InteGrid’s vision is to bridge the gap between citizens, technology and the other players of the energy system. The project will demonstrate how DSOs may enable all stakeholders to actively participate in the energy market and distribution grid management and develop and...
InteGrid’s vision is to bridge the gap between citizens, technology and the other players of the energy system. The project will demonstrate how DSOs may enable all stakeholders to actively participate in the energy market and distribution grid management and develop and implement new business models, making use of new data management and consumer involvement approaches. Moreover, the consortium will demonstrate scalable and replicable solutions in an integrated environment that enables DSOs to plan and operate the network with a high share of DRES in a stable, secure and economic way, using flexibility inherently offered by specific technologies and by interaction with different stakeholders. To achieve these objectives, a complementary partnership covering the distribution system value chain has been established. The consortium includes three DSOs from different countries and their retailers, innovative ICT companies and equipment manufacturers as well as customers, a start-up in the area of community engagement and excellent R&D institutions. InteGrid’s concepts and approaches are based on these two elements: 1. the role of the DSO as system optimiser and as market facilitator and 2. the integration of existing demonstration activities in three different regions allowing to move from single solutions to an integrated management at a higher scale while focusing on the scalability and replicability considering current and evolving market (and regulatory) conditions. The three conceptual pillars – proactive operational planning with DER, business models for flexible DER, information exchange between different power system actors – offer an opportunity to maximize the economic, societal and environmental gains from the combined integration of DRES and flexible DER. A market hub platform coupled with smart grid functions and innovative business models will open opportunities for new services and an effective roll-out of emerging technologies in the short-term.
According to the scheduled work in the first period (M1 to M18), the consortium delivered the following main results:
Global functional architecture, identifying and defining InteGrid core functions and their relations. 12 HLUC and 17 PUC that fully address the project’s objectives and challenges. A comprehensive list of regulatory topics relevant to the success of the HLUCs, covering DSO economic regulation, role of DSOs as system optimizers and market facilitators, retail tariffs and metering, and aggregation and market design.
Conceptual consumer engagement strategies addressing the real interests of consumers and feedback design recommendations. This information is an important input for several use cases centred in the citizen and driven to maximize energy efficiency.
New grid management functions for monitoring and control of MV and LV grids and flexibility management. Energy optimization and flexibility estimation intelligent functions for wastewater stations. Analytics functions for the HEMS and interfaces with electric vehicles chargers, power electronic converters and consumers. Integration of new functionalities (e.g. bidding module, TLS, storage) in the VPP platform to accommodate two different concepts: commercial and technical VPP.
Full characterization of the demo sites and flexibility potential. Detailed definition of guidelines for field-tests and design of a data management, software and hardware architecture to fulfil the functional and non-functional requirements of the use cases. Initial steps were also made for consumer engagement and involvement of local stakeholders.
Cross-collaboration between demo leaders in order to maximize replication of InteGrid solutions. Namely:
MV predictive grid management tools (such as MPOPF) will be tested both in Portugal (leader) and Slovenia (learner).
VPP and TLS concept will be demonstrated both in Slovenia (leader) and Portugal (learner).
gm-hub will be deployed in Portugal (leader) and Slovenia (learner).
LocalLife, which is a social platform for consumer engagement and foster energy efficiency, will be demonstrated in Sweden (leader) and Portugal (learner). Moreover,
HEMS will be deployed in Portugal (leader) and Sweden (learner-in a small-scale).
Technical specification of the grid and market hub architecture, interfaces and messaging, basic and advanced services. A data management plan compatible with GDPR was defined for the gm-hub implementation and security issues analysed.
Definition of a high-level methodology for the functional, ICT, economic and regulatory SRA, including definition of scenarios for the functionality-oriented SRA.
The objectives for the second period can be summarized as follows:
Laboratory and factory acceptance tests trough simulation will be conducted to increase the robustness and TRL of the tools/hardware developed in WP2.
The three demo leaders will conclude the acquisition, installation and set-up of equipment and tools in each demo site. The compliance with the GDPR will be ensured as well, in parallel with the application of consumer engagement and selection strategies. The software integration process is expected to be concluded when Tasks 3.2, 4.2 and 5.2 finish, i.e. Month 28 (30-04-2019). By the end of this second period, all the tools/hardware are expected to be integrated and under tests in each demo site.
The beta and alpha versions of the gm-hub will be released during this period. As for the DWH, the KPI reports from demo sites is expected to be implemented by M23. The expectation is to have the DWH accessible and ready to be populated by then. Afterwards, the data collection phase will take place, which will be running and monitored from M23 until M40. This component is relevant to ensure the proper monitoring and collecting of data from demo sites.
The consortium will focus in developing the CBA plan for the smart grid functions in a first phase, and then, in a second phase, a detailed CBA methodology will be developed consistent with the CBA plan, including a mapping of HLUCs to functionalities and functionalities to benefits, as well as monetization formulas for these benefits.
The consortium will also identify regulatory barriers for the InteGrid HLUCs and business models as well as the development of a first set of high-level regulatory recommendations based on a literature review and stakeholder engagement.
During the next period, the SRA analysis (i.e. functional and ICT) will be performed for the HLUCs that have been selected during the pre-evaluation.
The project will ensure all the efforts for the exploitation of the intermediate results, in particular, a regular interaction with the main stakeholders according to the plan included in D9.1 (Dissemination plan).
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