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The following table provides information about the project.
Coordinator |
Organization address contact info |
Coordinator Country | Italy [IT] |
Project website | https://sites.unica.it/exploringmatter/ |
Total cost | 1˙849˙957 € |
EC max contribution | 1˙849˙957 € (100%) |
Programme |
1. H2020-EU.1.1. (EXCELLENT SCIENCE - European Research Council (ERC)) |
Code Call | ERC-2014-CoG |
Funding Scheme | ERC-COG |
Starting year | 2015 |
Duration (year-month-day) | from 2015-04-01 to 2020-12-31 |
Take a look of project's partnership.
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1 | UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI CAGLIARI | IT (CAGLIARI) | coordinator | 967˙006.00 |
Collisions of ultra relativistic nuclei are a tool to reach huge energy densities and to form a new state of matter called Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), where quarks and gluons can move freely. A number of experiments have studied the possible formation of QGP, but the behaviour of heavy particles such as charm (c) and beauty (b) quarks when they traverse this medium is largely unknown and is the most powerful tool to prove the creation of the QGP and to characterise it. I will perform novel measurements using the LHCb detector at CERN, which covers an unique kinematic region, essential for a full understanding of QGP and nuclear matter in general. LHCb has been optimised to perform c and b quark physics measurements in proton-proton collisions. In EXPLORINGMATTER I propose to extend the LHCb programme to collect for the first time data in heavy ion collisions. Three experimental scenarios are foreseen: (1) Collisions of protons, benchmark to understand the behaviour of the c and b particles in other more complicated environments, as well as providing the final answers to the mechanism of heavy quarkonium production;(2) Collisions of protons with heavy nuclei, where cold nuclear matter effects in high-energy collisions can be studied in detail to understand lead nuclei collisions, where QGP is expected to be formed. (3) Collisions of heavy nuclei, pursued (a) by analysing heavy nuclei interactions through a dedicated setup in which gas will be injected in the LHCb interaction region, reaching energy densities typical of dedicated fixed target experiments; (b) by collecting heavy ion collision data at the LHC. This second setup, which has not been envisaged by LHCb up to now will revolutionise the measurements in this area thanks to the LHCb coverage and precision not achievable by any other experiment. My measurements will furthermore indicate the route to new experiments that could be designed on the basis of these findings.
year | authors and title | journal | last update |
2017 |
Émilie Maurice New high resolution measurements of open and hidden charm production in proton-nucleus collisions at s = 110 GeV with LHCb published pages: 624-627, ISSN: 0375-9474, DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2017.05.032 |
Nuclear Physics A 967 | 2019-11-06 |
2017 |
LHCb Collaboration Measurement of J/ψ and D0 production in pAr collisions at √sNN=110 GeV (LHCb Conference Note LHCb-CONF-2017-001) published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
