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H2020 projects about "galactic"

The page lists 72 projects related to the topic "galactic".

# achronym  title  year 
1 GalNUC Astrophysical Dynamics and Statistical Physics of Galactic Nuclei 2015
2 SKPLUS Super-Kamiokande plus 2014
3 NEUCOS Neutrinos and the origin of the cosmic rays 2015
4 GOFAR Galactic Outflows and Feedback in the Astro-H eR 2015
5 COSMIC SHEAR Cosmic Shear Analysis of the Kilo Degree Survey: Cosmological Constraints 2016
6 NESSY NEw Science from the phase space of old stellar SYstems 2015
7 PolAME Polarimetry of Anomalous Microwave Emission: Implication for B-mode Polarization Detection and Galactic Science 2016
8 LOFAR Searching for The Origin of Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos with LOFAR 2015
9 CRAGSMAN The Impact of Cosmic Rays on Galaxy and Cluster Formation 2016
10 MaGRaTh Matter and strong-field gravity: New frontiers in Einstein’s theory 2015
11 SPIRE Stars: dynamical Processes driving tidal Interactions, Rotation and Evolution 2015
12 RADIOFOREGROUNDS Ultimate modelling of Radio foregrounds: a key ingredient for cosmology 2016
13 DUST-IN-THE-WIND Dust in the wind — a new paradigm for inflow and outflow structures around supermassive black holes 2016
14 WD3D Evolution of white dwarfs with 3D model atmospheres 2016
15 MagneticYSOs Interpreting Dust Polarization Maps to Characterize the Role of the Magnetic Field in Star Formation Processes 2016
16 LENA non-LinEar sigNal processing for solving data challenges in Astrophysics 2016
17 SNSM Spectral synthesis of multidimensional supernova explosion models 2016
18 BEYONDCO Using fine structure line emission to observe the life-cycle of molecular clouds 2016
19 TReX Transient Relativistic eXplosions 2016
20 MAtISSE Multichannel Investigation of Solar Modulation Effects in Galactic Cosmic Rays 2016
21 Magnetic Universe Unveiling interstellar and intergalactic magnetic fields with radio polarimetry and theoretical astrophysics 2017
22 SABRE Towards a Reliable Model for Dark Matter Search Experiments 2016
23 MUSTANG Multi-scale Star Formation Across Nascent Galaxies 2017
24 SPanD Stellar Populations and Dynamics: a comprehensive IMF analysis 2017
25 GALFOR The formation of the Galaxy: constraints from globular clusters 2017
26 DMsky Shining through the Galaxy: dark matter signals versus astrophysical backgrounds 2016
27 EMPIRE Galaxy Evolution in the ALMA Era - The Baryon Cycle and Star Formation in Nearby Galaxies 2017
28 ULTIMATE Towards the ultimate dark matter detector 2017
29 ORIGAMI The origin of the Galactic magnetic field 2017
30 Gal-HD Our Galaxy at full HD 2018
31 ForbMod Forbush decrease model for expanding CMEs affecting Earth and Mars 2017
32 CACHEM CACHEM: Probing Clustering of X-ray AGN using Chandra and Semi-Empirical Models 2018
33 DeepIMPACT Deep Investigation on Molecular Processes At early Cosmic Times 2018
34 GRAPES Galactic cosmic RAy Propagation: an Extensive Study 2017
35 MIST Molecules, magnetic fields and Intermittency in coSmic Turbulence – Following the energy trail. 2017
36 USNAC Understanding Type Ia SuperNovae for Accurate Cosmology 2018
37 PASIPHAE Overcoming the Dominant Foreground of Inflationary B-modes: Tomography of Galactic Magnetic Dust via Measurements of Starlight Polarization 2018
38 GaiaSpectroSynergy Exploiting the synergies between Gaia and spectroscopic stellar surveys to constrain next-generation Milky-Way models 2019
39 BHmapping Mapping the inner flow around accreting black holes 2019
40 COBOM Convective Boundary Mixing in Stars 2018
41 darkBHgrowth Shedding light on the dark supermassive black hole growth in the early Universe 2018
42 DUSTDEVILS The Dust Devils in Galaxy Centres 2018
43 MAGALOPS The MAgnetic field in the GALaxy, using Optical Polarization of Stars 2018
44 PERSEUS A New Perspective On Star Formation and Spiral Structure in Our Home Galaxy 2018
45 TOMMY Tomography of the Milky waY 2018
46 MSTAR Massive Star Formation through the Universe 2018
47 HIDDeN HIDDeN - Exploring the Hidden Dusty Nuclei of Galaxies 2018
48 Global-assembly Building up the Milky Way Halo in the era of multiple stellar populations 2018
49 NEFERTITI NEar FiEld cosmology: Re-Tracing Invisible TImes 2019
50 CartographY Mapping Stellar Helium 2019
51 PeV-Radio Digital Radio Detectors for Galactic PeV Particles 2019
52 ICYBOB Initial Conditions of YMCs, Birth of OB associations and long term evolution of stellar clusters 2019
53 SUPERSPEC Three-dimensional spectral modelling of astrophysical transients : unravelling the nucleosynthetic content of supernovae and kilonovae 2019
54 B Massive Binary massive black hole astrophysics 2019
55 KETJU Post-Newtonian modelling of the dynamics of supermassive black holes in galactic-scale hydrodynamical simulations (KETJU) 2019
56 GMGalaxies Understanding the diversity of galaxy morphology in the era of large spectroscopic surveys 2019
57 INITIUM an Innovative Negative Ion TIme projection chamber for Underground dark Matter searches 2019
58 UniSDyn Building up a Unified Theory of Stellar Dynamos 2019
59 EMERGE Reconstructing the emergence of the Milky Way’s stellar population with Gaia, SDSS-V and JWST 2019
60 MUSICA Origin of Magnetic strUctureS in the ISM obscuring the Cosmic DAwn 2020
61 nuHEDGE Neutrinos at High Energies: Disentangling Galactic and Extra-galactic components 2019
62 GREATDIGINTHESKY Accelerating Galactic Archaeology 2019
63 DISKtoHALO From the accretion disk to the cluster halo: the multi-scale physics of black hole feedback 2019
64 SUPERGALAX Highly sensitive detection of single microwave photons with coherent quantum network of superconducting qubits for searching galactic axions 2020
65 PAN Development of a demonstrator for the Penetrating Particle Analyser (PAN) technology 2020
66 EMERGE Emergence of high-mass stars in complex fiber systems 2020
67 DustOrigin The origin of cosmic dust in galaxies 2020
68 ASTRODUST The Heliosphere and the Dust: Characterization of the Solar and Interstellar Neighbourhood 2020
69 GALACTIC High Performance Alexandrite Crystals and Coatings for High Power Space Applications 2020
70 SPAWN Simulating particle acceleration within black hole magnetospheres 2020
71 Hot Milk Flows of hot plasma connecting the Milky Way centre to the corona, halo and beyond 2020
72 ECOGAL Understanding our Galactic ecosystem: From the disk of the Milky Way to the formation sites of stars and planets 2020