Erwin Schroedinger Fellowships


 Organization address address: SENSENGASSE 1
city: WIEN
postcode: 1090

contact info
Titolo: Dr.
Nome: Barbara
Cognome: Zimmermann
Email: send email
Telefono: 43150600000000
Fax: 4315056739

 Nazionalità Coordinatore Austria [AT]
 Totale costo 5˙959˙452 €
 EC contributo 2˙383˙780 €
 Programma FP7-PEOPLE
Specific programme "People" implementing the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007 to 2013)
 Code Call FP7-PEOPLE-2007-2-3-COFUND
 Funding Scheme MC-COFUND
 Anno di inizio 2009
 Periodo (anno-mese-giorno) 2009-03-01   -   2013-08-31


# participant  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 
1    Nome Ente NON disponibile

 Organization address address: SENSENGASSE 1
city: WIEN
postcode: 1090

contact info
Titolo: Dr.
Nome: Barbara
Cognome: Zimmermann
Email: send email
Telefono: 43150600000000
Fax: 4315056739

AT (WIEN) coordinator 2˙383˙780.00


 Word cloud

Esplora la "nuvola delle parole (Word Cloud) per avere un'idea di massima del progetto.

months    drain    international    abroad    supporting    careers    ouml    era    cofund    fellows    dinger    erwin    schroedinger    programm    successful    schr    return    career    brain    postdoctoral    austria    fwf   

 Obiettivo del progetto (Objective)

'With this proposal the FWF applies for COFUND of the Erwin Schrödinger Programm the largest Outgoing-Program in Austria for basic research at postdoc level open to all disciplines and destinations. According to the objectives of the COFUND-action the programm aims to support researchers to work abroad at leading research institutions and on leading research programmes to open up new areas of knowledge, new scientific approaches, methods and techniques. In this way it helps the fellows broadening and deepening their competence and establishing long lasting international cooperations. The very high impact on career development of the Schrödinger fellows has been shown in the program evaluation. By improving the program with the possibilty to apply also for a reintegration-phase, the FWF wants to facilitate the critical return phase for the fellows and on a long turn counter the brain drain from Austria and consequently from the ERA.'

Introduzione (Teaser)

Austria uses EU funding wisely to encourage the return of its postdoctoral fellows and integrate them into new careers on a national level.

Descrizione progetto (Article)

Almost three decades ago Austria realised the need to broaden international cooperation and exposure for its researchers and scientists. In response, it established the Erwin Schroedinger Programme, an initiative supporting postdoctoral researchers to work in leading research institutions abroad. While the programme has been very successful in upgrading the knowledge of its researchers over the years, many were tempted to stay abroad, contributing to a brain drain in the country.

To address this phenomenon, the EU-funded project 'Erwin Schroedinger Fellowships' (SCHROEDINGER FELLOWS) built a mechanism to facilitate the return of the fellows. It achieved this by enabling them to apply for a return phase within the Erwin Schroedinger Programme with support from EU funding. The Schroedinger proposals are not subjected to deadlines and can be submitted on a rolling basis to assist the career paths of young researchers.

In more detail, the initiative enables flexible stays abroad from 10 to 24 months, with an optional return phase of up to a year. It allows fellows a free choice of host research institution to work in, with the whole process (from date of application to decision) taking about four months.

The project was deemed very successful and boasted a high rate of returning fellows who are pursuing successful careers in Austria today. This was also demonstrated by the number of publications that are being published by the fellows.

In this context, SCHROEDINGER FELLOWS has created an excellent model postdoctoral programme that could be replicated in other EU countries. This will help Europe maintain its brightest minds, stoking the knowledge economy and supporting the efforts of the European Research Area (ERA). Austria's example is a healthy one indeed.

Altri progetti dello stesso programma (FP7-PEOPLE)


Novel catalytic reactions involving O-H bonds

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TENSE (2012)

Trends in City Expansion and Transport: the Non-Sustainability of Exurbia

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ADAO (2009)

Administrative Document Automate Optimization

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