# | ||||
1 | INMARE Industrial Applications of Marine Enzymes: Innovative screening and expression platforms to discover and use the functional protein diversity from the sea | 2015 | 7˙396˙689.00 | 5˙999˙557.00 |
2 | MICROPEAT Microbial communities of Temperate, Artic and Tropical peatlands and their role in the response of carbon storage function to global change | 2016 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
3 | BECOMING SOCIAL Social Interaction Perception and the Social Brain Across Typical and Atypical Development | 2017 | 1˙500˙000.00 | 1˙500˙000.00 |
4 | CONHUB Resolving the links between poverty and rule-breaking in a conservation context | 2018 | 1˙458˙770.00 | 1˙458˙770.00 |
5 | TARGET-N2O Targeting N2O emission hot-spots in dairy pastures for mitigation action: microbes, stable isotope methods and modelling | 2018 | 276˙107.00 | 276˙107.00 |
6 | FISHSCALE Disentangling Cross-Scale Drivers of Coral Reef Fish Community Structure for Ecosystem-Based Management | 2020 | 212˙933.00 | 212˙933.00 |
7 | IPN-BIO Integrated Photonic-Nano Technologies for Bioapplications | 2020 | 1˙002˙800.00 | 818˙800.00 |
The Institution BANGOR UNIVERSITY has been involved also in the following Horizon 2020 projects.