The page lists 386 projects related to the topic "analysing".
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1 | BONVOYAGE | From Bilbao to Oslo, intermodal mobility solutions and interfaces for people and goods, supported by an innovative communication network | 2015 |
3 | SAMT | Sustainability assessment methods and tools to support decision-making in the process industries | 2015 |
4 | GOTOFLY | Boosting the European Innovative Satellite Technologies with In-Orbit Demonstrations | 2015 |
5 | CORPNET | Corporate Network Governance: Power, Ownership and Control in Contemporary Global Capitalism | 2015 |
6 | BSMFLEET | Challenging the Standard Model using an extended Physics program in LHCb | 2015 |
7 | SCREEN | Space Cognitive Radio for Electromagnetic Environment maNagement | 2015 |
8 | DATASET2050 | Data driven approach for a Seamless Efficient European Travelling in 2050 | 2014 |
9 | INSIGHT | New chemical detection methods based on NMR and nanoparticles | 2015 |
10 | WDAqua | Answering Questions using Web Data | 2015 |
11 | Road2CPS | Strategic action for future CPS through roadmaps, impact multiplication and constituency building | 2015 |
12 | AEGLE | AEGLE (Ancient Greek: Αá¼´γλη) – An analytics framework for integrated and personalized healthcare services in Europe | 2015 |
13 | SERECA | Secure Enclaves for REactive Cloud Applications | 2015 |
14 | PROTINUS | PROviding new insighT into INteractions between soil fUnctions and Structure | 2015 |
15 | RISE_BPM | Propelling Business Process Management by Research and Innovation Staff Exchange | 2015 |
16 | GLYCANC | Matrix glycans as multifunctional pathogenesis factors and therapeutic targets in cancer | 2015 |
17 | imbh | Do intermediate-mass black holes exist? | 2015 |
18 | EXPLORINGMATTER | Exploring Matter with Precision Charm and Beauty Production Measurements in Heavy Nuclei Collisions at LHCb | 2015 |
19 | TransSOL | European paths to transnational solidarity at times of crisis: Conditions, forms, role-models and policy responses | 2015 |
20 | YMOBILITY | Youth mobility: maximising opportunities for individuals, labour markets and regions in Europe | 2015 |
22 | GreenS | GreenS – Green public procurement supporters for innovative and sustainable institutional change | 2015 |
23 | INCH | INteractive CHarging | 2014 |
24 | MARGIN | Tackle Insecurity in Marginalized Areas | 2015 |
25 | IECEU | Improving the Effectiveness of the Capabilities (IEC) in EU conflict prevention | 2015 |
26 | IMPACT | Impact of Cultural aspects in the management of emergencies in public Transport | 2015 |
27 | OpenMinTeD | Open Mining INfrastructure for TExt and Data | 2015 |
28 | StrategicVillages | Violent settlements: strategic villages and clandestine burial sites in Latin America | 2016 |
29 | DTI4micro | Quantitative characterization of cardiac tissue microstructure from Diffusion Tensor Imaging | 2015 |
30 | BREAKING THE MOULD | Breaking the Mould: A cross-cultural analysis of the character of bronze smiths and craft diversity in late Bronze Age Europe (1300-800 BC) | 2015 |
31 | CONSCRISIS | Households’ Consumption during the Great Recession: A structural analysis on the role of expectations | 2015 |
32 | Cdc42Adhere | Role of Cdc42 in cancer cell adhesion to endothelial cells and platelets | 2015 |
33 | SLUW | A computer-aided study of the Luwian (morpho-)syntax | 2015 |
34 | SugarOsmoSignalling | Analysis of sugar- and osmo-signalling mechanisms in cell wall integrity maintenance | 2016 |
35 | Social Jet Lag | Social Jet Lag: Avian Solutions to Misalignment between Circadian Clocks and Social Cues | 2016 |
36 | DICTAPLOMACY | The international dimensions of authoritarian regime survival: comparing “dictaplomatic” strategies in post-Soviet Eurasia | 2015 |
37 | OLIGOBINPRO | Non-canonical nucleoside incorporation into synthetic RNA-oligonucleotides: investigations towards the discovery of selective RNA-binding proteins | 2015 |
38 | BIMEDA | Big Medical Data Use in Primary Care: an ethnographic, socio-technical, investigation of challenges and opportunities | 2015 |
39 | APT-Met | Atom Probe Tomography (APT) Metrology for future 3D semiconductor devices | 2015 |
40 | SMARTER | A Scalable and Elastic Platform for Near-Realtime Analytics for The Graph of Everything | 2016 |
41 | LV-Pri20 | Logic-based Verification of Privacy-Preservation in Europe's 2020 ICT | 2015 |
42 | NMJALS | In vivo analysis of neuromuscular junction stability in zebrafish models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | 2015 |
43 | GENENET | Gene networks to investigate lateral gene transfer in parasitic protozoa | 2015 |
44 | MeshAnalyzer | Analysis Tool for Mesh Design of Leading Edge Design of Integrated Circuits | 2015 |
45 | Neural Designer | A high performance solution for predictive analytics | 2015 |
46 | bionic agitator | Feasibility study of a bionic agitator – a prototype of this agitator has shown great potential for energy reduction of agitator technology. | 2015 |
47 | VSP | Volumental - The Cloud-Delivered 3D Scanning Service Supporting A Future Of Mass Customization | 2015 |
48 | PRACE-4IP | PRACE 4th Implementation Phase Project | 2015 |
49 | CREATE | Congestion Reduction in Europe : Advancing Transport Efficiency (CREATE) | 2015 |
