Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Institut fuer photonische technologien e.v."

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 S-PULSE Shrink-Path of Ultra-Low Power Superconducting Electronics 2008 584˙316.00 550˙000.00
2 PHOTONICS4LIFE Network of Excellence for Biophotonics 2008 5˙226˙327.00 3˙999˙991.00
3 HEMOSPEC Advanced spectroscopic hemogram for personalized care against live threatening infections using an integrated chip-assisted bio-photonic system 2013 5˙069˙233.00 3˙777˙000.00

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L'Ente institut fuer photonische technologien e.v. partecipato anche in questi progetti.