# | ||||
1 | WALTER Wireless Alliances for Testing Experiment and Research | 2008 | 3˙315˙341.00 | 2˙163˙796.00 |
2 | KNOWLEDGE2INNOVATION Promoting the exploitation of scientific knowledge through academia–industry cooperation in the Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy in Europe and beyond | 2008 | 1˙188˙515.00 | 926˙229.00 |
3 | ISTOK-SOYUZ Information society technologies to open knowledge for Eastern Europe and central Asia | 2009 | 1˙191˙793.00 | 880˙000.00 |
4 | ACCESSRU Strengthening EU-Russia Sciences and Technology cooperation and EU access to Russian National Funding Programmes | 2009 | 558˙522.00 | 438˙204.00 |
5 | MOSQUITO Mobile software and services, Standardisation, Quality, Interoperability, Testing, Open source | 2010 | 733˙845.00 | 589˙735.00 |
6 | BUTLER uBiquitous, secUre inTernet-of-things with Location and contExt-awaReness | 2011 | 14˙427˙006.00 | 9˙708˙000.00 |
7 | PROBE-IT Pursuing ROadmaps and BEnchmarks for the Internet of Things | 2011 | 1˙393˙375.00 | 1˙131˙000.00 |
8 | HEALTH-2-MARKET From Health Research to Market – Advanced Services and Training Actions for the IPR Management and Business Exploitation of the EU-funded Research Results in Health/life sciences | 2012 | 2˙394˙509.00 | 1˙999˙785.00 |
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