The page lists 139 projects related to the topic "promoted".
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1 | EMPHASIS | Effective Management of Pests and Harmful Alien Species - Integrated Solutions | 2015 |
2 | JUPITER | Joint EUropean Project for International ITS/EGNSS awareness Raising | 2015 |
3 | LOMID | LOMID - Large cost-effective OLED microdisplays and their applications | 2015 |
4 | SLALOM | Service Level Agreement - Legal and Open Model | 2015 |
5 | ODINE | Open Data INcubator for Europe | 2015 |
6 | HOLA CLOUD | Effective collaboration for European RD and Innovation in software, services and Cloud computing: Knowledge discovery and Roadmapping | 2015 |
7 | RAWFIE | Road-, Air- and Water-based Future Internet Experimentation | 2015 |
8 | COMPLETE | Communication Platform for Tenders of Novels Transport Networks - COMPLETE | 2015 |
9 | IndustRE | Innovative Business Models for Market Uptake of Renewable Electricity unlocking the potential for flexibility in the Industrial Electricity Use | 2015 |
10 | 3MC | 3D Model Catalysts to explore new routes to sustainable fuels | 2015 |
11 | SPP Regions | SPP Regions | 2015 |
12 | EMTECS | Electrophile-Mediated Three-Component Enantiospecific Cross-Couplings | 2015 |
13 | INAME | Imaging nucleic acid metabolism in cells | 2016 |
14 | MOLCLICK | Molecular 'Click-tronics': Surface-based synthesis of single-molecule electronic components | 2015 |
15 | GGG | Gendered Geographies of Gentrification | 2016 |
16 | Forests and CO | Co-Benefits and Conflicts between CO2 sequestration and biodiversity conservation in European Forests | 2015 |
17 | PS-IRAQ | Performing a State: State-building in Iraq (2003-2006). | 2016 |
18 | ITER | Improving Thermal Efficiency of horizontal ground heat exchangers | 2015 |
19 | ATRS Instrument | Real time analysis of tablet and capsule dosage during pharmaceutical manufacturing | 2015 |
20 | HIQ-Home | Advanced System for Eco, Energy and Cost Efficient, Comfortable and Secure Smart Homes | 2015 |
21 | BIFLOW | Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works (ca. 1260 - ca. 1416) | 2015 |
22 | ANGELS | Advanced Next GEneration Landing System | 2015 |
23 | Fidzup-Retargeting | Physical Retargeting, innovative mobile marketing services for traditional retailers | 2015 |
24 | iLABOUR | Online Labour: The Construction of Labour Markets, Institutions and Movements on the Internet | 2015 |
25 | PlugBioIn | Plug and play enzymes for an accelerated uptake of Biocatalysis in the Pharmaceutical Industry | 2015 |
26 | CTA-DEV | Cherenkov Telescope Array: Infrastructure Development and Start of Implementation | 2015 |
27 | TRIGGDRUG | Reactions That Translate mRNA into Drug-like Molecules | 2016 |
28 | ReSpirA | Olive oil wastewater Reuse for the production and commercialisation of Spirulina Alga | 2015 |
29 | eWINE | elastic WIreless Networking Experimentation | 2016 |
30 | CAPSELLA | Collective Awareness PlatformS for Environmentally-sound Land management based on data technoLogies and Agrobiodiversity | 2016 |
31 | ICT4Life | ICT services for Life Improvement For the Elderly | 2016 |
32 | SCOoPE | Saving COOPerative Energy | 2016 |
33 | HEMOTECT | Hemozoin Detection using Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in Diamond | 2016 |
34 | INdAM-DP-COFUND-2015 | INdAM Doctoral Programme in Mathematics and/or applications cofunded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions | 2017 |
35 | COACH | Children obesity and changing habits | 2017 |
36 | MESMERISE | Multi-Energy High Resolution Modular Scan System for Internal and External Concealed Commodities | 2016 |
37 | FONT | Functional Optoacoustic Neuro-Tomography | 2016 |
38 | SMAPP | Smart room and Mobile APPlication Development Suite for hospitality | 2016 |
39 | SMART BIKING | Safe parking system for bicycles | 2016 |
40 | ZESMO | ZEolitic reactor hosting Subphthalocyanines and Metal Oxides as photocatalytic system for opto-electronic applications | 2016 |
42 | UrbanHist | History of European Urbanism in the 20th Century | 2016 |
43 | WINNER | smart WINg panels for Natural laminar flow with functional Erosion Resistant COATings | 2016 |
44 | P2Endure | Plug-and-Play product and process innovation for Energy-efficient building deep renovation | 2016 |
45 | NanoMEMC2 | NanoMaterials Enhanced Membranes for Carbon Capture | 2016 |
46 | DiReC-IL | Computer Simulation of the Dissolution and Regeneration of Cellulose from Ionic Liquids | 2017 |
