transversal Competencies | 2016 |
927 | EUFRUIT | EU Fruit Network | 2016 |
928 | SPQRel | Entanglement distribution via Semiconductor-Piezoelectric Quantum-Dot Relays | 2016 |
929 | QINTERNET | Quantum communication networks | 2016 |
930 | EDI-Net | EDI-NET – The Energy Data Innovation Network; using smart meter data, campaigns and networking to increase the capacity of public authorities to implement sustainable energy policy | 2016 |
931 | MAKERS | Smart Manufacturing for EU Growth and Prosperity | 2016 |
932 | EuroDairy | A Europe-wide thematic network supporting a sustainable future for EU dairy farmers | 2016 |
933 | AUTHENT-NET | AUTHENT-NET – Food Authenticity Research Network | 2016 |
934 | HNV-Link | High Nature Value Farming: Learning, Innovation and Knowledge. | 2016 |
936 | NetMoDEzyme | Network models for the computational design of proficient enzymes | 2016 |
937 | CONENE | Control of Large-scale Stochastic Hybrid Systems for Stability of Power Grid with Renewable Energy | 2016 |
938 | VICINITY | Open virtual neighbourhood network to connect intelligent buildings and smart objects | 2016 |
939 | SecureCloud | Secure Big Data Processing in Untrusted Clouds | 2016 |
940 | REPLICATE | REnaissance of Places with Innovative Citizenship and TEchnolgy | 2016 |
941 | SmartEnCity | Towards Smart Zero CO2 Cities across Europe | 2016 |
942 | FLAIR | Flexible Hyperspectral Infrared Detectors | 2016 |
943 | 3-5-FIRST | Cold atom-semiconductor quantum interface | 2016 |
944 | SCAVENGE | Sustainable CellulAr networks harVEstiNG ambient Energy | 2016 |
945 | iSAGE | Innovation for Sustainable Sheep and Goat Production in Europe | 2016 |
946 | EKLIPSE | Establishing a European Knowledge and Learning Mechanism to Improve the Policy-Science-Society Interface on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services | 2016 |
947 | EXCHANGE-Risk | EXperimental Computational Hybrid Assessment of Natural Gas pipelines Exposed to Seismic Risk | 2016 |
948 | HEASIT | High Efficiency Access Solution for the Internet of Things | 2016 |
949 | FITSYOU | Development of a low cost, high resolution 270° 3D solution for full face capture to provide low cost customised eyewear | 2016 |
950 | SCULTMARKET | Feasibility Study to Combat Physical Inactivity and Improve Sporting Skills through SCULT Sport Mentors and Coaches Marketplace | 2016 |
951 | SUPPLEPRINT | Super Productive Line Printing Inkjet | 2016 |
952 | MDC | CNG Fuels- Mother and Daughter CNG Station Concept | 2016 |
953 | MIROR | Methods in Research on Research | 2016 |
954 | ZF_Blood | Less is more: Single Cell Analysis of Zebrafish Blood Development | 2016 |
955 | NeurOLED | Organic Light-Emitting Diodes for Optogenetic Control of Neurons | 2016 |
956 | ADMEP | Dynamics of femtosecond laser ablation of trapped dielectric and metallic nanoparticles | 2016 |
957 | microCardio | Functional high-throughput analysis of the role of microRNAs in cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury | 2016 |
958 | FANSOC | Functionalized carbon-supported Au Nanoparticles for Selective Oxidation Catalysis | 2016 |
959 | SENSE-Cog | Ears, Eyes and Mind: The ‘SENSE-Cog Project’ to improve mental well-being for elderly Europeans with sensory impairment | 2016 |
960 | LONGPOP | Methodologies and Data mining techniques for the analysis of Big Data based on Longitudinal Population and Epidemiological Registers | 2016 |
961 | ESA -ITN | European Sepsis Academy: towards new biomarkers to improve sepsis management | 2016 |
962 | ATLAS | A Trans-AtLantic Assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based Spatial management plan for Europe | 2016 |
963 | HetScaleNet | Analysis and control of large scale heterogeneous networks: scalability, robustness and fundamental limits | 2016 |
964 | FUNBIT | Imaging Mass Spectrometry of Fungal – Bacterial Interplay | 2016 |
965 | ReProCounters | ‘Reciprocal Encounters’ - Young Adults Leaving Care | 2016 |
966 | DIRECT-fMRI | Sensing activity-induced cell swellings and ensuing neurotransmitter releases for in-vivo functional imaging sans hemodynamics | 2016 |
967 | SEQUNET | Semiconductor-based quantum network | 2016 |
968 | MolMap | From Tissues to Single Molecules: High Content in Situ Super-Resolution imaging with DNA-PAINT | 2016 |
969 | ECOHERB | Drivers and impacts of invertebrate herbivores across forest ecosystems globally. | 2016 |
970 | FERTINNOWA | Transfer of INNOvative techniques for sustainable WAter use in FERtigated crops | 2016 |
971 | VERAM | Vision and Roadmap for European Raw Materials | 2015 |
972 | SmartNet | Smart TSO-DSO interaction schemes, market architectures and ICT Solutions for the integration of ancillary services from demand side management and distributed generation | 2016 |
973 | Smart-AKIS | European Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) towards innovation-driven research in Smart Farming Technology | 2016 |
974 | DRIVOME | Multi-modal interrogation of instinctive behaviours and intrahypothalamic connectivity | 2016 |
975 | SOLARACT | Solar Dinitrogen Activation | 2016 |
976 | REFLEX | Studying the role of the retrosplenial cortex in flexible learning | 2016 |
977 | MICRO4BEE | A sustainable organic solution for bees decline | 2016 |
978 | Subfailtec | Operation Optimization and Improved Reliability Solution for Electrical Substations | 2016 |
979 | ERIFORE | Research Infrastructure for Circular Forest Bioeconomy | 2016 |
980 | POLICIES_FOR_PEACE | The economics of lasting peace: The role of policies and institutions | 2016 |
981 | ProFoundNet | Probabilistic Foundations for Networks | 2016 |
983 | ANaPSyS | Artificial Natural Products System Synthesis | 2016 |
984 | SNSNEWS | The new flow of news : how social network sites transform news organization and citizens political behavior | 2016 |
985 | PSYCHOCELL | Cellular substrate of abnormal network maturation in neuropsychiatric disorders | 2016 |
986 | ISG | Induction Starter Generator | 2016 |
987 | HISENTS | High level Integrated SEnsor for NanoToxicity Screening | 2016 |
988 | 4D4F | Data Driven Dairy Decisions 4 Farmers | 2016 |
989 | RETINA | Resilient Synthetic Vision for Advanced Control Tower Air Navigation Service Provision | 2016 |
990 | NIMBqUS | Novel Inroads into Many-Body Quantum Systems | 2016 |
991 | RE-FRUIT | “Rehabilitation: Family Role within the UK in comparison to Turkey” | 2016 |
992 | UMIC | Association of Uranium with Organic Matter- and Iron-bearing Colloids in Wetland Environments | 2016 |
994 | Edible Neuroprosthetics | Development of fully dissolvable devices and application as implanted neuroprostheses | 2016 |
995 | SPIN-MA | Schizophrenia Psychological Interventions Network Meta-Analysis of randomized evidence | 2016 |
996 | CA3RECURRENTPLASTIC | In vivo dynamics and plasticity of networks within CA3 of the hippocampus: effects of optogenetic stimulation and natural learning. | 2016 |
997 | BigERRORS | Exploring the promise of big data for medical error elimination | 2016 |
998 | ORCA | Oscillatory long-Range Coherence in Attention | 2016 |
999 | G4-PTROs | Regulatory network of G-quadruplex dependent Post-Transcriptional mRNA Operons (PTROs) | 2016 |
1000 | URBANet | Urban networks: multidisciplinary research into the formation of early urban societies in Campania (Italy) | 2016 |
1001 | DynamAtt | Dynamics of Attentional Networks in the Human Brain in Health and Disease: Evidence from Intracerebral and MEG Recordings | 2017 |
1002 | OEMBS | Out-of-equilibrium entangled many-body systems | 2016 |
1003 | Trans-Plant | Transistor sensors for in-vivo sucrose monitoring in plants | 2016 |
1004 | AGENTSEGET | Itinerant Cultural Agents in Early Modern Europe and the Scotsman Thomas Seget: A Case-Study | 2016 |
1005 | EnterTerra | Transcriptional regulation and mechanistic insights on the telomeric lncRNA TERRA | 2016 |
1006 | MUSLIM-NLNO | Muslims condemning violent extremism - An interdisciplinary analysis of public initiatives in the Netherlands and Norway 2001-2015 | 2016 |
1007 | PEACH | Parental Employment and Child Investments | 2017 |
1008 | EvoNIN | Unraveling key genetic innovations behind the emergence of the root-nodule symbiosis | 2017 |
1009 | WaterfallModel3D | Controls on knickpoint migration and consequences for landscape evolution: experimental and numerical modelling | 2016 |
1010 | EBAR | Evidence Based Planning of Future Clinical Research | 2016 |
1011 | Stim-Plast-O | Effects of non-invasive brain stimulation on motor learning-related neuroplasticity in healthy older adults | 2016 |
1012 | FLAMENCO | FLAgellated MicroswimmErs’ locomotioN in Confined flOws | 2016 |
1013 | BraIn Action | A New View on Real Actions: Neural Mechanisms of Visuo-Motor Transformations | 2016 |
1014 | SLIM | Synthetic Lethal Interactions with nucleophosMin 1 | 2016 |
1015 | HyCoRod | Hybrid Co-based nanorods for biosensing and catalysis | 2016 |
1016 | TICKLE ME | Self and others in the sensorimotor system: a computational neuroanatomy of sensory attenuation | 2017 |
1017 | Exile and Technology | Austro-German exile in America 1930-45: interrogating the relationship between science, technology and modern selfhood in cultural and musical discourses. | 2016 |
1018 | INTO | Inorganic therapeutic nanoparticles for osteoporosis | 2016 |
1019 | STUSOCSTA | Students, social change and the construction of the post-independence Algerian state, 1962-1978 | 2016 |
1020 | MONOCLE | A novel enhancer deletion strategy to determine non-classical monocyte function in atherosclerosis | 2017 |
1021 | PYANO | Retargeted Pyocins: A novel tool for combating major food borne pathogens and exploitingphage-host interactions | 2016 |
1022 | FORGENET | A novel approach for detecting polygenic adaptation applied to FORest tree candidate GEne NETworks | 2017 |
1023 | KILLINGTYPHI | Identification of host-factors restricting Salmonella Typhi | 2016 |
1024 | NARS | Novel ecological adsorbent using Schwertmannite material for Removal of Selenate and Selenite from contaminated water | 2016 |
1026 | cOMPoSe | Optical Metamaterials by Polymer Self-assembly | 2016 |
1027 | Ko-Tsah-To | Temperatures, ash and soil hydrology: predicting fire impact from plant traits | 2016 |
1028 | TalkingHeads | TalkingHeads: Audiovisual Speech Recognition in-the-wild | 2016 |
1029 | CONNECT | Connecting neuronal network activity with regional specificity for Alzheimer pathology: a multi-modal neuroimaging approach | 2018 |
1030 | REOPTIMIZE | REmineralisation, OPTIcs and Marine partIcle siZE | 2016 |
1031 | EQUIANFUN | Equidae Hindgut Anaerobic Fungi: A key unexplored taxa of central importance to dietary fibre degradation | 2016 |
1032 | CENTURION | Signal proCEssing in optical communication NeTworks Using ReservoIr cOmputiNg | 2016 |
1033 | | European early warning system for systemic risk. | 2016 |
1034 | TraumiR | microRNAs in susceptibility to traumatic stress | 2016 |
1035 | EpiMIRgen | A comprehensive analysis of microRNA-124 regulated gene networks and its role in epilepsy. | 2016 |
1036 | ENVERESP | Crosstalk between nuclear envelope and DNA Damage Response: Role of nucleoporin TPR in the maintenance of genomic integrity | 2016 |
1037 | AVISSO | Audiovisual Speech Segmentation and Oscillations | 2016 |
1038 | GENDER-CF | Gender-related differences in expression of microRNAs in cystic fibrosis | 2017 |
1039 | PIQUANT | Photonic Quantum Network with an Ultrafast Frequency Comb | 2016 |
1040 | GATED | Segregated education in post-conflict Bosnia and the possibilities of future conflicts in Europe | 2016 |
1041 | ADHDLightUp | Circuit-based deconstruction of Attention deficit and Hyperactive disorder with optogenetic Light control | 2016 |
1042 | OPTBIOMAN | Optimal Decision Making under Uncertainty in Biomanufacturing Operations | 2016 |
1043 | IMPACT | Physics of Impact Cratering Collapse | 2016 |
1044 | CSA-EU | Highly Disruptive and Compact Antenna Systems for Small Satellites with Application to Surveillance, Environmental and Crop-Growth Analysis, Enabling European Union Dominance in the Space Industry | 2017 |
1045 | WATIFY | Up-scaling, demonstration and first market application of Hydrokemos’ patented technology as the most eco-efficient and cost-effective solution for nitrate polluted water treatment | 2015 |
1046 | QuardCard | Powered smart card with a biometric one time password system | 2016 |
1047 | BEST | Postdoctoral Programme in Bioengineering Excellence Scientific Training | 2017 |
1048 | InterTalentum | Programme for Post-Doctoral Talent Attraction to CEI UAM+CSIC | 2016 |
1049 | INdAM-DP-COFUND-2015 | INdAM Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and/or applications cofunded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions | 2017 |
1050 | I4FUTURE | Novel Imaging and Characterisation Methods in Bio, Medical, and Environmental Research and Technology Innovations | 2016 |
1051 | BIGSSS-departs | Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences - Doctoral Education in Partnerships | 2016 |
1052 | PRONKJEWAIL | Protecting patients with enhanced susceptibility to infections | 2016 |
1053 | EUCYS2016 | European Union Contest for Young Scientists 2016 | 2015 |
1054 | Eye Light | Eye fundus colour images enhancement service for Diabetic Retinopathy diagnosis | 2016 |
1055 | FINESSS | Financing Energy Saving Solutions for SMEs | 2016 |
1057 | SenSOP-II | Novel sensor based soil-plant-climate control system for European smart farming | 2016 |
1058 | DIGITALIA | Disruptive process for the construction of railway transition zones, reducing drastically construction and maintenance costs | 2016 |
1059 | COPCAR | Heart monitoring and early assistance in high risk crisis without patient intervention (COPCAR) | 2016 |
1060 | VaporPV | Low cost PV cooling system for ground-mounted and rooftop systems - VaporPV | 2016 |
1061 | NedraEV | A lightweight, fast charging, EV platform to be utilised on Car Share and Urban Mobility Systems | 2016 |
1062 | ACCELERATE | ArChaeological and Climatic data from ELEmental ratios using Rapid Analysis of shell carbonaTE | 2016 |
1063 | Expectancy learning | Enhancing expectancy formation in healthy aging through statistical and sensorimotor learning | 2016 |
1064 | BoostR | Engineering disease resistance gene networks: synthetic helpers for expanded sensors | 2016 |
1065 | METAL-AID | Metal oxide Aided Subsurface Remediation: From Invention to Injection | 2016 |
1066 | EDGE | Training network providing cutting-EDGE knowlEDGE on Herpes Virology and Immunology | 2016 |
1067 | ChroMe | Chromatin and Metabolism Chromatin-metabolism interactions as targets for healthy living | 2016 |
1068 | MEAN4SG | Metrology Excellence Academic Network for Smart Grids | 2016 |
1069 | MITOPLASTICITY | Mitochondrial regulation of structural and functional plasticity within adult neurogenic circuits | 2016 |
1070 | PHOTOTUNE | Tunable Photonic Structures via Photomechanical Actuation | 2016 |
1071 | NIR-VANA | Networking Innovation Room for Added Value Networking Alliances | 2016 |
1072 | PALEODEM | Late Glacial and Postglacial Population History and Cultural Transmission in Iberia (c.15,000-8,000 cal BP) | 2016 |
1073 | iSCAPE | Improving the Smart Control of Air Pollution in Europe | 2016 |
1075 | ENSUF | ERA-NET Cofund Smart Urban Futures | 2016 |
1076 | H-DisNet | Intelligent Hybrid Thermo-Chemical District Networks | 2016 |
1077 | InDeal | Innovative Technology for District Heating and Cooling | 2016 |
1078 | COCTA | Coordinated capacity ordering and trajectory pricing for better-performing ATM | 2016 |
1079 | ATM4E | Air Traffic Management for environment | 2016 |
1080 | SISSDEN | Secure Information Sharing Sensor Delivery event Network | 2016 |
1081 | SHIELD | Securing against intruders and other threats through a NFV-enabled environment | 2016 |
1082 | CANVAS | Constructing an Alliance for Value-driven Cybersecurity | 2016 |
1083 | GAP | Gaming for Peace | 2016 |
1084 | BRIGAID | BRIdges the GAp for Innovations in Disaster resilience | 2016 |
1085 | NMDARETT | Cell-type Specific Mechanisms and Functional Consequences of Altered NMDA Receptor Development and Mecp2 Deficiency on Developing Cortical Circuits | 2016 |
1086 | FLAME | Fragility and Geopolitics in the Middle East and North Africa | 2016 |
1087 | PreclinSR | Increasing clinical translation of experimental stroke research: new approaches to systematic review | 2016 |
1088 | MuCellWall | Seed mucilage envelope as a new structural model in cell wall research | 2016 |
1089 | PlantCellMech | Quantification of the role of mechanical stresses in plant cell morphogenesis. | 2016 |
1090 | BNPGE | The escaping B chromosome: a tool for dissecting the mechanisms of Paternal Genome Elimination | 2017 |
1091 | MedCoRes | Mediterranean Coastal Resources: benefits and constraints for Prehistoric hunters-gatherers | 2017 |
1092 | SeQuCom | Secure Quantum Communication and Computation | 2017 |
1093 | BIJOU | Biomolecular Identification of Ornaments | 2017 |
1094 | Farewell flashbacks | Developing science-driven therapies after trauma: Neural mechanisms underlying the modification of intrusive emotional memories | 2016 |
1095 | iEcoH | Integrating Ecosystem Heterogeneity to Enhance ESM Performance | 2016 |
1096 | VORTSHEET | Vortex sheets - from new intuitions to crucial questions. | 2017 |
1097 | NeuralCoding | Probing principles of neural coding with all-optical interrogation in behaving mice | 2017 |
1098 | PROPERA | The Profanation of Opera: Music and Drama on Film | 2017 |
1099 | FUTURE-MOBILE | Distributed Massive MIMO for Next Generation Wireless Communications | 2016 |
1100 | EURAXIND | EURAXESS for Industry | 2016 |
1101 | SMART-map | RoadMAPs to Societal Mobilisation for the Advancement of Responsible Industrial Technologies | 2016 |
1102 | BigPicnic | Big Picnic:Big Questions - engaging the public with Responsible Research and Innovation on Food Security | 2016 |
1103 | artes EUmanities | a.r.t.e.s. EUmanities - European Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne | 2017 |
1104 | ReCETT | Remote Control of Electrical Transmission Tower | 2016 |
1105 | Gamesmondo | A Distribution and Monetisation Ecosystem for Mobile Applications, Maximising Market Growth through Affiliation | 2016 |
1106 | SE2B | Solar Energy to Biomass - Optimisation of light energy conversion in plants and microalgae | 2016 |
1107 | Ubl-Code | Revealing the ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modification landscape in health and disease | 2016 |
1108 | NETS | Networks in Time and Space | 2016 |
1109 | POSTCELL | Post-Cellular Wireless Networks | 2016 |
1110 | APACHE | Assessment of Performance in current ATM operations and of new Concepts of operations for its Holistic Enhancement | 2016 |
1111 | ANYWHERE | EnhANcing emergencY management and response to extreme WeatHER and climate Events | 2016 |
1112 | DemocInChange | Effects of Institutional Change on Participatory Democracy and the Involvement of Civil Society Organisations | 2017 |
1113 | ALERT | Local Training Network on Novel Tailor-Made Antimicrobials and Delivery Strategies From Synthesis towards Clinical Applications | 2016 |
1114 | AutoScan | AutoScan – Rail inspection by autonomous systems | 2016 |
1115 | WIRE2016 | WIRE2016 - The Power of Ecosystems | 2016 |
1116 | COMPLETE | Cloud-MicroPhysics-Turbulence-Telemetry: An inter-multidisciplinary training network for enhancing the understanding and modeling of atmospheric clouds | 2016 |
1117 | INCOMMON | In praise of community: shared creativity in arts and politics in Italy (1959-1979) | 2016 |
1118 | SYBAWHEY | Industrial symbiosis for valorising whey and banana wastes and by-products for the production of novel foods | 2016 |
1119 | GIANTSYN | Biophysics and circuit function of a giant cortical glutamatergic synapse | 2017 |
1120 | SYSDYNET | Data-driven Modelling in Dynamic Networks | 2016 |
1121 | neuroXscales | Microtechnology and integrated microsystems to investigate neuronal networks across scales | 2016 |
1122 | DryMIN | Mineral weathering in the unsaturated zone from the molecular to macro scale | 2017 |
1123 | YnotSing | Evolution of sexual dimorphisms: all about losing not choosing? | 2016 |
1124 | FINREALNETS | “FINancial and REAL Sector NETworks in Europe” | 2016 |
1125 | NITRIPHYLL | A novel approach to determine canopy nitrification in the phyllosphere of European forests: combining multiple isotope tracers and proteogenomic techniques | 2016 |
1126 | PRISMA | Piloting RRI in Industry: a roadmap for tranSforMAtive technologies | 2016 |
1127 | EQUAL-IST | Gender Equality Plans for Information Sciences and Technology Research Institutions | 2016 |
1128 | AMECRYS | Revolutionising Downstream Processing of Monoclonal Antibodies by Continuous Template-Assisted Membrane Crystallization | 2016 |
1129 | ECOTRAIT | Understanding the links between functional traits and ecological processes in lake Arcellinida (testate amoebae) (‘ECOTRAIT’) | 2016 |
1130 | ROUFER | Eighteenth-century republicanism and the critique of commercial society: the case of Rousseau and Ferguson | 2017 |
1131 | FOODEV | Food and Gastronomy as leverage for local development | 2016 |
1132 | MicroERA | Ecological Sensitivity Distribution (ESD): integrating molecular-based structural and functional microbial community responses in a new tool for environmental risk assessment of chemicals | 2016 |
1133 | TMS_ATT | Brain stimulation of attention networks: examining old principles and developing new clinical applications | 2016 |
1134 | MESO_BRAIN | Custom architecturally defined 3D stem cell derived functional human neural networks for transformative progress in neuroscience and medicine | 2016 |
1135 | IMCIS | Individualised medicine in chronic inflammatory skin diseases | 2016 |
1136 | COMPASS | Control for Orbit Manoeuvring through Perturbations for Application to Space Systems | 2016 |
1137 | EpiMech | Epithelial cell sheets as engineering materials: mechanics, resilience and malleability | 2016 |
1138 | SOFTBREAK | From bond breaking to material failure in soft polymer networks | 2016 |
1139 | Prosperity | Prosperity through innovation and promotion of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans | 2016 |
1140 | SELIS | Towards a Shared European Logistics Intelligent Information Space | 2016 |
1141 | MAVEN | Managing Automated Vehicles Enhances Network | 2016 |
1142 | BAYNET | Bayesian Networks and Non-Rational Expectations | 2016 |
1143 | SPLICE3D | CryoEM studies of the spliceosome | 2016 |
1144 | ToxoPersist | Molecular Basis of Toxoplasma gondii Encystation and Persistence | 2016 |
1145 | NEOBALLAST | New high-performant and long-lasting ballast for sustainable railway infrastructures | 2016 |
1146 | IRENE | Invitation to Researchers’ Night 2016-2017 HEllas | 2016 |
1147 | FORESIGHT | Foreseeing Opportunities, Risks and Emergent Science Issues for the next Generation: Highlighting Trends | 2016 |
1148 | ULISENS | Ultra Legionella Inmunoanalysis System for Early Sensing | 2016 |
1149 | MiniMo-Logistics | MiniMo-Logistics application | 2016 |
1150 | MontEENegro | Enhancing innovation management capacities of SMEs in Montenegro | 2015 |
1151 | IB INNO | Illes Balears INNOvation Management Services | 2015 |
1153 | Science Uncovered | Science Uncovered | 2016 |
1155 | reNEW | Valuable product recovery from sewage sludge | 2016 |
1156 | CELSO | Low-cost and high-performance pocket Automated Vehicle Monitoring system for Public Transport | 2016 |
1157 | ENERI | European Network of Research Ethics and Research Integrity (ENERI) | 2016 |
1158 | EEN Armenia H2020 | EEN Armenia H2020: EEN Armenia assists SMEs involved in Horizon 2020 | 2016 |
1159 | SDN-Polygraph | Cloud-based Monitoring Service for Software Defined Networks | 2016 |
1160 | FAWORIT 2016-2017 | Fascinating World of Researchers in the Age of Technology 2016/2017 - The New Generation of Innovators | 2016 |
1162 | Cloudfone | Cloudfone Visitor Service - a 'roam like a local' Cloud service for mobile operators | 2016 |
1163 | MYA | MYA, the innovative diagnostics platform for the full mapping of personal allergies | 2016 |
1164 | CreativeNet | Enhancement of an advanced media sharing and networking platform to ensure connectivity among world’s creatives | 2016 |
1165 | E-ProMS | Business-to-Business (B2B) Business-to-Government (B2G) E-Procurement and Business Intelligence Platform through Smart and Innovative Approaches | 2016 |
1166 | GPBOX | GPBOX Energy Platform | 2016 |
1167 | StemProteostasis | Mediation of stem cell identity and aging by proteostasis | 2016 |
1168 | DigitalMemories | We are all Ayotzinapa: The role of Digital Media in the Shaping of Transnational Memories on Disappearance | 2016 |
1169 | ResolutioNet | Resolving the Tussle in the Internet: Mapping, Architecture, and Policy Making | 2017 |
1170 | CorPain | Dissection of a cortical microcircuit for the processing of pain affect | 2016 |
1171 | SUPERBIO | SUpport and PartnERship for the development of multiple sustainable and market ready value chains in the BIObased economy | 2016 |
1172 | 5TOI_4EWAS | Quintuple Helix Approach to Targeted Open Innovation in Energy, Water, Agriculture in the South Mediterranean Neighborhood | 2016 |
1173 | EMoBookTrade | The Early Modern Book Trade: An Evidence-based Reconstruction of the Economic and Juridical Framework of the European Book Market | 2016 |
1174 | CloudRadioNet | Cloud Wireless Networks: An Information Theoretic Framework | 2016 |
1175 | DART | Data-driven AiRcraft Trajectory prediction research | 2016 |
1176 | HIPPOGRIFFE | Hybrid simulations of flow properties using atomistic – fluctuating hydrodynamics modelling for nanoconfined water | 2016 |
1177 | 3SST2015 | Third funding line in 2015 for the establishment of a European SST service provision function | 2016 |
1178 | CIVITAS SATELLITE | Support Action Towards Evaluation, Learning, Local Innovation, Transfer and Excellence | 2016 |
1179 | ENGINENCY | A Holistic System for Building Inspection and Energy Efficiency Management | 2016 |
1180 | SHARPER | SHAring Researchers’ Passion for Engagement and Responsibility | 2016 |
1181 | LipVerify | Feasibility study on the development of LipVerify - a new viseme based user authentication service. | 2016 |
1182 | Teraki | Making Big Data Small for the Internet of Things | 2016 |
1183 | EURACTE-INNOV II | Establishment, promotion and implementation of new support services aiming at enhancing the innovation management capacity and projects of SMEs based in the Nord – Pas de Calais region | 2015 |
1184 | OLEUM | Advanced solutions for assuring the overall authenticity and quality of olive oil | 2016 |
1185 | NEWRON | New and mature neurons in adult circuits: telling memories apart | 2016 |
1186 | SILCI | Social Influence and Disruptive Low Carbon Innovations | 2016 |
1187 | BrainModes | Personalized whole brain simulations: linking connectomics and dynamics in the human brain | 2016 |
1188 | CONPOL | Contexts, networks and participation: The social logic of political engagement | 2016 |
1189 | GEMH | Video games for the prevention of depression and anxiety: A 21st century approach to emotional and mental health in adolescents | 2016 |
1191 | RAGTIME | Risk based approaches for Asset inteGrity multimodal Transport Infrastructure ManagEment | 2016 |
1192 | MESOPP | Mesopelagic Southern Ocean Prey and Predators | 2016 |
1193 | REFERENCE | Rf Engineered substrates to FostER fEm performaNCE | 2015 |
1194 | LocomotorIntegration | Functional connectome of brainstem circuits that control locomotion | 2016 |
1195 | OMIP | Improved Over-The-Counter (OTC) Market Integrity and Privacy via cryptographic proofs of computational integrity | 2016 |
1196 | MemoryDynamics | Writing and editing of memories from acquisition to long-term consolidation | 2016 |
1197 | FUTURE-PRINT | Tuneable 2D Nanosheet Networks for Printed Electronics | 2016 |
1198 | Scale-FreeBack | Scale-Free Control for Complex Physical Network Systems | 2016 |
1199 | ERCOPE | The ER located master regulation of endosomal positioning and further movements | 2016 |
1200 | PROWAT | Proton conduction in structured water | 2016 |
1201 | ZMOD | Blood Vessel Development and Homeostasis: Identification and Functional Analysis of Genetic Modifiers | 2016 |
1202 | CoBCoM | Computational Brain Connectivity Mapping | 2016 |
1203 | noMAGIC | Noninvasive Manipulation of Gating in Ion Channels | 2016 |
1204 | BLINDSPOT | Diversity and Performance: Networks of Cognition in Markets and Teams | 2016 |
1205 | RES INV | Accommodate Renewable Energy in Interconnected Electricity System: an Economic Perspective | 2016 |
1206 | WINDASH | Wireless with Increased Network Density, Antennas, Spectrum and Heterogeneity | 2016 |
1207 | HippAchoMod | Deciphering the cholinergic modulation of the hippocampal place code. | 2016 |
1208 | 3DPLASTICITY | Plasticity of dendritic computations during active network states | 2017 |
1209 | HOUSREG | Social Art as a Tool for Empowerment: Housing Deprivation and Citizen Initiatives for Change | 2016 |
1210 | AM4INFRA | Common Framework for a European Life Cycle based Asset Management Approach for transport infrastructure networks | 2016 |
1211 | NeMo | NeMo : Hyper-Network for electroMobility | 2016 |
1212 | INPRO | Improving IPR management services to SMEs engaging in peer learning activities | 2016 |
1213 | SCOUT | Safe and COnnected aUtomation in road Transport | 2016 |
1214 | QR-PATROL PRO | A cost effective cloud-based platform for delivering the highest level of security, supervision and management for security companies utilizing Push-to-Talk and Internet of Things technologies. | 2016 |
1215 | Polarsol Phase Two | Polarsol - a disruptive hybrid heat management solution for global markets | 2016 |
1216 | FerroHub | A modular power electronic inverter based on a local DC nanogrid for solar, storage and smart grids | 2016 |
1217 | POWERVE | Portable Weigher for Railway Vehicles | 2016 |
1218 | SES-BI | SESCOM Business Intelligence platform for energy saving and smart facility management | 2016 |
1219 | FRIENDKHANA | Friendly gamification business model based on intelligent data analysis to enrich consumers personalized e-commerce experiences | 2016 |
1220 | Plasmapower | PlasmaPower: hydro-catalytic plasma gasification for high-efficiency energy generation | 2016 |
1221 | Polaris | Easy open access dissemination for research institutions | 2016 |
1222 | Hazijax | Hazard-Sensing, Network Connected Garments for Industrial Safety-Critical Environments | 2016 |
1223 | freescoo | Low temperature heat / solar driven air conditioning system for heating, cooling, dehumidification and ventilation of buildings | 2016 |
1224 | SFOOT | SFOOT - Development of single fibre data transport system | 2016 |
1225 | PDZnet | Unraveling Principles of PDZ-mediated Cell Signaling | 2016 |
1226 | QCALL | Quantum Communications for ALL | 2016 |
1227 | STRESNET | Stress Resilience and Network-Feedback Training | 2016 |
1228 | VOLT | Innovative high VOLTage network battery concept | 2016 |
1229 | ChiC | Creating high impact for CAPS | 2016 |
1230 | Secret-Cells | Cellular diversity and stress-induced cell-state switches in the mammalian hypothalamus | 2016 |
1231 | ParaplegiaAxonsER | Functional interactions between endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria in Drosophila axons | 2017 |
1232 | Operation Condor | Operation Condor: Accountability for Transnational Crimes in Uruguay | 2016 |
1233 | HoTRiverS | Heterogeneity of Temperature in Rivers and Streams | 2017 |
1234 | PreMotive | Beyond the blob: characterizing Prefrontal Cortex networks in prediction and motivation with simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings | 2016 |
1235 | 3DSTAR | Highly porous collagen scaffolds for building 3D vascular networks: structure and property relationships | 2016 |
1236 | SYNCHRONVERTER | Smart Synchronous inverter for grid’s stability | 2016 |
1237 | EDURIO | Edurio – a revolutionary web platform for school networks to improve the quality of education through deep analytics of stakeholder feedback | 2016 |
1238 | Trapview | Trapview - Automated pest-monitoring system for sustainable growing with optimal insecticide use | 2016 |
1239 | Fabriscale | Fabric management for the software defined data centre | 2016 |
1240 | INCLUDE | Indigenous Communities, Land Use and Tropical Deforestation | 2016 |
1241 | SKILLPOV | SKILLPOV | 2016 |
1242 | PRIORS | Neural circuit dynamics underlying expectation and their impact on the variability of perceptual choices | 2016 |
1244 | STRATIFY | Brain network based stratification of mental illness | 2016 |
1245 | HOXA9 degradome | Deciphering the machinery involved in stability of the transcription factor HOXA9. | 2016 |
1246 | MARIPOSAS | Macroevolutionary Rates by Integrating Phylogenomics and Ancestral character States - A study on Neotropical butterfly evolution. | 2017 |
1247 | BEND | Bendable Bioplatform for Electrically stimulated Neuronal Differentiation | 2016 |
1248 | ISOMET | Atmospheric content of the most abundant of 12CH4 isotopologues from ground-based and satellite infrared solar observations and development of a methane isotopic GEOS-Chem module. | 2016 |
1249 | Pectin | The microbial degradation and utilization of complex pectins by Bacteroides in the human intestine | 2016 |
1250 | OOCSOCS | Socs3 gene in oocyte maturation and fertilisation - a novel link between inflammation and infertility | 2017 |
1251 | DANTE | Use of novel techniques to identify pathogenic versus non-pathogenic TH17 cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, a murine model of multiple sclerosis. | 2016 |
1252 | SOM | Statistical modeling for Optimization Mobility | 2016 |
1253 | MESOTAS-SIEVE | Sieving neuronal network communication | 2016 |
1254 | PlaMatSu | Plant-inspired materials and surfaces | 2016 |
1255 | SAFE-FLY | European industrial doctorate for damage modelling and online detection in aerospace composite structures | 2017 |
1256 | TRANSMIT | TRANSlating the role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis | 2017 |
1257 | INDEED | Innovative Nanowire DEvicE Design | 2017 |
1258 | COSMIC | European Training Network for Continuous Sonication and Microwave Reactors | 2016 |
1259 | NaToxAq | Natural Toxins and Drinking Water Quality - From Source to Tap | 2017 |
1260 | FINESSE | Fibre Nervous Sensing Systems | 2016 |
1261 | NMP TeAm 4 | Improving the services of the NMP NCP Network through Transnational Activities 4 | 2017 |
1262 | NIMBLE | Collaboration Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe | 2016 |
1263 | SOLAR-TRAIN | Photovoltaic module life time forecast and evaluation | 2016 |
1264 | FoodSmartphone | Smartphone analyzers for on-site testing of food quality and safety | 2017 |
1265 | ExSIDE | Expectations and Social Influence Dynamics in Economics | 2017 |
1266 | SmartAnswer | Smart mitigation of flow-induced acoustic radiation and transmission for reduced aircraft, surface transport, workplaces and wind energy noise | 2017 |
1267 | LubISS | Lubricant impregnated slippery surfaces | 2017 |
1268 | 5G CHAMPION | 5G Communication with a Heterogeneous, Agile Mobile network in the Pyunchang wInter Olympic competioN | 2016 |
1269 | BigClouT | Big data meeting Cloud and IoT for empowering the citizen clout in smart cities | 2016 |
1270 | EU-GliaPhD | Training, Research and Raising of Public Awareness in Cell Biology and Pathology of Neuroglia | 2016 |
1271 | ACCESS4SMES | Access to Risk Finance and SMEs NCP cooperation network | 2016 |
