Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Teknologisk institutt as"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 ECOSEASAFE Development of a sustainable and cost effective ballast water treatment technology with reverse pulsed DC electric field that excludes formation of oxidising free radicals 2010 1˙257˙697.00 956˙881.00
2 SALINITYSCAN Development of system for semi-continuous monitoring of salinity in well streams to remove volume measurement errors and detect water breakthrough 2011 1˙445˙007.00 1˙131˙294.00
3 PRODUCTINFOX "Development of a cost effective system for exchange and management of information related to construction products in terms of articles, addressing European legislation and market requirements" 2013 2˙864˙394.00 2˙171˙000.00
4 DOCKINGMONITOR "DockingMonitor - development of automated combined berthing aid and drift monitoring system for large ships, particularly oil and LNG gas tankers" 2013 1˙493˙137.00 1˙161˙000.00
5 AQUAMMS "Development of a portable miniature mass spectrometer to monitor important, but technically difficult parameters in aquaculture" 2013 1˙499˙998.00 1˙159˙000.00
6 BIFFIO Cooperation between the aquaculture and agriculture sectors with the intent to use animal manure and fish faeces for sustainable production and utilization of renewable energy and recovered nutrients 2013 2˙321˙524.00 1˙745˙264.00

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