Structural Vaccinology to drive the design and optimization of protein antigens for a multicomponent vaccine against Staphylococcus aureus


 Organization address address: Via Fiorentina 1
city: SIENA
postcode: 53100

contact info
Titolo: Dr.
Nome: Francesco
Cognome: Gulli
Email: send email
Telefono: +39 0577 243390
Fax: +39 0577 243085

 Nazionalità Coordinatore Italy [IT]
 Totale costo 187˙414 €
 EC contributo 187˙414 €
 Programma FP7-PEOPLE
Specific programme "People" implementing the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007 to 2013)
 Code Call FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF
 Funding Scheme MC-IEF
 Anno di inizio 2014
 Periodo (anno-mese-giorno) 2014-03-01   -   2016-02-29


# participant  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 

 Organization address address: Via Fiorentina 1
city: SIENA
postcode: 53100

contact info
Titolo: Dr.
Nome: Francesco
Cognome: Gulli
Email: send email
Telefono: +39 0577 243390
Fax: +39 0577 243085

IT (SIENA) coordinator 187˙414.80


 Word cloud

Esplora la "nuvola delle parole (Word Cloud) per avere un'idea di massima del progetto.

csa    recently    coupled    antibiotic    human    leukotoxin    protective    vaccine    vaccinology    clinical    engineered    disease    staphylococcal    proteins    aureus    antigens    antigen    protein   

 Obiettivo del progetto (Objective)

'Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important bacterial pathogens causing human death and disease on a global scale (Klevens, 2007). The rapid generation of antibiotic resistance, coupled with the frequency and severity of staphylococcal disease, underlie the increasing medical need to combat S. aureus infections. As an alternative to inadequate antibiotic therapies, we are dedicating efforts to develop a preventative staphylococcal vaccine. Previously, multiple capsular polysaccharides, or single antigenic proteins have been tested as staphylococcal vaccines, but all have failed in clinical trials, likely for reasons that we have reviewed (Bagnoli, 2012). Expert opinion now advocates a multi-protein vaccine strategy that could raise a broadly protective immune response, neutralizing pathogenic virulence factors like surface lipoproteins and families of secreted pore-forming toxins. To this end, we used Reverse Vaccinology to identify protective staphylococcal antigens that generated immunity in mice against diverse clinical S. aureus isolates (see Mishra, 2012). Additional candidates have been highlighted in the literature, including the leukotoxin LukED which targets the human CCR5 receptor (Alonzo, 2013). To ensure the development of efficacious and safe vaccine antigens, the research project proposes the structure-based optimization of two candidate antigens: (i) an antigen engineered from the Csa protein family that we recently discovered and characterized (Schluepen, 2013) and (ii) an engineered detoxified leukotoxin-E antigen. We recently determined and released the crystal structures of two Csa proteins and of LukE. As pioneers of Structural Vaccinology (Scarselli, 2011; Dormitzer, 2012), we are now ideally poised to exploit this high-resolution information which, coupled with our immunological data, represents an unprecedented knowledgebase to drive the development of a multicomponent vaccine to protect humans against staphylococcal disease.'

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