The page lists 1927 projects related to the topic "form".
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1 | MACC-III | Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate -III | 2014 |
2 | NEWHORIZONS | New Horizons Festival | 2014 |
3 | MULTIMOT | Capture, dissemination and analysis of multiscale cell migration data for biological and clinical applications (MULTIMOT) | 2015 |
4 | BIOCASCADES | BIOCASCADES- Sustainable and Scalable Biocatalytic Cascade Reactions Training Network | 2015 |
5 | PROCROP | Professional cross-priming for ovary and prostate cancer | 2015 |
6 | lightMaterInt | Exploiting light and material interaction | 2015 |
7 | PrimeFish | Developing Innovative Market Orientated Prediction Toolbox to Strengthen the Economic Sustainability and Competitiveness of European Seafood on Local and Global markets | 2015 |
8 | GlioVac | Validation of a conceptually new treatment for glioblastoma multiforme with an IP protected small molecule | 2015 |
9 | SWIMing | Semantic Web for Information Management in Energy Efficient Buildings | 2015 |
10 | Built2Spec | Built to Specifications: Self-Inspection, 3D Modelling, Management and Quality-Check Tools for the 21st Century Construction Worksite | 2015 |
11 | FLEXILOG | Formal lexically informed logics for searching the web | 2015 |
12 | GADGET | Geometry and Anomalous Dynamic Growth of Elastic instabiliTies | 2015 |
13 | LUPINROOTS | Unravelling cluster root development in white lupin | 2015 |
14 | EVERYSOUND | Computational Analysis of Everyday Soundscapes | 2015 |
15 | CNIDARIAMICRORNA | Elucidation of the evolution of post-transcriptional regulation by characterizing the cnidarian microRNA pathway | 2015 |
16 | QUANTPATTERN | Quantitative analysis of Nodal/Lefty-mediated pattern formation | 2015 |
17 | TUNNEL | Tunneling Spectroscopy in van-der-Waals Device | 2015 |
18 | URDNA | Origin and Protection of Unstable Repetitive DNA Elements During Sexual Reproduction | 2015 |
19 | NewAve | New avenues towards solving the dark matter puzzle | 2015 |
20 | SoSGlobal | Stories of Survival: Recovering the Connected Histories of Eastern Christianity in the Early Modern World | 2015 |
21 | COEVOLUTION | Black holes and their host galaxies: coevolution across cosmic time | 2015 |
22 | G4DSB | G-quadruplex DNA Structures and Genome Stability | 2015 |
23 | MindBendingGrammars | Mind-Bending Grammars: The dynamics of correlated multiple grammatical changes in Early Modern English writers | 2015 |
24 | Weakinteract | Weak interactions in self-organizations studied by NMR spectroscopy in the supramolecular solid-state | 2015 |
25 | CSINEUTRONSTAR | The physics and forensics of neutron star explosions | 2015 |
26 | BUCOPHSYS | Bottom-up hybrid control and planning synthesis with application to multi-robot multi-human coordination | 2015 |
27 | RDRECON | Risky Decisions: Revealing Economic Behaviour | 2015 |
28 | CALI | The Cambodian Archaeological Lidar Initiative: Exploring Resilience in the Engineered Landscapes of Early SE Asia | 2015 |
29 | QPE | Quantum Photonic Engineering | 2015 |
30 | SOS | Sorting of Self | 2015 |
31 | FLARECAST | Flare Likelihood and Region Eruption Forecasting | 2015 |
32 | DEMOCRITOS | Demonstrators for Conversion, Reactor, Radiator And Thrusters for Electric Propulsion Systems | 2015 |
33 | CRASK | Cortical Representation of Abstract Semantic Knowledge | 2015 |
34 | DCM | Distributed Cryptography Module | 2014 |
35 | flora robotica | Flora Robotica: Societies of Symbiotic Robot-Plant Bio-Hybrids as Social Architectural Artifacts | 2015 |
36 | SUPER-RESOL | Extracting Super-Resolution from Classical Fluorescence Microscopy | 2014 |
37 | FLPower | Frustrated Power: Proton-Electrolyte-Membrane Hydrogen Fuel Cells Catalyzed by Frustrated Lewis Pairs | 2014 |
38 | DENOVO-RBC | Developing Novel and Optimal Additive Solutions for Red Blood Cells | 2015 |
39 | IQCC | Integrated quantum correlation counter | 2015 |
40 | BALaNCE | BreAking the Link betweeN myo10 and CancEr | 2015 |
41 | GHOST | Galileo EnHancement as BoOster of the Smart CiTies | 2015 |
42 | ChildBrain | Advancing brain research in children’s developmental neurocognitive disorders | 2015 |
43 | DiStruc | Directed Colloidal Structure at the Meso-Scale | 2015 |
44 | MAGICBULLET | Peptide-Drug Conjugates for Targeted Delivery in Tumor Therapy | 2015 |
45 | NCPs CaRE | National Contact Points for Climate action, Raw materials, Environment and Resource Efficiency | 2015 |
46 | NABBA | Design and development of advanced NAnomedicines to overcome Biological BArriers and to treat severe diseases | 2015 |
47 | BIG4 | BIG4 - Biosystematics, Informatics and Genetics of the big 4 insect groups: training tomorrow's researchers and entrepreneurs | 2015 |
48 | ArcInTex ETN | ArcInTex ETN | 2015 |
49 | MET-A-FOR | Metabolomic analysis for the forensic detection of drugs of abuse in performance and food producing animals | 2015 |
50 | INTEGRATE | Interdisciplinary Training Network for Validation of Gram-Negative Antibacterial Targets | 2015 |
51 | BonePain | European Training Network on Bone Pain | 2015 |
52 | MULTI-APP | Multivalent Molecular Systems for Innovative Applications | 2015 |
53 | IODA | Industrial optimal design using adjoint CFD | 2015 |
54 | SMEINNOAUSTRIA | Establishing SME Innovation Management Services in the Austrian Enterprise Europe Network | 2014 |
55 | BW-KAM | Innovation Management Capacity Building of SME by the Enterprise Europe Network Baden-Württemberg | 2014 |
56 | SCIENCE | Stem Cell therapy in IschEmic Non-treatable Cardiac diseasE (SCIENCE) | 2015 |
57 | PROGRESS-TT | PROs GRowing Europe through best practice SolutionS for Technology Transfer | 2015 |
58 | EMI-TB | Eliciting Mucosal Immunity to Tuberculosis | 2015 |
59 | RETHRIM | Restoring tissue regeneration in patients with visceral Graft versus Host Disease. | 2015 |
60 | I-SUPPORT | ICT-Supported Bath Robots | 2015 |
61 | SMART2D | A people-centred approach through Self-Management and Reciprocal learning for the prevention and management of Type-2-Diabetes | 2015 |
62 | SUPERSEDE | SUpporting evolution and adaptation of PERsonalized Software by Exploiting contextual Data and End-user feedback | 2015 |
63 | BEBA | Behavioral Based Forwarding | 2015 |
64 | HEAT | Homomorphic Encryption Applications and Technology | 2015 |
65 | ePlus Ecosystem | Fostering Web Entrepreneurship in Europe: e-talent, e-mentoring, e-services and e-capital for e-entrepreneurs | 2015 |
66 | RePhrase | REfactoring Parallel Heterogeneous Resource-Aware Applications - a Software Engineering Approach | 2015 |
67 | SAEPP | Smart Ambulance: European Procurers Platform (SAEPP) | 2015 |
68 | SCISSOR | Security In trusted SCADA and smart-grids | 2015 |
69 | MUSA | MUlti-cloud Secure Applications | 2015 |
70 | AutoMat | Automotive Big Data Marketplace for Innovative Cross-sectorial Vehicle Data Services | 2015 |
71 | POSEIDON | Plasmonic-based autOmated lab-on-chip SEnsor for the rapid In-situ Detection of LegiONella | 2015 |
72 | CloudSocket | Business and IT-Cloud Alignment using a Smart Socket | 2015 |
73 | DIGISTART | Support Ecosystems for Digital Startups | 2015 |
74 | GateOne | GateOne - Innovation Service for European Smartization by SMEs | 2015 |
75 | HUMANE | HUMANE: a typology, method and roadmap for HUman-MAchine NEtworks | 2015 |
76 | SmokeBot | Mobile Robots with Novel Environmental Sensors for Inspection of Disaster Sites with Low Visibility | 2015 |
77 | GEO-RAMP | Geohazards: Risk Assessment, Mitigation and Prevention | 2015 |
78 | ENSCC | ERA-NET Smart Cities and Communities | 2014 |
79 | GrowSmarter | GrowSmarter | 2015 |
80 | TILOS | Technology Innovation for the Local Scale, Optimum Integration of Battery Energy Storage | 2015 |
81 | QUINCY | Quantifying the effects of interacting nutrient cycles on terrestrial biosphere dynamics and their climate feedbacks QUINCY | 2015 |
82 | MathModExp | The Evolution of Competition and Cooperation: how polymorphisms in microbial populations optimise virulence and mediate drug resistance | 2015 |
83 | ChronHib | Chronologicon Hibernicum – A Probabilistic Chronological Framework for Dating Early Irish Language Developments and Literature | 2015 |
84 | EXPLORINGMATTER | Exploring Matter with Precision Charm and Beauty Production Measurements in Heavy Nuclei Collisions at LHCb | 2015 |
85 | PAW | Automated Program Analysis for Advanced Web Applications | 2015 |
86 | SSBD | Small Summaries for Big Data | 2015 |
87 | OCTAVE | Objective Control for TAlker VErification | 2015 |
88 | GROWMOF | Modelling of MOF self-assembly, crystal growth and thin film formation | 2015 |
89 | CSF | From Cloud to Star Formation | 2015 |
90 | INTERACT | Intelligent Non-woven Textiles and Elastomeric Responsive materials by Advancing liquid Crystal Technology | 2015 |
91 | BIZEB | Bio-Imaging of Zoonotic and Emerging Bunyaviruses | 2015 |
92 | E-saving Ultrasonics | Energy-saving and reducing carbon emissions by applying advanced ultrasonic technology to industrial maintenance services for compressed air systems | 2014 |
93 | EnerGAware | Energy Game for Awareness of energy efficiency in social housing communities | 2015 |
94 | LabelPack Aplus | Promotion and support to the implementation of the energy labelling for Space, Combi Heaters and Water Heaters with a focus on the “Package label” | 2015 |
95 | OntoPerson | The Ontology of Personal Identity | 2015 |
96 | MICROAB | Micro machining with abrasive waterjets | 2014 |
97 | ECOBREW | New eco-efficient and healthy professional espresso coffee machine | 2014 |
98 | NIR-PERFECT | Non-contact Near Infra-Red insPEction and monitoRing For Evaluation of ComposiTes | 2014 |
99 | OpticTrainDetection | Optical and Acousto-optic Sensor Technology for Railway-Applications | 2014 |
101 | RepHorm | A device that will dramatically improve the protection of babies during birth. It will monitor the child continuously with better acuity, resulting in better clinical outcomes at a lower cost. | 2014 |
102 | PICOMB | Photonic Integrated Comb Source: An Economic Feasibility Study | 2014 |
103 | SMEphase1 | Go to market strategy and technology roadmap towards development of a new license product based upon Onomondo's (form. Hello World Mobile) innovative telecommunications software technology | 2015 |
104 | CONFAM | Confronting sexual pluralism: the regulatory dilemmas and policy challenges of non-monogamous family formations | 0 |
105 | GelSwimming | Bacterial motion in polymer solutions and biogels | 2016 |
106 | WISER | Wide-Impact cyber SEcurity Risk framework | 2015 |
107 | OSEM-EV | Optimised and Systematic Energy Management in Electric Vehicles | 2015 |
108 | OPERANDO | Online Privacy Enforcement, Rights Assurance and Optimization | 2015 |
109 | EMYNOS | nExt generation eMergencY commuNicatiOnS | 2015 |
110 | CO2NOR | Carbon dioxide storage in nanomaterials based on ophiolitic rocks and utilization of the end-product carbonates in the building industry | 2015 |
111 | GROUPCOG | From individual cognition to collective intelligence | 2016 |
113 | AntWatFre | Hydration Dynamics of Antifreeze Proteins | 2015 |
114 | COGNAC | Readdressing Convective-Surface Interaction in Global Climate Models | 2015 |
115 | MENTAL IMAGERY | The power of imagination – Breaking through behavioural avoidance in depression with mental imagery | 2016 |
116 | EXPRESSIONARRATION | Narration, linguistic expression and discourse structure: explorations of orality in Occitan and French | 2016 |
117 | FeSensor | Finding the iron sensing protein in crop plants | 2015 |
118 | PHOEBUS | PHOto-induced Energy flow in Bio-inspired molecular circuits probed with Ultrafast two-dimensional Spectroscopy | 2015 |
119 | DebtRisks | Public Debt: Risk Management and Restructuring Optimization | 2016 |
120 | CONSORT | Controlled Singlet Oxygen Release Photosensitizers in Photodynamic Therapy | 2015 |
121 | IILSCFLP | The Influence of Ionic Liquid Solvation on the Chemistry of Frustrated Lewis Pairs | 2015 |
122 | WOODSofCHANGE | Cambium genetics in Arabidopsis and Aspen: basic science meets wood production | 2015 |
123 | EpiNKT | Transcriptional and epigenetic control of innate-like T lymphocyte development | 2015 |
124 | HiDDaProTImA | High-dimensional data processing: from theory to imaging applications | 2016 |
125 | SexDiff | Sex differences in expression in the shared genome | 2016 |
126 | ATMCinsituNMR | Next level real-time characterisation of Li- and Na-ion batteries by – Automatic Tuning Matching Cycler (plus Goniometer) – ATMC(+G) in situ NMR | 2015 |
127 | Digiseal | Byzantine seals in a digital age: new tools for European research | 2015 |
128 | ADRIA | Adriatic Perspectives: Memory and Identity on a Transnational European Periphery | 2016 |
129 | Active implants | Active implants: Engineering microstructures of functional ceramics for stimulated bone growth | 2015 |
130 | MONASPOWER | Monasteries as Institutional Powers in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt: Evidence from Neglected Coptic Sources | 2016 |
131 | StillNoFace | Identity matching from still images without face information | 2015 |
132 | DEALS | Deaf life narratives in times of transition. | 2015 |
133 | ClOThIlde | The Cluster Observations and Theory Intersection: Providing selection functions and scaling relations to set constraints on the physics of the accelerating universe. | 2016 |
134 | ENIRIS | Electrogenic NItrate Reduction In marine Sediments | 2016 |
135 | SUPRONICS | Novel graphene-supramolecular elastomer hybrids for self-healing stretchable electronics | 2015 |
136 | NeuArc2Fun | Biological neural networks: from structure to function | 2016 |
137 | LQTS-HORSES | Platform for diagnosing long QT syndrome in horses - Step II: Identification of long QT syndrome | 2015 |
138 | NanoCuI | Nano-Copper Iodide: A New Material for High Performance P-Type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells | 2015 |
139 | StarlightWinds | Mass loss in the lives and deaths of massive stars | 2015 |
140 | Class II PI3K | Characterization of the signalling and physiological roles of the class II PI3Ks | 2016 |
141 | DENDRONUTRIENT | Disentangling the effects of CO2 fertilization, nutrient limitation and water availability on forest ecosystem processes: Estimating their long-term consequences on SW European forests | 2016 |
142 | SEAGAS | Multi-disciplinary Comparison of Fluid Venting from Gas Hydrate Systems on the Mediterranean and Brazilian Continental Margins over Glacial-Interglacial Timescales | 2016 |
143 | RIDEC | Rwenzori Ice Dynamics and Environmental Changes | 2015 |
144 | Exo-C | Insights into cloudy exoplanet atmospheres | 2016 |
145 | FEEC discretizations | Structure-preserving discretization of hierarchically-structured rotating covariant shallow-water equations using finite element exterior calculus | 2016 |
146 | LEXICON POETICUM | Lexicon Poeticum: A lexical resource for Old-Norse Icelandic skaldic poetry and its relevant social fields | 2016 |
147 | ASB | Amplitudes, String and Branes | 2015 |
148 | RESCBONE | The influence of mechanical loading on the decline in bone mass with ageing | 2015 |
149 | GATEWAY | Developing a Pilot Case aimed at establishing a European infrastructure project for CO2 transport | 2015 |
150 | ACTIVE_MARS | Active Surface Processes On Mars: A Laboratory, Field And Remote Sensing Study | 2016 |
151 | SMI REP | Investigating eukaryotic replisome dynamics at the single molecule level | 2015 |
152 | SpliceosomeStructure | Structural role of protein splicing factors in promoting an active configuration of the spliceosome's RNA catalytic core | 2016 |
153 | LiVirIn | 3D Liver Organoids: Modelling Host Hepatitis B Virus Interaction | 2015 |
154 | AsymHalogenation | Intermolecular Asymmetric Halogenations of Olefins | 2015 |
155 | socialog | Social Capital, Institutional Accessibility and Local Governance | 2016 |
156 | ArtOxiZymes | Artificial Oxidation Enzymes for Highly Selective Waste Free Hydroxylation of Alkanes | 2015 |
157 | ACTUS | ACcelerating Transition in Peri-Urban areaS in East Africa | 2016 |
158 | CAPITULA | Variation on a theme: evolutionary-developmental insights into the Asteraceae flower head | 2015 |
159 | GenSPI | Genomic Selection for Potato Improvement | 2015 |
160 | iRhom2 in AD | iRhom2 in neuroinflammation and pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease | 2015 |
161 | 3D-ADAPT | Analysis of tridimensional changes caused by type 2 Diabetes-Associated varianTs | 2015 |
162 | HORIP | Higher-Order Rewriting for Intensional Properties of Programs and Circuits | 2015 |
163 | AraMyco | Uncovering the molecular dialogue between the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the non-host plant. | 2015 |
165 | SIBG | Strongly Interacting Bose Gases | 2015 |
166 | NBSC | Neural basis of semantic control | 2016 |
167 | FlexCHIC | Flexible Complementary Hybrid Integrated Circuits | 2015 |
168 | CODIR | Cortical Dynamics of Decision Irrationality | 2016 |
169 | COCLIMAT | Fusion of Alternative Climate Models By Dynamical Synchronization | 2015 |
170 | MoStMusic | Models of Structure in Music | 2016 |
171 | MYO-DESMOPLASIA | Modulating the behaviour of cancer myofibroblasts to control tumour desmoplasia | 2015 |
172 | Cyanolichens | Genetic diversity of cyanobacterial symbionts of lichens and of free-living populations of Nostoc in biological soil crust communities of threatened alvar grasslands | 2015 |
173 | VesSenDrugDeliv | A versatile platform for the design of targeting drug delivery vesicles | 2015 |
174 | SCEL-TA | Surfactant controlled Cation Exchange Lithography - Towards Application | 2015 |
175 | MIPZ | Functional characterization of the cell division inhibitor MipZ | 2015 |
176 | Transnational Localism | Transnational Localism and Music after the two World Wars: the case of Francis Poulenc | 2015 |
177 | CRESWUP | Creep resistant steels and welds for ultra supercritical power plants | 2015 |
178 | LANDS | Large Area Nanoparticle Deposition System | 2015 |
179 | BactoDrug | The Bacteroides dual-pumping membrane-integral pyrophosphatase: a novel drug target | 2015 |
180 | AdvancedStarForm | Global and local star formation with state-of-the-art physics | 2015 |
181 | MatrixMacrophages | Matrix degrading macrophages in cancer growth and invasion | 2015 |
182 | ExTRyG | Excitonic transport in cold Rydberg gases | 2015 |
183 | BayesianHumanCortex | Bayesian computations in the human neocortex: deciphering the neuronal mechanisms of perceptual and syntactic inferences. | 2015 |
184 | FLEXGENOME | The Flexible Genome: understanding the genetic regulation of Phenotypic Plasticity. | 2015 |
185 | NeuroEE | Delineation of a brain circuit regulating energy expenditure to impact body weight | 2016 |
186 | ParaplegiaERDros | Roles of spastic paraplegia proteins in organisation of axonal endoplasmic reticulum | 2016 |
187 | Chenitar | Impact of chemical form of nickel ions on its molecular targets in some human cells | 2015 |
188 | PRIME | Process Invigoration through Model Embellishment | 2015 |
189 | 3D-GATED | Three-Dimensional Graphene Architectures as Templates for Electrochemical Devices | 2015 |
190 | TITLY | Inhibition of the T-cell receptor signalling pathway for treatment of T-cell lymphoma | 2015 |
191 | SUPERSOL | Solution processed low-dimensional oxide semiconducting structures and devices | 2015 |
192 | PFSEXOME | Identification of protein kinases and signalling pathways important for Plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission | 2015 |
193 | DECAGON | Doping Colloidal Nanoplatelets: Synthesis, Self-assembly and Spectroscopy | 2016 |
194 | PHARM AD | Removal of pharmaceutical micro-pollutants from waste water by anaerobic digestion and its effect on nitrogen recovery from digestate by micro-algae. | 2015 |
195 | Neuronal Trafficking | Mechanisms of synaptic growth and plasticity | 2016 |
196 | PAOLInA | Physical Activities of Older Adults: Longitudinal Interdisciplinary Analysis | 2016 |
197 | NoWork | The long-term effects of unemployment on older workers: Studying life-course influences in social context | 2016 |
198 | eTAG | Thermoacoustic- based residential mCHP system | 2015 |
199 | OLDIAS | Online Dialysis Sensor | 2015 |
200 | PRINTOO | PRINTOO - flexible, thin, printed electronics prototyping kit | 2015 |
201 | InnoRenew CoE | Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation centre of excellence (InnoRenew CoE) | 2015 |
202 | RodBot | Automated Microhandling System for X-ray Crystallography | 2015 |
203 | DIRS | Deusto International Research School | 2016 |
204 | IF-EBOla | Control of the Ebola Oubreak by both innovative Ultrasensitive Detection of EBOV and therapy | 2014 |
205 | I-DISC | Development of a Novel, Intelligent Down the Hole Disconnect Tool | 2015 |
206 | DEFLUG | Development of Environmentally Friendly Flue Gas Purification Solution | 2015 |
207 | CLINISC | Clinical validation of pCO2 sensor system for ischemia detection | 2015 |
208 | PASSIONATE | Providing Active Safety Shoes based On Nano Technologies | 2015 |
209 | FACTs | Fast Acting Virus Control Strategies for Production Animal Diseases | 2015 |
210 | MICROBAT | Wireless devices for smart energy management systems | 2015 |
211 | PANOSTICS | The AA2-Ratio: A Novel Diagnostic Biomarker for Primary Aldosteronism | 2015 |
212 | PROTOCOL | New processing technology for colistmethate sodium, leading to improved and cost-effective formulations for pharmaceutical and veterinary markets | 2015 |
213 | PREKIND | PreEclampsia diagnosis by Early Kidney Injury Detection | 2015 |
214 | Virtual Private Home | Virtual Privte Home - Privacy-by-design Home Energy Efficiency Platform | 2015 |
215 | CLUSDEV MED | Cluster Development Med | 2015 |
216 | DRESSFORMER | Virtual 3D fitting room for online shopping | 2015 |
217 | EarthServer-2 | Agile Analytics on Big Data Cubes | 2015 |
218 | QuantGeomLangTFT | The Quantum Geometric Langlands Topological Field Theory | 2015 |
219 | DEEP TIME | Dynamic Earth Evolution and Paleogeography through Tomographic Imaging of the Mantle | 2015 |
220 | CYTO-WATER | Integrated and portable image cytometer for rapid response to Legionella and Escherichia coli in industrial and environmental waters | 2015 |
221 | Sport Infinity | Waste-Based Rapid Adhesive-free Production of Sports goods | 2015 |
222 | RealValue | Realising Value from Electricity Markets with Local Smart Electric Thermal Storage Technology | 2015 |
223 | CODA | Custom-Made Ontology Based Data Access | 2015 |
224 | LONGHEART | Exploring selected long non-coding RNAs as diagnostics and therapeutic targets for heart failure | 2015 |
225 | EVOLHGT | Selective Barriers to Horizontal Gene Transfer | 2015 |
226 | BioLinX | Creating links to speed-up innovation in the bio economy | 2015 |
227 | germcells | A platform for the generation of human gametes in vitro | 2016 |
228 | CORONA II | Enhancement of training capabilities in VVER technology through establishment of VVER training academy (CORONA II) | 2015 |
229 | ShaMROCK | ShaMROCK – Secure professional Mobile Radio Over Commercial networKs | 2015 |
230 | Starlight | Demonstration of a High Definition Low Light Sensor (Starlight) for use in the Surveillance and Protection of Urban Soft Targets and Critical Infrastructures. | 2015 |
231 | ICRI-BioM | International Centre for Research on Innovative Bio-based Materials | 2015 |
232 | DigiArt | The Internet Of Historical Things And Building New 3D Cultural Worlds | 2015 |
233 | MRG-GRammar | Massive Reverse Genomics to Decipher Gene Regulatory Grammar | 2015 |
234 | DermalTherapy | Membrane fusion mediated dermal allergy immunotherapy | 2015 |
235 | Dermtest | An empowering toolkit for general practitioners to prevent, detect and treat melanoma (Dermtest) | 2015 |
236 | PreLog | Precursors of logical reasoning in human infants | 2015 |
237 | VOLCAPSE | Volcano dome growth, collapse and coupled processes | 2015 |
238 | S4F | Setting the Stage for Solar System Formation | 2015 |
239 | HU-MOLMEDEX | Creating the Hungarian Centre of Excellence for Molecular Medicine | 2015 |
240 | WCE | Wroclaw Centre of Excellence | 2015 |
241 | ARTEMIDA | Advanced Regional Translation of Excellence into Medical Innovations for Delayed Aging | 2015 |
242 | INSPIRE | INterdiSciPlinarity and excellence for doctoral training of International REsearchers in Paris | 2015 |
243 | Calcivis CAIS | Validation of clinical performance and pre-commercial development of a novel diagnostic for dental caries assessment | 2015 |
244 | NanoFASE | Nanomaterial FAte and Speciation in the Environment | 2015 |
245 | ELEPHANTINE | Localizing 4000 Years of Cultural History. Texts and Scripts from Elephantine Island in Egypt | 2015 |
246 | LITTLE TOOLS | Enacting the Good Economy: Biocapitalization and the little tools of valuation | 2015 |
247 | IMMUTRAIN | Training Network for the Immunotherapy of Cancer | 2015 |
248 | JointPrinting | 3D Printing of Cell Laden Biomimetic Materials and Biomolecules for Joint Regeneration | 2015 |
249 | 3D-JOINT | 3D Bioprinting of JOINT Replacements | 2015 |