2019-11-06 | |
2017 |
R. Aaij, B. Adeva, M. Adinolfi, Z. Ajaltouni, S. Akar, J. Albrecht, F. Alessio, M. Alexander, A. Alfonso Albero, S. Ali, G. Alkhazov, P. Alvarez Cartelle, A. A. Alves, S. Amato, S. Amerio, Y. Amhis, L. An, L. Anderlini, G. Andreassi, M. Andreotti, J. E. Andrews, R. B. Appleby, F. Archilli, P. d’Argent, J. Arnau Romeu, A. Artamonov, M. Artuso, E. Aslanides, G. Auriemma, M. Baalouch, I. Babuschkin, S. Bachmann, J. J. Back, A. Badalov, C. Baesso, S. Baker, V. Balagura, W. Baldini, A. Baranov, R. J. Barlow, C. Barschel, S. Barsuk, W. Barter, F. Baryshnikov, M. Baszczyk, V. Batozskaya, V. Battista, A. Bay, L. Beaucourt, J. Beddow, F. Bedeschi, I. Bediaga, A. Beiter, L. J. Bel, N. Beliy, V. Bellee, N. Belloli, K. Belous, I. Belyaev, E. Ben-Haim, G. Bencivenni, S. Benson, S. Beranek, A. Berezhnoy, R. Bernet, D. Berninghoff, E. Bertholet, A. Bertolin, C. Betancourt, F. Betti, M.-O. Bettler, M. van Beuzekom, Ia. Bezshyiko, S. Bifani, P. Billoir, A. Birnkraut, A. Bitadze, A. Bizzeti, M. B. Bjoern, T. Blake, F. Blanc, J. Blouw, S. Blusk, V. Bocci, T. Boettcher, A. Bondar, N. Bondar, W. Bonivento, I. Bordyuzhin, A. Borgheresi, S. Borghi, M. Borisyak, M. Borsato, M. Borysova, F. Bossu, M. Boubdir, T. J. V. Bowcock, E. Bowen, C. Bozzi, S. Braun, T. Britton, J. Brodzicka, D. Brundu, E. Buchanan, C. Burr, A. Bursche, J. Buytaert, W. Byczynski, S. Cadeddu, H. Cai, R. Calabrese, R. Calladine, M. Calvi, M. Calvo Gomez, A. Camboni, P. Campana, D. H. Campora Perez, L. Capriotti, A. Carbone, G. Carboni, R. Cardinale, A. Cardini, P. Carniti, L. Carson, K. Carvalho Akiba, G. Casse, L. Cassina, L. Castillo Garcia, M. Cattaneo, G. Cavallero, R. Cenci, D. Chamont, M. Charles, Ph. Charpentier, G. Chatzikonstantinidis, M. Chefdeville, S. Chen, S. F. Cheung, S.-G. Chitic, V. Chobanova, M. Chrzaszcz, A. Chubykin, X. Cid Vidal, G. Ciezarek, P. E. L. Clarke, M. Clemencic, H. V. Cliff, J. Closier, V. Coco, J. Cogan, E. Cogneras, V. Cogoni, L. Cojocariu, P. Collins, T. Colombo, A. Comerma-Montells, A. Contu, A. Cook, G. Coombs, S. Coquereau, G. Corti, M. Corvo, C. M. Costa Sobral, B. Couturier, G. A. Cowan, D. C. Craik, A. Crocombe, M. Cruz Torres, R. Currie, C. D’Ambrosio, F. Da Cunha Marinho, E. Dall’Occo, J. Dalseno, A. Davis, O. De Aguiar Francisco, K. De Bruyn, S. De Capua, M. De Cian, J. M. De Miranda, L. De Paula, M. De Serio, P. De Simone, C. T. Dean, D. Decamp, L. Del Buono, H.-P. Dembinski, M. Demmer, A. Dendek, D. Derkach, O. Deschamps, F. Dettori, B. Dey, A. Di Canto, P. Di Nezza, H. Dijkstra, F. Dordei, M. Dorigo, A. Dosil Suárez, L. Douglas, A. Dovbnya, K. Dreimanis, L. Dufour, G. Dujany, K. Dungs, P. Durante, R. Dzhelyadin, M. Dziewiecki, A. Dziurda, A. Dzyuba, N. Déléage, S. Easo, M. Ebert, U. Egede, V. Egorychev, S. Eidelman, S. Eisenhardt, U. Eitschberger, R. Ekelhof, L. Eklund, S. Ely, S. Esen, H. M. Evans, T. Evans, A. Falabella, N. Farley, S. Farry, R. Fay, D. Fazzini, L. Federici, D. Ferguson, G. Fernandez, P. Fernandez Declara, A. Fernandez Prieto, F. Ferrari, F. Ferreira Rodrigues, M. Ferro-Luzzi, S. Filippov, R. A. Fini, M. Fiore, M. Fiorini, M. Firlej, C. Fitzpatrick, T. Fiutowski, F. Fleuret, K. Fohl, M. Fontana, F. Fontanelli, D. C. Forshaw, R. Forty, V. Franco