Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Ateknea solutions malta limited"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 ENVIRON-MENTOR Facilitating Implementation of the IPPC Legislation through a Web-Based Environmental Consultancy Toolkit 2010 1˙600˙673.00 1˙220˙917.00
2 CHAMELEON "To develop a cost-effective, fast-to-deploy, low-power and flexible video surveillance system that automatically combines images from multiple cameras to create a 180Ëš panoramic view." 2012 1˙199˙194.00 785˙893.00
3 NUTRI-STAT "Real-time, in-situ, N, P, K, pH and electrical conductivity soil-analysis system to facilitate accurate nutrient management" 2012 1˙467˙896.00 992˙900.00
4 WATERGOLF Wireless distributed intelligent system for irrigation optimisation and early turf disease prevention and treatment on Golf Courses 2013 1˙497˙564.00 1˙138˙986.00
5 EQUISAFE Advanced monitoring system for horse riding and equestrian activities based on wireless sensing and artificial intelligence 2013 1˙506˙976.00 1˙136˙000.00
6 SODSAT Remote precision management of turf grass sod production by means of artificial intelligence and satellite imaging 2014 1˙688˙642.00 1˙270˙000.00

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