250 | E-SPACE | European Standardised Process Approach to Cognitive Evaluation in older people | 2016 |
251 | BCorp | Between Social Values and Profitable Performance: The Case of B-Corporations | 2016 |
252 | MorePheno | Collider Phenomenology and Event Generators | 2015 |
253 | TransGeno | The ERA Chair for Translational Genomics and Personalized Medicine | 2015 |
254 | INTICE | Pathways to Intrinsically Icephobic Surfaces | 2015 |
255 | BIGWHEAT | An innovative approach to boost wheat yields | 2015 |
256 | DABCAST | Integrated, economical cloud-based service for digital radio broadcasting | 2015 |
257 | LIBERATE | Blood Biomarker Array Technology | 2015 |
258 | NUCLEUS | NUCLEUS - New Understanding of Communication, Learning and Engagement in Universities and Scientific Institutions | 2015 |
259 | SynDiv | A nanophysics approach to synthetic cell division | 2015 |
260 | LIFEOMEGA | Innovative highly concentrated Omega 3 food supplement | 2015 |
261 | DERMAE | Clinical research for the validation of a non-invasive medical imaging device for dermatological diagnoses | 2015 |
262 | ACCORD | Algorithms for Complex Collective Decisions on Structured Domains | 2015 |
263 | REPLICOLL | Self-replicating Colloidal Assemblies | 2015 |
264 | AVS-ISS | Analysis, Verification, and Synthesis for Infinite-State Systems | 2015 |
265 | AI4REASON | Artificial Intelligence for Large-Scale Computer-Assisted Reasoning | 2015 |
266 | ABCvolume | The ABC of Cell Volume Regulation | 2015 |
267 | INNO-SOFC | Development of innovative 50 kW SOFC system and related value chain | 2015 |
268 | ACEP | Airlander Civil Exploitation Project | 2015 |
269 | SafeTrain | Piloting and industrial validation of autonomous and sustainable animal deterring system for the rail transport | 2015 |
270 | StreetHopper | Disruptive Free Space Optics solution for small cell backhaul | 2015 |
271 | ANICOLEVO | Animal coloration through deep time: evolutionary novelty, homology and taphonomy | 2016 |
272 | LuxFaSS | Luxury, fashion and social status in Early Modern South Eastern Europe | 2015 |
273 | QUTE | Quantum Tensor Networks and Entanglement | 2015 |
274 | ReactiveFronts | Mixing interfaces as reactive hotspots of porous media flows: theoretical upscaling, experimental imaging and field scale validation | 2015 |
275 | MaTissE | Magnetic approaches for Tissue Mechanics and Engineering | 2015 |
276 | TIPPDECRA | Tolerogenic immunotherapy with peptide-pulsed dendritic cells in rheumatoid arthritis | 2016 |
277 | RapidEx | Validation of a point-of-care H-FABP test for a rapid exclusion of Acute Myocardial Infarction in patients with cardiac complaints. | 2015 |
278 | ArtifiCell | Synthetic Cell Biology: Designing organelle transport mechanisms | 2015 |
279 | COMP-MICR-CROW-MEM | Computational Microscopy of Crowded Membranes | 2015 |
280 | ECOSCALE | Energy-efficient Heterogeneous COmputing at exaSCALE | 2015 |
281 | BW-KAM2 | Innovation Management Capacity Building of SME by the Enterprise Europe Network Baden-Württemberg 2 | 2015 |
282 | OUTCOME | The outstanding challenge in solid mechanics: engineering structures subjected to extreme loading conditions | 2016 |
283 | BrightnESS | Building a research infrastructure and synergies for highest scientific impact on ESS | 2015 |
284 | MaMs2 | Platform for Heterogeneous Integration of NEMS on ICs | 2015 |
285 | TAMING | Taming non convexity? | 2015 |
286 | DIME | Disequilibirum metamorphism of stressed lithosphere | 2015 |
287 | CHARME | Growing bone fast and cost-effective | 2015 |
288 | WHEYCOM | Validation and market uptake of a natural disinfection whey-based formula for whole and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables | 2015 |
289 | AutoRecon | Molecular mechanisms of autophagosome formation during selective autophagy | 2016 |
290 | WANDERINGMINDS | Not all minds that wander are lost: A neurocognitive test of mind-wandering state’s contribution to human cognition. | 2015 |
292 | SHARS | Small HeteroAromatic Ring Synthesis: A Unified Approach | 2015 |
293 | MANTIS | Cyber Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance | 2015 |
294 | HY4ALL | Hydrogen For All of Europe (HY4ALL) | 2015 |
295 | spim4You | spim4You: customised solutions for light sheet microscopes and imaging data analysis. | 2015 |
296 | Novel asthma therapy | Biocompatible nanoparticles for T cell targeted siRNA delivery as novel asthma therapy | 2015 |
297 | Multi-Pop | Fulfilling the Potential of Globular Clusters as Tracers of Cosmological Mass Assembly | 2015 |
298 | DendroBAP | Green and robust approaches towards dual-purpose dendritic adhesives: Novel minimally invasive methodologies for bone fracture fixation applications | 2015 |
299 | SPARKS | SPARKS | 2015 |
300 | TRIGGDRUG | Reactions That Translate mRNA into Drug-like Molecules | 2016 |
301 | 1stProposal | An alternative development of analytic number theory and applications | 2015 |
303 | BASKAM | Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs during 2015-2016 | 2015 |
304 | KAMWAL 2.1 | EEN Advanced Support Services for Walloon SMEs 2015-2016 | 2015 |
305 | CESSDA-SaW | Strengthening and widening the European infrastructure for social science data archives. | 2015 |
306 | AdaptEconII | Adaptation to a New Economic Reality | 2015 |
307 | GRACE | GRACE: Gender and Cultures of Equality in Europe | 2015 |
308 | ANSWER | ANtibioticS and mobile resistance elements in WastEwater Reuse applications: risks and innovative solutions | 2015 |
309 | ARCADES | Algebraic Representations in Computer-Aided Design for complEx Shapes | 2016 |
310 | 5G-AURA | Application-aware User-centric Programmable Architectures for 5G Multi-tenant Networks | 2015 |
311 | STARRY | STARs that 'R' Young : When do stars form in clustered environments? | 2016 |
312 | E-CAM | An e-infrastructure for software, training and consultancy in simulation and modelling | 2015 |
313 | MaX | Materials design at the eXascale | 2015 |
314 | FlexHyJoin | Flexible production cell for Hybrid Joining | 2015 |
315 | MOTOR | Multi-ObjecTive design Optimization of fluid eneRgy machines | 2015 |
316 | CAxMan | Computer Aided Technologies for Additive Manufacturing | 2015 |
317 | MAESTRI | Energy and resource management systems for improved efficiency in the process industries. | 2015 |
318 | HisMoDetect | An Antibody Microarray for Histone Modifications | 2015 |
319 | FlexLogIC | Using existing methods to develop a modular, integrated and autonomous ‘Factory-in-a-box’ production line for manufacturing high volumes of flexible integrated logic circuits | 2015 |
320 | INTESTINANOS | Intestinal Lipoidal Nanostructures - A Lipid Bridge to Increased Drug Delivery | 2015 |
321 | GRANT | Groups, Representations and Analysis in Number Theory | 2015 |
322 | DNAmics | DNA mimetics: Synthetic molecular duplexes | 2016 |
323 | FormGram | Form-frequency correspondences in grammar | 2015 |
324 | switchBoard | In the eye of the observer: Visual processing at the heart of the retina | 2015 |
325 | PRONTO | PRONTO: PROcess NeTwork Optimization for efficient and sustainable operation of Europe’s process industries taking machinery condition and process performance into account. | 2016 |
326 | BitMap | Brain injury and trauma monitoring using advanced photonics | 2016 |
327 | ICEYE | Microsatellite radar network for fast update Arctic ice surveillance. | 2015 |
328 | PROMISE | Origins of the Molecular Cloud Structure | 2016 |
329 | RobustSynapses | Maintaining synaptic function for a healthy brain: Membrane trafficking and autophagy in neurodegeneration | 2016 |
330 | SHARECITY | SHARECITY: Assessing the practice and sustainability potential of city-based food sharing economies | 2015 |
331 | DISLIFE | Liveable disabilities: Life courses and opportunity structures across time | 2016 |
332 | StemNicheOnWaveCrest | New therapies for myeloproliferative diseases based on multi-stage and -system analyses of the haematopoietic stem-cell niche | 2015 |
333 | RegEvolve | Comparative analysis of planarian regeneration - why some worms regenerate while others don’t | 2015 |
334 | SFSysCellBio | Slow-Fast Systems in Cellular Biology | 2016 |
335 | VESCEL | Vascular Engineering on chip using differentiated Stem Cells | 2015 |
336 | FLAME | FLow of Ancient Metals across Eurasia (FLAME): New frameworks for interpreting human interaction in Later Prehistory | 2015 |
337 | MASCP | Mechanisms of alternative pre-mRNA splicing regulation in cancer and pluripotent cells | 2015 |
338 | SYNECT | Immunological synapse derived ectosomes in T cell effector function | 2015 |
339 | ELFBAD | L-form bacteria, biotechnology and disease | 2015 |
340 | NSETHIO | Nodding Syndrome: a trans-disciplinary approach to identify the cause and decrease the incidence of river epilepsy | 2015 |
341 | ScienceSquared | ERC = ScienceSquared | 2015 |
342 | EENINNOAUSTRIA | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2015 |
343 | ENCASE | EnhaNcing seCurity And privacy in the Social wEb: a user centered approach for the protection of minors | 2016 |
344 | ESEV-4-GR | Electric Smart Eco Vacuum Pump For Green Cars | 2015 |
345 | FACCESS | Enabling the large-scale deployment of Facial Recognition in banking security | 2015 |
346 | Tomo-FPS | Tomosynthesis is a low-dose alternate to has CT already transformed Breast Imaging, our vision is to reduce the costs, further enhance sensitivity and reduce dose, and transform portability. | 2015 |
347 | TENCENT | The next generation of Hybrid Concentrating Solar Power Plants | 2015 |
348 | CYTOPRO | Profiling of tumour cells in blood for personalized treatment of metastatic cancer | 2015 |
349 | Smart Ski | Smart Ski | 2015 |
350 | NGV - PRA | Affordable Personal Refuelling Appliance (PRA) for Natural Gas Vehicles using oil-free coaxial compression | 2015 |
351 | SWAPOUT | Smart Wireless Access Point with Objective User-Targeting | 2015 |
352 | MaXIMA | Three dimensional breast cancer models for X-ray Imaging research | 2016 |
354 | LIAR | Living Architecture | 2016 |
355 | POTENTIATE | A Molecular Framework for Plant Cell Totipotency | 2015 |
356 | StronGrHEP | Strong Gravity and High-Energy Physics | 2016 |
357 | SBSI | Structure-based subwavelength imaging | 2015 |
358 | EndoNaut | EndoNaut Delivery Platform | 2016 |
359 | ATHENA | Remote Sensing Science Center for Cultural Heritage | 2015 |
360 | HPC4E | HPC for Energy | 2015 |
361 | dReDBox | Disaggregated Recursive Datacentre-in-a-Box | 2016 |
362 | C-Levitonics | Classical Levitonics: transposing quantum levitons to classical waves for single side band wireless data transmissions | 2015 |
363 | COAT | Anti-reflection coatings from solution-processable, high-refractive index inorganic/organic hybrid materials | 2015 |
364 | SIR | Scriptores Iuris Romani. Texts and Thought. | 2015 |
366 | OPERA | lOw Power heterogeneous architecture for nExt generation of smaRt infrastructure and platforms in industrial and societal Applications | 2015 |
367 | ERC-OAPEN-2015 | Support towards the OAPEN initiative (2015-2016) | 2015 |
368 | PRIFOG | PRIFOG - A technology-powered producer responsibility initiative for fat, oil and grease compliance for food service outlets | 2015 |
369 | AUDITOR | Advanced Multi-Constellation EGNSS Augmentation and Monitoring Network and its Application in Precision Agriculture | 2016 |
370 | ICFOstepstone | ICFOstepstone PhD Programme for Early-Stage Researchers in Photonics | 2016 |
371 | DEMOGRAVI3 | Demonstration of the GRAVI3 technology – innovative gravity foundation for offshore wind | 2016 |
372 | AlmaCrypt | Algorithmic and Mathematical Cryptology | 2016 |
373 | TheoryDL | Practically Relevant Theory of Deep Learning | 2016 |
374 | DOPING-ON-DEMAND | Doping on Demand: precise and permanent control of the Fermi level in nanocrystal assemblies | 2016 |
375 | NanoPacks | NanoPacks: Assembling nanoparticles via evaporation-driven droplet collapse for ultrasensitive detection techniques | 2016 |
376 | ImmersiaTV | Immersive Experiences around TV, an integrated toolset for the production and distribution of immersive and interactive content across devices. | 2016 |
377 | AGS | A resource-efficient granulation process for advanced formulation of any compound in food and pharma production | 2015 |
378 | MAIN | Molecular Adhesion and Interactions in the Nervous system | 2016 |
379 | HBMAP | Decoding, Mapping and Designing the Structural Complexity of Hydrogen-Bond Networks: from Water to Proteins to Polymers | 2016 |
380 | microCrysFact | Microfluidic Crystal Factories (μ-CrysFact): a breakthrough approach for crystal engineering | 2016 |
381 | F-Interop | FIRE+ online interoperability and performance test tools to support emerging technologies from research to standardization and market launch The standards and innovations accelerating tool | 2015 |
382 | Crystal Solar | Organic-Inorganic perovskite and organic semiconductor films with improved crystal properties via reel-to-reel solution coating; application to photovoltaics and field effect transistors | 2016 |
383 | OXTOP | Low-dimensional topology in Oxford | 2016 |
384 | MagneticYSOs | Interpreting Dust Polarization Maps to Characterize the Role of the Magnetic Field in Star Formation Processes | 2016 |
385 | ICT-STREAMS | Silicon Photonics Transceiver and Routing technologies for High-End Multi-Socket Server Blades with Tb/s Throughput interconnect interfaces | 2016 |
386 | ESPRESSO | Systemic standardisation approach to empower smart cities and communities | 2016 |
387 | SocialMedia | Social Media, Political Participation, and Accountability | 2016 |
388 | MemoMCI | Targeting reconsolidation to strengthen memories in individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment | 2016 |
389 | EngiNear-IR | Engineered Near-Infrared Photosynthesis | 2015 |
390 | LSFM4LIFE | Production and characterization of endocrine cells derived from human pancreas organoids for the cell-based therapy of type 1 diabetes | 2016 |
391 | MARKLIM | Markets and their limits | 2016 |
392 | OptoHear | Cochlear Optogenetics for Auditory Research and Prosthetics | 2015 |
393 | Mulosige | Multilingual locals, significant geographies: a new approach to world literature | 2016 |
394 | HYDRA | Hydraulics modelling for drilling automation | 2016 |
395 | NanoHybrids | New generation of nanoporous organic and hybrid aerogels for industrial applications: from the lab to pilot scale production | 2015 |
396 | PROTEUS | Scalable online machine learning for predictive analytics and real-time interactive visualization | 2015 |
397 | BabyRobot | Child-Robot Communication and Collaboration: Edutainment, Behavioural Modelling and Cognitive Development in Typically Developing and Autistic Spectrum Children | 2016 |
398 | ASSET | Instant Gratification for Collective Awareness and Sustainable Consumerism | 2016 |
399 | AudioCommons | Audio Commons: An Ecosystem for Creative Reuse of Audio Content | 2016 |
400 | SPARK | Spatial Augmented Reality as a Key for co-creativity | 2016 |
401 | IMAGE | Innovative Methodologies and technologies for reducing Aircraft noise Generation and Emission | 2016 |
402 | Blue Nodules | Breakthrough Solutions for the Sustainable Harvesting and Processing of Deep Sea Polymetallic Nodules | 2016 |
403 | selfBACK | A decision support system for self-management of low back pain | 2016 |
404 | MIN-GUIDE | Minerals Policy Guidance for Europe | 2016 |
405 | CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD | Self-management interventions and mutual assistance community services, helping patients with dementia and caregivers connect with others for evaluation, support and inspiration to improve the care experience | 2016 |
406 | MOBILITY4EU | Action Plan for the future of Mobility in Europe | 2016 |
407 | KEEPFISH | Knowledge Exchange for Efficient Passage of Fishes in the Southern Hemisphere | 2016 |
408 | EPIC | Exploiting Protein Complexes that Induce Cell-death | 2016 |
409 | EVA | EVA - patient ventilation beyond limits | 2015 |
410 | FloTEC | Floating Tidal Energy Commercialisation project (FloTEC) | 2016 |
411 | BISON | BrIdging Structural BiOlogy with Biological SyNthesis and Self Assembly to Reveal Key Processes in Living Systems | 2016 |
412 | Gene2Skin | Gene2Skin - Roadmap for advanced genetic engineering-based skin therapies | 2015 |
413 | GAtransport | A direct, multi-faceted approach to investigate plant hormones spatial regulation: the case of gibberellins | 2016 |
414 | StarFormMapper | A Gaia and Herschel Study of the Density Distribution and Evolution of Young Massive Star Clusters | 2016 |
415 | DYNAMICMARCH | Dynamics of Multiple, Interacting and Concurrent Markov Chains | 2016 |
416 | EnerSHIFT | Energy Social Housing Innovative Financing Tender | 2016 |
417 | SEFIPA | Sustainable Energy Financing Plattform in Austria | 2016 |
418 | SMART | Sustainable Market Actors for Responsible Trade | 2016 |
419 | DOMINO | DOMINO - Connecting Europe, Saving Energy | 2016 |
420 | PROSINT | Multi-protein interaction kinetics by single molecule methods | 2016 |
421 | SponGES | Deep-sea Sponge Grounds Ecosystems of the North Atlantic: an integrated approach towards their preservation and sustainable exploitation | 2016 |
422 | DR-BOB | Demand Response in Block of Buildings | 2016 |
423 | SEAQUEL | Structured Ensembles of Atoms for Quantum Engineering of Light | 2016 |
424 | CELBICON | Cost-effective CO2 conversion into chemicals via combination of Capture, ELectrochemical and BI-ochemical CONversion technologies | 2016 |
425 | SmartStars | Pathways towards forming super-massive black holes in the early Universe | 2016 |
426 | MARSU | MARine atmospheric Science Unravelled: Analytical and mass spectrometric techniques development and application | 2016 |
427 | 3-5-FIRST | Cold atom-semiconductor quantum interface | 2016 |
428 | GOLDCLUSTER | Polynuclear Gold Catalysis | 2016 |
429 | SWARM | Software driven Smart Antenna powered by RF MEMS Technology | 2016 |
430 | cleanMOULD | Oil, fat and contaminant free moulding through advanced low friction and fretting-resistant coating solution | 2016 |
431 | CyberWiz | Cyber-Security Visualization and CAD-Tool for the Vulnerability Assessment of Critical Infrastructures | 2015 |
432 | NATAROM | New isolation methods for production of natural aroma ingredients | 2016 |
434 | HYBOCOMIX | Hydrogen bonds in diblock copolymer/ homopolymer melt | 2016 |
435 | TEMPO | Terrestrial vertebrates and the evolutionary origins of morphological diversity | 2016 |
436 | PARPin | Regulation of (ADP-ribosyl)ation signalling in the DNA damage response: elucidating the function of a novel PARP1/ARTD1 interactor | 2016 |
437 | CoronaTag | Analysis of protein corona formation on nanoparticles by DNA barcodes | 2016 |
438 | Supra spin-selection | Spin-Selection using Chirality: A Supramolecular Approach | 2016 |
439 | ECOHERB | Drivers and impacts of invertebrate herbivores across forest ecosystems globally. | 2016 |
440 | BioExtrusion | Natural functional plasticizers for controlled protein folding and extrusion into biomaterials. | 2016 |
441 | REFLEX | Studying the role of the retrosplenial cortex in flexible learning | 2016 |
442 | PRISTINE | Improved production of low cost silver nanowires | 2016 |
443 | VADEMA | Doctoral Industrial School for Vaccine Design through Structural Mass Spectrometry | 2016 |
444 | DoRES | Direct measurements of key nuclear Reactions for the creation of Elements in Stars | 2016 |
445 | MultiMT | Multi-modal Context Modelling for Machine Translation | 2016 |
446 | INATTENTION | Behavioral and Policy Implications of Rational Inattention | 2016 |
447 | PLASMIC | Plasmonically-enhanced III-V nanowire lasers on silicon for integrated communications | 2016 |
448 | HOLDING-HANDS | Holding hands: cell-cell junctions in breast cancer metastasis and resistance to therapy | 2016 |
449 | unLiMIt-2D | Unique Light-Matter Interactions with Two-Dimensional Materials | 2016 |
450 | UAAWORM | Establishing genetic code expansion as a tool to study neuronal circuit function in an animal | 2016 |
451 | G-EDIT | Mechanisms of RNA-guided genome editing in eukaryotes | 2016 |
452 | FANOEC | Fundamentals and Applications of Inorganic Oxygen Evolution Catalysts | 2016 |
453 | SpeedInfTradeoff | Speed-Information Tradeoffs: Beyond Quasi-Entropy Analysis | 2016 |
454 | STEMBAR | Mechanisms and functional significance of diffusion barriers for asymmetric segregation of age in neural stem cells | 2016 |
455 | PROJESTOR | PROJECTED MEMRISTOR: A nanoscale device for cognitive computing | 2016 |
456 | ACCOMPLISSH | Accelerate co-creation by setting up a multi-actor platform for impact from Social Sciences and Humanities | 2016 |
457 | FACELOOK | Identity Management on Social Media by Diasporic LGBTQs | 2016 |
458 | Crystal Tandem Solar | Single-Crystal Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells For High Efficiency and Low Cost | 2017 |
459 | DOLORES | Degradation of Lifetime of fuel cell Resistance by Electrochemical impedance Spectroscopy | 2016 |
460 | GreenChalcoCell | Green and sustainable chalcopyrite and kesterite nanocrystals for inorganic solar cells | 2016 |
461 | GoldOpera | Carlo Goldoni and Europe's New Opera Theatre | 2016 |
462 | RSC | Atomic Resolution Structures of Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Supercomplexes | 2016 |
463 | OptoNMDA | Optical strategies to investigate NMDA receptor functional diversity and its therapeutic potential | 2016 |
464 | UMIC | Association of Uranium with Organic Matter- and Iron-bearing Colloids in Wetland Environments | 2016 |
465 | M6Abolic-RNA-duplex | Metabolic control of RNA-protein and RNA-RNA interactions in cellular transformation. | 2016 |
466 | ThermalDFT | Density-Functional Theory for Thermoelectric Phenomena | 2016 |
467 | LWIMT | Main group chemistry, inorganic polymers, catalysis, silicon- and phosphorus-based polymers | 2016 |
468 | EYEPOD | The vision-strike conversion: Neural control of the predatory strike behavior in stomatopods | 2016 |
469 | Supra-CNT | Supramolecular assembly of Janus Carbon Nanotubes into functional 3D microparticles | 2016 |
470 | G4-PTROs | Regulatory network of G-quadruplex dependent Post-Transcriptional mRNA Operons (PTROs) | 2016 |
471 | MICROARCHAEODUNG | Human-animal interactions in early sedentary and urban societies in the Near East and northern Africa: microarchaeology of livestock dung | 2016 |
472 | NanoSiAl | Silica and alumina nanophases – the building blocks for the ground under our feet. | 2017 |
473 | JUSECON | Legal rights and the political economy of debt and austerity in Europe | 2017 |
474 | EvoNIN | Unraveling key genetic innovations behind the emergence of the root-nodule symbiosis | 2017 |
475 | WARFLY | Insects as Silent Witnesses to Prehistoric Warfare: Forensic Archaeoentomology as a Novel Approach to the Study of Conflict | 2016 |
476 | MAGPLANT | Localized Corrosion Studies for Magnesium Implant Devices | 2016 |
477 | SNAPCAT | Scanning probe energy loss spectroscopy of Nanoscale Alloy Particles for heterogeneous CATalysis | 2016 |
478 | CFQMLD | A Computational Framework For Quantitative Modeling of Leaf Development in Arabidopsis and Cardamine | 2017 |
479 | HEGNAT | Naturalism in German Classical Philosophy: Nature, Recognition and Freedom in the Hegelian Theory of Social Interaction and Cooperation | 2016 |
480 | Garibaldinism | Garibaldinism and radicalism: Traditions of transnational war volunteering in Southern Europe, 1861-1936 | 2016 |
481 | NOSTA | Nanostructured Oxide and Silicide Materials for Thermoelectric Device Applications | 2017 |
482 | DNA Pol III | How single DNA polymerases make decisions during proofreading | 2016 |
483 | TOPACT | Topological defects in nematic liquid crystals of active colloidal rods | 2016 |
484 | ZC | Torsion units of integral group rings | 2016 |
485 | MolecularEVOLUTION | Molecular Evolution of the Primary Structure of Single Chain Polymer Nanoparticles via Dynamic Covalent Chemistry | 2016 |
486 | FUTBOL | Two Dimensional Materials for Bolometers of the Future | 2016 |
487 | HairGen | Genetics of human hair form diversity | 2016 |
488 | PMOHR | Probabilistic modelling of electronic health records | 2016 |
489 | ADHERE | Aptamer nanostructures dual-targeted to the HER receptor family for cancer therapy | 2016 |
490 | SUPEREOM | Microwave-to-Optical Quantum Link: Quantum Teleportation and Quantum Illumination with cavity Optomechanics | 2016 |
491 | PERICYTEStroma | Pericyte-derived tumor stroma – a target for cancer therapy | 2016 |
492 | Thalamic Circuits | Circuit analysis of thalamic visual processing and its modulation by long-range projections | 2017 |
493 | EpiMIRgen | A comprehensive analysis of microRNA-124 regulated gene networks and its role in epilepsy. | 2016 |
494 | GENDER-CF | Gender-related differences in expression of microRNAs in cystic fibrosis | 2017 |
495 | ASRD | Acoustic species recognition in delphinids | 2016 |
496 | THERAGEL | Development of a chemotherapeutic gel for glioblastoma multiforme treatment | 2016 |