1272 | PRINT-AID | Multidisciplinary European training network for development of personalized anti-infective medical devices combining printing technologies and antimicrobial functionality | 2017 |
1273 | GEM-STONES | Globalisation, Europe and Multilateralism - Sophistication of the Transnational Order, Networks and European Strategies | 2016 |
1274 | OcuTher | Educational Network in Ocular Drug Delivery and Therapeutics | 2016 |
1275 | DEMO | Dementia modelling | 2016 |
1276 | CONNECTA | CONtributing to Shift2Rail's NExt generation of high Capable and safe TCMS and brAkes. Phase 1. | 2016 |
1277 | TREATMENT | Training European Network: Metabolic Dysfunctions associated with Pharmacological Treatment of Schizophrenia | 2017 |
1278 | EN_ACTI2NG | European Network on Anti-Cancer Immuno-Therapy Improvement by modification of CAR and TCR Interactions and Nanoscale Geometry | 2017 |
1279 | PATHSENSE | Training Network to Understand and Exploit Mechanisms of Sensory Perception in Bacteria | 2017 |
1280 | PAIN-Net | Molecule-to-man pain network | 2017 |
1282 | TREASURE | Training REsearch and Applications network to Support the Ultimate Real time high accuracy EGNSS solution | 2017 |
1283 | EUROPAH | The Extensive and Ubiquitous Role of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Space | 2016 |
1284 | ES-Cat | Directed Protein Evolution for Synthetic Biology and Biocatalysis | 2017 |
1285 | Foie Gras | Bioenergetic Remodeling in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease | 2017 |
1286 | 5G MiEdge | 5G MiEdge: Millimeter-wave Edge cloud as an enabler for 5G ecosystem | 2016 |
1287 | BIOCLEAN | BIOfilm management and CLEANing by leveraging fundamental understanding of biological, chemical and physical combined approaches | 2016 |
1288 | QUARTZ | Quantum Information Access and Retrieval Theory | 2017 |
1289 | RURACTION | Social Enterpreneurship in Structurally Weak Rural Regions: Analysing Innovative Troubleshooters in Action | 2016 |
1290 | FBI | Multimodal, Functional Bio-Photonic Imaging | 2016 |
1291 | SOCRATES | European Training Network for the sustainable, zero-waste valorisation of (critical) metal containing industrial process residues | 2016 |
1292 | CircEuit | Circular European Economy Innovative Training Network | 2016 |
1293 | RUNIN | The Role of Universities in Innovation and Regional Development | 2016 |
1294 | BIOWAYS | Increase public awareness of bio-based products and applications supporting the growth of the European bioeconomy | 2016 |
1295 | EIPIN IS | European Intellectual Property Institutes Network - Innovation Society | 2017 |
1296 | Train2Target | An integrated mulTidisciplinary appRoach towards a new generAtIon of aNtibiotics: Targeting function and cross-talk of bacterial Envelope proTein machineries | 2017 |
1297 | TransPot | Translational Research Network in Prostate Cancer | 2017 |
1298 | TRuStEE | Training on Remote Sensing for Ecosystem modElling | 2016 |
1299 | PROTECTED | PROTECTion against Endocrine Disruptors; Detection, mixtures, health effects, risk assessment and communication. | 2017 |
1300 | CLUSTERNANOROAD | Driving Europe’s NMBP economy - Cross-cluster innovation and value creation through validated NMBP collaborative strategies and roadmap | 2016 |
1301 | SILIKA | Silicon-based Ka-band massive MIMO antenna systems for new telecommunication services | 2016 |
1302 | SMARTI ETN | European Training Network on Sustainable Multi-functional Automated Resilient Transport Infrastructures. | 2017 |
1303 | MANTEL | Management of Climatic Extreme Events in Lakes Reservoirs for the Protection of Ecosystem Services | 2017 |
1304 | SPM2.0 | Scanning probe microscopies for nanoscale fast, tomographic and composition imaging | 2017 |
1305 | FiBreMoD | Fibre break models for designing novel composite microstructures and applications | 2016 |
1306 | REVOLVE | Radio Technologies for Broadband Connectivity in a Rapidly Evolving Space Ecosystem: Innovating Agility, Throughput, Power, Size and Cost | 2017 |
1307 | SPOTLIGHT | Single Point Of aTtachment communications empowered by cLoud computing and bIG data analytics running on-top of massively distributed and loosely-coupled Heterogeneous mobile data neTworks | 2017 |
1308 | ReWaCEM | Ressource recovery from industrial waste water by cutting edge membrane technologies | 2016 |
1309 | THOMAS | Mobile dual arm robotic workers with embedded cognition for hybrid and dynamically reconfigurable manufacturing systems | 2016 |
1310 | NITROS | Network for Innovative Training on ROtorcraft Safety | 2016 |
1311 | TEAM | Technology Enabled Adolescent Mental Health | 2016 |
1312 | TEMPERA | Teaching Emerging Methods in Palaeoproteomics for the European Research Area | 2017 |
1313 | CORE | Continuous Resolution and Deracemization of Chiral Compounds by Crystallization | 2016 |
1314 | AVA | Accelerators Validating Antimatter physics | 2017 |
1315 | FUNGUSCHAIN | Valorisation of mushroom agrowastes to obtain high value products | 2016 |
1316 | SESZEP | Support to Energy Stakeholders of the Zero Emission Platform | 2016 |
1317 | CarBon | Controlling Cartilage to Bone Transitions for Improved Treatment of Bone Defects and Osteoarthritis | 2017 |
1319 | ENIGMA | European training Network for In situ imaGing of dynaMic processes in heterogeneous subsurfAce environments | 2017 |
1320 | PLATO | The Post-crisis Legitimacy of the European Union European Training Network | 2017 |
1321 | DIGICOR | Decentralised Agile Coordination Across Supply Chains | 2016 |
1322 | GreenCarbon | Advanced Carbon Materials from Biowaste: Sustainable Pathways to Drive Innovative Green Technologies | 2016 |
1323 | ImageInLife | Training European Experts in Multilevel Bioimaging, Analysis and Modelling of Vertebrate Development and Disease | 2017 |
1324 | 4PHOTON | Novel Quantum Emitters monolithically grown on Si, Ge and III-V substrates | 2017 |
1325 | RADSAGA | RADiation and reliability challenges for electronics used in Space, Avionics, on the Ground and at Accelerators | 2017 |
1326 | REMIX | Regulation of mitochondrial expression | 2016 |
1327 | MCnetITN3 | Innovative Network for Monte Carlo Event Generators for LHC Physics | 2017 |
1328 | PAcMEN | Predictive and Accelerated Metabolic Engineering Network | 2016 |
1329 | OXYTRAIN | Harnessing the power of enzymatic oxygen activation | 2017 |
1330 | SECRET | SEcure Network Coding for Reduced Energy nexT generation Mobile Small cells | 2017 |
1331 | CONTEXT | COllaborative Network for Training and EXpertise in psychoTraumatology | 2016 |
1332 | 5GPagoda | A network slice for every service | 2016 |
1333 | SmartSDK | A FIWARE-based SDK for developing Smart Applications | 2016 |
1334 | DYNACOMP | Dynamic behaviour of composite materials for next generation aeroengines | 2016 |
1335 | CHEurope | Critical Heritage Studies and the Future of Europe_Towards an integrated, interdisciplinary and transnational training model in cultural heritage research and management | 2016 |
1336 | MetalIntelligence | European Industrial Doctorate in future efficient minerals analysis, processing and training | 2016 |
1337 | DNAREPAIRMAN | Regulated Assembly of Molecular Machines for DNA REPAIR: a Molecular Analysis training Network | 2017 |
1338 | GlySign | Exploitation of Glycosylation Signatures for Precision Medicine | 2016 |
1339 | BRIDAS | Brillouin Distributed sensor for Aeronautical Structures | 2016 |
1340 | iPerm | iPerm: Guided wave monitoring tool | 2016 |
1341 | CarbonNext | The Next Generation of Carbon for the Process Industry | 2016 |
1342 | IN2TRACK | Research into enhanced tracks, switches and structures | 2016 |
1343 | EMOTIVE | Emotive Virtual cultural Experiences through personalized storytelling | 2016 |
1344 | ICN2020 | ICN2020: Advancing ICN towards real-world deployment through research, innovative applications, and global scale experimentation | 2016 |
1345 | MacAGE | Macrophage aging and rejuvenation | 2017 |
1346 | INNOVATION | Multi-wavelength regeneration technologies for advanced modulation optical signals | 2016 |
1347 | DN-CARTILOGEL | Design of double network polycarbonate-based hydrogels by simultaneous reactions: scaffolds for load-bearing soft tissue regeneration | 2016 |
1348 | Intersex Genealogy | Postcolonial genealogy of intersexuality. Influence of US and Spanish scientific theories in the Colombian medical practices and discourses about intersexuality in the second half of twentieth century | 2016 |
1351 | NEWBITS | NEW Business models for ITS | 2016 |
1352 | IPCOM | Next generation IP-based smart Push-to-Talk communication device for public security | 2016 |
1353 | SCR | Disruptive Cybersecurity SaaS for SMEs and freelance developers | 2016 |
1354 | MIMODETECT | Improved detection of underground pipes by Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar for The Radar Networks | 2016 |
1355 | Eye-O-T | Cyber security system with a high IoT network visibility and fast vulnerability detection for Smart Homes. | 2016 |
1356 | RE-SERVE | Renewables in a Stable Electric Grid | 2016 |
1357 | InterWiring | Wiring up the SomatoSensory Cortex | 2016 |
1358 | FNS-4-NAMOSAT | Development of fluorescence nanospectroscopy to elucidate the roles of nanoscale molecular segregation in the activation of T-cells | 2016 |
1359 | MF-Synapse | Presynaptic calcium channels distribution and impact on coupling at the hippocampal mossy fiber synapse | 2017 |
1360 | SheepNet | Sharing Expertise and Experience towards sheep Productivity through NETworking | 2016 |
1361 | dEUdil | dEUdil: Building on open data as a new business model in the business information industry | 2016 |
1362 | OpenMaker | Harnessing the power of Digital Social Platforms to shake up makers and manufacturing entrepreneurs towards a European Open Manufacturing ecosystem | 2016 |
1363 | NET4IQ | Network Techniques for Interaction Quenches | 2016 |
1364 | Inno4Grass | Shared Innovation Space for Sustainable Productivity of Grasslands in Europe | 2017 |
1365 | CERERE | CEreal REnaissance in Rural Europe: embedding diversity in organic and low-input food systems | 2016 |
1366 | TrafficWise | Transforming Cellular Network Data Into the Next Generation of Mobility Management Platform | 2016 |
1367 | ELASTEST | ElasTest: an elastic platform for testing complex distributed large software systems | 2017 |
1368 | ToyLabs | Enabling an Open Innovation Model for EU Toy Industry SMEs through Co-Creation with FabLabs, Safety Experts and Customer Communities | 2017 |
1369 | MapMe | Mapping metabolic regulators at a genome-scale to switch bacteria from growth to overproduction of chemicals | 2017 |
1370 | SMART | Smart Automation of Rail Transport | 2016 |
1371 | DIAL | Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-Course: structures and processes | 2016 |
1372 | MSO4SC | Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization for Societal Challenges with Scientific Computing | 2016 |
1373 | PJ07 OAUO | PJ07 Optimised Airspace Users Operations | 2016 |
1375 | SUSFOOD2 | ERA-Net Cofund on Sustainable Food production and consumption (SUSFOOD2) | 2017 |
1376 | CORE Organic Cofund | Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming Systems Cofund | 2016 |
1377 | SOCIALENERGY | A Gaming and Social Network Platform for Evolving Energy Markets’ Operation and Educating Virtual Energy Communities | 2017 |
1378 | ARDITO | Access to rights data via identification technologies optimisation | 2017 |
1379 | DITAS | DITAS: Data-intensive applications Improvement by moving daTA and computation in mixed cloud/fog environmentS | 2017 |
1380 | Bio4Comp | Parallel network-based biocomputation: technological baseline, scale-up and innovation ecosystem | 2017 |
1381 | INTAROS | Integrated Arctic observation system | 2016 |
1382 | ERQUAF | Entanglement and Renormalisation for Quantum Fields | 2017 |
1383 | EUGENIUS | European Group of Enterprises for a Network of Information Using Space | 2016 |
1384 | EMEurope | ERA-NET Cofund Electric Mobility Europe | 2016 |
1385 | IC4WATER | Tackling Water Challenges in the International Context | 2017 |
1386 | OpenAIRE-Connect | OpenAIRE - CONNECTing scientific results in support of Open Science | 2017 |
1387 | XF-ACTORS | Xylella Fastidiosa Active Containment Through a multidisciplinary-Oriented Research Strategy | 2016 |
1388 | TOPEX | Philosophical Foundations of Topological Explanations | 2016 |
1389 | QUESTDO | Quantum electronic states in delafossite oxides | 2017 |
1390 | ROBOCHIP | MicroRobotic toolkit to deliver spatiotemporally resolved physicochemical signals and control cell sociology | 2017 |
1391 | AFINET | Agroforestry Innovation Networks (AFINET) | 2017 |
1392 | PEER FOR EXCELLENCE | Peer learning on ways to enhance good practices in SME innovation support using the Seal ofExcellence | 2016 |
1393 | GoSAFE RAIL | GoSAFE RAIL – Global Safety Management Framework for RAIL Operations | 2016 |
1394 | FACILITATORS | Facilities for testing orbital and surface robotics building blocks | 2016 |
1395 | AgriDemo-F2F | Building an interactive AgriDemo-Hub community: enhancing farmer to farmer learning | 2017 |
1396 | SIPEA | Social Investment Perspective in Work-Family Reconciliation Measures in Europe and East Asia | 2016 |
1397 | CONNEXIO | Physiologically relevant microfluidic neuro-engineering | 2016 |
1398 | MiMo | Inference in Microeconometric Models | 2017 |
1399 | MARCO | MArket Research for a Climate Services Observatory | 2016 |
1400 | mF2C | Towards an Open, Secure, Decentralized and Coordinated Fog-to-Cloud Management Ecosystem | 2017 |
1401 | DECIDE | DEvOps for trusted, portable and interoperable Multi-Cloud applications towards the Digital singlE market | 2016 |
1402 | PHABLABS 4.0 | PHotonics enhanced fAB LABS supporting the next revolution in digitalization | 2016 |
1403 | Up2U | Up to University - Bridging the gap between schools and universities through informal education | 2017 |
1404 | AEGIS | Advanced Big Data Value Chain for Public Safety and Personal Security | 2017 |
1405 | CResPace | Adaptive Bio-electronics for Chronic Cardiorespiratory Disease | 2017 |
1406 | 5GINFIRE | Evolving FIRE into a 5G-Oriented Experimental Playground for Vertical industries | 2017 |
1407 | Data Pitch | Accelerating data to market | 2017 |
1408 | ULPEC | Ultra-Low Power Event-Based Camera | 2017 |
1409 | RECAP | Reliable Capacity Provisioning and Enhanced Remediation for Distributed Cloud Applications | 2017 |
1410 | MH-MD | My Health - My Data | 2016 |
1411 | PIMTOC | Photonic Integrated Multi-Channel Telecommunication Optical frequency Comb | 2017 |
1412 | Upstart | Upgrade Speed To Accelerate Revolutionary Telecoms | 2016 |
1413 | ELECTRIC_AXLE | Electric axle for commercial vehicles | 2016 |
1414 | OPERAS-D | Design for Open access Publications in European Research Areas for Social Sciences and Humanities | 2017 |
1415 | EnergyKeeper | Keep the Energy at the right place! | 2017 |
1416 | SHAR-Q | Storage capacity sharing over virtual neighbourhoods of energy ecosystems | 2016 |
1417 | PJ09 DCB | Advanced DCB | 2016 |
1418 | PJ08 AAM | Advanced Airspace Management | 2016 |
1419 | PJ01 EAD | Enhanced Arrivals and Departures | 2016 |
1420 | PJ24 NCM | PJ24 VLD Network Collaborative Management | 2016 |
1421 | PJ20 AMPLE | Master Plan Maintenance | 2016 |
1422 | T2S | Transformations to Sustainability | 2017 |
1423 | SCRREEN | Solutions for CRitical Raw materials - a European Expert Network | 2016 |
1424 | QV-LIFT | Q/V band earth segment LInk for Future high Throughput space systems | 2016 |
1425 | ECSAnVis | Extreme Citizen Science: Analysis and Visualisation | 2016 |
1426 | Nexus | The Nexus: an experimental system to study marine larval dispersal | 2017 |
1427 | Quantum BOSS | Quantum Broadband Optical Solid-State Memories for Large-Scale Photonic Networks | 2016 |
1428 | AMORE | A distributional MOdel of Reference to Entities | 2017 |
1429 | VAPORE | Vapor deposition of crystalline porous solids | 2016 |
1430 | ORCA | Orchestration and Reconfguration Control Architecture | 2017 |
1431 | PrEstoCloud | PrEstoCloud - Proactive Cloud Resources Management at the Edge for Efficient Real-Time Big Data Processing | 2017 |
1432 | LightKone | Lightweight Computation for Networks at the Edge | 2017 |
1433 | Botteega | Botteega is a platform that makes it easy to do grocery shopping from traditional city markets, local shops and artisanal producers. | 2016 |
1434 | SLB-DES | Second Life Batteries for Domestic Electricity Storage | 2016 |
1435 | COMWORK | Improving access to digital cultural heritage for multiple users and uses via a disruptive cloud based software as a service | 2016 |
1436 | INSPIRED | Targeting IRE1 in disease | 2017 |
1437 | SONNET | Self-OrganizatioN towards reduced cost and eNergy per bit for future Emerging radio Technologies | 2017 |
1438 | BDVe | Big Data Value ecosystem | 2017 |
1439 | PJ19 CI | Content Integration | 2016 |
1440 | WEAR | Wearable technologists Engage with Artists for Responsible innovation | 2017 |
1441 | frontierCities2 | frontierCities2 - Another Level of Impact | 2016 |
1442 | BeeSymOverSpace | How to help the hive? Incidence and impact of heritable microbes on bee health | 2016 |
1443 | SMILE | Statistical Mechanics of Learning | 2017 |
1444 | ADMS | SmartGrid Active Distribution Management System to accommodate Renewable Energy Sources and Low Carbon Emissions | 2016 |
1445 | AUTOPILOT | AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things | 2017 |
1446 | BrainCom | High-density cortical implants for cognitive neuroscience and rehabilitation of speech using brain-computer interfaces. | 2016 |
1447 | DRYNET | Setting an interdisciplinary/sectorial/international research network to explore dry storage as an alternative strategy for cells/germplasm biobanking | 2017 |
1448 | 3D NEONET | Drug Discovery and Delivery NEtwork for ONcology and Eye Therapeutics | 2017 |
1449 | E2S2A2 | Embedded electronically steerable satcom airborne antenna | 2016 |
1450 | ULPIoT | Ultra-Low Power and Highly-Scalable Interfaces for the Internet of Things | 2017 |
1451 | DiVineGenoMe | Decoding cell-to-cell variation in genome integrity maintenance | 2017 |
1452 | SCIENCEatHOME | Let's Celebrate Cutting-Edge Science at Home! | 2016 |
1453 | STARTS Prize | STARTS Prize - Grand prize of the European Commission honoring innovation in technology, industry and society stimulated by the arts | 2017 |
1454 | SENSIBLE | SENSors and Intelligence in BuLt Environment | 2017 |
1455 | CARBO-IMmap | Immune activity Mapping of Carbon Nanomaterials | 2017 |
1456 | CoBeN | Novel Network-Based Approaches for Studying Cognitive Dysfunction in Behavioral Neurology | 2017 |
1457 | CellSON | Launching the next generation of Self Organising Networks for Telecoms | 2016 |
1458 | ThermaSiC | New generation wear and corrosion coating enabling European industry growth | 2016 |
1459 | INTEGRID | An INTEgral optimisation toolbox for smart GRID data communication network design and planning | 2016 |
1460 | IntegraMouse3 | Next-generation, modular computer mouse device for disabled people | 2016 |
1461 | ElGrid | The Tool Supporting (r)Evolution In Forecasting and Optimizing Power Distribution Networks | 2016 |
1462 | 3DMP | Disruptive 3D printing technology for metalworking SMEs | 2016 |
1463 | GESINNE PRO | Intelligent Power Supply Regulator | 2016 |
1464 | ZIKAction | ZIKAction: Preparedness, research and action network on maternal-paediatric axis of ZIKV infection in Latin America and the Caribbean | 2016 |
1465 | GN4-2 | GN4-2 Research and Education Networking - GÉANT | 2016 |
1466 | PJ04 TAM | Total Airport Management | 2016 |
1467 | PJ03a SUMO | Integrated Surface Management | 2016 |
1468 | ZikaPLAN | Zika Preparedness Latin American Network | 2016 |
1469 | GEOTHERMICA | GEOTHERMICA - ERA NET Cofund Geothermal | 2017 |
1470 | CARESSES | Culture Aware Robots and Environmental Sensor Systems for Elderly Support | 2017 |
1471 | ALS-Networks | Defining functional networks of genetic causes for ALS and related neurodegenerative disorders | 2017 |
1472 | EVALVE | Biomechanics and signaling in models of congenital heart valve defects | 2016 |
1473 | INNOLABS | INNOvative LABS for leveraging cross capacity building between ICT, Health, BIO and Medicine sectors for new emerging industries in personalized health | 2017 |
1474 | ONLINERPOL | Faith Online: Transnational Religious Politics on New Media in India and Europe | 2017 |
1475 | IlluMitoDNA | Illuminating the mechanisms of mitochondrial DNA quality control and inheritance | 2017 |
1476 | LIFE synapses | Long-term Investigation of Functional Excitatory Synapses: Linking Plasticity, Network Wiring andMemory Storage | 2017 |
1477 | NanoPhennec | Nanophononic devices: from phonon networks to phonon CQED | 2017 |
1478 | SOCIALBOND | Social integration and boundary making in adolescence | 2017 |
1479 | FLEXNEURO | Flexible and robust nervous system function from reconfiguring networks | 2017 |
1480 | BrainDyn | Tracking information flow in the brain: A unified and general framework for dynamic communication in brain networks | 2017 |
1481 | ColOpt | Collective effects and optomechanics in ultra-cold matter | 2017 |
1482 | CAPICE | Childhood and Adolescence Psychopathology: unravelling the complex etiology by a large Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Europe | 2017 |
1483 | LISTEN | Liaison in Scientific Training for European auditory Neuroscience | 2016 |
1484 | SEPOMO | Spins for Efficient Photovoltaic Devices based on Organic Molecules | 2016 |
1485 | InteGrid | Demonstration of INTElligent grid technologies for renewables INTEgration and INTEractive consumer participation enabling INTEroperable market solutions and INTErconnected stakeholders | 2017 |
1486 | inteGRIDy | integrated Smart GRID Cross-Functional Solutions for Optimized Synergetic Energy Distribution, Utilization Storage Technologies | 2017 |
1487 | InterFlex | Interactions between automated energy systems and Flexibilities brought by energy market players | 2017 |
1488 | VERTIGO | Adding socio-economic value to industry through the integration of artists in research and open innovation processes. | 2016 |
1489 | INTERACT | The INTERnAtional network on Crisis Translation | 2017 |
1490 | SPINSWITCH | Multifunctional Spin Crossover Materials | 2017 |
1491 | TESTBED | Testing and Evaluating Sophisticated information and communication Technologies for enaBling a smartEr griD | 2017 |
1492 | DEW-COOL-4-CDC | Low Energy Dew Point Cooling for Computing Data Centres | 2017 |
1493 | BESTOFRAC | Environmentally best practices and optmisation in hydraulic fracturing for shale gas/oil development | 2017 |
1494 | REMIND | The use of computational techniques to Improve compliance to reminders within smart environments | 2017 |
1495 | BeingL_S | Being Lean and Seen: Meeting the challenges of delivering projects successfully in the 21st century | 2017 |
1496 | eMobilita | Electromobility in urban transport: a multi-dimensional innovation (socio-economic and environmental effects) | 2017 |
1497 | SLAFNET | Slavery in Africa: a dialogue between Europe and Africa | 2017 |
1498 | PATH | Plasma Antenna Technologies | 2017 |
1499 | KEAC-BSR | Knowledge Exchange and Academic Cultures in the Humanities: Europe and the Black Sea Region, late 18th – 21st Centuries | 2017 |
1500 | SONAR | Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance in doped semiconductor nanocrystals | 2017 |
1501 | SME 4.0 | Industry 4.0 for SMEs - Smart Manufacturing and Logistics for SMEs in an X-to-order and Mass Customization Environment | 2017 |
1502 | LungCARD | Blood test for clinical therapy guidance of non-small cell lung cancer patients | 2017 |
1503 | SZ_TEST | Towards Early Molecular Diagnostics of Schizophrenia | 2017 |
1504 | is3DMIMO | indoor small-cell Networks with 3D MIMO Array Antennas | 2017 |
1505 | EFFECT | Creating effects through communication and engagement in Future and Emerging Technologies | 2017 |
1506 | MODCAM | Modcam – vision sensors with onboard analytics for retail customer analysis | 2017 |
1507 | GRAILS-SWE | Greater RAIL Safety using the Smart Washer Ecosystem | 2017 |
1508 | ESSI | Developing the EFAS Smart Services Initiative to introduce a game -changer in the digital tachograph market | 2016 |
1509 | JUMPING JIVE | Joining up Users for Maximising the Profile, the Innovation and the Necessary Globalisation of JIVE | 2016 |
1510 | AQUACOSM | Network of Leading European AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Mountains to Oceans from the Arctic to the Mediterranean | 2017 |
1511 | DESIR | DARIAH ERIC Sustainability Refined | 2017 |
1512 | HarmonicSS | HARMONIzation and integrative analysis of regional, national and international Cohorts on primary Sjögren’s Syndrome (pSS) towards improved stratification, treatment and health policy making | 2017 |
1513 | CCHFVaccine | Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever Vaccine | 2017 |
1514 | LIFECYCLE | Early-life stressors and LifeCycle health | 2017 |
1515 | SCHIP | Social CHallenges and Innovation Platform | 2016 |
1516 | PJ25 XSTREAM | Cross Border SESAR Trials for Enhanced Arrival Management | 2017 |
1517 | VISORSURF | VisorSurf - A Hardware Platform for Software-driven Functional Metasurfaces | 2017 |
1518 | SmartCore | Smart Core/shell nanorod arrays for artificial skin | 2016 |
1519 | QD-NOMS | Elementary quantum dot networks enabled by on-chip nano-optomechanical systems | 2017 |
1520 | ventralHippocampus | Neuronal circuits for emotions in the ventral CA1 hippocampus | 2017 |
1521 | IniReg | Mechanisms of Regeneration Initiation | 2017 |
1522 | PROTECT | Pre-commercial lines for production of surface nanostructured antimicrobial and anti-biofilm textiles, medical devices and water treatment membranes | 2017 |
1523 | COMPUSAPIEN | Computing Server Architecture with Joint Power and Cooling Integration at the Nanoscale | 2017 |
1524 | SoWe | Commercializing soft wearable systems from a stretchable electronic material | 2017 |
1525 | RadioNet | Advanced Radio Astronomy in Europe | 2017 |
1526 | INFRAFRONTIER2020 | Towards enduring mouse resources and services advancing research into human health and disease | 2017 |
1527 | SeaDataCloud | SeaDataCloud - Further developing the pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management | 2016 |
1528 | CLONETS | CLOck NETwork Services: Strategy and innovation for clock services over optical-fibre networks | 2017 |
1529 | EUROlinkCAT | EUROlinkCAT: Establishing a linked European Cohort of Children with Congenital Anomalies | 2017 |
1530 | PAPA-ARTIS | Paraplegia Prevention in Aortic Aneurysm Repair by Thoracoabdominal Staging with ‘Minimally-Invasive Segmental Artery Coil-Embolization’: A Randomized Controlled Multicentre Trial | 2017 |
1531 | EUSCREEN | Implementation of cost-optimized childhood vision and hearing screening programmes in middle-income countries in Europe | 2017 |
1532 | ZIKAlliance | A global alliance for Zika virus control and prevention | 2016 |
1534 | VAHVISTUS | Integrative development of smart drug-vector nanostructures for adaptive delivery to target cells | 2017 |
1535 | CO-CREATION | The Cohesive City: Addressing Stigmatisation in Disadvantaged Urban Neighbourhoods | 2017 |
1536 | trans-making | Art / culture / economy to democratize society. Research in placemaking for alternative narratives | 2017 |
1537 | KM3NeT - INFRADEV | Astroparticle and Oscillations Research with Cosmics in the Abyss (ARCA and ORCA) | 2017 |
1538 | PJ27 IOPVLD | Flight Object Interoperability VLD Demonstration | 2016 |
1539 | POPSTAR | Reasoning about Physical properties Of security Protocols with an Application To contactless Systems | 2017 |
1540 | iNAPS | Illuminating Neuronal-Astrocytic Pathways for Sleep homeostasis | 2017 |
1541 | NewSOL | New StOrage Latent and sensible concept for high efficient CSP Plants | 2017 |
1542 | HONOURs | Host switching pathogens, infectious outbreaks and zoonosis; a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Training Network | 2017 |
1543 | Keep Control | Industrial Academic Initial Training Network towards specific diagnosis and treatment of age-related gait and balance deficits | 2017 |
1544 | RetroNets | Reverse Engineering Gene Regulatory Networks | 2017 |
1545 | chromo-SUMMIT | Decoding dynamic chromatin signaling by single-molecule multiplex detection | 2017 |
1546 | LEMAN | Deep LEarning on MANifolds and graphs | 2017 |
1547 | LACEGAL | Latin American Chinese European Galaxy Formation Network | 2017 |
1548 | CH2P | Cogeneration of Hydrogen and Power using solid oxide based system fed by methane rich gas | 2017 |
1550 | ENHANCE | Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters for Self-Powered Automotive Sensors: from Advanced Lead-Free Materials to Smart Systems | 2017 |
1551 | ACTRIS PPP | ACTRIS PPP - Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Preparatory Phase Project | 2017 |
1552 | Advance_eLTER | Advancing the European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure towards ESFRI | 2017 |
1553 | AWARENET | The World´s First Application-Aware Network: Enabling Dynamic Bandwidth Management and Guaranteed Data Connection Quality in Mobile Networks | 2017 |
1554 | TR4EMACS | Flexible Test Rig of Aircraft Control Surfaces powered by EMAs | 2017 |
1555 | HIntNets | Higher-order interactions and Laplacian dynamics in complex networks: structure, dynamics and control | 2017 |
1556 | SAFEnano | Effect of water and wastewater treatment on the properties of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in context of their fate, toxicity and interaction with other contaminants | 2017 |
1557 | CortIMod | Implementation and Preliminary Validation of a Novel Noninvasive Neuromodulation Technique to Restore Hand Movement and Promote Recovery after Stroke | 2016 |
1558 | MEMPATHY | At first INsight: how our memories shape empathy for others’ physical pain | 2017 |
1559 | ACTING-NOW | Algorithmic Containment of Threats in Graphs, Networks or Webs | 2016 |
1560 | CoCo | Construct and Collapse: Self-emergence and dynamics under global-change scenarios of mutualistic systems | 2017 |
1561 | SOLOMON | Self-Organisation and Learning Online in Mobile Observation Networks | 2017 |
1562 | SpeeDrying | An Innovative and Sustainable Spray Drying Technology | 2017 |
1563 | PredAMEG | Identifying Oscillatory Signatures of Predictive Coding in Hierarchical Auditory Networks with MEG | 2017 |
1564 | CUTACOMBS | Cuts and decompositions: algorithms and combinatorial properties | 2017 |
1565 | MultiSense | Multisensory signal processing: From brain-wide neuronal circuits to behavior | 2017 |
1566 | MicroCyFly | Microcircuitry of the Drosophila visual system | 2017 |
1567 | VascArbor | Vascular Tree Formation in Multi-Structural Tissue Engineering | 2017 |
1568 | DeLiCAT | Death and Life of Catalysts: a Theory-Guided Unified Approach for Non-Critical Metal Catalyst Development | 2017 |
1569 | SYSTEMATICGRAPH | Systematic mapping of the complexity landscape of hard algorithmic graph problems | 2017 |
1570 | EMSO-Link | Implementation of the Strategy to Ensure the EMSO ERIC’s Long-term Sustainability | 2017 |
1571 | TERAWI-LESS | TERAWI-LESS : A New Ultra High Speed Network | 2017 |
1572 | METAdiag | METAdiag: Diagnose to Cure | 2017 |
1575 | SmartSense | New Method of Magnetic Field Integration and its Smart Grid and Industrial Applications | 2017 |
1576 | Waste Compactor | Green Automatic Waste Compactor | 2017 |
1577 | Videona | Videona: The first Video Social Network for journalist and prosumers allowing them to optimize the generation of quality audio-visual content through mobile phones. | 2017 |
1578 | We teach to walk | The Prodrobot authomatized gait trainer software developement and the EU market research | 2017 |
1579 | Apolitical | Advancing the Best Ideas and People in the Public Service | 2017 |
1580 | SEALTEX | Oleophobic Elastomeric Gaskets made through Known Biomimetic Micro-Nano Surface Textures used for Automotive Seals in Contact with Oil or Fuels | 2017 |
1581 | ECOLUP | Smart collect points as an innovative logistic solution to shorten fruit and vegetables supply chain | 2017 |
1582 | SIRENA | An emancipation device to increase mobility for disabled people | 2017 |
1583 | MIP | My Impact Portal | 2017 |
1584 | ENERGIZE | Efficient Energy Management for Greener Aviation | 2017 |
1585 | EMA4FLIGHT | Development of Electromechanical Actuators and Electronic control Units for Flight Control Systems | 2017 |
1586 | CancerFluxome | Cancer Cellular Metabolism across Space and Time | 2017 |
1587 | CONSCIOUSNESS | Towards a neural and cognitive architecture of consciousness | 2017 |
1588 | TramOpt | A Traffic Management Optimization platform for enhanced road network efficiency | 2017 |
1589 | PREGNABIT | PREGNABIT – the world’s first complex telemedical mobile CTG system for pregnancy examination | 2017 |
1590 | HANNOVER | Hannover – automatic monitoring of horses | 2017 |
1591 | EEN OUEST H2020 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2017 |
1592 | INNMADRIMASD 3 | Innovation services for enhancing SME innovation management capacities in Madrid Region | 2017 |
1593 | SME Coach LT 2017 | Providing Key Account Management services for the SME Instrument beneficiaries and enhancing innovation management capacity services to Lithuanian SMEs in 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1594 | IBINNO | Illes Balears INNOvation Management Services | 2017 |
1595 | PHOTO-BORAD | Boron chemistry in a new light: exploring the radical reactivity of boronate complexes through photochemical strategies | 2017 |
1596 | EURACTE-INNOV III | Deployment of support services aiming at enhancing the innovation management capacity and projects of SMEs based in the Hauts de France region | 2017 |
1597 | QSUP | Demonstration of Quantum Supremacy in A Photonic Device | 2017 |
1598 | BG_CareerDays | Bulgarian Days of Career Development and Mobility of Researchers | 2017 |
1599 | INNO EEN-M | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO EEN-M) | 2017 |
1600 | TexMeroe | Archaeology of Textile Production in the Kingdom of MeroeNew approaches to cultural identity and economics in ancient Sudan and Nubia | 2018 |
1601 | N4I_CLUSTERS | Networking for innovation: how entrepreneurs' network behaviours help clusters to innovate | 2017 |
1602 | MICROGLIA-CIRCUIT | Microglia action towards neuronal circuit formation and function in health and disease | 2017 |
1603 | FLUFLUX | Fluvial Meta-Ecosystem Functioning: Unravelling Regional Ecological Controls Behind Fluvial Carbon Fluxes | 2017 |
1604 | KAM2SouthPL2 | ‘Key account management’ for the SME Instrument beneficiaries and ‘Enhancing SME innovation management capacity’ as new proinnovative services for SMEs in the regions of Southern Poland | 2017 |
1606 | KAM2EastPoland | Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland | 2017 |
1607 | VEBIN SME 2.0 | Continuing the services of enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's by the Enterprise Europe Network in Flanders | 2017 |
1608 | SEIMED INNOSUP | SEIMED Innovation Management Support | 2017 |
1609 | ERBSN 4 H2020 | Eastern Romanian Business Support Network support for innovative SMEs | 2017 |
1610 | INNO-HUN2017-18 | Providing services under Horizon 2020 enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network - 2017-18 | 2017 |
1611 | GREENLOC | A High-Sensitive Green Localization System for High-Speed Self-Driving Vehicles | 2017 |
1612 | MODIO | Numerical modelling of the structural controls on Irish Zn-Pb ore deposits | 2017 |
1613 | PGOLDCAT | Polynuclear Gold Cluster Catalysis | 2017 |
