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H2020 projects about "nuclear"

The page lists 480 projects related to the topic "nuclear".

# achronym  title  year 
1 SHARPER SHAring Researchers’ Passion for Excellence and Results. European Reserarchers' Night in the Centre of Italy 2014 - 2015 2014
2 gRESONANT Resonant Nuclear Gamma Decay and the Heavy-Element Nucleosynthesis 2015
3 PoLiChroM Superfluidity and ferromagnetism of unequal mass fermions with two- and three-body resonant interactions 2015
4 ResiBots Robots with animal-like resilience 2015
5 ChromArch Single Molecule Mechanisms of Spatio-Temporal Chromatin Architecture 2015
6 SILENCE Mechanisms of Gene Silencing by the Glucocorticoid Receptor 2015
7 CurvedSusy Dynamics of Supersymmetry in Curved Space 2015
8 BIVAQUM Bivariational Approximations in Quantum Mechanics and Applications to Quantum Chemistry 2015
9 Disasters Market Beliefs and Optimal Policy in the Presence of Disasters 2015
10 DEMOCRITOS Demonstrators for Conversion, Reactor, Radiator And Thrusters for Electric Propulsion Systems 2015
11 NDI Nano-diamond tracers for MRI molecular imaging 2014
12 BetaDropNMR Ultra-sensitive NMR in liquids 2015
13 INSIGHT New chemical detection methods based on NMR and nanoparticles 2015
14 VEGFDANI Novel enhancers of functional recovery after stroke 2015
15 MEDEA Molecular Electron Dynamics investigated by IntensE Fields and Attosecond Pulses 2015
16 HPC-LEAP High Performance Computing in Life Sciences, Engineering And Physics 2015
18 Chromatin3D Chromatin Dynamics in Development and Disease 2015
19 MIXMAX Development and Implementation of new generation of Pseudo Random Number Generators based on Kolmogorov-Anosov K-systems 2015
20 IMIXSED Integrating isotopic techniques with Bayesian modelling for improved assessment and management of global sedimentation problems 2015
21 CENTAURO Robust Mobility and Dexterous Manipulation in Disaster Response by Fullbody Telepresence in a Centaur-like Robot 2015
22 RoMaNS Robotic Manipulation for Nuclear Sort and Segregation 2015
23 NICHOID Mechanobiology of nuclear import of transcription factors modeled within a bioengineered stem cell niche. 2015
24 FORCASTER Force, Motion and Positioning of Microtubule Asters 2015
25 SEMICOMPLEX Divide and conquer ab initio semiclassical molecular dynamics for spectroscopic calculations of complex systems 2015
26 EXPLORINGMATTER Exploring Matter with Precision Charm and Beauty Production Measurements in Heavy Nuclei Collisions at LHCb 2015
27 3DSPIN 3-Dimensional Maps of the Spinning Nucleon 2015
28 CNT-QUBIT Carbon Nanotube Quantum Circuits 2015
29 FNPMLS Fundamental nuclear properties measured with laser spectroscopy 2015
30 CAREMiBRAIN A new brain-dedicated Positron Emission Tomography (PET) system to identify β-amyloid biomarker for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of cognitive decline 2014
31 C-BORD effective Container inspection at BORDer control points 2015
32 VULCAN Vulnerability of soil organic carbon to climate change in permafrost and dryland ecosystems 2015
33 MOSUDO Water and Drug Mobility at Silica Surfaces probed with DOSY NMR 2015
34 HoogsCG Development of a multiscale modeling strategy to decipher how hybrid DNA/RNA triplexes and G-quadruplexes affect gene expression regulation 2015
35 NMOSPEC Experimental Nuclear Magneto-Optic Spectroscopy 2015
36 ResolvedJetsHIC Probing the Strongly-Coupled Quark-Gluon Plasma with Jets 2015
37 NPCChr A role for nuclear pore complexes in chromatin organization during early development? 2016
38 NeoGenHeritage Neotithic transition in the Iberian Peninsula: reviewing an old question from new technological and computational genome wide approaches 2015
39 BioMASCE Biophysical Manipulation of Adult Stem Cell Epigenetics (BioMASCE) By Cell-Penetrating Nanoneedle Substrates 2016
40 SingMet Development of MRI contrast agents based on long-lived singlet states 2015
41 MITONUC The evolutionary and ecological implications of mito-nuclear epistasis 2015
42 SpliceosomeStructure Structural role of protein splicing factors in promoting an active configuration of the spliceosome's RNA catalytic core 2016
43 ATTOCHEM Attosecond imaging and control of chemical dynamics 2015
44 DecipherBILU Understanding functional mechanisms leading to the BILU syndrome 2015
45 OPTIMAL NMR Optimal control methods for biological solid state nuclear magnetic resonance 2015
46 NEUROMITO Mitochondrial Dynamics and Local Protein Synthesis in Dendrites 2016
47 NITEC NITEC: a Negative Ion Time Expansion Chamber for directional Dark Matter search 2015
48 BAIPFeOTC Bis(alkyl-imidazolyl)propionate (BAIP) based bio-inspired mono-nuclear non-heme iron(II) complexes that catalyze challenging oxidative transformations of organic compounds 2015
49 FastTh Fast Thermalization of the Quark-Gluon Plasma 2015
50 FourFeFourS Molecular Understanding of Generation and Trafficking of Mitochondrial [4Fe-4S] Clusters 2015
51 STEPDYN H2 and CH4 Dissociation Dynamics on Stepped Metal Surfaces via First-Principles Simulations 2016
52 MicroFrac Visualization and modelling of fracture at the microscale 2015
53 EDD Project A new EDD detector will give a knowledge for crystallography with the objective to understand nanostructures and for the development of new materials 2015
54 AdvancedStarForm Global and local star formation with state-of-the-art physics 2015
55 ResClust Resonant clustering 2016
56 EGFR-Activ Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) activation by cytohesins - Structural Insights 2015
57 APOBEC Enzymatic DNA deamination and the immunity/cancer balance 2015
58 REPTIMORG DNA replication timing and spatial organization of chromatin 2016
59 NewPhysicsInSpace Indirect Probes of New Physical Phenomena in Space 2015