50 | ImmRisk | Defining how environmental factors influence downstream effects of immune-mediated disease risk-SNPs | 2015 |
51 | TRANSrisk | Transitions pathways and risk analysis for climate change mitigation and adaption strategies | 2015 |
52 | BioLinX | Creating links to speed-up innovation in the bio economy | 2015 |
53 | NEWCARBOVAX | New generation of carbohydrate-based vaccines via rational understanding of their immunological mechanism | 2017 |
54 | Fidzup-Retargeting | Physical Retargeting, innovative mobile marketing services for traditional retailers | 2015 |
55 | TRECKQUITY | Social equity goals in conservation interventions: a system thinking approach to track progress at global level | 2015 |
56 | REVEN-X1 | REVEN-X1: Automatic Vulnerability Detection in Binary | 2015 |
57 | OCTOLY | Next Generation Advertising: Social Video Software Connecting Brands and Content Creators | 2015 |
58 | DISCO | Data Integrated Supply Chain Optimisation | 2015 |
59 | SUSTAINABLEOCEAN | Accommodating New Interests at Sea: Legal Tools for Sustainable Ocean Governance | 2015 |
60 | GREYZONE | Illuminating the 'Grey Zone': Addressing Complex Complicity in Human Rights Violations | 2015 |
61 | Intimacy | Doing Intimacy: A Multi-sited Ethnography of Modern Chinese Family Life | 2015 |
62 | EUDEMOS | Constrained Democracy: Citizens’ Responses to Limited Political Choice in the European Union | 2015 |
63 | Troy Stem Cells | Troy+ stomach stem cells in homeostasis, repair and pathogenesis | 2015 |
64 | RATCHETCOG | The Cog in the Ratchet: Illuminating the Cognitive Mechanisms Generating Human Cumulative Culture | 2015 |
65 | ERIGrid | European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid Systems Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out | 2015 |
66 | FIRST LIGHT | Early Star-Forming Galaxies and Cosmic Reionisation | 2015 |
67 | INNOVIST | INcreasing the InNOVation Management Capacity of SMEs in ISTanbul | 2015 |
68 | MC-SUITE | ICT Powered Machining Software Suite | 2015 |
70 | COMRADES | Collective Platform for Community Resilience and Social Innovation during Crises | 2016 |
71 | NCUscan | Rapid Defect Characterisation by Non-Contact Ultrasonic Scanning | 2016 |
72 | RespiceSME | Regional, National and European Support for Photonics Innovation Clusters enhancing SMEs Innovative Potential | 2016 |
73 | PRESCREENARRAY | Peptide arrays as a high throughput pre-screening tool | 2015 |
74 | RapidBact | Innovative Business Models for a new Integrated Rapid Microbial Pathogen Tester | 2016 |
75 | ORISON | Innovative infrastructure for astronomical research based on stratospheric balloons | 2016 |
76 | NANOSCREEN | Disruptive portable device for pre-screening of Persistent Organic Pollutants –POPs- in food products and water | 2015 |
77 | GeoWell | Innovative materials and designs for long-life high-temperature geothermal wells | 2016 |
78 | SENSOCOM | The tiny and the fast: the role of subcortical sensory structures in human communication | 2016 |
79 | INHERIT | INter-sectoral Health Environment Research for InnovaTions | 2016 |
81 | MetaPlat | Development of an Easy-to-use Metagenomics Platform for Agricultural Science | 2015 |
82 | FEUTURE | The Future of EU-Turkey Relations. Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios | 2016 |
83 | IDENTITY | Computer Vision Enabled Multimedia Forensics and People Identification | 2016 |
85 | CyPod | On-Chip Cytometry Printed On Demand | 2016 |
86 | SOPHIA | Securing Software against Physical Attacks | 2016 |
87 | PUREJUICE | Industrial scale-up of Pulsed Electric Fields technology for natural fruit juice processing | 2016 |
88 | S-PEEK | Simple, immediate and economical access to company credit rating and financial information. | 2016 |
89 | TEMPO | Terrestrial vertebrates and the evolutionary origins of morphological diversity | 2016 |
90 | Subfailtec | Operation Optimization and Improved Reliability Solution for Electrical Substations | 2016 |
91 | DYNAMICSS | Labour market dynamics and optimal policies | 2016 |
92 | INNOVATE | The innovation journey of tourism entrepreneurs: evidence from the UK and Spain and policy implications | 2016 |
93 | AFROEUROPOLITANS | Cosmopolitanism Revisited: Afro-European Mobilities in Contemporary African Diasporic Literatures | 2017 |
95 | UrbPOLS | Assessing urban impacts on wildlife using the pace-of-life framework | 2016 |
96 | GranD Cities | Green and Diverse Cities. The social impact of urban policies for sustainability in comparative perspective. | 2016 |
97 | PEACH | Parental Employment and Child Investments | 2017 |
98 | CUISINE | An innovative approach for the study of culinary practices in past societies | 2017 |
99 | Mapping Anna | The Politics of Cultural Exchange: Anna of Denmark and the Uses of European Identity | 2017 |
101 | TRANSITION-FRICTION | Transition Friction in the Ecuadorian Amazon: A Green Economy Ethnography | 2017 |
102 | EARTHSCAPES | From Landscapes to Earthscapes: Understanding Visual Cultures of Global Environmental Crisis and the Making of Global Environmental Images, 1945-present (EARTHSCAPES) | 2017 |
103 | ZephyCloud | Making Wind Energy More Bankable…Faster! | 2016 |