497 | SPARk | Adding Pieces to the Puzzle of Sexual Differentiation In P. falciparum: A Systematic Analysis of RNA Processing | 2016 |
498 | DDM-GNI | Discrete Dirac Mechanics and Geometric Numerical Integration Methods for Plasma Physics | 2016 |
499 | EFOX | The formation and evolution of monomineralic oxide layers in mafic intrusions | 2016 |
500 | NVHSC | Neurovascular interplay in the hematopoietic stem cell niches in homeostasis and myeloproliferative neoplasias | 2016 |
501 | GallBiome | Characterization of the Human Gallbladder Microbiome | 2016 |
502 | MPIPETrace | Clinical performance validation of a novel biomarker for quantitative imaging of coronary artery disease. | 2015 |
503 | ICFOstepstone | ICFOstepstone PhD Programme for Early-Stage Researchers in Photonics | 2017 |
504 | Hi-ThermCap | High-capacity and high-performance Thermal energy storage Capsule for low-carbon and energy efficient heating and cooling systems | 2016 |
505 | NEBU-ONE | NEBU-ONE : A revolutionary method for anatomic pathology slides staining | 2016 |
506 | ECROWD2D | ECrowd!2D – Streamlining the due diligence process to finance more sustainable energy projects | 2016 |
507 | DELTAS | The dynamics and rheology of self-assembled empty liquids: from patchy toy models to anisotropic realistic systems | 2016 |
508 | MIR-CHROM-C | Investigating the microRNA-chromatin remodelling circuitry in cardiac development | 2016 |
510 | TF3C_EM | Structure-function studies of the general transcription factor IIIC (TFIIIC) | 2017 |
511 | CHROMATIX | Role of epigenetic mechanisms in random X chromosome inactivation in vivo. | 2016 |
512 | ChondUb | Identification and characterisation of novel WWP2 substrates and their role in chondrogenesis and osteoarthritis | 2016 |
513 | CSR_MEMORY | Corporate (ir)responsibility and the politics of collective memory. | 2016 |
514 | Expectancy learning | Enhancing expectancy formation in healthy aging through statistical and sensorimotor learning | 2016 |
515 | ELUSIVES | The Elusives Enterprise: Asymmetries of the Invisible Universe | 2016 |
516 | NeuroVisEco | Zebrafish vision in its natural context: from natural scenes through retinal and central processing to behaviour. | 2016 |
517 | BuildingPlanS | Building planetary systems: linking architectures with formation | 2016 |
518 | EvoStruc | The physics of antibiotic resistance evolution in spatially-structured multicellular assemblies | 2016 |
519 | IdrSeq | Discovery and characterization of functional disordered regions and the genes involved in their regulation through next generation sequencing | 2016 |
520 | VISONby3DSTIM | Restoration of visual perception by artificial stimulation performed by 3D EAO microscopy | 2016 |
521 | PLANTCULT | Identifying the food cultures of ancient Europe: an interdisciplinary investigation of plant ingredients, culinary transformation and evolution through time | 2016 |
522 | SIM4NEXUS | Sustainable Integrated Management FOR the NEXUS of water-land-food-energy-climate for a resource-efficient Europe | 2016 |
523 | H-DisNet | Intelligent Hybrid Thermo-Chemical District Networks | 2016 |
524 | CIPSEC | Enhancing Critical Infrastructure Protection with innovative SECurity framework | 2016 |
525 | iBorderCtrl | Intelligent Portable Border Control System | 2016 |
526 | DiSIEM | Diversity Enhancements for SIEMs | 2016 |
527 | SHADOWBANKING | Monetary Policy and Shadow banking: global micro-evidence from ABCPs | 2016 |
528 | PlantCellMech | Quantification of the role of mechanical stresses in plant cell morphogenesis. | 2016 |
529 | BNPGE | The escaping B chromosome: a tool for dissecting the mechanisms of Paternal Genome Elimination | 2017 |
530 | OSCA | Ozone Sensitivity of Crops in Africa | 2016 |
531 | OCGN | Traditional Organised Crime and the Internet: The changing organization of illegal gambling networks | 2017 |
532 | Farewell flashbacks | Developing science-driven therapies after trauma: Neural mechanisms underlying the modification of intrusive emotional memories | 2016 |
533 | STEPN-UP | Stilbene and entomopathogenic nematodes: Unlocking the potential | 2017 |
534 | BEYONDCO | Using fine structure line emission to observe the life-cycle of molecular clouds | 2016 |
535 | NeuralCoding | Probing principles of neural coding with all-optical interrogation in behaving mice | 2017 |
536 | CatalApp | Copper Catalysis Applications | 2016 |
537 | Marine Mammals | Using marine mammals for making science education and science careers attractive for young people | 2016 |
538 | SimVisSim | Simultaneous Vision Simulator for optimizing selection of presbyopic correcions | 2016 |
539 | WIRL | Warwick Interdisciplinary Research Leadership Programme | 2017 |
540 | EDGE | Cutting Edge Training - Cutting Edge Technology | 2016 |
541 | MULTIPLY | International Mobility and Training in Photonics Programme | 2016 |
542 | NeuroPsense | Embedded Neuromorphic Sensory Processor | 2016 |
543 | Immune Regulation | How Infection History Shapes the Immune System: Pathogen-induced Changes in Regulatory T Cells | 2016 |
544 | Ubl-Code | Revealing the ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modification landscape in health and disease | 2016 |
545 | HybCell | Engineering of hybrid cells using lab-on-chip technology | 2016 |
546 | FACTORY | New paradigms for latent factor estimation | 2016 |
547 | NETS | Networks in Time and Space | 2016 |
548 | SCENT | Smart Toolbox for Engaging Citizens into a People-Centric Observation Web | 2016 |
549 | POSTCELL | Post-Cellular Wireless Networks | 2016 |
550 | HECATE | Hydrogen at Extreme Conditions: Applying Theory to Experiment for creation, verification and understanding | 2016 |
551 | GUIDESIGINT | Competitive assembly dynamics of the DCC receptor with its guidance cues integrates signals for cellular steering | 2017 |
552 | CHIKV-FBDD | Structural investigation into functionality of Chikungunya virus nsP2 in replication complex and screening of small molecules for its inhibition | 2016 |
553 | HEAL-BY-MIRNA | microRNA replacement therapy for mature B cell neoplasias | 2016 |
554 | ICY-LAB | Isotope CYcling in the LABrador Sea | 2016 |
555 | INCOMMON | In praise of community: shared creativity in arts and politics in Italy (1959-1979) | 2016 |
556 | GECEM | Global Encounters between China and Europe: Trade Networks, Consumption and Cultural Exchanges in Macau and Marseille (1680-1840) | 2016 |
557 | YEASTMEMORY | Memory in biological regulatory circuits | 2016 |
558 | DELPHI4LED | From Measurements to Standardized Multi-Domain Compact Models of LEDs | 2016 |
559 | AQUAMS | Analysis of quantum many-body systems | 2016 |
560 | BISON | Bio-Inspired Self-Assembled Supramolecular Organic Nanostructures | 2016 |
561 | SNDUST | Supernova dust: production and survival rates | 2016 |
562 | LAWALISI | Law, Authority and Learning in Imami Shi'ite Islam | 2016 |
563 | ByoPiC | The Baryon Picture of the Cosmos | 2017 |
564 | PhononGap | Heat transfer and friction between two closely spaced objects due to phonon transfer across a vacuum gap | 2016 |
565 | IsImAg | Isis, Images and Agency. The Creation, Use and Perception of Religious Iconography Concerning the Egyptian Gods in the Hellenistic and Roman Worlds | 2017 |
567 | PANDORA | Platelets: at the nexus of brain aneurysm | 2016 |
568 | RRI-Practice | Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice | 2016 |
569 | SC-square | SC-square - Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation: uniting two communities to solve real problems | 2016 |
570 | Lumiblast | A paradigm shift in cancer therapy – using mitochondria-powered chemiluminescence to non-invasively treat inaccessible tumours | 2016 |
571 | MERC | Molecular mechanisms regulating cardiovascular remodeling by Adamts1 | 2016 |
572 | NANOTER | Development of Ultra-Sensitive Nanotherapeutic Anticancer Agents for Boron Neutron CaptureTherapy | 2016 |
573 | MagnonCircuits | Nano-Scale Magnonic Circuits for Novel Computing Systems | 2016 |
574 | BAYNET | Bayesian Networks and Non-Rational Expectations | 2016 |
575 | ToxoPersist | Molecular Basis of Toxoplasma gondii Encystation and Persistence | 2016 |
576 | S.D.S. | an innovative system for building hulls for recreational and work boats | 2016 |
577 | MINDPICS | When a Profile is worth more than a Thousand of Hashtags: Automatic Inference of Personality Traits based on Images Shared in Social Networks | 2016 |
578 | GrInHy | Green Industrial Hydrogen via Reversible High-Temperature Electrolysis | 2016 |
579 | Safe Hydrogen Fuel | Safe Hydrogen-On-Demand Fuel for E-Vehicles | 2016 |
580 | INSPIRE | Integration of Novel Stack Components for Performance, Improved Durability and Lower Cost | 2016 |
581 | Brainwaves | City Campus meets Illuminale 2016 / 2017 | 2016 |
582 | FASTEEL | Disruptive innovation through new tool steels with unique thermo-mechanical performance for material forming applications | 2016 |
583 | FITA2.0 | A highly innovative size recommendation engine, disrupting the existing online apparel market by using big data and machine-learning algorithms. | 2016 |
584 | BISS | Biometric Identification Security System | 2016 |
585 | USONIPRO | Ultrasonic technology for bioprocess enhancement | 2016 |
586 | RELIABLE | Wear Resistant Lightweight Aluminium Brakes for Vehicles | 2016 |
587 | Tamed Cancer | Personalized Cancer Therapy by Model-based Optimal Robust Control Algorithm | 2016 |
588 | CHEMCHECK | CHECKPOINTS IN CHECK: Novel Chemical Toolbox for Local Cancer Immunotherapy | 2016 |
589 | LUSH SPIKE | Genetic and Molecular Determinants of Spikelet Survival in Cereal Crops | 2016 |
590 | Immune-senescence | Dual targeting of senescence and tumor immunity for cancer therapy | 2016 |
591 | MeerTRAP | Discovering Fast Transients and Pulsars with MeerKAT for Cosmology and to Test the Laws of Gravity | 2016 |
592 | PHOTODEMOS | Citizens of photography: the camera and the political imagination | 2016 |
593 | DART | Data-driven AiRcraft Trajectory prediction research | 2016 |
594 | PSI | Personified Self Interaction | 2016 |
595 | PHOSave | Innovative solution for phosphate recovery from exhausted extinguishing powders | 2016 |
596 | FlexLogIC | Development of a modular, integrated and autonomous ‘Factory-in-a-box’ production line for manufacturing high volumes of Flexible integrated LogIC circuits | 2016 |
597 | IMPAX | Inline/Instant Measurement for PhArma eXtrusion | 2016 |
598 | iNTACT | Commercialisation of the world’s first iNTelligent Access Cover Technology for the protection of ALL underground infrastructure. | 2016 |
599 | ConnectProtect | A total cyber protection service to Small Businesses operating critical infrastructure and Residential customers | 2016 |
600 | MARCAN | Topographically-driven meteoric groundwater – An important geomorphic agent | 2017 |
601 | CBTC | The Resurgence in Wage Inequality and Technological Change: A New Approach | 2016 |
602 | CLASS | Cross-Linguistic Acquisition of Sentence Structure: Integrating Experimental and Computational Approaches | 2016 |
603 | UTOPES | Unifying concepts in the topological design of non-crystalline materials | 2016 |
604 | LANGBOOT | Language bootstraps cognitive complexity | 2017 |
605 | BIO4SELF | Biobased self-functionalised self-reinforced composite materials based on high performance nanofibrillar PLA fibres | 2016 |
607 | ARCHES | Accessible Resources for Cultural Heritage EcoSystems | 2016 |
608 | ILID | Ionic Liquid Interface Dynamcis | 2016 |
609 | ImpAncCit | The Impact of the Ancient City | 2016 |
610 | Relieve-Chol | Reprogramming cell identity to develop new therapies against Cholangiopathies | 2016 |
611 | MemoryDynamics | Writing and editing of memories from acquisition to long-term consolidation | 2016 |
612 | FUTURE-PRINT | Tuneable 2D Nanosheet Networks for Printed Electronics | 2016 |
613 | Scale-FreeBack | Scale-Free Control for Complex Physical Network Systems | 2016 |
614 | PhysSF | Physics of Star Formation and Its Regulation | 2016 |
615 | NEUROPOP | Large-scale analysis of neuronal population activity | 2016 |
616 | ZMOD | Blood Vessel Development and Homeostasis: Identification and Functional Analysis of Genetic Modifiers | 2016 |
617 | CROSSLOCATIONS | Crosslocations in the Mediterranean: rethinking the socio-cultural dynamics of relative positioning | 2016 |
619 | CHROMIUM | CHROMIUM | 2016 |
620 | Synth | Synthesising Inductive Data Models | 2016 |
621 | TAROX | Targeting oxidative repair proteins for treatment of cancer and inflammation | 2016 |
622 | DAWNDINOS | Testing the locomotor superiority hypothesis for early dinosaurs | 2016 |
623 | IMMUNOALZHEIMER | The role of immune cells in Alzheimer's disease | 2016 |
624 | MYCO TRAPS | New roles for the cytoskeleton in cell-autonomous immunity to mycobacteria | 2016 |
625 | SMALLDIS | The impact of small-scale disaster events: an exploration of disaster related losses, extensive risk management and learning at the institutional and community level in Italy | 2016 |
626 | MIRCOMB | Chip-based mid-infrared frequency combs | 2016 |
627 | AD-VIP | Alzheimer’s disease and AAV9: Use of a virus-based delivery system for vectored immunoprophylaxis in dementia. | 2016 |
628 | GREENERNET | Advanced Flow Battery Energy Storage Systems in a Microgrid Network | 2016 |
629 | DynaHUBS | DynaHUBs is a new application designed to kick start the development of the Physical Internet using a crowd-sourced approach | 2016 |
630 | INTHER | Clinical validation and commercialization of innovative immunostimulating Interstitial Laser Thermotherapy | 2016 |
631 | NPX-101 | NPX-101 is a portable home device for the treatment of moderate to severe depression, boasting more effective and safer outcomes, based on information deposited and received from the Cloud. | 2016 |
632 | EEECSM-2 | Energy and Environmentally Efficient Cooling System for Maritime use | 2016 |
633 | Cassantec | Cassantec Online for SMEs, an advanced prognostic platform for predictive maintenance and failure of industrial assets | 2016 |
634 | Lattice Cage | Titanium based Cervical Spine Implants manufactured using 3D laser sintering to produce a structure optimised for graft-free bone in-growth | 2016 |
635 | FiDaCaMS | Fisheries Data Capture and Management System | 2016 |
636 | BioMicroGels | Innovative environmentally-benign wastewater treatment reagents offering a step change in efficiency in the cleaning of water from oils and metal ions and in liquidation of emergency oil spills | 2016 |
637 | SOcool | SunOyster cooling | 2016 |
638 | Paybon | Paybon - disrupting the massive global meal voucher market with a smartphone delivery system | 2016 |
639 | PrivatePieties | Private Pieties, Mundane Islam and New Forms of Muslim Religiosity: Impact on Contemporary Social and Political Dynamics | 2016 |
640 | SuperMagnonics | Supercurrents of Magnon Condensates for Advanced Magnonics | 2016 |
641 | ConFluReM | Controlling Fluid Resistances at Membranes | 2016 |
642 | RuKNOW | Knowledge on International Relations in Russia | 2016 |
643 | E2D3S2 | Education and Engagement for inclusive Design and Development of Digital Systems and Services | 2016 |
644 | FlexTrans | a universal thin film transistor platform for flexible and curved displays | 2016 |
645 | CMDNAUP | Composition and Mechanism of the DNA-uptake Pilus of Vibrio cholerae | 2016 |
646 | ThermoHeart | A revolutionary Stirling engine to use low and medium temperature waste heat to generate electricity and to reduce CO2 emissions | 2016 |
647 | ENF2017 | EuroNanoForum 2017 | 2016 |
648 | TREASURE | Training REsearch and Applications network to Support the Ultimate Real time high accuracy EGNSS solution | 2017 |
649 | LoCoMaTech | Low Cost Materials Processing Technologies for Mass Production of Lightweight Vehicles | 2016 |
650 | EIPIN IS | European Intellectual Property Institutes Network - Innovation Society | 2017 |
651 | BioCapture | Smart capture phases for proteomics, glycomics and biomarker assays | 2016 |
652 | PBNv2 | Next generation Pass-By Noise approaches for new powertrain vehicles | 2017 |
653 | REMIX | Regulation of mitochondrial expression | 2016 |
654 | PRINTSolar | Printable Perovskite Solar Cells with High Efficiency and Stable Performance | 2016 |
655 | SPICE | Support Procurements for Innovative transport and mobility solutions in City Environment | 2016 |
656 | FR8RAIL | Development of Functional Requirements for Sustainable and Attractive European Rail Freight | 2016 |
657 | ORCHESTRATE | Building complex life through self-organization: from organ to organism | 2016 |
658 | AUTOWARE | Wireless Autonomous, Reliable and Resilient ProductIon Operation ARchitecture for Cognitive Manufacturing | 2016 |
659 | SKIN | Short supply chain Knowledge and Innovation Network | 2016 |
660 | ROLINCAP | Systematic Design and Testing of Advanced Rotating Packed Bed Processes and Phase-Change Solvents for Intensified Post-Combustion CO2 Capture | 2016 |
661 | RE-SERVE | Renewables in a Stable Electric Grid | 2016 |
662 | Hidden life | Host-microbe interactions involving microbial dark matter: Biology and evolution of a ubiquitous group of intracellular bacteria. | 2017 |
663 | CATAPULT | Coupling ATomistics and mesoscAle Plasticity for toUghness of noveL hybrid maTerial | 2017 |
664 | DecodePL | Perceptual learning as optimized decoding: from maps to mechanisms | 2017 |
665 | MF-Synapse | Presynaptic calcium channels distribution and impact on coupling at the hippocampal mossy fiber synapse | 2017 |
666 | CINMAB | Chiral Plasmons in Protein-Nanoparticle Hybrid Materials for Application as Biosensors | 2016 |
667 | QUATERMAIN | Quaternary Amino Acids on Scale for Medicine and Agroscience | 2016 |
668 | GRAPHEEN | Green and straightforward process for the synthesis of Graphene-based nanomaterials. | 2016 |
669 | LUVMI | Lunar Volatiles Mobile Instrument | 2016 |
670 | Next-Lab | Next Generation Stakeholders and Next Level Ecosystem for ColLaborative Science Education with Online Labs | 2017 |
671 | DEIS | Dependability Engineering Innovation for CPS - DEIS | 2017 |
672 | MUSTANG | Multi-scale Star Formation Across Nascent Galaxies | 2017 |
673 | C2Phase | Closure of the Cloud Phase | 2017 |
674 | FACILITATORS | Facilities for testing orbital and surface robotics building blocks | 2016 |
675 | PSINFONI | Particle-Surface Interactions in Near Field Optics: Spin-orbit Effects of Light and Optical/Casimir Forces | 2017 |
676 | ECoLaSS | Evolution of Copernicus Land Services based on Sentinel data | 2017 |
677 | SIROM | Standard Interface for Robotic Manipulation of Payloads in Future Space Missions | 2016 |
678 | WaterSpy | High sensitivity, portable photonic device for pervasive water quality analysis | 2016 |
679 | STORIES | Stories of Tomorrow - Students Visions on the Future of Space Exploration | 2017 |
680 | Up2U | Up to University - Bridging the gap between schools and universities through informal education | 2017 |
681 | CROSSMINER | Developer-Centric Knowledge Mining from Large Open-Source Software Repositories | 2017 |
682 | MMpredict | Validation of a personalised medicine tool for Multiple Myeloma that predicts treatment effectiveness in patients | 2016 |
683 | Quantum BOSS | Quantum Broadband Optical Solid-State Memories for Large-Scale Photonic Networks | 2016 |
684 | SEIC | Setting Earth's Initial Conditions: A fluid dynamics study of core-mantle differentiation | 2017 |
685 | Morpheos | MORPHotype EcOSystem – design remote definition based on big data morphology and use ecosystem for creative industries | 2017 |
686 | PAPA | Pathophysiology of Primary Aldosteronism | 2017 |
687 | toxiclipasyn | Understanding the balance between functional and deleterious interactions of alpha-synuclein with lipid bilayers | 2017 |
688 | DustPrints | Dusting for the Fingerprints of Planet Formation | 2017 |
689 | TBTF | Addressing Too Big to Fail: Resolution, Organizational Structure, and Funding of Global Banks | 2016 |
690 | MMA | Molecular Mechanical Adhesives | 2017 |
691 | Quasicrystal | An Optical Quasicrystal for ultracold atoms | 2017 |
692 | RICA | Reputation Matters in the Regulatory State: Re-thinking the Fundamentals of Regulatory Independence, Credibility and Accountability | 2017 |
693 | KEMISTATIC | New Electro Spraying Process of Two-Component, Solvent-Free, Fast-Curing, Liquid Resins | 2016 |
694 | PANDA | Production of Advanced Nano Diamond Additives (PANDA) for various industries, science and medicine | 2016 |
695 | AMPHIBIAN | Anisometric permanent hybrid magnets based on inexpensive and non-critical materials | 2017 |
696 | H-CCAT | Solid Catalysts for activation of aromatic C-H bonds | 2017 |
697 | VOLATILE | Biowaste derived volatile fatty acid platform for biopolymers, bioactive compounds and chemical building blocks | 2016 |
698 | InRel-NPower | Innovative Reliable Nitride based Power Devices and Applications | 2017 |
699 | npSCOPE | The nanoparticle-scope : a new integrated instrument for accurate and reproducible physico-chemical characterisation of nanoparticles (npSCOPE) | 2017 |
700 | TT | Transforming Transport | 2017 |
701 | COLOURTEST | The development, evaluation and commercialisation of an early years test of colour vision deficiency. | 2016 |
702 | Extreme | An Exascale aware and Un-crashable Space-Time-Adaptive Discontinuous Spectral Element Solver for Non-Linear Conservation Laws | 2017 |
703 | LISTLIT | Lists in Literature and Culture: Towards a Listology | 2017 |
704 | FACCESS | Enabling the large-scale deployment of Facial Recognition in banking security | 2016 |
705 | ShaMROCK | ShaMROCK – Secure professional Mobile Radio Over Commercial networKs | 2016 |
706 | A_MADAM | Advanced design rules for optimMAl Dynamic properties of Additive Manufacturing products | 2017 |
707 | INFUSION | Engineering optoelectronic INterfaces: a global action intersecting FUndamental conceptS and technology implementatION of self-organized organic materials | 2017 |
708 | Odex | A new process for removal of odour from Post Consumer Waste Polymer for non-food applications – ODEX | 2016 |
709 | DiGas Dual fuel | A novel dual fuel system for diesel locomotive modernisation to CNG or LNG operation | 2016 |
710 | GESINNE PRO | Intelligent Power Supply Regulator | 2016 |
711 | REITER | Support to the Development and Analysis of a Research and Innovation Policy Taxonomy and Questionnaire | 2016 |
712 | ZikaPLAN | Zika Preparedness Latin American Network | 2016 |
713 | CAASD | Cracking the Pitch Code in Music and Language: Insights from Congenital Amusia and Autism Spectrum Disorders | 2016 |
714 | PENELOPE | A study of weaving as technical mode of existence | 2016 |
715 | EVALVE | Biomechanics and signaling in models of congenital heart valve defects | 2016 |
716 | HYPOXIMMUNO | Tackling the Achilles Heel of Immunotherapy: Validating imaging biomarkers and targeting the immunological niche of tumour hypoxia | 2016 |
717 | SCOOBA | Symbiotic COOperation and Boring Activity of Cliona sponges under a climate change context | 2017 |
718 | FASTPARSE | Fast Natural Language Parsing for Large-Scale NLP | 2017 |
719 | OPREP | Operator Based Representations for Geometry Processing | 2017 |
720 | Chi2-Nano-Oxides | Second-Order Nano-Oxides for Enhanced Nonlinear Photonics | 2017 |
721 | STRINGENCY | Control of Bacterial Multidrug Tolerance and Stress Response by Alarmone Synthetase SpoT | 2017 |
722 | RAPID | Chromatin dynamics resolved by rapid protein labeling and bioorthogonal capture | 2017 |
723 | BEAM-EDM | Unique Method for a Neutron Electric Dipole Moment Search using a Pulsed Beam | 2017 |
724 | CAMBAT | Calcium and magnesium metal anode based batteries | 2017 |
725 | AlgTateGro | Constructing line bundles on algebraic varieties -- around conjectures of Tate and Grothendieck | 2016 |
726 | WoCaFi | Unlocking the Entire Wood Matrix for the Next Generation of Carbon Fibers | 2017 |
727 | CAVEHEART | Heart regeneration in the Mexican cavefish: The difference between healing and scarring | 2017 |
728 | REDOX SHIELDS | Protection of Redox Catalysts for Cathodic Processes in Redox Matrices. | 2017 |
729 | BiofoulRepel | Biofoulant-repelling surfaces for catheters and other biomedical devices | 2017 |
730 | EoC | Ethics of Coding: A Report on the Algorithmic Condition | 2017 |
731 | BAMOS | Biomaterials and Additive Manufacturing: Osteochondral Scaffold innovation applied to osteoarthritis | 2017 |
732 | DEW-COOL-4-CDC | Low Energy Dew Point Cooling for Computing Data Centres | 2017 |
733 | CPB 4.0 | Worldwide unique, resource-conserving and energy-efficient treatment of industrial wastewater polluted by oils and heavy metals for implementing the EU Water Framework Directive in a company | 2017 |
734 | Talkitt | Speech recognition technology to enable the speech disabled to communicate freely | 2016 |
735 | CM | Prevention of Cosmetic-Induced Non-Communicable Diseases and Micro Plastics entering Food Chains with the CosmEthics- Health App | 2016 |
736 | TISuMR | Integrated Tissue Slice Culture and NMR Metabolomics – A Novel Approach Towards SystemicUnderstanding of Liver Function And Disease | 2017 |