1614 | DNPMAT | Studies of Materials and Catalysts by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhanced Solid-state NMR | 2017 |
1615 | EGYPTOMICS | Paleoproteomics for cultural heritage conservation: biomolecular analysis of ancient Egyptian paint binders | 2017 |
1616 | InsiliCardio | Image-based High-resolution In-silico Modeling of Total Cardiac Function | 2017 |
1618 | HCEMM | Establishing the Hungarian Center of Excellence for Molecular Medicine in partnership with EMBL | 2017 |
1619 | HETEROPOLITICS | Refiguring the Common and the Political | 2017 |
1620 | ConCorND | Connectivity Correlate of Molecular Pathology in Neurodegeneration | 2017 |
1621 | MOUSSE | Multilingual, Open-text Unified Syntax-independent SEmantics | 2017 |
1622 | INSOMNIA BEAT IT | Integrated Network of Sleep-Optimizing Modules for Norm-Informed Adaptive Behavioural, Environmental And Therapeutic Internet Training | 2017 |
1623 | KAM2CentralPoland-2 | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of the SMEs in Central Poland-2 | 2017 |
1624 | Swennis 2017-2018 | Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network 2017 - 2018 | 2017 |
1625 | InnoSME-LV-2017-2018 | Raising Innovation Capacity for Innovative Companies from Latvia (2017-2018) | 2017 |
1626 | ADMS | Proof of Concept – Arctic Data Management System Beta version – capacity building for interpretation and data management system of the Arctic-related data and knowledge (Arctic Data Management System) | 2017 |
1627 | ERA-MobilCar.GR | ERA Mobility and Researchers Career Days in Greece: A contribution to decrease brain drain | 2017 |
1628 | KAMWAL 2.2 | EEN Innovation services for Walloon SMEs 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1629 | EUESCADA | EURAXESS España Career Day | 2017 |
1630 | MED4INNO | French MEDiterranean Support for INNOvative SMEs | 2017 |
1631 | EENinnoSMES2 | EEN Anatolia supports to increase the innovation management capacities of SMEs | 2017 |
1632 | iPILs4Bionics | Innovative Biodegradable Poly(ionic liquid)s for Bioelectronics | 2018 |
1634 | NanoGraphInk | Nano-Hybrid Graphene-Based Ink for Printable Flexible Transparent Applications | 2017 |
1635 | SpliceCore | Functional dissection of core spliceosomal mutations causing Retinitis Pigmentosa. | 2017 |
1636 | SILICON | Self-Injection-Locked Integrated Analog-to-Digital Converter | 2017 |
1637 | MILORD | Managing trIplets for fLuorescence in ORganics: Towards a predictive moDel (MILORD) | 2017 |
1638 | UBIMAPS | Ubiquitin-dependent regulation of the microtubule cytoskeleton | 2017 |
1639 | ZeoPoreDiff | Linking Zeolite Porosity to Molecular Diffusion at the Single Crystal Level | 2017 |
1640 | TeenEduGoals | Adolescents’ education transitions: Multiple insights into the process dynamics of goal-construction and youth actions over time | 2017 |
1641 | AMAM | Ageing Multiphysics of Asphalt Materials | 2017 |
1642 | APOLLO | Assessing population health from exposure to tobacco-specific carcinogens in Belgium using an innovative wastewater-based epidemiology approach | 2017 |
1643 | XeMoon | Sources and sinks for excess Xe and Ar on the Moon | 2018 |
1644 | NETBIO-GE | Quantitative brain network biomarkers for patient-specific diagnostics in idiopathic generalized epilepsy | 2017 |
1645 | PGXOME | A pharmacogenomic exploration of adverse drug reactions in epilepsy | 2017 |
1646 | AMBITION | Unravelling the molecular Basis of epigenetic silencing: what factors define a gene as a Polycomb target? | 2017 |
1647 | RSCHD | Functional dissection of the head-direction circuit in mouse retrosplenial cortex. | 2017 |
1648 | ROMA | Resource AuctiOning Engine for the Mobile Digital MArket | 2017 |
1649 | Cytokine Signalosome | Mapping Cytokine Signalling Networks using Engineered Surrogate Ligands | 2017 |
1650 | MetEpiStem | Dissecting the crosstalk between metabolism and transcriptional regulation in pluripotent stem cells. | 2017 |
1651 | Global India | Explaining Global India: a multi-sectoral PhD training programme analysing the emergence of India as a global actor | 2017 |
1652 | BENDER | BiogENesis and Degradation of Endoplasmic Reticulum proteins | 2017 |
1653 | SynID | Activity-dependent modulation of synapse identity | 2017 |
1654 | QuPoPCoRN | Quantum Particles on Programmable Complex Reconfigurable Networks | 2017 |
1655 | DUALITY | Theoretical Foundations of Memory Micro-Insertions in Wireless Communications | 2017 |
1656 | KAM2CY3 | Key Services for Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in Cyprus through the local member of Enterprise Europe Network – KAM2CY3 | 2017 |
1657 | AssAZAx | AssAZAx: Innovation Methodology for Ground Subsidence Monitoring (The Assessment of small displacements Along Zed Axis) | 2017 |
1658 | Debrasa | Deep brain targets for neurostimulation in affective disorders | 2017 |
1659 | MindSElS | Resilience, Mindfulness and Medication Safety with Electronic Systems | 2018 |
1660 | OILY MICROCOSM | Mechanistic Microscale Approach to the Microbial Degradation of Oil-Droplets in Subsea Crude Oil Releases | 2017 |
1661 | ATRA | Atlas of Renaissance Antiquarianism | 2017 |
1662 | HISTPLAY | The History Play and the British Enlightenment, 1750-1815 | 2017 |
1663 | Basquesmith | Ironworking technology and social complexity of rural comunities during the Early Medieval Ages | 2017 |
1664 | TRANSRISK | Vulnerability and risk assessment of transportation systems of assets (SoA) exposed to geo-hazards | 2017 |
1665 | WaMStrIn | Water management strategies and climate change in the Indus Civilisation | 2018 |
1666 | VALENCE-REPLAY | Disentangling amygdala contributions to replay-mediated, hippocampal-dependent memory consolidation | 2017 |
1667 | PREMETAZOAEPIGENOME | The role of genome regulation in the origin of animals | 2017 |
1668 | ILTIS | Innate-Like T-Cells In Sepsis (ILTIS): Implications for Early Diagnosis and Rescue of Immune Suppression. | 2017 |
1669 | WACE | Women at the Cutting Edge. Assessing the gendered impact of industrial logging on well-being in Solomon Islands. | 2017 |
1670 | Q-ANNTENNA | Quantum Artificial Neural Networks with Tensor Network Algorithmus | 2017 |
1671 | netdis | Medicine, Heresy and Freedom of Thought in sixteenth-century Italy: a Network of Dissident Physicians in the Confessional Age | 2017 |
1672 | quasiTENS | Quantum Systems Investigated through Tensor Network States | 2017 |
1673 | SURGE | Social Sustainability and Urban Regeneration Governance: An International Perspective | 2017 |
1674 | PRE-PSYCH | The Prelude to Psychosis: Brain network analysis in emerging schizophrenia | 2017 |
1675 | MigrationRadar | Elucidating continental-scale patterns of bird migration with weather radars | 2018 |
1676 | WhiteShift | A calcifying phytoplankter’s response to climate change and its role in sinking carbon in the Subarctic Ocean using spaceborne and in situ observations and ecological modelling | 2017 |
1677 | IAUVcontrol | Force/position control system to enable compliant manipulation from a floating I-AUV | 2017 |
1678 | EUROFRONT | European Frontiers: Rural Spaces and Expanding States | 2017 |
1679 | INSPIRING-SNI | INvestigating SDN Programmability ImpRovING optical South- and North- bound Interfaces | 2018 |
1680 | ENERGSYNTISSUE | Energy-generating synthetic tissues | 2018 |
1681 | MOSK | Gravity and Kinematic Space | 2017 |
1682 | TPANN | Tensor Processing on FPGAs for Artificial Neural Networks | 2017 |
1683 | BROS | Blockchain: a new framework for swarm RObotic Systems | 2017 |
1684 | RMTBRC | Redox-responsive Magnetic Materials based on Polynuclear Organometallics | 2017 |
1685 | DevoSignGammaDelta | Tracking γδ T cell development and TCRγδ proximal signalling | 2018 |
1686 | CoMRAde | A Collaborative Mobile Robot Arm that can Learn Impedance Critical Tasks from Humans | 2017 |
1687 | D-Noise | Distributed Network of Active Noise Equalizers for Multi-User Sound Control | 2017 |
1688 | ODORPREP | Real time, automatic and remote-activated sampling system for industrial odour emissions compliant with the European Standard EN 13725 | 2017 |
1689 | RAMP | RAtionalising Membrane Protein crystallisation | 2017 |
1690 | CacheMire | CacheMire: Wireless Edge Caching Platform | 2017 |
1691 | INCluSilver | Innovation in personalised Nutrition through Cluster cooperation in the Silver economy | 2017 |
1692 | NearUS | Network for European Research and Innovation acceleration in the US | 2017 |
1693 | EENINNOAUSTRIA2 | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2017 |
1694 | CROWD_USG | Crowdsourcing Urban Sustainability Governance. Exploring innovative governance models for addressing urban sustainability through ICT-people interaction | 2017 |
1695 | ACCENT | Algebraic Covering Codes Enabling Network Transmissions | 2018 |
1696 | PIONEER | The effect of seagrass bed habitat quality on selected ecosystem services | 2018 |
1697 | MArylAND | At the host-bacteria interface: Modulation of the intestinal microbiota and its metabolic activity by Card9 signalling in health and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases | 2017 |
1698 | AMONTRACK | Acoustic monitoring of railway track quality | 2018 |
1699 | MYRiCE | The church of the Holy Apostles at Constantinople: the MYth and its Reception across the CEnturies | 2017 |
1700 | MicroPhan | Rol of obligate bacterial symbiosis in the diversification of a globally distributed aphid genus | 2018 |
1701 | DeciTrustNET | Trust based Decision Support Systems for Social Networks with Uncertain Knowledge | 2017 |
1702 | FISHODOR | Integrating conspecific odors into tilapia reproductive behaviour | 2017 |
1703 | ILCSIGNALLING | Deciphering cell-cell and cell-microbiome interactions of innate lymphoid cells at the single cell level | 2018 |
1704 | BEING | Behavioural Economics in Network Games | 2017 |
1705 | BioNetIllustration | BioNetIllustration: User centric illustrations of biological networks | 2017 |
1706 | RELMED | Electricity in the Mediterranean: Promoting good regulatory governance | 2017 |
1707 | MARVEL | Novel MAterial and Process Design for ReVerse Electrodialysis-Water ELectrolysis Energy System | 2017 |
1708 | SIMFREE | Open-source freeware for fiber optic communication and sensing simulations | 2017 |
1709 | MetEpiClock | Circadian Control of Histone Methylation Dynamics through the Fine-tuning of Methionine Metabolic Flux | 2017 |
1710 | MIDxPRO | Microwave Diagnosis of Breast Cancer with Open Ended Contact Probes | 2017 |
1711 | BioRail | Biocementation for railway earthworks | 2019 |
1712 | SAMNets | Investigation of adaptive design and rewiring of Survival-Apoptosis-Mitogenic (SAM) signalling transduction network | 2017 |
1713 | CDSANAB | Complex Dynamics and Strange Attractors through Non-Autonomous Bifurcations | 2018 |
1714 | INSPirAUTOR | Understanding how Inositol Polyphosphates regulate autophagy and lipid body formation in photosynthetic organisms: crosstalk with TOR signaling. | 2018 |
1715 | GAMODRONE | Game of Drones: Multimedia Streaming with Flying Terminals in Next Generation Mobile Networks | 2017 |
1716 | SmartMOFs | Smart Metal Organic Frameworks for Sensing Volatile Organic Compounds | 2017 |
1717 | WORK-CHRIST | The Young Christian Workers Movement and the radicalization of Social Conflict in Mediterranean Europe: France, Italy and Spain (1963-1978) | 2017 |
1718 | NEURO_NMD | Functional impact of alternative splicing coupled to nonsense-mediated decay in developing neurons | 2017 |
1719 | SAS6-Cep135-CPAP | Towards a molecular understanding of the centriole assembly process | 2017 |
1720 | Philosophy Forcing | Forcing in Contemporary Philosophy of Set Theory | 2017 |
1721 | NEPSpiNN | Neuromorphic EMG Processing with Spiking Neural Networks | 2017 |
1722 | AMYPAD | Amyloid imaging to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease – Sofia ref.: 115952 | 2016 |
1723 | PHAGO | Inflammation and AD: modulating microglia function focussing on TREM2 and CD33 - Sofia ref.: 115976 | 2016 |
1724 | NeuroTRACK | Tracking and predicting neurodegeneration spreading across the brain connectome | 2017 |
1725 | MoNIfly | Mobile-Network Infrastructure for Cooperative Surveillance of low flying drones | 2017 |
1726 | SmartCells | Smart Lab-On-Chips for the Real -Time Control of Cells | 2017 |
1727 | CODE4Vision | Computational Dissection of Effective Circuitry and Encoding in the Retina for Normal and Restored Vision | 2017 |
1728 | MicroCONtACT | Microglial control of neuronal activity in the healthy and the injured brain | 2017 |
1729 | SUBDECODE | Dendritic encoding of movement in space | 2017 |
1730 | FUNCOPLAN | Functions of plasticity in adult-born neurons | 2017 |
1731 | ICEKAM-3 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2017 |
1732 | ELSE SIM | Enterprise Lazio and Sardegna for Europe - SMEs Innovation Management | 2017 |
1733 | MAGNET | Models and Algorithms for Graph centrality grounded on Nonlinear Eigenvalues Techniques | 2017 |
1734 | PV-TE-MCHP | A Novel Hybrid Photovoltaic–Thermoelectric Power Generation System Employing the Flat-plate Micro-channel Heat Pipe | 2017 |
1735 | CAP-ICE | CArbon Production of under-ICE phytoplankton blooms in a changing Arctic Ocean | 2018 |
1737 | 3DMUCHO | Investigation of 3D Functional Connectivity in Mouse Visual Cortex using Holography and Optogenetics | 2017 |
1738 | CONPLEX | The Constitutional Place of Expertise | 2018 |
1739 | PhotoHeatEffect | Heat Transport and its Effects on the Performance of Nanostructured, Photonic Materials | 2017 |
1740 | ICED | Initial conditions of exoplanet formation in protoplanetary disks | 2017 |
1741 | El_CapiTun | An elastocapillary-enabled self-tunable microfluidic chip | 2018 |
1742 | INFPROBES | Microscopic Probes of Inflationary Cosmology | 2017 |
1743 | SREACEP | Sparse Robust Expander with Applications in Combinatorial Embedding Problems | 2018 |
1744 | Tau Seeding | Identification and validation of human proteins that control tau seeding in cell-based and in vivo models | 2017 |
1745 | MACROSS | Multimedia Communication and Processing over Vehicular Cloud Networks for AutonomousDriving | 2018 |
1746 | HOST-SELECT | Functional Analysis of Host Genetic Variants: Biomarker Selection Towards Improving Female Subfertility Diagnosis and Treatment | 2017 |
1747 | EpiPur | The ATP-P2X7R axis: a target for drug-refractory epilepsy | 2018 |
1748 | INTREPiD | CRG International Research Postdoctoral Programme | 2017 |
1749 | FunKeyGut | Illuminating Functional Networks and Keystone Species in the Gut | 2017 |
1750 | SAFE-10-T | Safety of Transport Infrastructure on the TEN-T Network | 2017 |
1751 | CLUSTERS 2.0 | Open network of hyper connected logistics clusters towards Physical Internet | 2017 |
1752 | FLUOSWITCH | Pushing the frontiers of biological imaging with genetically encoded fluorescence switches | 2017 |
1753 | BRAINCODES | Brain networks controlling social decisions | 2017 |
1754 | ContraNPM1AML | Dissecting to hit the therapeutic targets in nucleophosmin (NPM1)-mutated acute myeloid leukemia | 2017 |
1755 | VetBioNet | Veterinary Biocontained facility Network for excellence in animal infectiology research and experimentation | 2017 |
1756 | AISS4SME | Advanced Innovation Support Services for SME | 2017 |
1757 | resiliANT | Resilience in ant societies | 2017 |
1758 | EBM | The evolvability of bacterial multicellularity | 2018 |
1759 | COTCA | Co-Translational Chaperone Action at the Single-Molecule Level | 2017 |
1760 | ILMET | Metabolic characterization of ILCs under homeostatic or stress conditions. | 2017 |
1761 | FLASH | Heterogeneous Effects of Fiscal Consolidation on Firms' Balance Sheets | 2017 |
1762 | ProbSenS | Probabilistic neuromorphic architecture for real-time Sensor fusion applied to Smart, water quality monitoring systems | 2017 |
1763 | c2LEARN | Short Videos to Increase Learners uptake on Online Content | 2017 |
1764 | SUPER2D | Superlattices and proximity effects in 2D materials/molecules hybrid van der Waals heterostructures | 2017 |
1765 | TECAM | Theory, Computation and Application of Characteristics Modes | 2018 |
1766 | MITODYN | Role of calcium fluxes in mitochondrial dynamics | 2017 |
1767 | QUSON | Quantum Sensing with Quantum Optical Networks | 2018 |
1768 | NEUROINTELLIGENCE | The Brain Dynamics of Human Fluid Intelligence | 2018 |
1769 | PFIMDULA | Post-translational modifications during floral initiation: molecular dissection of the UFO-dependent LFY activation | 2017 |
1770 | IPUSS | The initial 244Pu abundance of the Solar System | 2017 |
1771 | BaskAtax | Modulation of Basket cell microcircuits in cerebellar cortex paroxysmal ataxia disorders | 2017 |
1772 | INNODIA | Translational approaches to disease modifying therapy of type 1 diabetes: an innovative approach towards understanding and arresting type 1 diabetes – Sofia ref.: 115797 | 2015 |
1773 | Pho-T-Lyze | Photonic Terahertz Signal Analyzers | 2017 |
1774 | ESIT | European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research | 2017 |
1775 | ELCOREL | Electrochemical Conversion of Renewable Electricity into Fuels and Chemicals | 2017 |
1776 | FOGHORN | FOG-aided wireless networks for communication, cacHing and cOmputing: theoRetical and algorithmic fouNdations | 2017 |
1777 | Opto-Sleep | All-optical deconstruction of thalamic control of sleep-wake states. | 2017 |
1778 | DeepFace | Understanding Deep Face Recognition | 2017 |
1779 | BOXMATE | Mining Sandboxes for Automatic App Protection | 2017 |
1780 | EuroBioTox | European programme for the establishment of validated procedures for the detection and identification of biological toxins | 2017 |
1781 | ROBORDER | autonomous swarm of heterogeneous RObots for BORDER surveillance | 2017 |
1782 | FIRE-IN | FIRE-IN - Fire and Rescue Innovation Network | 2017 |
1783 | ILEAnet | Innovation by Law Enforcement Agencies networking | 2017 |
1784 | Shocks Transmission | Transmission of Financial Shocks: A systemic Input-Output GVAR approach | 2018 |
1785 | IoMUT | The Internet of Musical Things - An ecosystem of interoperable devices connecting performers and audiences | 2017 |
1786 | GEMiNI | A genetic model for neurorehabilitation | 2018 |
1787 | ASSIST | ASSIST - Support Network for Household Energy Saving | 2017 |
1789 | IoBee | Beehive health IoT application to fight Honey Bee Colony Mortality | 2017 |
1790 | TARGET | TAking a Reflexive approach to Gender Equality for institutional Transformation | 2017 |
1791 | FOSTER Plus | Fostering the practical implementation of Open Science in Horizon 2020 and beyond | 2017 |
1792 | NORIMS | INNOWAY Key Account Manager and Innovation Specialists Services - NORIMS | 2017 |
1793 | MELIITA 2 | Maltese-European Linkages for Internationalisation, Innovation and Technology Transfer 2 [Innovation services] | 2017 |
1794 | IRONCOMM | Investigating the role of bacteria-produced siderophores in satisfying diatom Fe requirements. | 2017 |
1795 | BESMART | scalaBle and grEen wireleSs coMmunications for a sustAinable netwoRked socieTy | 2017 |
1796 | juliaeconometrics | Developing a Financial Econometrics Package for the Julia Programming Language | 2018 |
1797 | EvoCellFate | Evolution of cell fate decision during development | 2017 |
1798 | DEEP-EST | DEEP - Extreme Scale Technologies | 2017 |
1799 | AIMS | Automated Integrated Monitoring System | 2017 |
1800 | altEJrepair | Characterisation of DNA Double-Strand Break Repair by Alternative End-Joining: Potential Targets for Cancer Therapy | 2017 |
1801 | DrugComb | Informatics approaches for the rational selection of personalized cancer drug combinations | 2017 |
1802 | CoEXist | 'AV-Ready' transport models and road infrastructure for the coexistence of automated and conventional vehicles | 2017 |
1803 | SKILLNET | Sharing Knowledge In Learned and Literary Networks. The Republic of Letters as a Pan-European Knowledge Society | 2017 |
1804 | PlantSenseKit | Plants as sensors for standardization and calibration of controlled environment chambers | 2017 |
1805 | HPC-EUROPA3 | Transnational Access Programme for a Pan-European Network of HPC Research Infrastructures and Laboratories for scientific computing | 2017 |
1806 | SERA | Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe | 2017 |
1807 | EEN EF4INNO | Enterprise Europe Network innovation management specific services in the two new regions of Eastern France | 2017 |
1808 | INNOKAM 2017-2018 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein | 2017 |
1809 | InnoMan.NRW_3 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2017 -2018 | 2017 |
1810 | MAGIC SWF SMEs 3 | Establishing in-depth services enhancing the innovation management capacity of South West of France SMEs in 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1811 | BASKAM2 | Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs during 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1812 | InnoHessen2Europe | Innovating Hessian SMEs towards Europe | 2017 |
1813 | InnoManage BB | InnoManage BB 2017-2018 | 2017 |
1814 | eNOTICE | European Network Of CBRN TraIning CEnters | 2017 |
1815 | STOP-IT | Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of water Infrastructure against cyber-physical Threats | 2017 |
1816 | AEGIS | Accelerating EU-US DialoGue for Research and Innovation in CyberSecurity and Privacy | 2017 |
1817 | I-LEAD | Innovation - Law Enforcement Agencies Dialogue | 2017 |
1818 | RED-Alert | Real-time Early Detection and Alert System for Online Terrorist Content based on Natural Language Processing, Social Network Analysis, Artificial Intelligence and Complex Event Processing | 2017 |
1819 | FORTIKA | FORTIKA - Cyber Security Accelerator for trusted SMEs IT Ecosystems | 2017 |
1820 | CS-AWARE | A cybersecurity situational awareness and information sharing solution for local public administrations based on advanced big data analysis | 2017 |
1821 | DAREnet | DAnube river region Resillience Exchange network | 2017 |
1822 | DEFENDER | Defending the European Energy Infrastructures | 2017 |
1823 | GHOST | Safe-Guarding Home IoT Environments with Personalised Real-time Risk Control | 2017 |
1824 | MAP | Mapping Ancient Polytheisms Cult Epithets as an Interface between Religious Systems and Human Agency | 2017 |
1825 | GENDERACTION | GENDer equality in the ERA Community To Innovate policy implementatiON | 2017 |
1826 | SEMANTAX | Form-Independent Semantics for Natural Language Understanding | 2017 |
1827 | I-KAM2EU | enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU | 2017 |
1828 | InnoBremen2 | InnoBremen2 – Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in the Federal State of Bremen | 2017 |
1829 | BW-KAM3 | The Enterprise Europe Network Baden-Wuerttemberg - Feeding the Innovation Pipeline in Baden-Wuerttemberg through targeted services to SME | 2017 |
1830 | MontEENegro | Enhancing innovation management capacities of SMEs in Montenegro | 2017 |
1831 | KAMINLER | KAM and Innovation services for SMEs in Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna | 2017 |
1832 | Pilots4U | A network of bioeconomy open access pilot and multipurpose demo facilities | 2017 |
1833 | MIMICS | Electromyography-driven musculoskeletal modelling for biomimetic myoelectric control of prostheses with variable stiffness actuators | 2018 |
1835 | 3DFlameGT | Evaluation of three-dimensional velocity field, mixing field, and flame-front in a model gas turbinecombustor | 2018 |
1836 | ENVISION | Enabling Visual IoT Applications with Advanced Network Coding Algorithms | 2018 |
1837 | MCIATTP | Molecular to Continuum Investigation of Anisotropic Thermal Transport in Polymers | 2017 |
1838 | WorldlyMatter | Worldly Matter: The Materials of Conceptual Art | 2017 |
1839 | DSSC | Data Science and Systems Complexity Research Training Programme | 2017 |
1840 | GOT ENERGY | GOT ENERGY TALENT. Attracting Talented Researchers within the Spanish Campus of International Excellence ‘Smart Energy’ and the region of Madrid. | 2017 |
1841 | OpSec | Goodmill - Operational Security Through Ensured Connectivity | 2017 |
1842 | QuardCard | Powered smart card with a biometric one time password system | 2017 |
1843 | GREENTOP | GREENTOP - Gamification of cRowdcomputing to ENhance EarTh Observation data Processing | 2017 |
1845 | RGH2 OSOD system | OSOD - 1 step process hydrogen generator for highly efficient, safe and cost competitive production and storage of hydrogen | 2017 |
1846 | AlbaSolar | Developing perovskite-based solar panels | 2017 |
1847 | HP-MOSES | Solar assisted high temperature heat pumps for molten salt energy storage applications. | 2017 |
1848 | iMEC | Industrial Micro Electrochemical Cell sensors for real-time quantification of H2S in wastewater | 2017 |
1849 | PLATGENE | Development of a platform for a new model of interaction between geneticists and patients with Mendelian diseases. | 2017 |
1850 | PALAEOSILKROAD | A Silk Road in the Palaeolithic: Reconstructing Late Pleistocene Hominin Dispersals and Adaptations in Central Asia | 2017 |
1851 | MICROMETABOLITE | “MICROMETABOLITE” – Research Training Network on the Microbial Enhancement of Bioactive Secondary Metabolite Production in Plants | 2017 |
1852 | GLOBALFIRMS | Global Firms and Global Value Chains: Measurement and Mechanisms | 2018 |
1853 | BuddhistRoad | Dynamics in Buddhist Networks in Eastern Central Asia, 6th-14th Centuries | 2017 |
1855 | EU-China-Safe | Delivering an Effective, Resilient and Sustainable EU-China Food Safety Partnership | 2017 |
1856 | Climate-fit.City | Pan-European Urban Climate Services | 2017 |
1857 | UNALAB | Urban Nature Labs | 2017 |
1858 | EEN-Innovate PT | EEN-Innovate PT | 2017 |
1859 | AAA | Adaptive Actin Architectures | 2017 |
1860 | CESEAND InnoAses3 | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2017-18. | 2017 |
1861 | RegGeneMems | Understanding the evolution of regeneration-permissive gene expression and positional memory in Axolotl limb regeneration | 2018 |
1862 | BIKE | Bioconductive Iongels for Cutaneous Electrophysiology | 2018 |
1863 | MAPS | MAPS – Migrants And People Smugglers: A Comparative Study of Smuggling Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Central American corridors | 2017 |
1864 | FBT | Transforming Brain Rehabilitation | 2017 |
1865 | NEWBREED | Training a new breed of interdisciplinary researchers to respond to the opportunities and challenges of ageing | 2017 |
1866 | MathInParis | International Doctoral Training in Mathematical Sciences in Paris | 2017 |
1867 | LMUResearchFellows | The LMU Research Fellowship Program: Promoting excellent early-stage postdoctoral researchers at LMU Munich | 2017 |
1868 | ISTplus | ISTplus - Postdoctoral Fellowships | 2017 |
1869 | EuroTechPostdoc | International Network of Excellence in Science Technology | 2017 |
1870 | MediaRoad | MediaRoad – European Media Ecosystem for Innovation | 2017 |
1871 | EUNORS | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in Republika Srpska | 2017 |
1873 | MIDA | Modelling and Imaging Development for precision Agriculture | 2017 |
1874 | SeaBubble | Fast-Forwarding to the Future of On-Demand Urban Water Transportation | 2017 |
1875 | LeydenJar | Boosting Battery Energy Density in Electric Vehicles | 2017 |
1876 | MCodaq | Mcodaq is a new benchtop instrument for fraud detection in cosmetics, perfumes, candles and other consumer products, based on NMR and used by technicians without specific analytical chemistry skills | 2017 |
1877 | MUV | Mobility Urban Values | 2017 |
1878 | Productive4.0 | Electronics and ICT as enabler for digital industry and optimized supply chain management covering the entire product lifecycle | 2017 |
1879 | SMESEC | Protecting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises digital technology through an innovative cyber-SECurity framework | 2017 |
1880 | H2020 WP2017-2018 | Implementation of innovation in enterprise management | 2017 |
1881 | ESFR-SMART | European Sodium Fast Reactor Safety Measures Assessment and Research Tools | 2017 |
1882 | THERAMIN | Thermal treatment for radioactive waste minimisation and hazard reduction | 2017 |
1883 | ECOSHEET-PRO | An Eco-Innovative Alternative to Plywood | 2017 |
1884 | ASGARD | Automatic SaaS Governing of Hybrid Networks for Growing Infrastructure Demands | 2017 |
1885 | Connections | Oligopoly Markets and Networks | 2017 |
1886 | VERSUS | Violence Elites and Resilience in States Under Stress | 2017 |
1887 | PADDLE | Planning in A liquiD worlD with tropicaL StakEs: solutions from an EU-Africa-Brazil perspective | 2017 |
1888 | SMARTSOUND | Pre-Commercialisation of Sound Recognition for Surveillance Applications | 2017 |
1889 | acteno | Industrial Energy Storage Integration - development of a new bussiness segment in the area of energy storage at the SME acteno energy | 2017 |
1890 | THUNDERR | Detection, simulation, modelling and loading of thunderstorm outflows to design wind-safer and cost-efficient structures | 2017 |
1891 | FIRMNET | Firms and Their Networks | 2017 |
1894 | Enhancement SGA2 | Enhancing Innovation Management Capacities and Key Account Management (KAM) services for Greek SMEs | 2017 |
1895 | WESTinnoMAR | WESTinnoMAR | 2017 |
1896 | NEMESIS | Neuron/mast cell interactions in skin diseases | 2017 |
1897 | FunCoSpeedSpine | Mapping the functional connectome for speed control in spinal motor circuits | 2018 |
1898 | HYDRO_RIG 3G | Development of a hydraulic installation for electro-hydraulic integration of hybrid surface actuation systems in on-ground rigs | 2017 |
1899 | MEET-CINCH | A Modular European Education and Training Concept In Nuclear and RadioCHemistry | 2017 |
1900 | ONE5G | E2E-aware Optimizations and advancements for the Network Edge of 5G New Radio | 2017 |
1901 | WORTECS | Wireless Optical/Radio TErabit Communications | 2017 |
1902 | TETRAMAX | TEchnology TRAnsfer via Multinational Application eXperiments | 2017 |
1903 | DREAM | D-Band Radio solution Enabling up to 100 Gbps reconfigurable Approach for Meshed beyond 5G networks | 2017 |
1904 | SaT5G | Satellite and Terrestrial Network for 5G | 2017 |
1905 | 5G-MoNArch | 5G Mobile Network Architecture for diverse services, use cases, and applications in 5G and beyond | 2017 |
1906 | 5GTANGO | 5G Development and validation platform for global industry-specific network services and Apps | 2017 |
1907 | SmartEEs | SMART Emerging Electronics Servicing DIH | 2017 |
1908 | 5G-Xcast | Broadcast and Multicast Communication Enablers for the Fifth-Generation of Wireless Systems | 2017 |
1909 | 5GCITY | 5GCITY | 2017 |
1910 | 5G-TRANSFORMER | 5G-TRANSFORMER: 5G Mobile Transport Platform for Verticals | 2017 |
1911 | 5G ESSENCE | Embedded Network Services for 5G Experiences | 2017 |
1912 | X5gon | X5gon: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network | 2017 |
1913 | FED4SAE | Federated CPS Digital Innovation Hubs for the Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative | 2017 |
1914 | 5G-MEDIA | Programmable edge-to-cloud virtualization fabric for the 5G Media industry | 2017 |
1915 | TERRANOVA | Terabit/s Wireless Connectivity by TeraHertz innovative technologies to deliver Optical Network Quality of Experience in Systems beyond 5G | 2017 |
1916 | SLICENET | End-to-End Cognitive Network Slicing and Slice Management Framework in Virtualised Multi-Domain, Multi-Tenant 5G Networks | 2017 |
1917 | Hyper360 | Enriching 360 media with 3D storytelling and personalisation elements | 2017 |
1919 | 5G-PHOS | 5G integrated Fiber-Wireless networks exploiting existing photonic technologies for high-density SDN-programmable network architectures | 2017 |
1920 | IoRL | Internet of Radio Light | 2017 |
1921 | NRG-5 | Enabling Smart Energy as a Service via 5G Mobile Network advances (NRG-5) | 2017 |
1922 | blueSPACE | Building on the Use of Spatial Multiplexing 5G Networks Infrastructures and Showcasing Advanced technologies and Networking Capabilties | 2017 |
1923 | 5G-PICTURE | 5G Programmable Infrastructure Converging disaggregated neTwork and compUte REsources | 2017 |
1924 | CORUS | Concept of Operations for EuRopean UTM Systems | 2017 |
1925 | N2N | European industrial doctorate for advanced, lightweight and silent, multifunctional composite structures | 2018 |
1926 | HEART | HEalth related Activity Recognition system based on IoT – an interdisciplinary training program for young researchers | 2017 |
1927 | NEUROCLOUD | A neural network builder with remotely controlled parallel computing | 2017 |
1928 | SMART BIKING | Safe parking system for bicycles | 2017 |
1929 | GlobalBLED | Ecosystem of Advanced ICT-based Services Personalised Training for Efficient Secure Driving | 2017 |
1930 | KETBIO | KETBIO: A novel cluster model to bring KEY ENABLING BIOTECHNOLOGY research closer to markets and society | 2017 |
1931 | BITNET-INNOSUP | Improvement of Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs from Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBH) through the Enterprise Europe Network | 2017 |
1932 | VIRIDIS MIST | A toxin-free, food-safe, autonomous mobile misting disinfection system that eradicates pathogenswithin 5 minutes and gives residual protection for 24 hours reducing the need for water and antibiotics | 2017 |
1933 | REDSENTRY | Proactive Operational Intelligence Cybersecurity Platform for the Financial Services Industry | 2017 |
1934 | DABCAST | Digital radio game changer | 2017 |
1935 | IMGENE | Improving Genome Editing Efficiency (IMGENE) | 2017 |
1936 | innocult | Centre of Excellence for Cultural and Creative Innovations in Lithuania | 2017 |
1937 | METAMAPPER | Super-resolution genomic mapping for the microbiome | 2017 |
1938 | MUSTEC | Market uptake of Solar Thermal Electricity through Cooperation | 2017 |
1939 | NEXT-NET | Next generation Technologies for networked Europe | 2017 |
1940 | NOBEL | Mobilising the European nano-biomedical ecosystem | 2017 |
1941 | ORCHID | Organ on Chip in Development | 2017 |
1942 | SPRING | Setting the framework for the enhanced impact of SPIRE projects | 2017 |
1943 | tCat | Disrupting the rail maintenance sector thanks to the most cost-efficient solution to auscultate railways overhead lines reducing costs up to 80% | 2017 |
1945 | AGNOSTIC | Actively Enhanced Cognition based Framework for Design of Complex Systems | 2017 |
1946 | AnonymClassic | The Arabic Anonymous in a World Classic | 2018 |
1947 | 5G-CORAL | 5G-CORAL: A 5G Convergent Virtualised Radio Access Network Living at the Edge | 2017 |
1948 | Clear5G | Converged wireless access for reliable 5G MTC for factories of the future | 2017 |
1950 | EU HEROES | EU routes for High pEnentration of solaR PV into lOcal nEtworkS | 2017 |
1951 | FONTE | Fibre optic nonlinear technologies | 2018 |
1952 | EPPN | European Network for Pilot Production Facilities and Innovation Hubs | 2017 |
1953 | EnergyMatching | Adaptable and adaptive RES envelope solutions to maximise energy harvesting and optimize EU building and district load matching | 2017 |
1954 | DocksTheFuture | Developing the methodology for a coordinated approach to the clustering, monitoring and evaluation of results of actions under the Ports of the Future topic | 2018 |
1955 | BEEOXAL | Treatment against honeybee varroosis based on highly effective application of oxalic acid through sublimation | 2017 |
1956 | HOPE-ON | Holistic Open Platform for Energy control and monitoring and facility digitalizatiON | 2017 |
1957 | DeviceHub | The next generation of internet-of-thing (IoT) connectivity. | 2017 |
1958 | SynCrop | Synthetic Circuits for Robust Orthogonal Production | 2018 |
1959 | TAPAS | Training Network on Automatic Processing of PAthological Speech | 2017 |
1960 | TeraApps | Doctoral Training Network in Terahertz Technologies for Imaging, Radar and Communication Applications | 2018 |
