The page lists 91 projects related to the topic "estimating".
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1 | ATHLOS | Ageing Trajectories of Health: Longitudinal Opportunities and Synergies | 2015 |
2 | NORIMS | Norwegian Innovation Management Services | 2014 |
3 | CogIMon | Cognitive Interaction in Motion | 2015 |
4 | ERN | The European Remanufacturing Network - coordinating and supporting European remanufacturers | 2015 |
5 | ChronHib | Chronologicon Hibernicum – A Probabilistic Chronological Framework for Dating Early Irish Language Developments and Literature | 2015 |
6 | SIADE | Spatial Decision Support System for Transportation Planning | 2014 |
7 | SilhouetteOfSeaweed | Overcoming barriers in estimating toxicity of arsenic species in seaweed | 2015 |
8 | nanoCAVa | Formation of nano-scale clusters from atmospheric vapors | 2015 |
9 | MWMI | Mesoscopic characterization of human white-matter: a computational in-vivo MRI framework | 2015 |
10 | CLEF | Conserving the Legacy of Evolution into the Future | 2015 |
11 | HAAIV | Adaptive evolutionary pathways of highly pathogenic avian H5N1 influenza in humans | 2015 |
12 | OLDIAS | Online Dialysis Sensor | 2015 |
13 | CoPS | Coevolutionary Policy Search | 2015 |
14 | INCEFA - PLUS | INcreasing Safety in NPPs by Covering gaps in Environmental Fatigue Assessment | 2015 |
15 | SCENEUNDERLIGHT | Time-lapse understanding of the static and human scene and its lighting | 2015 |
16 | CompSCHoice | A Comprehensive Approach to School Choice and Education | 2015 |
17 | SEDAL | Statistical Learning for Earth Observation Data Analysis. | 2015 |
18 | APOLLO | Advisory platform for small farms based on earth observation | 2016 |
19 | QUMEC | Quantifying urban mines in Europe and related implications for the metal-energy-climate change nexus | 2016 |
20 | SYNC | Synchronizing Palaeoclimate data for better understanding of the Solar effect on European Climate | 2016 |
21 | FORGENET | A novel approach for detecting polygenic adaptation applied to FORest tree candidate GEne NETworks | 2017 |
22 | BAYESLAND | Community Assembly on Islands: A phylogenetic Bayesian approach | 2016 |
23 | ESTIA | Exponential sums, translation invariance, and applications | 2016 |
24 | NETS | Networks in Time and Space | 2016 |
25 | BoneImplant | Monitoring bone healing around endosseous implants: from multiscale modeling to the patient’s bed | 2016 |
26 | SYSDYNET | Data-driven Modelling in Dynamic Networks | 2016 |
27 | AstroLakes | Bio-analysis of subglacial volcanic lakes as exoplanet analogues | 2016 |
28 | SOILBIODIV | Beyond the limits of scale: a novel pipeline for the measurement of soil arthropod biodiversity | 2016 |
29 | DEPP | Designing Effective Public Policies | 2016 |
30 | CUNDA | Causality Relations Using Nonlinear Data Assimilation | 2016 |
31 | TransMID | Translational and Transdisciplinary research in Modeling Infectious Diseases | 2016 |
32 | D3 | Interpreting Drawings for 3D Design | 2017 |
33 | SABINA | SmArt BI-directional multi eNergy gAteway | 2016 |
34 | SCRREEN | Solutions for CRitical Raw materials - a European Expert Network | 2016 |
35 | WECARMON | Wearable Cardiorespiratory Monitor | 2017 |
36 | RESISTANCE | Resistance evolution in response to spatially variable pathogen communities | 2017 |
37 | HiPPiE_at_LHC | High Precision PDFs for the precision Era at the Large Hadron Collider | 2017 |
38 | LakeMP | Spatial and temporal biotransformation of micropollutants in a lake ecosystem | 2017 |
39 | DUF | Deep Learning UAV Networks for Autonomous Forest Firefighting | 2017 |
40 | LODALORD | Local Diversity and Long-Run Development | 2017 |
41 | FORENSICS | Illicit Markets, Unobserved Competitors, and Illegal Behavior | 2017 |
42 | HERMENEUT | Enterprises intangible Risks Management via Economic models based on simulatioN of modErn cyber-aTtacks | 2017 |
43 | DSGE-RD | Estimating a DSGE Model with Rare Disasters | 2017 |
44 | TeaM Cables | European Tools and Methodologies for an efficient ageing management of nuclear power plant Cables | 2017 |
45 | innocult | Centre of Excellence for Cultural and Creative Innovations in Lithuania | 2017 |
46 | ITUL | Information Theory with Uncertain Laws | 2017 |
47 | HTSEmpower | The High Throughput Satellite Enabler Instrument: HTSInstrument | 2017 |
48 | BP24 | A unique life-saving smart-watch for high quality, not-invasive, continuous blood pressure monitoring. | 2017 |
49 | NCore | Networking and Care: Helping young people with mental health problems through outreach and eHealth | 2017 |