60 virus-DNP-NMR Development of high-field DNP-enhanced MAS NMR techniques for structure determination of viral capsids 2015
61 MagicTin Exploring the shell structure of exotic Sn isotopes with an Active Target 2016
62 COMPLEX-fastMAS-NMR Structure of a large non-crystalline multiprotein assembly by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance with ultra-fast magic-angle spinning 2016
63 CMSHInBeauty Measuring the open to closed beauty ratio in heavy-ion collisions at LHC 2015
64 Space-COTS High-tech commercial-off the-self electronics low-cost qualified for space 2015
65 SEMICOOL-H Hybrid cooling system for semiconductor detectors of X- and Gamma- Rays 2015
66 MEDICIS-PROMED MEDICIS-produced radioisotope beams for medicine 2015
67 MechanoFate From mechanical stress to vascular fate 2016
68 AuxinER Mechanisms of Auxin-dependent Signaling in the Endoplasmic Reticulum 2015
69 VIBCONTROL Vibronic control of organic electronic devices 2015
70 ENSURE Exploring the New Science and engineering unveiled by Ultraintense ultrashort Radiation interaction with mattEr 2015
71 PlastiCell Using a natural cellular plasticity event to decypher the cellular requirements and molecular circuitry promoting transdifferentiation at the single cell level. 2015
72 NUCL-EU 2020 Connecting EURATOM National Contact Points in a pro-active network under EURATOM Programme in Horizon 2020 2015
73 SOTERIA Safe long term operation of light water reactors based on improved understanding of radiation effects in nuclear structural materials 2015
74 sCO2-HeRo The supercritical CO2 Heat Removal System 2015
75 CORONA II Enhancement of training capabilities in VVER technology through establishment of VVER training academy (CORONA II) 2015
76 HoNESt History of Nuclear Energy and Society 2015
77 SPRINT SNETP Programming for Research and Innovation in Nuclear Technology 2015
78 BRILLIANT Baltic Region Initiative for Long Lasting InnovAtive Nuclear Technologies 2015
79 MYRTE MYRRHA Research and Transmutation Endeavour 2015
80 Cebama Cement-based materials, properties, evolution, barrier functions 2015
81 VINCO Visegrad Initiative for Nuclear Cooperation 2015
82 nuClock Towards a nuclear clock with Thorium-229 2015
83 ESSANUF European Supply of SAfe NUclear Fuel 2015
84 DYNAMO Energy and charge transfer nonadiabatic dynamics in light-harvesting molecules and nanostructures 2015
85 GATIPOR Guaranteed fully adaptive algorithms with tailored inexact solvers for complex porous media flows 2015
86 NANOMATCON Multifunctional Nanoparticles and Materials Controlled by Structure 2015
88 CONCERT Description of information transfer across macromolecules by concerted conformational changes 2015
89 INCEFA - PLUS INcreasing Safety in NPPs by Covering gaps in Environmental Fatigue Assessment 2015
90 PaRaDeSEC Expanding Potential in Particle and Radiation Detectors, Sensors and Electronics in Croatia 2015
91 PVFINAL Photo Voltaic Fully Integrated and Automated Line 2015
92 GENEVOSYN Reshuffling genes and genomes: from experimental evolution to synthetic biology in plants 2015
93 P-MEM-NMR Structure of paramagnetic integral membrane metalloproteins by MAS-NMR 2015
94 QuDeT Quantum devices in topological matter: carbon nanotubes, graphene, and novel superfluids 2016
95 CONCERT European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research 2015
96 BayesianMarkets Bayesian markets for unverifiable truths 2016
97 dynamicmodifications Complexity and dynamics of nucleic acids modifications in vivo 2015
99 ChromoCellDev Chromosome Architecture and the Fidelity of Mitosis during Development 2015
100 ULTIMA ULTrafast Imaging sensor for Medical Applications 2015
101 IXSI3D Translating Hybrid Imaging for Interventions: Intra-operative Guidance and Evaluation using 2D and 3D Interventional X-ray Scintigraphy Imaging 2015
102 TOPOmics Global dynamics of topoisomerase-induced DNA breaks 2015
103 CYPRES CYPRES the ICS and SCADA security companion 2015
104 TAG Crowd-Sourcing technology to change how people and cars move in cities 2015
105 PoroFrac A high-fidelity isogeometric simulation methodology for fracture in porous media 2016
106 TopDyn Probing topology and dynamics in driven quantum many-body systems 2016
107 ASCIMAT Increasing the scientific excellence and innovation capacity in Advanced Scintillation Materials of the Institute of Physics from the Czech Academy of Sciences 2016
108 ANNETTE Advanced Networking for Nuclear Education and Training and Transfer of Expertise 2016
109 MagneticYSOs Interpreting Dust Polarization Maps to Characterize the Role of the Magnetic Field in Star Formation Processes 2016
110 GLINT GlucoCEST Imaging of Neoplastic Tumours 2016
111 Click-It “In Vivo Click PET Imaging Agents”: Improving clinical companion diagnostics 2016
112 CleverGenes Novel Gene Therapy Based on the Activation of Endogenous Genes for the Treatment of Ischemia - Concepts of endogenetherapy, release of promoter pausing, promoter-targeted ncRNAs and nuclear RNAi 2015
113 IMPRINT Defeat of Insider Theft in Nuclear and Radioactive Sites 2015
114 RNAEPIGEN Mechanisms of epigenetic inheritance by short RNAs 2016
115 MICROBRADAM Advanced MR methods for characterization of microstructural brain damage 2015
116 CoEND Correlated Electron-Nuclear Dynamics: A novel mixed quantum-semiclassical approach 2016
117 NAVISAS Navigation of Airborne Vehicle with Integrated Space and Atomic Signals 2016
118 AMO-dance Strong Field Dynamics of Atoms and Molecules: History-dependent Functionals and Exact Kohn-Sham Potentials of the Time-dependent (multi-component) Density Functional Theory 2016
119 HEMOTECT Hemozoin Detection using Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in Diamond 2016