1961 | THOT | Comprehensive code for stellar dating, and analysis of exoplanetary systems observed by direct imaging | 2017 |
1962 | TOMOCON | Smart tomographic sensors for advanced industrial process control | 2017 |
1963 | TransFlexBattery | Transparent and Flexible Li-Organic 3D Thin-Film Microbattery | 2017 |
1964 | TRANSVAC2 | European Vaccine Research and Development Infrastructure | 2017 |
1965 | Tumor-Treg-Targeting | Training Network for the education of the next generation scientist in targeting the supressive capacity of regulatory T-cells specifically within tumours | 2018 |
1966 | VisIoN | European Training Network on Visible light based Interoperability and Networking | 2017 |
1967 | WEGO | Well-being, Ecology, Gender, and cOmmunity | 2018 |
1968 | YEASTDOC | Yeast Biotechnology Doctoral Training Programme | 2017 |
1969 | AiPBAND | An Integrated Platform for Developing Brain Cancer Diagnostic Techniques | 2018 |
1970 | ANIMATAS | Advancing intuitive human-machine interaction with human-like social capabilities for education in schools | 2018 |
1971 | AQUAlity | Interdisciplinar cross-sectoral approach to effectively address the removal of contaminants of emerging concern from water | 2017 |
1972 | Aromagenesis | Generation of new yeast strains for improved flavours and aromas in beer and wine | 2017 |
1973 | ASSTRA | Advanced Solid State Transformers | 2018 |
1974 | ATHOR | Advanced THermomechanical mOdelling of Refractory linings | 2017 |
1975 | B-Q MINDED | Breakthroughs in Quantitative Magnetic resonance ImagiNg for improved DEtection of brain Diseases | 2018 |
1976 | CLOUD-MOTION | CLOUD-MObility, Training and InnOvation Network | 2017 |
1977 | COUNTERCRAFT | Intelligence campaigns in the digital realms | 2017 |
1978 | DoDyNet | Double Dynamics for design of new responsive polymer networks and gels | 2017 |
1979 | DRIVE | Development of Robust and Innovative Vaccine Effectiveness | 2017 |
1980 | DyViTo | DyViTo: Dynamics in Vision and Touch - the look and feel of stuff | 2017 |
1982 | ENSYSTRA | Energy Systems in Transition | 2017 |
1983 | ERICA | Engineered Calcium-Silicate-Hydrates for Applications | 2017 |
1984 | EUROFLOW | A EUROpean training and research network for environmental FLOW management in river basins | 2017 |
1985 | EuroNeurotrophin | A European training network for the discovery of neurotrophins small molecule mimetics as candidate therapeutic agents for neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation | 2018 |
1986 | FibreNet | A Training Network on Designing Novel Bio-based Fibre Products for Targeted Advanced Properties and New Applications | 2017 |
1987 | FlowCamp | European Training Network to improve materials for high-performance, low-cost next- generation redox-flow batteries | 2017 |
1988 | FORA | Fog Computing for Robotics and Industrial Automation | 2017 |
1989 | FRONTHAL | Specificity of cortico-thalamic interactions and its role in frontal cortical functions | 2017 |
1990 | GLOMO | Global mobility of employees | 2018 |
1991 | GridEye | For a rapid transition to Smart Grids | 2017 |
1992 | HEAR-ECO | HEAR-ECO Innovative Hearing Aid Research - Ecological Conditions and Outcome Measures | 2017 |
1993 | HubIT | The HUB for boosting the Responsibility and inclusiveness of ICT enabled Research and Innovation through constructive interactions with SSH research | 2017 |
1994 | HYBRID | Innovative Training Network towards raising and supporting the next generation of creative and entrepreneurial cross-speciality imaging experts | 2017 |
1995 | HYBUILD | Innovative compact HYbrid electrical/thermal storage systems for low energy BUILDings | 2017 |
1996 | i-vSAVE | Intelligent Vessels using space technology for Safety on board. | 2017 |
1997 | ImmerSAFE | Immersive Visual Technologies for Safety-critical Applications | 2018 |
1998 | InnoDC | Innovative tools for offshore wind and DC grids | 2017 |
1999 | Inspire4Nature | INternational training at the Science-Policy Interface for Researchers in Europe, for Nature | 2018 |
2000 | INVITE | INnovative Verona university’s Inter-disciplinary, Inter-sectoral and International Training Experience | 2017 |
2001 | iPLACENTA | Innovation in modelling Placenta for Maternal and Fetal Health | 2018 |
2002 | IT-DED3 | Integrated Training in Dry Eye Disease Drug Development (IT-DED3) | 2018 |
2003 | MAESTRO | MAking pErovskiteS TRuly explOitable | 2017 |
2004 | MAGISTER | Machine learning for Advanced Gas turbine Injection SysTems to Enhance combustoR performance. | 2017 |
2005 | mCBEEs | Advanced integrative solutions to Corrosion problems beyond micro–scale: towards long-term durability of miniaturized Biomedical, Electronic and Energy systems | 2017 |
2006 | MEICOM | Meiotic Control of Recombination in Crops | 2018 |
2007 | META-CAN | Targeting the metabolism-immune system connections in Cancer | 2017 |
2008 | MIP-Frontiers | New Frontiers in Music Information Processing | 2018 |
2009 | MOSSWOOL | Sustainable growing media for vegetable cultivation | 2017 |
2010 | MUMMERING | MUltiscale, Multimodal and Multidimensional imaging for EngineeRING | 2018 |
2011 | MY-ATRIA | MultidisciplinarY training network for ATrial fibRillation monItoring, treAtment and progression | 2017 |
2012 | NOAH | Network of Functional Molecular Containers with Controlled Switchable Abilities | 2018 |
2013 | ONFIRE | Future Optical Networks for Innovation, Research and Experimentation | 2017 |
2014 | PhD4GlycoDrug | Multidisciplinary European Joint Doctorate in the Design and Development of Glyco Drugs | 2017 |
2015 | PHOTO-EMULSION | Towards Next-generation Eco-efficient PHOTO and EMULSION Polymerisations Imparting Synergy to Process, Products and Applications | 2017 |
2016 | ProTechTion | Industrial decision-making on complex production technologies supported by simulation-based engineering | 2018 |
2017 | PUMP-HEAT | Performance Untapped Modulation for Power and Heat via Energy Accumulation Technologies | 2017 |
2018 | QuESTech | QUantum Electronics Science and TECHnology training | 2018 |
2019 | RealVision | Hyperrealistic Imaging Experience | 2018 |
2020 | SALTGIANT | Understanding the Mediterranean Salinity Crisis | 2018 |
2021 | SIADE SaaS | SIADE SaaS: Spatial Decision Support System for Transportation Planning | 2017 |
2022 | STIMULATE | Simulation in multiscale physical and biological systems | 2018 |
2023 | MONSON | Ultrathin Mixed Matrix Membranes (MMMs) Derived from Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) Nanosheets for Organic Solvent Nanofiltration (OSN) | 2017 |
2024 | DEVOMIND | How do infants mentalize? Bringing a neuroimaging approach to the puzzle of early mindreading. | 2018 |
2025 | TB-EPF | Enhanced Place Finding (EPF) of TB transmission hotspots | 2017 |
2026 | GEM | Generalised Entropy Models for Spatial Choices | 2017 |
2027 | URBAN_CHINA | Urbanization in China's South-western Borderlands. The case of Jinghong, Xiguangbanna | 2018 |
2028 | ADVaNCE | ADVerse outcome Network for non-mutagenic CarcinogEns | 2017 |
2029 | THUNDEEP | A Theory for Understanding, Designing, and Training Deep Learning Systems | 2018 |
2030 | ENABLE | Advancing cell based therapies by supporting implant survival | 2018 |
2031 | ViBrANT | VIral and BacteRial Adhesin Network Training | 2018 |
2032 | LIMQUET | Light-Matter Interfaces for Quantum Enhanced Technology | 2018 |
2033 | TRABIT | Translational Brain Imaging Training Network | 2017 |
2034 | CARTNET | Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance Training Network | 2018 |
2035 | PERFORM | Pioneering the Digital Future for Omnichannel Retail Managers | 2018 |
2036 | COUPLED | Operationalising telecouplings for solving sustainability challenges related to land use | 2018 |
2037 | ELBA | European Liquid Biopsies Academy - Towards widespread clinical application of blood- based diagnostic tools | 2018 |
2038 | A4B | Analytics for Biologics | 2017 |
2039 | MultiMind | The Multilingual Mind | 2018 |
2040 | INSIGHTS | International Training Network for Statistics in High Energy Physics and Society | 2017 |
2041 | MAMI | Magnetics and Microhydrodynamics - from guided transport to delivery | 2018 |
2043 | ZULF | Zero and ultra-low field nuclear magnetic resonance | 2018 |
2044 | CROSSBOW | CROSS BOrder management of variable renewable energies and storage units enabling a transnational Wholesale market | 2017 |
2045 | INTERPLAN | INTEgrated opeRation PLAnning tool towards the Pan-European Network | 2017 |
2046 | PLANET | Planning and operational tools for optimising energy flows and synergies between energy networks | 2017 |
2047 | FLEXCoop | Democratizing energy markets through the introduction of innovative flexibility-based demand response tools and novel business and market models for energy cooperatives | 2017 |
2048 | MAGNITUDE | Bringing flexibility provided by multi energy carrier integration to a new MAGNITUDE | 2017 |
2049 | DRIVE | Demand Response Integration tEchnologies: unlocking the demand response potential in the distribution grid | 2017 |
2050 | TDX-ASSIST | Coordination of Transmission and Distribution data eXchanges for renewables integration in the European marketplace through Advanced, Scalable and Secure ICT Systems and Tools | 2017 |
2051 | ATMOSPHERE | Adaptive, Trustworthy, Manageable, Orchestrated, Secure, Privacy-assuring, Hybrid Ecosystem for REsilient Cloud Computing | 2017 |
2052 | IN2STEMPO | Innovative Solutions in Future Stations, Energy Metering and Power Supply | 2017 |
2053 | Efficoil | Integrating Punching and Laser Coil Technology for Metal Manufacturing Industry | 2017 |
2054 | CHIST-ERA III | European coordinated research on long-term ICT and ICT-based scientific challenges | 2017 |
2055 | INTEND | INtentify future Transport rEsearch NeeDs | 2017 |
2056 | NECOS | Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing | 2017 |
2057 | POP-R | Parallel Orthographic Processing and Reading | 2017 |
2058 | StroMaP | Stromal stress networks underlying phenotypic plasticity and tumor fitness | 2017 |
2059 | NeMoSanctI | New Models of Sanctity in Italy (1960s-2010s).A Semiotic Analysis of Norms, Causes of Saints, Hagiography, and Narratives | 2018 |
2060 | noRAG-TOR | Rag-independent regulation of mTOR by Amino Acids | 2018 |
2061 | DISCOVER | Design of Mixed Anion Inorganic Semiconductors for Energy Conversion | 2018 |
2062 | CORNET | Provably Correct Networks | 2018 |
2063 | VIRO-FLOW | Enabling Technologies and Drug Discovery: Continuous Flow Processes to Discover Novel Antiviral Inhibitors | 2017 |
2064 | TFence | A patent pending solution/microchip for the IoT cybersecurity market requirements: no access toonline software updates, very small size, inexpensive hardware, low energy consumption. | 2017 |
2065 | SuperEH | Super Variable Vector Combination Energy Saving Hub | 2017 |
2066 | GALERACLUSTER | Galera Cluster: World’s Most Advanced Technology to Protect Against Data Loss | 2017 |
2067 | DYNASSEMBLY | Dynamic control of assembly, directonnality and chirality in hydrogen bond networks. | 2018 |
2068 | BugTheDrug | Predicting the effects of gut microbiota and diet on an individual’s drug response and safety | 2018 |
2069 | GEO-4D | Geodetic data assimilation: Forecasting Deformation with InSAR | 2018 |
2070 | InsularAnxiety | Insular cortical circuits controlling fear and anxiety | 2018 |
2071 | HypoRuLight | Hypoxic Tumour Models for Photoactivatable Ruthenium-based Chemotherapy | 2017 |
2072 | REACH | Re-designing access to CH for a wider participation in preservation, (re)use and management of European culture | 2017 |
2073 | 5GRANGE | Remote area Access Network for 5th GEneration | 2017 |
2074 | QUANTIFY | Unraveling the role of anisotropy in material failure | 2018 |
2075 | ORBIS | Open Research Biopharmaceutical Internships Support | 2018 |
2076 | SMARTELECTRODES | Multiscaled Smart Metallic and Semiconductor Electrodes for Electrochemical Processing and Devices | 2018 |
2077 | HealthScaping | Healthscaping Urban Europe: Bio-Power, Space and Society, 1200-1500 | 2017 |
2078 | IntScOmics | A single-cell genomics approach integrating gene expression, lineage, and physical interactions | 2018 |
2079 | ECOLANG | Ecological Language: A multimodal approach to language and the brain | 2018 |
2080 | TECNEC | Preclinical concept validation of tumor endothelial cell metabolism for novel anti-angiogenic therapy | 2017 |
2081 | PVCI | Photovoltaic Control and Integration | 2017 |
2082 | Aural Paris | Aural Paris: The Changing Identities of The City of Sound in Music, Film and Literature, 1870-1940. | 2018 |
2083 | SONGBIRD | SOphisticated 3D cell culture scaffolds for Next Generation Barrier-on-chip In vitro moDels | 2018 |
2084 | ScaleOpt | Scaling Methods for Discrete and Continuous Optimization | 2018 |
2085 | QuantumNet | A Scalable Quantum Network based on Individual Erbium Ions | 2018 |
2087 | ENTRAINER | Enhancing brain function and cognition via artificial entrainment of neural oscillations | 2018 |
2088 | SUGARCODING | The neuroenergetics of memory consolidation – hybrid PET/MR imaging of the default mode network | 2018 |
2089 | RELaTED | REnewable Low TEmperature District | 2017 |
2090 | HOLISDER | Integrating Real-Intelligence in Energy Management Systems enabling Holistic Demand Response Optimization in Buildings and Districts | 2017 |
2091 | TEMPO | TEMPerature Optimisation for Low Temperature District Heating across Europe | 2017 |
2092 | ANIMA | Aviation Noise Impact Management through Novel Approaches | 2017 |
2093 | DOIT | Entrepreneurial skills for young social innovators in an open digital world. A European Initiative | 2017 |
2094 | SEnECA | Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia relations | 2018 |
2095 | NEWBIE | New Entrant netWork: Business models for Innovation, entrepreneurship and resilience in European agriculture | 2018 |
2096 | PANACEA | A thematic network to design the penetration PAth of Non-food Agricultural Crops into European Agriculture | 2017 |
2097 | OK-Net EcoFeed | Organic Knowledge Network on Monogastric Animal Feed | 2018 |
2098 | FIT4FOOD2030 | Fostering Integration and Transformation for FOOD 2030 | 2017 |
2099 | FLEXITRANSTORE | An Integrated Platform for Incresed FLEXIbility in smart TRANSmission grids with STORage Entities and large penetration of Renewable Energy Sources | 2017 |
2100 | Hi-FLY | High-Speed Integrated Satellite Data Systems For Leading EU IndustrY | 2018 |
2102 | OCARIoT | smart childhood Obesity CARing solution using IoT potential | 2017 |
2103 | OPTIYARD | Optimised Real-time Yard and Network Management | 2017 |
2104 | MASTER | Multiple ASpects TrajEctoRy management and analysis | 2018 |
2105 | OCTA | Organic Charge Transfer Applications | 2018 |
2106 | CLATHROPROBES | Chiroptical, optical and magnetic probes for protein sensing based on cage metal complexes | 2018 |
2107 | QAMeleon | Sliceable multi-QAM format SDN-powered transponders and ROADMs Enabling Elastic Optical Networks | 2018 |
2108 | COMBACTE-CDI | Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe - Clostridium Difficile Infections | 2017 |
2109 | EnABLES | European Infrastructure Powering the Internet of Things | 2018 |
2110 | IBISBA 1.0 | Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator | 2017 |
2111 | TERRINet | The European Robotics Research Infrastructure Network | 2017 |
2112 | EU_FT-ICR_MS | European Network of Fourier-Transform Ion-Cyclotron-Resonance Mass Spectrometry Centers | 2018 |
2113 | EUMarineRobots | Marine robotics research infrastructure network | 2018 |
2114 | LogNeuroDev | The molecular and cellular logic of vertebrate neural development | 2018 |
2115 | GeroProtect | Developing Geroprotectors to Prevent Polymorbidity | 2017 |
2116 | ERIEH | Exact Results in Extended Holography | 2018 |
2117 | AgeCogCity | How visual perception shapes our cities: a cognitive model of ageing population | 2018 |
2118 | SynapseER | Endoplasmic reticulum structure and synaptic function in Drosophila | 2018 |
2119 | PRECONFIG | Learning and PREdiction based on the PREnatal CONnectome FInGerprint | 2018 |
2120 | NEWMAN | NExt-generation WDM Metro and Access Networks | 2018 |
2121 | VSDN | Video streaming services with Software-Defined Networking | 2018 |
2122 | TENSION | Efficacy and safety of thrombectomy in stroke with extended lesion and extended time window: a randomized, controlled trial | 2018 |
2123 | MESI-STRAT | Systems Medicine of Metabolic-Signaling Networks: A New Concept for Breast Cancer Patient Stratification | 2018 |
2124 | MOODSTRATIFICATION | Immune Signatures for Therapy Stratification in Major Mood Disorders | 2018 |
2125 | R-LiNK | Optimizing response to Li treatment through personalized evaluation of individuals with bipolar I disorder: the R-LiNK initiative | 2018 |
2126 | COMPAR-EU | Comparing effectiveness of self-management interventions in 4 high priority chronic diseases in Europe | 2018 |
2127 | COLOSSUS | Advancing a Precision Medicine Paradigm in metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Systems based patient stratification solutions | 2018 |
2128 | EU-TRAIN | The EUropean TRAnsplantation and INnovation (EU-TRAIN) consortium for improving diagnosis and risk stratification in kidney transplant patients | 2018 |
2129 | OligoGpivotalCF | A pivotal phase IIb clinical trial of inhaled alginate oligosaccharide (OligoG) for cystic fibrosis | 2018 |
2130 | BANDWIDTH | The cost of limited communication bandwidth in distributed computing | 2018 |
2131 | LNEXPANDS | The Mechanisms and Dynamics Controlling Cycles of Lymph Node Expansion | 2018 |
2132 | Life-Cycle | Life-like Supramolecular Materials based on Reaction Cycles with Designed Feedback | 2018 |
2133 | MEMCIRCUIT | Deconstruction of a neural circuit for working memory: hubs, coding mechanisms, and signal routing | 2018 |
2134 | EvoCellBio | A combined in vitro and in vivo approach to dissect biochemical network evolution. | 2018 |
2135 | THEMPO | The missing link between Perception and Cognition: The case of multiple-person scenarios | 2018 |
2136 | TIMEISNOW | The Time is Now: Understanding Social Network Dynamics Using Relational Event Histories | 2018 |
2137 | INFLUENCE | Influence-based Decision-making in Uncertain Environments | 2018 |
2138 | ORGANOMICS | Reconstructing human cortex development and malformation with single-cell transcriptomics | 2018 |
2139 | GreatMoves | General Relativistic Moving-Mesh Simulations of Neutron-Star Mergers | 2018 |
2140 | BSP | Belief Systems Project | 2018 |
2141 | BLOCKCHAINSOCIETY | The Disrupted Society: mapping the societal effects of blockchain technology diffusion | 2018 |
2142 | Oyster | Open characterisation and modelling environment to drive innovation in advanced nano-architectured and bio-inspired hard/soft interfaces | 2017 |
2143 | INNPAPER | Innovative and Smart Printed Electronics based on Multifunctionalized Paper: from Smart Labelling to Point of Care Bioplatforms | 2018 |
2144 | IoT4Win | Internet of Thing for Smart Water Innovative Networks | 2018 |
2145 | VitalNodes | Building a lasting expert network that delivers evidence-based recommendations for Vital Urban Nodes along TEN-T Corridors | 2017 |
2146 | WellCO | Wellbeing and Health Virtual Coach | 2017 |
2147 | eDREAM | eDREAM - enabling new Demand REsponse Advanced, Market oriented and Secure technologies, solutions and business models | 2018 |
2148 | HYPERNETS | A new hyperspectral radiometer integrated in automated networks of water and land bidirectional reflectance measurements for satellite validation | 2018 |
2149 | Astropreneurs | Turning space-related ideas into viable businesses and promoting opportunities for entrepreneurs coming from space and non-space sectors. | 2018 |
2151 | S2S4E | Sub-seasonal to Seasonal climate forecasting for Energy | 2017 |
2152 | MIREU | Mining and Metallurgy Regions of EU | 2017 |
2153 | POSIDON | POlluted SIte DecontaminatiON - PCP | 2018 |
2154 | RDA Europe 4.0 | The European plug-in to the global Research Data Alliance | 2018 |
2155 | DEEP-HybridDataCloud | Designing and Enabling E-infrastructures for intensive Processing in a Hybrid DataCloud | 2017 |
2156 | KET4CleanProduction | Pan-European Access for man. SME on tech. services for clean production through a Network of premier KET Technology Centres with one stop shop access incl. EEN and discourse with policy makers on RIS3 | 2018 |
2157 | OpenAIRE-Advance | OpenAIRE Advancing Open Scholarship | 2018 |
2158 | PAPILA | Prediction of Air Pollution in Latin America | 2018 |
2159 | ReaLsMs | Real Smart City | 2017 |
2160 | CybSPEED | Cyber-Physical Systems for PEdagogical Rehabilitation in Special EDucation | 2017 |
2161 | CareHD | Patient Centered Connected Health Model of Care for Huntingtons Disease | 2018 |
2162 | DNASURF | Molecular diagnostics through DNA modification and interfacial engineering | 2017 |
2163 | SPEME | Questioning Traumatic Heritage: Spaces of Memory in Europe, Argentina, Colombia | 2018 |
2164 | REMIX | Regenerative Medicine Innovation Crossing - Research and Innovation Staff Exchange inRegenerative Medicine | 2017 |
2165 | TransFerr | Transition metal oxides with metastable phases: a way towards superior ferroic properties | 2017 |
2166 | ENGIMA | Engineering of Nanostructures with Giant Magneto-Piezoelectric and Multicaloric Functionalities | 2017 |
2167 | NanoFEED | Nanostructured carriers for improved cattle feed | 2018 |
2168 | Nano-OligoMed | Hybrid Nanostructured Oligonucleotide Platforms for Biomedical Applications | 2017 |
2169 | RENESENG II | Renewable systems engineering for waste valorisation ΙΙ | 2018 |
2171 | HYDRAITE | Hydrogen Delivery Risk Assessment and Impurity Tolerance Evaluation | 2018 |
2172 | TeacHy | Teaching Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Science and Engineering Across Europe within Horizon 2020 | 2017 |
2173 | EDI | European Data Incubator | 2018 |
2175 | SerIoT | Secure and Safe Internet of Things | 2018 |
2176 | MeMAD | Methods for Managing Audiovisual Data: Combining Automatic Efficiency with Human Accuracy | 2018 |
2177 | E2DATA | European Extreme Performing Big Data Stacks | 2018 |
2178 | MORPHIC | Mems-based zerO-power Reconfigurable PHotonic ICs | 2018 |
2179 | NEOMENTO | Redefining Virtual Reality Therapy for Anxiety Disorders | 2017 |
2180 | | Supporting European Experts Presence in International Standardisation Activities in ICT | 2018 |
2181 | PASSION | Photonic technologies for progrAmmable transmission and switching modular systems based on Scalable Spectrum/space aggregation for future agIle high capacity metrO Networks | 2017 |
2182 | Track and Know | Big Data for Mobility Tracking Knowledge Extraction in Urban Areas | 2018 |
2183 | GrassrootWavelengths | Grassroot Wavelengths: Highly Networked Grassroots Community Radio through a scalable digital platform | 2018 |
2184 | AirBorne | AerIal RoBotic technologies for professiOnal seaRch aNd rescuE | 2018 |
2185 | PODIUM | Proving Operations of Drones with Initial UTM Management | 2018 |
2186 | ADAPT | Advanced prediction models for flexible trajectory-based operations | 2018 |
2187 | Engage | Knowledge Transfer Network proposed in response to the SESAR-ER3-01-2016 Call | 2018 |
2188 | reNEW | Sustainable cleaning agent and organic fertilizer recovery from sewage sludge | 2017 |
2189 | Andromeda | Predictive Maintenance for railway switches. Smart sensor networks on a machine learninganalytics platform | 2017 |
2191 | KoolZone | KoolZone- refrigeration control technology to minimise food waste, avoid food poisoning and minimise energy consumption | 2017 |
2192 | Net4MobilityPlus | Network of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action National Contact Points for the mobile scientific and innovation community | 2018 |
2193 | CULTURED BEEF | A cost-effective production process to open worldwide the cultured meat market | 2017 |
2194 | VoLTE-DM | VoLTE device management platform: enabler for the transition to full-LTE mobile networks and more efficient use of the scarce radio spectrum | 2017 |
2196 | EcoFeel | An all-in-one monitoring device for measuring the energy consumption of household appliances and providing real-time feedback to reduce environmental impact. | 2017 |
2197 | Timber Shuttle | The novel wood-harvesting system for mechanical steep-slope logging | 2017 |
2198 | U-Control | Advanced Universal Control and monitoring solution to remotely manage complex power systems | 2017 |
2199 | SolarGaps | SolarGaps - Energy generating solar smart window blinds | 2017 |
2201 | OPNT | Enhanced Time as a Service: transforming telecom networks into a 'SuperGPS' system | 2017 |
2202 | ASUNDER | Environmental subjects, conflicts and commodity frontiers | 0 |
2203 | ELEXIS | European Lexicographic Infrastructure | 2018 |
2204 | DeepSPIN | Deep Learning for Structured Prediction in Natural Language Processing | 2018 |
2205 | RECEIVE | Regulatory networks of plant cell rearrangement during symbiont accommodation | 2018 |
2206 | DyVirt | Dynamic virtualisation: modelling performance of engineering structures | 2018 |
2207 | MIRA | Microbe induced Resistance to Agricultural pests | 2017 |
2208 | ULTRA | Increasing the Spatial Correlation of Logical Units of Data to Enable an Ultra-Low Latency Internet | 2018 |
2209 | TopMechMat | Topological Mechanical Metamaterials | 2018 |
2210 | ScaleCell | Scalable Kinetic Models: From Molecular Dynamics to Cellular Signaling | 2018 |
2211 | PentaHelix | Multi stakeholder and governance approach for SECAP development and implementation | 2018 |
2212 | mPOWER | Municipal Action, Public Engagement and Routes Towards Energy Transition | 2018 |
2213 | AMPWISE | Autonomous Wireless Current Sensor for Aircraft Power Lines | 2018 |
2214 | IMASAT | IMA (Integrated Modular Avionics) for Small Air Transport | 2018 |
2215 | peLabDisk | Point-of-care molecular diagnostics of psoriasis and eczema – peLabDisk | 2018 |
2216 | DANTE | DANTE: Digital Alarm Network and Tracking Equipment for forest fire detection | 2018 |
2217 | Skypull | Harnessing the power of high altitude winds - the biggest energy resource yet unexploited by humankind | 2017 |
2218 | PANORAMIX | PANORAMIX: Platform for the operAtion aNd Optimization in ReAl-time of MIXed autonomous fleets . | 2018 |
2219 | NextGen-O2k | Next Generation instrument for in-depth mitochondrial status analyses | 2018 |
2220 | Pavnext | NextGen Road Safety for smarter cities | 2018 |
2221 | TiMMi Transport | Making CO2-free city logistics a reality | 2018 |
2222 | GENAQ | Replicating the Natural Rain Process for a Sustainable Distributed Water Production: More Water with Less Consumed Energy | 2018 |
2223 | SeQfood | Cost-Efficient Network for the Genetic Certification of Food Quality | 2018 |
2224 | KYTERA COMPANION | Disrupting the elderly home care with contextual analysis software | 2018 |
2225 | FITT-iN | Fast IoT market take-up through The Things Networks | 2018 |
2226 | InnoForESt | Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services | 2017 |
2227 | EASY-RES | Enable Ancillary Services bY Renewable Energy Sources | 2018 |
2228 | STEMpop | Mechanisms of stem cell population dynamics and reprogramming | 2018 |
2229 | DyNET | Dynamical river NETworks: climatic controls and biogeochemical function | 2018 |
2230 | DeCode | Dendrites and memory: role of dendritic spikes in information coding by hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons | 2018 |
2231 | POLYADAPT | Molecular-genetic mechanisms of extreme adaptation in a polyphagous agricultural pest | 2018 |
2232 | ImmunoFit | Harnessing tumor metabolism to overcome immunosupression | 2018 |
2233 | CROSS-NEUROD | Transferring autonomous and non autonomous cell degeneration 3D models between EU and USA for development of effective therapies for neurodegenerative diseases (ND) | 2018 |
2234 | ADD-ON | Advanced Damage Detection though Optical sensor Network | 2018 |
2235 | ENIGMA | Supervisor Control for ENhanced electrIcal enerGy MAnagement | 2018 |
2236 | SALAMANDER | Soakback Assessment using LAttice Boltzmann Method and Aerothermal Nodal-network for the Design of the Engine-bay Region | 2018 |
2237 | INTELLICONT | Development and Manufacturing of Intelligent Lightweight Composite Aircraft Container | 2018 |
2238 | AHEAD | A Human and Environmental history of the Atacama Desert: understanding ecological and archaeological interactions in arid areas of South America | 2018 |
2239 | StringHom | String topology and group (co)homology | 2018 |
2240 | COMPA 2GO | COMPA 2GO Composite Repairs for Ships - Service Demonstration, Certification and Market Entry | 2018 |
2242 | AMFIL | Autonomous magnetic field-based indoor location | 2018 |
2243 | POWERSWAP | Fully robotic system for swapping electric car batteries within 3 minutes. | 2018 |
2244 | CIRCOMMUNICATION | Deciphering molecular pathways of circadian clock communication | 2018 |
2245 | TUVOLU | Tundra biogenic volatile emissions in the 21st century | 2018 |
2246 | NEFERTITI | Networking European Farms to Enhance Cross Fertilisation and Innovation Uptake through Demonstration | 2018 |
2247 | BOOST 4.0 | Big Data Value Spaces for COmpetitiveness of European COnnected Smart FacTories 4.0 | 2018 |
2248 | DeepRNA | Discovering functional protein-RNA interactions through data integration and machine learning. | 2018 |
2249 | TRIBOSC | Towards Radically Innovative Materials for Better and Sustainable Organic Solar Cells | 2018 |
2250 | Family Myths | Family Myths: Phraseology and Inherited Indo-European Thematic Structures in Greek Myth | 2018 |
2251 | NetRom | Early Marriage between Dynamism of Social Network and Legal Autonomy: The case of transnational Romanian Roma | 2018 |
2252 | MulArEffect | Theoretical description of the multifaceted aromaticity and resonance effects in the ground- and excited-state molecular systems | 2018 |
2253 | Freq4Num | The neural signature of numerosity: Tracking the cerebral correlates of numerical and continuous magnitude extraction with a frequency-based approach | 2018 |
2254 | APA | Filter-less water-based Air Pollution Abatement system | 2018 |
2255 | eSMART | The Professional Platform for sustainable and connected buildings | 2018 |
2256 | CIVICS | Criminality, Victimization and Social Interactions | 2018 |
2257 | CHESTER | Compressed Heat Energy Storage for Energy from Renewable sources | 2018 |
2258 | POLYTHEA | Design and photo-optimization of Photosensitizer for Human Health and Food security applications or “how light can save lives” | 2018 |
2259 | EpiSyStem | Epigenetics and System Biology of Stem cells and Reprogramming | 2018 |
2260 | VisualGrasping | Visually guided grasping and its effects on visual representations | 2018 |
2261 | ConnectExAct-Age | Brain Connectivity for Executive Control over Action in Ageing | 2018 |
2262 | SPITFIRE | SPatial variability and Implications of the Timing of FIsh Responses to the Environment | 2018 |
2263 | MarginScapes | Long-term land use and water management strategies in arid margin landscapes | 2018 |
2264 | EFHHBBBMS | Endothelial Hedgehog autocrine signaling at the Blood Brain Barrier controls inflammatory CentralNervous System lesion size and severity through Gas1 co-receptor modulation. | 2019 |
2265 | GABASSEMBLY | The role of GABAergic circuits in the orchestration of hippocampal neuronal assemblies | 2019 |
2266 | NEQC | Noise-Enhanced Quantum Control | 2018 |
2267 | PWAQUTEC | Phononic Waveguide-based Platforms for Quantum Technologies | 2018 |
2268 | LocalCom | Digital Local Public Sphere and Local Communication Online: A Comparative Study of Four European countries | 2019 |
2269 | SPECTROCHEM | First-Principles Spectroscopies in Realistic Electrochemical Environments | 2018 |
2270 | TOPNIN | Tracing of pulmonary neuro-immune networks | 2018 |
2271 | EPNRL | Electrically pumped network random lasers | 2018 |
2272 | RSCmemory | Network representations of contextual memory in a neocortical circuit | 2018 |
2273 | MY-GATEWAY | Boosting the growth potential of CEE start-ups on a pan-Europen level by creating new opportunities, synergies and opening the GATE of Startup Europe to the Balkans | 2018 |
2274 | One Health EJP | Promoting One Health in Europe through joint actions on foodborne zoonoses, antimicrobial resistance and emerging microbiological hazards. | 2018 |
2275 | AXO-MATH | Imaging and analyzing dynamics of reward-related long-range axons during decision-making in behaving mice | 2018 |
2277 | FINSEC | Integrated Framework for Predictive and Collaborative Security of Financial Infrastructures | 2018 |
2278 | BrainBehaviourModel | Understanding decision making by linking brain and behaviour | 2018 |
2279 | BridgeScan | Laser Scanning for Automatic Bridge Assessment | 2019 |
2280 | CARBS | Compositional Approximate Reasoning via Bialgebraic Semantics | 2019 |
2281 | CASE-CO2 | Carbon Accumulation over Succession to Enhance mitigation of CO2 emissions | 2018 |
2282 | CHEMPUFF | Atmospheric surfactants Chemistry: imProving the predictions of cloUd Formation and Features (CHEMPUFF) | 2018 |
2283 | Co-Inform | Co-Creating Misinformation-Resilient Societies | 2018 |
2284 | CO-SUSTAIN | Collaborative Sustainable Innovation: co-designing governance approaches for a sustainable and innovative small-scale fishing industry in the Irish islands | 2018 |
2285 | COMPRESS NETS | Compressed Sensing Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks | 2018 |
2286 | Constr-HaVi | Construction techniques, experimentation and innovative architectural solutions atHadrian’s Villa (Tivoli, Italy) | 2019 |
2287 | CRASCI | Spatial-temporal characteristics of Cortical Reorganization after Spinal Cord Injury and the role of interneurons and astrocytes | 2018 |
2288 | DeeViSe | Deep Learning for Dynamic 3D Visual Scene Understanding | 2018 |
2289 | DynaTweezers | DynaTweezers: Elucidating the Molecular Mechanisms of Bacterial Gene Silencing using Tethered Particles and Optical Tweezing | 2018 |
2290 | ECHOE | An Electronic Corpus of Anonymous Homilies in Old English | 2018 |
2291 | ECOINTELS | The Economics of the Intelligent Transportation Services | 2018 |
2292 | EcoLabSS | Ecovillages as Laboratories of Sustainability and Social Change | 2018 |
2293 | ENCORE | Exploring Neutrinos: Cosmology, Oscillations, REactors | 2018 |
2294 | NeuroRemod | Mechanisms of neuronal network remodeling in the adult mammalian brain | 2018 |
2295 | ICONET | New ICT infrastructure and reference architecture to support Operations in future PI Logistics NETworks | 2018 |
2296 | ICON-BIO | Integrated Connectedness for a New Representation of Biology | 2018 |
2297 | LUDEME | The Digital Ludeme Project: Modelling the Evolution of Traditional Games | 2018 |
2298 | SOUNDSCENE | How does the brain organize sounds into auditory scenes? | 2018 |
2299 | InfoSampCollectJgmt | The Implications of Selective Information Sampling for Individual and Collective Judgments | 2018 |
2300 | QNETWORK | Quantum networks wired by multi-spin entanglement | 2018 |
2301 | UB-RASDisease | The ubiquitin system in RAS-driven disease | 2018 |
2302 | FeedHypNet | Dynamic regulation of feeding behaviors in health and disease by top-down control of hypothalamic networks | 2018 |
2303 | NovelExperiSENSE | How experience shapes brain specializations | 2018 |
2304 | RUBIZMO | Replicable business models for modern rural economies | 2018 |
2305 | INNOSETA | Accelerating Innovative practices for Spraying Equipment, Training and Advising in European agriculture through the mobilization of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems | 2018 |