Lima, M. Frank, C. Frei, J. Fu, W. Funk, E. Furfaro, C. Färber, E. Gabriel, A. Gallas Torreira, D. Galli, S. Gallorini, S. Gambetta, M. Gandelman, P. Gandini, Y. Gao, L. M. Garcia Martin, J. GarcÃa Pardiñas, J. Garra Tico, L. Garrido, P. J. Garsed, D. Gascon, C. Gaspar, L. Gavardi, G. Gazzoni, D. Gerick, E. Gersabeck, M. Gersabeck, T. Gershon, Ph. Ghez, S. Gianì, V. Gibson, O. G. Girard, L. Giubega, K. Gizdov, V. V. Gligorov, D. Golubkov, A. Golutvin, A. Gomes, I. V. Gorelov, C. Gotti, E. Govorkova, J. P. Grabowski, R. Graciani Diaz, L. A. Granado Cardoso, E. Graugés, E. Graverini, G. Graziani, A. Grecu, R. Greim, P. Griffith, L. Grillo, L. Gruber, B. R. Gruberg Cazon, O. Grünberg, E. Gushchin, Yu. Guz, T. Gys, C. Göbel, T. Hadavizadeh, C. Hadjivasiliou, G. Hae Study of prompt D 0 meson production in pPb collisions at sNN=5$$ sqrt{s_{mathrm{N};mathrm{N}}}=5 $$ TeV published pages: , ISSN: 1029-8479, DOI: 10.1007/JHEP10(2017)090 |
Journal of High Energy Physics 2017/10 | 2019-11-06 |
2016 |
Yanxi Zhang (for the LHCb Collaboration) Results on heavy ion collisions at LHCb published pages: 257-260, ISSN: , DOI: |
LHCB-PROC-2016-013 Conference: C16-03-19.1 | 2019-11-06 |
2017 |
Yanxi Zhang (for the LHCb Collaboration) Measurement of heavy flavor production in pp collisions at LHCb published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
LHCB-PROC-2017-035 C17-05-15.1 | 2019-11-06 |
2017 |
Emilie Maurice (for the LHCb Collaboration) Fixed-target physics at LHCb (arXiv:1708.05184 [hep-ex]) published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
2019-11-06 | |
2017 |
Michael Winn Heavy flavour production in proton–lead and lead–lead collisions with LHCb published pages: 596-599, ISSN: 0375-9474, DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2017.05.039 |
Nuclear Physics A 967 | 2019-11-06 |
2016 |
G.Graziani et al. LHCb Physics Motivations for the 2016 Heavy-ion LHC run (LHCb Public Note) published pages: , ISSN: , DOI: |
2019-11-06 | |
2017 |
R. Aaij, B. Adeva, M. Adinolfi, Z. Ajaltouni, S. Akar, J. Albrecht, F. Alessio, M. Alexander, A. Alfonso Albero, S. Ali, G. Alkhazov, P. Alvarez Cartelle, A.A. Alves, S. Amato, S. Amerio, Y. Amhis, L. An, L. Anderlini, G. Andreassi, M. Andreotti, J.E. Andrews, R.B. Appleby, F. Archilli, P. d\'Argent, J. Arnau Romeu, A. Artamonov, M. Artuso, E. Aslanides, G. Auriemma, M. Baalouch, I. Babuschkin, S. Bachmann, J.J. Back, A. Badalov, C. Baesso, S. Baker, V. Balagura, W. Baldini, A. Baranov, R.J. Barlow, C. Barschel, S. Barsuk, W. Barter, F. Baryshnikov, M. Baszczyk, V. Batozskaya, V. Battista, A. Bay, L. Beaucourt, J. Beddow, F. Bedeschi, I. Bediaga, A. Beiter, L.J. Bel, N. Beliy, V. Bellee, N. Belloli, K. Belous, I. Belyaev, E. Ben-Haim, G. Bencivenni, S. Benson, S. Beranek, A. Berezhnoy, R. Bernet, D. Berninghoff, E. Bertholet, A. Bertolin, C. Betancourt, F. Betti, M.