737 | STEM | Structural energy harvesting composite materials | 2016 |
738 | BETA-BACT | Beta-cell inflammation and dysfunction induced by bacterial translocation | 2016 |
739 | ChemEpigen | The chemical understanding of biomolecular recognition in epigenetics | 2017 |
740 | BioCHANGE | Biodiversity Change: an open access data resource supporting societal responses to the biodiversity crisis | 2016 |
741 | SoWe | Commercializing soft wearable systems from a stretchable electronic material | 2017 |
742 | MedEye | Accelerated market launch of MedEye, a plug-and-play medication safety solution | 2017 |
743 | IMMUNOSABR | Clinical proof of concept through a randomised phase II study: a combination of immunotherapy and stereotactic ablative radiotherapy as a curative treatment for limited metastatic lung cancer | 2017 |
744 | MagnaPharm | Magnetic Control of Polymorphism in Pharmaceutical Compounds | 2017 |
745 | ULTRACHIRAL | Ultrasensitive chiral detection by signal-reversing cavity polarimetry: applications to in-situ proteomics, single-molecule chirality, HPLC analysis, medical diagnostics, and atmospheric studies | 2017 |
746 | Levitate | Levitation with localised tactile and audio feedback for mid-air interactions | 2017 |
747 | AutoLiqHand | A Compact and Automated Liquid Handling Platform for Biomedical Assays | 2017 |
748 | Circdyn | Optical Interrogation of Hippocampal Dentate Granule Circuit Dynamics in Health and Disease | 2017 |
749 | iNAPS | Illuminating Neuronal-Astrocytic Pathways for Sleep homeostasis | 2017 |
750 | SolMAG | Unravelling The Structure and Evolution of Solar Magnetic Flux Ropes and Their Magnetosheaths | 2017 |
751 | HyperMu | Hyperfine splittings in muonic atoms and laser technology | 2017 |
752 | NOGOPROOF | Towards clinical trials for a novel treatment for stroke | 2017 |
753 | CH2P | Cogeneration of Hydrogen and Power using solid oxide based system fed by methane rich gas | 2017 |
754 | LYO-CHECK | Automatic inspection of lyophilized preparations through innovative ICT control system | 2016 |
755 | CAPABLE | Chemical Composition characterization of air pollution (aerosols and gases) on the basis of nonlinear multi-channel lidar experiments | 2017 |
756 | MecMy | Mechanisms of Myelination – Elucidating the Diversity of Oligodendroglial Precursors and their Local Axon-Glia Interactions | 2017 |
757 | GRAVIBONE | How Bone Adapts to Heavy Weight?Bone Morphological and Microanatomical Adaptation to the Mechanical Constraints Imposed by Graviportality | 2017 |
758 | DIMO6FIT | DIMO6FIT: Extending the Standard Model -- Global Fits of Optimal Variables in Diboson Production | 2017 |
759 | MetResistance | The role of tumour microenvironment in metastatic hormone-refractory prostate cancer | 2017 |
760 | GALOP | Galois theory of periods and applications. | 2017 |
761 | EcoLipid | Ecophysiology of membrane lipid remodelling in marine bacteria | 2017 |
762 | RocketChip | High Speed, Cost Effective Optical Communications Module Enabling the Next Generation of Ethernet 400 GbE | 2016 |
763 | PCBRec | PCBRec process: Waste Printed Circuit Board (WPCB) Recycling with Molten Salts | 2017 |
764 | WONOWO | Search engine for organising complete collaborative economy experiences. | 2017 |
765 | Biofrigas | Turning manure into fuel: a container based LBG plant for small to medium scale farms | 2017 |
766 | EspLORE | Extending the science perspectives of linear wires of carbon atoms from fundamental research to emerging materials | 2017 |
767 | PLANETESYS | The next-generation planet formation model | 2017 |
768 | Vis4Weather | Improved Communication of High Impact Weather Events | 2017 |
769 | 3Dmaterials4Energy | Hierarchical Inorganic Nanomaterials as Next Generation Catalysts and Filters | 2017 |
770 | FUNGISEI | Liquid biopesticide for integrated and effective pest control | 2017 |
771 | BGCI | Bacterial Ghost Cancer Immunotherapy - A new standard in tumour therapy based on the bacterial ghost platform technology | 2017 |
772 | PANTREAT | Pancreatic cancer as a treatment target of Dwarfbody-Therapeutics | 2017 |
773 | REJUVENATION | Repair of Junctional Atrioventricular Conduction and Impulse Formation | 2017 |
774 | GLYCONTROL | Understanding and Controlling Glycosylation Reactions | 2017 |
775 | TSH | The Spirited Horse: Human-equid relations in the Bronze Age Near East | 2017 |
776 | Alexander Krauss | The limits of the sciences in identifying causes and scientific laws | 2017 |
777 | FEM1970 | The Discovery of Pleasure. Female Sexuality and Value Change in West Germany and Italy in the Long Seventies | 2017 |
778 | Austere Reasons | Do Desires, and only Desires, Justify Action? Evaluating a Radical Version of 'Internalism about Reasons' | 2017 |
779 | SupramolecularWires | Multicomponent supramolecular wires as a platform for the control of protein functions | 2017 |
780 | EUTWIC | European Travel Writing in Context. The Socio-Political Dimension of Travelogues 1760-1850 | 2017 |
781 | InnoRenew CoE | Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation centre of excellence | 2017 |
782 | FunGlass | Centre for functional and surface-functionalized glasses | 2017 |
783 | HiLASE CoE | HiLASE Centre of Excellence | 2017 |
784 | HCEMM | Establishing the Hungarian Center of Excellence for Molecular Medicine in partnership with EMBL | 2017 |
785 | CARAMBA | Unravelling the microbial carbon pump in the ocean: Linkage between gene expression and RDOM generation by marine bacteria (CARAMBA) | 2017 |
786 | MMUSCLES | Modification of Molecular structure Under Strong Coupling to confined Light modES | 2017 |
787 | NEUTRINO | Nonlinear Fourier Transforms in Action | 2017 |
788 | ONCOmetENHANCERS | Elucidating the Role of Enhancer Methylation Variation in Cancer and Developing Enhancer-based Markers and Targets for Precision Medicine | 2017 |
789 | LATO | Large-Area Transparent Opto-Electronics using 2D Materials | 2017 |
790 | Urban Innovation Lab | Innovation Associate for Urban Innovation Lab project | 2017 |
791 | RepliStressTiming | Impact of replicative stress on DNA replication timing control | 2017 |
792 | SANDFECH | Micromechanics-based finite element modeling of sandwich structures | 2017 |
793 | MIRA | Characterizing Microbe-specific Immune Responses in the pathogenesis of Autoimmunity | 2017 |
794 | NanoGraphInk | Nano-Hybrid Graphene-Based Ink for Printable Flexible Transparent Applications | 2017 |
795 | Nano Traction | Nano Traction | 2018 |
796 | NanoEAscopy | Mapping Nanoscale Charge Separation at Heterojunctions with Ultrafast Electroabsorption Microscopy | 2017 |
797 | LPEMM | Liquid Phase Electron Microscopy of Magnetite | 2017 |
798 | ZeoPoreDiff | Linking Zeolite Porosity to Molecular Diffusion at the Single Crystal Level | 2017 |
799 | TEROPPLATE | Testing the role of thermo-chemical piles in the generation and continuation of plate tectonics | 2018 |
800 | HumanUniqueness | Does the temporal cortex make humans special? What comparing the human and great ape brain can tell us about cognitive evolution | 2017 |
801 | ReXeG | Deciphering molecular mechanisms that resolve mutagenic DNA G-quadruplex structures | 2017 |
802 | NpQFT-NEq | New non perturbative methods for out-of-equilibrium quantum field theory | 2017 |
803 | SuperSpinHyMol | Modelling superconductivity and spin-related effects in hybrid molecular/two-dimensional materials | 2017 |
805 | 2D-COF-WS | Designing and screening two dimensional covalent organic frameworks for effective water splitting | 2017 |
806 | UMAQ | Understanding Media Accessibility Quality | 2017 |
807 | TIM-Adrastea | “Thinking in Images. Herder’s Adrastea from 1801-03 up to nowadays” | 2017 |
808 | SCOOTER | Silicon-Organic Hybrid Transceivers for Terabit/s Data Network | 2017 |
809 | LIFEOMEGA | Innovative highly concentrated Omega-3 Specialized Nutrition Product | 2017 |
810 | FRISH | Development and apparatus implementing a method for rapidly and already ends freezing and defrosting fish with the use of sound waves and aerosol humidification for high quality fish. | 2017 |
811 | EXPERTISE | models, EXperiments and high PERformance computing for Turbine mechanical Integrity and Structural dynamics in Europe | 2017 |
812 | ULTIMATE | Towards the ultimate dark matter detector | 2017 |
813 | UNEARTH | Uranium isotope fractionation: a novel biosignature to identify microbial metabolism on early Earth | 2017 |
814 | kiNESIS | NovEl Strategies for treatIng tendon-to-bone injurieS - kiNESIS | 2017 |
815 | BIOSPEC | BIOphotonic SPECialists for Novel Raman Spectrometer Development | 2017 |
816 | SecIoT | Cybersecurity Threat Detection for Internet of Things Connected Devices | 2017 |
817 | REACT | Uncovering the role of cis genetic elements in antigenic variation of Plasmodium falciparum using the CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology | 2018 |
818 | FLUOROCROSS | A Catalytic Method to Form Carbon–Carbon Bonds by Coupling Two Carbon–Fluorine Bonds. | 2018 |
819 | QSB | Quantum Sensing for Biology | 2017 |
820 | INoVA | Geochemical Controls on the Ice Nucleating Efficiency of Volcanic Ash | 2018 |
821 | PriWa | Prisoners of war between Bourbon nations and United Kingdom during the 18th Century: ways of life and humanity in misfortune | 2017 |
822 | MedRoute | On the route of multiculturalism(s). Marking and hybridizing identities in the late 17th and early 18th centuries Mediterranean port cities | 2017 |
823 | QAPs | G-Quadruplex-associated proteins (QAPs) and their role in transcriptional regulation | 2017 |
824 | ReCyPot | Revisiting an ancient craft in a contested region: The analytical paradigm of prehistoric pottery from Cyprus | 2018 |
825 | Mitogression | Generating yeast biodiversity by mitochondrial introgression for wine innovation | 2017 |
826 | TRIBBLES | Characterizing the clinical relevance and the mechanism underlying TRIB2-mediated drug resistance to MEK inhibitiors in the context of melanoma | 2018 |
827 | ColourFish | Zebrafish colour vision: a functional approach to studying outer retinal wiring strategies | 2017 |
828 | ARTFUL | Structure-activity relationships of an emerging family of fungal lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases | 2017 |
829 | DualFun | Dual Function Polymer Materials for Blood Contacting Applications | 2017 |
830 | CO2 Intermediates | From CO2, Water and Sunlight to Valuable Solar Fuels: Tracking Reaction Intermediates in Solar Fuel Generation with Ultrafast Spectroscopy for More Efficient Catalysis | 2017 |
831 | EMIGRATE | Exploring MIcrobial networking in pesticides biodeGRAdaTion: novel inocula and biocatalysts for biodepuration of agro-industrial Effluents | 2017 |
832 | AFFINITY | Amplitudes and form factors via integrability | 2018 |
833 | Apricale | The impact of literary translation funding on the transnational mobility of minor European literatures. | 2017 |
834 | CaraSlug | Carabids as biocontrol agents for slugs in Oregon and Ireland - a novel and interdisciplinary approach to determine key malacophagous species and beneficial management options | 2017 |
835 | MORPHOLITHEX | Morphology of Lithic Artifacts: Experimental and Morphometric Approaches | 2017 |
836 | NANODRIVE | Polymeric Self-Assembling Units for a Controlled Adsorption and Release at the Nanoscale | 2017 |
837 | InSpeCo | Inside Speakers' Corner. Late Medieval Italian Anchoresses in European Context. | 2017 |
838 | S-OMMs | Smart Optical Metamaterials: A route towards electro-tuneable fast-reversible self-assembly of nanoparticles at controlled electrochemical interfaces | 2018 |
839 | DevoSignGammaDelta | Tracking γδ T cell development and TCRγδ proximal signalling | 2018 |
840 | INTERLACE | Interacting Decentralized Transactional and Ledger Architecture for Mutual Credit | 2017 |
841 | RAMP | RAtionalising Membrane Protein crystallisation | 2017 |
842 | NascenTomiX | Ribosome inhibition by nascent or antimicrobial peptides | 2017 |
843 | AveTransRisk | Average - Transaction Costs and Risk Management during the First Globalization (Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries) | 2017 |
844 | PhaseAge | The chemistry and physics of RNP granules: how they form, age and cause disease | 2017 |
845 | EENINNOAUSTRIA2 | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network | 2017 |
846 | PCAGED-KI | Photocaged Kinase Inhibitors as Molecular Tools for Investigating Neurodegenerative Diseases | 2017 |
847 | Act-EPR | Active Resonator Development for nano-EPR of single crystal proteins | 2017 |
848 | GEOHEAL | Self-healing geological construction materials and structures | 2018 |
849 | MULTICELLEXPEVO | Reconstructing the origins of animal multicellularity using experimental evolution | 2018 |
850 | RESILIENCE | Understanding the resilience of Amazonian floodplain ecosystems | 2017 |
851 | DeciTrustNET | Trust based Decision Support Systems for Social Networks with Uncertain Knowledge | 2017 |
852 | Photosense | Photoacoustic and fluorescence imaging platform for biosensing applications: An innovative approach for the study of disease-related biomarkers | 2017 |
853 | BEING | Behavioural Economics in Network Games | 2017 |
854 | WILDCAT | Wildcat Economics: Informal Mining and Gold from the Global Margins in Contemporary Latin America | 2017 |
855 | WEAP | The Western European Acheulian Project | 2017 |
856 | DiskTorqueOnPlanets | New Frontiers in Modeling Planet-Disk Interactions: from Disk Thermodynamics to Multi-Planet Systems | 2017 |
857 | EPISTOP | Epistemic Optimism in Enlightenment Natural Philosophy : Metaphysics and Experimental Philosophy | 2017 |
858 | ModelingCommonGround | Modeling Common Ground | 2017 |
859 | CACHEM | CACHEM: Probing Clustering of X-ray AGN using Chandra and Semi-Empirical Models | 2018 |
860 | MER-CURE | Using global marine metagenomics to understand MERcury microbial associated processes: finding a CURE for mercury contaminated environments | 2018 |
861 | EwiSarc | A novel in vivo platform to study and target undruggable Ewing onco-chimera. | 2017 |
862 | COMPEL | COsts and Mechanisms of Personalised Exercise and Education for chronic Low back pain | 2018 |
863 | PHOTO_IMS | The use of mass spectrometry and optical methods to determine the influence of cofactors on the structure and stability of proteins | 2018 |
864 | DEBBIE | A database of experimental biomaterials and their biological effect | 2018 |
865 | PhthaloSupra | Exploiting supramolecular interactions in phthalocyanine chemistry | 2017 |
866 | SAS6-Cep135-CPAP | Towards a molecular understanding of the centriole assembly process | 2017 |
867 | GEOTRIBE | Generation and Evolution Of Transform-Ridge Interaction and Behavior on Earth | 2018 |
868 | ADAPTED | Alzheimers Disease Apolipoprotein Pathology for Treatment Elucidation and Development - Sofia ref.: 115975 | 2016 |
869 | MechaniChiral | Mechanical Chirality: Synthesis, Properties and Applications at a New Horizon in Supramolecular Stereochemistry | 2017 |
870 | TIMING | Time-Resolved Nonlinear Ghost Imaging | 2017 |
871 | QuStA | Quantum State Assembler | 2017 |
872 | SUBDECODE | Dendritic encoding of movement in space | 2017 |
873 | E-RIHS PP | The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Preparatory Phase | 2017 |
874 | MoMa | Mobility and management of cattle in Iron Age and Roman Netherlands | 2018 |
875 | DeepIMPACT | Deep Investigation on Molecular Processes At early Cosmic Times | 2018 |
876 | VWF and NETs | Investigating the interplay between VWF, platelets, and neutrophil extracellular traps in pathologies involving thrombosis of the microvasculature | 2017 |
877 | DIGESTIVO | The DIffuse Galaxy Expansion SignaTures In Various Observables project: understanding the emergence of diffuse, low surface brightness galaxies and the link to their dark matter haloes | 2018 |
878 | ICED | Initial conditions of exoplanet formation in protoplanetary disks | 2017 |
879 | ORFORCREA | Locked between formulas: creativity in oral and transitional poetic texts | 2017 |
880 | METCLL | Discovery and validation of ‘epidrivers’ of cancer evolution and resistance to therapy | 2018 |
881 | Filaments to stars | The origin of the IMF through multi-scale analysis of molecular clouds: unification of PDF and power spectrum analysis | 2018 |
882 | OMICRON | Optical transmission based on integrability and nonlinear Fourier transform | 2018 |
883 | MENTALIZINGORIGINS | Origins of theory of mind: action prediction by great apes and human infants | 2018 |
884 | MACROSS | Multimedia Communication and Processing over Vehicular Cloud Networks for AutonomousDriving | 2018 |
885 | RaSiR | Rule-algebraic Simple Rewriting | 2017 |
886 | SOLISYNTH | Synthesis of Low Noise Microwaves Using Solitons Locked to an Ultra-Stable Cavity | 2017 |
887 | POLAR-EM | Automated tools for atomic resolution mapping of electrostatic fields in the electron microscope | 2017 |
888 | FunKeyGut | Illuminating Functional Networks and Keystone Species in the Gut | 2017 |
889 | BantuFirst | The First Bantu Speakers South of the Rainforest: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Human Migration, Language Spread, Climate Change and Early Farming in Late Holocene Central Africa | 2018 |
890 | WHOLENICHE | Hold it or let it go: a niche decision on cancer growth | 2017 |
891 | MINORG | The role of minerals in the oceanic carbon cycle | 2017 |
892 | NEUROABSTRACTION | Abstraction and Generalisation in Human Decision-Making | 2017 |
893 | IASIS | Integration and analysis of heterogeneous big data for precision medicine and suggested treatments for different types of patients | 2017 |
894 | CLCLCL | Civil Law, Common Law, Customary Law: Consonance, Divergence and Transformation in Western Europe from the late eleventh to the thirteenth centuries | 2017 |
895 | M-DrivE | Metabolic Drivers of Epigenetic Modifications: metabolic inducers of histone post-translational modifications in a biological setting | 2018 |
896 | Fluidblasto | Luminal pressure: a sculptor for mouse blastocyst self-organisation | 2018 |
897 | GoSMEs | Governance and value-creation in SMEs in a service-dominant logic | 2017 |
898 | KISS ME | Key Inorganics for Spintronics and MagnetoElectrics | 2017 |
899 | GlucoTear | Non-Invasive Fluorescence-based Tear Glucose Sensor Integrated to a Smartphone | 2018 |
900 | BilProcess | French-English bilinguals' processing of morphosyntactic structures: the case of cross-linguistic transfer | 2017 |
901 | FCFP | FRIAS COFUND Fellowship Programme for Junior and Senior Researchers - Phase 2 | 2017 |
902 | PINQS | Photonic integrated quantum transceivers | 2017 |
903 | AgeConsolidate | The Missing Link of Episodic Memory Decline in Aging: The Role of Inefficient Systems Consolidation | 2017 |
904 | AlgoFinance | Algorithmic Finance: Inquiring into the Reshaping of Financial Markets | 2017 |
905 | IoMUT | The Internet of Musical Things - An ecosystem of interoperable devices connecting performers and audiences | 2017 |
906 | REINVENT | REsummation-Improved moNtecarlo eVEnt geNeraTor | 2017 |
907 | EPGR | The Evolution Problem in General Relativity | 2017 |
908 | NEST | Nanoengineering of radioactive seeds for cancer therapy and diagnosis | 2017 |
909 | ULP.PILAEMA | Urban Landscapes of Power in the Iberian Peninsula from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages | 2018 |
910 | CREAM4 | Chemical Reaction Engineering by Additive Manufacturing of Mesoscale MetaMaterials | 2017 |
911 | META-DORM | Mechanobiology of METAstatic and DORMant cancer cells in bone marrow lesions | 2018 |
912 | juliaeconometrics | Developing a Financial Econometrics Package for the Julia Programming Language | 2018 |
913 | FUTURE-PROOF | FUTURE-PROOF: Wide Area Monitoring and Protection Systems for the Future Grid | 2018 |
914 | EUROLITHIC | The Linguistic Roots of Europe's Agricultural Transition | 2017 |
915 | SPADE | Speleothems paleoclimate: accounting for isotopic disequilibrium | 2017 |
916 | REPRODAMH | Extra-gonadal roles of Anti-Müllerian Hormone in the aetiology of polycystic ovary syndrome: the domino effect to reproductive neuroendocrine dysfunctions | 2017 |
917 | QGP tomography | A novel Quark-Gluon Plasma tomography tool: from jet quenching to exploring the extreme medium properties | 2017 |
918 | HPC-EUROPA3 | Transnational Access Programme for a Pan-European Network of HPC Research Infrastructures and Laboratories for scientific computing | 2017 |
919 | BASKAM2 | Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs during 2017-2018 | 2017 |
920 | Cosmic_Gas | Mapping the Cosmic Gas Supply with ALMA | 2017 |
921 | ENCOPOL | Encoding information into polymers | 2017 |
922 | NewWorlds | Magnetic Fields and the Formation of New Worlds | 2017 |
923 | CRAVEzero | Cost Reduction and market Acceleration for Viable nearly zero-Energy buildings | 2017 |
924 | ToDL | Systems Chemistry: Steps Towards De-Novo Life | 2017 |
925 | SIENNA | Stakeholder-informed ethics for new technologies with high socio-economic and human rights impact | 2017 |
926 | SEMANTAX | Form-Independent Semantics for Natural Language Understanding | 2017 |
927 | TransQ | Mass, heat and spin transport in interlinked quantum gases | 2017 |
928 | BIOSMART | Bio-based smart packaging for enhanced preservation of food quality. | 2017 |
929 | MIMICS | Electromyography-driven musculoskeletal modelling for biomimetic myoelectric control of prostheses with variable stiffness actuators | 2018 |
930 | QualitEE | Quality certification frameworks for Energy Efficiency services to scale up responsible investment in the building sector | 2017 |
931 | ePT | ePT - Electronic Procedure Trainer for aviation pilots and cabin crew | 2017 |
933 | Ghost Boat | A new way to own, drive and maintain a boat | 2017 |
934 | LearnAnx_CircAmyg | Learning and Anxiety in Amygdala-based Neural Circuits | 2017 |
935 | DIVERSify | Designing InnoVative plant teams for Ecosystem Resilience and agricultural Sustainability | 2017 |
936 | FAirWAY | Farm systems that produce good Water quality for drinking water supplies | 2017 |
937 | CONNECTING Nature | COproductioN with NaturE for City Transitioning, INnovation and Governance | 2017 |
938 | ARENA | Aligned Roll-to-Roll Shear Coating of Nanotubes | 2017 |
939 | NonSequeToR | Non-sequence models for tokenization replacement | 2017 |
940 | 2DNanoSpec | Nanoscale Vibrational Spectroscopy of Sensitive 2D Molecular Materials | 2017 |
941 | RegGeneMems | Understanding the evolution of regeneration-permissive gene expression and positional memory in Axolotl limb regeneration | 2018 |
942 | ALEXANDRIA | Large-Scale Formal Proof for the Working Mathematician | 2017 |
943 | WoodNanoTech | Wood Nanotechnology for Multifunctional Structures | 2017 |
944 | cool innov | Turning the concept of magnetocaloric cooling on its head | 2017 |
945 | NOVICE | New Buildings Energy Renovation Business Models incorporating dual energy services | 2017 |
946 | PyroProf | Chemical Profiling of Inorganic and Pyrotechnic Explosives | 2017 |
947 | CLEAR 2.0 | enabling Consumers to Learn about, Engage with, Adopt and regulate Renewable energy technologies 2.0 | 2017 |
948 | NAFTI | Noise Abatement Fms with Tactile Interface | 2017 |
949 | Constance | Flight Critical Wireless Slip Ring for Civil Tiltrotor | 2017 |
950 | EUNORS | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs in Republika Srpska | 2017 |
951 | ALSiment | Transforming the hazardous waste of the metallurgical industry into a valuable raw material | 2017 |
953 | SpeakUp-LearnUp | Minimizing Bullying and Harassment with SpeakUp LearnUp! | 2017 |
954 | iSAFE | iSAFE Internet Safety Awareness for European primary school children | 2017 |
955 | OHT | A hydraulic collection tower, with a novel energy storage device for wave energy arrays | 2017 |
956 | CoupledNC | Coupled Nanocrystal Molecules: Quantum coupling effects via chemical coupling of colloidal nanocrystals | 2017 |
957 | SynPlex | Tailored chemical complexity through evolution-inspired synthetic biology | 2017 |
958 | INSIDER | Improved Nuclear SIte characterization for waste minimization in DD operations under constrained EnviRonment | 2017 |
959 | NanoScreen | Disruptive portable device for pre-screening of Persistent Organic Pollutants –POPs- in food products and water | 2017 |
960 | POINTS | Revealing the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying the visual perception of social interactions | 2017 |
961 | EXOCONDENSE | Climate Dynamics of Exoplanets with Condensible Atmospheres | 2017 |
963 | IRiMaS | Interactive Research in Music as Sound:Transforming Digital Musicology | 2017 |
964 | SPIDI | Star-Planet-Inner Disk Interactions (SPIDI): unveiling the formation and evolution of inner planetary systems | 2018 |
965 | GLOBAL-HOT | A Global History of Technology, 1850-2000 | 2017 |
966 | MIST | Molecules, magnetic fields and Intermittency in coSmic Turbulence – Following the energy trail. | 2017 |
967 | Ub-BAC | Dissecting and targeting ubiquitin networks in the course of bacterial infections | 2017 |
