# | ||||
1 | SHARE-PREP "Upgrading the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe – preparatory phase" | 2008 | 3˙743˙601.00 | 2˙499˙842.00 |
2 | SHARE_LEAP Longitudinal Enhancement and Access imProvement of the SHARE infrastructure | 2009 | 4˙141˙233.00 | 2˙999˙999.00 |
3 | LEGISLATIVE SPEECH The Institutional Foundations of Legislative Speech | 2009 | 75˙000.00 | 75˙000.00 |
4 | BOOM & BUST CYCLES Boom and Bust Cycles in Asset Prices: Real Implications and Monetary Policy Options | 2011 | 769˙440.00 | 769˙440.00 |
5 | INDUSTRY DYNAMICS Dynamic Approaches to Mergers and Industry Structure | 2012 | 1˙304˙640.00 | 1˙304˙640.00 |
6 | GENDERMACRO Gender Differences: A Macroeconomic Perspective | 2013 | 1˙133˙301.00 | 1˙133˙301.00 |
7 | RATE Repression and the Escalation of Conflict | 2014 | 1˙487˙112.00 | 1˙487˙112.00 |
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