104 | Forgery | Forging Ahead: Faking Sagas and Developing Concepts of Cultural Authenticity and National Identity in 17th- and 18th-Century Scandinavia | 2017 |
105 | FoodTransforms | Transformations of Food in the Eastern Mediterranean Late Bronze Age | 2016 |
106 | PALEODEM | Late Glacial and Postglacial Population History and Cultural Transmission in Iberia (c.15,000-8,000 cal BP) | 2016 |
107 | SHIELD | Securing against intruders and other threats through a NFV-enabled environment | 2016 |
108 | DANTE | Detecting and ANalysing TErrorist-related online contents and financing activities | 2016 |
109 | ResiStand | Increasing disaster Resilience by establishing a sustainable process to support Standardisation of technologies and services | 2016 |
110 | SAMA | Spaces of Anti-Muslim Acts in the Greater Paris and Greater London regions | 2016 |
111 | GenderJust | Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and the Political Economy of Gender Justice: Discursive Power, Authority and the Subaltern | 2017 |
112 | COMPASS | Evidence and opportunities for responsible innovation in SMEs | 2016 |
113 | NETS | Networks in Time and Space | 2016 |
114 | DAFNE | DAFNE: Use of a Decision-Analytic Framework to explore the water-energy-food NExus in complex and trans-boundary water resources systems of fast growing developing countries. | 2016 |
115 | GECEM | Global Encounters between China and Europe: Trade Networks, Consumption and Cultural Exchanges in Macau and Marseille (1680-1840) | 2016 |
116 | PAThs | Tracking Papyrus and Parchment Paths: An Archaeological Atlas of Coptic Literature. Literary Texts in their Geographical Context: Production, Copying, Usage, Dissemination and Storage | 2016 |
117 | EUREC4A | Elucidating the Role of Clouds-Circulation Coupling in Climate | 2016 |
118 | TBO-MET | Meteorological Uncertainty Management for Trajectory Based Operations | 2016 |
119 | E-SAVING ULTRASONICS | Game-changing Ultrasonic Technology for Energy Saving in Predictive Maintenance | 2016 |
120 | VAMOS | The value of mothers to society: responses to motherhood and child rearing practices in prehistoric Europe | 2016 |
121 | DISCO | Data Integrated Supply Chain Optimisation | 2016 |
122 | CityNet | Cities in Global Financial Networks: Financial and Business Services and Developmentin the 21st Century | 2016 |
123 | VERTEBRATE HERBIVORY | Evolution of herbivory in vertebrates: developing combined isotope (Ca, Sr) and dental surface texture analysis as deep time diet proxies | 2016 |
124 | COTCA | Cultures of Occupation in Twentieth-century Asia | 2016 |
125 | pocL-CI | A lab-on-chip platform for blood cell counting and identification at the point-of-care | 2016 |
126 | CBTC | The Resurgence in Wage Inequality and Technological Change: A New Approach | 2016 |
127 | SILCI | Social Influence and Disruptive Low Carbon Innovations | 2016 |
128 | BROKERS | Participatory Urban Governance between Democracy and Clientelism: Brokers and (In)formal Politics | 2016 |
129 | Film Tourism | Worlds of Imagination. A Comparative Study of Film Tourism in India, Brazil, Jamaica, South Korea and the United Kingdom. | 2016 |
130 | MiLifeStatus | Migrant Life Course and Legal Status Transition | 2016 |
131 | COSMOS | Semiparametric Inference for Complex and Structural Models in Survival Analysis | 2016 |
132 | HIPER | Heterogeneous Integrated Platform for Electronic system Redistribution: A revolutionary I/O Planning Solution for Micro/Nano 2.5-D Electronic Systems Design | 2016 |
133 | NANO-INSITU | Nanoscale Chemical Reactions Studied with In-Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy | 2016 |
134 | DALI | Disagreements and Language Interpretation | 2016 |
135 | Young-Italian 2015 | Dangerous Masculinities: Young Men in Italian Cinema of the 1940s-1960s | 2016 |
136 | ImageInLife | Training European Experts in Multilevel Bioimaging, Analysis and Modelling of Vertebrate Development and Disease | 2017 |
137 | EUUSEHEALTHWORK | Mapping Skills and Competencies; Providing Access to Knowledge, Tools and Platforms; and Strengthening, Disseminating and Exploiting Success Outcomes for a Skilled Transatlantic eHealth Workforce | 2016 |
138 | TRAPRODIG | Trauma Studies in the Digital Age: The Impact of Social Media on Trauma Processing in Life Narratives and in Trauma Literature: the Case of Hungary | 2016 |
139 | ENABLE.EU | Enabling the Energy Union through understanding the drivers of individual and collective energy choices in Europe | 2016 |
140 | e-Confidence | Confidence in behaviour changes through serious games | 2016 |
141 | e-Sides | Ethical and Societal Implications of Data Sciences | 2017 |
142 | CROSSMINER | Developer-Centric Knowledge Mining from Large Open-Source Software Repositories | 2017 |
143 | mySMARTLife | Smart Transition of EU cities towards a new concept of smart Life and Economy | 2016 |
144 | COP21 RIPPLES | COP21: Results and Implications for Pathways and Policies for Low Emissions European Societies | 2016 |
145 | ECSAnVis | Extreme Citizen Science: Analysis and Visualisation | 2016 |
146 | SYRIANBORDERS | The Fall of a Colonial Legacy: A Modern History of Syrian Borders (1920-2015) | 2016 |
147 | SEMA3C | Genetic dissection of the SEMA3C/Neuropilin 1 signalling pathway in Chronic Kidney Disease progression | 2016 |
