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H2020 projects about "notions"

The page lists 103 projects related to the topic "notions".

# achronym  title  year 
1 RiP Rationality in Perception: Transformations of Mind and Cognition 1250-1550 2015
2 FOC Foundations of Cryptographic Hardness 2015
3 preQFT Strategic Predictions for Quantum Field Theories 2015
4 CLC Cryptography with Low Complexity 2015
5 AQuS Analog quantum simulators for many-body dynamics 2015
6 EMEHOC Enriched Minimal Expressivism and Higher-Order Concepts 2015
7 NANO-Q Cavity Cooling of Nanosilicon for Quantum Interference Experiments 2015
8 ClauSeInTEL Clausal Selection: Integrating Theoretical with Experimental Linguistics 2015
9 PRENET Social Networking and Raw Material Selectivity in Early Prehistoric Mediterranean Seascapes 2015
10 MODFIN Model theory of finite and pseudofinite structures 2016
11 FOREMOTIONS Formal Frameworks for Modal Notions Conceived as Predicates 2016
12 Pathologies Pathologies of temporality. Abnormal experiences of time in mental disorders 2016
13 SPEA Socrates and Plato on Epistemic Authority 2015
14 CovDecRND Cover-decomposition of multiple coverings under conditions involving randomness 2015
15 TOSSIBERG Theory of Stein Spaces in Berkovich Geometry 2015
16 DYNADE Dynamics of Development: Understanding Adolescents' Intergroup Attitudes, National Feelings, and Perception of Social Norms 2016
17 LuxFaSS Luxury, fashion and social status in Early Modern South Eastern Europe 2015
18 COMPEN Penal Policymaking and the prisoner experience: a comparative analysis 2015
20 BroadSem Induction of Broad-Coverage Semantic Parsers 2016
21 OriginStories Chinese Heritage Tours and Adoptive Origin Stories: Towards a Transnational Adoptive Field 2016
22 SYSMICS Syntax Meets Semantics: Methods, Interactions, and Connections in Substructural logics. 2016
23 Frobenius Frobenius related invariants and singularities 2017
24 GrDyAp Groups, Dynamics, and Approximation 2016
25 TOCNeT Teaching Old Crypto New Tricks 2016
26 GROUPNIP Model theory of groups in NIP theories 2017
27 POMEGRANATE Practice-Oriented Security Models and Granular Designs for Future-Proof Authenticated Encryption 2017
28 LoGIcInMAS Logics and Games for Imperfect Information in Multi-Agent Systems 2016
29 DANCING Dualities ANd Correspondences IN algebraic Geometry via derived categories and noncommutative methods 2017
30 INFRASTAR Innovation and Networking for Fatigue and Reliability Analysis of Structures - Training for Assessment of Risk 2016
31 SACRIMA The Normativity of Sacred Images in Early Modern Europe 2016
32 NUHGD Non Uniform Hyperbolicity in Global Dynamics 2016
33 ComparingCopperbelt Comparing the Copperbelt: Political Culture and Knowledge Production in Central Africa 2016
34 MoralisingMisfortune Moralising Misfortune: A comparative anthropology of commercial insurance 2016
35 CC-TOP Cryosphere-Carbon on Top of the Earth (CC-Top):Decreasing Uncertainties of Thawing Permafrost and Collapsing Methane Hydrates in the Arctic 2016
36 NARRATIVENSCIENCE Narrative Ordering and Explanation in the Sciences: Historical Investigations and Perspectives 2016
37 HumAn Humanizing Antiquity: Biocultural Approaches to Identity Formation in Ancient Boeotia, central Greece 2016
38 QUARTZ Quantum Information Access and Retrieval Theory 2017
39 RELOCAL Resituating the local in cohesion and territorial development 2016
40 TREPISTEME Formal Truth in Epistemology 2016
41 INFO-LEG Understanding information for legal protection of people against information-induced harms 2017
42 DiGGeS Discrete Groups and Geometric Structures 2017
43 PHONOMETA Frontiers in Phononics: Parity-Time Symmetric Phononic Metamaterials 2016
44 STRUCTURALISM The Roots of Mathematical Structuralism 2017
45 GenGeoHol Non AdS holography and generalized geometric structures 2017
46 MORA Muslim Antisemitism in Colonial Morocco 2017
47 ConscriptedVolunteer Conscripted Volunteering: An Ethnographic Study of Community Engagement Schemes in the Israeli Military 2017
48 Renaissance Idiocy Representing Idiocy and Intellectual Disability in Early Modern English Literature, 1500-1640 2017
49 PriWa Prisoners of war between Bourbon nations and United Kingdom during the 18th Century: ways of life and humanity in misfortune 2017
50 RELMED Electricity in the Mediterranean: Promoting good regulatory governance 2017
51 FIEC Fiction, Imagination, and Early Cinema 2017
52 MOBILIMA Mobility in situ: Debating emigration and return in Western Mali 2017
53 DYNAMINT Dynamics of Probed, Pulsed, Quenched and Driven Integrable Quantum Systems 2017
54 WoRD-DoME Women's Economic Rights and Cultural Difference: Defining Development for the Middle East 2017
55 MAPS MAPS – Migrants And People Smugglers: A Comparative Study of Smuggling Networks in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Central American corridors 2017