120 EUROPIUM The origin of heavy elements: a nuclear physics and astrophysics challenge 2016
121 ARIADNE ARgon ImAging DetectioN chambEr 2016
122 QUNS Quantum-Statistical Methods for Nuclear Singlet States in Complex Fluids 2016
123 HEFTinLOOPS Effective Field Theory predictions for Higgs production processes at the Large Hadron Collider 2017
124 PRIMASE_NMR Visualizing Primase Initiating DNA Replication using NMR Spectroscopy 2016
125 ENSAR2 European Nuclear Science and Application Research 2 2016
126 ReachingCompleteness The Molecular Basis of Somatic Nuclear Reprogramming 2016
127 DoRES Direct measurements of key nuclear Reactions for the creation of Elements in Stars 2016
128 HeteroDynamic Evolutionary Stability of Ubiquitous Root Symbiosis 2016
129 ASTRUm Astrophysics with Stored Highy Charged Radionuclides 2016
130 By-BM By-products for Building Materials 2016
131 PCCDX Breaking the curse of dimension in heavy-element chemistry 2016
132 AlgDates Dating Plastid Endosymbiosis and Diversification in Eukaryotic Algae 2016
133 CHERI Chromatin targeting and remodelling by bacterial effectors in plant immunity 2016
134 PepPtNPAntiCan Peptide Coated Platinum Nanoparticles as Antitumor Agents 2016
135 DIVAS Distributed vibrational and acoustic sensing technology 2016
136 GCG-T3 Dyslipidemia Validation and Molecular Characterization of Novel Glucagon-Thyroid Hormone Conjugates for the Efficient Management of Dyslipidemia and Fatty Liver Disease 2016
137 MatchForSolar Mechanochemical Approach to Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells 2016
138 MECHANOCHECK ATR-mediated mechanotransduction and connections with the actin cytoskeleton 2016
139 ENVERESP Crosstalk between nuclear envelope and DNA Damage Response: Role of nucleoporin TPR in the maintenance of genomic integrity 2016
140 LoGIcInMAS Logics and Games for Imperfect Information in Multi-Agent Systems 2016
141 MPIPETrace Clinical performance validation of a novel biomarker for quantitative imaging of coronary artery disease. 2015
142 EXTREMDRON Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for protecting soft/critical urban infrastructures, and the general public in extreme environments. 2016
143 MIRACLS Multi Ion Reflection Apparatus for Collinear Laser Spectroscopy of radionuclides 2017
144 DELMIT Maintaining the Human Mitochondrial Genome 2016
145 Super-DENSE Superfluid dynamics of neutron star crusts and cores 2016
146 CGCglasmaQGP The nonlinear high energy regime of Quantum Chromodynamics 2016
147 HECATE Hydrogen at Extreme Conditions: Applying Theory to Experiment for creation, verification and understanding 2016
148 GoCADiSC Genomics of Chromosome Architecture and Dynamics in Single Cells 2017
149 NUTS Nuclei Using Topological Solitons 2016
150 Yeast-Glyco Nucleocytoplasmic O-glycosylation in Yeast 2016
151 NEURAM Visual genetics: establishment of a new discipline to visualize neuronal nuclear functions in real-time in intact nervous system by 4D Raman spectroscopy 2016
152 TransPhorm Single molecule imaging of transmembrane protein structure and function in their native state 2016
153 SPLICE3D CryoEM studies of the spliceosome 2016
154 MitoVin Mechanism and Consequences of the Interplay between Mitosis and Human Papillomavirus Initial Infection 2016
155 ImmunoBile Bile acid, immune-metabolism, lipid and glucose homeostasis 2016
156 CODECHECK CRACKING THE CODE BEHIND MITOTIC FIDELITY: the roles of tubulin post-translational modifications and a chromosome separation checkpoint 2016
157 ULT-MAS-DNP Dynamic Nuclear Polarization at ultra-fast sample spinning and ultra-low temperature 2016
158 EXCITERS Extreme Ultraviolet Circular Time-Resolved Spectroscopy 2016
159 MOLEQULE Unraveling molecular quantum dynamics with accelerated ab initio algorithms 2016
161 RAMBO Mitochondrial DNA degradation and sterile inflammation in the heart 2016
162 NaTuRe Nanotube Mechanical Resonator, Spin, and Superfluidity 2017
163 ChromADICT Chromatin Adaptations through Interactions of Chaperones in Time 2016
164 Dark-OsT Experimental Searches for Oscillating and Transient effects from the Dark Sector 2016
165 QED-PROTONSIZE The Proton Size Puzzle: Testing QED at Extreme Wavelengths 2016
166 CAREMIBRAIN A new brain-dedicated Positron Emission Tomography (PET) system to identify β-amyloid biomarker for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of cognitive decline 2016
167 STRAVIR Role of the stroma-derived ‘alarmin’ IL-33 in anti-viral immunity 2016
168 TRANSMIT TRANSlating the role of Mitochondria in Tumorigenesis 2017
170 REMIX Regulation of mitochondrial expression 2016
171 Neurogenesis Exploration and promotion of neurogenesis in the adult brain 2016
172 Burst3D Type I bursts in 3D 2016
173 NuWaSim On a Nuclear Waste Deep Repository Simulator 2016
174 EUNADICS-AV European Natural Airborne Disaster Information and Coordination System for Aviation 2016
175 GENOMIS Illuminating GENome Organization through integrated MIcroscopy and Sequencing 2018
176 NURE Nuclear Reactions for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay 2017
177 GreenOnWaterCat Unravelling the Nature of Green Organic “On-Water” Catalysis via Novel Quantum Chemical Methods 2017
178 SYNC_DEV The importance of transcriptional coordination during development 2017
179 PolyTest Ultrasonic Phased Array Non-Destructive Testing and In-Service Inspection System for high integrity Polyethylene Pipe Welds with automated analysis software. 2016
180 CONQUEST CONQUEST: Enabling advanced medical imaging 2016
181 HYPERTRANS HYPERTRANS: Transport of hyperpolarized substrates for metabolic MR imaging 2016
182 HHGhole2 High-harmonic spectroscopy for core-hole dynamics 2016