50 | SCALAR | Scaling up behavior and autonomous adaptation for macro models of climate change damage assessment | 2018 |
51 | TTNPred | Development of novel computational biology pipeline for the efficient classification of titin SNPs for clinical use | 2018 |
52 | CHE | CO2 Human Emissions | 2017 |
53 | NoTape | Measuring with no tape | 2017 |
54 | SECCOPA | The socio-economic consequences of temporary employment: A comparative panel data analysis | 2018 |
55 | MouseDepthPrey | The role of depth perception during prey capture in the mouse | 2018 |
56 | RD-ADVANCE | Advancing Econometric Methods for Analyzing Data from Regression Discontinuity Designs | 2018 |
57 | DeepGeo | Deep Gaussian Processes for Geostatistical Data Analysis | 2018 |
58 | DUST.ES | Addressing key uncertainties in mineral DUST EmiSsion modelling to better constrain the global dust cycle | 2018 |
59 | STARFLOOD | Space-Time scAling of the Rainfall to FLOOD transformation | 2018 |
60 | USFAOD | Understanding soot formation using advanced optical diagnostics | 2018 |
61 | TFs-HSCs | The identification of the Combinatorial Transcription Factor network exerting different roles in Hematopoietic Stem Cells. | 2019 |
62 | ReSPEc | Towards a Remotely sensed estimation of the Photosynthetic Energy balance | 2018 |
63 | EpiBigDatainWomen | Epigenetic Data Integrated in a Big Data Approach to Unravel Novel Pathzays of CV Risk independent of classical CVD Risk Factors in Women. | 2019 |
64 | LIGHTUP | Turning the cortically blind brain to see: from neural computations to system dynamicsgenerating visual awareness in humans and monkeys | 2018 |
65 | Touchless Automation | A touchless microcomponent gripper for precision handling and microassembly | 2018 |
66 | BEACON | Boosting Agricultural Insurance based on Earth Observation data | 2019 |
67 | MARCO | Modern framework for Blockchain applications of corporate use | 2018 |
68 | RiskGONE | Risk Governance of Nanotechnology | 2019 |
69 | 3DLT | 3D Living Tissues | 2019 |
70 | DigitalComp | Algorithms, Digital Platforms and Competition | 2019 |
71 | FALCon | Formation flight for in-Air Launcher 1st stage Capturing demonstration | 2019 |
72 | CRAS | Climate change and Resilience of Agricultural System: an econometric and computational analysis | 2019 |
73 | ARCTICO | Uncovering the Magnitude of Arctic Climate Change | 2019 |
74 | DLH | Disability benefits, labour force participation, and health: Evaluating the effect of social protection policies | 2020 |
75 | FORESIGHT | Advanced cyber-security simulation platform for preparedness training in Aviation, Naval and Power-grid environments | 2019 |
76 | MitoWild | Counting the cost of living: mitochondrial efficiency, environmental conditions, and performance in the wild | 2019 |
77 | INDEXCLIMA | Indian-Atlantic interocean exchange as modulator of global climate | 2019 |
78 | NeoCellBank | A revolutionary regenerative therapy for management of chronic inflammatory diseases based on neonatal Mesenchymal Stem Cells | 2019 |
79 | MS-INFINITE | MASS SPECTROMETRY WITHOUT LIMITS: Pioneer MS equipment and Automated Sample Preparation unit to boost New Therapies Development | 2019 |
80 | forecast | The next generation of forest inventory | 2019 |
81 | Prognolite | The first holistic restaurant forecasting tool to reduce food waste by predicting future demand | 2019 |
82 | FORCHAR | Unlocking the hidden information in char to create a new quantitative toolkit for use in forensic fire investigations | 2019 |
83 | HydSOS | Irrigation water saving by replacing the traditional irrigation system by an Adjusted Regulated Deficit Irrigation one | 2019 |
84 | RAVEN | Routing Attack Vulnerability Evaluation for Networks | 2020 |
85 | SHExtreme | Estimating contribution of sub-hourly sea level oscillations to overall sea level extremes in changing climate | 2020 |
86 | QuantMig | Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy | 2020 |
87 | WindSider | Commercialization of a breakthrough wind resource assessment technology for automated planning of bankable wind farms | 2020 |
88 | uDEVOPS | Software Quality Assurance for Microservice Development Operations Engineering | 2020 |
89 | DIFFER | Determinants of genetic diversity: Important Factors For Ecosystem Resilience | 2020 |
90 | WeCanIt | We Can Do It! Women’s labour market participation in the maritime sector in the Upper Adriatic after the two World Wars in an intersectional perspective | 2020 |
91 | NormNets | Normalization of Multimodal Brain Networks for Integral and Predictive Mapping of Neurological Disorders | 2020 |