56 POLITICS The politics of anti-racism in Europe and Latin America: knowledge production, decision-making and collective struggles 2017
57 FOOD CITIZENS Food citizens? Collective food procurement in European cities: solidarity and diversity, skills and scale 2017
58 BORDER Towards a decentred history of the Middle East: Transborder spaces, circulations, frontier effects and state formation, 1920-1946 2017
59 Aural Paris Aural Paris: The Changing Identities of The City of Sound in Music, Film and Literature, 1870-1940. 2018
60 COMICS Children in Comics: An Intercultural History from 1865 to Today 2018
61 PROTEUS Paradoxes and Metaphors of Time in Early Universe(s) 2018
62 EpComp Competence and Success in Epistemology and Beyond 2018
63 BETLIV Returning to a Better Place: The (Re)assessment of the ‘Good Life’ in Times of Crisis 2018
64 PolSymAGA Polarity and Central-Symmetry in Asymptotic Geometric Analysis 2018
65 PCPHDX Probabilistically Checkable Proofs, Agreement Tests, and High Dimensional Expanders 2018
66 GHOST Geographies and Histories of the Ottoman Supernatural Tradition Exploring Magic, the Marvelous, and the Strange in Ottoman Mentalities 2018
67 DeciGUT A Grand Unified Theory of Decidability in Logic-Based Knowledge Representation 2018
68 HEforR Forum Third Sector Involvement in Higher Education for Refugees - a Forum Theatre Approach 2019
69 GODELIANA The Gödel Enigma: Unveiling a Hidden Logical Heritage 2018
70 REvolTURN Managing Migrant Return through 'Voluntariness' 2018
71 Islamic Law Egypt Adjudicating Islamic Family Law in Egypt: Continuity and Rupture 2018
72 FSCF Alternative Families Social Change: An interdisciplinary and cross-national study 2018
73 CHIEF Cultural Heritage and Identities of Europe's Future 2018
74 E-DUALITY Exploring Duality for Future Data-driven Modelling 2018
75 NATURA Reassessing Realism over Universals in the Time of Peter Abelard 2020
76 CIRGEN Circulating Gender in the Global Enlightenment: Ideas, Networks, Agencies 2019
77 REVFAIL FAILURE: Reversing the Genealogies of Unsuccess, 16th-19th centuries 2019
78 PATHWISE Pathwise methods and stochastic calculus in the path towards understanding high-dimensional phenomena 2019
79 DIAMOND Revealing fair and actionable knowledge from data to support women’s inclusion in transport systems 2018
80 TOKUGAWATRAVEL Travel in Tokugawa Period Japan (1603-1868): Identity, Nationand Social Transformation 2019
81 VERICOMP Foundations of Verifiable Computing 2019
82 TRIFECTs Trions and sp3-Defects in Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes for Optoelectronics 2019
83 NovelEchoes Novel Echoes. Ancient Novelistic Receptions and Concepts of Fiction in Late Antique and Medieval Secular Narrative from East to West 2019
84 Fish-AI Developing an Artificial Intestine for the sustainable farming of healthy fish 2019
85 ROMETRANS Rome Transformed: Interdisciplinary analysis of political, military and religious regenerations of the city's forgotten quarter C1-C8 CE 2019
86 PLPUK Parental leave policies in the UK: an intersectional analysis of policy development and use 2020
87 LactaDiff Assessing cellular compartmentation of brain lactate using diffusion MR spectroscopy in vivo 2019
88 COMPLIT Complicity: A Crisis of Participation in Testimonies of Totalitarianism in Contemporary German-language Literatures 2019
89 EUSOCDIV Public attitudes towards Social Europe: Diverging interpretations and support within and across EU member states? 2019
90 TamCatHoly Becoming a Martyr in Early Modern South India: The Memory of Tēvacakāyam between Jesuit Mission and Tamil Popular Culture. 2020
91 TiPES Tipping Points in the Earth System 2019
92 CIFTRESS Climatic Impact on Food Trade RESilience and Security 2019
93 Ethno-ISS ETHNO-ISS: An Ethnography of an Extra-terrestrial Society: the International Space Station 2019
95 ENDofLIFE Globalizing Palliative Care? A Multi-sited Ethnographic Study of Practices, Policies and Discourses of Care at the End of Life 2020
96 NINA Norms in Nature: Rethinking the Natural Side of Normativity. Towards a New Hegelian Paradigm 2020
97 AtlanticExiles Refugees and Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1770s-1820s 2020
98 DECOLMAD Decolonising madness? Transcultural psychiatry, international order and the birth of a global psyche in the aftermath of the Second World War 2020
99 JustCity The Just City: The Ciceronian Conception of Justice and Its Reception in the Western Tradition 2020
100 LEAFHOUND Leader-follower hybrid control and task planning for multi-agent systems under spatiotemporal logic specifications 2020
101 FairPersonalization Personalized commercial practices and digital market manipulation: enhancing fairness in consumer protection 2020
102 Matthew Expanding the Gospel according to Matthew: Continuity and Change in Early Gospel Literature 2020
103 DeFacto Design Automation for Smart Factories 2020