5G -Next Generation Communication Networks - will be a global game changer from a technological, economic, societal and environmental perspective. The 5GCHAMPION project will develop key enabling technologies for a proof-of-concept environment to be showcased at the 2018...
5G -Next Generation Communication Networks - will be a global game changer from a technological, economic, societal and environmental perspective. The 5GCHAMPION project will develop key enabling technologies for a proof-of-concept environment to be showcased at the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, Korea. This will allow maximum visibility for the available technology two years ahead of 2020, i.e. the official launch of 5G. For this ambitious goal, 5GCHAMPION will provide an efficient Korean/European collaboration framework, will establish new research and business relationships among consortium partners and guarantee a cross-fertilization and thought leadership to be continued after the life-time of the project. Forces will furthermore be joint to drive the novel technologies to global standards and regulation bodies such as 3GPP, ETSI, IEFT, ITU, etc. and to thus maximize the impact through a common Korean/European position.
Key novel 5G building blocks will be developed and implemented into a new architectural approach providing an efficient end-to-end system performance encompassing cutting edge 5G radio-access, core-network and satellite technologies. 5GCHAMPION targets the following KPIs: 1) 20 Gbit/s maximum data-rate over a mmWave link, 2) 2.5 Gbit/s over a wireless mmWave backhaul link, 3) 100 Mbit/s of user-experience in moving hot-spots, 4) seamless access to satellite communications for 5G devices, 5) 1-2 ms latency over the 5G wireless backhaul link, 6) agile management of the core network functionality and services, 7) ubiquitous (indoor-outdoor) location accuracy < 1 m, 8) contribution to 5G global standardisation, 9) contribution to regulations within ITU study groups, ETSI RRS, European Commission’s Telecommunications Conformity Assessment and Market Surveillance Committee (TCAM) and 10) join forces and create a long lasting synergy for 5G research, innovation and commercialization.
During the first year of activity, 14 deliverables and 2 internal reports have been completed and submitted by the 5GCHAMPION consortium according with the project planning. Thanks to the great collaborative effort between European and Korean partners, the technical and scientific work carried out during the first year is of high quality. The technical results has been published and presented in over 16 accepted conference contributions and 2 accepted journal papers. 2 milestones have also been achieved during this period.
The major technical contributions have been carried out considering the three blocks of the 5GCHAMPION PoCs: mmWave backhauling, satellite systems and core network. In particular, the 5GCHAMPION European consortium developed two antenna technologies and a new radiofrequency front-end for mmWave backhauling & fronthauling. An active cooperation between EU and KR was very effective in order to develop algorithms for backhauling & fronthauling and scenario definitions. During the first year, the European 5GTN mobile core testbed infrastructure, as well as the Korean mobile core testbed have also been designed. The European vEPC is implemented using Nokia commercial products and the Korean setup contains 3 types of testbeds: one testbed led by ETRI focused on interoperability with European core network, the second Point of Presence (PoP) is located in Seoul and focuses on the Distributed Mobility Management, and the third PoP is located in Gangneung and is used for the Multi-RAT SDI Edge Cloud and is the one which will be used for the Olympic PoC and Demonstration. The SDN/NFV-enabled architecture was designed having the following features: agility and flexibility or evolved 5G networks and NFV/SDN integrated Management and Orchestration. The initial design of the mobile core network functions and required interoperability functionality have also been implemented. Activities on satellite communication and positioning includes: link budget analysis, channel modeling, system design and dimensioning, test case definition, selection of best satellite positioning method, selection and acquisition of the GNSS equipment, preliminary testing in outdoor environment.
The future 5G communication network and related services are based on standards and interfaces in order to trigger economy of scale and ensure the needed interoperability while maintain cost reasonably low and revenues for infrastructure and service providers sufficiently high. 5GCHAMPION has already proved in its first year its potential in impacting the standards thanks for instance to its standardization activities in:
1. ETSI where 5G CHAMPION has been also driving the next stage of SW Reconfiguration activities in relation to the novel Radio Equipment Directive (RED). It should be pointed out that in all of the upper publication and dissemination activities, we always had a close interaction between Korean and European project partners; the possibilities given by the collaboration framework are being fully exploited.
2. 3GPP where 5GCHAMPION has succeeded to introduce satellite activities (WP5) in the 3GPP work plan on 5G system.
3. TCAM SDR WG activities which prepares SW Reconfiguration discussions in the upcoming EC Expert Group on Reconfigurable Radio Systems.
Technology reediness and advanced know how are fundamental to SME and industry that embrace the global scale challenge of 5G competitiveness. To this end, the 5GCHAMPION international collaborative context and the specific exchanges between parties are today a unique context to gain advanced and in advance innovation capacity boost towards new products and services. This has been already experienced in the first year of the project and it is expected to have more fruitful impact during and after the PoC at the Olympic Games.
Moreover, today 5G is at the stage of readiness for first trials and testing. Nevertheless many actors of the full 5G chain including vertical industries and final users doubt on the real potential of such a technology.
Since these doubts in the 5G community can severely harm the economic impact of dedicated 5G solutions and services. Many companies are today starting field trials and PoC to benchmark technological enhancement of 5G in accordance to previous generations and or concurrent technologies in the specific cases of vertical industries (see for example IEEE 802.11.p for vehicular and transport industries). Partners of 5GCHAMPION have a indeed strong and unique competiveness advantage indeed in benchmarking technology for 5G and probe effectiveness of solutions thanks to the unique mix of competences and market vision embraced by the 21 5GCHAMPION partners.
A today open question is Where, When, and How mmW is Used in 5G and Beyond? Since 5GCHAMPION focus on 28 GHz terrestrial communications and on satellite one, partners in the project will have fist and full knowledge on Where, When, and How to use 5G technologies.
Selected results and solutions developed in the project are expected to be implemented in future products and services of the vendors, preparing them to meet the 2020 and beyond requirements of the European and global market for telecommunication infrastructure equipment and devices, as well as the underlying semiconductor products and solutions, such as single-chip platforms and 5G modems.
More info: http://www.5g-champion.eu/.