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H2020 projects about "collecting"

The page lists 196 projects related to the topic "collecting".

# achronym  title  year 
1 OPTIMUM Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility 2015
2 HyMoCo Hybrid Node Modes for Highly Efficient Light Concentrators 2015
3 BSMFLEET Challenging the Standard Model using an extended Physics program in LHCb 2015
4 Geopark Geoparks: Heritage, Education and Sustainable Development - an Innovative Methodology for Southern Countries. Case Study in Morocco (Atlas Mountains, Marrakech) 2015
5 BigDataEurope Integrating Big Data, Software and Communities for Addressing Europe’s Societal Challenges 2015
6 EMERGENT ChiplEss MultisEnsor Rfid for GrEen NeTworks 2015
7 SYNAMERA Synergies in Nanotechnologies, Materials and Production in the European Research Area 2015
8 EXPLORINGMATTER Exploring Matter with Precision Charm and Beauty Production Measurements in Heavy Nuclei Collisions at LHCb 2015
9 NiGlucoMon A Non-Invasive GLUCOse MONitoring device for diabetics based on Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy in a quick, cheap and painless method. 2014
10 COLUMBUS COLUMBUS - Monitoring, Managing and Transferring Marine and Maritime Knowledge for Sustainable Blue Growth 2015
12 LEARN Leaders Activating Research Networks: Implementing the LERU Research Data Roadmap and Toolkit 2015
13 Digiseal Byzantine seals in a digital age: new tools for European research 2015
14 VEiL Visualising Engineered Landscapes: an archaeological approach to unlock environmental resilience and sustainability in antiquity 2015
15 Social Jet Lag Social Jet Lag: Avian Solutions to Misalignment between Circadian Clocks and Social Cues 2016
16 SkillUp Skill development and firm upgrading to sustain the competitiveness of the EU manufacturing sector 2015
17 Light-Trap A SiPM upgrade for VHE Astronomy and beyond 2015
18 INAS Integra A/S – Service provider of drones for civil use 2015
19 USELA Useful energy from contaminated landfill gas 2014
20 SINANN Sonar INtegrated Advanced NavigatioN 2015
21 SiMAX SiMAX – translation machine for sign language 2015
22 GOLFTRACKER Automatic tracking of golf games for improvement and training purposes, using GNSS receivers, wearable sensors and Earth Observation information 2015
23 DISA medical Diagnosis Support Armchair project 2015
24 EeC WITUR Efficient energy cleaning robotic platform for wind turbines (EeC WITUR) 2015
25 i2D i2D – intelligence to drive 2015
26 MOSES Managing crOp water Saving with Enterprise Services 2015
28 DIMINU Decentralised diminished mineralization incineration unit for dewatered sewage sludge lends resource efficient low-carbon electricity generation 2015
29 SERISS Synergies for Europe's Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences 2015
30 LUCY Early detector of comorbid depression 2015
31 MICCS-SQ Methodology for fast and reliable investigation and characterization of contaminated sites 2015
32 PHOBIC2ICE Super-IcePhobic Surfaces to Prevent Ice Formation on Aircraft 2016
33 Re-Deploy Re-deployable solar boilers based on concentrating solar collecotors for ESCO type sale of thermal energy to industrial processes. 2016
34 CIVILWARS Social Dynamics of Civil Wars 2016
35 RMGPP Productivity and Development: The Ready-made Garment Productivity Project 2015
36 MuMMER MultiModal Mall Entertainment Robot 2016
37 POWER2DM POWER2DM - Predictive model-based decision support for diabetes patient empowerment 2016
38 Errspitals A knowledge transfer and sharing action for developing A new integrative approach to mitigating errors in hospitals: Resolving tensions in error research 2016
39 NETIM New Tools for Innovation Monitoring (NETIM) 2016
40 IMAGE Innovative Management of Genetic Resources 2016
41 OPERA Open Sea Operating Experience to Reduce Wave Energy Cost 2016
42 ASTROCIT Development and validation of an innovative nutritional solution to fight muscle atrophy during human space flights, application of the acquired knowledge to prevent muscle degeneration down on earth 2016
43 HEFTinLOOPS Effective Field Theory predictions for Higgs production processes at the Large Hadron Collider 2017
44 ARCA Analysis and Representation of Complex Activities in Videos 2016
45 4D4F Data Driven Dairy Decisions 4 Farmers 2016
46 CKD AKI Chronic kidney disease and acute kidney injury – evaluation of EU and global epidemiology 2016
47 Exosomes Regulated secretion and role of urinary nanovesicles 2017
48 STORM Safeguarding Cultural Heritage through Technical and Organisational Resources Management 2016
49 DiSIEM Diversity Enhancements for SIEMs 2016
50 NNI Neuroscience and Narratives of Intimacy 2016