183 Shape Evolution Investigation of shape evolution in neutron-rich nuclei using gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques 2016
184 toxiclipasyn Understanding the balance between functional and deleterious interactions of alpha-synuclein with lipid bilayers 2017
185 MECHANO-FLUO Mechanofluorochromism: from molecular engineering to the elaboration of smart materials 2017
186 VISGEN Transcribing the processes of life: Visual Genetics 2017
187 HP4all Persistent and Transportable Hyperpolarization for Magnetic Resonance 2017
188 NanoMed Nanoporous and Nanostructured Materials for Medical Applications 2017
189 TISuMR Integrated Tissue Slice Culture and NMR Metabolomics – A Novel Approach Towards SystemicUnderstanding of Liver Function And Disease 2017
190 BACCO Burning on Accreting Compact Objects 2017
191 IDEAAL International Development of gAnil-spirAL2 2017
192 3D-REPAIR Spatial organization of DNA repair within the nucleus 2017
193 CHROCODYLE Chromosomal Condensin Dynamics: From Local Loading to Global Architecture 2017
194 HyperMu Hyperfine splittings in muonic atoms and laser technology 2017
195 NESPINT NEutron Spectrometry to Prevent Illicit Nuclear Trafficking 2017
196 BeStMo Beyond Static Molecules: Modeling Quantum Fluctuations in Complex Molecular Environments 2017
197 FANCODRUG Reactivation of the Fanconi anemia-BRCA pathway in cells carrying patient-derived missense mutations: finding a drug to cure Fanconi anemia 2017
198 TechPolChange Technology and Political Change: Nuclear Power in the Post-Soviet Union 2017
199 MERCURY Modeling the European power sector evolution: low-carbon generation technologies (renewables, CCS, nuclear), the electric infrastructure and their role in the EU leadership in climate policy 2017
200 THz-FRaScan-ESR THz Frequency Rapid Scan – Electron Spin Resonance spectroscopy for spin dynamics investigations of bulk and surface materials (THz-FRaScan-ESR) 2018
201 HIGH-GEAR High-valent protein-coordinated catalytic metal sites: Geometric and Electronic ARchitecture 2017
202 DEEPVIEW High accuracy error detection in curved (prismatic) surfaces at high manufacturing speed 2017
203 TAMI Tests for leakage identification on Aircraft fluid Mechanical Installations 2017
204 PROSANCT Bombs, Banks and Sanctions: A Sociology of the Transnational Legal Field of Nuclear Nonproliferation 2017
205 RADIOSTAR Radioactivities from Stars to Solar Systems 2017
206 ENTRUST Building trust in nuclear waste management through participatory quantitative story telling 2017
207 DNPMAT Studies of Materials and Catalysts by Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhanced Solid-state NMR 2017
208 DOMINO The Development of a Multiscale Modeling Framework for Investigating Marine Soft Clays 2018
209 MMUSCLES Modification of Molecular structure Under Strong Coupling to confined Light modES 2017
210 LTPAM Low Temperature Plasma for Applications in Medicine 2017
211 Schizo-EPICOG Inflammatory processes underlying cognitive deficits in schizophrenia: epigenetic mechanisms and pharmacological regulation 2018
212 MiMEtiC Molecular mechanisms of the mechanical interaction between the cell nucleus and the actin cytoskeleton 2017
213 DOC Dark Ocean Cosmeceuticals -DOC-: The Cosmetical and Pharmaceutical Potential of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter 2017
214 NpQFT-NEq New non perturbative methods for out-of-equilibrium quantum field theory 2017
215 CRISTONE Targeting CRISPR-based HDAC inhibitors to histones: a new tool for assessing mechanisms of class I HDAC inhibitors and developing chemical probes. 2017
216 DRYSTORE Exploring dry storage as an alternative biobanking strategy inspired by Nature 2017
217 HIPPOCRATE Hybrid Imaging of PET and PrOmpt gamma for preCision RAnge- and biological- guidance in proton ThErapy 2017
218 DCBIO In vivo functions of nuclear envelope rupture and antiviral specialization in dendritic cells 2018
219 NMRNTECH NMR-based Sensor Technology at Nanoscale 2017
220 LockChip A custom lock chip for compact NMR 2017
221 RNAatHD Development of a high-resolution method to monitor structural changes of regulatory RNAs and therapeutic oligo-nucleotides directly in-cell. 2017
222 AttoDNA AttoDNA: how electronic motions affect the photostability of the genomic material 2018
223 PROIRICE Proton-Irradiated Ice: Dynamics and Chemistry from First Principles 2017
224 MuSCel Genome Muscle Specific C. elegans Genome in health and disease: finding novel factors in 3D organization 2017
225 GAMODRONE Game of Drones: Multimedia Streaming with Flying Terminals in Next Generation Mobile Networks 2017
226 NewCat4Bio Innovative sol-gel strategies for the production of homogeneous, hydrothermally stable, and porous mixed metal oxide catalysts for biomass conversion applications 2017
227 DMS Dielectric MicroSpacer Technology 2017
228 EpiScope Epigenomics and chromosome architecture one cell at a time 2017
230 TEI Development of a model system to study the role of chromatin factors during transgenerational epigenetic inheritance (TEI) in C. elegans 2017
231 ESCRT model A biophysical model for ESCRT-III mediated membrane scission 2017
232 INTER Innovative Neutron source for non destructive TEsting and tReatments 2017
233 CreepUT An ultrasonic non-destructive testing system for detection and quantification of early stage subsurface creep damage in the thermal power generation industry 2017
234 ISA-NPC-ASI In Situ structural Analysis of Nuclear Pore Complex ASsembly Intermediates by cryo-FIB-tomography 2018
235 BeBOP Quantum Dynamics Beyond the Born-Oppenheimer Picture: Making the most of wave function and trajectory-based approaches 2017
236 TeloHOOK Nuclear envelope attachment and dynamics of Human telomeres - unravelling nuclear organization 2017