968 | COS-OCS | Carbonyl Sulphide: new ways of Observing the Climate System | 2017 |
969 | Epiherigans | Writing, reading and managing stress with H3K9me | 2017 |
970 | REALTA | Challenging Hypertension Through Novel Medical Device Development | 2017 |
971 | HiLICo | High Luminescence In Cockpit | 2017 |
972 | AlForAMA | Innovative Al alloy For aircraft structural parts using Additive MAnufacturing technology | 2017 |
973 | MOWOOT | Integral Intestinal Transit Management System for chronic constipation | 2017 |
974 | IoRL | Internet of Radio Light | 2017 |
975 | EASYTV | Easing the access of Europeans with disabilities to converging media and content | 2017 |
976 | CORUS | Concept of Operations for EuRopean UTM Systems | 2017 |
977 | inDemand | Demand driven co-creation for public entities. | 2017 |
978 | watersplit | Producing hydrogen by water splitting | 2017 |
979 | CHEMREACTIONSCAN | Scanner for novel chemical reactions | 2017 |
980 | PPPL | Novel paper pallet and manufacturing technology | 2017 |
981 | EEN Normandie h2020 | Enhancing innovation management capacity of SMEs under H2020 programme in the Enterprise Europe Network Normandie | 2017 |
982 | VIRIDIS MIST | A toxin-free, food-safe, autonomous mobile misting disinfection system that eradicates pathogenswithin 5 minutes and gives residual protection for 24 hours reducing the need for water and antibiotics | 2017 |
983 | BigData Heart | Big Data 4 Better Hearts - Sofia ref.: 116074 | 2017 |
984 | INTERSTELLAR | The Interstellar Medium of High Redshift Galaxies | 2017 |
985 | KWatch Glucose | K'Watch Glucose: A ground-breaking biometric wearable for painless, minimally invasive and blood-free glucose monitoring. | 2017 |
987 | LEDiR | LEDiR: A Ground-breaking Manufacturing Process to Yield a Unique Prosthesis for Lumbar Endoscopic Disc Replacement | 2017 |
988 | NOVUM | Pilot line based on novel manufacturing technologies for cellulose-based electrical insulation components | 2017 |
989 | NSstop | Development of a policy to stop the suffering caused by Nodding Syndrome and Onchocerciasis associated epilepsy | 2017 |
990 | OLDIAS2 | On-line Dialysis Sensor Phase2 | 2017 |
991 | OR-HMC | Assay for cancer diagnostics by quantification of 5hmC | 2017 |
992 | PoCOsteo | PoC in-office device for identifying individuals at high risk of Osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture | 2017 |
993 | PRIMATE-TE-IMPACT | Mapping the retrotransposon-mediated layer of neuronal gene regulation in the human genome | 2017 |
994 | SAGRIS | Sentinels-based Agriculture Information Service Component | 2017 |
995 | STARS | Shared mobility opporTunities And challenges foR European citieS | 2017 |
996 | Talkitt | Speech recognition technology to enable people with speech disabilities to communicate freely | 2017 |
997 | DIVERSE-EXPECON | Discriminative preferences and fairness ideals in diverse societies: An ‘experimental economics’ approach | 2018 |
998 | ALTERUMMA | Creating an Alternative umma: Clerical Authority and Religio-political Mobilisation in Transnational Shii Islam | 2018 |
999 | Evoland | Evolution of regulatory landscapes at multiple timescales | 2017 |
1000 | f-ex | f-block hydrocarbon interactions: exploration; exploitation | 2017 |
1001 | Glowsome | Encapsulated eukaryotic ribosome assembly | 2017 |
1002 | AnonymClassic | The Arabic Anonymous in a World Classic | 2018 |
1003 | CartiLube | Lubricating Cartilage: exploring the relation between lubrication and gene-regulation to alleviate osteoarthritis | 2017 |
1004 | FONTE | Fibre optic nonlinear technologies | 2018 |
1005 | AQB-CARE | AQUABUDDY-CARE: A Groundbreaking Solution for Elderly and Disabled people with Reduced Mobility that Finally Enables Caregivers to Effectively and Safely Bathe/Shower them in their own Beds. | 2017 |
1006 | TURBO-REFLEX | TURBOmachinery REtrofits enabling FLEXible back-up capacity for the transition of the European energy system | 2017 |
1007 | V-EPC | Inherited disfunctions of brain microcirculation | 2017 |
1008 | COUCH | Council of Coaches | 2017 |
1009 | EFINED | Energy Filtering Non-Equilibrium Devices | 2018 |
1010 | EQIPD | European Quality In Preclinical Data | 2017 |
1011 | i-vSAVE | Intelligent Vessels using space technology for Safety on board. | 2017 |
1012 | MixITiN | Bringing the paradigm for marine pelagic production into the 21st century: incorporating mixotrophy into mainstream marine research | 2017 |
1013 | ProTechTion | Industrial decision-making on complex production technologies supported by simulation-based engineering | 2018 |
1014 | SAFERUP | Sustainable, Accessible, Safe, Resilient and Smart Urban Pavements | 2018 |
1015 | SFICAM | SFICAM: Ultrafast Fiber-Based Single-Photon Camera for Advanced Microscopy | 2017 |
1016 | MONSON | Ultrathin Mixed Matrix Membranes (MMMs) Derived from Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) Nanosheets for Organic Solvent Nanofiltration (OSN) | 2017 |
1017 | EVICARE | Extracellular Vesicle-Inspired CArdiac Repair | 2017 |
1018 | SelforganisingEmbryo | Self-organisation across the scales in early mammalian development | 2017 |
1019 | CuHypMECH | New Nuclear Medicine Imaging Radiotracer 64Cu(II) for diagnosing Hypoxia Conditions Based on the Cellular Copper Cycle | 2017 |
1020 | THUNDEEP | A Theory for Understanding, Designing, and Training Deep Learning Systems | 2018 |
1021 | MALEPREG | Male pregnancy – Unravelling the coevolution of parental investment and immune defence | 2018 |
1022 | TUCAS | Tuneable Catalyst Surfaces for Heterogeneous Catalysis – Electrochemical Switching of Selectivity and Activity | 2018 |
1023 | PHONUIT | Phononic Circuits: manipulation and coherent control of phonons | 2018 |
1024 | EVWRIT | Everyday Writing in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt (I - VIII AD). A Socio-Semiotic Study of Communicative Variation | 2018 |
1025 | SUBLINEAR | Sublinear Algorithms for Modern Data Analysis | 2018 |
1026 | CLEANKER | CLEAN clinKER production by Calcium looping process | 2017 |
1027 | eSCALED | European School on Artificial Leaf : Electrodes Devices | 2018 |
1028 | INSIGHTS | International Training Network for Statistics in High Energy Physics and Society | 2017 |
1029 | HybridHeart | Development of the first fully biocompatible, soft actuated heart: combining in situ tissue engineering and soft robotics | 2017 |
1030 | ArthroDUR | Bifunctional and regeneratively active biomaterial: Towards an ultimate solution for osteoarthritis treatment | 2017 |
1031 | Eco-Bot | Personalised ICT-tools for the Active Engagement of Consumers Towards Sustainable Energy | 2017 |
1032 | CROSSBOW | CROSS BOrder management of variable renewable energies and storage units enabling a transnational Wholesale market | 2017 |
1033 | RUN2Rail | Innovative RUNning gear soluTiOns for new dependable, sustainable, intelligent and comfortable RAIL vehicles | 2017 |
1034 | Hi-ThermCap | High-capacity and high-performance Thermal energy storage Capsule for low-carbon and energyefficient heating and cooling systems | 2017 |
1035 | NebuFlox | Making it happen - Scalable biphasic reactions using a nebulizer-driven continuous flow reactor | 2018 |
1036 | MIRASPEC | Miniature on-chip Raman spectrometer for personal volatile organic compound (VOC) monitoring | 2018 |
1037 | SET Plan X-CEEC 2017 | SET Plan – The 10th Year Anniversary Central European Energy Conference 2017 | 2017 |
1038 | PhilAnd | The origin and early development of philosophy in tenth-century al-Andalus: the impact of ill-defined materials and channels of transmission. | 2017 |
1039 | ATMEN | Atomic precision materials engineering | 2017 |
1040 | PAMDORA | Planetary accretion and migration in discs over all ages | 2018 |
1041 | UFOS | Unveiling Planet Formation by Observations and Simulations | 2018 |
1042 | BioNanoPattern | Protein nano-patterning using DNA nanotechnology; control of surface-based immune system activation | 2018 |
1043 | BigEarth | Accurate and Scalable Processing of Big Data in Earth Observation | 2018 |
1044 | NANOPORE | Precise array of proton selective nanopores in 2D atomically thin membranes | 2017 |
1045 | ARIA | Advanced ultra-wideband Radar for Integrated Applications | 2017 |
1046 | Meta_Mind | The workings of metacognition in decision-making | 2018 |
1047 | InTo | Intergroup toleration: It’s Nature, Processes, and Consequences for Culturally Diverse Societies | 2017 |
1048 | HToMS | Homotopy Theory of Moduli Spaces | 2018 |
1049 | ShapingRoughness | Emergence of Surface Roughness in Shaping, Finishing and Wear Processes | 2018 |
1050 | RESUSCITATION | Bacterial persister regrowth | 2018 |
1051 | CoSpaDD | Competition for Space in Development and Diseases | 2018 |
1052 | LightZymes | Evolution of artificial enzymes for light-driven reactions by implementing unnatural cofactors in protein scaffolds | 2018 |
1053 | BOND | Bringing Organisations and Network Development to higher levels in the farming sector in Europe | 2017 |
1054 | QUANTIFY | Unraveling the role of anisotropy in material failure | 2018 |
1055 | ORBIS | Open Research Biopharmaceutical Internships Support | 2018 |
1056 | EU Engineroom | (EU) Explorations in Next Generation Internet emerging research opportunities, technOlogies and methods. | 2017 |
1057 | REVERSEAUTISM | Probing the Reversibility of Autism Spectrum Disorders by Employing in vivo and in vitro Models | 2017 |
1058 | MEMORISING | Remembering the Sound of Images: Cross-cultural study of rock art soundscapes and knowledge transmission in the New and Old Worlds. | 2018 |
1059 | PANAMA | Probabilistic Automated Numerical Analysis in Machine learning and Artificial intelligence | 2018 |
1060 | QuantumNet | A Scalable Quantum Network based on Individual Erbium Ions | 2018 |
1061 | LubSat | Unravelling Multi-scale Oral Lubrication Mechanisms (macro-to-nano): A Novel Strategy to Target Satiety | 2017 |
1062 | NEBULAR | Novel Blueprints for the Visible-Light-Mediated Assembly of C–N Bonds via Nitrogen Radicals | 2018 |
1063 | COMICS | Children in Comics: An Intercultural History from 1865 to Today | 2018 |
1064 | SleepSynapses | The role of sleep in synaptic plasticity | 2018 |
1065 | MODULISPACES | Topology of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces | 2018 |
1066 | SEC | Stereoretentive-Enantioconvergent Catalysis: A New Concept in Asymmetric Synthesis | 2017 |
1068 | activeFly | Circuit mechanisms of self-movement estimation during walking | 2017 |
1069 | CHANNELMAT | Microchannels for controlling cellular mechanotransduction | 2017 |
1070 | iModBatt | Industrial Modular Battery Pack Concept Addressing High Energy Density, Environmental Friendliness, Flexibility and Cost Efficiency for Automotive Applications | 2017 |
1071 | Space at Sea | Multi-use affordable standardised floating Space@Sea | 2017 |
1072 | MYPACK | Best markets for the exploitation of innovative sustainable food packaging solutions | 2017 |
1073 | LEA | The first Large European Antenna with a diameter larger than 5 meters | 2017 |
1074 | OACTIVE | Advanced personalised, multi-scale computer models preventing OsteoArthritis | 2017 |
1075 | MASTER | Multiple ASpects TrajEctoRy management and analysis | 2018 |
1076 | OCTA | Organic Charge Transfer Applications | 2018 |
1077 | SOCRATCES | SOlar Calcium-looping integRAtion for Thermo-Chemical Energy Storage | 2018 |
1078 | ELECTROU | MW Fuel Cell micro grid and district heating at King’s Cross | 2018 |
1079 | LogNeuroDev | The molecular and cellular logic of vertebrate neural development | 2018 |
1080 | LTCSEI | Learning through Categories in Social and Economic Interactions | 2018 |
1081 | INNOVATE | INtelligeNt ApplicatiOns oVer Large ScAle DaTa StrEams | 2018 |
1082 | UPRECON | Ultrafast photonics for the detection and recognition of toxic spine-structures of amyloid aggregates linked to neurodegenerative disease | 2018 |
1083 | GWsFromEMRIs | Gravitational waves from extreme mass-ratio inspirals | 2018 |
1084 | LHCTOPVLQ | Direct and indirect searches for new physics in events with top quarks using LHC proton-proton collisions at the CMS detector | 2017 |
1085 | MCDS-Therapy | Repurposing of carbamazepine for treatment of skeletal dysplasia | 2017 |
1086 | CLINGLIO | A Clinical Phase IIB trial with 2OHOA in patients with newly-diagnosed malignant glioma. | 2017 |
1087 | BANDWIDTH | The cost of limited communication bandwidth in distributed computing | 2018 |
1088 | LNEXPANDS | The Mechanisms and Dynamics Controlling Cycles of Lymph Node Expansion | 2018 |
1089 | THEKAISERSMOSQUES | Islamic architecture and Orientalizing style in Habsburg Bosnia, 1878-1918 | 2018 |
1090 | EvoCellBio | A combined in vitro and in vivo approach to dissect biochemical network evolution. | 2018 |
1091 | CHROMDOM | Chromosomal domain formation, compartmentalization and architecture | 2018 |
1092 | PapyGreek | Digital Grammar of Greek Documentary Papyri | 2018 |
1093 | DEVTAXNET | Tax Evasion in Developing Countries. The Role of Firm Networks | 2018 |
1094 | PredictingPain | Deconstructing pain with predictive models: from neural architecture to pain relief | 2018 |
1096 | STROMATA | Micro-pyrites associated with organic material in ancient stromatolites: a new proxy attesting for their biogenicity | 2018 |
1097 | GlobalLIT | GLOBAL LITERARY THEORY | 2018 |
1098 | SPEEDER | Supercapacitive Polymer Electrodes for Directing Epithelial Repair | 2018 |
1099 | WU TANG | Selective Conversion of Water and CO2 Using Interfacial Electrochemical Engineering | 2017 |
1100 | 3DCellPhase- | In situ Structural Analysis of Molecular Crowding and Phase Separation | 2018 |
1101 | ViDaR | ViDaR: R-enabled large-scale data analytics in ViDa | 2018 |
1102 | H2H | EGNSS Hull-to-Hull | 2017 |
1103 | BeyondPlanck | Beyond Planck -- delivering state-of-the-art observations of the microwave sky from 30 to 70 GHz for the next decade | 2018 |
1104 | HATCH | SME-led Space Portal for Europe | 2017 |
1105 | MIREU | Mining and Metallurgy Regions of EU | 2017 |
1106 | ENGIMA | Engineering of Nanostructures with Giant Magneto-Piezoelectric and Multicaloric Functionalities | 2017 |
1107 | NanoFEED | Nanostructured carriers for improved cattle feed | 2018 |
1108 | SERENA | gan-on-Silicon Efficient mm-wave euRopean systEm iNtegration plAtform | 2018 |
1109 | MiLEDI | Micro Quantum Dot-Light Emitting Diode and Organic Light Emitting Diode Direct Patterning (MILEDI) | 2018 |
1110 | HySTOC | Hydrogen Supply and Transportation using liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers | 2018 |
1111 | TeacHy | Teaching Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Science and Engineering Across Europe within Horizon 2020 | 2017 |
1112 | ANCHOR | Articular cartilage regeneration through the recruitment of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells into extracelluar matrix derived scaffolds anchored by 3D printed polymeric supports | 2018 |
1113 | TheyBuyForYou | Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence | 2018 |
1114 | MOICANA | Monolithic cointegration of QD-based InP on SiN as a versatile platform for the demonstration of high performance and low cost PIC transmitters | 2018 |
1115 | ReTV | Enhancing and Re-Purposing TV Content for Trans-Vector Engagement | 2018 |
1116 | GrassrootWavelengths | Grassroot Wavelengths: Highly Networked Grassroots Community Radio through a scalable digital platform | 2018 |
1117 | NYSMART | Novel dual-fuel system for modernisation of air-polluting diesel locomotives to clean and efficient gas operation | 2017 |
1118 | NanoWelds | First nanotechnology for the electronic packaging industry based on a room-temperature welding process | 2017 |
1119 | AITEP | Accurate Intravenous Therapy for Every Patient | 2017 |
1120 | YellowHarbour | Creating Partnerships between NGOs and Businesses | 2017 |
1121 | FLEXBIO | FLEXBIO – an innovative process for the decentralised treatment of organically contaminated wastewater with reduced energy requirements, CO2 emissions and operating costs | 2017 |
1122 | PhytlSigns | Real-time plant monitoring based on bioelectrical signals | 2017 |
1123 | AUTTO | Unlocking intelligent workflow automation for the SME market through AUTTO, an AI powered micro-automation SaaS Platform | 2017 |
1124 | EXACT-dna | EXtended Analysis of Circulating Tumour DNA to improve cancer management strategies | 2017 |
1125 | OPNT | Enhanced Time as a Service: transforming telecom networks into a 'SuperGPS' system | 2017 |
1126 | CIC-BREL | Development of deformation-based method for the behavior of masonry bracing elements, considering the cracked and inelastic state “CIC-BREL” Cracked Inelastic Calculation of BRacing ELements | 2018 |
1127 | UNIFIED | Fuel injection from subcritical to supercritical P-T conditions: a unified methodology for coupled in-nozzle flow, atomisation and air-fuel mixing processes | 2018 |
1128 | TopATLAS | Topological Atlas: Mapping Contemporary Borderscapes | 2018 |
1129 | MRS in diabetes | Novel methods in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to investigate mechanisms underlying metabolic disease | 2018 |
1130 | RECEIVE | Regulatory networks of plant cell rearrangement during symbiont accommodation | 2018 |
1131 | Damocles | Modelling brain aneurysm to elucidate the role of platelets | 2018 |
1132 | ParallelMemories | Cooperative and competitive parallel memory units for choice behaviors | 2018 |
1133 | CTC-MAL | Isolation of rare circulating tumor cells | 2018 |
1134 | LSO | Liver Spatial Omics | 2018 |
1135 | ANTSolve | A multi-scale perspective into collective problem solving in ants | 2018 |
1136 | EPIDEMICSonCHIP | EPIDEMICS in ant societies ON a CHIP | 2018 |
1137 | POPCRYSTAL | Precisely Oriented Porous Crystalline Films and Patterns | 2018 |
1138 | NUCLEARWATERS | Putting Water at the Centre of Nuclear Energy History | 2018 |
1139 | SIMDAMA | Strong-interaction matter coupled to electroweak probes and dark matter candidates | 2018 |
1140 | NPC-BUILD | The Nuclear Pore Basket – Functional Architecture of a Membrane Remodeling Machine | 2018 |
1141 | ASSESS | Episodic Mass Loss in the Most Massive Stars: Key to Understanding the Explosive Early Universe | 2018 |
1142 | SMAC-MC | Small Molecule Activation by Main-Group Compounds | 2018 |
1143 | AMPWISE | Autonomous Wireless Current Sensor for Aircraft Power Lines | 2018 |
1144 | BADASS | Barrel Array Diagnostics And SenSing | 2018 |
1145 | SmartEye | The most accurate 3D scanner for boosting the uptake of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) | 2018 |
1146 | geoBone | geoBone: A Unique Mineral Supplement for Bone Health and Prevention of Osteoporosis SustainablyProduced from Geothermal Resources through a Ground-breaking Process. | 2018 |
1147 | REBOOT | Toolbox of multipotent bioactive composite implants for the full functional regeneration ofbones after a trauma | 2018 |
1148 | TiMMi Transport | Making CO2-free city logistics a reality | 2018 |
1149 | OriginIoT | OriginIoT - novel platform for increased utilization of GNSS constellations via outdoor IoT products | 2018 |
1150 | ARCADIA | Advanced platfoRm for ClimAte Data Intelligence and Action | 2018 |
1151 | DAPHNE | Innovative system for Bioinspired Atmospheric Water Generation without Input Energy | 2018 |
1152 | PALEoRIDER | Human health and migration in prehistory | 2018 |
1153 | FRECOM | Nonlinear-Distortion Free Communication over the Optical Fibre Channel | 2018 |
1154 | SENSORIANCE | SEnsorial awareNess System fOR obstacle detectIon And collisioN avoidanCE | 2018 |
1155 | RNActivate | Optochemical control of cell fate by activation of mRNA translation | 2018 |
1156 | NATHENA | New Additive manufacTuring Heat ExchaNger for Aeronautic | 2018 |
1158 | EnvironMetal | How does the Earth stop global warming? Using metal isotopes to understand climate recovery processes | 2018 |
1159 | GOKNOT | Modelling the formation of a gordian knot in Human Ubiquitin Hydrolase | 2018 |
1160 | EpiLog | The Unknown Science: Understanding the Epistemology of Logic through Practice | 2018 |
1161 | RENShip | Hybrid Carbon-free electrically driven fishing longliner with low power methanol combustion enginefor propulsion back-up and auxiliary equipment | 2018 |
1162 | CIVICS | Criminality, Victimization and Social Interactions | 2018 |
1163 | WoMoGeS | Women’s movements and gestational surrogacy: engaging, debating and policy making | 2018 |
1164 | Black Cinema-Going | Black Cinema-Going in New York of the Interwar Period | 2018 |
1165 | FemTHEATRE | Through Her Own Looking Glass: Rethinking ‘Woman’ in Italian Feminist Dramaturgy | 2018 |
1166 | GoldTrace | GoldTrace: tracking the origin and transport of gold beneath seafloor arc volcanoes | 2018 |
1167 | NovoFold | De novo protein discovery as a tool for understanding the folding conundrum | 2019 |
1168 | PWAQUTEC | Phononic Waveguide-based Platforms for Quantum Technologies | 2018 |
1169 | XQCR | Electronic structure and energy descriptors for molecular crystals from quantum crystallography and X-ray charge density analysis | 2018 |
1170 | INTEREP | Do cortical feedback connections store statistical knowledge of the environment? | 2018 |
1171 | MaGMa | Applying Metabolomics to Unveil follow-up treatment biomarkers and Identify Novel TherapeuticTargets in Glioblastoma | 2018 |
1172 | CROWDASSAY | Folding Pathways of DNA G-quadruplexes in Crowding Conditions, and Implications for Mass Spectrometry-based Ligand Screening Assays | 2018 |
1173 | TYPHON | Polyglot and Hybrid Persistence Architectures for Big Data Analytics | 2018 |
1174 | GoJelly | GoJelly - A gelatinous solution to plastic pollution | 2018 |
1175 | Bits2Cosmology | Time-domain Gibbs sampling: From bits to inflationary gravitational waves | 2018 |
1176 | BREFMC2017 | Deciphering the function(s) of the C-type lectin DCIR/CLEC4A in tuberculosis | 2018 |
1177 | CASACAMAhyps | Cucurbit[8]uril Assisted Supramolecular Architectures of Carbon Materials for Hydrogels, Photocatalysis and Sensing | 2018 |
1178 | CAYMAN | Illuminating Ultra-Slow Spreading Centres: a seismic approach to the Cayman Trough | 2019 |
1179 | CheSSTaG | Chemotactic Super-Selective Targeting of Gliomas | 2018 |
1180 | ChildPro | Child prodigies: on giftedness and child celebrities in modern France | 2019 |
1181 | COLONINFO | Improving COLOrectal cancer screening: Novel INverse and FOrward algorithms for a new real-time microwave endoscopy | 2018 |
1182 | ComBIOsites | Reversibly photocrosslinked BIO-based composites with barrier properties from industrial by-products | 2018 |
1183 | COMEX | COmputational Modelling for EXtreme conditions | 2018 |
1184 | CommGenRwa | Genocide Commemoration in the Rwandan Diaspora | 2018 |
1185 | Constr-HaVi | Construction techniques, experimentation and innovative architectural solutions atHadrian’s Villa (Tivoli, Italy) | 2019 |
1186 | CRISPR-GQ | Identifying the Capabilities and Limitations of CRISPR in Targeting G-quadruplex Forming Sequences: From Target Recognition to Gene Expression Regulation | 2018 |
1187 | CRoSh | “Chromatin Re-organization during Shade Avoidance” | 2019 |
1188 | CultureLabs | Culture Labs: recipes for social innovation | 2018 |
1189 | DeeViSe | Deep Learning for Dynamic 3D Visual Scene Understanding | 2018 |
1190 | DEFPOLL | Origins of trait diversity in flowering plants: understanding interactions between plant defence and pollination using molecular, phenotypic and ecological studies of natural selection | 2018 |
1191 | DiaMoND | Development of composite Metamaterials having Negative stiffness inclusions and exceptional Damping properties | 2018 |
1192 | DUSTDEVILS | The Dust Devils in Galaxy Centres | 2018 |
1193 | EARLYRIDERS | Tracking the temporal and geographic origins of modern domestic horses | 2018 |
1194 | ECHO | Harmonization of Regulation of Abusive Non-Judicial Debt Collection in the European Union: Models, Benefits and Challenges | 2019 |
1195 | EnCAge | Progeria models to study endothelial cell ageing: implications for organ regeneration and fibrosis | 2020 |
1196 | JUSTEMOTIONS | The construction of objectivity - An international perspective on the emotive-cognitive process of judicial decision-making | 2018 |
1197 | HETERO | What does it mean to be heterosexual? | 2018 |
1198 | Geo-Coat | Development of novel and cost effective corrosion resistant coatings for high temperature geothermal applications | 2018 |
1199 | SEA | The Social Epistemology of Argumentation | 2018 |
1200 | Amitochondriates | Life without mitochondrion | 2018 |
1201 | SOLARYS | Composition of solar system small bodies | 2018 |
1202 | 3D-CAP | 3D micro-supercapacitors for embedded electronics | 2018 |
1203 | TRECEPTORS | Transport and Receptor Mechanisms of Human Solute Carriers | 2018 |
1204 | LASSO | Layered semiconductors and hybrid systems for quantum optics and opto-valleytronics | 2019 |
1205 | MULTIPLES | The MULTIPLicity of supErnova progenitorS | 2018 |
1206 | InfoSampCollectJgmt | The Implications of Selective Information Sampling for Individual and Collective Judgments | 2018 |
