# | ||||
1 | NOVICOM Automatic Analysis of Group Conversations via Visual Cues in Non-Verbal Communication | 2009 | 183˙266.00 | 183˙266.00 |
2 | MASH Massive Sets of Heuristics for Machine Learning | 2010 | 3˙052˙268.00 | 2˙308˙999.00 |
3 | TABULA RASA Trusted Biometrics under Spoofing Attacks | 2010 | 5˙675˙257.00 | 4˙038˙504.00 |
4 | inEvent Accessing Dynamic Networked Multimedia Events | 2011 | 4˙333˙721.00 | 2˙893˙000.00 |
5 | BEAT Biometrics Evaluation and Testing | 2012 | 4˙743˙988.00 | 3˙499˙784.00 |
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