Progetti FP7 coordinati da "C-tech innovation limited"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 POLYZION Fast Rechargeable Zinc-Polymer Battery based on Ionic Liquids 2009 3˙474˙872.00 2˙400˙000.00
2 POWAIR Zinc-Air flow batteries for electrical power distribution networks 2010 5˙135˙117.00 3˙563˙984.00
3 INTASENSE Integrated air quality sensor for energy efficient environment control 2011 3˙390˙132.00 2˙465˙354.00
4 KYROBIO The discovery, development and demonstration of biocatalysts for use in the industrial synthesis of chiral chemicals 2011 7˙771˙364.00 5˙663˙303.00
5 RELIGHT Sustainable Recycling of Lighting Products 2012 1˙250˙556.00 938˙000.00
6 MAPSYN "Microwave, Ultrasonic and Plasma assisted Syntheses" 2012 5˙479˙371.00 3˙760˙000.00
7 REMANENCE Rare Earth Magnet Recovery for Environmental and Resource Protection 2013 4˙965˙983.00 3˙722˙000.00
8 4M2020 Advanced Manufacturing of Multi-Material Multi-Functional Products Towards 2020 and Beyond 2013 928˙843.00 898˙000.00
9 COLABATS Cobalt and lanthanide recovery from batteries 2013 4˙605˙921.00 3˙588˙506.00
10 ILLUMINATE Automated Sorting and Recycling of Waste Lamps 2013 2˙382˙185.00 1˙772˙963.00
11 ISIS Integrated intelligent sensor system for improved security of water supply 2014 4˙783˙890.00 3˙484˙929.00

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