1207 | Reprogram-Diabetes | In vivo drug discovery for cellular reprogramming to β-cells – towards a future regenerative therapy for diabetes | 2018 |
1208 | MOSAIC | Relationship of Somatic Structural Variation Mosaicism to Aging and Disease Phenotypes | 2019 |
1209 | AnNuVitE | Animal and Human Nutrition Benefits of Nature Identical Vitamin E | 2018 |
1210 | NS-COMP | Development of composite structures having negative stiffness inclusions and exceptional dampingproperties | 2019 |
1211 | FLEET | Flying Electromagnetic Toroids | 2018 |
1212 | ANITA | Advanced tools for fighting oNline Illegal TrAfficking | 2018 |
1213 | PERSONA | Privacy, ethical, regulatory and social no-gate crossing point solutions acceptance | 2018 |
1214 | NEWSENs | eNergy nEutral Wireless SEnsor Networks | 2019 |
1215 | SOS | Smooth dynamics via Operators, with Singularities | 2018 |
1216 | CLOUDMAP | Cloud Computing via Homomorphic Encryption and Multilinear Maps | 2018 |
1217 | GB-CORRELATE | Correlating the State and Properties of Grain Boundaries | 2018 |
1218 | IN-Fo-trace-DG | Role of GABAergic interneurons in the formation of new memory traces in the Dentate Gyrus ofbehaving mice | 2018 |
1219 | Sialoglycan Array | Generation of a Cell-Based Sialoglycan Array to Decipher Biological Interactions and Functions of the Human Sialome | 2018 |
1220 | COSMICLENS | Cosmology with Strong Gravitational Lensing | 2018 |
1221 | NUCLITEX | Producing transnational nuclear expertise in Italy (1955-1987): a historical-ethnographic approach | 2019 |
1222 | REACTOMEgsa | Extending the REACTOME Pathway Database for multi-omics biomedical data analysis | 2018 |
1223 | RiConfigure | Reconfiguring Research and Innovation Constellations | 2018 |
1224 | ATG9_SOLVES_IT | In vitro high resolution reconstitution of autophagosome nucleation and expansion catalyzed byATG9 | 2018 |
1225 | Nedd8Activate | How does the ubiquitin-like protein NEDD8 activate ubiquitin ligase machineries? | 2018 |
1226 | DistriBrainRep | Studying brain representations as a distributed process: from neural code to behavior | 2019 |
1227 | Re-Leaf | Environment-coupled metabolic models for engineering high-temperature and drought REsistant LEAF metabolism. | 2018 |
1228 | SCCMMI | Single cell correlates of memory, motivation and individuality | 2018 |
1229 | Za-AV | Determination of physiologically relevant RNA substrate(s) and design of small-molecule inhibitors for Zα domains as potential intervention strategies for viral infections and autoimmunity | 2018 |
1230 | LIGHTCODESWORDS | Illuminating every sound with lasers, coding words and complex sounds with light. | 2018 |
1231 | TREMOR | TRemor as Eruption MOnitoR | 2019 |
1232 | PHILOS | PHILOS: Real-time Detection and Automated Mitigation of BGP Prefix Hijacking Attacks | 2019 |
1233 | HyPoStruct | A key breakthrough in hydrogen fuel cells: enhancing macroscopic mass transport properties by tailoring the porous microstructure | 2019 |
1234 | Stress Granules | Using Reconstituted Stress Granules to Gain Insight into the Molecular Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases | 2019 |
1235 | SiDMACIB | Structurally informed Design of Masonry Assemblages Composed of Interlocking Blocks | 2018 |
1236 | GEO4CIVHIC | Most Easy, Efficient and Low Cost Geothermal Systems for Retrofitting Civil and Historical Buildings | 2018 |
1237 | GraFrontLev | A theoretical, experimental and numerical study of the formation of coarse dry granular fronts and spontaneously self-channelizing levees in debris flows | 2018 |
1238 | Meta-Origami | Metabolic engineering of Ustilago trichophora: an isotope-assisted metabolomics approach for the improvement of malate production from glycerol | 2019 |
1239 | AirSens | High-Accuracy Indoor Tracking and Augmented Sensing using Swarms of UAVs | 2018 |
1240 | H2O-SPLIT | Carbon-Oxynitride Coupled Artificial Photosynthesis System For Solar Water Splitting Beyond 600 nm | 2019 |
1241 | INBID | Improving the resolution of Neuroinflammation during repetitive mild Traumatic Brain Injury with dietary fatty acid Derivatives | 2018 |
1242 | SUPRAforORGANS | Synthetic supramolecular polymers as artificial extracellular matrix for stem cell expansion towards organoids. | 2019 |
1243 | GSAS | Genomic Strategies Against STB disease of wheat | 2018 |
1244 | PFoGMH | The Prussian Fathers of Greek Military History | 2018 |
1245 | PEAI | Public Epigraphy in Ancient Italy (third-first centuries BCE) | 2018 |
1246 | Humanist Marxism | “The Humanist Marxist Tradition”: The Humanist Legacy of Marx’s 1844 Manuscripts | 2018 |
1247 | MFOptBF | Multi-fidelity design optimization of long-span bridges considering probabilistic wind-induced instabilities of flutter and buffeting and hydrodynamics | 2018 |
1248 | SiPoMorph | Genetic control and molecular mechanisms of cell wall modifications during sieve pore morphogenesis in the phloem of the plant vascular system | 2019 |
1249 | GLYCANLIPO | Selective glycan recognition using molecularly imprinted liposomes | 2018 |
1250 | HYBRICYL | Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Heterojunctions in Extremely Thin Absorber Solar Cells Based on Arrays of Parallel Cylindrical Nanochannels | 2018 |
1251 | ReCiModel | Multimodal characterization of the visual word form area: An integrative computational model | 2018 |
1252 | OilandEmp | Crude Empire. British 'Oil Imperialism' and the making of the modern Middle East (c.1901-c.1935). | 2019 |
1253 | GRACE | hiGh-Resolution imAging of the barrel CortEx through VSD and LFP recordings | 2019 |
1254 | SEMSUBSET | The Grammar of Inclusion: Exploring the Boundaries of Linguistic Competence | 2019 |
1255 | URCHIN | continUous flow ReaCtor for Hierarchically desIgned Nanocomposites | 2018 |
1256 | OPVANOX-ARDS | Advanced pulmonary vascular monitoring for optimum Nitric Oxide delivery in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Expanding Nitric Oxide applications | 2018 |
1257 | SYMOBLIGA | Comparative genomics of host-symbiont dependency | 2018 |
1258 | EVOTOOLS | EVOlutionary Trends in mOrphOLogical diverSity: new comparative tools for high-dimensional data | 2018 |
1259 | ProCenDecl | Synthesis and validation of chemical Probes for Centrosome Declustering: development of potent and selective anti-cancer agents. | 2019 |
1260 | 3DPRINT-VASCU-CHIP | 3D Printed Vascular Model-on-Chip Platform with Automated Customization | 2018 |
1261 | MaLeR | Machine Learning applied to Reactivity: combination of HDNNs with ReaxFF | 2018 |
1262 | HYPERTHERM | HYbrid organic-inorganic PERovskite THERMoelectrics | 2019 |
1263 | TOMMY | Tomography of the Milky waY | 2018 |
1264 | HMST-PC | Synthesis of Hybrid Metal-Semiconductor Tetrapod Photocatalysts for Improved Water Splitting | 2018 |
1265 | FEMAGREE | Female Agricultural Entrepreneurs: Identifying Institutional Barriers to Equality | 2018 |
1266 | fastHDX for IDPs | Revealing the Transient Structures of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins by Microfluidics-Enabled Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange | 2018 |
1267 | GARDENCITYIDEA | Idea, Ideal, Idyll: Garden Cities in Central Europe 1890s-1930s | 2018 |
1268 | OCOCAMKS | Optical control of CaMKII signaling | 2018 |
1269 | transLEISHion | A targeted knockout screen for identification of Leishmania membrane transporters required for infection of macrophages | 2018 |
1270 | MATHCOV | Maternal temperature history controls progeny vigour | 2018 |
1271 | LIAE | Laughing in an Emergency: Humour, Cultural Resilience and Contemporary Art | 2018 |
1272 | KaIROS | Keeping and Increasing Resilience Opportunities and Sustainability of communities against earthquakes | 2018 |
1273 | 3D-SITS | 3D Stretchable Inductive Tactile Sensors for Soft Artificial Touch | 2018 |
1274 | MONMETAL | Generation of monolayer thin 2D nanosheets of noble/semi-noble metals: Investigation of their structural, electronic and catalytic properties | 2018 |
1275 | ML Potentials | Constructing Intermolecular Potentials by Combining Physics and Machine Learning | 2018 |
1276 | MOrPhEM | Mechanics of Programmable Matter | 2019 |
1277 | METHYVIREVOL | Virocellular hybrids and epigenomic changes as driving factors of infection driven cancers. | 2019 |
1278 | kANNa | Knowledge graph completion using Artificial Neural Networks for Herb-Drug Interaction discovery | 2019 |
1279 | iMED | International Doctoral Programme in Molecular Mechanisms of Disease | 2019 |
1280 | HPC-rotors | Disrupting the global e-mobility sector by production of application-specific rotors for the automotive industry with an innovative and unique vertical laminar squeeze-casting process | 2018 |
1281 | OSTEOproSPINE | Novel Bone Regeneration Drug Osteogrow: Therapeutic Solution for Lumbar Back Pain | 2018 |
1282 | EMERALD | ElectroMagnetic imaging for a novel genERation of medicAL Devices | 2018 |
1283 | SECURe | Subsurface Evaluation of Carbon capture and storage and Unconventional Risk | 2018 |
1284 | ENSEMBLE | ENabling SafE Multi-Brand pLatooning for Europe | 2018 |
1285 | PhaseControl | How cellular suicide programmes control phase transitions in fatty liver disease and liver cancer | 2018 |
1286 | SympatimmunObesity | Sympathetic and immune mechanisms underlying obesity | 2019 |
1287 | AIDA | Artificial Intelligence Data Analysis | 2018 |
1288 | URBiNAT | URBiNAT - Healthy corridors as drivers of social housing neighbourhoods for the co-creation of social, environmental and marketable NBS | 2018 |
1289 | PRECISE4Q | Personalised Medicine by Predictive Modeling in Stroke for better Quality of Life | 2018 |
1290 | GeoRes | Geomaterials: from Waste to Resource | 2018 |
1291 | GLIOGUIDE | Commercialising a novel glioblastoma targeted therapy and a companion diagnostic compound | 2018 |
1292 | eCAPE | New energy Consumer roles and smart technologies – Actors, Practices and Equality | 2018 |
1293 | FunMagResBeacons | Functionalized Magnetic Resonance Beacons for Enhanced Spectroscopy and Imaging | 2018 |
1294 | MENTICA | The Middle East Neolithic Transition: Integrated Community Approaches | 2018 |
1295 | DEVINCI | Developmental principles for the functional specialisation of inhibitory circuits in neocortical areas | 2018 |
1296 | ProMotion | Probing Majorana quasi-particles and ballistic spin-momentum locking in topolocical insulatornanostructures | 2018 |
1297 | DENOVO-P | De novo Development of Polarity in Plant Cells | 2018 |
1298 | SUPRAWOC | Supramolecular Architectures for Ruthenium Water Oxidation Catalysis | 2018 |
1299 | MSTAR | Massive Star Formation through the Universe | 2018 |
1300 | AMDROMA | Algorithmic and Mechanism Design Research in Online MArkets | 2018 |
1301 | FirstGalaxies | Finding the most distant galaxies with NIRSpec guaranteed time on the James Webb Space Telescope | 2020 |
1302 | RespViRALI | Structural and functional insights into the assembly of respiratory complexes by a novel putative chaperone | 2019 |
1303 | mTORmorS | Role of mTOR signaling dysregulation in the tumor suppressor networks in hepatocellular carcinoma | 2019 |
1304 | FindMEMO | Functional contribution of visual features to hippocampal memory encoding | 2019 |
1305 | cGEM | the Center for Genomics, Evolution and Medicine | 2018 |
1306 | GOLF | EC-Asia Research Network on Integration of Global and Local Agri-Food Supply Chains Towards Sustainable Food Security | 2018 |
1307 | HERCULES | towards geoHazards rEsilient infRastruCtUre under changing cLimatES | 2018 |
1308 | InclusivePublicSpace | Inclusive Public Space: Law, Universality and Difference in the Accessibility of Streets | 2019 |
1309 | CRYOSOCIETIES | Suspended Life: Exploring Cryopreservation Practices in Contemporary Societies | 2019 |
1310 | HyDream | Selective Hydrogenation of Arenes - A Dream Reaction | 2018 |
1311 | COSMOS | COSMOS: Computational Shaping and Modeling of Musical Structures | 2019 |
1312 | ISLAM-OPHOB-ISM | Nativism, Islamophobism and Islamism in the Age of Populism: Culturalisation and Religionisation of what is Social, Economic and Political in Europe | 2019 |
1313 | QBH Structure | The Quantum Structure of Black Holes and the Recovery of Information | 2019 |
1314 | SEISMAZE | Data-intensive analysis of seismic tremors and long period events: a new paradigm for understanding transient deformation processes in active geological systems | 2019 |
1315 | DDoS Analyser | Revolutionary Non-Disruptive DDoS Testing Technology that significantly strengthens resistance to DDoS attacks and provides ongoing visibility on identified DDoS mitigation vulnerabilities. | 2018 |
1316 | BLUECAL | Sustainable calcium food additives and dietary supplements of high pureness to boost the ocean clam fisheries | 2018 |
1317 | ONCOTICS | Probiotics for the Oncological Patients | 2018 |
1318 | VOLTCLOUD | VoltCloud: Bringing the power of the Cloud to a revolutionary renewable home battery | 2018 |
1319 | GI-BCT | Disruptive imaging technology for accurate and painless breast cancer diagnosis | 2018 |
1321 | Community Cloud | Cubbit. The first distributed data-center. | 2018 |
1322 | Ligninpolymers | Transformation of kraft lignin into a biodegradable biopolymer | 2018 |
1323 | LEP4BLADES | Innovative Leading Edge Protection System for Wind Turbine Blades | 2018 |
1324 | Pomelody 2.0 | Early childhood education eLearning framework, leveraging novel technology for a whole new way of learning music. | 2018 |
1325 | POC | PieceOfCake: an AI-driven chatbot to manage complex business data | 2018 |
1326 | Microbot Medical | SCS – a self-cleaning shunt for the continuous prevention of shunt blockage in hydrocephalus and NPH patients | 2018 |
1328 | MyKeople | Innovative SaaS platform for assessment, training and support to companies Innovative SaaS platform for assessment, training and support to companies and employees embracing the digital transformation | 2018 |
1329 | HeartWatch | HeartWatch - contactless patient vital signs monitoring | 2018 |
1330 | PermeAbility | PermeAbility - A non-invasive, side-effect-free diagnostic kit for intestinal disorders | 2018 |
1331 | TAPP X | The world's first Sensor-Based Water Filter to Purify and Analyse Tap Water | 2018 |
1332 | Raccoon.Recovery | Raccoon.Recovery – effective mobile data driven hand rehabilitation solution | 2018 |
1333 | MENUTECH | MENUTECH: Automated allergen labeling and translation for restaurant menus | 2018 |
1334 | SOLIMER | Low cost, water Soluble, Injection Moulded polyvinyl alcohol polymer for laundry detergent capsules | 2018 |
1335 | PerPedes | PerPedes: AI-assisted therapy in stroke rehabilitation | 2018 |
1336 | Rosalind | Scale-up for Next Generation Enzymatic DNA Synthesis | 2018 |
1337 | AMPS | Aircraft Modular Power Converter Solutions | 2018 |
1338 | TRIAGE | TRophic state Interactions with drivers of Aquatic greenhouse Gas Emissions | 2019 |
1339 | PreSpeech | Predicting speech: what and when does the brain predict during language comprehension? | 2018 |
1340 | BRiDGE | BRiDGE – Bridge for Researchers in Danger Going to Europe | 2018 |
1341 | INPERIO | Non-invasive solution for periodontal and peri-implant diseases | 2018 |
1342 | OmniBot | OmniBot: Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing Bot platform | 2018 |
1343 | SPARTerS | Subsurface Precision detection of Asparagus with Robot Technology for Selective harvesting | 2018 |
1344 | BICAR | The definitive 100% energy autonomous, CO2-free and recyclable last mile solution | 2018 |
1345 | Dynamics | Contributions to codimension k bifurcations in dynamical systems theory | 2018 |
1346 | POLIPO | The first non-fermentative production process for low cost synthesis of biodegradable PHAs bioplastic from vegetal oils and fats | 2018 |
1347 | INNOPRICK | Digitalization and analysis of skin surfaces for a fast and automated allergic diagnosis | 2018 |
1348 | ClinAO | Translating adaptive microscopes to the clinic for tissue analysis during surgery | 2018 |
1349 | IDT | The IntelliDogTrainer, a new high throughput training device to train high level security dogs | 2018 |
1350 | WeCreate | European Researchers' Night We Create Science and History | 2018 |
1351 | WOUNDCOM | Interactive biomembranes for wound management – exploiting the unique wound healing and antimicrobial properties of human collagen VI | 2018 |
1352 | COMETE | Next-Generation Computational Methods for Enhanced Multiphase Flow Processes | 2018 |
1353 | GenderedPeace | A Gendered International Law of Peace | 2018 |
1354 | SPRS | Stochastic Processes on Random Surfaces | 2019 |
1355 | REPAC | Repetition, Parallelism and Creativity: An Inquiry into the Construction of Meaning in Ancient Mesopotamian Literature and Erudition | 2019 |
1356 | ReduceSearch | Rigorous Search Space Reduction | 2019 |
1357 | COMNFT | Communication Using the Nonlinear Fourier Transform | 2019 |
1358 | TRIM-NET | Training network in drug discovery targeting TRIM Ubiquitin ligases in disease | 2019 |
1359 | UNBRACE | Investigating the Role of the Unfolded Protein Response as a Novel Targetable Pathway in BRAF Mutant Colorectal Cancer | 2019 |
1360 | ABC-EU-XVA | Valuation Adjustments for Improved Risk Management | 2018 |
1361 | ORISEM | Sources of Meaning: Grounding Formal Semantics | 2019 |
1362 | TRUST | Truth and Semantics | 2018 |
1363 | BrokenGenome | Breaking and rebuilding the genome: mechanistic rules for the dangerous game of sex. | 2019 |
1364 | DissectingSociety | Nineteenth-Century Sociographic Journalism and the Formation of Ethnographic and Sociological Knowledge | 2020 |
1365 | Microrobots | Engineering Biohybrid MicroRobots from Magnetic Swimmers and S-layers | 2018 |
1366 | READIT | Reading Literature in a Digital Culture | 2018 |
1367 | PlantOleogels | Plant Particle based Hybrid Bicontinuous Oleogels | 2018 |
1368 | aQUARiUM | QUAntum nanophotonics in Rolled-Up Metamaterials | 2019 |
1369 | LUOS | A platform to boost robotic innovation by enabling fast development cycles, reduced cost and low barrier to entry. | 2018 |
1371 | PartonicNucleus | Understanding the Quark and Gluon Structure of the Nucleus | 2018 |
1372 | piqlFilm-GO | Scale-up and demonstrate the production of a novel High Resolution piqlFilm for Ultra-secure data storage and long-term preservation of digital and analogue data | 2018 |
1373 | InterActive | Interacting with Active Particles | 2019 |
1374 | EvoConBiO | Uncovering and engineering the principles governing evolution and cellular control of bioenergetic organelles | 2019 |
1375 | Treat-HSP | Development of new therapy for rare motor neuron diseases | 2018 |
1377 | INNOVA4TB | Innovation in Tuberculosis | 2019 |
1378 | FutureArctic | A glimpse into the Arctic future: equipping a unique natural experiment for next-generation ecosystem research | 2019 |
1379 | MLFPM2018 | Machine Learning Frontiers in Precision Medicine | 2019 |
1380 | iGLURs - A NEW VIEW | Exposing nature’s view of ligand recognition in ionotropic glutamate receptors | 2019 |
1381 | MicroTher | MicroTher: Drug Discovery from the Microbiota | 2018 |
1382 | COEVOPRO | Drivers and consequences of coevolution in protective symbiosis | 2019 |
1383 | ProtCap | Protein Capsules | 2018 |
1384 | PARACAT | Paramagnetic Species in Catalysis Research. A Unified Approach Towards Heterogeneous, Homogeneous and Enzyme Catalysis | 2019 |
1385 | ULTRAFORS | Ultracoherent force sensors | 2018 |
1386 | MISTRAL | Multi-sectoral approaches to Innovative Skills Training for Renewable energy And sociaL acceptance | 2019 |
1387 | iqClock | Integrated Quantum Clock | 2018 |
1388 | SemanticCity | Structuring Raw Scans | 2018 |
1389 | BORGES | Biosensing with ORGanic ElectronicS | 2019 |
1390 | DiManD | Digital Manufacturing and Design Training Network | 2019 |
1391 | RxmiRcanceR | Tumor suppressive microRNAs for cancer therapy | 2018 |
1392 | PROVEC | Promoting Osteogenesis through Vascular Endothelial Cells | 2019 |
1393 | GIDE | Molecular diversification of inhibitory neurons during development | 2019 |
1394 | FunDiT | Functional Diversity of T cells | 2019 |
1395 | CReaNet | Chemical Reaction Networks: signal amplification, spatiotemporal control, and materials | 2019 |
1396 | MammoWave | Cutting edge microwave imaging device for safe and accurate breast cancer screening | 2018 |
1397 | PhoQuS | Photons for Quantum Simulation | 2018 |
1398 | DYNACEUTICS | Remote control healing: Next generation mechano-nano-therapeutics | 2019 |
1399 | PANDA | Powerfull Advanced N-Level Digitalization Architecture for models of electrified vehicles and their components | 2018 |
1400 | PASSIM | Patristic sermons in the Middle Ages. The dissemination, manipulation and interpretation of late-antique sermons in the medieval Latin West | 2019 |
1401 | TOCHA | Dissipationless topological channels for information transfer and quantum metrology | 2019 |
1402 | KEPLER | Key Environmental monitoring for Polar Latitudes and European Readiness | 2019 |
1403 | CONNECT | Connecting neural networks: Nervous-system-on-Chip Technology | 2019 |
1404 | PULSE | High-Power Ultrafast LaSErs using Tapered Double-Clad Fibre | 2019 |
1405 | WEAFING | Wearable Electroactive Fabrics Integrated in Garments | 2019 |
1406 | EMBEDDIA | Cross-Lingual Embeddings for Less-Represented Languages in European News Media | 2019 |
1407 | CICERONE | Creative Industries Cultural Economy Production Network | 2019 |
1408 | Mingei | Representation and Preservation of Heritage Crafts | 2018 |
1409 | MicrobiomeSupport | Towards coordinated microbiome R&I activities in the food system to support (EU and) international bioeconomy goals | 2018 |
1410 | FIBROHALT | Advancing a novel peptide-based therapeutic for pancreatic cancer | 2018 |
1411 | Dide | The pioneering platform for detection and management of learning and development difficulties and preventionof school failure | 2018 |
1412 | NEFERTITI | NEFERTITI: A Novel Eco-Friendly, dually Efficient and Resistance-free Treatment of vaginITIs | 2018 |
1413 | ORTIKA | Toward sustainable fashion: nettle and blueberry garments to promote sustainable development of mountain areas and to boost young talents | 2018 |
1415 | ALFOAM | Turning non-recyclable aluminum waste into metal foams with multiple applications | 2019 |
1416 | Cyanobacteria | Developing a process for the production of an organic hydroponic fertilizer using nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria | 2018 |
1417 | RUST | Revolutionizing the Utilization of compound Semiconductor Technology | 2018 |
1419 | WorkingAge | Smart Working environments for all Ages | 2019 |
1420 | CORolla | "CORolla® - a disruptive ""spring like"" metallic device for permanent treatment of diastolic heart failure." | 2018 |
1421 | ACTPHAST 4R | Accelerating Photonics Deployment via one Stop Shop Advanced Technology Access for Researchers | 2019 |
1422 | BEWELL | Wearable sensors and actuators to monitor and promote physical and emotional wellbeing | 2019 |
1423 | FASTEN | Fine-Grained Analysis of Software Ecosystems as Networks | 2019 |
1424 | GLIOVACC | Augmenting and broadening T-cell responses to glioblastoma - therapeutic vaccine platform based on HCMV expressing NKG2D ligands | 2018 |
1425 | HELIOS | HELIOS: A Context-aware Distributed Social Networking Framework | 2019 |
1426 | ADVANCE | Addressing Verification and Validation Challenges in Future Cyber-Physical Systems | 2019 |
1427 | ATM2BT | Atomistic to Molecular to Bulk Turbulence | 2019 |
1428 | SENS4ICE | SENSors and certifiable hybrid architectures FOR safer aviation in ICing Environment | 2019 |
1429 | CONAN II | CONAN II - COmplete Nucleic acid ANalysis at genome scale at ultra-high throughput Phase 2 | 2018 |
1430 | ASCLEPIOS | Advanced Secure Cloud Encrypted Platform for Internationally Orchestrated Solutions in Healthcare | 2018 |
1431 | Smart2Go | Smart and Flexible Energy Supply Platform for Wearable Electronics | 2019 |
1432 | SUPER_MoRRI | Scientific Understanding and Provision of an Enhanced and Robust Monitoring system for RRI | 2019 |
1433 | GANGS | Gangs, Gangsters, and Ganglands: Towards a Global Comparative Ethnography | 2019 |
1434 | SM-Epigen | Revealing the Epigenetic Regulatory Network with Single-Molecule Precision | 2018 |
1435 | NEPA | Non-Equilibrium Protein Assembly: from Building Blocks to Biological Machines | 2019 |
1436 | BALANCED LETHALS | Untangling the Evolution of a Balanced Lethal System | 2019 |
1437 | Bergamot | Browser-based Multilingual Translation | 2019 |
1438 | LUMAX | Innovative Laser and Fiber System for Non-Toxic, Efficient and Cost-Effective Treatment of Cancer | 2018 |
1439 | GyroGlove | Development and Commercialisation of an Intelligent Wearable Platforms to Stabilise Hand Tremors in Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor | 2018 |
1440 | ASIMIA | Advanced High-Order Simulation Methods for Industrial Applications | 2019 |
1441 | COSMOLOCALISM | Design Global, Manufacture Local: Assessing the Practices, Innovation, and Sustainability Potential of an Emerging Mode of Production | 2019 |
1442 | CuRE | Cardiac REgeneration from within | 2019 |
1444 | Combat_ALS | Development of new chemical tools to combat ALS | 2019 |