2306 | NEXT | New Exploration Technologies | 2018 |
2307 | CARE4C | Carbon smart forestry under climate change | 2018 |
2308 | DAWN4IoE | Data Aware Wireless Networks for Internet of Everything | 2017 |
2309 | FODIAC | Foods for diabetes and cognition | 2018 |
2310 | STEP-IN | Using Living Labs to roll out Sustainable Strategies for Energy Poor Individuals | 2018 |
2311 | SIRENA | Novel electric stair climber to break barriers in transport of disabled people and goods through a safe, quick and comfortable movement | 2018 |
2312 | ADMIRE | Atomic-scale Design of Majorana states and their Innovative Real-space Exploration | 2019 |
2313 | REACT | REactively Defending against Advanced Cybersecurity Threats | 2018 |
2314 | CYBER-TRUST | Advanced Cyber-Threat Intelligence, Detection, and Mitigation Platform for a Trusted Internet of Things | 2018 |
2315 | ASTRID | AddreSsing ThReats for virtualIseD services | 2018 |
2316 | EU-SENSE | European Sensor System for CBRN Applications | 2018 |
2317 | ANITA | Advanced tools for fighting oNline Illegal TrAfficking | 2018 |
2318 | SECurITY | Social-ECological Interdependencies in TransboundarY water resources systems | 2019 |
2319 | RECGLYCANMR | Breaking the limits in glycan recognition by NMR | 2018 |
2320 | RRING | Responsible Research and Innovation Networked Globally | 2018 |
2321 | RRTJDM | Relative Rank Theory: A Computational Model of Preferences, Choices, Attitudes and Opinions | 2018 |
2322 | NEMO | Network Motion | 2019 |
2323 | REDESIGN | distRibutED, sElf-adaptable, and Scalable wIreless foG Networks | 2019 |
2324 | CARENET | Content-Aware Wireless Networks: Fundamental Limits, Algorithms, and Architectures | 2018 |
2325 | RESPONSE 5G | Resilient and Secure Multi-controller Communication Platform for 5G Networks | 2018 |
2326 | FHNR | Charting the process of getting forgotten within the humanities, 18th – 20th centuries: a historical network research analysis | 2018 |
2327 | Work-STeP | Workforce Sustainability Testing Platform | 2018 |
2328 | AI-CU | Automated Improvement of Continuous User interfaces | 2018 |
2329 | PHILOS | PHILOS: Real-time Detection and Automated Mitigation of BGP Prefix Hijacking Attacks | 2019 |
2330 | SURFInG | StructURal and Functional dynamics of BrassIca napus polyploid Genome | 2018 |
2331 | GEO4CIVHIC | Most Easy, Efficient and Low Cost Geothermal Systems for Retrofitting Civil and Historical Buildings | 2018 |
2332 | MachineCat | Machine Learning for Catalytic Carbon Dioxide Activation | 2018 |
2333 | MHCIbiopic | MHC-I biogenesis and degradation at the endoplasmic reticulum membrane | 2019 |
2334 | ILLR | Intellectual Life and Learning on Rhodes (168BC-AD44) | 2018 |
2335 | PiCoBoo | 19th-Century European Picture-Books in Colour | 2018 |
2336 | WPCN | Wireless Powered Communication Networks: Architectures, Protocols and Optimized Resource Allocation | 2019 |
2337 | ARTDEL | The Art of Deleting: A Study of Erasure Poetry, Practices of Control, Surveillance, and Censorship | 2018 |
2338 | Meta-Origami | Metabolic engineering of Ustilago trichophora: an isotope-assisted metabolomics approach for the improvement of malate production from glycerol | 2019 |
2339 | POLYFIL | Polychromatic low-threshold fibre laser | 2018 |
2340 | WEBOING | UWB wearable apparatus for bone fracture imaging and recovering monitoring | 2018 |
2341 | PEDAS | The Political Economy of Data: Comparing the Asian Giants | 2018 |
2342 | MOSPhotocat | Application of Metal Oxide Semiconductors in Photocatalysis | 2018 |
2343 | TRANSACT | Book History and Translation History: Copyright, Wages, Censorship, and the (Proto-)Professionalisation of Translators in Nineteenth-Century Britain and Ireland | 2018 |
2344 | EUTERPE | Estimation of the term premium in Euro Area government bonds | 2018 |
2345 | ION | Information Diffusion on Networks | 2019 |
2346 | MIDAS | Microbial Degradation of Jellyfish-Derived Substrates | 2018 |
2347 | NoLiMit | Non-Linear Bayesian partition-modeling of the Earth's mantle transition zone | 2018 |
2348 | Med-N-Change | Assessing the Interactive Effects on N Addition and Climate Change on Soil Processes through the Biological Soil Crust in Mediterranean Ecosystems | 2019 |
2349 | INBID | Improving the resolution of Neuroinflammation during repetitive mild Traumatic Brain Injury with dietary fatty acid Derivatives | 2018 |
2350 | MITIG | Addressing MITochondrial Import by Glioblastoma cells to rewire respiratory metabolism | 2019 |
2351 | SUPRAforORGANS | Synthetic supramolecular polymers as artificial extracellular matrix for stem cell expansion towards organoids. | 2019 |
2352 | TokAthe | Tokens and their Cultural Biography in Athens from the Classical Age to the End of Antiquity | 2018 |
2353 | FA x Force | Reconstitution and Structural Analysis of a Minimal Mechanosensitive Focal Adhesion Complex | 2019 |
2354 | METLINK | METLINK: Identification of links between cancer cell growth and metabolism genes. | 2018 |
2355 | RCADE | Reversible causally-consistent debugging of concurrent programs | 2018 |
2356 | NERHYMUS | The Neurobiology of Rhythm: effects of Musical expertise on natural speech comprehension | 2018 |
2357 | TFs-HSCs | The identification of the Combinatorial Transcription Factor network exerting different roles in Hematopoietic Stem Cells. | 2019 |
2358 | AlgSignSen | The Algebraic Geometry of Chemical Reaction Networks: Structural conditions for uniquely determined Sign-sensitivities. | 2019 |
2359 | LaFS | Language, Families, and Society | 2019 |
2360 | FANC | A Faster Approach to Network Control | 2019 |
2361 | FOREPAST | Past, present and future environmental, biological and social transitions in coastal ecosystems | 2019 |
2362 | MaltaPot | Archaeometric Analysis of Maltese Prehistoric Pottery | 2018 |
2363 | PFC-AMY | Functional networks underlying emotion processing | 2018 |
2364 | InvestorCliques | Investor Cliques in Stock Markets | 2018 |
2365 | MAPNET | Mathematical Modelling and Optimization of Programmable 5G Networks | 2019 |
2366 | ADAM5 | ADvanced multicarrier wAveforms based Massive MIMO with full-duplex capability for green 5G and beyond | 2018 |
2367 | RISE | Robust WIrelesS Caching for Mobile NEtworks (RISE) | 2018 |
2368 | PERSEUS | A New Perspective On Star Formation and Spiral Structure in Our Home Galaxy | 2018 |
2369 | MECEDGE | Transgenic dissection of the neural circuitry of memory and dementia | 2018 |
2370 | EpiBarrier | Control of the blood-brain barrier integrity during seizures via the ATP-gated P2X7 receptor | 2018 |
2371 | EPRAC | Economy of Pre-Roman Adriatic Communities: amphora production and trade patterns in a changing world | 2018 |
2372 | PALEOMADA | Paleoenvironmental reconstruction in Madagascar | 2019 |
2374 | MultiNetMetrics | Multiplex Network Econometrics | 2018 |
2375 | 5G-DRIVE | 5G DRIVEn Resource Efficient Mobile Aggregation Networks | 2018 |
2377 | HYBSPN | Hybrid Learning Systems utilizing Sum-Product Networks | 2018 |
2378 | GEiMS | GridEye State Estimation of Medium Voltage Distribution Systems | 2018 |
2379 | JOINTIME | Connecting Bronze Age Europe: High-precision Radiocarbon Dating 1700-1500 BCE | 2018 |
2380 | GLIAMAC | Uncovering Enteric GLIA-MACrophage communication in the intestinal homeostasis and inflammation | 2018 |
2381 | GutMIND | Gut microbiota-Microglia Interactions in NeuroDevelopment | 2018 |
2382 | Multiple Sclerosis | Development of a Functionalised Biomaterial Scaffold to Treat Multiple Sclerosis | 2018 |
2383 | STRUDEL | Information Theory beyond Communications: Distributed Representations and Deep Learning | 2018 |
2384 | MIDIDP | Modeling Infectious Diseases in Dynamic Populations with Relocation and Refugeeism | 2018 |
2385 | SKIN SUBSTITUTE | Development of hybrid artificial skin substitute for chronic diabetic wounds | 2018 |
2386 | DECISIONSEQ | Neural bases of behavioral choices and sequences | 2018 |
2387 | MeeLiH | Measure of the Ecological influence in Epigenetic-mediated Learning and memory formation in the Honeybee | 2018 |
2388 | TEMPNET | Climate change and phenology: long-term temporal dynamics of mutualistic ecological networks | 2018 |
2389 | WORM_SLEEP | Sleep homeostasis in Caenorhabditis elegans | 2018 |
2390 | NSINC | Novel Soliton Synchronization and Interactions in Coupled Kerr Combs | 2018 |
2391 | STARTlight | STARTlight: cell cycle START decision unraveled by single-cell microscopy, modeling and optogenetics | 2018 |
2392 | YAP MECHANO | Elucidating the mechanism of mechanotransduction through YAP and TAZ | 2019 |
2393 | MATHCOV | Maternal temperature history controls progeny vigour | 2018 |
2394 | MIMe | The multisensory dimension of memory, from single neuron to neural network. A multiscale electrophysiological approach to reveal the mechanism of face-voice association for person identity recognition | 2018 |
2395 | CORLID | Cortical markers of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesias | 2019 |
2396 | NEO-QE | NEtwork-aware Optimization for Query Executions in Large Systems | 2018 |
2397 | Neuronetmir | Role of miR-129-5p and Rbfox1 crosstalk in neural network homeostasis | 2018 |
2398 | PLaTONE | PLasmonics@Transparent cONductive oxidEs | 2018 |
2399 | HI-PHRET | High-resolution Imaging with Phase Retrieved Tomography | 2019 |
2400 | NovelKnees | Targeting Subchondral Bone Marrow Lesions, Microdamage and Remodelling using Novel Bisphosphonate-Loaded Delivery Systems to Prevent Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis after Acute Knee Injury | 2018 |
2401 | NEVULA | Understanding selective neuronal vulnerability in Alzheimer’s disease | 2018 |
2402 | ReMorphOPV | Recombination in Organic Photovoltaics: Impact of Morphology and Long-Range Non-Equilibrium Transport | 2019 |
2403 | THINKPV | Forecasting Tool for supporting of grid operations with HIgh INtegration of distributed PV generation | 2018 |
2404 | ULTRACONTROL | Ultra-low cost orbit transfer and orbit control for future libration point missions | 2019 |
2405 | GlobaLISe | Global Value Chains and Local Innovation Systems in Southern Europe:The Coevolution of Technology, Trade and Finance, and the Technological Divide | 2018 |
2406 | OliveFlyBacteria | New Bacterial Pathogens and Endosymbionts of the Olive Fly, Bactrocera oleae, for the Development of Innovative Fruit Fly Biocontrol Strategies | 2019 |
2407 | GIRLPOS | A Genealogy of Islamic Religious Leadership in Post-Ottoman States | 2018 |
2408 | PAERADOX | Precursors to Modern Aerobic Ammonium Oxidation: Oxygenic and Electrogenic Anaerobic Pathways | 2018 |
2409 | RoadNet_Andes | Road networks and territorial dynamics: a geospatial approach to Andean cultural heritage in motion between the Altiplano and the Pacific coast | 2018 |
2410 | ESQ | ESQ-FP: Erwin Schrödinger Quantum Science Programme | 2018 |
2411 | Leaf Line | The First Global Ground Station Network to Fully Exploit Microsatellites Data | 2018 |
2412 | SHui | Soil Hydrology research platform underpinning innovation to manage water scarcity in European and Chinese cropping systems | 2018 |
2413 | SUPER-G | Developing SUstainable PERmanent Grassland systems and policies | 2018 |
2414 | HealthyLivestock | Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance through improved livestock Health and Welfare | 2018 |
2415 | Farmers Pride | Networking, partnerships and tools to enhance in situ conservation of European plant genetic resources | 2017 |
2416 | PATROLS | Physiologically Anchored Tools for Realistic nanOmateriaL hazard aSsessment | 2018 |
2417 | SECURe | Subsurface Evaluation of Carbon capture and storage and Unconventional Risk | 2018 |
2418 | SAGEX | Scattering Amplitudes: from Geometry to Experiment | 2018 |
2419 | JOLT | Harnessing Data and Technology for Journalism | 2018 |
2420 | MATURE-NK | MAnufacturing of TUmour-REactive Natural Killer cells | 2018 |
2421 | HyFiSyn | Hybrid Fibre-reinforced composites: achieving Synergetic effects through microstructural design and advanced simulation tools | 2018 |
2422 | PANOPTIS | Development of a Decision Support System for increasing the Resilience of Transportation Infrastructure based on combined use of terrestrial and airborne sensors and advanced modelling tools | 2018 |
2424 | SILKNOW | SILKNOW. Silk heritage in the Knowledge Society: from punched cards to big data, deep learning and visual / tangible simulations | 2018 |
2425 | CRISEA | Competing Regional Integrations in Southeast Asia | 2017 |
2426 | WELL-BEING | The dynamics underlying Well-being; Understanding the Exposome-Genome interplay | 2018 |
2427 | ICEBERG | Exploration below the tip of the microtubule | 2018 |
2428 | INSITE | Development and use of an integrated in silico-in vitro mesofluidics system for tissue engineering | 2018 |
2429 | RemovAL | Removing the waste streams from the primary Aluminium production and other metal sectors in Europe | 2018 |
2430 | EdiCitNet | Edible Cities Network Integrating Edible City Solutions for social resilient and sustainably productive cities | 2018 |
2431 | CarE-Service | Circular Economy Business Models for innovative hybrid and electric mobility through advanced reuse and remanufacturing technologies and services | 2018 |
2432 | RECONECT | RECONECT- Regenarating ECOsystems with Nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk rEduCTion | 2018 |
2433 | ThermaSMART | Smart thermal management of high-power microprocessors using phase-change | 2017 |
2434 | GeoRes | Geomaterials: from Waste to Resource | 2018 |
2435 | ChildRescue | ChildRescue - Collective Awareness Platform for Missing Children Investigation and Rescue | 2018 |
2436 | OCEAN12 | Opportunity to Carry European Autonomous driviNg further with FDSOI technology up to 12nm node | 2018 |
2437 | iDev40 | Integrated Development 4.0 | 2018 |
2438 | 5G_GaN2 | Advanced RF Transceivers for 5G base stations based on GaN Technology. | 2018 |
2439 | CraftEdu | Setting up national qualification and training scheme for craftsmen in the Czech Republic and developing the further offer of training courses in Slovakia, Austria and Bulgaria | 2018 |
2440 | EURAXESS TOP IV | Open EURAXESS – To strengthen the effectiveness and optimize the services of all partners in an innovative and open EURAXESS network | 2018 |
2441 | FOCUS | Fiber Optic Cable Use for Seafloor studies of earthquake hazard and deformation | 2018 |
2442 | APRA | Active Polymers for Renewable Functional Actuators | 2018 |
2443 | SEREN 4 | SEcurity REsearch NCP network 4 | 2018 |
2444 | NO FEAR | Network Of practitioners For Emergency medicAl systems and cRitical care | 2018 |
2445 | EXERTER | Security of Explosives pan-European Specialists Network | 2018 |
2446 | Ecol of interactions | Developing the predictive ecology of plant-animal interactions across space and time | 2018 |
2447 | FORMKIN | The formal demography of kinship and family | 2018 |
2448 | LEAP-EXTREME | Local Edaphic Adaptation in Plants through Leveraging an Extremophile Model | 2018 |
2449 | APMPAL-HET | Asset Prices and Macro Policy when Agents Learn and are Heterogeneous | 2018 |
2450 | ReAct | Remembering Activism: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe | 2019 |
2451 | SYNMAT | Synthesis of Functional Multi-Component Supramolecular Systems and Materials | 2018 |
2452 | OCIAN | Ownership, competition, innovation, and antitrust | 2018 |
2453 | QuantCom | Ubiquitous Quantum Communications | 2018 |
2454 | AUTO NERVE | Tracers for targeting nerves in the autonomic nervous system | 2018 |
2455 | MAPSYNE | Miniaturized automated patch-clamp system combined with high-density microelectrode arrays for multi-scale functional mapping of neuronal networks | 2018 |
2456 | FindMEMO | Functional contribution of visual features to hippocampal memory encoding | 2019 |
2457 | CyGenTiG | Cypergenetic Tissue Engineering | 2018 |
2458 | MyoChip | Building a 3D innervated and irrigated muscle on a chip. | 2018 |
2459 | RESCUE | Local Training Network on REgenerative medicine and Stem Cell technology in UtrEcht | 2018 |
2460 | IFatULB | Individual Fellowships at the Université libre de Bruxelles | 2018 |
2461 | CyCAT | Cyprus Center for Algorithmic Transparency | 2018 |
2462 | iBioGen | Twinning for European excellence in Island Biodiversity Genomics | 2018 |
2463 | JUMP2Excel | Joint Universal activities for Mediterranean PV integration Excellence | 2018 |
2464 | COMPETE | Chair Of Micro Process Engineering and TEchnology | 2019 |
2465 | HOPE | Host Protective Engineering of Cancer Immunity by Targeting the Intracellular Immune Checkpoint NR2F6 | 2018 |
2466 | HiggsSelfCoupling | Uncovering the Origins of Mass: Discovery of the di-Higgs Process and Constraints on the Higgs Self-Coupling | 2019 |
2467 | GlobalGoals | Global Governance through Goals? Assessing and Explaining the Steering Effects of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals | 2018 |
2468 | EditMHC | How MHC-I editing complexes shape the hierarchical immune response | 2019 |
2469 | RG.BIO | Renormalization group approach to the collective behaviour of strongly correlated biological systems | 2018 |
2470 | BACKUP | Unveiling the relationship between brain connectivity and function by integrated photonics | 2018 |
2471 | MONOCLE | Multiscale Observation Networks for Optical monitoring of Coastal waters, Lakes and Estuaries | 2018 |
2472 | DISCOVER | Death receptor signalling in tumour immune editing | 2018 |
2473 | DDoS Analyser | Revolutionary Non-Disruptive DDoS Testing Technology that significantly strengthens resistance to DDoS attacks and provides ongoing visibility on identified DDoS mitigation vulnerabilities. | 2018 |
2474 | IVS | Affordable airless packaging system to disrupt the airless packaging market | 2018 |
2475 | ARcopter | The Game Changer Free-wing VTOL Drone for Commercial and Governmental Missions | 2018 |
2476 | Roksnet | e-Society Interconnections Software | 2018 |
2477 | UNIVO-NG | Driving greater business value by unleashing hidden capacity of mobile systems | 2018 |
2478 | botconnect | Collaboration of humans and AI in the enterprise | 2018 |
2480 | REGENERA | Helping cancer survivors restoring their natural breast with resorbable implants inducing selfâ€tissue regeneration | 2018 |
2481 | MeshFlow | Distributed core mobile network in a software for highly resilient telecommunications | 2018 |
2482 | Community Cloud | Cubbit. The first distributed data-center. | 2018 |
2483 | FLEMANIE | Flexible Microchip Manufacturing for New Industries in Europe | 2018 |
2484 | Graphext | A REVOLUTIONARY SYSTEM IN THE EMERGING MARKET OF ADVANCED ANALYTICS. Graphext bridges the gap between Data Science and Business Intelligence, democratising Advanced Analytics. | 2018 |
2485 | CABLESMART | Innovative cable car for urban transport | 2018 |
2486 | GoSleep | Global scale-up of GoSleep Pods more than a seat | 2018 |
2487 | DLEDA | Do Legislatures Enhance Democracy in Africa? | 2018 |
2488 | ACTIVITY EXCHANGE | A data streaming platform to empower companies with intelligence through their entire business and value chains | 2018 |
2489 | EpiGlioT | Epigenetic Glioblastoma Therapeutics | 2018 |
2490 | TOBeATPAIN | Targeting neuroinflammation to combat pathological pain in neurodegenerative diseases and chronic pain syndromes | 2018 |
2491 | ReSOLUTE | Research empowerment on solute carriers (ReSOLUTE) | 2018 |
2492 | PEN-CP | Pan-European Network of Customs Practitioners | 2018 |
2493 | E-DURA | Commercialization of novel soft neural interfaces | 2018 |
2494 | LAMBDA | Learning, Applying, Multiplying Big Data Analytics | 2018 |
2495 | Achilles | Overcoming specific weaknesses in tendon biology to design advanced regenerative therapies | 2018 |
2496 | plasmaCare | A small, portable cold plasma device for the treatment of chronic and acute wounds. | 2018 |
2497 | Medipee | A novel touchless method and eHealth system for automated urine monitoring | 2018 |
2498 | PulSAR | The incident management tool to use when everything goes wrong | 2018 |
2499 | iMEC | Real-time assessment of toxic sulphide in wastewater – market maturation of an Industrial Micro Electrochemical Cell | 2018 |
2500 | Secured IoT | Secured Cellular IoT Network | 2018 |
2501 | DAYUSE | DAYUSE: the European game changer that creates a disruptive value-adding exploitation model for Hotels. | 2018 |
2502 | HYBRiX | Hybrid fuel-electric multicopter RPAS with 10 times more flight time than current solutions in the market | 2018 |
2503 | ECOWIFI | Cooperative, Greener, Multivendor Cognitive Software to Maximize the Performance of Next-Generation Wireless Networks | 2018 |
2504 | DEMS | Data Excellence Management System | 2018 |
2505 | Nanosynex | Ultra-fast Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test for diagnosing antimicrobial resistance to provide personalized antibiotic treatments | 2018 |
2506 | Hybrid Drive | The worldwide first hybrid multi-functional municipal vehicle for a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, fine particles and noise pollution in cities | 2018 |
2507 | AIASGA | The Unparalleled AI Platform using High-Performance Computing to Scale Industrial Operations | 2018 |
2508 | cPET | Tackling the global plastic waste issue, by upcycling no value streams into 100% virgin material and enabling new plastic circular economy | 2018 |
2509 | CLEAN CABINET | A unique and innovative cleanliness test bench that allows to increase test efficiency and reduce costs for cleanliness assessment of hydraulic, automotive and aeronautic components and systems | 2018 |
2510 | HiVOLT | HIGH-VOLTAGE LITHIUM STORAGE - secure + efficient battery storage solution of the next generation | 2018 |
2511 | BQ-Technology | BrainQ, non-invasive, very low intensity, BCI-based frequency dependent electromagnetic field tailored treatment for neuro recovery (BQ). | 2018 |
2512 | HeyEducation | hey!Education: Breaking Classroom Communication Barriers | 2018 |
2513 | XIMOFILM | The first ultra-low extractable silicone film release liner for electronics, silicone adhesive market and medical applications | 2018 |
2514 | WORKERO | WORKERO – Connecting Space & Knowledge | 2018 |
2516 | PPROI | Restoring competitiveness – Information system for the 21st Century Manufacturing | 2018 |
2517 | PowerData | Energy Data Management system to support the smart grid | 2018 |
2518 | Wonderlogix STUDIO | End-to-end web platform for the design and implementation of Industrial Control Systems | 2018 |
2519 | PerPedes | PerPedes: AI-assisted therapy in stroke rehabilitation | 2018 |
2520 | KEEN | Creation of the “Knowledge-Empowered Entrepreneurship Network” to position Kaunas University of Technology at the forefront of EU research in entrepreneurship | 2018 |
2521 | MAXHEAT | The best wearable heating system on the market. Together with strong clothing brands. | 2018 |
2522 | CollSupportSMEs | Improvement of Support Capacities for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Agriculture and Agri-food Sector | 2018 |
2523 | INBETWEEN | Reappraising Middle Nubian Identity through Material Culture | 2019 |
2525 | LiionFire | Automated e-buses Lithium Ion Battery Early Warning and Fire Suppression System | 2018 |
2526 | Quakebots | Artificial Intelligence and IoT for seismic monitoring | 2018 |
2527 | | PROBE.LY - Web Application Vulnerability Scanning Suite for Agile Teams | 2018 |
2528 | BRiDGE | BRiDGE – Bridge for Researchers in Danger Going to Europe | 2018 |
2529 | SIMREC | Simulating Roman Economies. Studying the Roman Economy through computational network modelling and archaeological big data | 2019 |
2530 | Airline Team xStream | Airspace User Support to Arrival Management | 2018 |
2531 | POLINGO | The Politics of Legitimacy: Non-partisan global governance and networked INGO power in the global governance of post-war states | 2018 |
2532 | Airline Team NCM | Airspace User support to the development of Network Collaborative Management | 2018 |
2533 | MORE | Multi-modal Optimisation for Road-space in Europe | 2018 |
2534 | SmartTrans | A real-time Voltage controlled distribution transformer for power grid stabilization in the smart-grid era allowing for 100% adoption of sustainable power sources | 2018 |
2536 | IM2S | Inspection Magnetique de Surface (Contacless magnetic inspection) | 2018 |
2537 | twiner | An open, global, business directory with social networking tools for advanced leads discovery and online visibility in B2B digital marketing | 2018 |
2538 | MARS | ModulAR Plug-in Mechatronic DeviceS for vibration suppression in manufacturing equipment | 2018 |
2539 | OneSkyConnect | Providing air traffic data for the drone revolution | 2018 |
2540 | EQUALITY | Efficient QUantum Light for TechnologY | 2018 |
2541 | LIVECITIES | Crowdsourcing platform for open city innovation challenges | 2018 |
2542 | ViSOT | Infrastructure for Virtuosity Services Over the Top | 2018 |
2543 | SeafoodTrace | SeafoodTrace: Intelligent Traceability Platform enabling full transparency in the Seafood supply chain | 2018 |
2544 | LYSADERM | Platelet LYSAte based DERMal formulation for the treatment of skin ulcers | 2018 |
2545 | Touchless Automation | A touchless microcomponent gripper for precision handling and microassembly | 2018 |
2546 | Schrott24 | Scrap dealing in the digital age: a transparent and efficient platform for price and supply chain management | 2018 |
2547 | Klimator-RSI | Connected cars for real time smart road maintenance and increased driving safety | 2018 |
2548 | Separative | Disruptive purification consumables for the pharmaceutical industry | 2018 |
2549 | 5G-Enhance | 5G Enhanced Mobile Broadband Access Networks in Crowded Environments | 2018 |
2550 | MEDEA | Mediterranean practitioners’ network capacity building for effective response to emerging security challenges | 2018 |
2551 | EFOEUPATI | Ensuring the future of EUPATI beyond 2020 | 2018 |
2552 | VitaminBlock | Development of antibacterial compounds that block essential transport function | 2018 |
2553 | GetReal Initiative | The GetReal Initiative | 2018 |
2554 | ThoR | TeraHertz end-to-end wireless systems supporting ultra high data Rate applications | 2018 |
2555 | Microguard | A neural network based counterfeit detection system to verify the authenticity of products | 2018 |
2557 | LYSOCIL | Excel in Rare Diseases’ Research: Focus on LYSOsomal Disorders and CILiopathies | 2018 |
2558 | AutoCheMo | Automatic generation of Chemical Models | 2018 |
2559 | Ammune | Mitigating botnet DDoS attacks with an artificial intelligence powered solution | 2018 |
2560 | FF18_19 | European Researchers' Night in Sweden - ForskarFredag 2018-2019 | 2018 |
2561 | R4H1819 | Researchers for Humanity 2018-2019 | 2018 |
2562 | SHERIF | reSearcH is sERIous Fun | 2018 |
2563 | GOVERNOR | New-generation database capacity planning optimization | 2018 |
2565 | SCENT | Smart Cities EMC Network for Training | 2018 |
2566 | AROBMACH | Cognibotics: driving the revolution in accurate robotic machining | 2018 |
2567 | TARDIS | A novel robotic parcel locker platform for cheap, efficient & convenient last-mile delivery | 2018 |
2569 | ADDITAC | Innovative virtual Real-Time Quality Control System to create a new line of business, accelerating and broadening growth of the market for the additive manufacturing of metals. | 2018 |
2570 | COMETE | Next-Generation Computational Methods for Enhanced Multiphase Flow Processes | 2018 |
2571 | TESLA | Advanced Technologies for future European Satellite Applications | 2019 |
2572 | OpenDoTT | Open Design of Trusted Things | 2019 |
2573 | ASCTN-Training | Training on Advanced Stem Cell Technologies in Neurology | 2018 |
2574 | COSMOS | Game theoretic Control for Complex Systems of Systems | 2019 |
2575 | OrganoVIR | Organoids for Virus Research - An innovative training-ETN programme | 2019 |
2576 | TRANS-SENIOR | Transitional Care Innovation in Senior Citizens | 2018 |
2577 | PERICO | Peroxisome Interactions and Communication | 2018 |
2578 | BIGMATH | Big Data Challenges for Mathematics | 2018 |
2579 | INFANS | INtegrating Functional Assessment measures for Neonatal Safeguard | 2019 |
2580 | POEMA | Polynomial Optimization, Efficiency through Moments and Algebra | 2019 |
2581 | MANNA | Joint Doctorate in Molecular Animal Nutrition | 2018 |
2582 | SPECGEO | Spectral geometric methods in practice | 2018 |
2583 | COMNFT | Communication Using the Nonlinear Fourier Transform | 2019 |
2584 | Neo-PRISM-C | Neo-PRISM-C: NEurodevelopmental Optimal-Predictors, Risk factors, and Intervention from a Systems approach to Maladjustment in Children | 2018 |
2585 | 2D-SIPC | Two-dimensional quantum materials and devices for scalable integrated photonic circuits | 2018 |
2586 | SQUARE | Scalable Rare Earth Ion Quantum Computing Nodes | 2018 |
2587 | UNBRACE | Investigating the Role of the Unfolded Protein Response as a Novel Targetable Pathway in BRAF Mutant Colorectal Cancer | 2019 |
2588 | URBASIS | New challenges for Urban Engineering Seismology | 2018 |
2589 | RAIS | RAIS: Real-time Analytics for the Internet of Sports | 2019 |
2590 | DELIVER | DELIVERy of advanced therapies for diabetes training network | 2019 |
2591 | PROTECT | Predictive mOdelling Tools to evaluate the Effects of Climate change on food safeTy and spoilage | 2019 |
2592 | 5G EVE | 5G European Validation platform for Extensive trials | 2018 |
2593 | LOGIC LAB | Molecular logic lab-on-a-vesicle for intracellular diagnostics | 2018 |
2594 | UNIQORN | Affordable Quantum Communication for Everyone: Revolutionizing the Quantum Ecosystem from Fabrication to Application | 2018 |
2595 | HECTOR | Τhe New Generation of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors for Critical Infrastructures | 2018 |
2596 | DRIVEN | Increasing the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in Data-Driven Simulation of the University of Luxembourg | 2018 |
2597 | EUROoC | Interdisciplinary training network for advancing Organ-on-a-chip technology in Europe | 2018 |
2598 | MUSIQ | Multiphoton Microscopy and Ultrafast Spectroscopy: Imaging meets Quantum | 2019 |
2599 | ChromDesign | Chromatin architecture and Design | 2018 |
2600 | MultiMotif | Motif repeats in intrinsically disordered regions of the clathrin mediated endocytosis pathway | 2019 |
2601 | StrEnQTh | Strong Entanglement in Quantum many-body Theory | 2018 |
2602 | COYOTE | Coherent Optics Everywhere: a New Dawn for Photonic Networks | 2019 |
2603 | IMPROVE-PD | Identification and Management of Patients at Risk – Outcome and Vascular Events in Peritoneal Dialysis | 2019 |
2604 | AQUASENSE | Innovative Network for Training in wAter and Food QUality monitoring using Autonomous SENSors and IntelligEnt Data Gathering and Analysis | 2018 |
2605 | EVOdrops | directed EVOlution in DROPS | 2018 |
2606 | REFLOW | Phosphorus REcovery for FertiLisers frOm dairy processing Waste | 2019 |
2607 | V.A. Cure | A multidisciplinary approach towards sustainable improvement in rare diseases care uniting Europe's top class vascular research to find new treatment strategies for vascular anomalies | 2019 |
2608 | DOC-3D-CERAM | Development Of Ceramics 3D-Printing, Additive Manufacturing | 2018 |
2609 | WINDMILL | Integrating wireless communication engineering and machine learning | 2019 |
2610 | E3I ECLAUSion | Excellence, International, Intersectoral and Interdisciplinary doctoral training at Ecole Centrale Lyon in cotutelle with royal melbourne institute of technology AUStralia | 2019 |
2611 | DISARM | Disseminating Innovative Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management | 2019 |
2612 | PROMETHEUS | PROtocols for information Models librariEs Tested on HEritage of Upper Kama Sites | 2019 |
2613 | ECOBOTICS.SEA | Bio-inspired Technologies for a Sustainable Marine Ecosystem | 2019 |
2614 | FOUNDCOG | Curiosity and the Development of the Hidden Foundations of Cognition | 2019 |
2615 | GROWTH | Research and Training in Early Life Nutrition to Prevent Disease | 2019 |
2616 | PlantOleogels | Plant Particle based Hybrid Bicontinuous Oleogels | 2018 |
2618 | MAREITA | Mapping Remediation in Italian Literature Beyond the Digital Revolution | 2018 |
2619 | SWEET CROSSTALK | Training interdisciplinary glycoscientists to get a molecular-level grip on glycocodes at the human mucosa–microbiota interface | 2019 |
2620 | REWATERGY | Sustainable Reactor Engineering for Applications on the Water-Energy Nexus | 2019 |
2621 | WON | Wideband Optical Networks | 2019 |
2622 | COCLICAN | COllaborative Consortium for the early detection of LIver CANcer | 2018 |
2623 | FUNGLASS | FUNctional GLASS | 2019 |
2624 | LINKS | Kick-starting global cLimate Investments:uncovering hidden liNks in climate finance and exploring dynamic evolution of investment networKs for policy deSign | 2019 |
2625 | BEST4SOIL | Boosting 4 BEST practices for SOIL health in Europe | 2018 |
2626 | piqlFilm-GO | Scale-up and demonstrate the production of a novel High Resolution piqlFilm for Ultra-secure data storage and long-term preservation of digital and analogue data | 2018 |
2627 | RESPONSIBILITY | The Roots of Responsibility: Metaphysics, Humanity, and Society | 2018 |
2628 | HALT | Hydrodynamical approach to light turbulence | 2019 |
2629 | ARCADE | Aligning Research & Innovation for Connected and Automated Driving in Europe | 2018 |
2630 | AURES II | Auctions for Renewable Energy Support II | 2018 |
2631 | ENeRAG | Excellency Network Building for Comprehensive Research and Assessment of Geofluids | 2018 |
2632 | ACHILES | Advanced Architectures Chassis/Traction concept for Future Electric vehicles | 2018 |
2633 | FlowEnhancer | A Shell-and-tube heat exchanger enhancement that increases Energy Efficiency in the Oil, Gas, Power & Chemical Process Sectors | 2018 |
2634 | CODOBIO | Continuous Downstream Processing of Bioproducts | 2019 |
2635 | NanoCarb | Glyco-Nanoparticles for Applications in Advance Nanomedicine | 2018 |
2636 | INNOVATEDIGNITY | Training the next generation of leaders to deliver innovations in dignified sustainable care systems for older people | 2019 |
2637 | 5G-DRIVE | 5G HarmoniseD Research and TrIals for serVice Evolution between EU and China | 2018 |
2638 | ProMeTeus | Membrane protein integrated technologies development for drug design | 2019 |
2639 | INNOVA4TB | Innovation in Tuberculosis | 2019 |
2640 | sosclimatewaterfront | Linking Research and Innovation on Waterfront through Technology for Excellence of Resilience to face Climate Change | 2019 |
2641 | REMIND | Renewable Energies for Water Treatment and REuse in Mining Industries | 2018 |
2642 | PANELFIT | Participatory Approaches to a New Ethical and Legal Framework for ICT | 2018 |
2643 | LeviTeQ | Levitated Nanoparticles for Technology and Quantum Nanophysics: New frontiers in physics at the nanoscale. | 2019 |
2644 | SINDAM | Sunlight-Induced Nonadiabatic Dynamics of Atmospheric Molecules | 2019 |
2645 | MOVES | Migration and Modernity: Historical and Cultural Challenges | 2019 |
2646 | aDDRess | Joint Training and Research Program on Chromatin Dynamics and the DNA Damage Response | 2019 |
2647 | EVOCATION | Advanced Visual and Geometric Computing for 3D Capture, Display, and Fabrication | 2018 |
2648 | Phys2BioMed | Biomechanics in health and disease: advanced physical tools for innovative early diagnosis | 2019 |
2649 | Syn2Psy | Synaptic Dysfunction in Neuropsychiatric Disorders | 2019 |
2650 | BonePainII | A European Training Network to Combat Bone Pain | 2019 |
2651 | synBIOcarb | Synthetic biology of carbohydrate-binding proteins: engineering protein-carbohydrate interactions for diagnostics and cell targeting | 2018 |
2652 | ApPEARS | Appearance Printing - European Advanced Research School | 2019 |