148 | VITE | Virtualisation of the testing environment | 2016 |
149 | PADUA | Perception–action based design for urban accessibility: principles for inclusive design grounded in an understanding of first-person control of locomotion in the urban setting | 2016 |
150 | PUNCA | Preparing for Unveiling the Nature of the Cosmic Acceleration | 2017 |
151 | ILIAD | Intra-Logistics with Integrated Automatic Deployment: safe and scalable fleets in shared spaces | 2017 |
152 | StoreHero | StoreHero: An AI (Artificial Intelligence) Virtual Business Coach for Physical Retailers | 2016 |
153 | HoloCyt | A rapid, low-cost, cervical cancer screening platform | 2017 |
154 | PaDiCare | Patient empowered Diabetes care in ambulatory settings | 2016 |
156 | EMPHASIS-PREP | Preparation for EMPHASIS: European Infrastructure for multi-scale Plant Phenomics and Simulation for food security in a changing climate | 2017 |
157 | POPSTAR | Reasoning about Physical properties Of security Protocols with an Application To contactless Systems | 2017 |
158 | MUSDEWAR | Music in Detention during the (Post) Civil-War Era in Greece (1947-1957) | 2017 |
159 | EURECON | The Making of a Lopsided Union: Economic Integration in the European Economic Community, 1957-1992 | 2017 |
160 | Habitat-OASIS | Habitability of Oceans and Aqueous Systems on Icy Satellites | 2017 |
161 | FITTOM | PVC-O Fittings based on MOLECOR’s Molecular Orientation TOM® technology | 2017 |
162 | AQSuS | Analog Quantum Simulation using Superconducting Qubits | 2017 |
163 | RADIOSTAR | Radioactivities from Stars to Solar Systems | 2017 |
164 | Vis4Weather | Improved Communication of High Impact Weather Events | 2017 |
165 | CitizenLab | CitizenLab | 2017 |
166 | MYCOBIOME | Detection of biocontrol agents from casing material to inhibit mushroom mycoparasites through casing microbiome characterization and Raman spectroscopy of isotopically labelled organisms. | 2017 |
167 | PEAC | Provably-Correct Efficient Algorithms for Clustering | 2017 |
168 | WiHDE | A Wireless, Modular, Flexible, High-Density EMG Recording System | 2017 |
169 | ZINCLAPS | Light-addressable potentiometric sensors (LAPS) for zinc imaging with high spatiotemporal resolution for elucidating the role of zinc in age related macular degeneration. | 2017 |
170 | SHADOWS | SHADOWS: Tackling Undeclared Work in the European Union | 2017 |
171 | VINe | Social Vulnerability and its Intersections: The role of gender in a comparative perspective | 2017 |
172 | GREEN FORESEEN | Proposal title GREEce: modeliNg of the FOREst SEctor EcoNomy | 2018 |
173 | ILTIS | Innate-Like T-Cells In Sepsis (ILTIS): Implications for Early Diagnosis and Rescue of Immune Suppression. | 2017 |
174 | VIVIR | VIsual representations of VIew Relations to support effective data analysis on large and high-resolution displays | 2017 |
175 | Christianus Arabicus | Ramon Llull (1232-1316): A Vernacular Writer Between Christianity and Islam | 2017 |
176 | RELMED | Electricity in the Mediterranean: Promoting good regulatory governance | 2017 |
177 | GASAC | Gender Aspects of Screen Adaptations of the British Nineteenth-Century Female Literary Canon | 2017 |
178 | ELWar | Electoral Legacies of War: Political Competition in Postwar Southeast Europe | 2017 |
179 | PROXNET | Modelling Complex Networks Through Graph Editing Problems | 2018 |
180 | Filaments to stars | The origin of the IMF through multi-scale analysis of molecular clouds: unification of PDF and power spectrum analysis | 2018 |
181 | FLUID | Functional Low-Intensity Light Upconverting Inks for Everyday Applications | 2018 |
182 | HOST-SELECT | Functional Analysis of Host Genetic Variants: Biomarker Selection Towards Improving Female Subfertility Diagnosis and Treatment | 2017 |
183 | WHOLENICHE | Hold it or let it go: a niche decision on cancer growth | 2017 |
184 | UNCERTAINPOWER | Uncertain Power: Representing the king in the Portuguese empire (1640-1750) | 2017 |
185 | DeepFace | Understanding Deep Face Recognition | 2017 |
186 | 4REFINERY | Scenarios for integration of bio-liquids in existing REFINERY processes | 2017 |
187 | TRANSARCHIVES | Film Heritage and Archival Practices: Past and Present Transcontinental Encounters | 2017 |
188 | LIB STRESS | In situ stress analysis of lithium-ion battery cell | 2018 |
189 | RETVOLUTION | Reticulate evolution: patterns and impacts of non-vertical inheritance in eukaryotic genomes. | 2018 |
190 | WEGOOI | Wind Energy Generator Onshore and Offshore Inspector | 2017 |
191 | SURE-Farm | Towards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems | 2017 |
192 | MARQUESS | Multiscale Analysis of AiRframe Structures and Quantification of UncErtaintieS System | 2017 |
193 | NOSCEMUS | Nova Scientia. Early Modern Scientific Literature and Latin | 2017 |
194 | ALTERUMMA | Creating an Alternative umma: Clerical Authority and Religio-political Mobilisation in Transnational Shii Islam | 2018 |
195 | UNFRAUD | An advanced online anti-fraud software equipped with deep learning Artificial Intelligence thatcan face and detect, current fraudulent techniques and their continued evolution in a cost effective man | 2017 |