1445 | LEXIS | Large-scale EXecution for Industry & Society | 2019 |
1446 | Mantis | Mantis is a cloud-based Intelligent Traffic Solution built around a unique algorithm which forecasts traffic evolution saving costs and reducing emissions | 2018 |
1447 | SPW | Soundproof Walls | 2018 |
1448 | RoRePower | Robust and Remote Power Supply | 2019 |
1449 | LIMONA | New Water Softener System for vending machines, minimizing hardness without altering natural water pH nor minerals | 2018 |
1450 | Enjoint | An intelligent exercise machine for measurable and motivational neuro-muscular rehabilitation therapy | 2018 |
1451 | DIDONE | The Sources of Absolute Music: Mapping Emotions in Eighteenth-Century Italian Opera | 2019 |
1452 | BacterialCORE | Widespread Bacterial CORE Complex Executes Intra- and Inter-Kingdom Cytoplasmic Molecular Trade | 2019 |
1453 | OpenInnoTrain | Open Innovation – Research Translation and Applied Knowledge Exchange in Practice through University-Industry-Cooperation | 2019 |
1454 | MASSTART | MASS manufacturing of TrAnsceiveRs for Terabit/s era | 2019 |
1455 | Helios-Plugin | Secure software implementation of an eSIM | 2019 |
1456 | StratifiedGRANULAR | Modelling of rheologically stratified granular flows by a multi-layer depth-averaged approach | 2019 |
1457 | OASIS | Open Access Single entry point for scale-up of Innovative Smart lightweight composite materials and components | 2019 |
1458 | ICYBOB | Initial Conditions of YMCs, Birth of OB associations and long term evolution of stellar clusters | 2019 |
1459 | REALNANO | 3D Structure of Nanomaterials under Realistic Conditions | 2019 |
1460 | CRISPRsition | Developing CRISPR adaptation platforms for basic and applied research | 2019 |
1461 | PhytoTrace | Wanted: Micronutrients! Phytosiderophore-mediated acquisition strategies in grass crops | 2019 |
1462 | IE-2018-Vienna | Innovative Enterprise Vienna 2018 | 2018 |
1463 | DISPATCH Neuro-Sense | Distributed Signal Processing Algorithms for Chronic Neuro-Sensor Networks | 2019 |
1464 | MIND | The Muslim Individual in Imperial and Soviet Russia | 2019 |
1465 | EHDEN | European Health Data and Evidence Network | 2018 |
1466 | GREENGRAPHENE | Environment-Friendly and Cost-Effective Production of Graphene Nano Platelets for Composite Applications | 2019 |
1467 | SHAPE-ID | Shaping Interdisciplinary Practices in Europe | 2019 |
1468 | EU IDEA | EU Integration and Differentiation for Effectiveness and Accountability | 2019 |
1470 | Gravity Sketch | Multiplatform for multi-users 3D content co-creation and collaboration in Real-time (VR/AR/Mobile) | 2018 |
1471 | STARTS Ecosystem | Support to STARTS Community and Lighthouse Projects through the creation of an ecosystem for hybrid talent | 2019 |
1472 | LoGov | Local Government and the Changing Urban-Rural Interplay | 2019 |
1473 | METANICHE | Regulation of bone metastases by age-associated angiocrine signals | 2019 |
1474 | VARME | Varieties of Media Effects | 2019 |
1475 | QuAnGIS | Question-based Analysis of Geographic Information with Semantic Queries | 2019 |
1476 | SYNTHESYS PLUS | Synthesis of systematic resources | 2019 |
1477 | TCRabX | Structural basis for the therapeutic efficiency of optimal-affinity T cell receptors | 2019 |
1478 | POAB | The Psychology of Administrative Burden | 2019 |
1479 | TEXTEVOLVE | A New Approach to the Evolution of Texts Based on the Manuscripts of the Targums | 2019 |
1480 | MagentiqEye | Automatic Polyp Detection System | 2019 |
1481 | Metasonics | Examining the use of Metamaterials for acoustic applications | 2019 |
1482 | FREIA | Female Reproductive toxicity of EDCs: a human evidence-based screening and Identification Approach | 2019 |
1483 | NARCISO | NAtuRal instability of semiConductors thIn SOlid films for sensing and photonic applications | 2019 |
1484 | SoFiA | Soap Film based Artificial Photosynthesis | 2019 |
1485 | TopSpec | Next generation precision antibody profiling - from science fiction to reality | 2019 |
1486 | DIFFOP | Nonlinear Data and Signal Analysis with Diffusion Operators | 2019 |
1487 | MHDiscs | From non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics to the structure and evolution of protoplanetary discs | 2019 |
1488 | Emergence | Emergence of wild differentiable dynamical systems | 2019 |
1489 | PrefrontalMap | Organization and learning-associated dynamics of prefrontal synaptic connectivity | 2019 |
1490 | HydraMechanics | Mechanical Aspects of Hydra Morphogenesis | 2019 |
1492 | LightField | Seamless mixing of virtual & real-world objects in VR & AR | 2019 |
1493 | CELL-in-CELL | Understanding host cellular systems that drive an endosymbiotic interaction | 2019 |
1494 | APPS | Assembly guided by particle position and shape | 0 |
1495 | EENINNOAUSTRIA3 | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network Austria | 2019 |
1496 | LAAA | Late Antiquity After Antiquity: The Last of the Ancient Platonists in the Early Modern Period | 2019 |
1497 | ICEI | Interactive Computing E-Infrastructure for the Human Brain Project | 2018 |
1498 | ENFORCE | ENgineering FrustratiOn in aRtificial Colloidal icEs:degeneracy, exotic lattices and 3D states | 2020 |
1499 | APOSITE | Apoptotic foci: composition, structure and dynamics | 2019 |
1500 | CoPathoPhage | Pathogen-phage cooperation during mammalian infection | 2019 |
1501 | TotipotentZygotChrom | Mechanisms of chromatin organization and reprogramming in totipotent mammalian zygotes | 2020 |
1502 | CellularLogistics | Cellular Logistics: Form, Formation and Function of the Neuronal Microtubule Cytoskeleton | 2019 |
1503 | INSCONS | Addressing Global Challenges through International Scientific Consortia (INSCONS); Case studies in biomedicine, the geosciences, and nuclear fusion research | 2019 |
1504 | CRYSTAL CLEAR | CRYSTAL CLEAR: determining the impact of charge on crystal nucleation | 2019 |
1505 | PINT | Ultrastrong Composites through Polymers Interlocked with carbon NanoTubes | 2019 |
1506 | DIAIoT | An e-Health expert system for diagnosis and treatment of diabetics to reduce the risk of skin breakdown and co-existing foot diseases | 2019 |
1507 | MINT.extract | Truly refreshing document digitalisation Unlock the full potential of your documents using machine learning | 2019 |
1508 | BioLyco | Biologic Lycopene from Tomatoes | 2019 |
1509 | BIO2G | Technology for 2G biofuel and biosolvents production verified in a pilot plant | 2019 |
1510 | MLU250 | The Game Changer Two Stage Micro Liquefaction Unit for (Bio) LNG | 2019 |
1511 | RNAflashbacks | The Neuronal Code of Inheritance | 2019 |
1512 | FIRM | Form and Function of the Mitochondrial Retrograde Response | 2019 |
1514 | EoCoE-II | Energy Oriented Center of Excellence : toward exascale for energy | 2019 |
1515 | COSMOS | COherent Support for MObility.E Strategy | 2018 |
1516 | COMBO3D | Composite mould tool based on 3D printing | 2019 |
1517 | Cluster-Buster | Development of small molecule inhibitors of circulating tumor cell clusters | 2019 |
1518 | FOrLedger | A Blockchain-based Middleware Platform for Food Tracking Ledger Builder | 2019 |
1519 | NovelNMDA | Novel NMDA receptor signaling in cortical synaptic depression | 2019 |
1520 | CONMECH | Nonsmooth Contact Dynamics | 2019 |
1523 | Cosmoglobe | Cosmoglobe -- mapping the universe from the Milky Way to the Big Bang | 2019 |
1524 | 20SInhibitor | Selective 20S proteasome inhibition for multiple myeloma therapy | 2019 |
1525 | Visual Proteomics | Biomarker discovery by AI-guided, image based single-cell isolation proteomics | 2019 |
1526 | MaGnum | Majorana bound states in Ge/SiGe heterostructures | 2019 |
1527 | Geo-Drill | Development of novel and cost-effective drilling technology for Geothermal Systems | 2019 |
1528 | Biosensor Design | Engineering Chemotactic Biosensors for a Diverse Spectrum of Metastatic Markers | 2020 |
1529 | ULTIMATE | ULtra-ThIck Multi-mAterial baTtery Electrodes | 2019 |
1530 | IRF4 Degradation | Using a novel protein degradation approach to uncover IRF4-regulated genes in plasma cells | 2019 |
1531 | FORSEES | Perspective of a real-time structural analysis tool assistant based on Computer Vision and Human Intuition | 2019 |
1532 | LifeTime | Revolutionizing Healthcare by Tracking and Understanding Human Cells during Disease | 2019 |
1533 | ESX-4 T7SS | Structure/function of a prototypic type VII secretion system from a fast-growing pathogenic mycobacteria | 2019 |
1534 | MAGIMOX | Nanometre scale imaging of magnetic perovskite oxide thin films using scanning transmission electron microscopy | 2019 |
1535 | R-FunSel | In vivo functional screening via CRISPR-Cas9 to systematically identify cardiomyocyte receptors as targets for the innovative therapies for myocardial infarction and heart failure | 2019 |
1536 | POTENT | A new model for potato tuber initiation and yield development | 2019 |
1537 | ENERGY-X | ENERGY-X: Transformative chemistry for a sustainable energy future | 2019 |
1538 | Cryo-H-Rec | Cryo-EM Imaging of Histone Recycling at the Replication Fork | 2019 |
1539 | CINEMA | Creating an Infrastructure for the Numerical Exploration of Metallurgical Alloys | 2019 |
1540 | SPORTDIPL | Postcolonial Diplomacy and the Public Culture of Sport: Britain and India, 1946-1996 | 2019 |
1541 | GrInHy2.0 | Green Industrial Hydrogen via steam electrolysis | 2019 |
1542 | Desiccation Survival | Discovery of intrinsically disordered sequences conferring desiccation survival | 2019 |
1543 | APTAFRAME | DNA-origami frame platform for co-evolution ligand selection | 2019 |
1544 | InProV | An inventory of the prosimetra in vulgar tongue in the early centuries of Italian Literature (1250-1500) | 2019 |
1545 | SoEvoFish | Coral reef fish shape our understanding of social evolution | 2019 |
1546 | N-STRAINED | Nitrogen-Radical-Based Radical Strain-Release Strategies for the Divergent Assembly of Polyfunctionalized 3D-Building Blocks | 2019 |
1547 | LeaRNN | Principles of Learning in a Recurrent Neural Network | 2019 |
1548 | METAPoF | Metaphor as the Purpose of the Firm | 2019 |
1549 | TOPOCIRCUS | Simulations of Topological Phases in Superconducting Circuits | 2019 |
1550 | EyeGestLearn | Applying eye-tracking to investigate information uptake from co-speech gestures in online learning environments | 2019 |
1551 | EvolvAnt | Natural selection during the recurrent evolution of a major social trait | 2019 |
1552 | RoboTexTherapy | Textile-based Wearable Mechanotheraphy Device with Liquid/Vapor Phase Change Actuation | 2019 |
1553 | Data TrackerTM | DataTrackerTM – Artificial Intelligence Enabling a Secure and Compliant Cloud Adoption | 2019 |
1554 | PAVITRA GANGA | Unlocking wastewater treatment, water re-use and resource recovery opportunities for urban and peri-urban areas in India | 2019 |
1555 | DECOMPACT | Development of Collagenase Polymeric nanocapsules as Therapeutics | 2019 |
1556 | ANYONIC | Statistics of Exotic Fractional Hall States | 2019 |
1557 | LINSEC | The Logic of Informal Security Cooperation: Counterterrorism Intelligence-sharing in Europe | 2020 |
1558 | PROMINENT | Solar prominences: unraveling the ultimate condensation catastrophe | 2019 |
1559 | MOPPEX | MOlecules as Probes of the Physics of EXternal galaxies | 2020 |
1560 | GASP | GAs Stripping Phenomena in galaxies | 2019 |
1561 | STRATOS | SOCP-Tailored Real-time Algorithm for Trajectory Onboard Synthesis | 2020 |
1562 | TRANSITIONS | The skeletal effects of historical transitions in lifestyle | 2019 |
1563 | PROTEAS | Programming Terpene Cyclization Through Iterative Precursor Assembly | 2019 |
1564 | EndoPos | Endosome positioning in tumour-stroma interactions | 2019 |
1565 | INSPIRE | In Situ Probing of transition metal-oxide heteroInterfaces for high-peRformance solid-state Energy devices | 2019 |
1566 | pyrroQuin | Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Pyrroquinoline Pseudo-Natural Products | 2020 |
1567 | Pre-COSH | Models of Practice in the Management of Occupational Safety and Health Risks During the Pre-Construction Phases of Construction Projects | 2019 |
1568 | Finite Memory | Finite Memory and Dynamic Decision Problems | 2020 |
1569 | EDAO | Example-Driven Analytics of Open Knowledge Graphs | 2019 |
1570 | EMAGICS | Atomistic spin dynamics and spectroscopic investigation of spin-induced magnetoelectric multiferroic materials | 2019 |
1571 | Inflapoptosis | Gasdermin D is a novel effector in the extrinsic apoptosis pathway | 2019 |
1572 | Star Polymers | When Soft Matter Goes Really Soft – A New Paradigm for Star Polymer Self-Assembly | 2020 |
1573 | ProResA | The time course of pronoun resolution in post-stroke and progressive aphasia | 2020 |
1574 | HeBo | Healthcare at the Borders: Managing Camps and Informal Settlements for Refugees and Migrants | 2020 |
1575 | ExTaSea | EXtreme upper TAil of SEA level rise: constraints from geological records | 2020 |
1576 | devSAFARI | A Low-Power Artificial Intelligence Framework based on Vector Symbolic Architectures | 2019 |
1577 | PIL | Construction of porous ionic liquids based on coordination cages | 2019 |
1578 | SemioMaths | Towards a theory of mathematical signs based on the automatic treatment of mathematical corpora | 2019 |
1580 | DIRAE | A new edition and commentary on the pseudo-Virgilian Dirae | 2019 |
1581 | ARIADNE | Structure and dynamics in active glass-forming liquids | 2019 |
1582 | E2-CREATE | E2-CREATE: Encoding Embodied CreativityVisual arts, performing arts, film, design | 2020 |
1583 | SQSig | Oligo-Squaramide Rigid-Rods for Artificial Transmembrane Signaling | 2020 |
1584 | MechTransition | Regulatory mechanisms controlling a new mechanical Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in zebrafish | 2020 |
1585 | FUSEDESIGN | Model-guided design of a stabilized pre-fusion class III viral fusogen, rabies virus glycoprotein | 2019 |
1586 | BioFlot | Critical metal recovery from industrial wastewater by bioflotation using surface active siderophores | 2019 |
1587 | qCHROMDEK | Quantitative insight into chromatin nanoscale structure: sub-nuclear organisation of oncoprotein DEK | 2019 |
1588 | SNNO | Strategic Narrative of Nuclear Order | 2019 |
1589 | MCRD | Development Of Microfluidic Based Low Cost Industrial Cryo-Ready Devices For Preservation Of Living Cells | 2020 |
1590 | TRANSMODERN | Untranslatable Modernity: Modern Literary Theory from Europe to Iran | 2019 |
1591 | OMECRY | Organic Mesocrystals: Formation and controlling of oriented nanoparticles of molecular solids for drug development | 2019 |
1592 | MYTH | Making national identity. The construction of Germanic Mythology in 19th century. | 2020 |
1593 | SocBehGenoPheno | Genetic basis of emergent social behaviour from genotype-phenotype mapping | 2019 |
1594 | POLAR STAR | Polymeric cyclodextrin-based nanoparticles for combination therapy of castrate-resistant prostate cancer | 2019 |
1595 | MUSICA | Origin of Magnetic strUctureS in the ISM obscuring the Cosmic DAwn | 2020 |
1596 | EDGE | Cutting edge technology: understanding Palaeolithic stone tool design and use from a modern mechanical engineering perspective | 2020 |
1597 | LICONAMCO | Light-controlled nanomagnetic computation schemes | 2019 |
1598 | NeuroTick | The neuroscience of tickling: cerebellar mechanisms and sensory prediction | 2019 |
1599 | ConceptNet | Using Network Science to Study Children’s Conceptual Development | 2019 |
1600 | SynGut | Molecular, morphological, and functional requirements for gastrointestinal serotonin release | 2020 |
1601 | EFFECT | Environmental public goods From Farming through Effective Contract Targeting | 2019 |
1602 | RememberEx | Human Subcortical-Cortical Circuit Dynamics for Remembering the Exceptional | 2019 |
1603 | MAPPOLA | Mapping out the poetic landscape(s) of the Roman empire: Ethnic and regional variations, socio-cultural diversity, and cross-cultural transformations | 2019 |
1604 | HBPTC | Hydrogen Bonding Phase Transfer Catalysis | 2019 |
1605 | PROACTIVE | PReparedness against CBRNE threats through cOmmon Approaches between security praCTItioners and the VulnerablE civil society | 2019 |
1606 | iProcureNet | innovation by developing a European Procurer Networking for security research services | 2019 |
1607 | OLECAT | Development of Stereoselective Olefin Functionalization Methods | 2019 |
1608 | SUMMIT | Novel roles of dimethylated sulphur in marine microbial interactions | 2019 |
1609 | Division | Division of Labour and the Evolution of Complexity | 2020 |
1610 | D4FLY | Detecting Document frauD and iDentity on the fly | 2019 |
1611 | MiniEmbryoBlueprint | The mammalian body plan blueprint, an in vitro approach | 2019 |
1612 | BIMAAR | Black Inter-American Mobility and Autobiography in the Age of Revolutions (1760-1860) | 2019 |
1613 | BOIL-MODE-ON | unraveling nucleate BOILing: MODEling, mesoscale simulatiONs and experiments | 2019 |
1614 | ALGOCERT | Devising certifiable and explainable algorithms for verification and planning in cyber-physical systems | 2019 |
1615 | GenALMA | Kinship, Alliance and Urban Space: the Genoese 'alberghi' in the Late Middle Ages (c. 1150 - c. 1450) | 2019 |
1616 | Q-Skyrmions | Engineering the dynamics of magnetic skyrmions using non-equilibrium protocols | 2019 |
1617 | PEPREP | Peptide based self-replicating coacervate protocells | 2019 |
1618 | TransMed | Transported Landscapes of Greek Mediterranean Colonisation | 2019 |
1619 | ESCAPE | Abandoning ship – sex and dormancy strategies in Daphnia | 2019 |
1620 | GAII | Governing activation in Ireland: comparing Ireland's mixed-economy of public employment services | 2020 |
1621 | HYDROBLOCK | Discrete Multi-physics modeling of hydrate blockage in pipelines | 2020 |
1622 | GenSPaD | Genomic Selection for Pasture Digestibility | 2020 |
1623 | SIPODET | Simultaneous imaging using planar optode and diffusive equilibrium in thin-film (DET) | 2020 |
1624 | 3D-PRESS | 3D-PRintable glass-based Electrolytes for all-Solid-State lithium batteries | 2020 |
1625 | PIZERO_NA62 | Study of neutral pion decays at the NA62 experiment at CERN | 2019 |
1626 | IUCCF | An intelligent design of user-centric cell-free massive MIMO: A deep learning approach | 2020 |
1627 | TWISTM | Strongly correlated phenomena in twisted bilayers of graphene and transition metal dichacogenides | 2020 |
1628 | PhenAnOx | New Chemical Synthetic Methods for Reacting Phenols Selectively with Different Molecules and With Itself: Use of Electricity as a Sustainable, Economic and Traceless Reagent. | 2020 |
1629 | VINCI | The Value of Information and Choice to Improve Control. | 2020 |
1630 | NGOST | NGOization of school-to-work transition among Roma youth | 2019 |
1631 | NG2-cells | The role of NG2 cells in the neural network in health and disease | 2019 |
1632 | BrainInformationFlow | Principles underlying information flow across the entire brain of the zebrafish | 2020 |
1633 | CoNTESTA | A geologic approach to resolving critical uncertainties in the impact of geomagnetic variance on in-situ cosmogenic nuclide production | 2019 |
1634 | LEPVORS | Identification and characterization of new drug resistance and host adaptation mechanisms in Mycobacterium leprae | 2019 |
1635 | StressOME | Defining and modulating the stress granule proteome as a therapeutic strategy in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis | 2019 |
1636 | RTTOPHAGY | """Investigating autophagy enhancement as a therapeutic approach for the treatment of Rett syndrome.""" | 2019 |
1637 | TVSM | Teotihuacan Virtual Sound Map: Exploring the Sonic Sphere of the City of the Gods, Mexico | 2019 |
1638 | POLARC | High Arctic Polynyas in a Changing Climate | 2019 |
1639 | MechanoMVP | Mechanosensing and Mitral Valve Prolapse: from the Molecular Mechanisms to the Progression of the Disease | 2019 |
1640 | PEDPOC | Rapid diagnosis of preeclampsia at the point-of-care | 2019 |
1641 | Bone3Dmatch | Patient specific biomimetic materials for bone regeneration | 2019 |
1642 | MHS | Metal Hydrides Hydrogen Storage | 2019 |
1643 | Help4ME | Evidence-based probiotic for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | 2019 |
1644 | Hyalcis | Hyaluronic-Cisplatin Film for Implant in Malignant Mesothelioma Recurrence | 2019 |
1645 | IBL-302 | Inflection Bioscience unique dual mechanism, small molecule, orally available therapeutic targeting major unmet medical needs in breast cancer | 2019 |
1646 | MathematicsAnalogies | Mathematics Analogies | 2019 |
1647 | EMPOWER | EMpowering transatlantic PlatfOrms for advanced WirEless Research | 2018 |
1648 | AFC4Hydro | Active Flow Control system FOR improving HYDRaulic turbine performances at off-design Operation | 2019 |
1649 | LASH FIRE | Legislative Assessment for Safety Hazards of Fire and Innovations in Ro-ro ship Environment | 2019 |
1650 | BovReg | BovReg - Identification of functionally active genomic features relevant to phenotypic diversity and plasticity in cattle | 2019 |
1651 | CHICKENSTRESS | Variations in stress responsivity in hens: matching birds to environments | 2019 |
1652 | EXHAUSTION | Exposure to heat and air pollution in EUrope – cardiopulmonary impacts and benefits of mitigation and adaptation | 2019 |
1653 | FineFuture | Innovative technologies and concepts for fine particle flotation: unlocking future fine-grained deposits and Critical Raw Materials resources for the EU | 2019 |
1654 | TARANTULA | Recovery of Tungsten, Niobium and Tantalum occurring as by-products in mining and processing waste streams | 2019 |
1655 | PIN3S | Pilot Integration of 3nm Semiconducter technology | 2019 |
1656 | WhiteMech | White-Box Self-Programming Mechanisms | 2019 |
1657 | SPRINT | Speech Prosody in Interaction: The form and function of intonation in human communication | 2019 |
1658 | CausalBrain | Dynamic directed functional connectivity of causal learning | 2019 |
1659 | STRELECOID | Stretchable mesh-electrodes interfacing human iPSC brain organoids | 2019 |
1660 | VIP-2 | Vienna International Postdoctoral Program | 2020 |
1661 | EuReCa | Institut Curie EuReCa PhD Programme | 2020 |
1662 | COMMER-CELL | Commercialisation of neuronal cell co-cultures | 2019 |
1663 | ALICE | Active Living Infrastructure: Controlled Environment | 2019 |
1664 | EDULIBERA | Education as an instrument for liberation in Mozambique and Timor-Leste — histories of solidarity and contemporary reflections | 2019 |
1665 | TailWind | Revolutionary electric plane technology that can be used for new build aircraft as well as to convert existing non-electric turboprops into fully electric aircraft. | 2019 |
1666 | MDURANCE | Pervasive muscle response monitoring for everyone, a physiotherapy revolution | 2019 |
1667 | SamurAI | Samurai - Platform detecting and preventing cyber violence | 2019 |
1668 | SmartGasGrid | Enabling large-scale injection of biomethane in the European gas distribution | 2019 |
1669 | 5G-VICTORI | VertIcal demos over Common large scale field Trials fOr Rail, energy and media Industries | 2019 |
1670 | 5G-HEART | 5G HEalth AquacultuRe and Transport validation trials | 2019 |
1671 | CHAMPION | Cartilage Healing Approach Merging Polymer InnOvation with Nature | 2019 |
1672 | M-POWER | The Aggregate Implications of Market Power | 2019 |
1673 | SILK-EYE | Silk-based ocular implants: treating eye conditions at the interface of photonics and biology | 2020 |
1674 | ALCO-ADO | Unveiling the alcohol-dependent alterations in local dendritic translation of mRNAs in the prefrontal cortex during adolescence | 2019 |
1675 | BlackHoleMergers | Formation of Black Hole Mergers in Dense Stellar Systems | 2019 |
1676 | MAT-MED in Transit | MAT-MED Materia Medica in Transit. The Transforming Knowledge of Healing Plants | 2019 |
1677 | NIRLAMS | NIR Light Harvesting in Artificial Protein-Lipid-Chromophores Coassembled Molecular System | 2020 |
1678 | G20LAP | G20 Legitimacy and Policymaking | 2019 |
1679 | PRIUS-TE | Printing Ultrasound Stimulated piezoelectric materials for Tissue Engineering | 2020 |
1680 | coldbihot | Cold Books in Hot Lands: Winning and Losing of Hearts and Minds in the Middle East | 2019 |
1681 | UNITE | Unification Through Law: The Court of Justice of the European Union as Cultural-Moral Agent | 2019 |
1682 | TOPOGRAPHYSENSING | Effects of 3D topographies on mechanosensing in intestine epithelial architecture and dynamics | 2019 |
1683 | SIMULTANEOUS DBTMI | Preclinical and Pilot Co-Clinical Evaluation of Simultaneous Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and Mechanical Imaging | 2019 |
1684 | ARCAID | Amsterdam Rheumatology Center for AutoImmune Diseases | 2020 |
1685 | 6i-DIRS | 6i-DIRS: A growing attractive collaborative ecosystem for boosting impact driven research careers | 2019 |
1686 | MECADISTEM | A new and innovative method to extract adipose Stromal Vascular Fraction: Application in post-prostatectomy erectile dysfunction | 2019 |
1687 | IFR-CNS | Intumescent Flame Retardants Inspired Template-assistant Synthesis of N/P Dual-doped 3D Carbon Network for High-Performance Supercapacitors | 2019 |