237 CHROMADAPT The role of chromatin in the long-term adaptation of plants to abiotic stress 2017
238 DenseMatter High-density QCD matter from first principles 2017
239 RepTime Molecular control of DNA replication timing in mammalian cells 2017
240 TERMITES 'Total E-field Reconstruction using a MIchelson TEmporal Scan' for spatio-temporal metrology of ultrashort laser beams 2017
241 CRITISUP2 Criticality and Dual Superfluidity 2017
242 3DviralRNA Structural and functional characterization of large viral and human non-coding RNA motifs involved in HIV infection 2018
243 DEFENDER Defending the European Energy Infrastructures 2017
244 MoQuOS Molecular Quantum Opto-Spintronics 2017
245 EXORICO Exosome and ribosome coupling 2017
246 GIservice GI.service: Asset performance optimiser 2017
247 ALELION Trucks as a part of the grid, energy storage made easy 2017
248 MCodaq Mcodaq is a new benchtop instrument for fraud detection in cosmetics, perfumes, candles and other consumer products, based on NMR and used by technicians without specific analytical chemistry skills 2017
249 XUV-COMB High Resolution Extreme Ultraviolet Laser Spectroscopy 2017
250 CORTEX Core monitoring techniques and experimental validation and demonstration 2017
251 INSPYRE Investigations Supporting MOX Fuel Licensing in ESNII Prototype Reactors 2017
252 LEU-FOREvER Low Enriched Uranium Fuels fOR REsEarch Reactors 2017
253 ESFR-SMART European Sodium Fast Reactor Safety Measures Assessment and Research Tools 2017
254 ATLASplus Advanced Structural Integrity Assessment Tools for Safe Long Term Operation 2017
255 MEACTOS Mitigating Environmentally Assissted Cracking Through Optimisation of Surface Condition 2017
256 GENIORS GEN IV Integrated Oxide fuels recycling strategies 2017
257 TeaM Cables European Tools and Methodologies for an efficient ageing management of nuclear power plant Cables 2017
258 GEMMA GEneration iv Materials MAturity 2017
259 NOMAD Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) System for the Inspection of Operation-Induced Material Degradation in Nuclear Power Plants 2017
260 NARSIS New Approach to Reactor Safety ImprovementS 2017
261 DISCO Modern spent fuel dissolution and chemistry in failed container conditions 2017
262 ADVISE ADVanced Inspection of Complex StructurEs 2017
263 IL TROVATORE Innovative cladding materials for advanced accident-tolerant energy systems 2017
264 Redox Relays Detecting, understanding and exploiting intracellular redox signaling relays 2017
265 Epiherigans Writing, reading and managing stress with H3K9me 2017
266 X-Imaging MRI diagnosis using a single-shot imaging technique with unprecedented robustness to field inhomogeneities 2017
267 MEET-CINCH A Modular European Education and Training Concept In Nuclear and RadioCHemistry 2017
268 McSAFE High-Performance Monte Carlo Methods for SAFEty Demonstration- From Proof of Concept to realistic Safety Analysis and Industry-like Applications 2017
269 GEMINI Plus Research and Development in support of the GEMINI Initiative 2017
270 MEDIRAD Implications of Medical Low Dose Radiation Exposure 2017
271 ENENplus Attract, Retain and Develop New Nuclear Talents Beyond Academic Curricula 2017
272 MATCRACK Industrialization of software and libraries for crack propagation in material and structures using the Thick Level Set method 2017
273 CBRNE STNDS 2017 ERNCIP CBRNE STANDARDS 2017 and 2018 – support to Mandate 487 2017
274 NOMATEN Centre of Excellence in Multifunctional Materials for Industrial and Medical Applications 2017
275 f-ex f-block hydrocarbon interactions: exploration; exploitation 2017
276 DarkGAMBIT Global searches for dark matter and new physics with GAMBIT using effective field theory 2018
277 DarkGAMBIT Global searches for dark matter and new physics with GAMBIT using effective field theory 2018
278 DarkGAMBIT Global searches for dark matter and new physics with GAMBIT using effective field theory 2018
279 EMOT Electromagnetic to Optics Transducer 2018
280 STIMULATE Simulation in multiscale physical and biological systems 2018
281 CuHypMECH New Nuclear Medicine Imaging Radiotracer 64Cu(II) for diagnosing Hypoxia Conditions Based on the Cellular Copper Cycle 2017
282 ZULF Zero and ultra-low field nuclear magnetic resonance 2018
283 PUMA antiProton Unstable Matter Annihilation 2018
284 PrecisionNuclei Strong interactions for precision nuclear physics 2018
285 QGP-MYSTERY Demystifying the Quark-Gluon Plasma 2018
286 FELLINI FELLowship for Innovation at INFN 2018
287 EREMOZ Effect of rare-earth doping elements on the mechanical and oxidation resistance performance of silicon carbide coated carbon fibre / zirconium carbide composites for high temperature applications 2018
288 NanoFLP Nanoparticles as Partners in Frustrated Lewis Pairs: Boosting the Surface Reactivity of Inorganic Nanoparticles 2018
289 STRUCTURE De novo structural elucidation of functional organic powders at natural isotopic abundance 2018
290 GreatMoves General Relativistic Moving-Mesh Simulations of Neutron-Star Mergers 2018
291 mRNP-PackArt Nuclear mRNA Packaging and mRNP Architecture 2018
292 FlyInGS Flywheel energy storage for Increased Grid Stability 2017
293 MAIDEN Masses, isomers and decay studies for elemental nucleosynthesis 2018
294 LOQO-MOTIONS Local quantum operations achieved through the motion of spins 2018
295 NUCLEARWATERS Putting Water at the Centre of Nuclear Energy History 2018
296 NPC-BUILD The Nuclear Pore Basket – Functional Architecture of a Membrane Remodeling Machine 2018
297 UFLNMR Ultrafast Laplace NMR 2018
298 VESTA VErified STAtic analysis platform 2018
299 Radiation detector Novel radioactive radiation technology feasibility verification 2018