196 | Wind-Drone | A powerful UAV-based ICT solution allowing safe, reliable and effective inspections of wind turbines | 2017 |
197 | WinWind | Winning social acceptance for wind energy in wind energy scarce regions | 2017 |
198 | CRESTING | CiRcular Economy: SusTainability Implications and guidING progress | 2018 |
199 | IGNITE | Comparative genomics of non-model invertebrates | 2018 |
200 | MUMMERING | MUltiscale, Multimodal and Multidimensional imaging for EngineeRING | 2018 |
201 | PAY-ME-ATTENTION | Disrupting the Communication between Humans and Computers - Understanding the Key Message in Simultaneous Conversations Through Voice Biometrics | 2017 |
202 | REWAM | Next generation renewable energy portfolio asset management based on predictive analytics | 2017 |
203 | SSID | Soundscape Indices | 2018 |
204 | MALEPREG | Male pregnancy – Unravelling the coevolution of parental investment and immune defence | 2018 |
205 | CONTRA | Computational ONcology TRaining Alliance | 2018 |
206 | ASSURED | fASt and Smart charging solutions for full size URban hEavy Duty applications | 2017 |
207 | MIRA | Next Generation Machine Intelligence for Medical Image Representation and Analysis | 2018 |
208 | ASYMMEM | Lipid asymmetry: a cellular battery? | 2018 |
209 | ExoAI | Deciphering super-Earths using Artificial Intelligence | 2018 |
210 | AV-SMP | Algorithmic Verification of String Manipulating Programs | 2017 |
211 | openEO | openEO - a common, open source interface between Earth Observation data infrastructures and front-end applications | 2017 |
212 | Desert Networks | Into the Eastern Desert of Egypt from the New Kingdom to the Roman period | 2017 |
213 | CEASEVAL | Evaluation of the Common European Asylum System under Pressure and Recommendations for Further Development | 2017 |
214 | LogNeuroDev | The molecular and cellular logic of vertebrate neural development | 2018 |
215 | MEDIACHINA | Social Media and Traditional Media in China: Political and Economic Effects | 2018 |
216 | MAGSPEC | Spectra of Molecules in Strong Magnetic Fields | 2018 |
217 | INVASIMMUN | The unseen adaptation of a non-native: A unique spatiotemporal study of infection dynamics and immunogenetics at a bioinvasion front | 2018 |
218 | EU-TRAIN | The EUropean TRAnsplantation and INnovation (EU-TRAIN) consortium for improving diagnosis and risk stratification in kidney transplant patients | 2018 |
219 | RESISTANCE | Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries | 2018 |
220 | HIPGEN | Placenta-expanded adherent stromal cells (PLX-PAD) as an innovative therapy for improving recovery and survival following hip fracture arthroplasty – HIPGEN, a multicenter phase III trial | 2018 |
221 | SARAS | Smart Autonomous Robotic Assistant Surgeon | 2018 |
222 | HDBAT | High Density Batteries for e-Mobility and Industrial Automated Guided Vehicles. | 2017 |
223 | SECCOPA | The socio-economic consequences of temporary employment: A comparative panel data analysis | 2018 |
224 | TopATLAS | Topological Atlas: Mapping Contemporary Borderscapes | 2018 |
225 | NEPOSTRANS | Negotiating post-imperial transitions: from remobilization to nation-state consolidation. A comparative study of local and regional transitions in post-Habsburg East and Central Europe | 2018 |
226 | ANTICSS | ANTICSS - ANTI-Circumvention of Standards for better market Surveillance | 2018 |
227 | BADASS | Barrel Array Diagnostics And SenSing | 2018 |
228 | CLEAN CABINET | A Unique and Innovative flushing test bench for cleanliness assessment of hydraulic components that allows to increase test efficiency and reduce costs | 2018 |
229 | flexiLED | A new dynamic precision LED-lighting system for hydro- and aquaponic indoor farming | 2018 |
230 | LifeCall | LifeCall Wearable EKG Heart Health Monitoring, Analysing and Warning System | 2018 |
231 | INFRAGLOB | AFRICA's ‘INFRASTRUCTURE GLOBALITIES’: Rethinking the Political Geographies of Economic Hubs from the Global South | 2018 |
232 | MISFIRES | Misfires and Market Innovation: Toward a Collaborative Turn in Organising Markets | 2018 |
233 | ReCitYu | Reclaiming the Cities in the post-Yugoslav space | 2018 |
234 | BIVIUM | Standing at the Crossroads: Doubt in Early Modern Italy (1500-1560) | 2018 |
235 | CARBS | Compositional Approximate Reasoning via Bialgebraic Semantics | 2019 |
236 | DarkMatterAndHiggs | Searching for Dark Matter in the Higgs boson sector with the ATLAS detector | 2018 |
237 | ECHOE | An Electronic Corpus of Anonymous Homilies in Old English | 2018 |
238 | NeoplAT | Neoplatonism and Abrahamic Traditions. A Comparative Analysis of the Middle East, Byzantium and the Latin West (9th-16th Centuries) | 2018 |
239 | JUSTINT | Justice Interactions and Peacebuilding: From Static to Dynamic Discourses across National, Ethnic, Gender and Age Groups | 2018 |
240 | DTOceanPlus | Advanced Design Tools for Ocean Energy Systems Innovation, Development and Deployment | 2018 |
241 | ANITA | Advanced tools for fighting oNline Illegal TrAfficking | 2018 |
242 | DEFeND | Data Governance for Supporting GDPR | 2018 |
243 | SurvCom | Surveilling Communities: Public office holders and popular control in Southern Europe (13th-15th century) | 2018 |
244 | N6MeA ChemSeq | Development of chemical methods for DNA N6-methyladenine mapping | 2018 |
