The page lists 111 projects related to the topic "perceive".
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1 | EVERYSOUND | Computational Analysis of Everyday Soundscapes | 2015 |
2 | TIMESTORM | Mind and Time: Investigation of the Temporal Traits of Human-Machine Convergence | 2015 |
3 | COLLDENSE | Hybrid Colloidal Systems with Designed Response | 2015 |
4 | SIGNAT | Evaluation of Plant Signaling Networks in Natural Environments | 2015 |
5 | DANCE | Dancing in the Dark | 2015 |
6 | EXCEPT | Social Exclusion of Youth in Europe: Cumulative Disadvantage, Coping Strategies, Effective Policies and Transfer | 2015 |
8 | CEREBSENSING | Cerebellar Distributed Plasticity Towards Active Sensing and Motor Control | 2015 |
9 | Chinese Labour | Shifting Dynamics of Chinese Labour in a Global Perspective | 2015 |
10 | AUDICON | Neural mechanisms of spectral context effects on auditory processing | 2015 |
12 | MaSCheNav | Mass Spectrometry-Based Chemoproteomic Profiling of Nav1.7, a Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel | 2015 |
13 | FISHNAV | Following a path of breadcrumbs: How fish recognize landmarks during navigation | 2015 |
14 | AuxinER | Mechanisms of Auxin-dependent Signaling in the Endoplasmic Reticulum | 2015 |
15 | ECO - ENGAGE | GreenApes Sustainability Software Service: Employee Engagement for Eco-innovation | 2015 |
16 | PLANTMOVE | Plant movements and mechano-perception: from biophysics to biomimetics | 2015 |
17 | CoCoBondsValuation | New System for Credit Rating of Hybrid Securities | 2015 |
18 | GliaInnateSensing | Glia-derived factors in innate lymphoid cell sensing and intestinal defence | 2015 |
19 | EUDEMOS | Constrained Democracy: Citizens’ Responses to Limited Political Choice in the European Union | 2015 |
20 | PERFORM | Participatory Engagement with Scientific and Technological Research through Performance | 2015 |
21 | GREENSOUL | Eco-aware Persuasive Networked Data Devices for User Engagement in Energy Efficiency | 2016 |
22 | GPS-Bat | Foraging Decision Making in the Real World – revealed from a bat’s point of view by on-board miniature sensors | 2016 |
23 | EDEN2020 | Enhanced Delivery Ecosystem for Neurosurgery in 2020 | 2016 |
24 | ACQUIRE | The mechanism of acquired thermotolerance in potato | 2016 |
25 | MUSLIM-NLNO | Muslims condemning violent extremism - An interdisciplinary analysis of public initiatives in the Netherlands and Norway 2001-2015 | 2016 |
26 | BEWITCHING | BEyond Willpower: InterTemporal CHoice Improved through NudginG | 2016 |
27 | CHERI | Chromatin targeting and remodelling by bacterial effectors in plant immunity | 2016 |
28 | MUSE | 'Multisensory Ecology': Understanding adaptive trade-offs between vision and olfaction | 2016 |
29 | SOCIAL ROBOTS | Mechanisms and Consequences of Attributing Socialness to Artificial Agents | 2016 |
30 | RESHAPE | REstoring the Self with embodiable HAnd ProsthesEs | 2016 |
31 | CD4DNASP | Cell intrinsic control of CD4 T cell differentiation by cytosolic DNA sensing pathways | 2016 |
32 | HArchitHeC | House Architecture and Heritage in modern Crete | 2016 |
33 | EVOTRANS | Advanced Transmission System for Bicycles | 2016 |
34 | PERCEIVE | Perception and Evaluation of Regional and Cohesion policies by Europeans and Identification with the Values of Europe | 2016 |
35 | BiT | How the Human Brain Masters Time | 2016 |
36 | MAPLE | Measuring and Analysing the Politicisation of Europe before and after the Eurozone Crisis | 2016 |
37 | SURE | Exploring Subtitle Reading Process with Eyetracking Technology | 2016 |
38 | MORPHCAST | Real time video creation according to your emotions | 2016 |
39 | COROMA | Cognitively enhanced robot for flexible manufacturing of metal and composite parts | 2016 |
40 | SOCRATES | SOcial Cognitive Robotics in The European Society | 2016 |