-O. Bettler, M. van Beuzekom, Ia. Bezshyiko, S. Bifani, P. Billoir, A. Birnkraut, A. Bitadze, A. Bizzeti, M.B. Bjoern, T. Blake, F. Blanc, J. Blouw, S. Blusk, V. Bocci, T. Boettcher, A. Bondar, N. Bondar, W. Bonivento, I. Bordyuzhin, A. Borgheresi, S. Borghi, M. Borisyak, M. Borsato, M. Borysova, F. Bossu, M. Boubdir, T.J.V. Bowcock, E. Bowen, C. Bozzi, S. Braun, T. Britton, J. Brodzicka, D. Brundu, E. Buchanan, C. Burr, A. Bursche, J. Buytaert, W. Byczynski, S. Cadeddu, H. Cai, R. Calabrese, R. Calladine, M. Calvi, M. Calvo Gomez, A. Camboni, P. Campana, D.H. Campora Perez, L. Capriotti, A. Carbone, G. Carboni, R. Cardinale, A. Cardini, P. Carniti, L. Carson, K. Carvalho Akiba, G. Casse, L. Cassina, L. Castillo Garcia, M. Cattaneo, G. Cavallero, R. Cenci, D. Chamont, M. Charles, Ph. Charpentier, G. Chatzikonstantinidis, M. Chefdeville, S. Chen, S.F. Cheung, S.-G. Chitic, V. Chobanova, M. Chrzaszcz, A. Chubykin, X. Cid Vidal, G. Ciezarek, P.E.L. Clarke, M. Clemencic, H.V. Cliff, J. Closier, V. Coco, J. Cogan, E. Cogneras, V. Cogoni, L. Cojocariu, P. Collins, T. Colombo, A. Comerma-Montells, A. Contu, A. Cook, G. Coombs, S. Coquereau, G. Corti, M. Corvo, C.M. Costa Sobral, B. Couturier, G.A. Cowan, D.C. Craik, A. Crocombe, M. Cruz Torres, R. Currie, C. D\'Ambrosio, F. Da Cunha Marinho, E. Dall\'Occo, J. Dalseno, A. Davis, O. De Aguiar Francisco, K. De Bruyn, S. De Capua, M. De Cian, J.M. De Miranda, L. De Paula, M. De Serio, P. De Simone, C.T. Dean, D. Decamp, L. Del Buono, H.-P. Dembinski, M. Demmer, A. Dendek, D. Derkach, O. Deschamps, F. Dettori, B. Dey, A. Di Canto, P. Di Nezza, H. Dijkstra, F. Dordei, M. Dorigo, A. Dosil Suárez, L. Douglas, A. Dovbnya, K. Dreimanis, L. Dufour, G. Dujany, K. Dungs, P. Durante, R. Dzhelyadin, M. Dziewiecki, A. Dziurda, A. Dzyuba, N. Déléage, S. Easo, M. Ebert, U. Egede, V. Egorychev, S. Eidelman, S. Eisenhardt, U. Eitschberger, R. Ekelhof, L. Eklund, S. Ely, S. Esen, H.M. Evans, T. Evans, A. Falabella, N. Farley, S. Farry, R. Fay, D. Fazzini, L. Federici, D. Ferguson, G. Fernandez, P. Fernandez Declara, A. Fernandez Prieto, F. Ferrari, F. Ferreira Rodrigues, M. Ferro-Luzzi, S. Filippov, R.A. Fini, M. Fiore, M. Fiorini, M. Firlej, C. Fitzpatrick, T. Fiutowski, F. Fleuret, K. Fohl, M. Fontana, F. Fontanelli, D.C. Forshaw, R. Forty, V. Franco Lima, M. Frank, C. Frei, J. Fu, W. Funk, E. Furfaro, C. Färber, E. Gabriel, A. Gallas Torreira, D. Galli, S. Gallorini, S. Gambetta, M. Gandelman, P. Gandini, Y. Gao, L.M. Garcia Martin, J. GarcÃa Pardiñas, J. Garra Tico, L. Garrido, P.J. Garsed, D. Gascon, C. Gaspar, L. Gavardi, G. Gazzoni, D. Gerick, E. Gersabeck, M. Gersabeck, T. Gershon, Ph. Ghez, S. Gianì, V. Gibson, O.G. Girard, L. Giubega, K. Gizdov, V.V. Gligorov, D. Golubkov, A. Golutvin, A. Gomes, I.V. Gorelov, C. Gotti, E. Govorkova, J.P. Grabowski, R. Graciani Diaz, L.A. Granado Cardoso, E. Graugés, E. Graverini, G. Graziani, A. Grecu, R. Greim, P. Griffith, L. Grillo, L. Gruber, B.R. Gruberg Cazon, O. Grünberg, E. Gushchin, Yu. Guz, T. Gys, C. Göbel, T. Hadavizadeh, C. Hadjivasiliou, G. Haefeli, C. Haen, S.C. Haines, B. Hamil Prompt and nonprompt J / ψ production and nuclear modification in p Pb collisions at s N N = 8.16  TeV published pages: 159-178, ISSN: 0370-2693, DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2017.09.058 |
Physics Letters B 774 | 2019-11-06 |
2016 |
Giulia Manca Prospects for Heavy Ion Physics with LHCb published pages: 240-247, ISSN: 0375-9474, DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2016.03.038 |
Nuclear Physics A 956 | 2019-11-06 |
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