51 METODA Methodological Explorations between Design and Social Sciences 2016
52 INTERWOVEN Collecting, Displaying and Understanding Textiles in Decorative Arts Museums: Comparative Approaches in London and Madrid. 2016
53 PAThs Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature. Literary Texts in their Geographical Context: Production, Copying, Usage, Dissemination and Storage 2016
54 DiseaseRecognition Selection to outsmart the germs: The evolution of disease recognition and social cognition 2017
55 POLICYAID Policy, practice and patient experience in the age of intensified data sourcing 2016
56 U-SPEC A novel platform for user-friendly spectroscopy at very low temperatures and under strong magnetic fields 2016
57 SmartWASTE Smart logistics for WASTE and recycling operations in European cities 2016
58 BreedIT-FIELD Professional tool to facilitate data collection and digitalization in field trials for plant breeding and seed commercialisation 2016
59 MO-TRAYL Mobility trajectories of young lives: Life chances of transnational youths in Global South and North 2017
60 RUC-APS Enhancing and implementing Knowledge based ICT solutions within high Risk and Uncertain Conditions for Agriculture Production Systems 2016
61 IFAMID Institutional Family Demography 2016
62 Quotanda Quotanda - a lending-as-a-service (LaaS) platform that enables schools and lenders to set up student financing programs to make education more affordable 2016
63 eForcis eForcis and BeForcis, Wave Energy Generators for marine buoys and devices. 2016
64 Monoma MONOMA: B2B Feasibility Study 2016
65 SHIM Shim-Scaling mental well-being through an automated self-help app 2016
66 DALI Disagreements and Language Interpretation 2016
67 Neuroimaging power Effect size and power for neuroimaging. 2016
68 BioCannDo Bioeconomy Awareness and Discourse Project 2016
69 ETIP PV - SEC Support to all stakeholders from the Photovoltaic sector and related sectors to contribute to the SET-Plan 2016
70 ivMX Development of the new generation of structural biology by coupling in vivo crystallography to intense x-ray sources 2016
71 Copernicus App Lab Stimulating wider uptake of Copernicus Services by making them available as linked open data 2016
72 ECSAnVis Extreme Citizen Science: Analysis and Visualisation 2016
73 euBusinessGraph Enabling the European Business Graph for Innovative Data Products and Services 2017
74 SONNET Self-OrganizatioN towards reduced cost and eNergy per bit for future Emerging radio Technologies 2017
75 GALFOR The formation of the Galaxy: constraints from globular clusters 2017
76 PUNCA Preparing for Unveiling the Nature of the Cosmic Acceleration 2017
77 EW-Shopp EW-Shopp - Supporting Event and Weather-based Data Analytics and Marketing along the Shopper Journey 2017
78 EU-SEC The European Security Certification Framework 2017
79 trans-making Art / culture / economy to democratize society. Research in placemaking for alternative narratives 2017
80 BITRIDE BIKE SHARING The solution for flexible bike sharing initiatives without fixed stations 2017
81 HarvPell Upscale and redesign of a mobile harvesting and pelletizing disruptive all-in-one machine 2017
82 QTReproART Towards an Inclusive Common European Framework for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): Queer Transgender Reproduction in the Age of ART. 2017
83 WARCAP Fiscal capacity and warfare in Europe and Latin America in the long nineteenth century (1789-1913). 2017
84 CF-Web ClowdFlows Data and Text Analytics Marketplace on the Web 2017
85 MARBAL Mortuary Archaeology of the RameÈ› Bronze Age Landscape: Identity and inequality in early mining communities (2700-2200 BC) 2017
86 PhySense Physarum Sensor: Biosensor for Citizen Scientists 2017
87 OWNERS ‘This country is ours’: Collective psychological OWNERShip and ethnic attitudes 2017
88 MILC New system for Automatic Music identification of live events and cover versions 2017
89 SIOMICS SIngle-cell multi-OMICs approach to study intra-tumour heterogeneity of soft tissue Sarcomas 2017
90 CuMiN Currents and Minimizing Networks 2017
91 ChEATAX Cross-Cultural Experimental Analyses of Tax Morale 2017
92 SVAP Next generation solar active facade element Solar ventilation air preheater SVAP 2017
94 JOINTATT The evolutionary and developmental origins of Joint Attention: a longitudinal cross-species and cross-cultural comparison 2017
95 Fireworks Celestial fireworks: revealing the physics of the time-variable sky 2017
96 InGRID-2 Integrating Research Infrastructure for European expertise on Inclusive Growth from data to policy 2017
98 AF-Cyber Logic-based Attribution and Forensics in Cyber Security 2018