300 MISOTOP Mechanochemistry: a unique opportunity for oxygen isotopic labelling and NMR spectroscopy 2018
302 quMercury Ultracold mercury for a measurement of the EDM 2018
303 PALACE Pump Architecture Linked to Aircraft Cooling Expectations 2018
304 CHARISMA CHARge transport in Intermediate-Sized Molecules on Attosecond time scales 2018
305 CROWDASSAY Folding Pathways of DNA G-quadruplexes in Crowding Conditions, and Implications for Mass Spectrometry-based Ligand Screening Assays 2018
306 BOLD-NMR Biomolecular structures elucidated by cOLD magic angle spinning NMR with dynamic nuclear polarization 2018
307 CAPPERAM Contrast Agents for Protontherapy PET Range Monitoring 2018
308 CHROMABOLISM Chromatin-localized central metabolism regulating gene expression and cell identity 2018
309 DUSTDEVILS The Dust Devils in Galaxy Centres 2018
310 ELECTRO NEEDLE In situ stem cell monitoring system based on conductive nanoneedle devices for tracking cell fates in invasive manner 2018
311 EnCAge Progeria models to study endothelial cell ageing: implications for organ regeneration and fibrosis 2020
312 ENCORE Exploring Neutrinos: Cosmology, Oscillations, REactors 2018
313 NUCLEAR Nuclear Weapons ChoicesGoverning vulnerabilities between past and future 2018
314 QNETWORK Quantum networks wired by multi-spin entanglement 2018
315 NucleolusChromatin Analysis of the nucleolus in genome organization and function 2018
316 SOS Smooth dynamics via Operators, with Singularities 2018
317 NUCLITEX Producing transnational nuclear expertise in Italy (1955-1987): a historical-ethnographic approach 2019
318 MuSeq Defining the Oligodendrocyte Lineage in Multiple Sclerosis Lesions by Single Cell RNA-Sequencing 2018
319 InCell High speed AFM imaging of molecular processes inside living cells 2018
320 MitoScaling Mitotic scaling to cell size diversity during vertebrate embryonic development 2019
321 SMERC Strong Microwave Erbium Coupling 2019
322 ART-BONE Manufacturing of Artificial Bone for Repair and Regeneration of Large Osseous Defects 2018
323 PPRdesign Engineering synthetic pentatricopeptide repeat proteins for the site-specific genetic manipulation of plant organelles 2018
324 evoDISFOLD Decoding Coupled Folding and Binding via Single-Molecule characterization of Ancient IDP protein-protein Interactions 2019
325 TENUMECA The technopolitics of nuclear megaproject pathologies, economic controversies and varieties of socioeconomic appraisal 2019
326 COAGULANT CK2-dependent cytoskeletal regulation and molecular signaling of Neutrophil Extracellular Trap (NET) formation 2018
327 GlycoPCs How do Pharmacological Chaperones work? Molecular basis of the actions of glycomimetics on keyglycosidases involved in lysosomal storage disorders 2018
328 Oligo-DNP Unveiling transient material synthesis in dilute solutions and their solid morphology combining dDNP and MAS-DNP. 2018
329 iNtoPoreAge Assessing transcriptional and nuclear pore aging in age-equivalent and rejuvenated induced neurons from Alzheimer patients 2019
330 NEMoCuRe Role of S-Nitrosylation of epigenetic modifiers in vascular regeneration 2018
331 RNAfate Identifying RNA fate checkpoints by resolving the high-resolution spatiotemporal binding dynamics of CBC containing complexes 2019
332 YAP MECHANO Elucidating the mechanism of mechanotransduction through YAP and TAZ 2019
333 ItohRibo Structural study on mitochondrial ribosome assembly in human cells 2018
334 NeuroRBP Studying RNA-binding proteins involved in neural differentiation and degeneration 2019
335 FunMagResBeacons Functionalized Magnetic Resonance Beacons for Enhanced Spectroscopy and Imaging 2018
336 HybReader Mechanisms of epigenetic gene regulation by R-loops 2018
337 UPRmt The Mitochondrial Unfolded Protein Response 2018
338 PLAST-EVOL The origin and early evolution of eukaryotic plastids 2018
339 TRANSFORMER Structural transformations and phase transitions in real-time 2018
340 3DEpi Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of chromatin states : the role of Polycomb and 3D chromosome architecture 2018
341 CODEKILLER Killer plasmids as drivers of genetic code changes during yeast evolution 2018
342 RadioClick A versatile ultrafast Click platform for antibody based radio diagnostics 2018
343 Hi-FrED High-Frequency Spin Entanglement Generation in Diamond 2018
344 MIRed Streak Mid-InfraRed Streak Camera 2018
345 DAMIC-M Unveiling the Hidden: A Search for Light Dark Matter with CCDs 2018
346 GENESIS GEnerating extreme NEutrons for achieving controlled r-process nucleosyntheSIS 2019
347 TEMPORAL TEMPORAL IMG: Temporal radiation imager for nuclear equipment dismantling and nuclear medicine 2018
348 SafeZone Fully integrated CBRN incident management system for public safety and private venues with large crowds 2018
349 ASM Novel concept of cost-effective hybrid concrete/steel Auxiliary Shielding Module for enhancing the Radiological, Thermal and Structural behaviour of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Storage metallic casks 2018
350 PureWater Feasibility study for industrial scale-up of the novel high-efficiency biocompatible and easy-to-operate water treatment membrane. 2018
351 UltraLiquid Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Ultradilute Liquids 2019
352 Global-assembly Building up the Milky Way Halo in the era of multiple stellar populations 2018
353 GENESE 17 Geometries of Exotic NuclEar StructurE 17 2018
354 TERRIFFIC Tools for early and Effective Reconnaissance in cbRne Incidents providing First responders Faster Information and enabling better management of the Control zone 2018
356 DINAMIX Real-time diffusion NMR analysis of mixtures 2019
357 PET-AlphaSy PET Imaging of Alpha-Synuclein Fibril Formation 2018
