Environmental Data Models and Interface development in Aviation


 Organization address address: Keplerstrasse 7
postcode: 70174

contact info
Titolo: Mr.
Nome: Hannes
Cognome: Krieg
Email: send email
Telefono: 4971150000000
Fax: 4971150000000

 Nazionalità Coordinatore Germany [DE]
 Totale costo 719˙997 €
 EC contributo 539˙997 €
 Programma FP7-JTI
Specific Programme "Cooperation": Joint Technology Initiatives
 Code Call SP1-JTI-CS-2011-01
 Funding Scheme JTI-CS
 Anno di inizio 2011
 Periodo (anno-mese-giorno) 2011-10-01   -   2014-05-31


# participant  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 

 Organization address address: Keplerstrasse 7
postcode: 70174

contact info
Titolo: Mr.
Nome: Hannes
Cognome: Krieg
Email: send email
Telefono: 4971150000000
Fax: 4971150000000

DE (STUTTGART) coordinator 433˙665.00

 Organization address address: HAUPTSTRASSE 111-113
postcode: 70771

contact info
Titolo: Mr.
Nome: Frank
Cognome: Lieding
Email: send email
Telefono: 491795000000

DE (LEINFELDEN-ECHTERDINGEN) participant 71˙278.50

 Organization address address: BUCKNALLS LANE
postcode: WD25 9XX

contact info
Titolo: Mrs.
Nome: Kim
Cognome: Noonan
Email: send email
Telefono: 441924000000

UK (WATFORD) participant 35˙054.25


 Word cloud

Esplora la "nuvola delle parole (Word Cloud) per avere un'idea di massima del progetto.

tool    goals    interface    environmental    lca    solutions    database    sky    added    travel    reference    cycle    eco    sustainability    air    ecodesign    industry    datim    models    impact    life    solidly    create    gabi    databases    founded    aircraft    material    endami    ilcd    clean    sustainable    aviation    materials    eda    data    improvement    software    board   

 Obiettivo del progetto (Objective)

'Within the project „Environmental Data Models and Interface Development (JTI-CS-2011-ECO-01-018)”, the partners within the project consortium will assess environmental performance in the aviation sector in order to support ecological improvement. Under the lead of University of Stuttgart, the project will take important steps towards the application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) in the aviation sector. The project will: - Create a methodological framework for LCA application in the aviation sector - Create LCA models of most relevant materials and processes - Create parameterized models of current and future reference a/c - Set up an advisory board, consisting of companies representing the most important supplying industries for the aviation sector (“Material Board”) in order to have access to their expert knowledge - Identify the environmentally most relevant parts, processes and materials - Perform an impact assessment and sensitivity analysis, based on those models - Create datasets according to the ILCD 1.1 requirements - Create an easy-to-use user interface and harmonization with the EDA LCA tool - Actively communicate progress, findings and results to the CLEAN SKY Eco-Design partners and the topic manager - Capitalize on the outcomes of the LCA DATIM project Modelling will be done in the GaBi LCA software tool, thus offering full compatibility with all models, processes and database of the preceding LCA DATIM project. This software tool in combination with the easy-to-use user interface and the underlying ILCD-compatible database will be an important step to support improvement of sustainability in the aviation sector. The ENDAMI project comprises the major aircraft manufacturer among the CLEAN SKY Eco-Design partners and leading material providers to the aviation industry (in the MATERIAL BOARD), covering a wide range of materials used in the aircraft industry,leading to an added value for the CLEAN SKY consortium.'

Introduzione (Teaser)

Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is an established technique to assess the environmental aspects and impacts of a product, process or service. The new LCA-based EcoDesign tool ENDAMI specific to the aviation sector will help the EU meet its environmental goals.

Descrizione progetto (Article)

Clean Sky is the most ambitious aeronautical research programme ever launched in Europe. It sets lofty goals for reducing the environmental impact of aviation, and the EU-funded project ENDAMI (Environmental data models and interface development in aviation) was part of its EcoDesign Airframe (EDA) activities.

The project has delivered an EDA LCA tool, ENDAMI, to support development of more sustainable new air travel concepts. The software provides decision-making support in an environmental context specific to the aviation sector, taking one more step forward toward the use of LCA for the industry.

It is solidly founded on an up-to-date database, European Commission regulations, and the standard International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) format for easy integration with other LCA databases. Additionally, an aviation specific LCA Database was created. The tool considers the entire life cycle of products and systems, guiding development through comparison of aviation materials, technologies and processes. In fact, the voluminous data collected in regard to the latter has been added to what is now known as the Clean Sky Aviation Environmental Database.

Scientists also developed an interface between the ENDAMI EcoDesign tool and the GaBi Envision software, a scenario modelling tool for sustainable design. Its databases are among the largest internally consistent LCA databases on the market today.

The web-based ENDAMI EcoDesign tool now facilitates fast, easy and solidly founded LCA analyses of aviation-specific products, even for non-LCA experts. Its innovation and value were recognised as one of the most promising sustainability solutions in Europe in 2014. It is in the running for a Sustania100 award recognising the top 100 sustainability solutions annually across a number of fields.

Sustainability is the future of air travel, and aviation-specific LCA tools developed within the scope of the ENDAMI project will ensure a focus on new concepts for decreased noise emissions and enhanced fuel efficiency. In addition, the easy-to-use interface will foster awareness and exploitation of LCA in aviation at all levels of the development process for maximum impact.

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