99 BioTec Detection of bio-signatures in space research using a new and innovative measurement technique based on laser desorption ionisation mass spectrometry 2017
100 MossTree A new smart city climate infrastructure with a capacity for reducing air pollution equivalent to 275 normal trees 2017
101 PROOFY Protecting Creations Made Easy. Unique Innovative solution to protect intellectual property of original works in digital format in an easy and cost-effective way 2017
102 DIAG-PANTOGRAPH Train Pantograph equipped with diagnostic system for reduction of faults and maintenance cost 2017
104 Envision ENergy harVesting by Invisible Solar IntegratiON in building skins 2017
105 HOMEBIOGAS Turning food industry's organic wastw into value 2017
106 REVEAL The Resilience and Evolution of Economic Activism and the Role of Law 2017
107 eTEACHER end-users Tools to Empower and raise Awareness of Behavioural CHange towards EneRgy efficiency 2017
108 AfricanWomen Women in Africa 2018
109 CLAIM Cleaning Litter by developing and Applying Innovative Methods in european seas 2017
110 OCARIoT smart childhood Obesity CARing solution using IoT potential 2017
111 INVASIMMUN The unseen adaptation of a non-native: A unique spatiotemporal study of infection dynamics and immunogenetics at a bioinvasion front 2018
112 ISOOKO A community platform for building peace through information-driven dialogue 2018
114 I-Cuvette Smart cuvette and portable Time-Resolved FRET for fast analysis of milk 2017
115 TRIBOSORT Robust recycling technology that separates different plastic types from a mix of plastic waste to produce a plastic material directly marketable to manufacturers 2017
116 Pavnext NextGen Road Safety for smarter cities 2018
117 WasteShark Marine Litter Prevention with Autonomous Water Drones 2018
118 GlueCore Mapping the 3-dimensional gluon structure of the proton 2018
119 ReCitYu Reclaiming the Cities in the post-Yugoslav space 2018
120 REJREG Rejection Regimes: An Ethnographic Study of the Social Life of Intra-EU Border Regimes 2018
121 COINE Counterfeiting Empire: Money, Crime, and Politics in the British Atlantic World 2018
122 DESlRE Data-Efficient Scalable Reinforcement Learning for Practical Robotic Environments 2018
123 HANDMADE Handmade: Understanding Creative Gesture in Pottery Making 2018
124 InfoSampCollectJgmt The Implications of Selective Information Sampling for Individual and Collective Judgments 2018
125 GlacialLegacy Glacial Legacy on the establishment of evergreen vs. summergreen boreal forests 2018
126 CYBER-TRUST Advanced Cyber-Threat Intelligence, Detection, and Mitigation Platform for a Trusted Internet of Things 2018
127 MIGREMOV Movements, Migration and Emotion: East/West Mobility, Transnational Bonding, and Political Identities in Polish Activists' Biographies 2018
128 AIDA Artificial Intelligence Data Analysis 2018
129 Minland Mineral resources in sustainable land-use planning 2017
130 Minland Mineral resources in sustainable land-use planning 2017
131 Hermes SR Hermes Super Resolution microscopy system 2018
132 Aqua Gratis Development and commercialisation of cost effective, easy to use, fit and maintain domestic greywater reuse system 2018
133 DLEDA Do Legislatures Enhance Democracy in Africa? 2018
134 Breath_Intelligence A portable handheld system for the monitoring of breath compounds related to metabolism and oral hygiene 2018
135 Blocknetwork Blocknetwork - Fusing Big Data and Implementing Novel Cyber Security Solutions 2018
136 EGgPLANT Sustainable and carbon-efficient mono-Ethylene Glycol generation in demonstration PLANT 2018
137 SEASCANN Integrative vision and real-time communication system for onboard sorting of fish species 2018
138 POMOC Charles IV and the power of marvellous objects 2019
139 OneSkyConnect Providing air traffic data for the drone revolution 2018
140 eDCaseMAN Defendable legal cases through an affordable, easy, integrated and reliable case management software 2018
141 ERA-LEARN Strengthening partnership programmes in Europe 2018
142 CLaSS Climate, Landscape, Settlement and Society: Exploring Human-Environment Interaction in the Ancient Near East 2019
143 DELPHI Computing Answers to Complex Questions in Broad Domains 2019
144 Limbic An API for Emotional Intelligence 2018
145 DigiBreakers Putting Digital Circuit Breakers at the Centre of the Smart Grid 2019
146 Pret-a-LLOD Ready-to-use Multilingual Linked Language Data for Knowledge Services across Sectors 2019
147 BIOMORPHIC Brain-Inspired Organic Modular Lab-on-a-Chip for Cell Classification 2019
148 CULTIVATE MSS Cultural Values and the International Trade in Medieval European Manuscripts, c. 1900-1945 2019
