The page lists 57 projects related to the topic "audit".
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1 | INMANCAP NL | Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in The Netherlands | 2014 |
2 | ENIGMA | Establishing services eNhancing the Innovation MAnagement capacity of SME's in the Enterprise Europe Network in Estonia | 2014 |
4 | TRIBE | TRaIning Behaviours towards Energy efficiency: Play it! | 2015 |
5 | STEAM-UP | STEam And Management Under Pressure | 2015 |
6 | ANAPRINT | Additive Printing for Cell-based Analysis | 2014 |
7 | ECOROADS | Effective and COordinated ROAD infrastructure Safety operations | 2015 |
8 | RESILENS | RESILENS: Realising European ReSiliencE for CritIcaL INfraStructure | 2015 |
9 | iNEXT | Infrastructure for NMR, EM and X-rays for translational research | 2015 |
10 | STERILISE | Safe sustainable reliable in-office processing of medical waste | 2015 |
11 | mainDSS | Intelligent maintenance Decision Support System for the industry | 2015 |
12 | SEDEUF | Sedicii Innovative Authentication | 2014 |
13 | INMANCAP2 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Netherlands 2015-2016 | 2015 |
14 | TOPAs | Tools for cOntinuous building Performance Auditing | 2015 |
15 | EST-KAM | Estonian Key Account Management Services | 2015 |
16 | SEIMED INNOSUP | SEIMED services to enhance innovation management capacity of SME's KAM services | 2015 |
17 | WEST-MED Innovation | WEST-MED Innovation Services | 2015 |
18 | EEN Northern NL | EEN Northern Netherlands: enhancing the innovation capacity of SME's | 2015 |
19 | habITAT | Internet of Things Air Tester as a new standards based wearable monitoring station for personalized indoor and outdoor air quality real-time assessment | 2015 |
20 | WEKIT | Wearable Experience for Knowledge Intensive Training | 2015 |
21 | TENSOR | Retrieval and Analysis of Heterogeneous Online Content for Terrorist Activity Recognition | 2016 |
22 | ENGINENCY | A Holistic System for Building Inspection and Energy Efficiency Management | 2016 |
23 | 4RinEU | Robust and Reliable technology concepts and business models for triggering deep Renovation of Residential buildings in EU | 2016 |
24 | GRAILS-SWE | Greater RAIL Safety using the Smart Washer Ecosystem | 2017 |
25 | INMANCAP 2017_18 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Netherlands 2017-2018 | 2017 |
26 | EST-KAM | Estonian Key Account Management Services | 2017 |
27 | SEIMED INNOSUP | SEIMED Innovation Management Support | 2017 |
28 | KAM2CY3 | Key Services for Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in Cyprus through the local member of Enterprise Europe Network – KAM2CY3 | 2017 |
29 | Runway-Star | A Novel Solution for Aircraft Washing and De-Icing | 2017 |
30 | ChEATAX | Cross-Cultural Experimental Analyses of Tax Morale | 2017 |
31 | TARGET | TAking a Reflexive approach to Gender Equality for institutional Transformation | 2017 |
32 | iBROAD | Individual Building (Renovation) Roadmaps | 2017 |
33 | EnergySequence | Building data scientist to help us dive deep into the very large amount structured time series data pertaining to building energy use | 2017 |
34 | Day-by-day | Day-by-Day Short-Term Traffic Forecasts for Road Concessions (top app) | 2017 |
35 | Construye2020_Plus | A new boost for green jobs, growth and sustainability | 2018 |
36 | TaxInfoProcessing | Information Processing in Tax Compliance Decisions | 2018 |
37 | ENABLEH2 | ENABLing cryogEnic Hydrogen based CO2 free air transport (ENABLEH2) | 2018 |
38 | NegaWh EXchange | Balancing demand-response platform for an efficient, reasonably-priced and sustainable electricity market | 2018 |
39 | EUREMnext | Taking European EnergyManagers to next efficiency levels by implementing energy audit recommendations | 2018 |
40 | ALEX | ALgorithms EXposed. Investigating Automated Personalization and Filtering for Research and Activism | 2018 |
41 | ELITR | European Live Translator | 2019 |
42 | GRRIP | Grounding RRI practices in research performing organisations | 2019 |
43 | KAM2CY4 | Provision of services for enhancing innovation management capacity of the Cypriot SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus | 2019 |
44 | INMANCAP_2019 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Netherlands in 2019 | 2019 |
45 | EST-KAM19 | Estonian Key Account Management Services 2019 | 2019 |
47 | WOOL2LOOP | Mineral wool waste back to loop with advanced sorting, pre-treatment, and alkali activation | 2019 |
48 | smartX | Accelerating Smart Textile Entrepreneurship by Innovative Cross-regional, Cross-disciplinary and Cross-cultural Value Chains | 2019 |
49 | SPEEDIER | SME Program for Energy Efficiency through Delivery and Implementation of EneRgy Audits | 2019 |
50 | SAM | Silk Aquamelts to Market | 2019 |
51 | Sislum | Smart signaling system to increase road safety | 2019 |
52 | DepoSIt | Development and testing of the European Innovation Audit tool for Social Innovation | 2019 |
53 | EST-KAM20-21 | Estonian Key Account Management Services 2020-2021 | 2020 |
54 | DiFacturo | The Unique International Independent Decentralized Invoice Network | 2019 |
55 | INMANCAP 2020_21 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Netherlands in 2020-2021 | 2020 |
57 | KAM2CY5 | Provision of services for enhancing innovation management capacity of the Cypriot SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus | 2020 |