41 | THOMAS | Mobile dual arm robotic workers with embedded cognition for hybrid and dynamically reconfigurable manufacturing systems | 2016 |
42 | HOME_EU | Homelessness as unfairness | 2016 |
43 | BoundSci | Boundaries of Science: Medieval Condemnations of Philosophy as Heresy | 2016 |
44 | ASNODEV | Aspirations Social Norms and Development | 2016 |
45 | PERVOL | Perception of Plant Volatiles | 2017 |
46 | PLATYPUS | PLAsticiTY of Perceptual space Under Sensorimotor interactions | 2017 |
47 | PADUA | Perception–action based design for urban accessibility: principles for inclusive design grounded in an understanding of first-person control of locomotion in the urban setting | 2016 |
48 | IllegalPharma | Competitive Dynamics in the Informal Economy: The case of Illegal Pharmaceutical Drugs | 2017 |
49 | EYE21 | EYE2021. Glasses to see with 3D sound, arrival to market. | 2017 |
50 | RHYTHMSYNC | Rhythm synchronization between music and spoken language | 2017 |
51 | TEA | Theory and Empirics of Asymmetry | 2017 |
52 | OWNERS | ‘This country is ours’: Collective psychological OWNERShip and ethnic attitudes | 2017 |
53 | ReCyPot | Revisiting an ancient craft in a contested region: The analytical paradigm of prehistoric pottery from Cyprus | 2018 |
54 | WallWatchers | Plant cell wall communication and remodelling: the wall watchers. | 2017 |
55 | BIREHAB | Increasing the robustness and neural integration of bidirectional prostheses for rehabilitation with robust and real time Independent Component Analysis | 2017 |
56 | ENTIMENT | Industrial Exploitation and Market Uptake of a Temporal Cognition Toolbox for Commercial Robots | 2017 |
57 | SELFCEPTION | Robotic self/other distinction for interaction under uncertainty | 2017 |
58 | ChildEmp | Understanding children's empathy: an ethnographic study among the indigenous Runa of the Ecuadorian Amazon | 2018 |
59 | INIMUD | Impact of Neuromedin U in type 2 immunity and mucosal defence | 2017 |
60 | LETS-CROWD | Law Enforcement agencies human factor methods and Toolkit for the Security and protection of CROWDs in mass gatherings | 2017 |
61 | TRIVALENT | Terrorism pReventIon Via rAdicaLisation countEr-NarraTive | 2017 |
62 | QualitEE | Quality certification frameworks for Energy Efficiency services to scale up responsible investment in the building sector | 2017 |
63 | STYDS | Seeing things you don't see: Unifying the philosophy, psychology and neuroscience of multimodal mental imagery | 2017 |
64 | SENSY | Restoring complete motor and sensory ability for natural walking of amputees | 2017 |
65 | Censoring Chaucer | Censoring Chaucer: Canonicity and Obscenity in Manuscripts and Print Editions of the Canterbury Tales (c. 1400 - 1831) | 2018 |
66 | MoTIVE | Moments in Time in Immersive Virtual Environments | 2018 |
67 | DRIVER GLASS | Terrestrial Traffic Mixed Reality Navigation | 2017 |
68 | FeelAgain | Restoring natural feelings from missing or damaged peripheral nervous system by model-driven neuroprosthesis | 2018 |
69 | NCN | Nite Carbon Nanoclusters, a natural antioxidant for the food industry made from agricultural waste | 2018 |
70 | MultiPic | Language-Affect Interface in Parent-Infant Communication | 2019 |
71 | BIOGEOS | Bio-mediated Geo-material Strengthening for engineering applications | 2018 |
72 | EmoPun | How the expression of moral emotions affects third party punishment | 2018 |
73 | COLOURMIND | Colouring the Mind: the Impact of Visual Environment on Colour Perception | 2018 |
74 | IMMUNO-PEPTALK | Regulation of plant receptor kinase-mediated immunity by endogenous peptides and their receptors | 2018 |
75 | PS | Predicting Suicide | 2018 |
76 | SELF-UNITY | The Unity of the Bodily Self | 2019 |
77 | TOBeATPAIN | Targeting neuroinflammation to combat pathological pain in neurodegenerative diseases and chronic pain syndromes | 2018 |