47 | WOODnat | Second generation of planted hardwood forests in the EU | 2016 |
48 | IST-Africa 2016-2018 | IST-Africa (2016 - 2018) | 2016 |
49 | Data Pitch | Accelerating data to market | 2017 |
50 | PJ04 TAM | Total Airport Management | 2016 |
51 | LatinNow | The Latinization of the North-western Roman Provinces: Sociolinguistics, Epigraphy and Archaeology | 2017 |
52 | EUROCHAMP-2020 | Integration of European Simulation Chambers for Investigating Atmospheric Processes – Towards 2020 and beyond | 2016 |
54 | PRE-EST | Preparatory Phase for the European Solar Telescope | 2017 |
55 | OCEAN_2G | Second Generation technologies in ocean Energy | 2017 |
56 | MACOLAB | Towards a mathematical conjecture for the Landau-Ginzburg/conformal field theory correspondence and beyond | 2017 |
57 | ZIPgeting | Quantitative understanding of target recognition on DNA based on directional zipping processes | 2017 |
58 | TracVac | Developing a Chlamydia Trachomatis vaccine | 2017 |
59 | HRMN | Human Rights, Memorialization and Nationalism | 2017 |
60 | DogSPEC | Multimodal Spectral Imaging for Canine Skin Erythema Estimation: from the Lab to the Clinic – DogSPEC | 2017 |
61 | ROJAVA | The Kurds in Syria: A complex interplay between local, regional and transnational | 2017 |
62 | FimH-Mech | The molecular mechanism of E. coli FimH pathogenicity | 2017 |
63 | VAC2VAC | Vaccine lot to Vaccine lot comparison by consistancy testing - Sofia ref.: 115924 | 2016 |
64 | PLANAFFHO | PLANAFFHO - PLANning for AFFordable HOusing | 2018 |
65 | BonE-GraphT | Ti-Graphene Bone Tissue Template Engineering | 2017 |
66 | MFreeB | Membrane-Free Redox Flow Batteries | 2017 |
67 | GROW GREEN | Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments | 2017 |
68 | To-Euro-5G | To-Euro-5G: Supporting the European 5G Initiative | 2017 |
69 | 5G-PICTURE | 5G Programmable Infrastructure Converging disaggregated neTwork and compUte REsources | 2017 |
70 | iSIM | Integrated Standard Imager for Earth Observation Microsatellites | 2017 |
71 | PUMP-HEAT | Performance Untapped Modulation for Power and Heat via Energy Accumulation Technologies | 2017 |
72 | NeMoSanctI | New Models of Sanctity in Italy (1960s-2010s).A Semiotic Analysis of Norms, Causes of Saints, Hagiography, and Narratives | 2018 |
73 | SleepSynapses | The role of sleep in synaptic plasticity | 2018 |
74 | ReUseHeat | Recovery of Urban Excess Heat | 2017 |
75 | TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA | Transition towards urban sustainability through socially integrative cities in the EU and in China | 2018 |
76 | Go SIV | Support SMEs innovation and initiatives within Smart Industrial Villages (SIV), an approach for renovating traditional urban industrial areas | 2017 |
77 | UNIVERSAL HEALTH | Engaged Universals: Ethnographic explorations of ‘Universal Health Coverage’ and the public good in Africa | 2018 |
78 | TopMechMat | Topological Mechanical Metamaterials | 2018 |
79 | CLLCLONE | Harnessing clonal evolution in chronic lymphocytic leukemia | 2018 |
80 | mPOWER | Municipal Action, Public Engagement and Routes Towards Energy Transition | 2018 |
81 | Stringlandscape | Deconstructing the string landscape | 2018 |
82 | VERIFY | Observation-based system for monitoring and verification of greenhouse gases | 2018 |
83 | Family Myths | Family Myths: Phraseology and Inherited Indo-European Thematic Structures in Greek Myth | 2018 |
84 | CBC-ETHOS | Does Cross-border Cooperation relate to a Humanist-ETHical cOde of valueS? Theorizing the institutionalization of a cross-border governance humanist ethical code. | 2018 |
85 | Stress Granules | Using Reconstituted Stress Granules to Gain Insight into the Molecular Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases | 2019 |
86 | Learn2 | Learning and Being in Sport: A Phenomenological Investigation | 2019 |
87 | PEAI | Public Epigraphy in Ancient Italy (third-first centuries BCE) | 2018 |
88 | PEPPER | Positive Environment in Public Participation and Engagement for Responsible Research and Innovation | 2018 |
89 | KaIROS | Keeping and Increasing Resilience Opportunities and Sustainability of communities against earthquakes | 2018 |
90 | VECMA | Verified Exascale Computing for Multiscale Applications | 2018 |
91 | SOFTCAR | The cleanest and lowest cost car ever! | 2018 |
92 | E-LOBSTER | Electric LOsses Balancing through integrated STorage and power Electronics towards increased synergy between Railways and electricity distribution networks | 2018 |
