Centre of Excellence for Modern Composites Applied in Aerospace and Surface Transport Infrastructure


 Organization address address: NADBYSTRZYCKA 38D
city: LUBLIN
postcode: 20 618

contact info
Titolo: Prof.
Nome: Tomasz
Cognome: Sadowski
Telefono: +48 81 5384386
Fax: +48 81 5384173

 Nazionalità Coordinatore Non specificata
 Totale costo 2˙875 €
 EC contributo 0 €
 Programma FP7-REGPOT
Specific Programme "Capacities": Research potential of Convergence Regions
 Anno di inizio 2010
 Periodo (anno-mese-giorno) 2010-04-01   -   2013-03-31


# participant  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 

 Organization address address: NADBYSTRZYCKA 38D
city: LUBLIN
postcode: 20 618

contact info
Titolo: Prof.
Nome: Tomasz
Cognome: Sadowski
Telefono: +48 81 5384386
Fax: +48 81 5384173

PL (LUBLIN) coordinator 2˙557˙447.25


 Word cloud

Esplora la "nuvola delle parole (Word Cloud) per avere un'idea di massima del progetto.

airfields    temperature    structures    composite    unlock    conferences    organisation    smart    upgrade    materials    lublin    cemcast    university    visibility    loading    cmcm    centre    become    chamber    aerospace    modern    recruitment    manufacturing    newly    institutes    transport    composites    infrastructure    era    pavements    full    twinning    participation    area    international    staff   

 Obiettivo del progetto (Objective)

The project aims at continuation and advancement of activities initiated in FP6 ToK project MTKD – CT - 2004 – 014058 at the Centre for Modern Composite Materials (CMCM) created at the Lublin University of Technology (LUT). It is planned: a) to unlock and develop the full research potential and increase research capacities of the CMCM staff in the areas comprising modelling of composite and smart materials and their applications to aerospace and transport infrastructure (pavements and airfields), also modelling and control of dynamics of structures made of composites b) to establish new area of competence: innovative technologies for manufacturing of composites, c) to upgrade research equipment for testing of composite materials. The project objectives will be accomplished by a coherent set of the following complementary actions: twinning collaboration, recruitment of experienced researchers, organisation of workshops and mini-symposia, participation in international conferences, purchase of equipment. The project implementation will result in creating a leading research centre in the Middle-East part of Europe in the multidisciplinary area encompassing modelling and experimental testing of composite and smart materials and their application to aircrafts, pavements and airfields. The proposed project will strengthen co-operation with the regional industry. In terms of socio-economic aspects it will help to compensate disproportion (Lublin region is a less favoured one). It is also envisaged that the project will increase visibility and competitiveness of the CMCM at the international level in the field of composite materials and their applications to engineering structures, resulting in deeper involvement of the CMCM in FP7 projects and better integration of the CMCM in the ERA.

Introduzione (Teaser)

Composite materials are widely used in the transport sector and are certain to become even more ubiquitous as new materials and manufacturing processes are developed. An EU-funded project has ensured that European research infrastructure is capable of developing and testing the very latest materials.

Descrizione progetto (Article)

The http://cemcast.pollub.pl/ (CEMCAST) project funded through the FP7 Research Potential programme, aimed to unlock the full potential of Lublin University of Technology's Centre for Modern Composite Materials (CMCM). Thanks to support received under the FP6, CMCM had become one of the leading research institutes in central-eastern Europe in the field of composite materials.

The three-year CEMCAST project set out to further enhance CMCM's capacity to participate in research activities aiming to advance composite materials technology. For this purpose, the research equipment for testing composite materials was upgraded. The upgrade included an extension of the existing digital image correlation system Aramis for measuring displacement under different loading and an infrared camera for inspecting materials for cracks and other defects.

A new stress screening system for monitoring the behaviour of composite materials subjected to thermal loading has also been obtained. In addition, a temperature shock chamber will enable CMCM researchers to determine the influence of temperature changes on composite materials. A newly developed corrosion chamber will be used for testing layered materials used in aircraft and ship parts which are affected by environmental conditions.

Alongside CMCM, 11 universities from 8 different countries were invited to closely collaborate and secure Europe's leading position in the next advances in composite materials technology. The aim of twinning partnerships was to gather people working on the newest modelling methods to elucidate the rich variety of features seen in composite materials' response. Newly formulated theoretical concepts were then transferred to real world applications in aerospace and surface transport.

A vital component of the CEMCAST project was also the organisation of CMCM staff visits to partner institutes, the recruitment of top foreign researchers and the participation in international conferences. Through these initiatives, the CMCM's visibility at global scale was raised so that it could be better integrated in the European Research Area (ERA).

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