358 FISRAD Organizing FISA and EuradWaste Conference under the Romanian Presidency of EU Council 2018
360 PartonicNucleus Understanding the Quark and Gluon Structure of the Nucleus 2018
361 ASTERIQS Advancing Science and TEchnology thRough dIamond Quantum Sensing 2018
362 COSMIC CBRNE Detection in Containers 2018
363 Mito-recombine Homologous recombination and its application in manipulating animal mitochondrial DNA 2019
364 ANGULON Angulon: physics and applications of a new quasiparticle 2019
365 LaGaTYb Exploring lattice gauge theories with fermionic Ytterbium atoms 2019
366 FACT Factorizing the wave function of large quantum systems 2019
367 MIDNP Metal Ions Dynamic Nuclear Polarization: Novel Route for Probing Functional Materials with Sensitivity and Selectivity 2019
368 PARAMIR Investigating micro-RNA Dynamics using Paramagnetic NMR Spectroscopy 2019
369 SMARTSPEND More and better designed national public support for energy technology Research and Innovation 2018
371 PROTECT Personnel Location and Tracking for Safety, Security and Protection 2018
372 Combat_ALS Development of new chemical tools to combat ALS 2019
373 NEXT Neutron-rich, EXotic, heavy nuclei produced in multi-nucleon Transfer reactions 2019
374 NU-CLEUS Exploring coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering with gram-scale cryogenic calorimeters 2019
376 EAGER Elucidating the effects of ageing on the nucleoporin-directed neural cell type-specific nuclear architecture and gene regulation 2019
377 CENNS Probing new physics with Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering and a tabletop experiment 2019
378 KETJU Post-Newtonian modelling of the dynamics of supermassive black holes in galactic-scale hydrodynamical simulations (KETJU) 2019
379 HYPROTIN Hyperpolarized Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Time-Resolved Monitoring of Interactions of Intrinsically Disordered Breast-Cancer Proteins 2019
380 ProteoNE_dynamics Surveillance mechanisms regulating nuclear envelope architecture and homeostasis 2019
381 Mu-MASS Muonium Laser Spectroscopy 2019
382 LRC Laser Resonance Chromatography of Superheavy Metals 2019
383 FRINGE Fluorescence and Reactive oxygen Intermediates by Neutron Generated electronic Excitation as a foundation for radically new cancer therapies 2019
384 MesoPhone Vibrating carbon nanotubes for probing quantum systems at the mesoscale 2019
385 Embryospin Increasing IVF success rate through the first magnetic resonance system for embryonic quantitative analysis at the cell scale 2018
386 SUMMIT Site-specific Ultrasensitive Magnetic resonance of Mixtures for Isotopic Tracking 2019
387 F-ELEMENT_ARCHITECT Building Precise Molecular Architectures to Unlock Remarkable f-Element Properties 2019
388 MAGNESIA The impact of highly magnetic neutron stars in the explosive and transient Universe 2019
389 REMIND Epigenome maintenance in response to DNA damage 2019
390 INSCONS Addressing Global Challenges through International Scientific Consortia (INSCONS); Case studies in biomedicine, the geosciences, and nuclear fusion research 2019
391 FIRM Form and Function of the Mitochondrial Retrograde Response 2019
392 BioDisOrder Order and Disorder at the Surface of Biological Membranes. 2019
393 SELENDIS SELENDIS: A novel detection strategy to discover light Dark Matter 2019
394 perovskites-NMR Atomic-level characterization of multi-component perovskite materials for optoelectronic applications 2019
395 PLASTICERA Plastic ceramic films to improve safety of modern nuclear energy 2019
396 RoBE Study of the role of BANK1 in antibody production and antibody-independent functions of B cells in SLE 2019
397 Degradation_ID The role of protein degradation in FBXO11-related intellectual disability 2019
398 NU-RING NUclear reactions at RINGs 2019
399 NucSat Satellites and nuclear information. Production, communication and reception of nuclear-related information generated with satellites. 2019
400 MsgRNA Modification of single guide (sg) RNA in CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing Tool 2019
401 PROTOBAC Engineering of complex protocells by micro-compartmentalization of living bacteria 2019
402 uTSSreg Regulation of mammalian genes by new classes of promoter proximal transcription start sites 2020
404 PullEd-MS Finding unknown endocrine disrupting compounds through target pull-down assay filtration, effect direct analysis and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry for a comprehensive efficient workflow. 2019
405 CarboPorph Novel Cyclocarbon-Porphyrin Systems: Synthesis and Properties 2020
406 TAURUS Theory for A Unified descRiption of nUclear Structure 2019
407 ReproMech The Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Fate Reprogramming in Vertebrate Eggs 2019
408 COHESiV Coherent Optomechanical and Hyperfine interactions Engineering with Silicon-Vacancy impurities in diamond for quantum networks 2020
409 SNNO Strategic Narrative of Nuclear Order 2019
410 ATTO-CONTROL Attosecond X-ray Molecular Dynamics and Strong-Field Control 2019
411 UCSMT Unconventional Superconductivity at Microkelvin Temperatures 2019
412 ElectroCatFlow Fluorination of Aryl Halide Compounds under Electrochemical-Flow Conditions 2019
413 PMLingAML Using PML nuclear body biology to identify potential AML treatment targets 2020
414 Prion Respiration The Role of Complex I Assembly Factors during Prion Diseases: Insights into Mitochondrial Neurobiology 2019
415 LactaDiff Assessing cellular compartmentation of brain lactate using diffusion MR spectroscopy in vivo 2019
416 PROACTIVE PReparedness against CBRNE threats through cOmmon Approaches between security praCTItioners and the VulnerablE civil society 2019
417 PIZERO_NA62 Study of neutral pion decays at the NA62 experiment at CERN 2019