93 | RURITAGE | Rural regeneration through systemic heritage-led strategies | 2018 |
94 | HOUSEFUL | Innovative circular solutions and services for new business opportunities in the EU housing sector | 2018 |
95 | GOLF | EC-Asia Research Network on Integration of Global and Local Agri-Food Supply Chains Towards Sustainable Food Security | 2018 |
96 | SAMS | SAMS - International Partnership on Innovation in Smart Apiculture Management Services (Apiculture = Beekeeping) | 2018 |
97 | NEUTRAMENTH | A redox-neutral process for the cost-efficient and environmentally friendly production of Menthol | 2018 |
99 | SOCIETY | How do you spell RESEARCH? SOCIETY - Science, histOry, Culture, musIc, Environment, arT, technologY | 2018 |
100 | BEES | BE a citizEn Scientist | 2018 |
102 | BEST4SOIL | Boosting 4 BEST practices for SOIL health in Europe | 2018 |
103 | FUNCOAT | Development and design of novel multiFUNctional PEO COATings | 2019 |
104 | NUTRIMAN | Nutrient Management and Nutrient Recovery Thematic Network | 2018 |
105 | OLIVE-SOUND | Ultrasound reactor - The solution for a continuous olive oil extraction process | 2019 |
106 | NETCHER | NETwork and digital platform for Cultural Heritage Enhancing and Rebuilding | 2019 |
108 | INTERACT | Modelling the neuromusculoskeletal system across spatiotemporal scales for a new paradigm of human-machine motor interaction | 2019 |
109 | EPIORGABOLISM | Diabetic nephropathy modelling in hESC-derived 3D kidney organoids | 2019 |
110 | Innovation.NRW_1 | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2019 | 2019 |
111 | YMPACT | The Yamnaya Impact on Prehistoric Europe | 2019 |
113 | EUCAN-Connect | A federated FAIR platform enabling large-scale analysis of high-value cohort data connecting Europe and Canada in personalized health | 2019 |
114 | GEARING ROLES | Gender Equality Actions in Research Institutions to traNsform Gender ROLES | 2019 |
115 | FARMACCOUNTA | Farm Accountancy Data as a Source for the History of European Agriculture | 2019 |
116 | SNNO | Strategic Narrative of Nuclear Order | 2019 |
117 | WATCH | Wessex–Armorica: Territories, Connections and Hierarchies | 2019 |
118 | GAII | Governing activation in Ireland: comparing Ireland's mixed-economy of public employment services | 2020 |
119 | WIKOLLECT | Workflows for the Large-Scale Collection and Transference of Knowledge across Languages: Using Natural Language Processing to Produce High-Quality Contents with Language Learners | 2020 |
120 | SupraFixCO2 | Supramolecular Catalysis for Chemofixation and Electroreduction of CO2 | 2019 |
121 | HARP | Heating Appliances Retrofit Planning | 2019 |
122 | INNOVEAS | INNOVativing the uptake of Energy Auditing Schemes for SMEs | 2019 |
123 | SUPAIR Spectroscopy | SUPAIR Spectroscopy: Single-Use Process Analytical Infrared Spectroscopy | 2019 |
124 | INVADERS | Mucus-Penetrating Microbiota: Characterization, Mechanism and Therapeutic in Metabolic Disease | 2019 |
125 | 3DEPLAN | Platform for 3D planning of future energy and linear network connected with augmeted reality for improved public participation | 2019 |
126 | DIHnamic | Digital Innovation Hubs: dynamic facilitation and thrust from regional innovation agencies | 2019 |
127 | SCF | Smart Cash Flow – Getting back on track | 2019 |
128 | NewTechAqua | New Technologies, Tools and Strategies for a Sustainable, Resilient and Innovative European Aquaculture | 2020 |
129 | Eureka | European Knowledge repository for best agricultural practices | 2020 |
130 | BD4OPEM | Big Data for OPen innovation Energy Marketplace | 2020 |
131 | PIPER | Printing of Ultra-Thin, Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells and its Commercial Application | 2019 |
132 | PRODIGEES | Promoting Research on Digitalisation in Emerging Powers and Europe towards Sustainable Development | 2020 |
133 | PROMISE | PROgrammable MIxed Signal Electronics | 2020 |
134 | Innovation.NRW | Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2020-21 | 2020 |
135 | POST-IT | Pathogen Oriented SNARE Trafficking for Immune Tailoring | 2020 |
136 | B-HUB FOR EUROPE | Blockchain HUB FOR EUROPEan startups acceleration and growth | 2020 |
137 | UL-Flex-Cell | High-performance, ultra-light flexible CIGS Solar Cell | 2021 |
138 | COUPC1 | Coupling strategies for scavenging reactive C1 intermediates in hydrogen generation | 2020 |
139 | MadByz | Being ‘Mad’ in Byzantium. Toward a History of Mental Disorders in Early and Middle Greek Middle Ages | 2020 |