2653 | iqClock | Integrated Quantum Clock | 2018 |
2654 | PAINLESS | energy-autonomous Portable Access points for INfrastructure-LESS networks | 2018 |
2655 | FLAMMINGGOS | Functional Links in Avian, Microbial, Macrophyte, and INvertebrate Greenhouse Gas Output Stimulation | 2018 |
2656 | GoodNews | Fake news detection in social networks using geometric deep learning | 2018 |
2657 | BREAK BIOFILMS | Breaking Bad Biofilms. Innovative Analysis and Design Rules for Next-Generation Antifouling Interfaces | 2019 |
2658 | BIKE | Bimetallic catalyst knowledge-based development for energy applications | 2019 |
2659 | BORGES | Biosensing with ORGanic ElectronicS | 2019 |
2660 | I-DireCT | Immune DIREcted and Cancer-selective immunoTherapy | 2019 |
2661 | BestTreat | BestTreat – Building a Gut Microbiome Engineering Toolbox for In-Situ Therapeutic Treatments for Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease | 2018 |
2662 | DiManD | Digital Manufacturing and Design Training Network | 2019 |
2663 | ACT | Communities of PrACTice for Accelerating Gender Equality and Institutional Change in Research and Innovation across Europe | 2018 |
2664 | TMCS | Topological Matter and Crystal Symmetry: From Microscopic Structure to Phenomenology | 2019 |
2665 | TADFlife | Using the smart matrix approach to enhance TADF-OLED efficiency and lifetime | 2018 |
2666 | STACCATO | European Industrial Doctorate for enhancing upstream biopharmaceutical manufacturing process development through single cell analysis | 2019 |
2667 | EDIFY | European Doctorate in Indium Phosphide PIC Fabrication Technology | 2018 |
2668 | QIA | Quantum Internet Alliance | 2018 |
2669 | ICT4CART | ICT Infrastructure for Connected and Automated Road Transport | 2018 |
2670 | infra4Dfuture | Infrastructure for the Future | 2018 |
2671 | MICROCOMB | Applications and Fundamentals of Microresonator Frequency Combs | 2019 |
2672 | DuRSAAM | PhD Training Network on Durable, Reliable and Sustainable Structures with Alkali-Activated Materials | 2018 |
2673 | ReTraCE | Realising the Transition to the Circular Economy: Models, Methods and Applications | 2018 |
2674 | 5GENESIS | 5th Generation End-to-end Network, Experimentation, System Integration, and Showcasing | 2018 |
2675 | EURAKNOS | Connecting Thematic Networks as Knowledge Reservoirs: towards a European Agricultural Knowledge Innovation Open Source System | 2019 |
2676 | OPTNETSPACE | Optimal Transport Networks in Spatial Equilibrium | 2019 |
2677 | 5G-VINNI | 5G Verticals INNovation Infrastructure | 2018 |
2678 | CICERONE | CIrCular Economy platfoRm for eurOpeaN priorities strategic agEnda | 2018 |
2679 | MENHIR | Mental health monitoring through interactive conversations | 2019 |
2680 | FLOURISH | IdentiFication of brain deveLopmental gene co-expression netwOrks to Understand RIsk for SchizopHrenia | 2018 |
2681 | CiViQ | Continuous Variable Quantum Communications | 2018 |
2682 | SCIPER | Studying Cancer Individuality by Personal and Predictive Drug Screening and Differential OMICs | 2018 |
2683 | SmartAgriHubs | Connecting the dots to unleash the innovation potential for digital transformation of the European agri-food sector | 2018 |
2684 | SUSTINNO | Sustainability Innovations in Global Production Networks – Addressing Socio-Ecological Challenges in the Global Economy | 2018 |
2685 | MARIPOLDATA | The Politics of Marine Biodiversity Data: Global and National Policies and Practices of Monitoring the Oceans | 2018 |
2686 | PoLiMeR | Polymers in the Liver: Metabolism and Regulation | 2018 |
2687 | CHARMING | Chemical Engineering Immersive Learning | 2018 |
2688 | NUTRIMAN | Nutrient Management and Nutrient Recovery Thematic Network | 2018 |
2689 | NeuroDevo | Spontaneous and sensory-evoked activity shape neural circuits in the developing brain | 2019 |
2690 | BioMedaqu | Aquaculture meets Biomedicine: Innovation in Skeletal Health research. | 2018 |
2691 | NEODYNE | Decision making: from neurochemical mechanisms to network dynamics to behaviour | 2018 |
2692 | NeEDS | Research and Innovation Staff Exchange Network of European Data Scientists | 2019 |
2693 | MERLON | Integrated Modular Energy Systems and Local Flexibility Trading for Neural Energy Islands | 2019 |
2694 | VITAE | VIrTual BrAin PErfusion: Assessing cerebrovascular function by High Performance Computing from 3D brain vessel network data for vascular-targeted drug development in neurodegenerative diseases. | 2018 |
2695 | AXPLAST | Deep brain imaging of cellular mechanisms of sensory processing and learning | 2018 |
2696 | CANCER INVASION | Deciphering and targeting the invasive nature of Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma | 2019 |
2697 | SYNCH | A SYnaptically connected brain-silicon Neural Closed-loop Hybrid system | 2019 |
2698 | RODIN | RObotics Digital Innovation Network | 2018 |
2699 | MPA | Mobile Application for Hybrid Internet | 2018 |
2700 | c4c | conect4children (COllaborative Network for European Clinical Trials For Children) | 2018 |
2701 | AIMS-2-TRIALS | Autism Innovative Medicine Studies – 2 – Trials | 2018 |
2702 | SAPIENS | Shaping the social brain through early interactions | 2019 |
2703 | StarT | European Training Network to Diagnose, Understand and Treat Stargardt Disease, a Frequent Inherited Blinding Disorder | 2018 |
2704 | RETINA | Miniaturised Photonics Enabled Next Generation SAR | 2018 |
2705 | PASSIM | Patristic sermons in the Middle Ages. The dissemination, manipulation and interpretation of late-antique sermons in the medieval Latin West | 2019 |
2706 | EO4AGRI | Bringing together the Knowledge for Better Agriculture Monitoring | 2018 |
2707 | COMPILE | Integrating community power in energy islands | 2018 |
2708 | SmartDataLake | Sustainable Data Lakes for Extreme-Scale Analytics | 2019 |
2709 | CO3 | Digital Disruptive Technologies to Co-create, Co-produce and Co-manage Open Public Services along with Citizens | 2019 |
2710 | CICERONE | Creative Industries Cultural Economy Production Network | 2019 |
2711 | NETCHER | NETwork and digital platform for Cultural Heritage Enhancing and Rebuilding | 2019 |
2712 | gE.CO Living Lab | Generative European Commons Living Lab | 2019 |
2713 | SODaH | Software Defined Space Optical Data Highway | 2018 |
2715 | CoRdiNet | Copernicus Relays for digitalisation spanning a Network | 2018 |
2716 | CopHub.AC | Copernicus Academy Hub for Knowledge, Innovation and Outreach | 2018 |
2717 | IDEN | Innovative Distributed Electrical Network | 2018 |
2718 | MicrobiomeSupport | Towards coordinated microbiome R&I activities in the food system to support (EU and) international bioeconomy goals | 2018 |
2719 | HPC-GIG | High Performance Computing Governance Intelligence Gathering | 2018 |
2720 | SELECTOR | Smt compatible ELECTroMechanical relay for cOmpact redundancy Ring | 2019 |
2721 | MapProdIGI | Microdata analysis for Policies for Productivity, Innovation, Growth and Inclusion | 2018 |
2722 | GreenCorrosionStop | Commercialisation of a unifying green VCI anti-corrosion paper for the manufacturing industry and logistics companies | 2018 |
2723 | VOLUMICO | VOLUMe Induced micro-COgenerator for high energy efficiency of gas distribution networks | 2018 |
2725 | vmRail | The on-board railway track & vehicle monitoring system | 2018 |
2726 | Plan2fix | Nitrogen-enriched plasma activated water, an unparalleled plant feeding system | 2018 |
2728 | LIPOBITS | Liposome-based Biomimetic Treatment for auto-immune diabetes (T1D) | 2018 |
2729 | PIPPI | Platform for Innovation of Procurement and Procurement of Innovation | 2018 |
2730 | SPEAR | Supporting and Implementing Plans for Gender Equality in Academia and Research | 2019 |
2731 | DIH² | A Panâ€European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production | 2019 |
2732 | RIMA | Robotics for Infrastructure Inspection and MAintenance | 2019 |
2733 | DIH-HERO | Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics | 2019 |
2734 | 5G-CARMEN | 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European UnioN | 2018 |
2735 | SAPHIRE | Securing Adoption of Personalised Health in REgions | 2018 |
2736 | 5GCroCo | Fifth Generation Cross-Border Control | 2018 |
2737 | ARTICONF | smART socIal media eCOsytstem in a blockchaiN Federated environment | 2019 |
2738 | TRINITY | Digital Technologies, Advanced Robotics and increased Cyber-security for Agile Production in Future European Manufacturing Ecosystems | 2019 |
2739 | PROVENANCE | Providing Verification Assistance for New Content | 2018 |
2740 | 5G-MOBIX | 5G for cooperative & connected automated MOBIility on X-border corridors | 2018 |
2741 | HELIOS | HELIOS: A Context-aware Distributed Social Networking Framework | 2019 |
2742 | NGI_TRUST | Partnership for innovative technological solutions to ensure privacy and enhance trust for the human-centric Internet | 2018 |
2743 | POPREBEL | Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism | 2019 |
2744 | CREATINNO | Innovating support ecosystem of creative SMEs at regional level | 2019 |
2745 | ADVANCE | Addressing Verification and Validation Challenges in Future Cyber-Physical Systems | 2019 |
2746 | B-LigZymes | Bacterial Enzymes and Bioprocesses for Lignin Valorisation | 2019 |
2747 | OCRE | Access to Commercial Services Through the EOSC-hub | 2019 |
2748 | RADIATE | Research And Development with Ion Beams – Advancing Technology in Europe | 2019 |
2749 | EXCELLERAT | The European Centre of Excellence for Engineering Applications | 2018 |
2750 | Euro-Argo RISE | Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure Sustainability and Enhancement | 2019 |
2751 | ILUCIDARE | International network for Leveraging sUccessful Cultural heritage Innovations and Diplomacy, cApacity building and awaREness raising | 2018 |
2752 | INNOWWIDE | Viability assessment of collaborative and INNOvative business solutions in WorldWIDE markets | 2019 |
2753 | SENSiSOFT | New sensor devices based on soft chemistry assisted nanostructured functional oxides on Si integrated systems | 2019 |
2754 | GE Academy | Gender Equality Academy | 2019 |
2755 | SM-Epigen | Revealing the Epigenetic Regulatory Network with Single-Molecule Precision | 2018 |
2756 | MULTIPALEOIBERIA | Population dynamics and cultural adaptations of the last Neandertals and first Modern humans in inland Iberia: a multi-proxy investigation | 2019 |
2757 | EU-VNP-Net | EU Valuing Nature Programme and Network | 2018 |
2758 | DIHNET.EU | Next Generation European DIH Network | 2018 |
2759 | COSAFE | Cooperative Connected Intelligent Vehicles for Safe and Efficient Road Transport | 2018 |
2760 | FP-RESOMUS | Fellowship Program of the NCCR MUST (National Competence Center for Research in MolecularUltrafast Science and Technology) and the Cluster of Excellence RESOLV | 2019 |
2762 | DIGITENS | DIGITal ENcyclopedia of European Sociability | 2019 |
2763 | Bergamot | Browser-based Multilingual Translation | 2019 |
2764 | DigiMAT | Smart solution for connecting process with material characteristics to achieve new generation of digital materials for the automotive industry. | 2019 |
2765 | ELASTIC | A Software Architecture for Extreme-ScaLe Big-Data AnalyticS in Fog CompuTIng ECosystems | 2018 |
2766 | BROKEX | Brokering China’s Extraversion: An Ethnographic Analysis of Transnational Arbitration | 2019 |
2767 | CatRIS | Catalogue of Research Infrastructure Services | 2019 |
2768 | DAFINET | Dynamic Attitude Fixing: A novel theory of opinion dynamics in social networks and its implications for computational propaganda in hybrid social networks (containing humans and bots) | 2018 |
2769 | CriticalMaaS | Concepts, theories and models for planning , operating and evaluating the dynamics of Mobility as a Service | 2019 |
2770 | DELPHI | Computing Answers to Complex Questions in Broad Domains | 2019 |
2771 | SSFZEP | Support stakeholders in zero emission fossil fuel power plants and energy intensive industry | 2018 |
2772 | LO-ACT | Low Carbon Action in Ordinary Cities | 2019 |
2773 | BEBOP | Bacterial biofilms in porous structures: from biomechanics to control | 2019 |
2775 | BRiDGE II | Bridge for Researchers in Danger Going to Europe - Step II | 2018 |
2776 | ProTego | Data-protection toolkit reducing risks in hospitals and care centers | 2019 |
2777 | MARCO | Modern framework for Blockchain applications of corporate use | 2018 |
2778 | Vinarom | Development of an innovative and resource-efficient starter culture for the baking industry to enhance flavour diversity | 2018 |
2779 | TXpp | A technological solution for the 50 billion EUR VAT fraud problem | 2018 |
2780 | HTx | Next Generation Health Technology Assessment to support patient-centred, societally oriented, real-time decision-making on access and reimbursement for health technologies throughout Europe | 2019 |
2781 | ERGO | Breaking down the wall between human health and environmental testing of endocrine disrupters: EndocRine Guideline Optimisation | 2019 |
2782 | FLAGSHIPS | Clean waterborne transport in Europe | 2019 |
2783 | kINPen | Developing a high-innovative portable cold plasma device for efficient healing of chronic wounds in veterinary medicine | 2019 |
2784 | IRIS AI | IRIS.AI: The Artificial Intelligence-powered R&D assistant | 2018 |
2785 | CancerQR | Next generation cancer therapies targeting cancer networks | 2019 |
2786 | OpenInnoTrain | Open Innovation – Research Translation and Applied Knowledge Exchange in Practice through University-Industry-Cooperation | 2019 |
2787 | SINTEC | Soft intelligence epidermal communication platform | 2019 |
2788 | BeforeHand | Boosting Performance of Phase Change Devices by Hetero- and Nano-Structure Material Design | 2019 |
2789 | EURIPHI | EURopean wide Innovative Procurement of Health Innovation | 2019 |
2790 | HiMISER | High resolution Miniature Implantable nerve Stimulator for Electroceutical Research (HiMISER) | 2019 |
2791 | ARCHIVER | Archiving and Preservation for Research Environments | 2019 |
2792 | CTS | Enertechnos Capacitive Transfer System for efficient electricity transmission and distribution. | 2018 |
2793 | DigitalHealthEurope | DigitalHealthEurope: Support to a Digital Health and Care Innovation initiative in the context of Digital Single Market strategy | 2019 |
2794 | PdbU | Securing Continuous Operations of Mission Critical IoT Endpoints | 2019 |
2795 | Helios-Plugin | Secure software implementation of an eSIM | 2019 |
2796 | IntegraBrain | Integrated Implant Technology for Multi-modal Brain Interfaces | 2019 |
2797 | Si-DRIVE | Silicon Alloying Anodes for High Energy Density Batteries comprising Lithium Rich Cathodes and Safe Ionic Liquid based Electrolytes for Enhanced High VoltagE Performance. | 2019 |
2798 | SimDOME | Digital Ontology-based Modelling Environment for Simulation of materials | 2019 |
2799 | SELNET | Sarcoma as a model to improve diagnosis and clinical care of rare tumors through a European and Latin American multidisciplinary network | 2019 |
2800 | ELIOT | Enhance Lighting for the Internet of Things | 2019 |
2801 | WEAR | Behaviour Phenotyping using Inertial Sensors | 2019 |
2803 | B Massive | Binary massive black hole astrophysics | 2019 |
2804 | DISPATCH Neuro-Sense | Distributed Signal Processing Algorithms for Chronic Neuro-Sensor Networks | 2019 |
2805 | SCENE | Smart City on the Edge Network Enhancements | 2018 |
2806 | EHDEN | European Health Data and Evidence Network | 2018 |
2808 | MDOT | Medical Device Obligations Taskforce | 2019 |
2809 | EU3D | EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy | 2019 |
2810 | H2020-EEN-GA3-2018 | H2020-EEN Tunisie-2018-2020 | 2019 |
2811 | Winegrid | Fibre optic sensor that can be placed inside a barrel or vat to give real time analytics of the critical parameters for vinification. | 2018 |
2813 | LoGov | Local Government and the Changing Urban-Rural Interplay | 2019 |
2814 | CIVITAS ELEVATE | CIVITAS ELEVATE - CIVITAS 2020 Coordination and Support Action | 2019 |
2815 | METANICHE | Regulation of bone metastases by age-associated angiocrine signals | 2019 |
2816 | SUPRANET | Supramolecular Recognition in Dynamic Covalent Networks at Equilibrium and Beyond | 2019 |
2817 | GRAHAM | Concepts of Graph Theory Applied to the Human Microbiome | 2018 |
2818 | SYSTEM | SYnergy of integrated Sensors and Technologies for urban sEcured environMent | 2018 |
2819 | DisConn | Neural drivers of functional disconnectivity in brain disorders | 2019 |
2820 | TIGER | Tidal marshes: bio-geomorphic self-organization and its implications for resilience to sea level rise and changing sediment supply | 2019 |
2821 | BIOMORPHIC | Brain-Inspired Organic Modular Lab-on-a-Chip for Cell Classification | 2019 |
2822 | BABE | Why is the world green: testing top-down control of plant-herbivore food webs by experiments with birds, bats and ants | 2018 |
2823 | EUSAT-RCS | European-Latin American TB Research Collaboration Network | 2019 |
2824 | EUNOMIA | User-oriented, secure, trustful & decentralised social media | 2018 |
2825 | NGI FORWARD | NGI FORWARD | 2019 |
2826 | TBMED | A testing bed for the development of high-risk medical devices | 2019 |
2827 | SynECS | Combining carbon nanotubes and gold nanorods to investigate the extracellular space around synapses during neuronal communication | 2019 |
2828 | DONORS | Who gives life? Understanding, explaining and predicting donor behaviour | 2019 |
2829 | evolSingleCellGRN | Constraint, Adaptation, and Heterogeneity: Genomic and single-cell approaches to understanding the evolution of developmental gene regulatory networks | 2019 |
2830 | TransReg | Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of cardiac regenerative capacity in the zebrafish | 2019 |
2831 | BrightnESS-2 | Bringing together a neutron ecosystem for sustainable science with ESS (BrightnESS-2) | 2019 |
2832 | ERIC Forum | ERIC Forum Implementation project | 2019 |
2833 | WATERMAX | First European Aeration Systems based on NANOBUBBLES TECHNOLOGY for Waste Water Treatment | 2019 |
2834 | Scanfly | Scanfly – The payload lidar not for UAS | 2019 |
2835 | UCTIL | Urban Chemical Threat Location and Identification | 2019 |
2836 | ELEVATE | ELEVATE - Automated Detection & Response Control Access Network Security Platform to face the most sophisticated security threats | 2019 |
2837 | GLADIATOR | Next-generation theranostics of brain pathologies with autonomous externally controllable nanonetworks: a trans-disciplinary approach with bio-nanodevice interfaces | 2019 |
2839 | ChipAI | Energy-efficient and high-bandwidth neuromorphic nanophotonic Chips for Artificial Intelligence systems | 2019 |
2840 | SCHINES | Spatially-Separated Chirality Inspired Networks | 2019 |
2841 | DIFFOP | Nonlinear Data and Signal Analysis with Diffusion Operators | 2019 |
2842 | PETER | Pan-European Training, research and education network on Electromagnetic Riskmanagement | 2019 |
2843 | INNOKAM 2019 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg andSchleswig-Holstein | 2019 |
2844 | EEN-Innovate Plus PT | EEN-Innovate Plus Portugal | 2019 |
2845 | MELIITA 3 H2020 | Maltese-European Linkages for Internationalisation, Innovation and Technology Transfer [3] | 2019 |
2846 | INNO EEN-M | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO EEN-M) | 2019 |
2847 | KAM2EastPoland2019 | Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland 2019 | 2019 |
2848 | N-Supp_INNO-19 | Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's and Key Account Management in Niedersachsen | 2019 |
2849 | BITNET-INNOSUP | Improvement of Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs from Bosnia and Herzegovina | 2019 |
2850 | KAM2CY4 | Provision of services for enhancing innovation management capacity of the Cypriot SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus | 2019 |
2851 | KAIROS | Key Account services and Innovation management support for TRivenetO SME’s | 2019 |
2853 | VEBIN SME 3.0 | Securing the innovation management capacity of Flemish SMEs thourgh KAM and EIMC services within the Enterprise Europe Network | 2019 |
2854 | InnoManage BB 2019 | EEN Innovation Management Berlin-Brandenburg (InnoManage BB 2019) | 2019 |
2856 | Lazaero | One box to measure all the most important air pollutants and greenhouse gases | 2019 |
2857 | Synx BIOS | Synx BIOS: The revolutionary web-BIOS that fully enables the Internet of Things (IoT) through the Real Time Web | 2019 |
2858 | BAnDIT | Blockchain Attack and Defense Techniques | 2019 |
2859 | ECOFEED | Altered eco-evolutionary feedbacks in a future climate | 2019 |
2860 | KAM2SouthPL2 | ‘Key account management’ for the SME Instrument, FTI and FET-Open beneficiaries and ‘Enhancing SME innovation management capacity’ as proinnovative services for SMEs in the regions of Southern Poland | 2019 |
2861 | WEST-MAR H2020.2019 | WESTinnoMAR 2019 | 2019 |
2862 | EEN InnoS Journey | The extended EEN innovation support service for innovative SMEs in Serbia — EEN InnoS Journey | 2019 |
2864 | COQCOoN | COntinuous variables Quantum COmplex Networks | 2019 |
2865 | APOLLO | Advanced Signal Processing Technologies for Wireless Powered Communications | 2019 |
2866 | AMR-G | Smart your Water Meter | 2019 |
2867 | TEApot | AI-based, Hardware-agnostic, Predictive Wi-Fi Network Management Software | 2019 |
2868 | INNOVACCION | Supporting Innovation actions in SMEs | 2019 |
2869 | RISE_SMA | RISE Social Media Analytics | 2019 |
2870 | EEN OUEST H2020 | Entreprise Europe Ouest H2020 | 2019 |
2871 | M2O | MAke RAil The HOpe for protecting Nature 2 future OPERATION | 2018 |
2872 | EENINNOAUSTRIA3 | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network Austria | 2019 |
2873 | BW-KAM 4 | The Enterprise Europe Network Baden-Wuerttemberg - Targeting Innovation from Baden-Württemberg for Europe | 2019 |
2874 | Innovation.NRW_1 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2019 | 2019 |
2875 | DISEASE | Disease Risk And Immune Strategies In Social Insects | 2019 |
2876 | DYNASNET | Dynamics and Structure of Networks | 2019 |
2877 | ACO | AstroChemical Origins | 2019 |
2878 | ULTIMATE | Bottom-Up generation of atomicalLy precise syntheTIc 2D MATerials for high performance in energy and Electronic applications – A multi-site innovative training action | 2019 |
2879 | INEXTVIR | Innovative Network for Next Generation Training and Sequencing of Virome | 2019 |
2880 | RESOURCE Q | Efficient Conversion of Quantum Information Resources | 2019 |
2881 | CellularLogistics | Cellular Logistics: Form, Formation and Function of the Neuronal Microtubule Cytoskeleton | 2019 |
2882 | REMINISCENCE | REflection Matrix ImagiNg In wave SCiENCE | 2019 |
2883 | STEP 2 | Spatiotemporal regulation of T-cell Priming | 2019 |
2884 | DrivenByPollinators | Driven by mutualists: how declines in pollinators impact plant communities and ecosystemfunctioning | 2019 |
2885 | DREAM | Distributed dynamic REpresentations for diAlogue Management | 2019 |
2886 | INSCONS | Addressing Global Challenges through International Scientific Consortia (INSCONS); Case studies in biomedicine, the geosciences, and nuclear fusion research | 2019 |
2887 | SCHIZTYPE | Brain cell type-specific interactions and schizophrenia | 2019 |
2888 | DeCoCt | Knowledge based design of complex synthetic microbial communities for plant protection | 2019 |
2889 | WoodCircus | Underpinning the vital role of the forest-based sector in the Circular Bio-Economy | 2018 |
2890 | DiSeTCom | Dirac Semimetals based Terahertz Components | 2019 |
2891 | IS-ENES3 | Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System modelling - Phase 3 | 2019 |
2892 | PanCareFollowUp | PanCareFollowUp: Novel, patient-centred survivorship care to improve care quality, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and accessibility for survivors and caregivers | 2019 |
2893 | SoNAR-Global | A Global Social Sciences Network for Infectious Threats and Antimicrobial Resistance | 2019 |
2894 | InnoHessen2Europe_19 | Innovating Hessian SMEs towards Europe | 2019 |
2895 | AISS4SME | Advanced Innovation Support Services for SMEs | 2019 |
2896 | INNCAT19 | Enhancing INNovation management capacity of CATalan small and medium enterprises 2019 | 2019 |
2898 | MAGIC SWF SMES 2019 | Establishing in-depth services enhancing the innovation management capacity of South West ofFrance SMEs in 2019 | 2019 |
2899 | ICEKAM-4 | Providing Key Account Management services to H2020 SME Instruments, FET and FTI beneficiaries, and enhance innovation management capacity of selected SME's. | 2019 |
2900 | InnoBremen3 | InnoBremen3 – Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in the Federal State of Bremen | 2019 |
2901 | NORIMS | INNOWAY Key Account Manager and Innovation Specialists Services - NORIMS | 2019 |
2902 | KAMINLER | KAM and Innovation services for SMEs in Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna | 2019 |
2904 | MossTree | A new urban green infrastructure to actively reduce air pollution in urban hotspots | 2019 |
2905 | OpticalSpaceLink | Optical link for free space laser communication to satellites. | 2019 |
2906 | Branbox | Biodegradable and waterproof take-away containers made of wheat bran | 2019 |
2907 | Hailo-8 | End-to-end hardware implementation of Artificial Neural Networks for Edge Computing in Autonomous Vehicles | 2019 |
2908 | VACTEC | VACTEC_Responsive corrosion inhibiting Vacuum Technology-based fire protection system | 2019 |
2909 | MUSSILAMS | Mussila MS (Mussila Music School) - An innovative solution in Music Education | 2019 |
2910 | IPC | Intelligent Pest Control – a first-line defence system against rats’ infestation | 2019 |
2912 | DOCKNROLL | Tackling Idleness and Under-utilization of Heavy-Machinery with a new fully Automated and Versatile Docking System | 2019 |
2913 | BitBox | BitBox Enterprise - Enterprise-grade Solution for Digital Assets Custody | 2019 |
2914 | BIO2G | Technology for 2G biofuel and biosolvents production verified in a pilot plant | 2019 |
2915 | | The New Era of Self-Care's Digitalisation. Better Health with Lower Costs More Individually. | 2019 |
2916 | BLAPP | Blapp, A fun game for the child, an effective tool for the therapist! | 2019 |
2917 | COOL-SENS | Advanced monitoring solution to prevent losses and assure full transparency along the cold chain | 2019 |
2918 | NEWTRAL | First real-time fact-checking tool to fight against the fake news and disinformation | 2019 |
2919 | DentistRobot | In-mouth drilling robots for automating tooth repair and scaling dentist revenues | 2019 |
2920 | Diramics | InP HEMT technology for Ultra-Low-Noise Amplifiers | 2019 |
2921 | MontEENegro | MontEENegro | 2019 |
2922 | EENinnoSMES3 | EEN Anatolia supports to increase the innovation management capacities of SMEs EENinnoSMEs3. | 2019 |
2923 | InnoSME-LV-2019 | Raising Innovation Capacity for Innovative Companies from Latvia (2019) | 2019 |
2924 | EUNORS | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in Republic of Srpska | 2019 |
2925 | IBINNO | Illes Balears INNOvation Management Services | 2019 |
2926 | INNMADRIMASD 4 | Innovation services for enhancement innovation SMEs capacities in Madrid region in 2019 | 2019 |
2927 | EEN EF4 INNO 2019 | Enterprise Europe Network Eastern France services for Innovation | 2019 |
2928 | INNO-HUN2019 | Providing services under Horizon 2020 enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network - 2019 | 2019 |
2929 | Urban MAESTRO | URBAN DESIGN GOVERNANCE - Exploring formal and informal means of improving spatial quality in cities across Europe and beyond | 2018 |
2930 | Net4Society5 | National Contact Points (NCPs) Network of Societal Challenge 6 'Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies' (SC6) | 2019 |
2931 | NCP Academy | Fostering transnational cooperation between National Contact Points (NCP) in the area of quality standards and horizontal issues | 2018 |
2932 | FIN-TECH | A FINancial supervision and TECHnology compliance training programme | 2019 |
2933 | VITAL | Vaccines and Infectious Diseases in the Ageing PopuLation | 2019 |
2934 | PANEDA | High-Dimensional Inference for Panel and Network Data | 2019 |
2935 | ExACT | European network staff eXchange for integrAting precision health in the health Care sysTems | 2019 |
2936 | EoCoE-II | Energy Oriented Center of Excellence : toward exascale for energy | 2019 |
2938 | COSMOS | COherent Support for MObility.E Strategy | 2018 |
2939 | CyberSec4Europe | Cyber Security Network of Competence Centres for Europe | 2019 |
2940 | ECHO | European network of Cybersecurity centres and competence Hub for innovation and Operations | 2019 |
2941 | I-KAM2EU | enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU | 2019 |
2942 | Enhancement SGA3 | Enhancing Innovation Management Capacities and Key Account Management (KAM) services for Greek SMEs | 2019 |
2943 | FOrLedger | A Blockchain-based Middleware Platform for Food Tracking Ledger Builder | 2019 |
2944 | Solar QUEST | QUalitative Electricity STorage for Solar energy | 2019 |
2945 | ReCoDE | Reshaping cortical circuits to decrease binge eating | 2019 |
2946 | CapBed | Engineered Capillary Beds for Successful Prevascularization of Tissue Engineering Constructs | 2018 |
2947 | RECENT | Ultra-Dense Unsupervised Heterogeneous Wireless Cloud Coded Networks for 5G/B5G | 2018 |
2948 | ATLANTIC | Advanced theoretical network for modeling light matter interactIon | 2019 |
2949 | POEMS | Physics of Extreme Massive Stars | 2019 |
2950 | FISHSkin | Developing Fish Skin as a sustainable raw material for the fashion industry | 2019 |
2951 | LIFEBOTS Exchange | LIFEBOTS Exchange - creating a new reality of care and welfare through the inclusion of social robots. | 2019 |
2952 | FR8RAIL II | Digitalization and Automation of Freight Rail | 2018 |
2953 | EventAI | Revolutionary Artificial Intelligence Platform for Managing and Optimising Event Planning | 2018 |
2954 | iDysChart | Charting key molecules and mechanisms of human immune Dysregulation | 2019 |
2956 | EUCANCan | EUCANCan: a federated network of aligned and interoperable infrastructures for the homogeneous analysis, management and sharing of genomic oncology data for Personalized Medicine. | 2019 |
2957 | BioNeedit | New biological control agents against European fruit tree canker disease (Neonectria ditissima) in apple: from microbiome analysis towards product development | 2019 |
2958 | CONNECTA-2 | CONtributing to Shift2Rail's NExt generation of high Capable and safe TCMS. PhAse 2. | 2018 |
2959 | INTERRFACE | TSO-DSO-Consumer INTERFACE aRchitecture to provide innovative grid services for an efficient power system | 2019 |
2960 | SELENDIS | SELENDIS: A novel detection strategy to discover light Dark Matter | 2019 |
2961 | IMaP | Imaging tumor vessels as a marker for p53 mutation status in cancer | 2020 |
2962 | PICModForPCa | Personalised Image-based Computational Modelling Framework to Forecast Prostate Cancer | 2020 |
2963 | InterPol | Interfacing interacting Rydberg polaritons: From few- to many-body interactions | 2019 |
2964 | CNSOL | Carbon Nanomembranes with Sub-Nanometer Channels for Molecular Separation in Organic Liquids | 2019 |
2965 | Solar Cofund 2 | SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund 2 | 2018 |
2966 | CoVes | Communicating Vesicles | 2019 |
2967 | RAISD | Reshaping Attention and Inclusion Strategies for Distinctively vulnerable people among the forcibly displaced | 2019 |
2968 | LifeTime | Revolutionizing Healthcare by Tracking and Understanding Human Cells during Disease | 2019 |
2969 | RESIST3D | Targeting drug resistance in ovarian cancer through large-scale drug-response profiling in physiologically relevant cancer organoids | 2020 |
2970 | QoSIoTSmartCities | Quality of Service for the Internet of Things in Smart Cities via Predictive Networks | 2019 |
2971 | The Damned | Algeria, antifascism, and Third Worldism: An anticolonial genealogy of the Western European New Left (Algeria, France, Italy, 1957-1975) | 2020 |
2972 | ICARUS | Higher-order constitutive relations for granular materials: a multi-scale approach | 2019 |
2973 | MorphIRe | Morphologically-informed representations for natural language processing | 2019 |
2974 | GPCR-MS | Molecular Details of Membrane Protein Receptor Dynamics | 2019 |
2975 | Centromere Stability | Mechanisms that maintain centromere DNA repeats stability in human cells. | 2020 |
2976 | AGEING PLASTICITY | Prefrontal plasticity underpinning resilience against cognitive ageing. | 2020 |
2977 | AmygdalaNeuroMod | Unraveling the combinatorial logic of amygdala neuromodulation in decision-making and learning. | 2020 |
2978 | RACOON | High-reliability Low-latency Communications with Network Coding | 2019 |
2980 | ECRAID-Plan | European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases (ECRAID) - Business Plan | 2019 |
2981 | ENGRAVINg | Engaging Grammar and Visual Networks | 2019 |
2982 | ChOLLATERAL | Generation of an adverse outcome pathway network on cholestatic liver injury for mechanism-based in vitro testing of chemicals. | 2019 |
2983 | PLASMIONICO | Plasmon-resonance driven thermionic emitters for improved solar energy harvesting | 2019 |
2984 | GiFlex | GridEye flexibility service to distribution systems through distributed technologies | 2019 |
2985 | REBELLION | Light-REsponsive Nanomachines for Targeted Eradication of BactErial Pathogens in LocaLised InfectIONs | 2020 |
2986 | DICE | Dynamic Interconnections for the Cellular Ecosystem | 2019 |
2987 | Safe4RAIL-2 | Safe architecture for Robust distributed Application Integration in roLling stock 2 | 2018 |
2988 | REL-NET | Entangled Interfaith Identities and Relations from the Mediterranean to the United States: The St James Association and Its Transnational Christian-Jewish Network in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict | 2019 |
2989 | COFFEE | Controlling and Observing Filaments For Enhanced memristive Elements | 2019 |
2990 | PredProkDef | Predicting of Prokaryotic Defence Distributions | 2020 |
2991 | MVDC-ERS | Flexible medium voltage DC electric railway systems | 2018 |
2992 | NanoMechShape | Molecular control of actin network architecture and mechanics during cell shape changes | 2019 |
2993 | TERASSE | Terahertz Antennas with Self-amplified Spontaneous Emission | 2019 |
2994 | GRINP | Action-based routes for numbers: unveiling the core networks of reaching, grasping and number processing in brain damaged and healthy individuals. | 2019 |
2995 | IPQNet | Information Processing in Future Quantum Networks | 2019 |
2996 | EyeGestLearn | Applying eye-tracking to investigate information uptake from co-speech gestures in online learning environments | 2019 |
2997 | AEROSIMULAT | High-performance aerodynamics and aeroacoustics simulations of the new generation of high-speed gas turbines via high-order Galerkin methods | 2020 |
2998 | STRESS-Mums | Study on TRansition and Exclusion in Society of Single-Mums | 2019 |
2999 | FAKEOLOGY | Fake news and pseudo-science as post-modern mythology: The case of the anti-vaccination movement | 2019 |
3000 | REWIRE | REinforcing Women In REsearch | 2020 |
3001 | Data TrackerTM | DataTrackerTM – Artificial Intelligence Enabling a Secure and Compliant Cloud Adoption | 2019 |
3002 | Social Smart | The Neural and Network Dynamics of Social Influence Across Adolescence | 2019 |
3003 | TRAIN-HEART | TRAIN-HEART | 2019 |
3005 | VesselNet | Engineering Composite Tissues for Facial Reconstruction | 2019 |
3006 | PAVITRA GANGA | Unlocking wastewater treatment, water re-use and resource recovery opportunities for urban and peri-urban areas in India | 2019 |