78 | INBETWEEN | Reappraising Middle Nubian Identity through Material Culture | 2019 |
79 | SOCIETY | How do you spell RESEARCH? SOCIETY - Science, histOry, Culture, musIc, Environment, arT, technologY | 2018 |
80 | SCICITY | Science in the City | 2018 |
81 | FORCE-OF-GOSSIP | The unknown force: How gossip shapes the functioning and performance of organizational groups. | 2018 |
82 | CATPERCCOL | Perception of signals under varying conditions: implications of proportional processing of signal magnitude for signal design | 2019 |
83 | See Far | Smart glasses for multifacEted visual loss mitigation and chronic disEase prevention indicator for healthier, saFer, and more productive workplAce foR ageing population | 2018 |
84 | ChemPrime | A new crop protection strategy by chemical priming of the plant immune system | 2019 |
85 | DEMOS | Democratic Efficacy and the Varieties of Populism in Europe | 2018 |
86 | VOLARE | Scentsitive nature: Green leaf volatile perception in plants and insects | 2019 |
87 | CoPAN | From Mimicry to Trust: A Tinbergian Approach | 2019 |
88 | TERI | Teaching Robots Interactively | 2019 |
89 | wHiSPER | investigating Human Shared PErception with Robots | 2019 |
90 | ph-coding | Predictive Haptic COding Devices In Next Generation interfaces | 2019 |
91 | PUPILTRAITS | Biomarkers of individual differences in human cortical visual processing | 2019 |
92 | Rhythm and Brains | How musical rhythm moves humans: functionalmechanisms of entrainment and perception-action coupling | 2019 |
93 | VRACE | VRACE - Virtual Reality Audio for Cyber Environments | 2019 |
94 | METABODY | METABODY: Body Metacognition, Mentalization and Metamorphosis | 2019 |
96 | BIEL SMARTGAZE | Electronic glasses which use computer vision and augmented reality to improve visual capacity and increase autonomy of people who have low vision | 2019 |
97 | CaLA | The Capillary Lock Actuator: A novel bistable microfluidic actuator for cost-effective high-density actuator arrays suitable for large-scale graphical tactile displays | 2019 |
98 | PERCEPSION | Sexual selection in plants: testing new ideas on the perception of the mating environment and on the mate choice physiology | 2020 |
99 | cesmine | Cultural ecosystem services of post-mining sites: socio-economic rehabilitation after quarrying | 2020 |
100 | GenPercept | Spatio-temporal mechanisms of generative perception | 2019 |
101 | MEMORIES | Mapping dEndritic inforMation prOcessing in behaving mice using simultaneous spatio-tempoRal voltage and calcium Imaging and wholE-cell electrophySiology | 2020 |
102 | SimBionics | Neuromechanical Simulation and Sensory Feedback for the Control of Bionic Legs | 2019 |
103 | Back2theFuture | Back to the Future: Future expectations and actions in late medieval and early modern Europe, c.1400-c.1830 | 2020 |
104 | EvoMotion | Moving around without a brain: Evolution of basal cognition in single-celled organisms | 2020 |
105 | REDIM | Regional disparities in cause-specific mortality in Europe: the role of local context and national health policies | 2020 |
106 | DD-SCAN | DD-SCAN – AI-based language and multimedia bias checker for corporate communication content | 2019 |
107 | SOPHIA | Socio-physical Interaction Skills for Cooperative Human-Robot Systems in Agile Production | 2019 |
108 | IC-CCD-qHSC | Intrapopulation communication and collective cell decisions of hematopoietic stem cells | 2020 |
109 | URBS | The Historic Urban Landscape of European Cathedral Cities: a transnational approach towards an understanding of a shared European heritage | 2020 |
110 | LIGHTFIELD | Seamless mixing of virtual & real-world objects in VR & AR | 2020 |
111 | MEANINGFEEL | Just noticeable differences in affect: Estimating the minimum change in positive and negative affect that meaningfully impact people’s subjective experience of emotions | 2021 |