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H2020 projects about "fraud"

The page lists 54 projects related to the topic "fraud".

# achronym  title  year 
1 BASTION Leveraging Binary Analysis to Secure the Internet of Things 2015
2 BeadCAP-DNA BeadCAP-DNA: 30-minute on-site DNA test kit 2014
3 SignSigma Launching the next generation of mobile and multi-platform signature system based on biometric parameters 2014
4 ID_MOBILE Solution to authenticate and read ID documents using mobile devices at point of origin in real-time, eliminating manual handling and providing better, more secure services. 2015
5 PAYPLUG LABS Next generation online payments and fraud detection API for European SMEs 2015
6 CogNet Building an Intelligent System of Insights and Action for 5G Network Management 2015
7 FASTPRK-2 Enhanced on-street parking management system 2015
8 E-LOCKS Electronic security for OIL/LPG tanks 2015
9 EFD The e-wallet Fraud Detection 2015
10 Loca Credibilia Data and document integrity for services provided through critical information infrastructures 2015
11 GDC A Genetic Data CUBE - An innovative business model applied to predictive and prescriptive analytics, exploring Big Data and empowering cloud-services and urgent computation 2015
12 FACCESS Enabling the large-scale deployment of Facial Recognition in banking security 2015
13 AUTHENT-NET AUTHENT-NET – Food Authenticity Research Network 2016
14 ORGANIC QUAL TRACERS Organic food quality control and metabolomic fingerprinting 2016
15 QuardCard Powered smart card with a biometric one time password system 2016
16 ARIES reliAble euRopean Identity EcoSystem 2016
17 EQR-Equid Real Time, Secure Equine ID Information Platform (EQR-Equid) 2016
18 BISS Biometric Identification Security System 2016
19 SNAPTRACE Fishing in the dark: unravelling the global trade and traceability of the ‘snappers’ 2016
20 i-movo International productisation of a disruptive digital vouchering technology 2016
21 FoodSmartphone Smartphone analyzers for on-site testing of food quality and safety 2017
22 ThreatMark Advanced Fraud Detection System - Protecting digital transactions against cyber attacks 2016
23 PhasmaFOOD Portable photonic miniaturised smart system for on-the-spot food quality sensing 2017
24 FACCESS Enabling the large-scale deployment of Facial Recognition in banking security 2016
25 CORE An innovative web-service to securely issue, store and verify online academic credentials 2017
26 LocationWise LocationWise Payment Card Validation: A cloud based location verification system that willsignificantly lower cost of payment card cyber security 2017
27 GET Green Energy Tracker. The international tracking system for guarantees of origin, green energy certificates and green labels 2017
28 QuardCard Powered smart card with a biometric one time password system 2017
30 EU-China-Safe Delivering an Effective, Resilient and Sustainable EU-China Food Safety Partnership 2017
31 MCodaq Mcodaq is a new benchtop instrument for fraud detection in cosmetics, perfumes, candles and other consumer products, based on NMR and used by technicians without specific analytical chemistry skills 2017
32 ANDRUPOS Automatic non-destructive recognition of used printing techniques on substrates 2017
33 BlockchainKYC Blockchain-based, 100% automated KYC (Know Your Customer) service 2017
34 UNFRAUD An advanced online anti-fraud software equipped with deep learning Artificial Intelligence thatcan face and detect, current fraudulent techniques and their continued evolution in a cost effective man 2017
35 IDAaaS Trusted online service for identity assurance 2017
36 SeQfood Cost-Efficient Network for the Genetic Certification of Food Quality 2018
37 PROFILE Data Analytics, Data Sources, and Architecture for Upgraded European Customs Risk Management 2018
38 TXpp A technological solution for the 50 billion EUR VAT fraud problem 2018
39 COBAFRA Combatting Banking Fraud with SiS-id: A unique solution for preventing corporate payments fraud using AI and blockchain 2019
40 Smart Certificate The trusted solution for issuing certified documents to the blockchain, checkable in just a click 2018
41 BlockchainKYC Blockchain-based, 100% automated KYC (Know Your Customer) service 2019
42 INTEGRITY INTEGRITY: empowering students through evidence-based, scaffolded learning of Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) 2019
43 CRITICAL-CHAINS IOT- & Blockchain-Enabled Security Framework for New Generation Critical Cyber-Physical Systems In Finance Sector 2019
44 D4FLY Detecting Document frauD and iDentity on the fly 2019
45 STOPTHEFRAUDINOLIVEO Fighting counterfeiting in Olive Oil with blockchain - a working product has arrived 2019
46 TSS The definitive solution to prevent fuel theft in road goods transport 2019
47 INFINITECH Tailored IoT & BigData Sandboxes and Testbeds for Smart, Autonomous and Personalized Services in the European Finance and Insurance Services Ecosystem 2019
48 QI AI-powered image forgery detection 2019
49 UUR Unique Universal Reference for e-invoicing 2019
50 XAI Science and technology for the explanation of AI decision making 2019
51 BD4OPEM Big Data for OPen innovation Energy Marketplace 2020
52 PROTECHT Providing RObust high TECHnology Tags based on linear carbon nanostructures 2020
53 Plural AI The knowledge engine for finance 2019
54 Daego Secure, reliable machine learning based technology platform for the creation and authentication of Digital Identities to enable safe digital transactions across Europe 2019