150 SWCSP - Solar Water Creating sustainable fresh water from desalinating seawater using Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) 2019
151 HMCS Handheld Molecular Contaminant Screener 2019
152 Oximonitor The first portable monitoring medical device providing accurate prognosis for patients with circulatory failure 2019
153 FR8RAIL II Digitalization and Automation of Freight Rail 2018
154 ProtonSuite The most secure collaboration suite in the world 2019
155 HONORLOGIC The Cultural Logic of Honor and Social Interaction: A Cross-Cultural Comparison 2019
156 SOUTHWEST The politeness system and the emergence of a Sprachbund 2020
157 CLIMB Calibrating and Improving Mechanistic models of Biodiversity 2019
158 RESILOC Resilient Europe and Societies by Innovating Local Communities 2019
159 PROMPT PRemature Obsolescence Multi-Stakeholder Product Testing Program 2019
160 CREAToR Collection of raw materials, Removal of flAme reTardants and Reuse of secondary raw materials 2019
161 NAIADES A holistic water ecosystem for digitisation of urban water sector 2019
162 LOCARD Lawful evidence collecting and continuity platform development 2019
163 SolarGaps SolarGaps – Energy generating smart solar window blinds 2019
164 LEX4BIO Optimizing Bio-based Fertilisers in Agriculture – Knowledgebase for New Policies 2019
165 MANMAX Managing forage fisheries and marine predators to maximise conservation gains 2020
166 GBG System Innovative tank design and groundbreaking infrastructure model to enhance the availability of renewable energy by collecting, storing and transporting hydrogen, biomethane, nitrogen and LNG 2019
167 DEXSAGE Daily Experiences of Successful Ageing 2019
168 Usersnap Suite Analyzing Smart Bug Tracking and Customer Experience Feedback to Create and Evolve Software Products Users Love 2019
169 MultiSeaSpace Developing a unified spatial modelling strategy that accounts for interactions between species at different marine trophic levels, and different types of survey data. 2019
170 BBCE Baltic Biomaterials Centre of Excellence 2020
171 SMARTPROTECT SMART agriculture for innovative vegetable crop PROTECTion: harnessing advanced methodologies and technologies 2020
172 DeltaQon IOT and cloud computing for online medical analysis service platform 2019
173 RSENSE Revolutionizing disease and environmental detection with portable optoacoustic sensing 2020
174 SYSAGING A platform for rapidly mapping the molecular and systemic dynamics of aging 2020
175 HemaXis DX A patient-friendly blood collection device that produces pure plasma samples for simple laboratory analysis 2019
176 LEGO-3D Learning Generative 3D Scene Models for Training and Validating Intelligent Systems 2020
177 QUALITOP Monitoring multidimensional aspects of QUAlity of Life after cancer ImmunoTherapy - an Open smart digital Platform for personalized prevention and patient management 2020
179 bio-T Enabling medical device vendors to realize the potential of the data collectible by their devices 2019
180 KINMATRIX Uncovering the Kinship Matrix: A New Study of Solidarity and Transmission in European Families 2020
181 COMPAX - SWC Compax - smart waste compactors (SWC) for indoor applications 2019
182 SHARE-COHESION Cohesion in further developing and innovating SHARE across all 28 member countries 2019
183 IN2SMART2 Intelligent Innovative Smart Maintenance of Assets by integRated Technologies 2 2019
184 Teraseya Prime Adaptive intelligence technology giving complete crop control to farmers 2019
185 ROG Real Organ Generation 2019
186 REFLECT Redefining geothermal fluid properties at extreme conditions to optimize future geothermal energy extraction 2020
187 MOOD MOnitoring Outbreak events for Disease surveillance in a data science context 2020
188 POPULIZATION Behavioral Foundations of Populism and Polarization 2020
189 FRRAnt Ordering, Constructing, Empowering: Fragments of the Roman Republican Antiquarians 2020
190 PROSTATOR Reliable urinary test for the diagnosis of prostate cancer 2020
191 ConPhoNo Next Generation of Concentrated Photovoltaics Using Node Concentrators 2020
192 ADDITIVES Exposure to ‘cocktails’ of food additives and chronic disease risk 2020
193 FIRE An industry-led Forum for Innovation and Research in European Earth Observation 2019
194 VegSciLif The Emergence of a Science of Vegetation in Early Modern Natural Philosophy and the Sciences of Life: From Cesalpino to Malpighi 2021
195 ACU-AHvE Multiculturalism in the work of Aldo and Hannie van Eyck. Rethinking universalist notions in architecture. 2021
196 EcoScan guano-based monitoring of ecosystems – a novel approach to capture ecological processes underlying ecosystem health 2020