418 multiQCD time-like observables from multi-level lattice QCD 2019
419 4F4REJUVENGLIA 4F-induced rejuvenation of glia into neural stem cells for brain repair 2019
420 GenEl General readout electronics for cross-sectoral application in European research infrastructure 2020
421 MIRACLE Metabolic Imaging with RF Antennas to predict Chemotherapy Efficacy 2019
422 VIREVOL Cells and giant viruses: a win-win co-evolution 2019
423 AMAREC Amenability, Approximation and Reconstruction 2019
424 M4WASTE Microgel-based high-performance smart filtration membranes for liquid nuclear waste treatment 2020
425 ELSMOR Towards European Licencing of Small Modular Reactors 2019
426 PIACE Passive Isolation Condenser 2019
427 MRI PADS Dielectric pads for high field MRI 2019
429 SAMOSAFER Severe Accident Modeling and Safety Assessment for Fluid-fuel Energy Reactors 2019
431 SANDA Supplying Accurate Nuclear Data for energy and non-energy Applications 2019
432 ARIEL Accelerator and Research reactor Infrastructures for Education and Learning 2019
433 SHARE StakeHolder-based Analysis of REsearch for Decommissioning. 2019
434 MICADO Measurement and Instrumentation for Cleaning And Decommissioning Operations 2019
436 ElectroGas New Technology for Efficient Electrochemical Production of Synthetic Natural Gas 2019
437 INO3D Mechanism of ATP Dependent Chromatin Modelling and Editing by INO80 Remodellers 2019
438 TiMoleS Time-resolved Molecular Selfies (TiMoleS): Visualising molecular dynamics in real time 2020
439 XSpectra XSpectra: The Most Advanced Real Time Food Contaminants Detector 2019
440 GeoSmart Technologies for geothermal to enhance competitiveness in smart and flexible operation 2019
441 RetroChrom Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of HIV DNA nuclear import and the impact of 3D genome organization on integration site selection 2019
442 BATNMR Development and Application of New NMR Methods for Studying Interphases and Interfaces in Batteries 2019
443 NOMATEN Centre of Excellence in Multifunctional Materials for Industrial and Medical Applications 2019
444 INCLUDING Innovative Cluster for Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies 2019
445 DosiKit DosiKit, a first portable field medical device for fast triage of people after external irradiation 2019
446 LISA Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy of Actinide elements 2019
447 PROCOMM Commercialisation of Proteus 2019
448 QuanTELCO Quantum Emitters for Telecommunication in the O-Band 2019
449 FATMOLS FAult Tolerant MOLecular Spin processor 2020
451 SPRING SPin Research IN Graphene 2019
452 T-CUBE Theoretical Chemistry of Unbound Electrons 2020
453 CONICALM Chemistry in Optical Nano Cavities: Designing Photonic Reagents and Light-Matter Materials 2020
454 SHADES Scintillator-He3 Array for Deep-underground Experiments on the S-process 2020
455 AlternativesToGd Hyperpolarised MR technologies and molecular probes as alternatives for conventional metal-containing contrast agents for MRI examinations 2019
456 QUNET A quantum network for distributed quantum computation 2019
457 RadSpec A New Strategy for Vibronic Spectroscopy of Radicals 2020
458 SSHARE Self-sufficient humidity to electricity Innovative Radiant Adsorption System Toward Net Zero Energy Buildings 2019
459 VIRTUOUS Virtual tongue to predIct the oRganoleptic profile of mediterranean IngredienTs and their effect on hUman hOmeostasis by means of an integrated compUtational multiphysicS platform 2019
460 KINMATRIX Uncovering the Kinship Matrix: A New Study of Solidarity and Transmission in European Families 2020
461 CHROMREP Dissecting the chromatin response to DNA damage in silenced heterochromatin regions 2019
462 InterTAU Integrative structural biology of pathological tau protein, an appealing therapeutic target for Alzheimer´s disease modifying drugs 2020
464 NUCDDR Nucleolar Responses to DNA Damage: rDNA, an emerging hub of genome instability 2020
465 NanoCooling Graphene-based nanofluid for advanced thermal properties 2020
466 NMR4CO2 Unveiling CO2 chemisorption mechanisms in solid adsorbents via surface-enhanced ex(in)-situ NMR 2020
467 ThoriumNuclearClock Thorium nuclear clocks for fundamental tests of physics 2020
468 SPEAR Standard model Precision Electroweak tests at Acute Rapidities 2020
469 METABOLIGHT Optical imaging platform to unravel metabolic reprogramming of cancer: a path for improved treatments 2020
470 NUCLEARREV Towards a Third Nuclear Age? Strategic Conventional Weapons and the Next Revolution in Global Nuclear Order 2020
471 CRYSTALCLOCK Readout scheme for solid-state nuclear clock 2020
472 DeepNOE DeepNOE: Leveraging deep learning for protein structure solving at ultra-high resolution on the basis of NMR measurements with exact nuclear Overhauser enhancement 2020
473 NMRCement Zero-CO2 cement concept evaluated with novel Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) 2021
474 CCMuPWA Characterize corpus callosum-mediated local and global inhibitory effects with novel MRI-compatible photonic crystal fiber-based multifunction probe and wireless amplified NMR detector in rat brain 2020
475 InnovaTron Design study of an innovative high-intensity industrial cyclotron for production of Tc-99m and other frontier medical radioisotopes 2020
476 NuMagLongRx Nuclear magnetic long-lived state relaxation 2020
477 PyroSuL Pyrophosphate Surrogates with Low polarity as part of glycosyltransferase ligands 2021
478 SM-SPAD Single-molecule imaging with SPAD array detection 2021
479 MRTFSen MRTF/SRF signalling in regulation of cell senescence and melanoma progression 2020
480 QFluidsNano Structural and thermophysical properties of quantum fluids adsorbed on nanostructured surfaces 2020