245 | ILLR | Intellectual Life and Learning on Rhodes (168BC-AD44) | 2018 |
246 | Men of Value | How much is a man worth. Slavery and market of individual identities in early modern Naples andValencia | 2018 |
247 | HOPE | HOminin Proteomes in human Evolution | 2018 |
248 | INTIMIZ | Interracial intimacy in Africa: Afro-European couples, cross cultural transactions, and social changes in Islamic Zanzibar | 2018 |
249 | IDPOQ | Evaluation and implementation of post-quantum cryptographic schemes | 2018 |
250 | 3D-Xist | 3D structure of the long non-coding RNA Xist by complementary cryo-electron tomography and single particle cryo-electron microscopy | 2018 |
251 | SHIPWORM | 'A transregional and interdisciplinary study of the societal impact of the shipworm epidemic in the North Sea region in the eighteenth century' | 2018 |
252 | MicroMAM | The mammalian intracellular response to Microsporidia infection | 2019 |
253 | Joint-probe analyses | Cosmological joint-probe analyses: constraining the effect of baryon physics on the matter distribution | 2018 |
254 | TissueMaps | Elemental imaging of human tissue: clinical therapy support and development of new diagnostics | 2018 |
255 | QPARK | A Quantitative Approach for Smart Parking | 2018 |
256 | TROMPA | Towards Richer Online Music Public-domain Archives | 2018 |
257 | COPKIT | Technology, training and knowledge for Early-Warning / Early-Action led policing in fighting Organised Crime and Terrorism | 2018 |
258 | GALILEO 4 Mobility | Fostering the adoption of GALILEO for Mobility as a Service | 2017 |
259 | S2S | Signals to Solutions: a change of paradigm in predictive maintenance market | 2018 |
260 | NovaTests | The first predictive test for radio-sensitivity. A step towards an improved and personalised radiation therapy cancer treatment. | 2018 |
261 | NEOMEDIS | NEOlithic MEDiterranean diet through stable ISotope analysis | 2019 |
262 | HIPER | A revolutionary I/O Planning Solution for 2.5D & 3D Nanoelectronic Systems Design | 2018 |
263 | ADMANTX | AI profiling for smarter customer targeting | 2018 |
264 | 720IEQ | Increasing the productivity of knowledge workers through better indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in office buildings | 2018 |
265 | SIESTA-PRO | Advance atomic-scale simulation solutions | 2018 |
266 | EMPLOBOT | The First Recruitment Bot to Integrate Labour Market in the EU | 2018 |
267 | AI4EMS | Artificial Intelligence for Emergency Medical Services: a smart digital assistant for faster and more accurate cardiac arrest recognition during emergency calls | 2018 |
268 | B2FRESH | The ultimate digital platform for full transparency and efficiency in the fruits and vegetables trade | 2018 |
269 | IDT | The IntelliDogTrainer, a new high throughput training device to train high level security dogs | 2018 |
270 | FIT4FoF | Making our Workforce Fit for the Factory of the Future | 2018 |
271 | IAWAS | Innovative Aluminium filler Wires for Aircraft Structures | 2018 |
272 | Eternum | A Novel Wine Elaboration Process | 2018 |
273 | BIOCARD | Deep BIOmodeling of human CARDiogenesis | 2018 |
274 | ArtHistCEE | Art Historiographies in Central and Eastern EuropeAn Inquiry from the Perspective of Entangled Histories | 2018 |
275 | NaturalPhilosophy | The normalisation of natural philosophy: how teaching practices shaped the evolution of early modern science | 2019 |
276 | MLFPM2018 | Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine | 2019 |
277 | STIMUNO | Searching for novel strategies improving cancer immunotherapy | 2019 |
278 | NUTRISHIELD | Fact-based personalised nutrition for the young | 2018 |
279 | EULOSAM II | EUropean LOw Speed Aircraft Model at high Reynolds II | 2018 |
280 | Biodentify | Oil and Gas Exploration Made Greener and Cheaper | 2018 |
281 | EOSC-Life | Providing an open collaborative space for digital biology in Europe | 2019 |
282 | CitieS-Health | Citizen Science for Urban Environment and Health | 2019 |
283 | MAIA | Mapping and Assessment for Integrated ecosystem Accounting (MAIA) | 2018 |
284 | MARTE | Medically Assisted Reproduction: The Effects on Children, Adults and Families | 2019 |
285 | GRASP | Overcoming plant graft incompatibility by modifying signalling and perception | 2019 |
286 | RIVERS | Water/human rights beyond the human?Indigenous water ontologies, plurilegal encounters and interlegal translation | 2019 |
287 | Mantis | Mantis is a cloud-based Intelligent Traffic Solution built around a unique algorithm which forecasts traffic evolution saving costs and reducing emissions | 2018 |
288 | NATURALSKIN | Rapid absorption denaturalized collagen dressings | 2019 |
289 | CLOSER | Childhood Leukemia: Overcoming distance between South America and Europe Regions | 2019 |
290 | DigitalHealthEurope | DigitalHealthEurope: Support to a Digital Health and Care Innovation initiative in the context of Digital Single Market strategy | 2019 |
291 | CCR | Rotative Cylinder Compressor for energy efficient industrial compression process | 2019 |
292 | NonlinearTopo | Nonlinear Optical and Electrical Phenomena in Topological Semimetals | 2019 |
293 | LIMBo | Zooming the link between diet and brain health: how phenolic metabolites modulate brain inflammation | 2019 |