3007 | TransBioLine | Translational Safety Biomarker Pipeline (TransBioLine): Enabling development and implementation of novel safety biomarkers in clinical trials and diagnosis of disease | 2019 |
3008 | C-Energy 2020 V2 | Connecting Energy National Contact Points in a pro-active network under Societal Challenge 3 ‘Secure, clean and efficient energy’ in Horizon 2020 | 2019 |
3009 | TANBCPdyes | Triggerable, Anchoring Novel Block Copolymer Dyes for Use in Inkjet Printing | 2020 |
3010 | anti-CRISPR | Selection and evolution of phage-encoded anti-CRISPR genes | 2019 |
3011 | LiquidEff | LiquidEff: Algebraic Foundations for Liquid Effects | 2019 |
3012 | CReDItIs | Critique and Reformation of Doctrine in International Investment Law: Legal Theory and Empirical Legal Studies | 2020 |
3013 | ULTRA-OLEO | Ultrasonic standing waves as a new tool for improved oleogels | 2020 |
3014 | ERMADA | Illuminating Earth’s microbial diversity and origins from metagenomes with deep learning | 2019 |
3015 | ReSOLeS | New Reconfigurable Spectrum Optical Fibre Laser Sources | 2019 |
3016 | SuperCoop | Unconventional Superconductivity and Strong Electron Correlations: a Cooperative mechanism | 2019 |
3017 | SOS-CROPS | Solving the tangled ontogenesis of the stem for sustainable crops | 2019 |
3018 | COMBGEOREP | Combinatorial and geometric methods in representation theory | 2019 |
3019 | NOCEANIC | Key factors driving particulate organic matter fluxes and related nitrogen losses in the main anoxic oxygen minimum zones of the world oceans | 2019 |
3020 | BI-SDMoF | Bit-interleaved sigma-delta modulation over fiber | 2019 |
3021 | MolecularControl | Harvesting out-of-equilibrium forces for molecular control | 2020 |
3022 | PRISENODE | PRISENODE: Privacy- and secuRity-aware solutIons in SoftwarE-defiNed fOg Data cEnter | 2020 |
3023 | PullEd-MS | Finding unknown endocrine disrupting compounds through target pull-down assay filtration, effect direct analysis and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry for a comprehensive efficient workflow. | 2019 |
3024 | 5G-ACE | Beyond 5G: 3D Network Modelling for THz-based Ultra-Fast Small Cells | 2019 |
3025 | ASTRALIS | ASTRocyte Adrenoceptors: Light on Intracellular Signaling | 2019 |
3026 | CODEV | Co-diversification and co-evolution of human populations and cereals in Africa | 2019 |
3027 | EWPWE | Europe at War in Post-war Europe. Performing Greek Tragedies, Comedies and European Identity. | 2019 |
3028 | BiFCCM | Bi-directional Force Communication on Cell-Matrix | 2019 |
3029 | EpimiRTherapy | Using human tissue to translate microRNA-based therapies for epilepsy | 2019 |
3030 | EmbryoPAINT | PAINTing the architecture of the totipotency gene network during early mammalian development | 2020 |
3031 | STOPFIRE | Emergency Decision Support System of Offshore Platform Fires | 2019 |
3032 | HIFIG | High-Fidelity Photonic Quantum Gates | 2020 |
3033 | HANSEALTAR | The Mobility, Meaning, Mercantile Connections of Altarpieces between Germany and Scandinavia across the Hanse Network in the Fifteenth Century | 2019 |
3034 | LocalGlobal0Cycles | Local-global principles and zero-cycles | 2019 |
3035 | Thin-CATALYzER | Nanostructured anode catalyst layer for oxygen evolution reaction based on a novel thin-film architecture | 2020 |
3036 | EuroDipl | European Diplomacy Practices post-Lisbon: Adding Value through Cooperation | 2020 |
3037 | FREEMIND | Ferroelectric REsistors as Emerging Materials for Innovative Neuromorphic Devices | 2019 |
3038 | PhotoStem | Photoswitching molecules for the spatiotemporal control of cancer stem cells with light | 2019 |
3039 | InvADeRS | Investigating the Activity of transposon Derived Regulatory Sequences in the placenta | 2019 |
3040 | COATING | COATING - slippery wires: revolutionizing COronAry sTentING | 2019 |
3041 | Print2fly | Can we print an aircraft at room temperature? | 2019 |
3042 | HYMNS | Hypothalamic Modulation of Neocortical States | 2020 |
3043 | GENI | Gender, emotions and national identities: a new perspective on the abortion debates in Italy (1971-1981). | 2019 |
3044 | InWAS | Non-linear, control-informed optimisation of innovative wave absorbing structures using highly-efficient numerical methods | 2020 |
3045 | UNBIAS | UNravelling BIvAlve Shell chemistry: Advanced Techniques for Accurate Reconstructions of Sub-annual Climate | 2020 |
3046 | MUSICA | Origin of Magnetic strUctureS in the ISM obscuring the Cosmic DAwn | 2020 |
3047 | INF-CVD | Chronic inflammation and cardiovascular risk | 2019 |
3048 | UNI4ST | University education as a driver for sustainability transitions | 2020 |
3049 | FOFC | Function and Organization of Feedback Connections | 2019 |
3050 | TxnEvoClim | Climate adaptation in Arabidopsis thaliana through evolution of transcription regulation | 2019 |
3051 | TUNICS | The expression of cultural cross-fertilization in Egyptian clothing of the 7th-10th centuries AD. | 2019 |
3052 | ARCHPRIS | Territories of incarceration. A comparative study of prison farms in rural Europe and a proposal for Flanders. | 2020 |
3053 | MigrationRadar | Elucidating continental-scale patterns of bird migration with weather radars | 2019 |
3054 | ORBITAL | Ocular Research By Integrated Training And Learning | 2019 |
3055 | BE-Rural | Bio-based strategies and roadmaps for enhanced rural and regional development in the EU | 2019 |
3056 | BactRNA | Bacterial small RNAs networks unravelling novel features of transcription and translation | 2019 |
3057 | TREND | Transition with Resilience for Evolutionary Development | 2019 |
3058 | IELECTRIX | Indian and European Local Energy CommuniTies for Renewable Integration and the Energy Transition. | 2019 |
3059 | SeeRRI | Building Self-Sustaining Research and Innovation Ecosystems in Europe through Responsible Research and Innovation | 2019 |
3061 | MIRROR | Migration-Related Risks caused by misconceptions of Opportunities and Requirement | 2019 |
3062 | SecureGas | Securing The European Gas Network | 2019 |
3063 | iProcureNet | innovation by developing a European Procurer Networking for security research services | 2019 |
3064 | CRITICAL-CHAINS | IOT- & Blockchain-Enabled Security Framework for New Generation Critical Cyber-Physical Systems In Finance Sector | 2019 |
3065 | SAPPAN | Sharing and Automation for Privacy Preserving Attack Neutralization | 2019 |
3066 | RegRNA | Mechanistic principles of regulation by small RNAs | 2019 |
3067 | ROXANNE | Real time network, text, and speaker analytics for combating organized crime | 2019 |
3069 | NOQIA | NOvel Quantum simulators – connectIng Areas | 2019 |
3070 | ScalableControl | Scalable Control of Interconnected Systems | 2019 |
3071 | SDN-microSENSE | SDN - microgrid reSilient Electrical eNergy SystEm | 2019 |
3072 | SeaChanges | Thresholds in human exploitation of marine vertebrates | 2019 |
3073 | CERQUTE | Certification of quantum technologies | 2020 |
3074 | ILSAINC | Mapping and theorising the global International Large-Scale Assessment industry | 2019 |
3075 | COMPLIT | Complicity: A Crisis of Participation in Testimonies of Totalitarianism in Contemporary German-language Literatures | 2019 |
3076 | MitoQuant | Development of Deep-UV Quantitative Microscopy for the Study of Mitochondrial Dysfunction | 2019 |
3077 | LIFT | Unleash the potential of CSAs results to contribute to sustainable and competitive Bio-Based Industries in Europe | 2019 |
3078 | UrBIOfuture | Boosting future careers, education and research activities in the European bio-based industry | 2019 |
3080 | THERM | Transport of Heat in hEteRogeneous Media | 2020 |
3082 | UNCERTHAIN | Unraveling the consequences of early cerebellothalamic dysfunction and its role in autism spectrum disorder symptoms | 2019 |
3083 | TURNKEY RETROFIT | TURNKEY solution for home RETROFITting | 2019 |
3084 | CaRe-Space | Cajal-Retzius cells role in the development of the spatial navigation system | 2020 |
3085 | HeriCare | 2D Materials/Polyoxometalate Hybrids for Heritage Conservation | 2019 |
3086 | MacMeninges | Control of Central Nervous Sytem inflammation by meningeal macrophages, and its impairment upon aging | 2019 |
3087 | BrownianReactivation | Neural stochasticity and criticality in memory replay | 2019 |
3088 | ESCAPE | Abandoning ship – sex and dormancy strategies in Daphnia | 2019 |
3089 | OBJECTPERMOD | Explaining object permanence with a deep recurrent neural network model of human cortical visual cognition | 2019 |
3090 | PIZERO_NA62 | Study of neutral pion decays at the NA62 experiment at CERN | 2019 |
3091 | MIMIC | Mapping and modulating integrin mediated interactions | 2020 |
3092 | ACCORD | Accelerated Ordering Service for Distributed Ledgers | 2019 |
3093 | MONET | Merkel cell polyomavirus Oncogenic Network | 2019 |
3094 | LinkFM | Linking Functional impact and Microstructural properties of fiber tract demyelination and remyelination in a rodent model of multiple sclerosis | 2019 |
3095 | BabyBayes | Bayesian Learning in the Infant Brain | 2019 |
3096 | MIDLIFT | Mid-infrared laser system for high-throughput bioprinting by laser-induced forward-transfer | 2019 |
3097 | IUCCF | An intelligent design of user-centric cell-free massive MIMO: A deep learning approach | 2020 |
3098 | TWISTM | Strongly correlated phenomena in twisted bilayers of graphene and transition metal dichacogenides | 2020 |
3099 | DEAP | Development of Epithelium Apical Polarity: Does the mechanical cell-cell adhesions play a role? | 2019 |
3100 | UnravelOxStress | Oxygen, telomeres and sex: experimental elucidation of oxidative stress effects in life history evolution | 2020 |
3101 | cesmine | Cultural ecosystem services of post-mining sites: socio-economic rehabilitation after quarrying | 2020 |
3102 | HAMA | New insights on Earth’s formation and differentiation processes from in situ analyses of halogens (F, Cl, Br and I) in meteorites and mantle samples | 2019 |
3103 | PATTERNS | Detecting Polygenic Adaptation Targeting Gene Expression Regulation In Humans Using eQTL Networks. | 2020 |
3104 | HomicidesLACcities | Understanding the drivers and impacts of homicides in 4 major Latin American cities. | 2020 |
3105 | MEGAFAUNA | Detecting, Predicting and Protecting Pelagic Megafauna Hotspots in the Coral Sea | 2020 |
3106 | NG2-cells | The role of NG2 cells in the neural network in health and disease | 2019 |
3107 | BrainInformationFlow | Principles underlying information flow across the entire brain of the zebrafish | 2020 |
3108 | X-tendo | eXTENDing the energy performance assessment and certification schemes via a mOdular approach | 2019 |
3109 | DendritesInVivo | Prediction and validation of in vivo dendritic processing | 2020 |
3110 | POLARC | High Arctic Polynyas in a Changing Climate | 2019 |
3111 | QualDeEPC | High-quality Energy Performance Assessment and Certification in Europe Accelerating Deep Energy Renovation (QualDeEPC) | 2019 |
3112 | SPARKLE | SPARKLE - Training Europe's Future Photonics Research Leaders | 2019 |
3113 | P2B | PEERS TO BLOCKCHAIN | 2019 |
3114 | SCAFFOLD-NEEDS | Commercialization of 3D scaffold platforms for neuronal cell culture models | 2019 |
3115 | 3DX-LIGHT | 3D X-ray Light-Field: low-dose X-ray imaging with X-ray wavefront sensors | 2019 |
3116 | Seabubbles | Delivering the future of urban water transportation with novel electric hydrofoil boats | 2019 |
3117 | cleanFIRE | The first pellet stove with ultra-precise air supply that reduces to near-zero the harmful emissions produced during single room heating | 2019 |
3118 | BAT | BEANS TO CHOCOLATE | 2019 |
3119 | Clic And Fish | The platform for helping the rural development and its sustainability through the angling tourism | 2019 |
3120 | LC-FMRI | Deciphering the effects of locus coeruleus activity on whole-brain dynamics and neurovascular coupling | 2019 |
3122 | AIRCARRUS | AIRCARRUS - Autonomous Drone Delivery System | 2019 |
3123 | IGP | Intelligent Grid Platform | 2019 |
3124 | AFREELAMIDE | Safe and fast control system for acrylamide in food | 2019 |
3125 | OnDosis01 | A first in category prescription regimen for ADHD combining stimulants with intelligent dosing and digital capabilities | 2019 |
3126 | VARIANT | Multiband miniature antenna for Open Hardware IoT Platforms | 2019 |
3128 | FS-UNIT | FS-UNIT: Light-weight, portable medical Field Suction Unit to disrupt the pre-hospital market | 2019 |
3129 | Vacc-iNTS | Advancing a GMMA-based vaccine against invasive non-typhoidal salmonellosis through Phase 1 trial in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa | 2019 |
3130 | SWEETHEART | Shaping fruit morphogenesis of floWEring plants by ElucidaTing HEART-shaped fruit development in Capsella rubella | 2019 |
3131 | InScope | Integrated analysis of regulatory networks modulating seed coat permeability in natural accessions | 2019 |
3132 | HighResCells | A synergistic approach toward understanding receptor signaling in the cell at very high resolution | 2019 |
3133 | ENLIGHTEM | European Training Network in Low-energy Visible Light IoT Systems | 2019 |
3134 | AVIATOR | Assessing aViation emission Impact on local Air quality at airports: TOwards Regulation | 2019 |
3135 | HARMONY | Title: Holistic Approach for Providing Spatial & Transport Planning Tools and Evidence to Metropolitan and Regional Authorities to Lead a Sustainable Transition to a New Mobility Era | 2019 |
3136 | CHICKENSTRESS | Variations in stress responsivity in hens: matching birds to environments | 2019 |
3137 | IPM Decisions | Stepping-up IPM decision support for crop protection | 2019 |
3138 | DESIRA | Digitisation: Economic and Social Impacts in Rural Areas | 2019 |
3139 | RECEIPT | REmote Climate Effects and their Impact on European sustainability, Policy and Trade | 2019 |
3140 | SUMMER | Sustainable management of mesopelagic resources | 2019 |
3141 | SO-CHIC | Southern Ocean Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate | 2019 |
3142 | Fiware4Water | FIWARE for the Next Generation Internet Services for the WATER sector | 2019 |
3143 | Pop-Machina | Collaborative production for the circular economy; a community approach | 2019 |
3144 | ConcePTION | Building an ecosystem for better monitoring and communicating of medication safety in pregnancy and breastfeeding: validated and regulatory endorsed workflows for fast, optimised evidence generation | 2019 |
3145 | HIEIC | Heavy ion collisions: collectivity and precision in saturation physics | 2019 |
3146 | S3FOOD | Smart Sensor System for Food Safety, Quality Control and Resource Efficiency in the Food Processing Industry | 2019 |
3147 | PIN3S | Pilot Integration of 3nm Semiconducter technology | 2019 |
3148 | Life-Inspired | Life-inspired complex molecular systems controlled by enzymatic reaction networks | 2019 |
3149 | MISSION | Multifunctional aIrcraft power network with Solid-State electrIcal pOwer SwitchiNg | 2019 |
3150 | C4IIoT | Cyber security 4.0: protecting the Industrial Internet Of Things | 2019 |
3151 | IQubitNet | Integrated multi-qubit devices for scalable quantum networks | 2019 |
3152 | TACOMA | Towards Application specific tailoring of CarbOn nanoMAterials | 2019 |
3153 | CausalBrain | Dynamic directed functional connectivity of causal learning | 2019 |
3154 | Mitobetes | The role of Von Willebrand Domain-containing Protein 8 in mitochondrial physiology | 2020 |
3155 | CORRELATION | Characterization and prediction of service-level traffic for future sliced mobile network | 2020 |
3156 | STRATCAT-CO2 | Surface functionalization with thiols: a novel strategy in catalyst design for the efficient reduction of CO2 to C2 products | 2019 |
3157 | MALAGA | Applying Machine Learning to Cyber Risk Analysis and Mitigation | 2019 |
3158 | CANSAS | Clustering functional connectivity alterations in Autism Spectrum Disorders | 2020 |
3159 | CEGUM | Coordination for Efficient and Green Urban Mobility | 2019 |
3160 | INNOVEAS | INNOVativing the uptake of Energy Auditing Schemes for SMEs | 2019 |
3161 | EMB3Rs | User-driven Energy-Matching & Business prospection tool for industrial Excess heat/cold Reduction, Recovery and Redistribution | 2019 |
3162 | PadovaFIT Expanded | Expanding PadovaFIT! Home Solutions | 2019 |
3163 | ARDRE | Ageing, Regeneration, and Drug Research | 2019 |
3164 | UNA4CAREER | UNA Europa, an alliance of universities FOR the emergence of talent and the development of research CAREERs | 2020 |
3165 | EuReCa | Institut Curie EuReCa PhD Programme | 2020 |
3166 | Peer2Scale-Health | Peer2Scale-Health: Peer-learning action to improve innovation support to health SMEs in their scale-up process | 2019 |
3167 | snickerdoodle | An affordable edge-computing device for high-performance and power-efficient robotics automation | 2019 |
3168 | VIDMIZER | The first video content management platform integrated with machine learning to centralize, organize and collect data from marketing videos | 2019 |
3169 | PLATYPIS | Creating High Performance Insect Breeds via a Platform for Typing of Insect Strains | 2019 |
3170 | Drone Harmony | From flight mission planning for drones to 4D asset modelling | 2019 |
3171 | ZETAMIX | ZETAMIX, the first Desktop Ceramic 3D printer on the market | 2019 |
3172 | ArtIST | Pre-clinical evaluation and feasibility study for Artificial Inteligence-based Strain Typing and Bacterial Resistance analysis software | 2019 |
3173 | IP-SMS | The Augnet Platform - Using Internet Protocol as the SMS Data Communication System | 2019 |
3174 | Goodwall | The Professional Development Network for the Next Generation | 2019 |
3175 | CeleSte | Commensal microbiota regulation of neuro-immune networks | 2020 |
3176 | SynapSeek | Learning the shape of synaptic plasticity rules for neuronal architectures and function through machine learning. | 2019 |
3177 | SE3DPASTE | Structurally Engineered 3D Printed Architectures for Scalable Tissue Engineering | 2019 |
3179 | CIFTRESS | Climatic Impact on Food Trade RESilience and Security | 2019 |
3180 | PEARL | Programme for EArly-stage Researchers in Lille | 2019 |
3181 | PASIFIC | Polish Academy of Sciences’ Individual Fellowships: Innovation & Creativity | 2020 |
3182 | Pearls Constellation | A next generation telecommunication platform based on a nano-satellites constellation | 2019 |
3183 | INITIATE | INnate-ImmunomeTabolIsm as Antiviral TargEt | 2019 |
3184 | OPEN DEI | Aligning Reference Architectures, Open Platforms and Large Scale Pilots in Digitising European Industry | 2019 |
3185 | 5G-VICTORI | VertIcal demos over Common large scale field Trials fOr Rail, energy and media Industries | 2019 |
3186 | EEW4 | Energy Efficiency Watch 4 | 2019 |
3187 | UHMob | Ultra-high Charge Carrier Mobility to Elucidate Transport Mechanisms in Molecular Semiconductors | 2019 |
3188 | 5GhOSTS | 5th GeneratiOn Security for Telecom Services | 2019 |
3189 | AquaVitae | New species, processes and products contributing to increased production and improved sustainability in emerging low trophic, and existing low and high trophic aquaculture value chains in the Atlantic | 2019 |
3190 | TEMPO | Technology and hardware for neuromorphic computing | 2019 |
3191 | INSPECTr | Intelligence Network and Secure Platform for Evidence Correlation and Transfer (INSPECTr) | 2019 |
3192 | TurtleHyb | Reconstructing hybridization events between sea turtle species separated by 30 million years: genomic patterns and evolutionary consequences | 2019 |
3193 | EURAD | European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management | 2019 |
3194 | 5G-SOLUTIONS | 5G Solutions for European Citizens | 2019 |
3195 | 5G!Drones | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Vertical Applications' Trials Leveraging Advanced 5G Facilities | 2019 |
3196 | FIVE-G | Functional Improvement & Validation of next Generation Equipment - Pulsed Laser Deposition for High Volume Manufacturing of enhanced piezo thin film materials enabling 5G data communication | 2019 |
3197 | fonYou | Technology platform for telecom carriers to identify and predict mobile user behaviour by means of analytics and deep learning | 2019 |
3198 | NETCONTROLOGY | Controllability of biological networks | 2020 |
3199 | ADAPT2FLOW | Adaptive and maladaptive endothelial cell dynamics during blood flow-driven vascular patterning | 2019 |
3200 | Retinoic AC-DC | Role of Retinoic Acid signaling in cDC1 and cDC2 on intestinal immune homeostasis and disease | 2020 |
3201 | NIRLAMS | NIR Light Harvesting in Artificial Protein-Lipid-Chromophores Coassembled Molecular System | 2020 |
3202 | G20LAP | G20 Legitimacy and Policymaking | 2019 |
3203 | QuaIL | Quantum Information Learning | 2020 |
3204 | FrEQuMP | Frequency-encoded quantum multi-photon interference devices | 2019 |
3205 | TOPOGRAPHYSENSING | Effects of 3D topographies on mechanosensing in intestine epithelial architecture and dynamics | 2019 |
3206 | RESPIRE4 | REspiratory Science Promoted by International Research Exchanges 4 | 2020 |
3207 | RICH-2 | The Research Infrastructures Consortium of NCPs for H2020 | 2019 |
3208 | 5GROWTH | 5G-enabled Growth in Vertical Industries | 2019 |
3209 | 5G-TOURS | SmarT mObility, media and e-health for toURists and citizenS | 2019 |
3210 | PAV-DT | A disruptive technology that enables low cost real-time monitoring of road pavement condition by any ordinary vehicle circulating on the road, and automatically designs plans for predictive maintenance. | 2019 |
3211 | COSMOS2020plus | Continuation of the Cooperation of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services under Horizon 2020 | 2019 |
3212 | INNOVA MEASURE IV | Econometric analyses and indicators on Research, Excellence and Impact of Research and Innovation | 2019 |
3213 | 5G-SMART | 5G for Smart Manufacturing | 2019 |
3214 | EEENIMAC | Enhancing Innovation Management Assessment Capacity of Enterprise Europe Network partners and Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs | 2019 |
3215 | FABER-Net | FABER-Net: A unique network of labs dedicated to the diagnosis of allergies using the innovative FABER test | 2019 |
3216 | IFR-CNS | Intumescent Flame Retardants Inspired Template-assistant Synthesis of N/P Dual-doped 3D Carbon Network for High-Performance Supercapacitors | 2019 |
3217 | ATLAS | Agricultural Interoperability and Analysis System | 2019 |
3219 | ActiTOX | Active organotypic models for nanoparticle toxicological screening | 2019 |
3220 | UNIFIER19 | Community Friendly Miniliner | 2019 |
3221 | Start-at-best | Promoting STARTups and SMEs as the BEST place to work through workplace innovation | 2019 |
3223 | DISTINCT | Dementia: Intersectorial Strategy for Training and Innovation Network for Current Technology (DISTINCT) | 2019 |
3224 | ON-MERRIT | Observing and Negating Matthew Effects in Responsible Research and Innovation Transition | 2019 |
3225 | FAT4BRAIN | Networking for excellence in functional pharmacology to study the role of fatty acid metabolism in neurological disorders | 2019 |
3226 | INTEGROMED | Integration of knowledge and biobank resources in comprehensive translational approach for personalized prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders | 2019 |
3228 | TWIND | Twinning for an Offshore Wind Energy Partnership | 2019 |
3229 | SIMICA | Site-selective protein-modification chemistries for antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) | 2019 |
3230 | SPIDER | a cyberSecurity Platform for vIrtualiseD 5G cybEr Range services | 2019 |
3231 | COGDEC | Quantifying ageing related cognitive decline and mild cognitive impairment | 2019 |
3232 | DEEPFIELD | DeepField- Deep Learning in Field Robotics: from conceptualization towards implementation | 2019 |
3233 | SIRAMM | Eastern European twinning on Structural Integrity and Reliability of Advanced Materials obtained through additive Manufacturing | 2019 |
3234 | STRENTEX | ERA Chair for emerging technologies and innovative research in Stretchable and Textile Electronics | 2020 |
3235 | MARCIUS | MARie Curie Intelligent UltraSound | 2019 |
3236 | PROTECT | Protecting Personal Data Amidst Big Data Innovation | 2019 |
3238 | OSHub | Open Science Hub Network: Empowering Citizens through STEAM Education with Open Schooling | 2019 |
3239 | CY-BIOBANK | Biobanking and the Cyprus Human Genome Project | 2019 |
3240 | 5G CONNI | Private 5G Networks for Connected Industries | 2019 |
3241 | NEXTER | Next generation eco-friendly, microbiome preserving and reduced resistance therapeutics | 2019 |
3242 | BLOCKPOOL | Pooling SME adoption and deployment of Blockchain and other DLTs | 2019 |
3243 | OPIOIDREWARD | How distress alters opioid drug effects and abuse liability | 2019 |
3244 | PANTROP | Biodiversity and recovery of forest in tropical landscapes | 2019 |
3245 | MIRNet | Twinning for excellence in migration and integration research and networking (MIRNet) | 2019 |
3246 | IMAGE-IN | Imaging infections: integrated, multiscale visualization of infections and host response | 2020 |
3247 | REPLAY_DMN | A theory of global memory systems | 2019 |
3248 | GACD | Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Secretariat | 2019 |
3249 | TROPIBIO | Expanding potential in TROPIcal BIOdiversity and ecosystem research towards sustainable life on land | 2019 |
3250 | REMODEL | Research models in infection, cancer and regeneration: replacement and translation | 2019 |
3252 | agROBOfood | agROBOfood: Business-Oriented Support to the European Robotics and Agri-food Sector, towards a network of Digital Innovation Hubs in Robotics | 2019 |
3253 | GN4-3N | Horizon 2020: H2020-SGA-INFRA-GEANT-2018 Topic [b] Increase of Long-Term Backbone Capacity | 2019 |
3254 | DRIVE-In | Integrated Photonics for the next generation of autonomous Vehicles using InP technologies | 2019 |
3255 | GN4-3 | Horizon 2020: H2020-SGA-INFRA-GEANT-2018 (Topic [a] Research and Education Networking) | 2019 |
3256 | MAXIPLAN | Cultivated barnacle offspring – the solution for realizing marine aquaculture growth | 2019 |
3257 | MEFISTA | Multi-scale fibre-based optical frequency combs: science, technology and applications | 2020 |
3258 | YesElf | We help employees to adopt digital solutions | 2019 |
3259 | EUFORPP | Developing a European Forum on Paradox and Pluralism | 2019 |
3260 | TWINNIMS | Increasing the scientific excellence and technological innovation capacity in Functional Materials for Medical Devices and Robotics of the University of Tartu | 2019 |
3261 | INCLUDING | Innovative Cluster for Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies | 2019 |
3262 | Wooden Tower | Wooden structured telecommunications tower for the complete mobile network coverage | 2019 |
3263 | DrugPhosphoProfiler | Accelerating drug and biomarker discovery through a new proteomic service: DrugPhosphoProfiler | 2019 |
3264 | Nano-Edison | The most viable stationary energy storage solution for grid applications | 2019 |
3265 | REWARDHeat | Renewable and Waste Heat Recovery for Competitive District Heating and Cooling Networks | 2019 |
3266 | PATSAFE | Developing the University of Tartu to a well-networked PATient SAFEty research center in Estonia | 2019 |
3267 | GeoUS | Geothermal Energy in Special Underground Structures | 2020 |
3268 | NEEMO | Networking for Excellence in Electric Mobility Operations | 2019 |
3269 | TARGET SLEEP | Boosting motor learning through sleep and targeted memory reactivation in ageing and Parkinson’s disease | 2020 |
3270 | SOFIE | Southern Ocean Overtuning Fingerprint Experiment | 2019 |
3271 | SAAFE | Soil quality Assessment in Agriculture For life cycle assessment-based Eco-design | 2020 |
3272 | LIVE-I | Lightening and Innovating transmission for improving Vehicle: Environmental Impacts | 2020 |
3273 | ODIX 2.0 | A revolutionary cybersecurity SaaS helping small-medium business (SMEs) to protect their networks like large corporates do! | 2019 |
3275 | GreenVerter | Greenverter a revolutionary power converter technology to reduce environmental and economic losses due to electro pollution | 2019 |
3276 | EGG1 | Making distributed Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generation with zero pollution convenient | 2019 |
3277 | EFC | European Research & Innovation Days: High-level conference: Institutional Philanthropy Supporting Science, Research and Innovation | 2019 |
3278 | Terra SmartHDD | Worldwide unique automated mixing and dosing technology for precise dosed and homogenous mixed drilling fluids for horizontal directional drilling with AI-based soil type and wear detection | 2019 |
3279 | TagAndGo | First low-cost semi-passive RFID tags for cold-chain logistics digitalisation and optimisation | 2019 |
3280 | SmartMelt | SmartMelt: A Data-Driven Melting Process Optimizer | 2019 |
3281 | SIGUEMED | The first affordable and easy-to-use IoT system that tracks pill intake with printed circuits technology | 2019 |
3282 | DSES | Development of an Electronic Wireless Safety System for Power Tools | 2019 |
3283 | WarehouseBook | WarehouseBook: Creating a new market by offering an unused warehouse space to cargo drivers on the go | 2019 |
3284 | Cumucore | An innovative virtual software-defined mobile packet core to enable optimized and flexible user-centric services for next generation mobile networks | 2019 |
3285 | Sampols | A noise pollution measurement and monitoring solution for smart cities | 2019 |
3286 | BovINE | BovINE Beef Innovation Network Europe | 2020 |
3287 | HELoS | Health.E Lighthouse Support Initiative | 2019 |
3288 | ConnectToBrain | Connecting to the Networks of the Human Brain | 2019 |
3289 | MATTER | ERA Chair position in Materials Research in Extreme Environments | 2020 |
3290 | PALAMUSTO | Research and Training for the Palace Museum of Tomorrow | 2019 |
3291 | X-FLEX | Integrated energy solutions and new market mechanisms for an eXtended FLEXibility of the European grid | 2019 |
3292 | SMARTPROTECT | SMART agriculture for innovative vegetable crop PROTECTion: harnessing advanced methodologies and technologies | 2020 |
3293 | EuroSheep | European Network for interactive and innovative knowledge exchange on animal health and nutrition between the sheep industry actors and stakeholders | 2020 |
3294 | PlatOne | PLATform for Operation of distribution NEtworks | 2019 |
3295 | EUCYS2019 | European Contest for Young Scientists 2019 | 2019 |
3296 | MANTICA | Fully Scalable Platform for Neuroscience Consumer Research and Product Development, Based on User-Friendly EEG-Headset and Cloud-Based Data Storage/Analysis. | 2019 |
3297 | Biztribution | Towards a fully decentralized distribution for next generation of travel and tourism distribution | 2019 |
3298 | SMark2.0 | SMark2.0, our next level product authentication, anti-counterfeiting and track and trace system | 2019 |
3299 | MERWIS | Melanoma Early Warning System | 2019 |
3300 | Great Bubble Barrier | The Great Bubble Barrier: An effective solution to plastic pollution | 2019 |
3301 | INIA | Intersex- New Interdisciplinary Approaches | 2020 |
3302 | OPENQKD | Open European Quantum Key Distribution Testbed | 2019 |
3303 | HEL4CHIROLED | Helical systems for chiral organic light emitting diodes | 2020 |
3304 | ENHPATHY | Molecular basis of human enhanceropathies | 2020 |
3305 | MagnEFi | Magnetism and the effects of Electric Field | 2019 |
3306 | THERADNET | International NETwork for training and innovations in THErapeutic RADiation | 2019 |
3307 | ELIT | Empirical study of Literature Training Network | 2020 |
3308 | LNETN | Legitimation of Newness and Its Impact on EU Agenda for Change | 2020 |
3309 | SMART-X | Study of carrier transport in MAterials by time-Resolved specTroscopy with ultrashort soft X-ray light | 2020 |
3310 | S2S-Future | SIGNAL PROPAGATION IN SOURCE TO SINK for the FUTUre of earth Ressources and Energies | 2020 |
3311 | PERFORCE3 | Innovative Training Network on PER and polyfluorinated alkyl substances towards the Future Of Research and its Communication in Europe 3 | 2020 |
3312 | hSAI | Predictive and adaptative algorithms for Smart cities, HR and Finance Industries | 2019 |
3313 | ArtMoMa | Artificial Molecular Machines | 2020 |
3314 | SINERGIA | advanced technologieS for drug dIscovery and precisioN mEdicine: in vitRo modellinG human physiology and diseAse | 2019 |
3315 | proEVLifeCycle | The life cycle of extracellular vesicles in prostate cancer: from biogenesis and homing, to functional relevance | 2019 |
3316 | FLEXIGRID | Interoperable solutions for implementing holistic FLEXIbility services in the distribution GRID | 2019 |
3317 | OPTAPHI | European Joint Doctorate Programme on Optical Sensing using Advanced Photo-Induced Effects | 2020 |
3318 | TRIPLE | Transforming Research through Innovative Practices for Linked interdisciplinary Exploration | 2019 |
3319 | GRAPES | learninG, pRocessing, And oPtimising shapES | 2019 |
3320 | VIRTUOSA | Scalable Software Defined Network Architectures for Cooperative Live Media Production exploiting Virtualised Production Resources and 5G Wireless Acquisition | 2019 |
3321 | TReSPAsS-ETN | TRaining in Secure and PrivAcy-preserving biometricS | 2020 |
3322 | Plan2fix | Nitrogen-enriched plasma activated water, an unparalleled plant feeding system | 2019 |
3323 | PCBIS | Printed Circuit Board Innovative Solution | 2019 |
3325 | DohART-NET | Periconceptional Programming of Health Training Network | 2019 |
3326 | MyWave | Efficient Millimetre-Wave Communications for mobile users | 2019 |
3327 | CANCERPREV | Innovative strategies for cancer prevention with focus on sex hormone signaling and chronic inflammation | 2019 |
3328 | THREAD | Joint Training on Numerical Modelling of Highly Flexible Structures for Industrial Applications | 2019 |
3329 | i-CONN | Interdisciplinary connectivity: Understanding and managing complex systems using connectivity science | 2019 |
3330 | INSPIRE | INnovation in Safety Pharmacology for Integrated cardiovascular safety assessment to REduce adverse events and late stage drug attrition. | 2020 |
3331 | CCIMC | Coordination chemistry inspires molecular catalysis | 2020 |
3332 | BactiVax | anti-Bacterial Innovative Vaccine Training Network. | 2019 |
3334 | BiD4BEST | Big Data applications for Black hole Evolution STudies | 2020 |
3335 | MoSaiQC | Modular Systems for Advanced Integrated Quantum Clocks | 2020 |
3336 | MOSAICS | Hearing Matters: European Industrial Doctorate to train experts in auditory implants for minimised outcome spread and maximized participation in society | 2019 |
3337 | NETLAS | NExt generation of Tuneable LASers for optical coherence tomography | 2020 |
3338 | ASCenSIon | Advancing Space Access Capabilities - Reusability and Multiple Satellite Injection | 2020 |
3339 | LISA | Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy of Actinide elements | 2019 |
3340 | QUDOT-TECH | Quantum Dots for Photonic Quantum Information Technologies | 2020 |
3341 | PRECODE | PancREatic Cancer OrganoiDs rEsearch Network | 2019 |
3342 | TIPAT | Training towards Personalized Antibiotic Treatment | 2020 |
3343 | BeMAGIC | Magnetoelectrics Beyond 2020: A Training Programme on Energy-Efficient Magnetoelectric Nanomaterials for Advanced Information and Healthcare Technologies | 2019 |
3344 | SCilS | Studying Ciliary Signaling in Development and Disease | 2020 |
3345 | InnovEOX | Training of a new generation of researchers in Innovative Electrochemical OXidation processes for the removal and analysis of micro-pollutants in water streams | 2019 |
3346 | REScala | A Programming Platform for Reactive Data-intensive Applications | 2019 |
3347 | PUSHH | Palaeoproteomics to Unleash Studies on Human History | 2020 |
3348 | HyperCOG | Hyperconnected Architecture for High Cognitive Production Plants | 2019 |
3349 | WinGrid | Wind farm - grid interactions: exploration and development | 2019 |