1688 | QLX300 | Launching the World’s Most Power Efficient GNSS System-On-Chip | 2019 |
1690 | BreakingBarriers | Targeting endothelial barriers to combat disease | 2019 |
1691 | CARBP | Interactive web-based tool for the design of multi-RNA binding protein binding site cassettes | 2019 |
1692 | DynamicAssemblies | Conformational studies of highly dynamic viral replication complexes | 2019 |
1693 | MitoCRISTAE | Mitochondrial Cristae Biogenesis | 2019 |
1694 | ActiTOX | Active organotypic models for nanoparticle toxicological screening | 2019 |
1695 | BiomStrip | Over-The-Counter Test Strip for Early-Stage Cancer Screening | 2019 |
1696 | SEIS | Scaling Up Educational Innovations in Schools | 2020 |
1697 | GATHERS | Integration of Geodetic and imAging TecHiques for monitoring and modelling the Earth's surface defoRmations and Seismic risk | 2019 |
1699 | MMEM | Miniaturized Matrixed Enthalpy Metter - Portable, affordable, easy to operate, diagnostic device enabling a rapid & accurate diagnosis of a patient infected by antibiotic-resistant bacteria | 2019 |
1700 | Digital speakers | Next generation digital MEMS loudspeakers by USound | 2019 |
1701 | DESTINI | Smart Data ProcESsing and SysTems of Deep INsIght | 2019 |
1702 | OpCo | Operation Co-Pilot: Healthcare Process Improvement through Patient Empowerment | 2019 |
1703 | EQUIVert | Worldwide unique biofeedback system for non-invasive vertigo therapy and fall prevention | 2019 |
1704 | GN4-3 | Horizon 2020: H2020-SGA-INFRA-GEANT-2018 (Topic [a] Research and Education Networking) | 2019 |
1705 | TAcTIC | TArgeTed molecular Imaging and surgery for gastro-intestinal Cancer | 2019 |
1707 | INSENSE | Incentive salience in human cognition during health and disorder | 2019 |
1708 | DEMOSERIES | Shaping Democratic Spaces: Security and TV Series | 2020 |
1709 | LIVE-I | Lightening and Innovating transmission for improving Vehicle: Environmental Impacts | 2020 |
1710 | MAGIC-SWITCH | MAGIC-SWITCH: Magnetic Switch Controlled with Voltage | 2019 |
1711 | TK-NEO | Personalized Cancer Immunotherapy through DNA-EP vaccines | 2019 |
1712 | Presque | Smart Nursing Bra | 2019 |
1713 | Dust BioSolutions | Weed control in row crop farming through natural biocementation | 2019 |
1714 | Salmino | Regaining health through Salmon discards | 2019 |
1715 | QI | AI-powered image forgery detection | 2019 |
1716 | AstaFerm | A natural and high quality ingredient for dietary supplement derived from yeast fermentation to reduce oxidative stress and promote health and wellbeing | 2019 |
1717 | BovINE | BovINE Beef Innovation Network Europe | 2020 |
1718 | DeMol | Deconstructing the past: Modelling the locomotion of Miocene hominoids through computational techniques | 2020 |
1719 | LightCatcher | Scalable energy efficiency modules integrating both energy recovery and passive cooling systems for the solar photovoltaic industry | 2019 |
1720 | ZELP | Zero emission livestock project | 2019 |
1721 | DANUBIAGRAPH | The graphene-based resistance temperature sensors application | 2019 |
1723 | Create4value | Creative collaboration to provide value for first time innovators - effective engagement of stakeholders and users in co-creation processes in SMEs. | 2019 |
1724 | CO2PERATE | Cooperation towards a sustainable chemical industry | 2020 |
1725 | ArtMoMa | Artificial Molecular Machines | 2020 |
1726 | INODE | INODE - Intelligent Open Data Exploration | 2019 |
1727 | BatteryCheck | Take the mystery out of battery life. | 2019 |
1728 | SharingGains | Sharing Gains from Trade: Global Markets and Farmers Welfare in Developing Countries | 2019 |
1729 | MyWave | Efficient Millimetre-Wave Communications for mobile users | 2019 |
1730 | EVIDENCE | Erythrocytes properties and viability in dependence of flow and extra-cellular environment | 2020 |
1731 | MoSaiQC | Modular Systems for Advanced Integrated Quantum Clocks | 2020 |
1732 | LISA | Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy of Actinide elements | 2019 |
1733 | QUDOT-TECH | Quantum Dots for Photonic Quantum Information Technologies | 2020 |
1734 | 3DCanPredict | Predicting clinical response to anticancer drugs using 3D-bioprinted tumor models for personalized therapy | 2019 |
1735 | VETEX | Deep Vein Thrombosis; A Paradigm Change in Treatment through Drug-Free Clot Removal | 2019 |
1736 | DROP-IT | DRop-on demand flexible Optoelectronics & Photovoltaics by means of Lead-Free halide perovskITes | 2019 |
1737 | QuanTELCO | Quantum Emitters for Telecommunication in the O-Band | 2019 |
1738 | INTERfaces | Heterogenous biocatalytic reaction cascades training network | 2020 |
1739 | FLOAWER | FLOAting Wind Energy netwoRk | 2019 |
1740 | FIDELIO | Training network for research into bone Fragility In Diabetes in Europe – towards a personaLised medIcine apprOach | 2019 |
1741 | CYPNASH | Validation of a novel class of cyclophilin inhibitors for the treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis | 2019 |
1742 | AutoCapSyn | Capsule based machines for the automated synthesis of organic molecules for drug discovery and medicinal chemistry | 2019 |
1743 | Ethno-ISS | ETHNO-ISS: An Ethnography of an Extra-terrestrial Society: the International Space Station | 2019 |
1744 | DELTA | AI Enabled Managemement of Patients at Risk of Diabetic Foot Ulcer | 2019 |
1745 | TRANSFORM | Trafficking transformations: objects as agents in transnational criminal networks | 2020 |
1746 | EKOFOLIO | Expanding Key Opportunities in FOrest Investments: Liquidity, Impact and Ownership through Blockchain | 2019 |
1747 | MetaboSENS | Metabolic integration by nutrient SENSing | 2019 |
1748 | EMERGE | Emergence of high-mass stars in complex fiber systems | 2020 |
1749 | DEVINTA | An Artificial Assistant for Software Developers | 2020 |
1750 | NanoMMs | Solution-Based Engineering of Nanodimensional Phase-Change Materials and Memory Devices | 2020 |
1751 | SEMANTIC | end-to-end Slicing and data-drivEn autoMAtion of Next generation cellular neTworks with mobIle edge Clouds | 2020 |
1752 | MATER | Innovative Training Network in Female Reproductive Care | 2019 |
1753 | GMOS-Train | Global Mercury Observation and Training Network in Support to the Minamata Convention | 2020 |
1754 | PAVE | A nanovaccine Approach for the treatment of Pancreatic Cancer | 2019 |
1755 | PARITY | Pro-sumer AwaRe, Transactive Markets for Valorization of Distributed flexibilITY enabled by Smart Energy Contracts | 2019 |
1756 | PRISME | PRogram for ISolation Manufacturing in Europe (PRISME) | 2019 |
1757 | CHAPAs | Chasing pre-industrial aerosols | 2020 |
1758 | REBOOT | Resource efficient bio-chemical production and waste treatment | 2020 |
1759 | GLAD | Global Lagrangian Cloud Dynamics | 2020 |
1760 | TeLSCombe | Temporal Laser cavity-Solitons for micro-resonator based optical frequency combs | 2020 |
1761 | DustOrigin | The origin of cosmic dust in galaxies | 2020 |
1762 | GLISS | Gliding epitaxy for inorganic space-power sheets | 2020 |
1763 | POCITYF | A POsitive Energy CITY Transformation Framework | 2019 |
1764 | AUTO-MEA | AUTOmated Manufacturing of wound components for next generation Electrical mAchines | 2019 |
1765 | OriginIoT | OriginIoT - Expediting Cellular IoT Device Development | 2019 |
1766 | DERMAREP | Clinical validation and production upscaling of a novel product for healing of Pressure Ulcers, Leg Ulcers and Diabetic Foot Ulcers. | 2019 |
1767 | GIGSTATS | Real-time economic statistics tool for measuring the online gig economy | 2020 |
1768 | AUTO-RST | Flexible automated manufacturing of RST Facets: High Performance Solar Reflectors for CSP industry | 2019 |
1769 | POWER-PATCH | Self-Powered Skin Patch for Cystic Fibrosis Diagnosis | 2020 |
1770 | TRINITI | Multi-Material Thermoplastic high pressure Nitrogen Tanks for Aircraft | 2019 |
1771 | FunBlocks | Fundamental Building Blocks – Understanding plasticity in complex crystals based on their simplest, intergrown units | 2020 |
1772 | PHAROS | Physical Architecture Optimization System | 2019 |
1773 | CRYTOCOP | Coat assembly and membrane remodelling: understanding regulation of protein secretion | 2019 |
1774 | BioSilica | Materials synthesis in vivo – intracellular formation of nanostructured silica by microalgae | 2020 |
1775 | DEVMEM | Learning to remember: the development of the neural mechanisms supporting memory processing. | 2020 |
1776 | DEBIMAX | Carbon coated Silicon Production Scaling Up for Li-ion batteries | 2019 |
1777 | TiNT | Titles of the New Testament: A New Approach to Manuscripts and the History of Interpretation | 2020 |
1778 | MYOCLEM | Elucidating the Molecular Mechanism of Myoblast Fusion in Vertebrates | 2019 |
1779 | ActiDrops | Synthetic Active Droplets Inspired by Life | 2020 |
1780 | SynLink | Molecular Structure and Engineering of Synaptic Organizer Proteins in Health and Disease | 2020 |
1781 | LIP-ATG | The missing link: how do membrane lipids interplay with ATG proteins to instruct plant autophagy | 2020 |
1782 | ALPHA | Assessing Legacies of Past Human Activities in Amazonia | 2020 |
1783 | NeurONN | Two-Dimensional Oscillatory Neural Networks for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing | 2020 |
1784 | Ph.D. | Phase map of dynamic, adaptive colloidal crystals far from equilibrium | 2019 |
1785 | TERAWAY | Terahertz technology for ultra-broadband and ultra-wideband operation of backhaul and fronthaul links in systems with SDN management of network and radio resources | 2019 |
1786 | MitoRepairosome | Dissecting the mechanism of DNA repair in human mitochondria | 2020 |
1788 | PHAGOSCOPY | PHAGOSCOPY: Dissecting cell-autonomous immunity with ex vivo electron cryo-microscopy | 2020 |
1789 | HEAT2VALUE | Increased energy efficiency, flexibility and reduction of green-house gases using thermal battery | 2019 |
1790 | i3-MARKET | Intelligent, Interoperable, Integrative and deployable open source MARKETplace with trusted and secure software tools for incentivising the industry data economy | 2020 |
1791 | UBI | Biological Integral Biogas Upgrading | 2019 |
1792 | PLATFORM DISCOURSES | Platform Discourses: A Critical Humanities Approach to the Texts, Images, and Moving Images Produced by Tech Companies | 2019 |
1793 | ESCF | European Social Catalyst Fund | 2020 |
1794 | TRACTION | Opera co-creation for a social transformation | 2020 |
1795 | MEMEX | MEMEX: MEMories and EXperiences for inclusive digital storytelling | 2019 |
1796 | SA-VOIR | Assessing the feasibility of MT-011, a first-in-class drug to treat glaucoma and other neurodegenerative diseases via a breakthrough mechanism-of-action | 2019 |
1797 | VEnvirotech | From waste to value: Transforming organic waste into biodegradable bioplastics | 2019 |
1798 | BioPP | BioProtect Paper: Off-line machine for advanced bio-coating paper | 2019 |
1799 | FACE | FACE: A real-time facial analysis software to improve the skincare e-commerce. | 2019 |
1800 | TrojanDC | TrojanDC | 2019 |
1801 | ReCreo | Sustainable Use of Metallic Resources: Industrial Waste Prevention | 2019 |
1802 | Magnesys | Efficient filtering of metallic impurities in food processing | 2019 |
1803 | RRI2SCALE | Responsible Research and Innovation Ecosystems at Regional Scale for Intelligent Cities, Transport and Energy | 2020 |
1804 | BTSys | Biosolids treatment system for transformation of industrial organic wastes into sustainable and efficient fertilizer with zero emissions | 2019 |
1805 | CoMorMent | Predicting comorbid cardiovascular disease in individuals with mental disorder by decoding disease mechanisms | 2020 |
1806 | PhoToBe | New ways from photon to behaviour: Finding new phototransduction cascades in fan worms | 2020 |
1807 | HEPHAESTUS | Heating Electric-fields in a Plasma CVD reactor to Heighten Ability to grow Eeco-friendly and Sublime Type IIA Diamonds (which are Unique Stones) | 2019 |
1808 | PRO-S | PRO-S: The first highly energy efficient and eco-friendly bio based-photovoltaic module that works without sunlight or battery consumption for Smart buildings | 2019 |
1809 | FogProtect | Protecting Sensitive Data in the Computing Continuum | 2020 |
1810 | MORPHEMIC | Modelling and Orchestrating heterogeneous Resources and Polymorphic applications for Holistic Execution and adaptation of Models In the Cloud | 2020 |
1811 | ThinkAhead | Thinking Ahead: human planning from a predictive processing perspective | 2020 |
1812 | PLASTINET | Plasticity of the Pluripotency Network | 2020 |
1813 | FORCEDMIGDEV | Forced Migration and Development | 2020 |
1814 | LITCOM | Literary Activism in sub-Saharan Africa: Commons, Publics and Networks of Practice | 2020 |
1815 | INTERACT | Interactive Machine Learning for Compositional Models of Natural Language | 2020 |
1816 | COMBINE | Collaboration for Prevention and Treatment of MDR Bacterial Infections | 2019 |
1817 | CountIce | A portable instrument (PINE) for the autonomous detection of atmospheric ice nucleating particles aimed at the research, global monitoring and cloud seeding markets | 2020 |
1818 | POINT.IoT | Stimulating the fusion of IoT and GNSS technologies | 2019 |
1819 | ReACTIVE Too | Reliable Electronics for Tomorrow’s Active Systems | 2020 |
1820 | UNDERTREES | Creating knowledge for UNDERsTanding ecosystem seRvicEs of agroforEStry systems through a holistic methodological framework | 2020 |
1821 | OPTIMIST | OPTIMised video content delivery chains leveraging data analysis over joint multI-accesS edge computing and 5G radio network infrasTructures | 2020 |
1822 | CONTESTED_TERRITORY | From Contested Territories to alternatives of development: Learning from Latin America | 2020 |
1823 | FALAH | Family farming, lifestyle and health in the Pacific | 2020 |
1824 | IN2SMART2 | Intelligent Innovative Smart Maintenance of Assets by integRated Technologies 2 | 2019 |
1825 | Tolka Pro | Manual Assistant (hand for upper limb disability) – a new approach designed to restore user's manual capabilities. | 2019 |
1826 | Gasgon | Development of a Novel Medical Device to Remove Air Bubbles from Medicines, Which Will Improve Patient Safety and Reduce Costs of IV Infusion | 2020 |
1827 | DiFacturo | The Unique International Independent Decentralized Invoice Network | 2019 |
1829 | 4-IN THE LUNG RUN | 4-IN THE LUNG RUN: towards INdividually tailored INvitations, screening INtervals, and INtegrated co-morbidity reducing strategies in lung cancer screening | 2020 |
1830 | TYPEWIRE | Reconstructing wiring rules of in vivo neural networks using simultaneous single-cell connectomics and transcriptomics | 2020 |
1831 | HyperK | Modern Aspects of Geometry: Categories, Cycles and Cohomology of Hyperkähler Varieties | 2020 |
1832 | PEROXIS | ground-breaking PEROvskite technologies for advanced X-ray medical Imaging Systems | 2020 |
1833 | AMPLITUDE | Advanced Multimodal Photonics Laser Imaging Tool for Urothelial Diagnosis in Endoscopy | 2020 |
1834 | PHABULOUS | Pilot-line providing highly advanced & robust manufacturing technology for optical free-form micro-structures | 2020 |
1835 | SEQUENCE | Cryogenic 3D Nanoelectronics | 2020 |
1836 | DORNA | Development of high reliability motor drives for next generation propulsion applications | 2020 |
1838 | Equal-Life | Early Environmental quality and life-course mental health effects | 2020 |
1839 | NEFERTITI | A Novel Eco-Friendly, dually Efficient and Resistance-free Treatment of vaginITIs | 2020 |
1840 | GET LOCAL | Unified digital booking platform promoting local tourist services | 2020 |
1841 | Savesight | Contact lens embedded sensor for ocular hypertension and glaucoma monitoring | 2020 |
1842 | SVELTE | State-of-the-art solution for efficient manufacturing of complex geometry panels | 2020 |
1843 | ECOPUMP | Feasibility study for low-carbon emission Heat Pump | 2020 |
1844 | ProExcer | Projectile exciter for noiseless environment | 2020 |
1845 | DIGNITY | DIGital traNsport In and for socieTY | 2020 |
1846 | State Silence | The Silence of States in International Law | 2020 |
1847 | PANACHE | Production of next generation modulators of pannexins and connexins as novel therapeutics in the treatment of inflammatory cardiovascular, hepatic and joint diseases. | 2020 |
1848 | EDUC8 | Early Stage Researchers EDUCational Program on Factor VIII Immunogenicity | 2020 |
1849 | PODCAST | Predictions and Observations for Discs: Planetary Cores and dust Aggregates from non-ideal MHD Simulations with radiative Transfer. | 2020 |
1850 | CELPRED | Circuit elements of the cortical circuit for predictive processing | 2020 |
1851 | MIGHTY | Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing of Hierarchical Li-Ion Battery Electrodes | 2020 |
1852 | CRISPRcombo | Interrogating native CRISPR arrays to achieve scalable combinatorial screens and dissect genetic redundancy | 2020 |
1853 | iNEXT-Discovery | Infrastructure for transnational access and discovery in structural biology | 2020 |
1854 | inhibiTOR | Novel selective mTORC1 inhibitors | 2020 |
1855 | Navigato | CaaS – Car Charging as a Service for Smart Mobility | 2019 |
1856 | CoaExMatter | Bio-inspired Coacervate Extruded Materials | 2020 |
1857 | ConTROL | Charge-TRansfer states for high-performance Organic eLectronics | 2020 |
1858 | MYCOREV | A Mycorrhizal Revolution: The role of diverse symbiotic fungi in modern terrestrial ecosystems | 2020 |
1859 | uDEVOPS | Software Quality Assurance for Microservice Development Operations Engineering | 2020 |
1860 | MUSAiC | Music at the Frontiers of Artificial Creativity and Criticism | 2020 |
1861 | AVeriTeC | Automated Verification of Textual Claims | 2020 |
1862 | EENINNOAUSTRIA4 | Establishing Services Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network Austria | 2020 |
1863 | LuSH Art | Luminescent Solar Heterostructures for Artificial photosynthesis | 2020 |
1864 | urbisphere | urbisphere - coupling dynamic cities and climate | 2020 |
1865 | PCOMOD | Targeting the Plant Cysteine Oxidases to Regulate Plant Stress Tolerance | 2020 |
1866 | TALNET | Transparent Aluminium Networks | 2020 |
1867 | SOTMEM | Topological Insulator-Based Spin Orbit Torque MEMories | 2020 |
1868 | ACE-OF-SPACE | Analysis, control, and engineering of spatiotemporal pattern formation | 2020 |
1869 | PreSynPlast | Molecular mechanisms of presynaptic plasticity | 2020 |
1870 | Proteomes-in-3D | Three-dimensional dynamic views of proteomes as a novel readout for physiological and pathological alterations | 2020 |
1871 | Ru4EYE | Ruthenium-based photoactivated chemotherapy against eye cancer | 2020 |
1872 | Cu4Peroxide | The electrochemical synthesis of hydrogen peroxide | 2020 |
1873 | SMARTSTAIR | Robotic Production of EPS Formwork for cost-effective Concrete Stairs | 2020 |
1874 | Urb-TWin | Urban air temperature and wind speed variability: Empirical modeling to improve planning applications | 2020 |
1875 | TESTIMONY | Tumor Endothelial Cells: Gatekeepers Of Anti-Tumor Immunity | 2020 |
1876 | RevolutionaryOpScan | Revolutionary Opéra-Comique in Scandinavia: Transfer and Repertoire | 2020 |
1877 | LINKER | Elucidating transcriptional rewiring on hematological malignancies via computational methods | 2020 |
1878 | ARCTIC | Air Transport as Information and Computation | 2020 |
1879 | ASTRA | ASsembly and phase Transitions of Ribonucleoprotein Aggregates in neurons: from physiology to pathology. | 2020 |
1880 | AMI | Animals Make identities. The Social Bioarchaeology of Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic Cemeteries in North-East Europe | 2020 |
1881 | Shades of Black | The Darker Shades of Black. The Value of Skin Colour in the Mediterranean and Atlantic Slave and Labour Markets, 1750-1886 | 2021 |
1882 | RipGEESE | Identifying the ripples of gene regulation evolution in the evolution of gene sequences to determine when animal nervous systems evolved | 2020 |
1883 | SUFISM | Contemporary Sufi spirituality of the middle classes - global forms and regional peculiarities | 2021 |
1884 | MY MITOCOMPLEX | Functional relevance of mitochondrial supercomplex assembly in myeloid cells | 2021 |
1885 | FBC predisposition | Unraveling novel Familial Breast Cancer (FBC) predisposition genes. | 2020 |
1886 | SRCV | Molecular Device for Optical Monitoring of Self-Replication in Compartments | 2020 |
1887 | AEONS | Advancing the Equation of state of Neutron Stars | 2020 |
1888 | cONCReTE | DevelOpmeNt of Cancer RNA TherapEutics | 2020 |
1889 | EnergUP | Development of alga-based photovoltaic devices: Electron transport from photosynthesis via the cell wall to electrodes | 2020 |
1890 | ULTRA-VIOLENCE | Ultras in Portugal: Narratives of Violence, Politics and Gender | 2020 |
1891 | ciTTub | Molecular Basis of Tubulin Transport During Cilium Formation | 2020 |
1892 | DEAllAct | Dissecting and Engineering Allosteric Activation in a Biosynthetic Enzyme | 2020 |
1893 | CASMOX | Analysis of the oxidative modifications on casein micelles exposed to different oxidative sources: determining the impact of these modifications at a structural and nutritional level | 2020 |
1894 | PregnancyAD | Antidepressant discontinuation during pregnancy and relapse risk in the perinatal period | 2021 |
1895 | GlioTarget | Inflaming the microenvironment of glioblastoma tumors by ADAR1 inhibition: a two-hit approach for the treatment of brain cancer. | 2021 |
1896 | BeamSense | Making more with less: intelligent wavefront design to enable high resolution images of unstable samples. | 2020 |
1897 | MITafterVIT | Unravelling maintenance mechanisms of immune tolerance after termination of venom immunotherapy by means of clonal mast cell diseases | 2020 |
1898 | TARNEPC | Targeting treatment-induced neuroendocrine prostate cancer | 2021 |
1899 | ACU-AHvE | Multiculturalism in the work of Aldo and Hannie van Eyck. Rethinking universalist notions in architecture. | 2021 |
1900 | FuelVesicles | Commercialization of open vesicles to fuel downstream reaction networks | 2020 |
1901 | AISLES | Archipelagic Imperatives: Shipwreck and Lifesaving in European Societies since 1800 | 2020 |
1902 | EAST | Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Understand and Secure Web/Enterprise Systems | 2020 |
1903 | PolyTEM | Understanding Crystal Polymorph Control in Confinement using In-situ TEM | 2020 |
1904 | DINAMIC | A digestion and absorption mimicking bench-top intestinal model | 2020 |
1905 | SUPD | Sizing Up PD: Cavity-enhanced Characterisation of Single Biomarkers in Human Biofluids | 2020 |
1906 | GLoopID | Mechanisms underlying regulation and removal of G-quadruplex/R-loop transcription-replication conflicts | 2021 |
1907 | ESRS-EMS for CO2RR | Mechanistic Studies of Catalytic Activity in Electrochemical CO2 Reduction Reaction by Operando Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Coupled with Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry | 2021 |
1908 | MinusMicro | Biopolymer Assisted Remediation of Microplastics from Fresh and Saline Water Environments using an Integrated Technology of Coagulation-Ultrasonication/Cavitation | 2020 |
1909 | NextGenMicrofluidics | Next generation test bed for upscaling of microfluidic devices based on nano-enabled surfaces and membranes | 2020 |
1910 | ARENHA | Advanced materials and Reactors for ENergy storage tHrough Ammonia | 2020 |
1911 | USHPP | Unassisted photochemical water oxidation to solar hydrogen peroxide production | 2020 |
1912 | REALMAX | Replenishing the limited Aluminium reservoir of MAX phase coatings in harsh environments | 2020 |
1913 | Genesis | Geo-inspired pathways towards nanoparticle-based metastable solids | 2020 |
1914 | PHOTOCARBOX | Increasing the scope of CO2-utilising photoreactions: asymmetric photosynthesis of amino acids | 2020 |
1915 | SmartSAST | Non-covalent photoresponsive tags for photoacoustic imaging: Giving voice to living matter | 2020 |
1916 | ERITNet | English Republican Ideas and Translation Networks in Early Modern Germany, c 1640-1848 | 2020 |
1917 | DEFORM | Dead or Alive: Finding the Origin of Caldera Unrest using Magma Reservoir Models | 2020 |
1918 | SANDS | Stars, plANets, and Discs in multiple Systems | 2020 |
1919 | SUBIMAP | SUBduction Initiation at Magma-poor rifted margins: an Atlantic Perspective | 2021 |
1920 | METHA | Functional interaction between a prefrontal and a thalamic nucleus for the consolidation of spatial memories | 2020 |
1921 | PolySolar | Synthesis and nanostructuration of a Pi-conjugated polymer for dye sensitized solar cells | 2021 |
1922 | NEMO | Noise and Emissions Monitoring and radical mitigation | 2020 |
1923 | SCIFY | Self-Calibrated Interferometry for Exoplanet Spectroscopy | 2020 |
1924 | FASHION IN IR | The Dematerialization of Fashion and France's Couture Propaganda during the 1960s and 1970s | 2020 |
1925 | EcoScan | guano-based monitoring of ecosystems – a novel approach to capture ecological processes underlying ecosystem health | 2020 |
1926 | KBMSCACAR | Pentecostalism and Social media in Brazil: Faith and the digital production of gendered, racialized and class-based Pentecostal bodies | 2021 |
1927 | MARACHAS | MAss RAtio evolution in Clusters between HAlos and Sub-halos | 2020 |