294 | InDivEU | Integrating Diversity in the European Union | 2019 |
295 | EU3D | EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy | 2019 |
296 | BIOMORPHIC | Brain-Inspired Organic Modular Lab-on-a-Chip for Cell Classification | 2019 |
297 | FuncMAB | High-throughput single-cell phenotypic analysis of functional antibody repertoires | 2019 |
298 | Comedy and Politics | The Comedy of Political Philosophy. Democratic Citizenship, Political Judgment, and Ideals in Political Practice. | 2018 |
299 | AncientAdhesives | Ancient Adhesives - A window on prehistoric technological complexity | 2019 |
300 | WelfareStruggles | Welfare for Migrant Factory Workers: Moral Struggles and Politics of Care under Market Socialism | 2019 |
301 | CESEAND InnoAses4 | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2019. | 2019 |
302 | AMR-G | Smart your Water Meter | 2019 |
303 | NewMonEc | Monetary Economics and Communication: New Data, New Tools, New and Old Questions | 2019 |
304 | INSCONS | Addressing Global Challenges through International Scientific Consortia (INSCONS); Case studies in biomedicine, the geosciences, and nuclear fusion research | 2019 |
305 | ScienceGraph | Knowledge Graph based Representation, Augmentation and Exploration of Scholarly Communication | 2019 |
306 | Eddie | Eddie – smart neurorehabilitation software | 2019 |
307 | Archii | Unrivalled AI powered document handling and data extraction system | 2019 |
308 | CATTLECHAIN 4.0 | Enhancing farm productivity and guaranteeing CATTLE traceability and welfare with blockCHAIN | 2019 |
309 | PLASA-2 | Smart Planning and Virtual Certification | 2018 |
310 | FANVIS | Development of new optical absorption filters for application in Night Vision Imaging Systems | 2018 |
311 | RECODID | Integrated human data repositories for infectious disease-related international cohorts to foster personalized medicine approaches to infectious disease research | 2019 |
312 | Shift2MaaS | Shift2Rail IP4 enabling Mobility as a Service and seamless passenger experience | 2018 |
313 | RAISD | Reshaping Attention and Inclusion Strategies for Distinctively vulnerable people among the forcibly displaced | 2019 |
314 | WEAVERBIRD_DEFENCE | Unravelling an extended phenotype: sexual selection and the evolution of nest architecture in weaverbird defence against brood parasitism | 2019 |
315 | E-Waste Challenge | Tackling the Electronic Waste Challenge in Emerging Economies | 2019 |
316 | T-LICS | Transfer of Linguistic Intonation in Contact Situations | 2019 |
317 | StringyGeometry | Stringy geometry: quantum corrections and the fate of string compactifications from spacetime and the worldsheet | 2020 |
318 | LawWithoutMercy | Law without Mercy: Japanese Courts-Martial and Military Courts During the Asia-Pacific War, 1937-45 | 2019 |
319 | SOUTHWEST | The politeness system and the emergence of a Sprachbund | 2020 |
320 | ARCS | Elucidating the gene exchange networks of antibiotic resistance genes in clinical sewage microbiomes | 2019 |
321 | PinCER | Personality in Community Ecology Responses: Integrating the behaviour and species interactions of a marine invader | 2020 |
322 | Long-term migration | Immigration, Attitudes of Natives and Immigrants Assimilation | 2019 |
323 | AMYGDALA-ELECTROPHYS | Interrogating Basolateral Amygdala Activity during Social Behaviour at Single-Cell and Population Levels | 2019 |
324 | DamBuckler | Material damage and buckling instability: towards a unifying general theory | 2019 |
325 | DREGS | Deciphering archaeological Residues to understand the history of European Grape cultivation and winemaking Societies | 2019 |
326 | PMLingAML | Using PML nuclear body biology to identify potential AML treatment targets | 2020 |
327 | FAIRsFAIR | Fostering FAIR Data Practices in Europe | 2019 |
328 | GenALMA | Kinship, Alliance and Urban Space: the Genoese 'alberghi' in the Late Middle Ages (c. 1150 - c. 1450) | 2019 |
329 | HomoPolitics | Greek Homonationalism: Entanglement of Sexual Politics with Issues of Race and Nationalism in the Case of Lesbian and Gay Movements and Queer Activist Groups in Greece | 2019 |
330 | CALCULATORES | Imaginable Impossibilities and Thought Experiments. The Tradition of the Oxford Calculators and its Influence on Early-Modern Logic and Natural Philosophy | 2019 |
331 | SRSensor | A breakthrough high resolution, real-time, industrial molecular analyser for advanced process control and energy optimization | 2019 |
332 | IDESoWa | Increased drainage effects on soil properties and water quality | 2019 |
333 | CuDiCy | Power through Attraction: British, Greek and Turkish Cultural Diplomacy in Cyprus, 1945-1974 | 2019 |
334 | ParaResWEC | Nonlinear Rock and Roll - Modelling and Control of Parametric Resonance in Wave Energy Converters | 2019 |
335 | NAIADES | A holistic water ecosystem for digitisation of urban water sector | 2019 |
336 | Water-Cultures | The Water Cultures of Italy, 1500-1900 | 2019 |
337 | PrISMoID | Photonic Structural Materials with Controlled Disorder | 2019 |
338 | EVER | Evolution of VEnom Regulation | 2019 |
339 | IDR TOOLKIT | Inclusive Design Rating (IDR) Toolkit. The design and assessment tool for tailoring environments for everyone. | 2020 |