3350 | SUPERGALAX | Highly sensitive detection of single microwave photons with coherent quantum network of superconducting qubits for searching galactic axions | 2020 |
3351 | INEDIT | open INnovation Ecosystems for Do It Together process | 2019 |
3352 | OPEN_NEXT | Company-Community Collaboration for Open Source Development of products and services | 2019 |
3354 | DIMOFAC | Digital Intelligent MOdular FACtories | 2019 |
3355 | H2OXIDES | Efficient hydrogen sensing with atomically engineered materials | 2019 |
3356 | SafeNet | Safe Networks using P4 Programs | 2019 |
3357 | Contentflow | Video Livestreaming Has Never Been Easier | 2019 |
3358 | preSENSE | IoT-ready radar sensors with micrometer-level accuracy for safe human-machine collaboration | 2019 |
3359 | PAROST | Disruptive technology for the identification, quantification and prediction of the evolution of damages in civil engineering structures that increases safety while reducing maintenance costs. | 2019 |
3360 | ONCORNET2.0 | ONCOgenic Receptor Network of Excellence and Training 2.0 | 2020 |
3361 | DREAM | The Brainstem-Hippocampus Network Uncovered: Dynamics, Reactivation and Memory Consolidation | 2019 |
3362 | POSEIDON | NanoPhOtonic devices applying SElf-assembled colloIDs for novel ON-chip light sources | 2020 |
3363 | QLUSTER | Many-photon quantum entanglement | 2019 |
3364 | QuanTELCO | Quantum Emitters for Telecommunication in the O-Band | 2019 |
3365 | Euraxess-AM | Setting up Armenian Euraxess Service Network | 2019 |
3366 | METAMORFOSIS | Disrupting the sports nutrition market with a healthy, high-performance, bee product-based energy gel in highly innovative compostable packaging | 2019 |
3367 | AWARE | Advanced Face Recognition and CroWd Behavior Analysis for Next GeneRation VidEo Surveillance | 2019 |
3368 | COBRA | COnversational BRAins | 2020 |
3369 | CORVOS | COmplement Regulation and Variations in Opportunistic infectionS | 2019 |
3370 | TubInTrain | Tuning Tubulin Dynamics and Interactions to Face Neurotoxicity: a Multidisciplinary Approach for Training and Research | 2019 |
3371 | INTERfaces | Heterogenous biocatalytic reaction cascades training network | 2020 |
3372 | euSNN | European School of Network Neuroscience | 2019 |
3373 | NEUcrest | Training European Experts in Multiscale Studies of Neural Crest Development and Disorders: from Patient to Model Systems and Back again. | 2019 |
3374 | FLOAWER | FLOAting Wind Energy netwoRk | 2019 |
3375 | BIOREMIA | BIOfilm-REsistant Materials for hard tissue Implant Applications | 2020 |
3376 | INTUITIVE | INnovative Network for Training in ToUch InteracTIVE Interfaces | 2019 |
3377 | MOTOR5G | MObility and Training fOR beyond 5G Ecosystems | 2019 |
3378 | MONPLAS | The training of early stage researchers for the development of technologies to monitor concentrations of micro and nanoplastics in water for their presence, uptake and threat to animal and human life. | 2020 |
3379 | WiPLASH | Architecting More Than Moore – Wireless Plasticity for Heterogeneous Massive Computer Architectures | 2019 |
3380 | myPAL-NET | Underwater passive aquatic listening network system for smart monitoring of high impact weather events - myPAL-NET | 2019 |
3381 | AAT | Appraising and accelerating theoretical progress in memory modification research with meta-science, Bayesian statistics, and an open-collaborative approach. | 2020 |
3382 | SAFEBIO | Safe and Complete Algorithms for Bioinformatics | 2020 |
3383 | EpiRep | Mechanism of nucleosome assembly during DNA replication | 2019 |
3384 | EuGeNeS | Euraxess Georgia Network Startup | 2019 |
3385 | RHIZOCARBON | Forest belowground carbon transport: From rhizosphere fluxes to physiological drivers | 2019 |
3386 | BIOMOLMACS | Molecular Machines Functioning in Cells | 2020 |
3387 | AgRefine | A Disruptive Innovative Cooperative Entrepreneurial (DICE) education, training and skills development programme rolling out the next generation of Agri Biorefinery and Valorisation Bioeconomy leaders | 2019 |
3388 | SEMANTIC | end-to-end Slicing and data-drivEn autoMAtion of Next generation cellular neTworks with mobIle edge Clouds | 2020 |
3389 | DEFOG | Data science tool for Epidemic FOrecastinG | 2019 |
3390 | MATER | Innovative Training Network in Female Reproductive Care | 2019 |
3391 | RIBES | RIver flow regulation, fish BEhaviour and Status | 2020 |
3392 | Black Sea CONNECT | Coordination of Marine and Maritime Research and Innovation in the Black Sea | 2019 |
3393 | GMOS-Train | Global Mercury Observation and Training Network in Support to the Minamata Convention | 2020 |
3394 | WoRShIP | Wearable chemical sensors for public health-based business models | 2019 |
3396 | FLEXGRID | A novel smart grid architecture that facilitates high RES penetration through innovative markets towards efficient interaction between advanced electricity grid management and intelligent stakeholders | 2019 |
3398 | FlexPlan | Advanced methodology and tools taking advantage of storage and FLEXibility in transmission and distribution grid PLANning | 2019 |
3399 | PARITY | Pro-sumer AwaRe, Transactive Markets for Valorization of Distributed flexibilITY enabled by Smart Energy Contracts | 2019 |
3400 | INTERPRETER | Interoperable tools for an efficient management and effective planning of the electricity grid | 2019 |
3401 | BIOFRUITNET | Boosting Innovation in Organic FRUIT production through strong knowledge NETworks | 2019 |
3402 | CustomerServiceAI | CustomerServiceAI: Fully language-independent AI platform for automated and augmented customer service | 2019 |
3403 | SAND | Secretion, Autophagy and their role in Neurodegeneration | 2019 |
3404 | SyNET | From Network Verification to Synthesis: Breaking New Ground in Network Automation | 2019 |
3405 | AT2 | Asynchronous Trustworthy Transactions | 2019 |
3406 | i2connect | Connecting advisers to boost interactive innovation in agriculture and forestry | 2019 |
3407 | Pilot3 | A software engine for multi-criteria decision support in flight management | 2019 |
3408 | ATCO2 | Automatic collection and processing of voice data from air-traffic communications | 2019 |
3409 | IPANEMA | Integration of PAper-based Nucleic acid testing mEthods into Microfluidic devices for improved biosensing Applications | 2020 |
3410 | TRANSCEND | Technology Review of Alternative and Novel Sources of Clean Energy with Next-generation Drivetrains | 2019 |
3411 | FOSC | Food System and Climate (FOSC): Assessing the impact of climate change on food and nutrition security and designing more sustainable and resilient food systems in Europe and beyond | 2019 |
3412 | TERAmeasure | Non-contact millimeter and Terahertz frequency measurement paradigm for instrumentation and sensing applications unlocking metrology-grade results | 2019 |
3413 | NEUROPA | Non-invasive dynamic neural control by laser-based technology | 2020 |
3414 | SiC nano for PicoGeo | SiC optical nano-strain-meters for pico-detection in Geosciences (SiC nano for picoGeo) | 2019 |
3415 | NEUREKA | A smart, hybrid neural-computo device for drug discovery | 2019 |
3416 | SDG | Space Data Gateway | 2019 |
3417 | Community Cloud | Cubbit - the first distributed data-center recycling the internet resources we waste into the most competitive cloud provider. | 2019 |
3418 | ONEedge | A Software-defined Edge Computing Solution | 2019 |
3419 | Citibox | Revolutionising the way in which parcels are delivered | 2019 |
3420 | AS-DISCO | AS-DISCO - Audio Suite for Disruptive Cockpit Demonstrator | 2019 |
3421 | QUNET | A quantum network for distributed quantum computation | 2019 |
3423 | VIDEC | Visualizing Death Inducing Protein Complexes | 2020 |
3424 | IMMUNE | Investigation into the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying NEmatode recognition by the Ma resistance protein in perennial plum roots | 2019 |
3425 | sociOlfa | Learning from social scents: from territory to identity | 2020 |
3426 | Global-ANSWER | Global social work and human mobility: comparative studies on local government and good social work practices in the euro-mediterranean region | 2020 |
3427 | SSHARE | Self-sufficient humidity to electricity Innovative Radiant Adsorption System Toward Net Zero Energy Buildings | 2019 |
3428 | CENSE | Enabling the continuous monitoring of drinking water with an all-in-one sensor | 2019 |
3429 | PRD-Trigger | Precipitation triggered rock dynamics: the missing mesoscopic link | 2020 |
3430 | SynLink | Molecular Structure and Engineering of Synaptic Organizer Proteins in Health and Disease | 2020 |
3431 | RAVEN | Routing Attack Vulnerability Evaluation for Networks | 2020 |
3432 | NeurONN | Two-Dimensional Oscillatory Neural Networks for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing | 2020 |
3433 | LOCUS | LOCalization and analytics on-demand embedded in the 5G ecosystem, for Ubiquitous vertical applicationS | 2019 |
3434 | ARIADNE | Artificial Intelligence Aided D-band Network for 5G Long Term Evolution | 2019 |
3435 | INSA | Integrated Nitrogen Studies in Africa | 2020 |
3436 | TERAWAY | Terahertz technology for ultra-broadband and ultra-wideband operation of backhaul and fronthaul links in systems with SDN management of network and radio resources | 2019 |
3437 | Smart4Europe2 | Catalysing Digitisation throughout Europe | 2020 |
3438 | ARGPHENO | Using hidden genealogical structure to study the architecture of human disease | 2020 |
3439 | 5GZORRO | Zero-touch security and trust for ubiquitous computing and connectivity in 5G networks. | 2019 |
3440 | SPACE END | Endeavour Space Hub | 2019 |
3441 | 5G-CLARITY | Beyond 5G multi-tenant private networks integrating Cellular, WiFi, and LiFi, Powered by ARtificial Intelligence and Intent Based PolicY | 2019 |
3442 | 5G-COMPLETE | A unified network, Computational and stOrage resource Management framework targeting end-to-end Performance optimization for secure 5G muLti-tEchnology and multi-Tenancy Environments | 2019 |
3443 | vWISE | Vine and Wine Innovation through Scientific Exchange | 2020 |
3444 | INSPIRE-5Gplus | INtelligent Security and PervasIve tRust for 5G and Beyond | 2019 |
3445 | MonB5G | Distributed management of Network Slices in beyond 5G | 2019 |
3446 | BacterOMIC | Intelligence for precision therapies against antimicrobial resistance: The first diagnostic panel that probes all the clinically relevant antibiotics at once | 2019 |
3447 | IMPACT EdTech | Incubating High-IMPACT New Generation EdTech Disruptors for Inclusive & Personalised Learning | 2019 |
3448 | BD4OPEM | Big Data for OPen innovation Energy Marketplace | 2020 |
3449 | VEMoS | Virtual eye model system for personalised refractive surgery treatment | 2019 |
3450 | PERSIST | Patients-centered SurvivorShIp care plan after Cancer treatments based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies | 2020 |
3451 | OCTOBER | Control of cell identity in pluripotent and germline cells by OCT4 orchestration of chromatin binding and enhancer regulation | 2019 |
3453 | AD-TO-STORE | Public Marketplace Platform for Digital Marketing applied for driving in-store Sales. | 2019 |
3454 | BREAK | Blue light remote analgesia with K+ channels | 2019 |
3455 | SYNERGY | Big Energy Data Value Creation within SYNergetic enERGY-as-a-service Applications through trusted multi-party data sharing over an AI big data analytics marketplace | 2020 |
3456 | SafeSpace | Radiation Belt Environmental Indicators for the Safety of Space Assets | 2020 |
3457 | SPACEBEAM | SPACE SAR system with integrated photonic BEAMforming | 2020 |
3458 | KINMATRIX | Uncovering the Kinship Matrix: A New Study of Solidarity and Transmission in European Families | 2020 |
3459 | NQTPS | Nonequilibrium Quantum Transport, Probes and Simulations | 2019 |
3460 | ENRIITC | European Network of Research Infrastructures & IndusTry for Collaboration | 2020 |
3461 | TIMECODE | How does the brain code time? | 2020 |
3462 | ECOLBEH | The Ecology of Collective Behaviour | 2020 |
3463 | DiCE | Differentiation: Clustering Excellence | 2020 |
3464 | METRICS | Metrological Evaluation and Testing of Robots in International CompetitionS | 2020 |
3465 | GRECA | GRECA: Revolution in corporate transactions | 2019 |
3466 | ARM and AWC | Disrupting Global Trade Risk Management & Working Capital Solutions | 2019 |
3467 | TIMAN262O | A new generation of dry & quiet street sweepers | 2019 |
3468 | ID Ward | ID Ward: blockchain-based universal ID for privacy-preserving personalisation | 2019 |
3469 | EQUAL4EUROPE | Gender Equality Standards for AHMSSBL institutions throughout Europe | 2020 |
3470 | SME Coach LT 2020-21 | Key Account Management Services and Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity Services for Lithuanian SMEs in 2020-2021 | 2020 |
3471 | LT | LaserTrain | 2019 |
3472 | AARN | Ascend Avian Radar Network | 2020 |
3473 | BIOMAP2SOIL | Biological analysis of soils and advanced data analytics for precision agriculture maps | 2019 |
3474 | EENClientInnoJourney | The extended EEN innovation support service for innovative SMEs in Serbia — EEN Client Inno Journey | 2020 |
3475 | MontEENegro | Enhancing innovation management capacities of SMEs in Montenegro | 2020 |
3476 | InnoSME-LV-2020-2021 | Raising Innovation Capacity for Innovative Companies from Latvia (2020-2021) | 2020 |
3477 | HYDROTRONICS | Hydrodynamic electronics | 2019 |
3478 | SCR4.0 | Automating what is not automatable Automated defect diagnosis and Machining system for manufactured parts. | 2019 |
3479 | REVERT | taRgeted thErapy for adVanced colorEctal canceR paTients | 2020 |
3481 | aiD | aRTIFICIAL iNTELLIGENCE for the Deaf | 2019 |
3482 | DIH4CPS | Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in Cyber-Physical Systems of European SMEs | 2020 |
3483 | PJ07-W2 OAUO | SESAR2020 PJ07-W2 OAUO Optimised Airspace Users Operations | 2019 |
3484 | MappingAir | Mapping air quality with high accuracy and high-spatial resolution | 2019 |
3485 | PRO-S | PRO-S: The first highly energy efficient and eco-friendly bio based-photovoltaic module that works without sunlight or battery consumption for Smart buildings | 2019 |
3487 | FogProtect | Protecting Sensitive Data in the Computing Continuum | 2020 |
3488 | NGI-POINTER | NGI Program for Open INTErnet Renovation | 2020 |
3489 | ACCORDION | Adaptive edge/cloud compute and network continuum over a heterogeneous sparse edge infrastructure to support nextgen applications | 2020 |
3490 | TheraLymph | Gene Therapy to restore lymphatic flow lymphedema | 2020 |
3491 | ARIADNA | Awareness Raising and capacity building Increasing ADoption of EGNSS in urbaN mobility Applications and services | 2019 |
3492 | PJ01-W2 EAD | PJ01 Wave 2 Enhanced Arrivals and Departures | 2019 |
3493 | INNO EEN-M | Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO EEN-M) | 2020 |
3494 | METROFOOD-PP | METROFOOD-RI Preparatory Phase Project | 2019 |
3495 | COMBINE | Collaboration for Prevention and Treatment of MDR Bacterial Infections | 2019 |
3496 | BANYAN | Big dAta aNalYtics for radio Access Networks | 2019 |
3497 | PAVax | A training network for the design of new synthetic carbohydrate-based vaccines to combat antibiotic resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa | 2020 |
3498 | CHIST-ERA IV | European Coordinated Research on Long-term ICT and ICT-based Scientific and Technological Challenges | 2019 |
3499 | GEONAV IoT | Galileo dual frequency, 5G, IoT devices and services for Drones, Assets Management and Elite sport | 2019 |
3502 | STEPforGGR | Solar up-draft tower to enable atmospheric photocatalysis for non-CO2 greenhouse gases removal: an emerging negative emission technology | 2020 |
3503 | ENCAP4HEALTH | Innovative sustainable ENCAPsulation systems for improving human HEALTH and well-being | 2020 |
3504 | IPN-Bio | Integrated Photonic-Nano Technologies for Bioapplications | 2020 |
3506 | TESTBED2 | Testing and Evaluating Sophisticated information and communication Technologies for enaBling scalablE smart griD Deployment | 2020 |
3507 | UNDERTREES | Creating knowledge for UNDERsTanding ecosystem seRvicEs of agroforEStry systems through a holistic methodological framework | 2020 |
3508 | CoastCarb | Coastal ecosystem carbon balance in times of rapid glacier melt | 2020 |
3509 | DocEnhance | Enhancing skills intelligence and integration into existing PhD programmes by providing transferable skills training through an open online platform | 2020 |
3510 | EXPLOR | EXperimentation and simulation based PLatform for beyond 5G Optical-wireless network Research and development | 2020 |
3511 | OPTIMIST | OPTIMised video content delivery chains leveraging data analysis over joint multI-accesS edge computing and 5G radio network infrasTructures | 2020 |
3512 | NGTax | Next Generation Taxonomy: Ciliophora and their bacterial symbionts as a proof of concept | 2020 |
3513 | RECOMBINE | Research Collaboration and Mobility for Beyond 5G Future Wireless Networks | 2020 |
3514 | YADES | Improved Resilience and Sustainable Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Areas to cope with Climate Change and Other Hazards based on Innovative Algorithms and Modelling Tools | 2020 |
3515 | CONTESTED_TERRITORY | From Contested Territories to alternatives of development: Learning from Latin America | 2020 |
3516 | ASTROSTAT-II | Development of Novel Statistical Tools for the Analysis of Astronomical Data | 2020 |
3517 | MAIA | Models and Methods for an active ageing workforce: an international academy | 2020 |
3518 | OCSEAN | OCeanic and South East Asian Navigators. | 2020 |
3519 | FALAH | Family farming, lifestyle and health in the Pacific | 2020 |
3520 | EUNORS | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in Republic of Srpska | 2020 |
3522 | RAILS | Roadmaps for A.I. integration in the raiL Sector | 2019 |
3525 | Siklu | Product validation of Software Defined Radio Chip for RRH that supports multiple frequency channels and ranges from Sub-6GHz to millimetre waves (mmWave) | 2019 |
3526 | IVObility | Revolutionizing ground-handling procedures and increasing airport efficiency, economy, and safety | 2019 |
3527 | ICone | ICone: a novel device to scale up robotic rehabilitation and unlock the potential of motor recovery for stroke survivors. | 2019 |
3528 | DiFacturo | The Unique International Independent Decentralized Invoice Network | 2019 |
3529 | Djewels | Delfzijl Joint Development of green Water Electrolysis at Large Scale | 2020 |
3530 | SMA-TB | A novel Stratified Medicine Algorithm to predict treatment responses to host-directed therapy in TB patients. | 2020 |
3531 | EPIDEMIC | Experimental Epidemiology in Ant Societies | 2020 |
3532 | TYPEWIRE | Reconstructing wiring rules of in vivo neural networks using simultaneous single-cell connectomics and transcriptomics | 2020 |
3533 | PolyCarbon | Polycentric Carbon Pricing Governance: Cooperation, Contestation and Connectivity | 2020 |
3534 | 4 | 4 - Leveraging Asia for European GNSS | 2020 |
3535 | DORNA | Development of high reliability motor drives for next generation propulsion applications | 2020 |
3539 | BOWI | Boosting Widening Digital Innovation Hubs | 2020 |
3540 | DigiPrime | Digital Platform for Circular Economy in Cross-sectorial Sustainable Value Networks | 2020 |
3541 | PJ20-W2 AMPLE | PJ.20 W2 Master Planning | 2019 |
3542 | ATHLETE | Advancing Tools for Human Early Lifecourse Exposome Research and Translation | 2020 |
3543 | EXPANSE | EXposome Powered tools for healthy living in urbAN SEttings | 2020 |
3544 | LONGITOOLS | Dynamic longitudinal exposome trajectories in cardiovascular and metabolic non-communicable diseases | 2020 |
3545 | EPHOR | Exposome project for health and occupational research | 2020 |
3546 | REMEDIA | Impact of exposome on the course of lung diseases | 2020 |
3547 | HEAP | Human Exposome Assessment Platform | 2020 |
3548 | Equal-Life | Early Environmental quality and life-course mental health effects | 2020 |
3549 | MOOD | MOnitoring Outbreak events for Disease surveillance in a data science context | 2020 |
3550 | CUDI | Implementation of contrast-ultrasound dispersion imaging for better prostate cancer care | 2020 |
3551 | HyResponder | European Hydrogen Train the Trainer Programme for Responders | 2020 |
3552 | BW-KAM 5 | The Enterprise Europe Network Baden-Wuerttemberg - Targeting Innovation from Baden- Württemberg for Europe | 2020 |
3553 | GenomtecTumor | MicroRNA-based tool for non-invasive early-stage cancer diagnosis | 2019 |
3554 | PatientDataChain | PatientDataChain - Blockchain approach to disrupt patient-provider medical records data exchange | 2020 |
3555 | NextGen | Industrial breakthrough of plasma deposited functional Nanocoatings for Filtration Applications | 2020 |
3556 | AVIAZE | The social network for pilots, to make flying safer and cheaper | 2020 |
3557 | ARON | Assay-Ready Organ Network | 2020 |
3558 | EVERCAM | Intelligent Vision System for Improved Communication and Higher Productivity in Construction | 2020 |
3559 | Reexen | Ultra-low cost & ultra-high efficiency AI processor for enabling fast and cost-effective deployment of edge-computing applications | 2020 |
3560 | COMEDM | Common mechanisms for decision-making and working memory in health and old age | 2020 |
3561 | DISCOvERIE | Development, dIagnostic and prevention of gender-related Somatic and mental COmorbitiEs in iRritable bowel syndrome In Europe | 2020 |
3562 | DC-ren | Drug combinations for rewriting trajectories of renal pathologies in type II diabetes (DC-ren) | 2020 |
3563 | ICEBERG | Scalable Optimization of Power Systems with Flexible Demand and Renewable Supply | 2020 |
3564 | OnTarget | Deciphering the principles governing robust targeting of proteins to organelles | 2020 |
3565 | NSC-Reconstruct | Novel Strategies for Cell-based Neural Reconstruction | 2020 |
3566 | NeoliberalTerror | Neoliberal Terror: The Radicalisation of Social Policy in Europe | 2020 |
3567 | EPOCHAL | Beyond seasonal suffering: Effects of Pollen on Cardiorespiratory Health and Allergies | 2020 |
3568 | CLAUSTROFUNCT | Claustrum function in cortical processing and putative claustral dysfunction in schizophrenia | 2020 |
3569 | STUOD | Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics | 2020 |
3571 | AIMed | Antimicrobial Integrated Methodologies for orthopaedic applications | 2020 |
3572 | TradeRES | Tools for the Design and modelling of new markets and negotiation mechanisms for a ~100% Renewable European Power Systems | 2020 |
3573 | AdjustNet | Self-Adjusting Networks | 2020 |
3574 | PERSISMO | Predicting Energy Release in fault Systems: Integrating Simulations, Machine learning, Observations | 2020 |
3576 | iNEXT-Discovery | Infrastructure for transnational access and discovery in structural biology | 2020 |
3577 | HIGHLANDS.3 | Collective Approach of Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development in Highland | 2020 |
3578 | MAGIC SWF SMEs 20-21 | Establishing in-depth services enhancing the innovation management capacity of South West of France SMEs in 2020-2021 | 2020 |
3579 | FR8RAIL III | Smart data-based assets and efficient rail freight operation | 2019 |
3580 | e-port | Drive your Electric Vehicle with the Power of the sun | 2020 |
3581 | InfoNet | Informational properties of networks under communication constraints | 2020 |
3582 | lncImpact | Long noncoding RNAs: Impact on Gene Regulatory Networks | 2020 |
3583 | Scaleup4Europe | The establishment of cross-border operating “Scaleup Labs” to increase the efficiency of the scaling support in specific industry verticals: Health, AgTech, Smart Region and Agile Manufacturing. | 2020 |
3584 | uDEVOPS | Software Quality Assurance for Microservice Development Operations Engineering | 2020 |
3585 | Innovation.NRW | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2020-21 | 2020 |
3586 | N-Supp_INNO-20-21 | Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's and Key Account Management in Niedersachsen / Lower-Saxony | 2020 |
3587 | EURACTE-INNOV III | EURACTE-INNOV III 2020-21 | 2020 |
3588 | IBINNO | Illes Balears INNOvation Management Services | 2020 |
3589 | InnoCap Transylvania | Services to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs in macro-region 1 in Romania | 2020 |
3590 | INNMADRIMASD5 | Innovation services for enhancement innovation SMEs capacities in Madrid region in 2020-2021 | 2020 |
3591 | GUT-SEQ | Single-cell analysis of intestinal lymphocytes reveals targets for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease | 2020 |
3592 | EVA-GLOBAL | European Virus Archive GLOBAL | 2020 |
3593 | MAD | Mechanisms of Apomictic Developments | 2020 |
3594 | INMANCAP 2020_21 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Netherlands in 2020-2021 | 2020 |
3595 | MELIITA 4 | Maltese-European Linkages for Internationalisation, Innovation and Technology Transfer 4 | 2020 |
3596 | ICKEAM-5 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2020 |
3597 | INNODK IV | Innovation Services for Danish SMEs IV 2020-2021 | 2020 |
3598 | VEBIN SME 3.1 | Continuation of the EEN activities on behalf of H2020 cq. Horizon Europe in the region of Flanders (Belgium) | 2020 |
3599 | EEN-InnovationJourne | EEN-InnovationJouney PT | 2020 |
3600 | INNOKAM 2020-21 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME´s in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein | 2020 |
3601 | APII-H2020-GA4-20-21 | Establishing services to “Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs that are members of the EEN Tunisia. | 2020 |
3602 | INNOVACTION 2020-21 | Actions in support of innovation in SMES | 2020 |
3603 | INNO-HUN 2020-21 | Providing services under Horizon 2020 enhancing the innovation management capacity of Hungarian SME's within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network – 2020-21 | 2020 |
3604 | Swennis 2020-2021 | Sweden EEN consortium Innovation Support 2020-2021 | 2020 |
3605 | InnoHessen2Europe | Innovating Hessian SMEs towards Europe | 2020 |
3606 | InnoBremen 4 | InnoBremen4 - Establishing Services enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in the Federal State of Bremen | 2020 |
3607 | KAMINLER | KAM and Innovation services for SMEs in Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna | 2020 |
3609 | KAM2SouthPL2 | ‘Key account management’ for the EIC Pilot beneficiaries and ‘Enhancing SME innovation management capacity’ as proinnovative services for SMEs in the regions of Southern Poland | 2020 |
3610 | EENINNOAUSTRIA4 | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network Austria | 2020 |
3611 | KAM2CY5 | Provision of services for enhancing innovation management capacity of the Cypriot SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus | 2020 |
3612 | KAM2EastPoland2020-2021 | Enhancing the innovation management capacities of SMEs in East Poland | 2020 |
3613 | NOREIC | INNOWAY Key Account Manager and Innovation Specialists Services – NOREIC 2020-2021 | 2020 |
3614 | QUREP | Quantum Repeater Architectures Based on Quantum Memories and Photonic Encoding | 2020 |
3615 | NeuroTrans | NEUROtransmitter TRANSporters: from single molecules to human pathologies | 2020 |
3616 | LEAFHOUND | Leader-follower hybrid control and task planning for multi-agent systems under spatiotemporal logic specifications | 2020 |
3617 | INTERACT | International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic | 2020 |
3618 | JERICO-S3 | Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability - JERICO-S3 | 2020 |
3619 | KAM2CentralPoland-4 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of the SMEs in Central Poland - 4 | 2020 |
3620 | EENinnoSMES4 | EEN Anatolia supports to increase the innovation management capacities of SMEs | 2020 |
3621 | ALTER-brain | Metastasis-associated altered molecular patterns in the brain | 2020 |
3622 | GLOBAL | Tropical rain forest diversification: a GLOBAL approach | 2020 |
3623 | EPN-2024-RI | Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure | 2020 |
3624 | InnoManage BB 20-21 | EEN Innovation Management Berlin-Brandenburg (InnoManage BB 2020-2021) | 2020 |
3627 | NanoFabNet | NanoFabNet - International Hub for sustainable industrial-scale Nanofabrication | 2020 |
3628 | CrioFlex | Cri/oFlex: The missing link towards large scale quantum computing | 2020 |
3630 | TANQ | Taming Non-Equilibrium Quantum Matter | 2020 |
3632 | Pollenity | Introducing the Internet of Bees: A Smart Beehive System | 2020 |
3633 | SPINHALL | Computing with mutually synchronized topological insulator based spin Hall nano-oscillators | 2020 |
3634 | IMACTIS | Fostering Critical Identities Through Social Media Archival Images | 2020 |
3635 | LINKER | Elucidating transcriptional rewiring on hematological malignancies via computational methods | 2020 |
3636 | FatTFIso | Characterizing the roles of transcription factor isoforms in rewiring gene regulatory networks during adipogenesis | 2020 |
3637 | FACEDIFF | Individual differences in facial expressivity: Social function, facial anatomy and evolutionary origins | 2020 |
3638 | EXECUT.ER | Dissecting the molecular mechanisms that execute developmental programmed cell death in plants | 2020 |
3639 | MicroSynCom | Mechanisms of Microglia Synapse Communication | 2020 |
3640 | I-KAM2EU | enhancing Innovation and Key Account Management by sme2EU | 2020 |
3641 | Goods of the Earth | All the Goods of the Earth: Making and Marketing in the Pre-Mongol Islamic World | 2021 |
3642 | DISIPO | Decarbonisation of carbon-intensive industries (Iron and Steel Industries) through Power to gas and Oxy-fuel combustion | 2021 |
3643 | NEUSEQBOT | NEUro cerebellar recurrent network for motor SEQuence learning in neuroroBOTics | 2020 |
3644 | Cartesian Networks | Cartesian Networks in Early Modern Europe: A Quantitative and Interdisciplinary Approach | 2020 |
3645 | SMART POP | SMART POwder and Products | 2020 |
3646 | Ether | Development ecosystem intended for engineers and researchers looking to invent, build, verify, evaluate, and release application-tailored storage systems faster and more reliably | 2020 |
3647 | FBC predisposition | Unraveling novel Familial Breast Cancer (FBC) predisposition genes. | 2020 |
3648 | SICNET | Statistical Inference of the Cerebellar Network | 2020 |
3649 | NanoLight-QD | Novel molecular spectroscopies by nanoconfined light shaping and ab initio quantum dynamics | 2020 |
3650 | AIDE | Archaeology, Inequalities and DiEt (AIDE) : Archaeology assisted by stable isotopes | 2020 |
3651 | RENEW | Renewable Energy through New Electrolysis catalysts for Water splitting | 2020 |
3652 | DELIGHT | Device-Centric Low-Complexity High-Frequency Networks | 2020 |
3653 | FIRE | An industry-led Forum for Innovation and Research in European Earth Observation | 2019 |
3654 | AQUACOSM-plus | Network of Leading Ecosystem Scale Experimental AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Oceans in Europe and beyond | 2020 |
3655 | cONCReTE | DevelOpmeNt of Cancer RNA TherapEutics | 2020 |
3657 | AISS4SME | Advanced Innovation Support Services for SME | 2020 |
3658 | PJ09-W2 DNMS | Digital Network Management Services | 2019 |
3659 | LUCiD-Mater | Liquids Under Confinement In 2D-MATERials | 2020 |
3660 | Net2Gel | Double network hydrogels for topical drug delivery applications | 2020 |
3661 | DNAGAM | DNA-guided self-organized active materials | 2020 |
3662 | GEOLAKE | Exploring the onset of Anthropocene in the Upper Jordan valley (Hula lake) | 2020 |
3663 | DYNAMOD-VACCINE-DATA | A new method for dynamic opinion modelling of surveys applied to vaccine hesitancy data | 2020 |
3664 | JQ4LHC | Jet quenching for heavy-ion collisions at the LHC | 2021 |
3665 | PlaGE | Playing at the Gateways of Europe: theatrical languages and performatives practices in the Migrants' Reception Centres of the Mediterranean Area | 2020 |
3666 | Nature-In | New sustainable Nature-inclusive architectural devices for the transformation of our dwelling interior space: through selected case studies. | 2020 |
3667 | TankSensor | Smart monitoring solution for better procurement and supply chain management - Speeding up chemical industry digitalization | 2020 |
3668 | EAST | Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Understand and Secure Web/Enterprise Systems | 2020 |
3669 | THRESHOLD | Thresholds and tipping points in ecosystem responses to global warming | 2021 |
3670 | UCAS | Understanding Clouds Across Scales | 2020 |
3671 | DECOMPOSE | Degradable commodity plastics from metallosupramolecular polymers | 2020 |
3672 | COASTAL ROUTES | Travel, Environment, Sustainability: A Literary and Cultural History of Irish and Scottish Coastal Routes | 2020 |
3673 | hyP5 | Adopting orphan pumps: Structural and functional characterization of P5-ATPases | 2021 |
3674 | FairPersonalization | Personalized commercial practices and digital market manipulation: enhancing fairness in consumer protection | 2020 |
3675 | CHALLENGES | Real time nano CHAracterization reLatEd techNloGiEeS | 2020 |
3676 | MEANN | Adapting recurrent neural network algorithms for single molecular break junction analysis | 2020 |
3677 | STAMPEDE | Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Modern and Past Elephant DivErsity | 2021 |
3678 | InProSMod | Cholinergic and NMDAR-dependent recruitment of Layer 1 Interneuron shapes cortical motor Processing through network States Modulation | 2021 |
3679 | AscNet | Favorable Conditions of the Spread of the Cult of Asclepius across the Transportation Network of the Roman Mediterranean: A Quantitative Evaluation | 2020 |
3680 | H-MIP | Human-Mosquito Interaction Project: Host-vector networks, mobility, and the socio-ecological context of mosquito-borne disease | 2020 |
3681 | Heart Fi-Re | HEART FIne REgulation through mechanosensing in myosin filaments: merging theory and experiments into a multi-scale heart simulator | 2021 |
3682 | GiSTDS | GridEye Scalable Transactive Distribution Systems | 2020 |
3683 | ARMOUR | smARt Monitoring Of distribUtion netwoRks for robust power quality | 2020 |
3684 | ERITNet | English Republican Ideas and Translation Networks in Early Modern Germany, c 1640-1848 | 2020 |
3685 | BioMaGic | Design of biomaterials with enzymatic logic gates | 2021 |
3686 | HABISS | Eco-hydrodynamics of cold water coral habitats across integrated spatial scales | 2020 |
3687 | SOCIENTITY_PR | The Role of Social Identity on Preferences for Redistribution | 2020 |
3688 | SHINE | Chemical Approach to Scalable Fabrication of Hybrid Plasmonic Materials in the Strong-Coupling Regime | 2020 |
3689 | POSTURENET | Postural networks: linking cognitive and motor control across the lifespan | 2020 |
3690 | NeuroVascOme | Gut microbiota-Neurovascular Interactions in Early Life | 2020 |
3691 | SANDS | Stars, plANets, and Discs in multiple Systems | 2020 |
3692 | NOSCAR | decipheriNg Oncogenic SIgnalling patterns to break CAncer drug Resistance | 2020 |
3693 | METHA | Functional interaction between a prefrontal and a thalamic nucleus for the consolidation of spatial memories | 2020 |
3694 | APOLITICAL | The first global peer-to-peer platform for government, to help public servants find the ideas, experts and partners they need to solve today’s hardest challenges | 2020 |
3695 | NEMO | Noise and Emissions Monitoring and radical mitigation | 2020 |
3696 | Drones4Safety | Inspection Drones for Ensuring Safety in Transport Infrastructures | 2020 |
3697 | CellMechSensE | Cell mechanosensing in the extracellular matrix | 2020 |
3698 | ExoMAC | Exoplanets Molecular Atmospheric Composition | 2020 |
3699 | NormNets | Normalization of Multimodal Brain Networks for Integral and Predictive Mapping of Neurological Disorders | 2020 |