340 | Prognolite | The first holistic restaurant forecasting tool to reduce food waste by predicting future demand | 2019 |
341 | INSPECTr | Intelligence Network and Secure Platform for Evidence Correlation and Transfer (INSPECTr) | 2019 |
342 | GREATDIGINTHESKY | Accelerating Galactic Archaeology | 2019 |
343 | 5G-TOURS | SmarT mObility, media and e-health for toURists and citizenS | 2019 |
344 | TRANSPACIFIC | The Structure and Impact of Trans-Pacific Trade, 16th to 18th Centuries: The Manila Galleon Trade Beyond Silver and Silks | 2020 |
345 | ETIMan | ETIMan: Emergency and Triage Information Manager, disrupting the Emergency Medicine industry | 2019 |
346 | ODIX 2.0 | A revolutionary cybersecurity SaaS helping small-medium business (SMEs) to protect their networks like large corporates do! | 2019 |
347 | Igentify | The disruptive personalized machine-based genetic counseling platform | 2019 |
348 | Pythia | Artificial Intelligence to predict and control the behavior even in the most complex industrial processes | 2019 |
349 | ORIGAMI | cOmpRession of Genomic dAta to facilitate precision MedIcine | 2019 |
350 | ISAAC | ISAAC-AMD: an active self-tuned device for seismic protection and continuous monitoring of civil structures | 2019 |
351 | Trials@Home | Trials@Home: Center of Excellence – Remote Decentralised Clinical Trials | 2019 |
352 | euSNN | European School of Network Neuroscience | 2019 |
353 | PeptiCHIP | PEPTICHIP: Streamlined identification of tumour neoantigens for personalised anti-cancer immunotherapy | 2019 |
354 | FlexPlan | Advanced methodology and tools taking advantage of storage and FLEXibility in transmission and distribution grid PLANning | 2019 |
355 | GLAD | Global Lagrangian Cloud Dynamics | 2020 |
356 | DEL4ALL | Digital Enhanced Learning for ALL | 2020 |
357 | TABASCO | Testing Advanced Basic Structures with novel Low-Cost Solutions | 2019 |
358 | RETROFEED | Implementation of a smart RETROfitting framework in the process industry towards its operation with variable, biobased and circular FEEDstock | 2019 |
359 | TiNT | Titles of the New Testament: A New Approach to Manuscripts and the History of Interpretation | 2020 |
360 | B-DOMINANCE | B Cell Immunodominance in Antiviral Immunity | 2019 |
361 | QUALITOP | Monitoring multidimensional aspects of QUAlity of Life after cancer ImmunoTherapy - an Open smart digital Platform for personalized prevention and patient management | 2020 |
362 | Medical Express | Optimal use of healthcare resources through AI-guided support of healthcare professionals | 2019 |
363 | bio-T | Enabling medical device vendors to realize the potential of the data collectible by their devices | 2019 |
364 | FUME | Future Migration Scenarios for Europe | 2019 |
365 | SnapEarth | Fostering Earth Observation market uptake thanks to natural and holistic access to added value data generated through cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence technologies | 2019 |
367 | ALIGNING MINDS | When, and how, do team members’ minds align? A dynamic perspective on shared mental models in teams with different levels of task and outcome interdependence | 2020 |
368 | REDIM | Regional disparities in cause-specific mortality in Europe: the role of local context and national health policies | 2020 |
369 | Ofi | Ofi, pool management at your fingertips! | 2020 |
370 | TINTIN | Visual narratives as a window into language and cognition | 2020 |
371 | DIGNITY | DIGital traNsport In and for socieTY | 2020 |
372 | GloQur | The Global Qur’an. Shared Traditions, Imperial Languages and Transnational Actors | 2020 |
373 | MolecQuantumMachines | Molecular Quantum Machines | 2020 |
374 | MultiSeroSurv | Algorithms and multiplex assays for integrated serological surveillance of malaria and neglected tropical diseases | 2020 |
375 | Train2Wind | Training school on entrainment in offshore wind power | 2020 |
376 | EPN-2024-RI | Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure | 2020 |
377 | CESEAND InnoAses5 | Enhance innovation management capacities in Andalusian SMEs. CESEAND InnoAses 2020/2021. | 2020 |
378 | CAC-seq. | Chemical assisted enrichment of 5-carboxycytosine that also allows for DNA sequencing at single base resolution. | 2020 |
379 | SunSHINE | The Sun-chariot’s Journey Towards the Nordic Sky: on the (Pre-)History of Ideas on Sky, Sun, and Sunlight in Northern Europe | 2020 |
380 | PAST | Phytolith Analysis and Stone Tools: A socio-ecological analysis of stone tools assemblage of North-Western South Asia | 2020 |
381 | PlaGE | Playing at the Gateways of Europe: theatrical languages and performatives practices in the Migrants' Reception Centres of the Mediterranean Area | 2020 |
382 | ColonialConsequences | Colonial Consequences of the Japanese Empire in the Mariana Islands | 2020 |
384 | TOC-maker | The assembly and structure of the chloroplast protein import machinery in plants | 2020 |
385 | H-MIP | Human-Mosquito Interaction Project: Host-vector networks, mobility, and the socio-ecological context of mosquito-borne disease | 2020 |
386 | ACQUIRE | Assessing cardiac Contractility and Quantification of Underlying mechanisms In vitro via Response in Excitation-contraction coupling | 2020 |